Unified State Exam in Russian language punctuation marks. How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence? A large role in A.P. Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor” is played by folk scenes: choirs of the townspeople of Putivl accompanying Igor and his army on a campaign, a choir of boyars announcing captivity

Municipal Autonomous educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 2 named after Hero Soviet Union I. E. Zhukov" Vladimir

Preparing for the Unified State Exam: tasks 16-19 (workshop)

any educational complex

Teacher of Russian language and literature Vyatchanina I.Yu.

Place punctuation marks:indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

1) The walls of the house (1), updated with paint (2) and cornices painted around the entire perimeter (3) lined with a bright border of tiles (4), look festive.


2) At home, my guest immediately began to complain to me (1) that (2) while he was driving to me (3) he got lost in the forest (4) and was forced to spend the night in the forester’s lodge.


3 ) In almost every hall of the museum you (1) will probably (2) see statues.

In sculpture, each side of the figure (3) without a doubt (4) has its own special expression, which must be captured by peering at the creation from all sides.


4) Once seeing (1) the woman depicted in the picture (2) with an amazing smile (3) mysteriously playing a calm
face (4) the viewer falls under the power of the brilliant painting of Leonardo da Vinci.


5) Hadji Murat was sitting next to him in the room (1) and (2) although he did not understand the conversation (3) he felt (4) that they were arguing about him.


6) Maria did not answer anything (1) and (2) in order to distract herself from the unpleasant conversation (3) began to stroke the dog (4) although it was sleeping peacefully.


7) Flowers (1) merging into a whole forest clearing (2) and forming open space(3) upon closer examination, we were struck by the ideal shape of each corolla (4) framed by delicate petals.


8) And the old woman kept talking and talking about her happiness (1) and (2) although her words were familiar (3) their grandson’s heart suddenly ached sweetly (4) as if everything he heard was happening to him.


9) The snow covered the tracks of the travelers (1) and it became clear (2) that (3) if the snowfall did not stop by night (4) then it would be difficult to find the way back.


10) Trigorsky Park in Pushkinsky Reserve(1) according to many (2) soaked in the sun even on cloudy days. This park was created (3) as if (4) especially for family holidays, friendly conversations, laughter, humorous confessions.


11) I thought about the people (1) whose lives (2) were connected with this story (3) and I wanted to know (4) what happened to them.


12) Ippolit Matveyevich (1) wallowing in shame (2) stood under the acacia tree and (3) without looking at the people walking (4) repeated three memorized phrases.


13) They say (1) that kindness cures loneliness (2) and (3) when I settled in the village (4) I had the opportunity to verify this.


14) A few hours later (1) Ivan became exhausted (2) and (3) when he realized (4) that he could not cope with the papers (5) he cried quietly and bitterly.


15) The leaves on the trees do not move; on a hot summer day they (1) seem to (2) shine through with emeralds, so that the lace of veins is visible. Only individual leaves will suddenly sway (3) apparently (4) from a bird suddenly flying from a branch.


16) The July evening was wonderful, it (1) seemed to (2) throw a thin translucent fabric over everything. And the colors of the day (3) seemed (4) to fade slightly: the clouds slowly lost their reflections, the river surface turned pale.


17) Tall grass (1) bending to the ground (2) softly twining (3) around the wheels (4) left its seeds on the wet spokes.


18) Snow covered the tanks (1) and (2) when the tankers climbed out of the tower to breathe (3) it instantly covered their hot faces (4) as if trying to cool them down.


19) The hostess realized (1) that (2) if now the guests find themselves in the hall again (3) they will no longer see the distant alley in the rays of the setting sun (4) and she suggested taking a walk in the garden.


20) When Ivan returned home in the evening (1) all the impressions of the day washed over him (2) and (3) since he was overcome by the most contradictory feelings (4) he began to look for the reasons for his emotional excitement.


21) It was a surprisingly pleasant experience (1) I remember (2) for me to lie on my back in the forest and look up. Then (3) the sky seemed (4) like a bottomless sea (5) spread out before my eyes.


22) Biologists (1) each of whom (2) studies certain group marine organisms (3) go out into the ocean on huge research vessels.


23) According to the calendar, we arrived in Boldino at the same time as the poet (1) and (2) if we take into account the difference between the new and old style (3) then ten days earlier (4) when nature still reigned everywhere green color.


24) In any role, a talented actor feels free and natural (1) and (2) when he expresses the character of his hero on stage (3) he usually reaches the full feeling (4) that he is that same hero.


25) Such fatigue set in (1) that (2) even if there had not been an order (3) to rest (4) people would not have been able to take a single step further.


26) When it was necessary to rush to the gymnasium (1) Nikolenka tried his best to keep up with his older brother (2) and (3) since he always moved quickly (4) the first-grader often had to catch up with him by skipping.


27) When the artist lived in Crimea (1) he devoted all his time to contemplating pictures of nature (2) and (3) if the weather was favorable for walks (4) he spent hours studying seashore a drawing of waves endlessly running one after another.


28) It was already turning blue over the Volga summer night(1) and (2) when we found ourselves on the shore (3) we saw (4) the lights on the masts of passing ships flickering in the distance.


