Red Smolensk village. Panorama Krasny (Smolensk region)

Red - Urban-type settlement, administrative center Krasninsky district, Smolensk region. Located in the southwest of the Smolensk region at the confluence of the Svinaya and Mereya rivers, 45 km southwest of Smolensk, 18 km from railway station Gusino.
Population 2,753 people (1897) 4,524 inhabitants (2007) (4,515 people - 2010).
Located at the confluence of the Svinaya and Mereya rivers, 45 km southwest of Smolensk, 18 km from the Gusino railway station.
The village is included in the List historical cities Russia.

1912. Krasny. General form from South.

The first mention of Krasnoye (the city of Krasen) is contained in Ipatiev Chronicle 1165 in connection with the appearance of appanages in the Smolensk region. It talks about how Prince of Smolensk Rostislav Mstislavich, having received the grand-ducal throne in Kyiv, gave these lands to his nephew Vitebsk Prince Roman: “And to Romanov, Vyacheslav’s grandson, yes (gave) Rostilav Vasiliev and Krasn.”

The name of Krasnoye is one of the most interesting in the Smolensk region. IN Old Russian language To denote the color red, there was a word cherven, chervonny. In “The Tale of Igor’s Host” the red color is represented in scarlet shields and scarlet banners. The word red is also found, but not as a sign of color, but of quality (Red Roman, red maiden). From the above it becomes clear that the word red means semantic meaning"beautiful, beautiful."

Before late XIII century Red developed in a peaceful environment, and then from the second half XIV V. and up to mid-17th century V. Red was either subordinate to Lithuania, then became part of the Moscow, then part of the Polish-Lithuanian state. Only in 1654 was Krasny finally returned to Russia.

At the end of the Great Patriotic War in the central part of Krasny in the city park (one half of it, by analogy with the ancient park in Smolensk, is called Blonye), next to the monument to the heroes of 1812, an obelisk was erected on mass grave Soviet soldiers who died in battles on the territory of the Krasninsky region in 1941-1943.

And in 1990 it was created here memorial Complex: Eternal flame, slabs were installed on which the names of about 2,000 victims were carved.

Krasny residents never forget at what cost freedom was won, they sacredly honor the memory of those who defended native land in battles. The streets bear their names: Kutuzov, Bagration, Neverovsky, Malikhov, etc. The place where the headquarters of the commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front Hero Soviet Union Colonel General I.A. Chernyakhovsky and plans for Operation Bagration were developed. The places of death are marked with signs: Aneli Krzywoń - the first foreign woman awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union; S.V. Golovko, who repeated the feat of A. Matrosov; civilians, shot by the Nazis, etc.

Every year since 1986, in June in Krasnoye, near the village of Uvarov, as part of the Russian Championship, traditional international memorial autocross competitions are held, dedicated to memory soldiers of the Patriotic War of 1812, which attract thousands of spectators and over a hundred participants.

After the war, Red was a scorched earth. The Nazis destroyed and plundered almost the entire economy. Years passed, and the Krasny residents committed real feat: they not only raised the destroyed buildings from the ruins, but also made their village many times richer and more beautiful than the pre-war one. Streets and sidewalks are paved. New neighborhoods are growing. Came home natural gas. Multi-storey buildings have grown up: a school, a hospital, a House of Culture, State Bank, Sberbank, etc.

Quite a lot wonderful people who glorified our Motherland with their labor exploits, were born, lived and worked on Krasninsky land. Among them: State Prize laureate, breeding scientist, Honorable Sir n. Krasny academician E.A. Nettevich; writer M.M. Zoshenko, Doctor of Sciences B.M. Eikhenbaum, K.A. Osipov, V.D. Mortikov, Kh.A. Pisarkov and others. Hundreds of Krasninies were awarded orders and medals for their labor successes. The school building is open memorial plaques in honor of former students - three times Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and three State Prizes, physicist K.I. Shelkin and Hero of the Soviet Union A.N. Malikhova.

Since 1965, Krasny has been an urban-type settlement.

Krasny consists of three main microdistricts - Center, Bolshoye Zarechye and Maloye Zarechye.

Center - historically established main area former city. The place of its foundation was a cape formed at the confluence of the Mereika River with the Svinaya River. Here are the main streets of the modern urban village - Lenin (formerly Smolenskaya), Karl Marx (Uspenskaya), Kirov (Mogilevskaya), Sovetskaya (Sorokinskaya), Proletarskaya (Zemskaya), etc. The old street names clearly show the connection between the former county town and outside world along the main highways to Smolensk, Mogilev, Gusino, Sorokino, as well as the most noticeable objects within the city itself, for example, the Assumption Church, the Zemstvo hospital.

