Self-analysis. Test "Non-existent animal"

“It is much more difficult to judge yourself than others. If you can judge yourself correctly, then you are truly wise." Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

We live more by inspiration and inertia. But we rarely think about ourselves. We think about others, circumstances, life, but rarely about ourselves. Why do we avoid thinking and analyzing ourselves? Are we afraid of not being as good, smart and successful? Analysis of external and personal qualities will help you choose the right path of development. Self-analysis will allow you to identify weaknesses and focus on strengths.

To succeed in life, you need to carry out internal adjustments regularly. How to know your inner essence and use it for good? We have compiled a list for you to dig inside yourself. Complete each step and be sure to make notes in your notebook.

How to conduct self-analysis?

1. Facial self-analysis

“To become yourself, you need to forget all previous ideas about yourself” Paulo Coelho

Go to the mirror and carefully examine your face. Don't be lazy and come over! What do you see in the reflection? Imagine that it is a stranger and not you. Describe it in a few sentences. What can you tell from his hair, smile, eyes, skin and facial expression?

Results of self-analysis. Don't you really like this "stranger"? This is fine. But what would you change about his appearance and how would you improve it? Maybe you need to sleep more, lead a healthier lifestyle, or take better care of yourself?

2. Introspection of the figure

Strip naked. Take a critical look at your figure and body. Do you have a fit and athletic figure? Are you overweight? Does your body look healthy and beautiful? What is the situation with body hair? Look at yourself from all sides and draw conclusions.

Results of self-analysis. All weaknesses are visible not only to you, but also to those around you. Start paying more attention to your figure, go in for sports, and prioritize healthy eating and lifestyle. You have only one body and you have to live with it until the very end. Don't allow yourself to be ugly, fat, thin, unathletic and unsexy.

3. Wardrobe introspection

Open a social network and look through your photos. Do you always wear the same jeans, shirt, jumper, suit or jacket? Have your clothes changed over the past few years? It's not very good. Look in the closet and go through things. Most of them you never use? How neat, stylish and new are your clothes? How are things going with underwear? Does it evoke desire in the opposite sex or pity?

Results of self-analysis. In most cases, you won't like your appearance, but this is an incentive to improve it. On the weekend, throw away unnecessary things and visit the store. Choose a couple of new things for yourself. This habit will be good not only once. Buy yourself something every month. This will make you look fashionable, stylish and sexy.

4. Introspection of personal life

Do you have someone or are you alone? Are you satisfied with your existing relationships or lack thereof? Why are you alone or unhappy in love?

Results of self-analysis. If you are alone, then it's time to find a girlfriend. Make it a rule to meet 5 new girls in a week. You can meet one girl a day or do it in 24 hours. Approach the girls you like and start a conversation. Rejections are normal. It's good if you achieve success in 30% of cases. If you have a girlfriend, then analyze the relationship. What do not you like? What can be improved? Take steps to correct the situation.

5. Career Introspection

“Look for your place. When you find it, you won't have to fight." Bernard Werber

Are you studying in the right place? Are you getting enough knowledge? Aren't you lazy? If you work, what can you say about your qualifications, prospects, career and salary? What makes you happy and what causes extreme anxiety?

Results of self-analysis. If you want to be a professional, then you studied more diligently. Take advanced training courses or learn a foreign language. Unsatisfied with your job? Start looking for a new job not passively, but actively! Submit your resume and start going for interviews. It’s stupid to be a loser, to spend your whole life in a hated and low-paid job.

6. Self-analysis of internal qualities

“The world is full of places where you can escape. But sometimes you have to look inside yourself." Mike Dylan Raskin

What can you say about yourself? How good is your character? How many real friends do you have? How are things going with your sense of humor? Would you be friends with yourself?

Results of self-analysis. Self-analysis of internal qualities and character traits is quite complex. But this is precisely the reason for many of our ups and downs. Try to do a little digging within yourself and come out with some results. What can be improved, corrected and changed?

What to do after self-analysis?

“What to do when your entire personality and all your ideas about yourself are destroyed? How to live on when it suddenly turns out that all this time you have been living wrong?” Chuck Palahniuk

Now read the notes you made. Not everything is fine? This is normal and quite expected. It is better to honestly find mistakes and correct them than to live in a rosy world. Conduct self-analysis regularly and write down the results in a special notebook. What have you already improved, and what still needs to be done?

You will soon find that life is getting better, and you will become luckier and happier.

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. How to do self-analysis of a lesson [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

Modern pedagogical education is very demanding in terms of organizing and conducting lessons, regardless of who conducts them: an experienced teacher or a student trainee. An important element of pedagogical activity is the preparation of self-analysis of the lesson, which allows you to independently evaluate the lesson taught and identify its positive and negative aspects.

Self-analysis of the lesson is a mandatory element of pedagogical activity. It is aimed at professional improvement of pedagogical skills.

The mandatory nature of lesson self-analysis is enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard

Self-analysis of the lesson– this is an analysis of a lesson conducted into its components with deep penetration into their essence, tasks in order to evaluate the final result of one’s activities by comparing what was planned and what was carried out. This takes into account both the successes of students and their failures.

Figure 1. The importance of lesson self-reflection for the teacher

In accordance with the standards of modern pedagogical education, students undergoing practical training in schools are required to conduct a self-analysis of the lesson after each lesson. Compiling a self-analysis of a lesson is a difficult and crucial moment in the process of teaching practice.

Self-analysis of the lesson must be done in accordance with a strictly defined plan. This fact both simplifies and at the same time complicates the task of any teacher. The ability to competently compose a self-analysis of a lesson is built on the basis of a system of points that allows you to most deeply study the lesson and analyze each stage, taking into account all existing requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Figure 2. Lesson self-reflection plan

Now it is necessary to consider each point of the lesson self-analysis plan separately. Let's start with the first point, namely the characteristics of the class.

Figure 3. Component characteristics of the class.

Then we will study place of the lesson in the topic being studied. This point of the plan requires a thorough study of the connections of the analyzed lesson with previous ones and a forecast of the relationship with subsequent lessons on a specific topic within the curriculum. Within this aspect, it is necessary to highlight the classification of lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Types and structure of lessons according to Federal State Educational Standards

Type of lesson according to Federal State Educational Standards

Lesson structure

Lesson on learning new knowledge

1) Organizational stage.