29) Ganin went ashore (1) and (2) when he saw the blue Turk on a huge pile of oranges at the pier (3) he felt piercingly and clearly (4) how far away the warm bulk of his homeland was from him.


30) Having walked dozens of miles (1) and (2) feeling very tired (3), I lay down in the shade of a thick willow tree (4) standing lonely on the shore of a steppe pond.


31) The artist Aivazovsky knew how to depict foam (1) suddenly scattering (2) along the bends of waves (3) and sea sand (4) shining through the foamy water.


32 ) Interest (1) aroused in Lermontov (2) by several poems (3) placed in “Notes of the Fatherland” (4) was finally established after the publication of the novel “A Hero of Our Time.”


33) The garden (1) thinned out more and more and turned into a real meadow (2) descended to (3) a river overgrown with green reeds and willows (4).


34) Ducks (1) scared sudden appearance the hunters (2) rose noisily and (3) somersaulting in the air (4) slowly and heavily flew away.


35) I (1) confess (2) am not too fond of aspen with its lavender trunk and gray-green metallic foliage. Aspen is good only on a windy summer day, when each leaf (3) seems to (4) want to break off and rush off into the distance.


36 ) One can only bow to the genius of Marina Tsvetaeva (1) who created a completely unique poetic world (2) and (3) who firmly believed (4) in her muse.


37) There are countless virtuoso masters in the world who (1) artistically master (2) drawing, painting, composition and (3) create (4) magnificent canvases .


38 ) Created by Block (1) " scary world“The city and its Stranger (2), frightening (3) and irresistibly attractive (4) suppress the poet.


39) Katya listened to the story about the latest achievements in area nuclear physics very carefully (1) and (2) if Konstantinov had not realized (3) that his sphere scientific interests cannot really worry such a young person (4) he would continue his reasoning.


40) And an hour later both were sitting at a shaky table (1) and (2) resting their heads on each other (3) reading long list jewelry (4) that once belonged to Ippolit Matveevich’s mother-in-law.


41) The old navigator (1) who had endured (2) many storms in his long life (3) was not at a loss (4) when he found himself in an unfamiliar environment.


42) Alexey was alone in the trench (1) and (2) when the carts disappeared (3) and (4) the field was cleared of dust (5) he decided to look around


43) The first exhibition of the Itinerants (1) opened in 1871 (2) convincingly demonstrated the existence in painting (3) of a new direction that was taking shape throughout the 60s (4).


1) 1,3,4

3 ) 3,4

4) 3,4

5) 2,3,4

6) 2.3,4

8) 1,2,3,4

9) 1,2,4

11) 1,3,4

12) 1,2,3,4

13) 1,2,3,4

14) 3,4,5

15) 3,4

17) 1,2,4

18) 1,2,3,4

19) 1,3,4

20) 1,2,3,4

21) 1,2,5

22) 1,3

23) 1,3,4

24) 1,3,4

25) 1,2,4

26) 1,2,4

27) 1,3,4

28) 1,3.4

29) 2,3,4

31) 1,3,4

32 ) 1,4

33) 1,2

34) 1,2,3,4

37) 1

38 ) 2,4

39) 1,2,3,4

The lesson is developed using active teaching methods that allow students to be involved in activities and form communicative, cognitive, and regulatory learning actions. Students learn to apply knowledge in practice, which helps them prepare for successful completion final exams.

The lesson involves summarizing the material on the topic “Syntax and punctuation, text analysis.” Students' skills related to determining the style and type of text are tested, with the definition lexical meaning words, with the definition of means of expression, with the consolidation of punctuation marks, about the role of the dash in a sentence. Prepare to write an essay journalistic style, type of speech - reasoning, expressing one’s attitude to the problem raised by the author: “What needs to be done to make the world around us kinder, more patient, and people more sensitive?”, which contributes to education moral qualities. Education in Russian language lessons must organically merge with learning, and the teacher must show extraordinary skill to achieve this. Awakening interest in the subject, the ability to communicate, the development of independent thinking and imagination contributes to the moral stabilization of the individual and the development of moral ideals. By using specially selected texts in Russian language lessons that talk about kindness, humanity, mercy, conscience, and love for the Motherland, you can encourage students not only to think about the questions posed, but also to make a moral choice and form a moral position.

  • To consolidate and deepen linguistic knowledge, be able to apply it in practice, and prepare to successfully pass school exams.
  • Summarize knowledge about the features of journalistic style.
  • Disassemble Unified State Exam assignments related to determining the style and type of text, determining the lexical meaning of the word A 30, determining the means of expression B 8, fixing the placement of punctuation marks, the role of the dash in sentence A 24.
  • Promote the development of creative, speech and mental activity.
  • Contribute to the development of moral qualities.

Equipment: disk, scoreboard, poster, computer with interactive whiteboard.

Teaching methods: reproductive, explanatory and illustrative, method of observation and analysis of linguistic means.

During the classes

Today we will conduct our Russian language lesson in the computer class. Topic of the lesson: Analysis of Unified State Examination tasks in the Russian language (syntax and punctuation, text analysis) (on a scoreboard embedded in the computer).

Write down the number in your notebook, Classwork, subject.

“Your dreams are beautiful, but when you go to the fire, please don’t push an old man on your way or hurt a child.”

“People, come to your senses, be more tolerant, kinder, love each other.”



