Research paper why people cry with presentation. Research work.docx - research work topic: “What a miracle are these tears! How do tears appear?

“Why are we crying? Where do tears come from?

MKOU "Nakhvalskaya Secondary School"

Head: , teacher

primary classes

MKOU "Nakhvalskaya Secondary School"

School phone:8(391) 99 – 33 –286

S. Nakhvalskoe, 2017


Children often cry various reasons. So the question arises: “Why?” and “Where do tears come from?” We cry for various reasons - from pain, resentment, fear, anxiety, joy.

Goal of the work:

I will find out why we cry and where tears come from.

Object of study: classmates

The relevance of this work. I think my peers also wondered why we cry. Therefore, my material will be of interest to everyone.

My hypothesis is this:

Most often I cry out of worry and fear. My classmates cry for the same reasons.

    Find information on the topic in the encyclopedia and the Internet; Find out the structure of the eye; Observe yourself why I cry; Compose a questionnaire for your classmates.

During the research process I used the following methods:

    Collection, analysis and systematization of information; Questioning.

I found the following information in the encyclopedia.

We are crying from emotional experiences. Tears are the body's defense. They are formed in the lacrimal glands located in the outer part of the orbit above the eye. Excess tear fluid drains into the nasal cavity through the tear duct.

After observing myself, I learned that I cry for various reasons:

    from pain; from happiness; from worries; from resentment; because of fear.

I compiled a questionnaire for my classmates in order to find out why

Most often my comrades cry.

Guys, tell me the reasons why you cry most often?

Students gave points on a scale from 1 to 5.

As a result of the survey, the following data were obtained:

Most often, my classmates cry from resentment and pain, less from anxiety, fear, and least of all from joy. Having compared the questionnaire data with my emotions, I came to the conclusion that my emotions do not coincide with the opinions of my classmates, since I most often cry from anxiety and fear.


Thus, as a result of the work, I learned:

The structure of the eye and how tears appear. Reasons for tears.

It turned out that my hypothesis that tears most often appear from anxiety and fear was not confirmed, since my comrades more often cry from resentment and pain. Perhaps the theme of my further research will be: “Why is this happening?”

I can use my knowledge in the lesson " The world", on the topic "Sense Organs".


, “Great gift for schoolchildren” (encyclopedia), Moscow, AST publishing house, 2016

Kuzmina. Tutorial for secondary schools, . M. Education, 2001


Why are we crying?


Tatarov Artem Vadimovich

Student 2 "B" class

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 11" Saransk

Scientific director:

Zhigoreva Anastasia Anatolevna

Primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 11" O. Saransk

Saransk 2016


1.What are tears?…………………………………….…………....4

1.1. Structure of the lacrimal apparatus…………………………………..5

1.2. Composition of tears……………………………………………………5

1.3. Types of tears and their comparison……….……………………….……5

1.4. Tears are the body’s defense…………………………………….6

2. Practical work…………………………………………….7

2.1. Questioning classmates……………………………...7





Man is the only thing Living being which is crying. Crying seems like this simple action! But there is a lot that is unclear here.

I think that rarely do any of us think about the topic, what are tears? A manifestation of pain that takes the form of wet drops that are born in the eyes and die on the cheeks, or some kind of special reaction body for the offense caused?

98 people out of 100 (if all 100 people are not doctors) are unlikely to give the correct answer to the question “What are tears?” What are tears? How do they appear and how do they help the body? And why are we crying?

The answer seems clear: it hurts, so we cry. Some try to evoke pity with tears. This is understandable: after all, it is always harder to endure pain alone, but if your mother or grandmother regrets it, it immediately becomes easier. Others, on the contrary, try to strengthen themselves and endure, but tears still well up. Do you want it or not? Haven't you observed this? So what's the deal? Why do they still come, these tears?

I decided to learn more about tears and where they come from.

Object of study: human tears.

Subject of study:the process of tear production.

Goal of the work: find out why people cry?

Hypothesis – “I assume that the person is crying from emotional distress.”

Job objectives:

Study the structure of the lacrimal apparatus,

Study the composition of tears,

Find out what types of tears there are,

Conduct a survey and analyze the results,

Research methods:

Analysis of material taken from literature and Internet sources;

Comparison of information from various sources;

Conducting a survey;


Practical significance:I propose to use this material in intellectual games, in lessons about the surrounding world, as well as when studying the topic “The eye is the organ of vision.”

Design- research consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and appendices.