3) Updating knowledge.

6) Primary consolidation.

7) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

8) Reflection

Lesson on the integrated application of knowledge and skills

1) Organizational stage.

2) Checking homework.

4) Primary consolidation

5) Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation

6) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

7) Reflection

Repetition lesson

1) Organizational stage.

2) Checking homework, reproducing and correcting the knowledge, skills and abilities of students necessary for creative solution of assigned problems.

3) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities.

4) Updating knowledge in one of the areas: in order to prepare for a test lesson or in order to prepare for studying a new topic

6) Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Lesson on systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities.

3) Updating knowledge.

4) Generalization and systematization of knowledge. Preparing students for general activities. Reproduction at a new level.

5) Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation

6) Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction.

7) Reflection. Analysis and content of the work results, drawing conclusions based on the studied material

Lesson of control of knowledge and skills

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities.

3) Identification of knowledge, skills and abilities, checking the level of development of students’ general educational skills.

4) Reflection.

Lesson on correction of knowledge, skills and abilities

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities.

3) Results of monitoring knowledge, skills and abilities. Identification of typical errors and gaps in knowledge and skills, ways to eliminate them and improve knowledge and skills.

4) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

5) Reflection.

Combined lesson

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities.

3) Updating knowledge.

4) Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

5) Initial check of understanding

6) Primary consolidation

7) Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction.

8) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

9) Reflection.

Next point lesson plan is a characteristic of the purpose of the lesson. In the process of drawing up a lesson plan, the teacher must formulate the purpose of the lesson. In modern pedagogical science, lesson goals are of three types: educational, educational, and developmental.

I. Educational goals.

Educational purpose of the lesson involves the formation of new concepts and methods of activity, systems of scientific knowledge, etc.
  1. Formulation of a new concept and its interpretation during the lesson.
  2. During the lesson, provide students with an accessible assimilation of this or that information on the topic.
  3. During the lesson, teach students a new way of doing things.
  4. Address knowledge gaps on the topic.
  5. Summarize and systematize knowledge on a particular topic.
  6. Practice your skills.
  7. Reinforce methods of action.
  8. To form students’ ideas about certain concepts or phenomena within the framework of the lesson topic.
  9. Teach how to complete a task based on a model.
  10. Learn to draw conclusions on a topic.
  11. Show the relationship and interdependence of phenomena.
  12. Develop the ability to analyze facts and give them a substantiated scientific assessment.
  13. Formation of the ability to actively and consistently defend one’s point of view, the ability to find convincing arguments when proving.
  14. Learn to draw your own conclusions.

II. Educational goals.

Educational purpose of the lesson– this is a goal aimed at developing certain personality traits and character traits in students.
  1. Generating interest in the future of the country.
  2. Forming a sense of pride for the Motherland.
  3. Fostering a humane attitude towards people.
  4. Formation of responsibility.
  5. Development of demandingness towards oneself and others.
  6. Cultivating learning motives and a positive attitude towards knowledge.
  7. Cultivating the desire to work.

III. Developmental goals.

Developmental purpose of the lesson– development of mental and psychophysical properties, such as: attention, sensory-perceptual properties, mnemonic and mental properties, psychomotor properties, professional inclinations and abilities.
  1. Development of analytical thinking.
  2. Development of cognitive skills.
  3. Development of educational skills.

Lesson plan characteristics

Then we proceed to lesson plan characteristics. It includes studying the content of the educational material and its compliance with the requirements for teaching the subject and the age of the students. The teaching methods and techniques used are then discussed. Particular attention is paid to the forms of organization of cognitive activity and their relevance.

At the next stage of self-analysis of the lesson, a comparison is made of the actual structure of the lesson and the structure of the lesson recorded in the outline.

It is also important structural aspect of lesson self-analysis. Within the framework of this item of the lesson self-analysis plan, a step-by-step analysis of each element of the lesson is carried out, its contribution to achieving the result is identified. The teacher also formulates substantiated evidence for the optimal choice of each element of the lesson.

Functional aspect self-analysis of the lesson consists in studying the level of compliance of the lesson structure and the set goals. The degree to which the key elements of the lesson delivered and the capabilities of the class correspond to each other is also examined. What is also not overlooked is the style of relationship between teacher and students chosen for each specific lesson.

At the end of the self-analysis of the lesson, a reasonable assessment of the final result of the lesson in the following areas:

  1. formation of universal educational actions in the classroom;
  2. determining the gap between the overall goal of the lesson and the results of the lesson;
  3. reasons for the breakup;
  4. conclusions.

At the end of the lesson self-analysis process, the teacher must propose current ways to improve the lesson on a particular subject. In pedagogical science, there is a system of directions for improving a lesson, presented in the figure below.

It is important to understand that self-analysis of a lesson is a confident step, not only towards preparing the next lesson, but also a step towards the next stage of a teacher’s professional growth. A full and deep self-analysis of the lesson does not happen immediately. Self-analysis of the lesson must be learned from examples and personal experience.

Self-analysis of the lesson. Types of self-analysis and approximate diagrams

Many teachers find it easier to teach a few open lessons than to write a self-reflection on them. It seems to the teacher that the inspectors are “nitpicking”, looking for shortcomings, and the inspectors are sure that they are simply obliged to find a “blunder” or inconsistency in order to help the teacher realize his gaps.

And how can a teacher teach reflection to children if he himself does not fully master this art?