Tolerance for other people's opinions and beliefs

Somehow I came across these words in a book and they stuck in my mind. This was the advice given by the governess, the most naive and kindest creature, to a girl from an intelligent Russian family. The girl dreamed of devoting her entire life to the struggle for the people's happiness and was ready, like Joan of Arc, to go to the stake for the good of all people. “Your dreams are wonderful,” her governess told the girl, “but when you go to the fire, please do not push the old man on your way or offend the child.” This advice will probably be remembered for its simplicity. No matter who you become, no matter what you achieve in life - great victories, successes, glory - the main thing still remains your attitude to people, and, above all, to the weak, unprotected.

Don't offend someone who is already offended. Having become a winner, show mercy to the vanquished. And if you act differently, then your courage, intelligence, and talent are worthless.

Mercy has always been considered one of the main human dignity. This word combines such qualities as kindness, compassion, and the ability to sympathize with the grief of another person. And there is also an old Russian word - compassionate.

Where to learn mercy? Who? In people, in life. Every day we live teaches us mercy, we learn from the example of other people. Music, painting, and literature teach mercy.

Write down the epigraph of today’s lesson: “People, come to your senses, be more tolerant, kinder, love each other.”

Vocabulary work: At the beginning of the lesson the word was said mercy.

Choose native Russian words for it - synonyms.

Tolerance, sympathy, compassion, empathy, kindness, responsiveness, goodness, compassion, gentleness, condescension, pity, conscientiousness, compassion, honesty, sincerity, sensitivity. All these qualities can be called in one word - tolerance(lat.), bookish, tolerance for other people's opinions, beliefs.

A 30 Please specify exact value words MERCY.

  1. Expression of sympathy, regret.
  2. Humanity, humaneness in social activities, in relation to people.
  3. Pity for the victim.
  4. Willingness to help or forgive out of compassion.

Reading text. (1) Our conversations about morality are often too general. (2) And morality consists of specific things - of certain feelings, properties, concepts.

(3) One of these feelings is the feeling of mercy. (4) The term for most is old-fashioned, unpopular today and even seems to be rejected by our life. (5) Something characteristic only of former times. (6) “Sister of mercy”, “brother of mercy” - even the dictionary gives them as “obsolete”, that is, outdated concepts.

(7) Words grow old for a reason. (8) Mercy. (9). What is it - not fashionable? (10) Not necessary?

(11) To take away mercy means to deprive a person of one of the most important manifestations of morality. (12) This ancient, necessary feeling is characteristic of the entire animal community: mercy for the defeated and injured. (13) How did it happen that this feeling in us waned, died out, turned out to be neglected? (14) People may object to me by citing many examples of touching responsiveness, condolences, and true mercy. (15) There are examples, and yet we feel, and have been for a long time, an outflow of mercy from our lives. (16) If it were possible to make a sociological measurement of this feeling...

(17) Recent tragedy in Chernobyl stirred up the people and the people's soul. (18) The disaster revealed the kindest, warmest feelings among people, people volunteered to help and helped - with money, with everything they could. (19) This, of course, is a manifestation of national mercy, which has always been characteristic of our people: this is how they always helped fire victims, this is how they helped during times of famine, crop failure...

(20) But Chernobyl, earthquakes, floods are emergency situations. (21) Mercy and sympathy are required much more often in normal, everyday life, from person to person. (22) Constant readiness to help another is fostered, perhaps, by a requirement, a reminder of neighbors, friends who need it...

(23) is sure that a person is born with the ability to respond to the pain of others. (24) I think that this feeling is innate, given to us along with our instincts, with our soul. (25) But if this feeling is not used, is not exercised, it weakens and atrophies.

A 28 Which statement does not correspond to the author’s position?

  1. Conversations about morality should not be abstract.
  2. It is equally important to be ready to help a person in everyday, normal life.
  3. The feeling of compassion is not innate, it must be cultivated.
  4. IN modern society the sense of compassion in people is gradually atrophying.

Determine the style and type of speech of the text.

  1. Scientific style, description.
  2. Journalistic style, reasoning-reflection.
  3. Art style, description.
  4. Scientific style, reasoning-reflection.

Answer 2. This text journalistic style, the author influences the reader, expressing his feelings, using interrogative sentences, using homogeneous members, complex sentences. The topic is public and relevant today. Type of speech - reasoning: first the thesis, then arguments and conclusion.

Q 8 What means of expression are used in sentences 20 – 22?

  1. Epithets, hyperbole.
  2. Opposition, synonyms, homogeneous members.
  3. Metaphors, epithets.
  4. Lexical parallelism, synonyms.

A 24 What function does the dash perform in sentence 18?

  1. Is intonational.
  2. Replaces a linking verb between the main parts of a sentence.
  3. Separates parts of a complex non-union sentence.
  4. Identifies a clarifying (explanatory) construction.

Practical work

In the absence of a linking verb, if the predicate is expressed by an adjective, then a dash between the subject and the predicate...

  1. is put
  2. not placed
  3. may or may not be installed

Give your example.

Test 2.

In the absence of a linking verb, if one of the main members of the sentence is expressed by a pleading pronoun, and the other by a noun in nominative case or a personal pronoun, there is no dash between them.