1.What is a “tear”

1.1.Structure of the lacrimal apparatus

The lacrimal apparatus consists of: (Appendix 1)

  • lacrimal punctum;
  • lacrimal sac;
  • tear duct;
  • Nasolacrimal duct.

Watching my little brother and studying the material, I learned that we cry every day. Every time we blink, we cry! Why is this happening?

The fact is that under the corners of both eyes there are lacrimal glands. Each time the eyelid closes, it triggers a mechanism that drains some fluid from the lacrimal gland. This liquid is called tears. Tears wet the cornea of ​​the eye to protect it from drying out. If something irritating gets into the eye, the eyelid blinks and tears appear to flush the eye.

Tear is a special brackish transparent liquid that has a slightly alkaline reaction. It is quite complex in its chemical composition.

The composition of tears: almost 98% water and about 2% is salt, magnesium and sodium carbonate, albumin, mucus, as well as calcium sulfate and calcium phosphate.

The bactericidal properties of tears are provided by the enzyme lysozyme. Tears also contain proteins and carbohydrates, and in order not to linger on the surface of the skin, they are covered with a thick, oily film.

Cry, burst into tears, roar, sob, sob, whimper - how many words exist to express this simple action!

We cry when we are offended; we cry when we lose loved one; we cry from physical or moral pain; we cry when we are sad or scared; crying while watching sad movie; we cry for joy; We cry when we peel onions.

1.2. Types of Tears

There are three types of tears:(Appendix 2)

  • reflex;
  • tears of irritation;
  • emotional.

They differ in their composition. Emotional tears, unlike other tears, contain more protein, so after such tears it becomes easier and psychological release occurs.

Separation, pity, disappointment, resentment, feelings of pride and love, hopelessness, fear and even embarrassment. There are so many reasons that can cause tears. But, precisely, the Aztecs compared tears with the “stone of happiness” - turquoise, and it was tears in Rus' that were called “pearls”, and in old Lithuanian songs - “amber scattering”.

Our body is a very complex complex various systems bodies capable of ensuring its full functioning. Special meaning has for the body protective system, which operates daily 24 hours a day. Some actions we are accustomed to are human defensive reactions. And one of these actions is tears.

Based on this, we can conclude:

Tears are a natural reaction of the body to irritations coming from external environment,

Tears remove dangerous toxins from the body that are produced during times of stress,

When a person experiences unbearable pain, morphine-like substances appear in tears, which relieve its severity,

Tears help heal wounds

In tears caused by grief, negative emotions calming substances have been discovered, i.e. tears are the body’s protective reaction to stress and physiological tension,

Tears are protection for the eyes. They promote hydration inner surface eyelid so that the eyelids can close and open without injuring the eye.

2. Practical work

2.1. Questioning classmates

Among my classmates, I conducted a survey on the topic: “Why do we cry?” (Appendix 2).

The purpose of the survey: to find out who cries more often - boys or girls?

The number of participants is 32 people, of which 15 are boys and 17 are girls.

The analysis showed that both girls and boys cry, but girls cry more often. Most often, children cry from resentment and pain. After crying, everyone feels a sense of relief (Appendix 3).

Why don't boys cry as often as girls? Because men contain the hormone testosterone, which prevents the accumulation of tear fluid.

What do tears do:

Relieve stress;

Relaxes emotions;

Remove toxins from our body;

Bring it back to normal blood pressure;

Increase immunity;

Promote wound healing;

Thanks to tears, the skin around the eyes is soft and remains young for a long time.


In the course of research, observations and questionnaires, after analyzing the collected information about crying and tears, I came to the conclusion that people really cry from emotional experiences (joy, stress, resentment), and more often women cry because of this. Nominated by methe hypothesis was confirmed.

Tears are for the body better protection. They remove toxic toxins, promote rapid healing of wounds, have a calming effect, and help prolong life. Tears are needed to keep your eyes healthy.

The ability to cry is one of the ways to express your feelings.

The main task of tears is that, upon a pain signal, the lacrimal glands begin to secrete biologically active substances, accelerating the healing of wounds and bruises.

So, if you are hurt, cry for your health - it will heal faster!!!Crying is very useful!

I want to end my work with the words of W. James:“The inner flame can burn the body of one who refrains from tears.”


1. Erkov, V. P. 200 answers to questions from young parents / V. P. Erkov. – M.: AGROMA, 1990. – 119 p.

2. Zoloeva, L. V. Large children's illustrated encyclopedia “What? How? Why?" / L. V. Zoloeva. - M.: AST, 2008. – 162 p.

3. Sogomonova, V. N. Hack your life / V. N. Sogomonova. – M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2009. – 86 p.