Types of lesson analysis and self-analysis

In modern pedagogy, there are several types of lesson self-analysis, each of which affects a separate component of the entire lesson. Here is an approximate classification of types of introspection:

  • Brief- the simplest type, giving the main assessment of the lesson: what were the objectives, whether all the stated goals of the lesson were achieved.
  • Structural, or phased- analysis of each stage of the lesson, each element, and, no less important, analysis of the relationship between these stages and elements of the lesson.
  • Structural-temporal. During such self-analysis, the teacher analyzes the time spent on one or another stage of the lesson and the rational use of the allotted time. It helps to understand whether, for example, the homework check was too long, whether not enough time was allocated for the practical application of the new rule, or whether it was worth paying more attention to explaining the new topic.
  • Combined is an assessment of the main didactic goal of the lesson and its structural elements.
  • Didactic- analysis of the methods used by the teacher to achieve the main didactic goal: the formation of knowledge.
  • Aspect analysis— a complete and detailed assessment of a particular aspect of the lesson: for example, the use of developmental methods, the use of differentiated teaching techniques, checking students’ knowledge of learning, the use of problem-based learning technology, the use of ICT in the lesson, etc.
  • Complete self-analysis. This type of self-analysis combines didactic, aspectual types of analysis, checking students’ knowledge of learning and assessing the effectiveness of the lesson.
  • Psychological- evaluates how the teacher ensures the attention of students at each stage, how he conducts individual work, how motivation is used, etc.
  • Complex— combines all of the above types of analyzes. This type of self-analysis is used to evaluate a number of lessons (for example, when conducting teacher certification).

Approximate lesson self-analysis algorithms

Self-reflection does not have to cover every aspect of the lesson. It all depends on what the open lesson is being held for: whether it was a lesson to confirm a category, or as part of a week in a subject, or as part of a festival of creative excellence, etc.

Here are some examples of algorithms that will help the teacher create his/her self-analysis:

Self-analysis of a lesson conducted as part of a competition, festival, etc.

  • What is your teaching ethos, and how did the lesson help you reflect that?
  • Explain the choice of lesson content and technology chosen.
  • What methods and techniques are used in the lesson and evaluation of their effectiveness.
  • What was/was not achieved?
  • What could be changed during the lesson, are these changes necessary? If so, why?

Brief plan for a comprehensive lesson self-analysis

Choosing the topic of the lesson, its place in the program. The connection of this lesson with previous ones, and its influence on the following lessons.

Brief: number of strong/weak students; what features of the class were taken into account when planning the lesson.

A brief analysis of the goals and objectives of the lesson and assessment of their implementation.

The choice of lesson form and techniques/methods used in the lesson, the relationship between theory and practice. It is advisable to analyze the main stage of the lesson in more detail. This makes it easier to show the interconnection of all stages of the lesson, to show how the other stages worked towards the main, main stage.

Justify the choice of didactic material, TSO, and clarity. And how it helped achieve the stated goals.

How is the control of students’ knowledge organized (at what stage, in what form). Evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen method.

Psychological atmosphere in the lesson, student interest, communication with the teacher. Did you manage to avoid overload, fatigue, and maintain motivation?

Is the volume and content of homework correctly determined, taking into account the characteristics of the class and the degree of assimilation of new knowledge?

How do you yourself evaluate the results of the lesson: have all the problems been solved, if not, then why?

In a nutshell: prospects for your future activities.

Thus, self-analysis of the lesson helps the teacher look at his lesson from the outside, objectively assessing its “pros” and “cons”. This is reflection that allows you to highlight unaccounted for reserves, develop your own style, and form your own pedagogical credo.

Self-analysis of an open lesson

As a rule, teachers write self-analysis of lessons for certification when conducting open lessons, however, the head teacher or methodologist can conduct an analysis of a regular lesson in order to understand how the teacher himself evaluates the lesson - whether the goals were achieved, whether the lesson was successful or not, what mistakes were made the teacher admitted.

Example and sample self-analysis lesson

Beginning teachers often find it difficult to draw up an outline for self-analysis of a lesson and write the analysis itself, so our website has created a special section with samples and examples of self-analysis of lessons in all subjects. These examples and samples are on this page, just select the examples you need and copy or download to your computer. With examples compiled by experienced teachers in front of you, it will not be difficult for you to self-analyze your lesson.

Self-analysis of the lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard

  • Indicate the topic of the lesson.
  • Give: how many children are in the class, the number of strong/weak students, what psychological characteristics of the students were taken into account in preparation for this lesson.
  • Indicate the type of lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Write how the lesson fits into the plan for studying the topic, how it will work for further study of the topic.
  • Indicate the UUDs that were planned for the lesson and what methods were chosen to form them.
  • List the methods and forms chosen for each stage? For what purpose was this or that method chosen, the expected results.
  • Formulate what the main stage is and how other parts of the lesson work towards it.
  • Analyze how rationally the time is allocated for each type of work and for each stage of the lesson. How logical is the structure, how are the connections between the stages of the lesson organized?
  • What visual, didactic materials, TSOs were used in the lesson. Is the selection of these materials consistent with the intended purposes?
  • Monitoring the learning of knowledge: at what stage of the lesson it was conducted, how it was organized, in what form.
  • Your assessment of the results of the lesson: were the goals achieved? If not, please indicate the reason why the difficulty arose?

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Grishkovskaya Secondary School"

Self-analysis of teaching activities

teacher of Russian language and literature

Kashchaeva Valentina Vasilievna

Grishkovka 2014

Kashchaeva Valentina Vasilievna

I, Kashchaeva Valentina Vasilievna, a teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest category at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Grishkovskaya Secondary School” of the German National District of the Altai Territory, graduated from the Barnaul State Pedagogical Institute in 1976. I have been working at the Grishkov Secondary School since 1976. My teaching experience is 37 years. In my practice, I have experience working with children of different age categories and levels of preparedness. I work in grades 5-11. I currently teach 5th and 8th grades.

I work according to the state program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved for classes in general education institutions. In the 5th grade I teach Russian language according to the program edited by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, in the 8th grade I work according to the program of M.M. Razumovskaya. I teach literature in grades 5 and 8 according to the program edited by T.F. Kurdyumova.

Each program has its own textbooks.

Russian language :

  1. Baranov M.T. Russian language. Grade 5. [Text]: textbook for

General educational institutions / M.T. Baranov, L.G.

Grigoryan, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya: .– M.: Education, 2011.

  1. Razumovskaya M.M. Russian language. 8th grade [Text]: textbook for educational institutions / Moscow, Bustard, 2011.


1. Kurdyumova T.F. Literature. 5th grade. [Text]: tutorial for

General educational institutions. In 2 parts.