  1. The sky is clear.
  2. Whose book is this?
  3. To live is to serve the Motherland.
  4. Not leaving immediately means missing the train.

Test 3.

Find the rule that most accurately explains the placement or absence of a dash in a sentence.

Every person is the architect of his own happiness.

  1. Dash between subject and the predicate is put in the absence of a connective, if both main members of the sentence are expressed by nouns in the nominative case.
  2. A dash is not placed between the subject and the predicate if one of the main members is expressed a question word, A other is a noun in the nominative case or personal pronoun.
  3. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if the predicate is expressed in a phraseological phrase.
  4. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if both main members are expressed as cardinal numerals.

A story about the main features of journalistic style

Nabokov's characterization of the vulgar is reminiscent of the description of a certain biological species: what he looks like (“an adult, respectable person with a practical mind...”); in what environment does it live (“a worldwide phenomenon”, “found in all classes and nations”); what he eats (“greedily absorbs all kinds of information”, “feeds on a stock of banal ideas”); how he behaves (“not keen, not interested in art”; “need to adapt, to join”; “deception is a faithful ally”). In this regard, the text repeatedly contains syntactic constructions with a dash between the subject and the predicate.

The author's position is that of a natural scientist: slightly abstract and at the same time insightful and appraising. Describe a vulgar person, create an accurate portrait of him, so that the reader has full view about this social and literary type- the task of the author. But it doesn’t end there. In conclusion, V. Nabokov abstracts the concept and takes it to a higher level, speaking of vulgarity in general as a negative phenomenon of public spiritual life, requiring aesthetic and moral judgment. Vulgarity is where there is insincerity, falsehood, stereotypedness, complacency, spiritual squalor. “Everything that is genuine, honest, and beautiful cannot be vulgar.”

Vulgarity is dangerous, “contagious” - this thought is not directly expressed, but is guessed (“in each of us sits this clichéd essence ...”). In this regard, the use in the text of the epithets “frank”, “real”, “true” is indicative. They, in combination with the words “philistine”, “bourgeois” are not perceived as antonyms to the definitions “insincere”, “fake”, “counterfeit”.

It is often difficult to determine the line where words, actions and even objects become vulgar and vulgarized. Probably, there must be a moral and aesthetic sense, which can only be formed by art, in particular literature. And according to the author’s metaphorical definition, “the whole nature of the philistine is hostile to art.” The theme of philistinism and vulgarity was stated in German literature by contrasting the philistine and the romantic. In Russian classics it sounded most strongly. Gogol, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Bunin “in their search for simplicity and truth superbly exposed vulgarity.” It is enough to recall the “majestic vulgarity” Chichikov, Tolstoy’s reflections on the true and false in life, the intellectual dreamer in Chekhov’s stories, the gentleman from San Francisco, to understand the importance of the topic.

In V. Nabokov's text about vulgarity and vulgarity there is no accusatory pathos, but slight irony slips through. The author seems to invite the reader to take a closer look at the depicted hero: what if he recognizes himself.

This text is of a journalistic style, the author influences the reader by expressing his feelings, using interrogative sentences, using homogeneous members, complex sentences. The topic is public and relevant today. Type of speech - reasoning: first the thesis, then arguments and conclusion.

Let us recall the main features of the journalistic style:

  1. Sphere of use of journalistic style: socio-economic, political, cultural relations; used in newspapers, magazines.
  2. The purpose of speech: informing, conveying to public meaningful information with a simultaneous influence on the reader, listener, convincing him of something, instilling in him certain ideas, views, inducing him to certain actions.
  3. Style features. The journalistic style is characterized by logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal, passion, and accessibility.
  4. Language means:
    1. socio-political vocabulary;
    2. epithets, comparisons, metaphors, lexical repetitions, gradation, phraseological units, terms in figurative meaning;
    3. incentive and interrogative sentences;
    4. rhetorical questions;
    5. common appeals;
    6. introductory words, participial and participial phrases, complex syntactic constructions.

Genres of journalism: article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, report, feuilleton, oratory, judicial speech, speech on radio, television, at a meeting, report.


A story about punctuation marks (about the dash).

In the 18th century, five characters appeared: parentheses, question marks, quotation marks, dashes and ellipses.

The dash is placed:

  1. Between subject and predicate.
  2. In an incomplete sentence.
  3. Intonation dash.
  4. Connecting dash.
  5. After homogeneous members of the sentence before the generalizing word.
  6. For separate offers.
  7. For introductory and insertive sentences.
  8. In non-union complex sentences.
  9. In direct speech.
  10. During dialogue.

Lesson summary.

We often confuse concepts such as pity, humanity, mercy, and replace one with the other. This is incorrect, because to have pity, to have compassion and to be merciful are not the same thing. And although the author uses the words “mercy for the defeated,” “touching responsiveness,” “condolence” as synonyms, nevertheless, mercy is active compassion, a willingness to help someone in need out of philanthropy.

The author is just concerned about the lack of active assistance in Everyday life. We respond to the call of the media and help victims during disasters, because it is reliable, because it was pointed out to us, but we are afraid to approach a person lying on the ground, thinking that he is just drunk. According to the author, we have less and less of that healthy curiosity that makes a person more attentive to the life of others. If it weren’t for this “false modesty,” they would not have reported, for example, about old people who died alone and lay for 1-2 weeks (!) in their apartments, or about people who froze on the street, even if they were drunk.