Annex 1

Rice. 1. Structure of the lacrimal apparatus

Appendix 2

Photo 1. Reflex type of tears

Photo 2. Tears of irritation

Photo 2. Emotional tears

Appendix 3


1.Do you often cry?

A) Yes-

B) No-

2. Most often you cry because of:

A) grievances

B) pain

C) When peeling onions

3. Do you think that there is no need to restrain yourself from crying?

A) Yes

B) No

4.Do you sometimes cry for no reason?

A) Yes

B) No

Slide captions:

Why are we crying? Completed by: Artem Tatarov Pupil 2 “B” class Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 11” Saransk Scientific supervisor: Zhigoreva Anastasia Anatolyevna primary teacher MOU classes"Secondary school No. 11" o. Saransk

Crying seems like such a simple action! But there is a lot that is unclear here. I think that rarely do any of us think about the topic, what are tears? A manifestation of pain that takes the form of wet drops born in the eyes and dying on the cheeks, or some special reaction of the body to the insult caused?

Purpose of the work: to find out why we cry. Hypothesis - “I assume that a person cries from emotional experiences” Tasks: - study the structure of the lacrimal apparatus, - study the composition of tears, - find out what types of tears there are, - conduct a survey and analyze the results.

Research methods: - analysis of material taken from literature and Internet sources; - comparison of information from various sources; - conducting surveys; - observation; - mathematical.

The structure of the lacrimal apparatus.

What does our teardrop consist of? Tears consist of water, salt, magnesium and sodium carbonate, albumin, mucus, as well as calcium sulfate and calcium phosphate.

What types of tears are there? There are different types of tears: reflex; tears of irritation; emotional.

Tears are the body's defense; tears are the body's natural reaction to irritations coming from the external environment. Tears remove dangerous toxins from the body; When a person experiences unbearable pain, morphine-like substances appear in the tears, which relieve its severity. Tears promote wound healing.

Tears are protection for the eyes. Tears help moisturize the inner surface of the eyelids so that they can close and open without injuring the eye.


Men don't cry as often as women. Because men contain the hormone testosterone.

What do tears do? Relieves stress. Relaxes emotions. Removes toxins from our body. Normalizes blood pressure. Increases immunity. Promotes healing of injuries. Thanks to tears, the skin around the eyes is soft and remains young for a long time.

Tears compared Pearl Turquoise Amber

Conclusion: In the course of research, I found out that people really cry from emotional experiences (joy, stress, resentment), and more often women cry because of this. Tears are the best protection for the body. They remove toxic toxins, promote rapid healing of wounds, and have a calming effect. The ability to cry is one of the ways to express your feelings.

References 1. Erkov, V. P. 200 answers to questions from young parents / V. P. Erkov. – M.: AGROMA, 1990. – 119 p. 2. Zoloeva, L. V. Large children's illustrated encyclopedia “What? How? Why?" / L. V. Zoloeva. - M.: AST, 2008. – 162 p. 3. Sogomonova, V. N. Hack your life / V. N. Sogomonova. – M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2009. – 86 p. 4. 5. 6. http: // 7.

Why are we crying?

Pupils 1 "A" class MBOU secondary school No. 4

Galenko Margarita

Head: Natalya Yurievna Atabashyan


  • Man is the only living creature

which is crying. Crying seems like this

with a simple action! But there's a lot in it

incomprehensible. I want to find out why we cry, where do tears come from, do they mean something to a person?

Goal of the work: find out why a person is crying

Research objectives

  • where do tears come from;
  • what are they needed for;
  • Do animals cry?

Research hypotheses

  • Suppose that a person cries from emotional experiences.
  • Maybe that tears are the body’s defense.
  • Probably , animals can also be hurt to the point of tears.

The structure of the human lacrimal apparatus

1. Lacrimal gland

2.Upper eyelid

3. Lacrimal


4.Lacrimal caruncle





Tears are not just water!

Tears consist of:

  • water;
  • fats;
  • salt;
  • baking soda.

That's why the tears that flow down our cheeks have a salty taste.

What types of tears are there?

  • Reflex - clean and moisturize the eyes.

Animals only have reflex tears, they are needed solely for wetting the eyes.

  • Emotional are tears of sorrow, joy, anger, fear.

Such tears are characteristic only of humans.

They say that the best remedy from all sorrows - cry.

What do tears do?

  • - Relieve stress
  • - Relaxes emotions
  • - Removes toxins from our body
  • - Normalize blood pressure
  • - Increase immunity
  • - Promotes healing of injuries.