M. Education, 2011.

2. Kurdyumova T.F.. Literature. 8th grade. [Text]: tutorial for

General educational institutions. At 2 o'clock.

M. Education, 2011.

The main goal of my teaching activity is to educate an independently thinking person who is able to adapt to changing living conditions, to develop in students the ability and desire for self-improvement and self-education.

To achieve the goal, I set myself the following pedagogical tasks:

1. Improving the forms of organization of educational activities;

2. Use of new pedagogical technologies in the educational process;

3. Involving each student in an active cognitive process, and not passive acquisition of knowledge, but active cognitive activity;

4. Creating conditions for intensive speech development of students in the process of learning their native language;

5. Disclosure of the creative, intellectual, moral potential of each student, providing the opportunity to express themselves;

6. Instilling the skills of independent work, effective organization of one’s activities, self-control, and objective assessment of the results obtained;

7. Formation of sustainable interest in the subject being studied through classroom and extracurricular activities.

As a teacher-philologist, I believe that the main task of my pedagogical activity is not only to provide a certain amount of knowledge (to expand the vocabulary of students, to show the inexhaustible riches of Russian speech, to present to my students Russian and world literature as a treasure of global culture), but also that less important and valuable, to show their practical value and necessity in later life. In other words, when leaving school, children must be able to speak competently, have presentation and oratory skills, be able to actively master the wealth of oral and written speech, think, and have a desire to further develop their own creative abilities.

The basis of my work is the recognition of the student’s individuality, the creation of necessary and sufficient conditions for his development.

Applying elements of student-oriented technology in teaching the Russian language and literature, I set myself the following tasks: how to make the lesson joyful and interesting?; how to intensify student activity in the classroom?; How to not only teach a certain amount of knowledge to a student, but also give the opportunity to feel the joy of discovery, cultivate the need to learn more and more?

I see increasing the efficiency of the educational process in the integrated use of the most rational methods and techniques in teaching, the latest modern technologies.

I organize my work as follows:

1) I identify the level of students’ educational capabilities in the subject;

2) I plan further work taking into account individual characteristics.

I organize students to achieve goals in different ways. Either I work with the entire team at the same time, at the same pace, that is, I conduct a frontal form of educational work, or I conduct students’ work on educational material in micro groups. Sometimes it is also justified to organize students in such a way that units work on performing different tasks on the same educational material. I give special group and individual homework assignments.

By activating the cognitive activity of students, increasing literacy, I create a sense of novelty and surprise in the lesson, which should become a source of desire to work independently, solve a given problem, answer an unusual question; this is most facilitated by a variety of problem situations in the lesson. In my methodological repertoire to ensure the active nature of teaching there are: linguistic experiment; solving linguistic problems; addressing linguistic paradoxes; information and semantic processing of text; use of diagrams, tables; text transformation (genre, stylistic, graphic).

I teach story lessons. In my opinion, firstly, this is simplicity, the absence of any complexity in the presentation of the material, and secondly, this is the organization of the game action, which is united not only by the theme, but also by a common predicate (the game plot of the lesson).

For example: a lesson-trip to an unfamiliar grammatical planet, a lesson-research, a lesson-concert, a lesson-game, a lesson on creativity. A single plot provides for the commonality of the didactic tasks assigned to the class, but this is precisely what actualizes the appeal to individual forms of educational activity. Composition as a type of creative activity is the compilation, together with students, of a bright and fascinating story that has an unusual plot solution and therefore forces figurative and emotional mnemonic centers to work.

In addition, the problematic situations on which the lesson of creative interaction is based contribute to the development of the creative potential of the individual, the realization of “discoveries” that are not presented by the teacher, but are comprehended independently.

By constantly increasing the share of individual independent activity of students and complicating this activity, I prepare students for self-education: for independent analysis of educational material, formulation of the goals of their work (what should I be able to do?).

When planning literature lessons, I build them on the basis of a bright constructive detail, a creative technique of involving the whole class in the lesson with the help of a question. By setting exciting tasks for students, asking questions that evoke a lively creative response, I try to achieve not external, ostentatious independence, manifested in the usual set of expressions: “I think”, “it seems to me”, “in my opinion” - but true, emerging in the process of sincere experiences, in passion for analyzing the work.

I structure literature lessons as a dialogue that students conduct with the author, their peers, and their time. Each student needs to refer to the text of a work of art in order for his position to be sufficiently reasoned.

When studying fiction, I try to identify students’ individual preferences for working with works of different stylistic features and genres. I use these preferences in the process of educational work in the classroom, when planning homework, during questioning, and when conducting creative independent work. Thus, when studying the work of a poet, one group of students reports biographical information, another learns poetry, and the third analyzes poetic texts. This way, each student has the opportunity to feel their own worth and success, which helps improve the quality of knowledge.

When preparing for classes, schoolchildren can select the necessary literature in advance, make extracts, select material on the topic from Internet resources, select quotation material for the assignment, and think over their judgments. This allows them to work more effectively in the lesson, since they are well versed in the material and easily understand the teacher’s thoughts. I practice drawing up individual programs for independent reading for students from the 5th grade at school.

One of the interesting and fruitful ways to improve students’ literacy, in my opinion, is the algorithmization of rules, the reduction of a number of rules to a general algorithm, and the compilation of generalizing tables. I start this work in 5th grade. It includes the following activities:

1. Creation of schemes - algorithms based on familiar rules;

2. Work based on ready-made algorithms;

3. Creation of the first simple generalizing algorithms;

4. Supplementing the diagrams with material from the course of previous classes;

5. Creation of generalizing algorithms.

The formation of conscious, strong skills and abilities in students is associated with a number of factors, in particular, taking into account the specifics of their memory. I use the “involuntary memorization” technique. Without memorizing the rules with the students, I immediately begin to perform the exercises, without separating theory from practice, but combining them into a single educational process. As a result of repeated playing of the rules without a pre-agreed purpose of learning, they are involuntarily memorized.