“National charity” is wonderful, but the author is much more worried about the lack of “constant readiness to help” a friend, neighbor, or just to a stranger. Perhaps we have lost our sense of trust.

You read this text, and your memory brings back your own examples of human indifference: the famous circus performer, “sad clown” Yengibarov died of a heart attack on the street because no one helped.

One may not agree with the author’s statement “a person is born with the ability to respond to the pain of others,” but there is no doubt that the feeling of mercy must be “exercised,” “developed,” “educated.” And, of course, it is artistic classic literature can cope with this role in the best possible way. Let us remember “The Station Agent”, “The Captain’s Daughter” by Pushkin, “Crime and Punishment” by Dostoevsky, “Resurrection” by Tolstoy. The theme of humanity and mercy was heard especially strongly in military literature. But the trouble is that our generation prefers to all this television and newspaper and magazine information, which contains an abundance of violence and cruelty.

The author's thoughts are alarming. Concern for the fate of “one of the most important manifestations of morality” of a person is felt in the author’s questions (“Isn’t it fashionable? Isn’t it necessary?”), in the use of words such as “rejected by our life”, “decreased”, “stalled”, “ turned out to be neglected”, “not used”, “does not exercise”, “weakens”, “atrophies”. The author does not give advice, he only identifies the problem and invites the reader to think about what to do to make mercy warm our lives.

Homework. Write a review essay on this text.

Express your attitude to the problem raised by the author. What needs to be done to make the world around us kinder, more patient, and people more sensitive?

Tasks A20-A26 dedicated to punctuation. Only A21, A22 require volumetric reference material. Therefore, a separate article is devoted to each of them. See relevant footnotes below. In general, these tasks are not difficult, but they require attention. Don’t be mistaken when correlating your answer with the combinations of numbers offered as answer options in A21, A22, A25 And A26.

A20. Knowledge of punctuation in complex sentences is tested and simple sentence with homogeneous members. You need to know how commas are placed in a simple and complex sentence with a conjunction And. It is necessary to determine the need for the sign and choose the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence.

A20 from demo versions of FIPI 2010, 2011 and 2012

  1. For the method of Dutch artists, the experience of direct contemplation () and its implementation in an artistic image is of decisive importance.

  2. Provide the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:
    Language is the basis of national memory () and must be protected.

    • A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction and no comma is needed.
    • Compound sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is not needed.
    • A complex sentence, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.
    • A simple sentence with homogeneous members, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.
  3. Provide the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:
    M.V. Lomonosov outlined the distinction between significant and function words () and later this distinction was supported by the largest representatives of Russian science.

    • A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction and no comma is needed.
    • Complex sentence, before the conjunction And there is no need for a comma.
    • A complex sentence, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.
    • A simple sentence with homogeneous members, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.

Right answers:

  1. A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction and no comma is needed.
  2. A complex sentence, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.
  3. A complex sentence, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.


Where and why

Comma before And is put

Comma before And
not placed

A simple sentence with homogeneous members and a non-repeating conjunction And

White, red and yellow roses bloomed by the porch.

Oh, oh And ABOUT.

And separates simple sentences in its composition

It became cold, And We flooded bake.

, And .

Compound sentence, comma before conjunction And not put if its parts have a common minor member (spreader)

Winter at the dacha Cold And we light the stove.

1) cold (when?, where?)
in the winter at the dacha

2) we heat the stove (when?, where?) in the winter at the dacha

[general distributor] And

Do not confuse:

In a simple sentence one grammatical basis, in complex - two or more.

A21 requires knowledge of punctuation marks in sentences with dissociated members(definitions, circumstances, applications). You need to have an idea of ​​what isolation is and be able to find isolated definitions, circumstances and applications.

A21 from demo versions of FIPI 2010, 2011 and 2012

  1. The era (1) that began (2) after the discoveries of Galileo Galilei (3) and ended with the work of Isaac Newton (4) marked a new stage in the development of science and technology.

  2. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
    Almost without deviating (1) from the plot of Gogol’s story (2) and (3) if possible, preserving the characteristic Gogol language (4) N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov created the libretto for the opera “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”.

    • 1, 2, 3, 4
  3. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
    The first exhibition of the Peredvizhniki (1) opened in 1871 (2) convincingly demonstrated the existence in painting (3) of a new direction that was taking shape throughout the 60s (4).

    • 1, 2, 3
    • 1, 2, 3, 4

Right answers:

The topic is serious. I propose to consider 16 cases when various isolations should be separated by commas. All of them are in KIMs. Cm. .

A22 requires knowledge of the rules for placing punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence. As in A21, the problem is not in punctuation marks as such, but in finding and distinguishing between phenomena with similar linguistic nature. It is necessary to know which words and constructions are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence and how they are punctuated.

A22 from demo versions of FIPI 2010, 2011 and 2012

  1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
    The language of poetry (1) as is known (2) cannot be ordinary, since the way of expressing itself in iambics and trochees is unusual. Therefore, poetry is (3) one might say (4) a miracle of transforming an ordinary word into a poetic word.