The ability to cry in a newborn baby appears earlier than to laugh, but also not immediately. Tears

from the eyes




at 4 – 10 weeks


"Crocodile Tears"

  • Tears are constantly flowing from the crocodile's eyes. Exists ancient legend that crocodiles cry bitter tears when they eat a person.
  • A crocodile's tears are shed to remove excess salts from the body and therefore it seems that the predator is crying!
  • But reptiles have no emotions at all. So crocodiles cannot grieve...

Our research:

  • 31 people were interviewed

from 1st grade.

  • In my research work, I found out that man is the only living creature that cries from grief, joy, and pain.
  • Tears can ease our emotional condition. Using the example of my classmates, I can say: we really feel better when we cry.
  • But the hypothesis that animals can also be hurt to the point of tears was not confirmed! Animals have tear ducts, but they are used to moisten the eye, not to express emotions.

My advice:

  • You shouldn’t cry day and night, but sometimes crying a little isn’t harmful, and is even very good for our health!

Why do people cry? From pain, resentment, grief, from joy, happiness, delight. There are a great many reasons to wash your soul with tears, both physiological and emotional. The ability to cry is one of the ways to express your feelings. In progress natural selection Only the one who knew how to cry survived.

Oddly enough, we are not born with this ability. Screaming is not always accompanied by tears. Babies begin to cry only 5-12 weeks after birth., A little before that time when laughter appears in their arsenal. Average duration crying - 6 minutes. Children cry more often than adults, about 65 times a month.

Every day, small lacrimal glands secrete about 1 ml of tear fluid. Each tear has a very complex structure . It consists of mucus covered with a layer of water, a layer of oily substance consisting of lipids and other fats (fatty acid amides). Tears contain table salt (sodium chloride), potassium chloride and substances involved in the formation of salts (calcium, sodium bicarbonate, manganese). There is another special substance in the composition of tears - lysozyme, its presence explains the bactericidal properties.

By blinking, the upper eyelid, like windshield wipers, distributes tears along the front surface of the eye from the upper eyelid to the lower eyelid. On its way, a tear wets the cornea, washing away everything superfluous and unnecessary from her. Then the tear moves to the tear lake, located in inner corner eyes. From the lake, through the lacrimal canaliculi, the tear enters the lacrimal sac, and from it into the nasolacrimal duct and into the nasal concha, where it is partially absorbed by the mucous membrane and partially evaporates.

In some cases, the main lacrimal gland is activated, and tears appear in large quantities, which are visible to the naked eye and can be “collected” with improvised means.

In addition to its protective function, tears supplies the cornea with nutrients, in parallel, gas exchange takes place between the air and the cornea, and vision improves because tears fill the smallest defects in the surface of the cornea.

A thin film forms on the surface of the eye, which does not become cloudy and does not allow evaporation.

What do tears do? Relieves stress and relaxes emotions. In addition, tears remove toxic substances from our body, normalize blood pressure, increase immunity and even promote the healing of injuries - this is a kind of therapeutic effect. There is also another benefit: it is thanks to tears that the skin around the eyes is so soft and remains young for a long time. It turns out that crying is very useful.

There are different types of tears- reflex, tears of irritation (when inhaling something, for example, the smell of onions) and emotional (after watching films, reading books). They differ in their composition. Emotional tears contain more protein, so after such tears it becomes easier and psychological release occurs.

Not only people can cry. Some animals also have reflex tears, which are necessary to cleanse and moisturize the eyes, this applies to those who live on land. They, like humans, are susceptible negative impact the surrounding world. To the inhabitants body of water Tears are not provided for by nature. And “crocodile tears” are not tears at all, but a secretion secreted by the salivary glands of a crocodile.

IntroductionOne day I saw my little sister
Anya was crying. I became very interested
where do tears come from? Are they useful? From
what do they consist of? Why do we cry because

The purpose of the study: to study why we cry and to explore where tears come from and their composition.

- find out how tears appear;
- find out why tears are useful;
-what are tears made of?
- figure out why they are salty;
- Try to experiment with a tear yourself.

Let's find out what tears or tears are -
this is excess water in our body and
when there is a lot of it, we want to cry,
or our body needs tears and
he produces them himself;
let's say they are salty because
there is salt in the human body;

Object of study: human tears
Old Russian form from Old Slavonic language meant “to rinse, to make clean.”

Subject of research: process
appearance of tears

Research methods: analysis
literature and Internet sources;
experiment; own observations and

How do tears appear?