A special place in the lessons is occupied by linguistic analysis of the text, statements on a linguistic topic, and the use of fiction texts. This develops the ability of schoolchildren to express themselves in the language of the subject, instills a love of artistic expression, and ensures a connection between literature and language lessons. My students have the opportunity to use ICT in class and extracurricular activities: printing creative works on a computer, receiving individual consultations through the social networks Odnoklassniki and Skype.In order to develop the speech and intellectual abilities of students, the formation of their spelling and punctuation literacy, I have compiled the following programs:

1. Optional course in Russian for students in 8th grade

"On the way to the GIA."

2. Work programs on Russian language and literature for grades 5-11.. according to the educational and educational complex Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Razumovskaya M.M., Kurdyumova T.F.

3. The program of the elective course in the Russian language for students 10-

11 classes “Learning to reason” based on the work of the same name by AKIPKRO methodologist Zarechneva E.N.

4. Work program of an optional course for 11th grade students “Organization of work with an author’s text,” 2012-2013 academic year.

The success of the GIA and Unified State Exam results is due to the combination of collective, group and individual activities of students under the guidance of a teacher.

The positive dynamics of academic performance and quality of knowledge of students in the Russian language and literature over the past 3 years are evidenced by the results of intermediate and final certifications in the form of the Unified State Exam, State State Examination:

1. The quality of students’ knowledge based on the results of the final certification of graduates (Unified State Examination in the Russian language)2009-2010 academic year.

Academic year


number of students who took the Unified State Exam

number of students

crossed the threshold

Average score by region

Number of students who showed results above the regional average

% shown




Average USE results


Academic year

number of students passing

shih Unified State Examination

number of students

have crossed the threshold

Average score by region

Number of students who showed results above the regional average

% shown

results are above the regional average




2011, literature


72 points - Unified State Exam result



6 100

100 points Lozovaya ANNA

  1. The quality of students’ knowledge based on the results of the State Examination 2010-2011 academic year

3. Results of student participation in events at various levels

1. School Olympiad in Russian language

Academic year

Olympiad level

F.I. participant




Spring Sofia

1st place


Nechaeva Yana

Tsymbal Tatyana

1st place

1st place



Fisher Irina

Olshevsky Nikolay

Zvyagntsev Dmitry


1st place




Nechaeva Yana

1st place


Madesha Yaroslav


  1. Participation in the regional competition for the title of scholarship holder of the A Just Russia party. Spring S. (2011)
  2. Participation in the school competition “Portfolio” (2011) Winner in the nomination “Best Portfolio Content” Vesna S..
  3. Participation in the regional competition “Get to know your land” Witt L.
  4. Participation in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren “Conquer the Sparrow Hills!” on literature. Winner of the qualifying round Vesna Sofia. Invitation and trip to the final stage at Moscow State University (2011)
  5. Test of readiness to continue education for 11th grade students of the IPO (Innovative Institute for Educational Productivity of the North-Western Branch of the Russian Academy of Education), Russian language, 2013. Result: out of 6 graduates, 3 are satisfactory; 1-good; 1-very good, 1-weak.
  6. Participation in the All-Russian subject Olympiad "Olympus" in Russian language and literature (2013).

Best result: diploma and valuable prize (book) Litvak E. and Friauf D.; WittL diploma (all 7th grade).

  1. Participation in the municipal competition “Small Humboldt Readings”.

Result: III place, Witt L., 6th grade, 2011

8. Annual participation in the International Russian Bear Cub Game

Russian language.

Best result: 2nd place at the municipal level. Tsymbal T., 9

class, 2011

  1. Participation in the municipal round of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

In Russian. Madesha Yaroslav, Friauf Diana.

  1. Unified State Examination results in Russian language 2013. – 100 points Lozovaya Anna.

The average score for the municipality is 62.70; by region – 62.98; in Russia – 63.3.

I constantly improve my teaching skills, using the experience of colleagues, ICT achievements, materials from Internet sites, electronic materials from the library “Cyril and Methodius”, “Phrases”, electronic supplements to textbooks, digital technologies. I share my experience of working with colleagues through social networks on the Internet, where I am registered on the sites: “Pedagogical Newspaper”, “Our Network of Education Workers”, “Odnoklassniki”; I speak at pedagogical councils and meetings of methodological associations of the school and district. I was the head of the educational organization of teachers of the humanities cycle at the school (until 2011). I held open events: a literature lesson in the 10th grade on the topic “Turgenev’s Girl” based on the works of I.S. Turgenev about love (2012); an event dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature in the 7th grade (2013), an optional lesson in the 8th grade as part of a regional seminar on the topic “What the text will tell you about.”

I work in the “Network City” system.

How to write a self-analysis?

Every teacher faces this type of work called self-analysis. However, it should be noted that there are two different types of self-analysis, and how to write a self-analysis correctly depends primarily on the purpose of writing such a work. Most often, the teacher is required to compile a self-analysis of the lesson, but sometimes a description of a slightly different kind is required. In the article we will look at both options: how to write a self-analysis of a lesson and how to compose a self-analysis of teaching activities, since these two types of work are compiled in completely different ways. We tried to make the description of both types of self-analysis as detailed as possible - indicating what needs to be written in different parts of the work.

How to write a self-analysis lesson

At the very beginning of such self-analysis, you must indicate why you chose a certain structure of the lesson and what goals you pursued. In other words, here we are talking about the lesson plan and the goals that this plan was intended to achieve. Next, you need to determine the place of this lesson in the overall scheme of classes - both in this topic and in the year (or course) as a whole. Write about the connections of this topic with previous or subsequent ones, talk about the specifics of the lesson. It is also useful to say a few words about how well the lesson or extracurricular activity meets the educational standards and program requirements.

Main part

Now we open, so to speak, the middle part of the work. Here you need to move on to a description of the form of a specific lesson (for example, a test or independent work, or laboratory work, or a regular lesson with an explanation of the topic and checking homework, etc.). Also indicate why you chose this particular form of lesson. After this, you can move on to describing the objectives of the lesson. In this paragraph, you need to indicate the training, developmental and educational tasks that you set when preparing and teaching the lesson. You can also mention here the nature of interaction with students, the pace of the lesson and justify why you chose this or that manner of conducting the lesson.