    • 1, 2, 3, 4
  2. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
    In late autumn or winter, flocks of either melodiously chirping or sharply screaming birds appear on city streets. It is (1) apparently (2) for this cry that the birds got their name - waxwings, because the verb “waxwing” (3) as linguists believe (4) once meant “to whistle sharply, to shout.”

    • 1, 2, 3, 4
  3. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences?
    In late autumn or winter, flocks of either melodiously chirping or sharply screaming birds appear on city streets. It is (1) apparently (2) for this cry that the birds got their name - waxwings, because the verb “waxwing” (3) according to linguists (4) once meant “to whistle sharply, to shout.”

    • 1, 2, 3, 4

Right answers:

  1. 1, 2, 3, 4
  2. 1, 2, 3, 4
  3. 1, 2, 3, 4

A23- a task on punctuation marks in a simple complicated sentence (with homogeneous members). This simple task requires you to specify a sentence that requires only one comma. Choice of four offers. The wording of the task limits the topic being tested.

A23 from demo versions of FIPI 2010, 2011 and 2012

    • Floors in medieval castle covered with aromatic herbs or reed mats.
    • The shaking in the light cart and the heady steppe air lulled the boy to sleep.
    • The richest and most diverse plant and animal world tropical rainforests.
  1. Write a sentence that requires only one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

    • Life itself dictates to the artist the plot and composition of the painting and the choice of colors.
    • A phraseological unit may include outdated words or words with a figurative meaning.
    • With his plays and stories, Chekhov created an original and completely autonomous world.
  2. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (Punctuation not included.)

    • Someone was cleaning the mansion and waiting for the owners.
    • Many literary scholars and historians argue again and again about Goethe’s relationship with the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin.
    • From the houses there were rows of trees or bushes or flowers in all directions.

Right answers:

  1. He either didn't notice before surrounding nature or looked at it from a practical point of view.
  2. The question of the origin of life on Earth has at all times had both cognitive and ideological significance.
  3. IN syntactic structure two poetic texts we can find both similarities and differences.

Punctuation design of sentences with homogeneous members, when only one comma is required, comes down to the following cases:

1. Two out of three homogeneous members are connected without a union And:

White, red and yellow roses grew in front of the porch.

2. Two pairs of homogeneous members connected in pairs by unions and, yes(=and), or:

Books and magazines , pens and pencils were lying on the table in disarray.

3. Before the second part of compound conjunctions not only but; both... and; although..., but:

They were Not only surprised, but also delighted.

4. Before adversarial conjunctions a, yes (=but), but, however:

Weather soft, But raw.

5. Two homogeneous members are connected by repeating conjunctions and..., and...; no no:

The orchestras played Andon the square, And in the park .

A24 - task on punctuation marks in a non-conjunctive complex sentence. The wording limits the topic to cases where colons are used. This simple task requires you to determine which of the given explanations for placing a colon is correct.

A24 from demo versions of FIPI 2010, 2011 and 2012

  1. Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky excites listeners: the composer, with the skill of a psychologist, deeply penetrates into the complex and contradictory inner world of a person and, through the means of his art, reveals the spiritual and emotional life of people.

    • The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the condition for accomplishing what is said in the second part.
    • The first part of a non-union complex sentence is contrasted in content to the second part.
  2. How do you explain the use of the colon in the sentence below?
    In 1720, Peter I approved new rules for uniforming troops: the caftan received a small cloth collar, pocket flaps with three buttons, a cord on the left shoulder and 10 buttons on the side.

    • The second part of the non-union complex sentence is contrasted in content to what is said in the first part.
    • The first part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the time of occurrence of what is said in the second part.
  3. How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?
    A large role in A.P. Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor” is played by folk scenes: choirs of the townspeople of Putivl accompanying Igor and his army on a campaign, a choir of boyars announcing the capture of the prince.

    • The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.
    • The generalizing word comes before the homogeneous members of the sentence.
    • The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains and reveals the content of what is said in the first part.
    • The first part of a non-union complex sentence explains and reveals the content of what is said in the second part.

Right answers:

  1. The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part.
  2. The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains and reveals the content of what is said in the first part.
  3. The generalizing word comes before the homogeneous members of the sentence.

A colon is placed in non-union complex sentences in the following cases:

  1. If the second part explains the content of the first*:

    Never before have I seen such beauty : the tree branches seemed cast from glass.

    *Easy to paste: namely, that is.

    If the second sentence complements the content of the first*:

    Went out onto the porch : Never before have I seen such beauty.

    *Easy to paste: and I see (saw).

    If the second sentence states the reason for what is said in the first*:

    I couldn't sleep : Images of the day he had lived through appeared before his eyes.

    *Easy to paste: because.

A25. Punctuation marks in complex sentences. The wording of the assignment limits the material only to cases of commas. This is a significant narrowing of the topic.

A25 from demo versions of FIPI 2010, 2011 and 2012

  1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
    The State Tretyakov Gallery (1), the founder (2) of which (3) was the Moscow merchant Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov (4), is today recognized as a museum of Russian art with world significance.

  2. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
    The idea of ​​a single European space (1), a fan (2) of which (3) was the first director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, Malinovsky (4), gained many supporters.

Right answers:

The tasks for 2010 and 2011 are the same.

Commas are used in the following cases:

    The subordinate clause is separated from the main one by a comma if it comes before or after the main one:

    When she entered the room, I stood up.