-In our eyes there is a special bag in which it collects
water flows out of our eyes through a special vessel in the form
tears. But how do they get into this bag?
Tears are a clear liquid produced by the lacrimal
gland of the eye.
The lacrimal glands constantly produce tears. Tears
enter the eye through a small duct that opens into
outer corner of the eye. Every time you blink your eyelids
distribute the tear in a thin layer over the surface of the eye. After
tears flow through the tubule located at the inner
the edges of the eye, closer to the nose. These tubes end in
nasopharynx, where “waste” tears flow out.

A person's tears flow constantly.
Tears contain the enzyme lysozyme,
which neutralizes bacteria and prevents
cause them dangerous infections.
Tears are one of the very important elements
our body.
A thin tear film covers the surface
eyes with every movement of the eyelid, this serves
eye lubricant. Thus, such
the film protects our eyes from exposure
air and all sorts of parasites called

Are tears useful?
It turns out that tears contain psychotropic drugs
substances that relieve stress
and it is for this reason that crying brings us
relief. So our tears are very important
functional element of our body.
Having a good cry is always good! And not
only for the eyes, but also for the nasopharynx. Our tears
wash and kill bacteria. When the body
is sick, and there are a lot of bacteria in him,
then the temperature rises
and it works defensive reaction body.
Tearfulness appears.

So, I found out that:
tears are involved in the flow nutrients cornea
perform protective function- they cleanse the eye from
foreign objects;
When tears are released, the surface of the eye is wetted
tears can be accompanied by emotions (tears during
time to cry or laugh.)
When a person cries, lacrimation usually occurs - this is
active selection large quantity tears.
And so that tears do not leave edema and swelling, cry
need to be done correctly - in a cool room, sitting and not
wiping himself with a handkerchief.

In general, what does our tear consist of? From what substance?
Tears are mainly composed of: WATER; BELKOV; FAT; SALT; SODA;
Our tears do not linger on the surface of the skin, because they are covered with thick, oily
film, it contains lipids (a wide group of natural organic
compounds, including fats and fat-like substances).
That's why the tears that flow down our cheeks have a salty taste. Our tears
- these are not the saltiest tears in the world.
For example, the body of sea gulls that feed on ocean fish contains
a large amount of salt. Tears help seagulls get rid of excess salt, then
salt is removed from the body through tears, which means that tears contain a lot of it
a lot of.
If birds remove excess harmful salt with tears, then so can humans.
Does crying also get rid of something harmful?
When we experience strong emotions or pain, our brain produces substances that
signaling excitement or harmful stress, and our body
produces special stress hormones. Scientists actually found in
tear fluid some of these signaling substances and stress hormones. That
eating tears helps us get rid of excess substances that are formed in
result strong emotions. As these substances are removed, we
we begin to calm down. Many people say that after they cry, they feel
feeling of freshness, like after a cool summer rain. Of course there's no need to cry
day and night, but crying a little sometimes is not harmful, but very
good for our health.
Tears really do relieve stress. However, scientists recommend not crying
more than 20 minutes. Otherwise, bags under the eyes, redness, and
finally, crying can develop into hysterics, which will worsen your condition. Maybe,
I'm burning with tears and you can't help, but nervous tension You'll definitely take it off.

Why do we cry from onions? Is it possible to chop onions and not
Tearing increases to protect the eye. It's natural
reaction of our body.
This is how I started cutting onions...
Still, the onion made me cry...
Studies have shown that if onions are frozen before peeling, then
The lachrymator activity decreases sharply. And now he finds his
explanation of why onions are peeled by wetting them or a knife with water - lachrymator
dissolves in water and is practically not released into the air.
Now I’m certainly not afraid of onions. He won't make me cry.
I defeated him.
Now I know why adults wet the knife and the onion before peeling it.
water - the substance is practically not released into the air, since
dissolves in water. I checked and proved this from my own experience.
Still, eating onions is necessary. Moreover, it excites
appetite and helps better absorption nutrients by the body.
You need to pay attention to health more attention. And if you will
periodically consume onions, you will definitely strengthen your
health and well-being!
Therefore, do not be afraid to cry while peeling an onion, but think about the benefits,
which it will bring to your body.


In the course of my research, I found that people really
cry from emotional experiences (joy, stress,
grievances), and more often than not women cry because of this.
Tears are the best protection for the body. They take out
poisonous toxins, promote rapid healing of wounds,
have a calming effect.
The ability to cry is one of the ways to express your
Their main task is that, based on a pain signal,
lacrimal glands begin to secrete biologically active
substances that accelerate the healing of wounds or bruises.
So, if you hurt yourself, cry for your health - quickly
will heal!!!
Crying is very useful!