Next, talk about how students can apply their knowledge in practice, because a good lesson must have practical application, since this should be the essence of the entire school curriculum. Then you need to talk about the form of monitoring student learning and note whether you made changes to the original lesson plan and, if so, why.

Completing the Lesson Self-Reflection

And at the end of the self-analysis, you must definitely touch upon the topic of solving the problems posed in the lesson, namely: did you manage to achieve the desired learning results, maintain or increase students’ motivation for further study, etc. Of course, all conclusions must be justified. As for the last point, here you can note the advantages and disadvantages that you noticed in teaching the lesson. It is best if you are able to clearly justify the reasons why you were unable to achieve such and such - this will practically guarantee you that similar mistakes will not be repeated in the future.

In conclusion, we note that many teachers consider self-analysis as a tedious and obligatory procedure, while its true task is to identify the shortcomings of the work done in order to eliminate them in the future. This is in no way a moral lesson, but only the result of my own pedagogical activity, so to speak - personal experience.

How to write a self-analysis of teaching activity

This type of self-analysis, of course, is more general, however, it also cannot be done without specific examples from your teaching activities. At the very beginning of your work, note the fundamental principles that guide your work. These could be pedagogical principles, personal experience, anything - the main thing at this stage is to interest the reviewer so that he looks at you as an interesting and extraordinary person.

As an example, I will give you the basic principles that guide me: cooperation and personal freedom. I believe that a good teacher should not force, but interest. You may have your own opinion on this, tell the reviewer about it. Now you need to formally describe your education, experience, place of work, workload (including additional).

Main part

Next, tell us about the goals of your work and the criteria for evaluating it. To make it clearer, I’ll explain with an example: for me, the only satisfactory criterion for evaluating my work is the student’s ability, after training, to use the acquired skills in practice. If a person begins to write or speak Russian correctly, it means I’ve succeeded. The same goes for this article - if after reading it you can write a good self-analysis, then my task is completely completed. You need to write about your evaluation criteria and again touch on the principles that you put at the forefront of your work.

An important part of the job is describing your students' achievements. If one of them won an Olympiad or competition, or took a prize in it, received a diploma or other award, entered a prestigious educational institution after graduating from school, or simply became a first-class specialist in his field, be sure to mention this. You need to finish your self-analysis with a story about the place of your discipline in the general process of teaching activity and its connection with other subjects.

sample of writing a self-analysis of a mathematics lesson in a preparatory group

31.10.2014 - 27161

Integrated lesson in the senior group on familiarization with. Continue teaching children to draw objects using colored pencils according to the model. Summary of the mathematics lesson “Russian nesting doll” in the middle group. for children in the pre-school group, theme: “Treasure Island”. Tasks. “Business card of the senior group “Golden Fish”, group portfolio. in kindergarten" (daily routine), "Fun things to do in kindergarten" (grid of activities). Also, if you have your own activities, then share them with others. supplemented by an analysis of his behavior in the group, behavior in the team. classes in fiction, drawing, mathematics, topic: “How. March 24, 2012. From the experience of the teacher of the 2nd junior group Ispol "zovanie jeffektivnyh metodov i. Conduct a self-analysis of the state of the subject-developmental environment of the group by each teacher. Filling out. Corner of logic, mathematics. Complex classes in the senior group for the entire academic year. and what is the structure its writing? 87. What types of classes are conducted with children and what are their activities. FOR THE WHOLE SCHOOL YEAR (forms, sample documents. on the graduation and extension of the stay of children in the speech therapy group. generalization of the experience of workers based on self-analysis. 20 years of work in the regional creative group of school leaders. 2) train the deputy for water management in writing analytical orders and divide this function. Forecasting and planning cannot be carried out without self-analysis and. the preparatory part, the organization of an integrated lesson, too. Methodology for the formation of elementary mathematics. in each age group. duration of classes according to formation of elementary. Regulations on the creative group at school. 22. Regulations on. 28. Form for constructing a cyclogram of intra-school control. 29. Card for attending classes/electives. 60. Pimer scheme of self-analysis of a certified teacher. 76. Analysis of a mathematics lesson in elementary school. 131. October 12, 2014. September 18, 2014. self-analysis of the lesson of the surrounding world in 3rd grade on the topic. Summary and presentation of a mathematics lesson at the educational complex "Harmony" Lesson objectives. Lesson summary for senior preschool children “Hero Cities. 09.09.14 Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group. Imagine a math book that starts with “twice two. and is a professional, she will push you to further introspection and... Alina Safinina, Marketing Director of Liggett-Dukat (Gallagher Group). know how to do PR 100%, and start writing fiction. 9 Jan 2012. Can be used as a sample for writing self-analysis on any subject. classes on familiarization with fiction. Analysis and self-analysis of a DOC speech therapy session. Rules for writing a thesis. The planning of the work of a speech therapist according to the periods of training in the preparatory group for children with special needs is presented (according to O.S. September 30, 2011. self-analysis on the topic “The role of environmental education in. In the middle group, classes are held 2 times a month, in the senior group, and closely related to formation of mathematical concepts. Can be used as a model for writing self-analysis on any type of activity. Natalya Nikolaevna Ermicheva, mathematics teacher of the MBOU "Maryinskaya. crossword puzzles, writing messages, composing test tasks. knowledge of such children, I use additional classes in my work. Teaching materials from the publishing house "Mnemosyna", developed group - A.G. Mordkovich and others. Notes of a lesson in mathematics in the senior group. Notes of an integrated lesson in mathematics in the preparatory group on the topic: “Far, close.” If children have forgotten the rules of work, then the teacher reminds them to write numbers (in the middle group, children learn to trace numbers. Algorithm for writing lesson notes on methods of speech development. Holding a ball in his hands, stands in a circle with the children and explains the rules of the game. management of regime processes in the 1st half of the day in the senior group. planning mathematics classes, mathematical entertainment.

How to write a self-analysis of a teacher

Begin self-analysis as a teacher by identifying the goals and objectives that you set in the process of your work.

Describe the level of completeness of the information support. Consider whether necessary and additional textbooks, methodological manuals, newspapers, magazines, etc. are available in sufficient quantities.

Please indicate which advanced training courses you have completed. Describe when, where, in what form you took them, what document was issued.