    (When…), .

    I stood up when she entered the room.

    , (When…).

    The subordinate clause is separated from the main one by commas on both sides if it is inside the main one:

    Yesterday, when I received a call from Ivan, I was busy.

    [ , (When…), ].

    Homogeneous subordinate clauses connected without a conjunction are separated by a comma:

    He knew that the teacher would call his mother, that his mother would be extremely unhappy and that he would get in trouble.

    , (What …), (), ().

    Homogeneous subordinate clauses are connected by repeating conjunctions, commas are placed in the same way as with homogeneous clauses:

    He knew that the teacher would call his mother, and that his mother would be extremely unhappy, and that he would get in trouble.

    , (what...), and (what...), and (what...).

    Subordinate clauses with complex subordinating conjunctions because, due to the fact that, in view of the fact that, instead of, in order that, after, while and other similar ones are separated from the main one by one comma, which is placed on the border of the main and subordinate clause:

    As he talked, I became more and more perplexed.


    I became more and more perplexed as he talked.

    , (as...).

    As he talked, I became more and more perplexed.

    [ (as...) ].

    Complex unions can fall into two parts if:

    1) there is in front of them negative particle Not:

    She Not I answered because I was scared.

    2) there are particles in front of them only, only, exactly etc., expressing a restrictive meaning:

    She answered only because I was scared.


    Unions then, as if, even if, only when they do not break up.

    If there are two nearby subordinating conjunction, then a comma is placed between them in all cases, except when it is complex alliances one hundred.

    A comma is needed: They decided that if the weather was good the next morning, they would go out of town.
    There is no comma: They decided that if the weather was good the next morning, they would go out of town.

    Subordinate clauses with union word which. A comma after a conjunction word that is not placed. This rule works even if the word that is included in participial phrase:

    I don’t know how to react to a situation from which I don’t see a way out.

    We settled down on the shore of a lake, the banks of which were overgrown with lingonberries.

    (A comma after an adverbial phrase having learned which is not placed).

A26 - task on punctuation marks in a complex sentence with a conjunction and non-union connection. Complex sentences consisting of several simple ones different types connections require attention.

A26 from demo versions of FIPI 2010, 2011 and 2012

  1. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
    At night, timber was brought to the river (1) and (2) when a white fog enveloped the banks (3) all eight companies (4) laid planks on the wreckage of the bridges.

    • 1, 3, 4
    • 1, 2, 3
  2. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
    The entrance door suddenly swung open (1) and a strong young man jumped out into the street (2) who (3) if Alexey had not managed to step aside at the last moment (4) would probably have run straight into him.

    • 1, 2, 3, 4
  3. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
    After the third bell sounded (1) the curtain trembled and slowly moved up (2) and (3) as soon as the audience saw their favorite (4) the walls of the theater literally trembled with applause and enthusiastic screams.

    • 1, 2, 3, 4

Right answers:

  1. 1, 2, 3
  2. 1, 2, 3, 4
  3. 1, 2, 3, 4

Pay attention:
The greatest doubts arise in cases where subordinating and coordinating conjunctions appear nearby.

Where and why

Comma is put

Comma not placed

If there are unions nearby And And How many, And And When, And And before, And And to, And And Which and others like that

The room was empty and how many No matter how I tried to look at it, the darkness did not allow me to do this (there is no second part of the double conjunction then, so or union But)

The room was empty and how many I didn't try to look at her, But the darkness did not allow me to do this (there is a second part of the double union then, so or union But)

If there are unions nearby What And Although, What And When, What And If

I was surprised what, when no matter what you call, he's not at home (no then, yes, but)

I was surprised what when you won't call That he is not at home (he is then, so or But)

Before then, so And But

After the union word which

I don't know how to react to the situation, how to get out of it which I don’t see (in sentences with a conjunction word which)

  • A21. Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members
  • A22. Words and constructions that are grammatically unrelated to the members of the sentence

    In contact with

    Spelling suffixes is not so much complex topic, how much is very voluminous. Everyone has suffixes independent parts speech. Each of them has its own rules for writing them.

    In task 10, knowledge of the spelling of all suffixes, except N-NN and participle suffixes, is tested. There are separate assignments for these topics.

    Task 10 sounds in the following way: write down a word in which a letter is written in place of the gap (then a letter is given: E, I, O and others). Five words are suggested. The answer must be written down in a word, correctly inserting the missing spelling into it.

    Think carefully about each word, determine what part of speech it is, and insert the spelling.

    There are several difficult cases in this topic correct definition spelling of suffixes. On our website you can read about them in the THEORY section. Difficult cases of spelling suffixes.

    Completing any type of task begins with knowledge of the theory. I suggest you t table on this topic.

    Task 11. Spelling suffixes of participles and personal endings of verbs

    Spelling suffixes of participles and personal endings of verbs is one of the difficult topics for students. I think this is due to ignorance of the rules. If you learn the rules well and remember all the exceptions, then special difficulties it won't happen with writing.

    Task 1 on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language sounds like this: write down a word in which one or another letter is written in the blank space, for example, E.

    In this task you need to know two rules.

    First rule: spelling personal endings of verbs.

    Task No. 12. Integrated and separate writing NOT, differentiation in writing NOT and NI

    Task 12 is formulated as follows: identify a sentence in which NOT is written together with words. Open the brackets and write down this word.

    Algorithm for completing the task:

      Read all the sentences carefully, perhaps as you read, you will already understand which answer will be correct.

      Determine what part of speech are words with NOT.

    Task 13 Integrated, separate, hyphenated spelling of words

    Task 13 is one of the difficult ones because it requires knowledge large quantity theoretical material.

    Task 13 sounds like this: Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

    5 offers will be given. And only in one of them are both words written together. This means that in other sentences they can be written either together or with a hyphen. Therefore, it is necessary to know all cases of merged, separate and hyphenated spelling words

    Answer algorithm:

    Task No. 14. -Н- and –НН- in parts of speech

    Task 14 on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language requires knowledge of the rules for writing -N- and -NN - in parts of speech. A sentence will be given in which you need to insert one or two N in place of the gaps; in the answer you need to write down the numbers in the place of which you write - N- or -NN-.

    Another type of task can be proposed: words are given, it is necessary to determine a row in which all words are written with N the same, write these words in the answer.

    Thus, in order to correctly answer the question of task 14, you need to know well the rules on this topic and the exceptions, of which there are a lot in this rule.

    Russian language Task No. 15

    Algorithm for completing task No. 15

    Algorithm for completing task No. 15.

      Read the sentence, find the grammatical basics in it.

      If there is one basis, then it is a simple sentence. Look how many conjunctions I are in this proposal. If there is only one, then there is no comma.

      If there are several conjunctions AND in a sentence, then look at WHAT exactly they connect: identical members of the sentence or different ones. If they are the same (for example, definitions), then put a comma before the conjunction; if they are different (for example, one conjunction connects two definitions, and the other two additions), then these are different series of homogeneous members, do not put a comma.

      Remember that homogeneous members can be combined double alliances, that is, such, the first part of which is located before the first homogeneous member, and the second - before the second). There is always a comma in such sentences.

      Double alliances: both, and; not only but; not as much as.

      If a sentence has two stems, then it is complex. The comma is usually placed before the conjunction I.

      An exception in which even in a complex sentence there is no comma before the conjunction And is the presence of a general minor member BEFORE starting a sentence.

    This is the answer algorithm. Remember that your answer must have two sentence numbers, for each you get a point. Thus, you can get two points for this task.

    Task 16 is formulated as follows:

    Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

    Commas are missing in this task

    1. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1)In 1856 in German city Karlsruhe published the first edition of the poem “The Demon” by former lieutenant of the Tenginsky regiment M.Yu. Lermontov and in the same year in Omsk in the family of the staff captain of the same Tenginsky infantry regiment A.M. Vrubel had a son - the future artist Mikhail Vrubel.

    2) Many paintings by I.K. Aivazovsky are perceived as musical or poetic improvisations.

    3) Story by E.I. Zamyatin's "In the Middle East" is full of love and compassion for his compatriots and expresses a protest against social conditions.

    4) With the Decembrist poets of the composer A.A. Alyabyev was tied up as general views so are many circumstances of life and difficult personal fate.

    5) Here the sources of rivers and springs and groves and oak forests have become protected.

    2. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

    A young falcon (1) unexpectedly high (2) soaring above the plain (3) disappeared from the summer sky (4) outlining the space above the horizon.

    3. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

    There must be commas in the sentence.

    In nature (1) there is no doubt (2) there is nothing more musical than the early morning. People are still sleeping in stone houses, and the forest (3) opposite (4) is full of life: birds begin to sing joyfully, leaves rustle, butterflies flutter.

    4. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

    There must be commas in the sentence.

    Thunder struck (1) the rumbles (2) of which reminded me (3) of the sound of a terrible earthquake.

    5. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

    There must be commas in the sentence.

    Hadji Murad was sitting next to him in the room (1) and (2) although he did not understand the conversation (3) he felt (4) that they were arguing about him.

    6. Place punctuation marks. List two sentences that require ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

    1) Nature passes through the poet’s loving and ever-creating heart

    and is imprinted in his lyrical lines.

    2) Inversion is one of essential means intonation-syntactic highlighting of words or phrases.

    3) A light breeze woke up and then died down.

    4) In this portrait there is lightness of manner and subtlety of color scheme and psychologism of the image.

    5) The engine did not have time to truly cool down and was started within a few minutes.

    7. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

    There must be commas in the sentence.

    After thinking a little (1) Ostap placed on the parapet (2) which protected the highway from the seething abyss of the Terek (3) the stocks of sausage purchased in Vladikavkaz (4) and began to climb the rock.

    8. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

    There must be commas in the sentence.

    Some contemporaries were outraged by the use of A.S. Pushkin of common people’s words in contexts where (1) according to critics (2) it was necessary to use the words “high”. However (3) Pushkin resolutely rejected the concept of “low matter”.

    9. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

    There must be commas in the sentence.

    Psychological portrait of the hero literary work(1) an example (2) of which is (3) the description of Masha Mironova in the story by A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter"(4) is intended to reveal inner world hero through his appearance.

    10. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in their place

    There must be commas in the sentence.

    The moose became so attached to the boy (1) that (2) when he went somewhere (3) the animal anxiously sniffed the air (4) and refused to eat.