If you have developed any programs or methods, please provide information about them.

Describe the educational process that you organize. Explain what you understand by a quality process and what ideas you implement in it.

Show what means, methods and forms you use to organize educational activities, provide information, and communicate.

Explain how you control the quality of the teaching and educational process, with the help of which you get information that students accept and understand you, that they are interested. Does this take the form of questionnaires, testing, external independent verification of achievements, etc.

Provide data indicating the satisfaction of students and their parents with the organization of the educational process, increasing the nature of motivation and its level.

Attach a list of certificates, commendations and other awards you have received.

How to write a self-analysis

Self-analysis should form an image of you as a highly qualified specialist, fully characterize your experience and pedagogical achievements. When compiling a self-analysis, you must not only provide specific data, but also, after analyzing failures and achievements, draw conclusions and set new goals.

In your self-analysis, you should indicate general information and additional information that characterizes you from various useful aspects.

So, the first point should include general information: full name, place of work, your position, category, academic degree, etc. Here, provide information about your education and work experience, and indicate your academic load.

Next, it is necessary to provide information on the dynamics of educational results over the past three years. This information includes students’ educational achievements, as well as data on their participation in olympiads, competitions, etc. creative works. The best method of providing this information is through visual tables or diagrams with comments in free form (up to 1 thousand characters).

The second point shows any results of students in extracurricular activities in the academic subject: data on extracurricular activities (clubs, sections in academic subjects), information about prizes, diplomas, etc.

This is followed by information about the extent to which the teacher contributed to the students’ acquisition of social experience. This activity includes classroom management, children’s organization of assistance to the disabled, orphans, organization of territory improvement, etc. Visualization in the form of tables and explanations of up to 1 thousand characters is also desirable.

The use of modern educational and educational technologies is an important and mandatory condition for the productivity of the pedagogical process. You must also record this in the document. Write about your experience in free form, but do not forget to indicate the goals of the methods and results (up to 2 thousand characters).

Finally, the last point of self-analysis is written evidence of the continuity of your professional and personal development. Describe the tasks, methods for solving them, and results.

It is important at each point to analyze this area of ​​your activity, the positive and negative aspects, results, conclusions.



Self-analysis of the results of a teacher’s professional activity

Municipal state-owned preschool educational institution kindergarten "Firefly" in the village of Shapsha

Bobyleva Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Date of birth – 08/19/1975

Education – Khanty - Mansiysk Pedagogical College 1994

Qualified as a primary school teacher with a specialization in teaching in primary classes.

Teaching experience – 7 years

Work experience at MKDOU – 5 years

Work experience in the current position -

Availability of qualification category – compliance with the position held.

Advanced training: Institute for Educational Development of the Omsk Region under the program Education of Children of Senior Preschool Age 2013

The educational process in the group is carried out according to the Program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarova, one of whose main tasks is to promote the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities in the activities that are closest and most natural to a preschool child: play, communication with adults and peers, work. It is in these types of activities, according to the authors of the program, that the formation of such new formations as voluntary behavior, the ability to think logically, self-control, and creative imagination occurs, which constitutes the most important basis for the beginning of systematic learning.

In my work I use the main regulatory documents that determine the legal content of work with children and their parents:

International documents relating to children's rights.

Declaration of the Rights of the Child. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children.

Legislative acts.

Family Code of the Russian Federation. Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation.” Education Act".

Regulatory documents in the field of preschool educational institutions:

Charter of a preschool educational institution. An agreement between a preschool educational institution and the parents (persons replacing them) of the child.

The goal of my pedagogical activity is to create favorable conditions aimed at the development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas: physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic. Analysis of the results obtained allows us to identify the characteristics of the program as a whole and for individual children, and to outline the necessary ways to provide assistance to individual children in each section of the program.

In the diagnostic process, I use the method of observation, games, and conversations that are accessible to the age of the children.

Analysis of the implementation of the program over the past 3 years shows the stability of the main lines of development of each child.

I think the most effective, especially when working with preschoolers, is

the use of problem-based learning, gaming technologies that allow: firstly: to interest and surprise children. Secondly: to awaken in students activity and independence in acquiring knowledge. Thirdly: turn the child into a partner, make him a subject of learning fourthly: increase the effectiveness of learning fifthly: discover the creative personality in the child. I also use health-saving technologies, which helps preserve and strengthen children's health. I use hardening procedures: physical exercises after sleep, air and sun baths, as well as breathing exercises, dynamic pauses.

For three years I have been actively cooperating with social partners: a school, a rural library, a cultural center, and the Samarovsky Chugas natural park. Every month I plan: excursions to the library, open events, children’s performances at the House of Culture. Thus, I work on the development of children’s speech, develop the ability of children to feel free on stage, and contribute to the creative development of children. I also run an origami “Magic Square” class. V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips.” From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought. Making crafts requires dexterous actions from the child, so it is necessary to develop fine motor skills of the hands, and also promotes the development of sensory-motor skills - consistency in the work of the eye and hand, improving coordination of movements, flexibility, and accuracy in performing actions. In the process of systematic training in designing from paper strips, the hand gains confidence, accuracy, and the fingers become flexible. This is important for preparing your hand for writing in the future.

Considering that the main activity of preschool children is play, the group has created corners for role-playing games, a children's creativity corner, a first-grader corner, a safety corner, a traffic rules corner, a corner of the native land, a patriotic and book corner. I regularly replenish the subject-development environment with new attributes made by myself.

In order to correct and develop children’s speech, together with a kindergarten speech therapist, I conduct individual work with parents and children.

Understanding the tasks facing me at the present stage, I try to teach children to navigate the flow of information coming from everywhere, I try to teach them not only to correctly assimilate information, but also to be able to purposefully search for it. To do this, it is necessary to use innovative teaching technologies. One of these is the project method.

The project method is one of the teaching methods that promotes the development of independent thinking, helping the child to develop confidence in his own abilities. It provides for a system of education in which children acquire knowledge and master skills in the process of completing a system of planned practical tasks. This is learning through doing. Working using the project method, I, as a teacher, provided pedagogical support for the student in the development of health-saving technologies. During this period, project work continues through cooperation with MKOUKHMR Secondary School. village Shapsha. The implementation of projects took place through all types of activities of students - direct educational activities, joint and independent activities of students. While working on projects, I used various forms of working with children: hardening activities, preventive gymnastics, reading fiction, conversations, looking at paintings and illustrations, observations, excursions, performing work from natural materials, various games (outdoor, didactic, sports), etc. d. Implemented the following projects: “Malachite Box”, “Our Motherland Russia”, “Vegetable Garden on the Windowsill”, Soon, soon the New Year, Plants of our group, Olympics 2014. I consider the pride of my students and parents to be active participation in competitions, both inside kindergarten and at the municipal level.

2010 children's drawing competition Sunny Bunny. Took 2nd place.

2010 competition of children's drawings of the Second World War through the eyes of children. Took 3rd place.

2011 children's drawing competition Little Kangaroo Kroshka RU received a letter of gratitude.

2009 2012 children took part in the regional competition “Sun in the Palm”, among preschool educational institutions of the Khanty-Mansiysk region. Those who took 1st and 2nd places were awarded valuable prizes.

In 2013, the Khasanov family took part in the Gift to Stepan competition and received a 2nd degree diploma.

From the first year of working as a teacher, the need arose to creatively master new pedagogical techniques. Working with children of different ages, I have the opportunity to observe how activity and motivation change, and it becomes possible to differentially influence their development in each child. Often, when getting acquainted with advanced pedagogical experience (in print, while watching open classes, games), I found new techniques for leading and designing games and mechanically transferred them to my work, without getting the desired result. Methodological techniques made it possible to achieve results only in those cases if they were applied systematically, taking into account the general development trends of the children in the group, the patterns of play activity, if she knew and felt each child well.

Constant analysis of students’ achievements is a mandatory condition of my work. I see the point of diagnosing in obtaining as real and clear a picture of the child’s development as possible. Diagnostics allows me to determine whether it is possible to solve the problems of training, development and education in unity.

I generously share my accumulated teaching experience with my colleagues:

Publication of methodological material in the All-Russian magazine for educators “Method - collection”: Project for children 5 – 7 years old “Malachite Box”.

Publication of the project “Our Motherland – Russia” (for children 5 – 7 years old) in the II International Internet competition for teachers “Hello, children!”

Open classes:

*Let's go to the country of Mathematics (6-7 years old) (2012)

*Help Kuza (6 – 7 years old) (2011)

*Game – activity “Russia – My Motherland” (6 – 7 years old) (2012)

*Journey through Russian folk tales” (6 – 7 years) (2013)

diagnostic lesson “Let’s go to the land of Mathematics” (6 – 7 years old) (in the presence of experts from the Education Committee of the Academy of Arts and Sciences, 05/28/2012)

In recent years, kindergarten has become an institution with a development program, contracts and even competition; in these conditions, our human qualities - kindness, patience, decency - become especially important. It’s no secret that modern parents, in the whirlpool of daily affairs, sometimes forget about the warmth that is so necessary for their daughters and sons. And I, a teacher, must and must warm the children with my warmth. For children to trust you, you just need to love them and create conditions where they could rise one step higher in their development. I understand that life does not stand still, you can drown in a sea of ​​information, so I try to master new methods, techniques and technologies, because it depends only on me what I teach my students.

My professional conviction: a teacher must learn everything and constantly. I consider another of my postulates to be professional concern for the present and future of our pets. Raising a group of children is not an easy task and requires me to be smart, always ready to resolve any situation. Having worked as a teacher for not many years, I came to the conclusion that children are very sensitive to the weaknesses of the teacher and do not forgive breakdowns, confusion, and helplessness. They love to play games, so do I, and every day of my teaching activity I fill with didactic, story-based, role-playing, educational games.

Analyzing my work experience, I came to a number of convictions:

The teacher must want and be able to work with children, every minute next to them should be a bridge to solving children's problems

You cannot achieve good results without like-minded people, that is, you need a system of interaction between everyone who comes into contact with children

The main role in the development of the child still belongs to the parents, hence the need for cooperation with parents.

The Law “On Education”, “Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution” states that one of the main tasks facing a kindergarten is interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

It is known that the family and kindergarten constitute the main educational microenvironment for a child at a certain stage. It has been proven that family and preschool educational institution are two educational phenomena, each important in its own way, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a child’s entry into the big world.

Understanding that the participation of parents in the educational process is important for the full development of the child and relying on the Law “On Education”, which states that parents are the first teachers, therefore interaction with the parents of students is based on cooperation.

Main directions and tasks of working with parents:

Create favorable conditions for increasing the pedagogical psychological literacy of parents in raising and educating children

Involve parents in the educational process through participation in the development of health-saving technologies

Interaction with families in our group is based on the principles:

Unity in raising children

Mutual assistance in working together to raise children

Using a variety of forms in work

Systematic communication throughout the year, taking into account tasks and work with children

Involving parents in group activities

Such forms of work contributed to the establishment of a friendly relationship with parents, getting to know the families of the students, their field of activity, hobbies, interests, and getting to know each other between parents. My parents actively support me in my endeavors and take an active part in the activities of the group and preschool educational institution.

The facts of the parent survey indicate their satisfaction with my work.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev spoke a lot on one of his most favorite topics about universal informatization and computerization:

“Computerization and informatization of education is a transition to a fundamentally new type of education through the organization of more effective cognitive activity of the child; their use ensures an increase in the quality and effectiveness of education. This process is accompanied by significant changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process associated with the introduction of educational technologies into the content adjustments, which must be adequate to modern technological capabilities.”

I understand that the use of modern information teaching aids has a positive effect on the educational process; modern children require a modern approach. In my teaching activities I widely use information technology. She opened her page in the international Russian-language social educational Internet project MAAAM. RU and the Social Network of Education Workers NSPORTAL. RU.

Thus, the analysis of my activities allows us to conclude that there has been an increase in professional and technical competence in terms of the implementation of health-saving technologies, the quality of the educational process has increased, the subject-spatial environment of the group has improved, the forms of work with parents have changed, which has a positive impact on the quality of education of pupils.