The Bolshoye Zarechye and Maloye Zarechye microdistricts occupy a peripheral position: the first is across the Svinaya River ( West Side village), the second - beyond the Mereyka River ( East End). Currently, they are the main sites for new buildings. This especially applies to Maly Zarechye, on whose territory not so long ago a rural way of life dominated. Evidence of this can be the name of Lesnaya Street, which arose on the site of the former village of Andryusi, as well as the disappearance of the village of Karpilovka, where Nekrasova Street now runs.

Goncharovshchina adjoins the southern part of Maly Zarechye. As the name suggests, this place was once inhabited by potters. New developments have radically transformed this part of the village. The streets of Engels, Pushkin, Pionerskaya and others are now located here. The same can be said about Pchelnya - a former rural corner where local residents were engaged in beekeeping. This territory is now built up with good-quality houses on a number of streets, including such as Socialist and International. The only street that has survived to this day old name on behalf of Orthodox church, is Spasskaya. The vitality of this toponym is not accidental: it is supported by the good memory of the ancestors who found eternal rest in the Spassky cemetery. An important event For Krasny, it was the construction of a dammed lake with an area of ​​40 hectares on the Svinaya River. It is marked by the appearance of Ozerny Lane. Modern development The village is characterized by the names of streets and lanes: Mekhanizatorov Street, Stroiteley Lane, Molodezhnye Street and Lane, etc. A new microdistrict is being built - Hospital Town. Residents of the village try to immortalize the names of Smolensk residents in the names of streets - prominent figures science and culture. The names of the streets Glinka and Tvardovsky speak about this. In honor of a fellow countryman, famous physicist, thrice Hero Socialist Labor, K.I. Shchelkin named one of the streets of Krasnoye.

Modern Red is a monument to urban planning from the Classical era, which has largely preserved the volumetric composition and style of the 2nd floor. XIX - early XX century The city has preserved a number architectural monuments: 6 civil buildings and 2 churches (all 19th century): at the end of the 1980s. The Church of the Transfiguration was restored. It was built in 1871 and stands still former cemetery on the outskirts of the village, near a small pond. The Abrahamia Church, located in the center of the village, has been preserved. The building was built in the second third of the 19th century. in the spirit of classicism and is awaiting restoration work in the near future. In 2005, near the village. Hangovers, on the Moscow-Minsk highway, a church was built in honor of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and his mother Queen Helena.

One of the attractions of Krasny is the Krasninsky Museum of Local Lore.
The beginning of the Krasninsky collection local history museum founded in 1959 by students of a local school - members of a geographical circle under the leadership of Z.F. Erashova.
Its official opening took place in 1963. Since 1987, the museum has been operating in a two-story stone building built in the early 20th century. In 2003, it was named after the founders of the museum - the Erashovs.

The museum collection contains over 12 thousand items on history and cultural heritage of your region. It contains ethnographic objects, a numismatic collection, rare documents, photographs, unique information and other relics. The purpose of the exhibition is to present the history of the region: the life of peasants, the events of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, and to reflect the modern appearance of the Krasninsky region.

Historical monuments in Krasnoye - two - these are monuments in honor of the soldiers of the Russian army who fought at Krasnoye against Napoleon’s army in 1812 (both were installed in 1912).

The main and fundamental difference of the Krasninsky district is its border position. The area has always been connected by Russian and Belarusian culture, forming a unique local flavor. And today there is a constant exchange creative teams, delegations, hold joint sporting events with the nearest Belarusian regions.

In the Krasninsky district it predominates Agriculture, specializing in meat and dairy farming, potato growing, and flax growing. Industry: flax and dairy factories, a drainage pipe plant and a vegetable drying plant (all in Krasnoye and the village of Gusino). As of January 1, 2010, there were 127 trading enterprises, 25 catering enterprises, and 9 consumer service enterprises operating in the district.

The most important enterprises of the village:

Factory of electrical impulse meters


Flax processing plant

Cheese factory

Vegetable drying plant


Branch of Smolensk PA "Iskra"

Printing house.

In Krasninsky district it is given Special attention development of sports. Volleyball, basketball, tennis, football, and skiing sections have been created and operate. They employ about 1,500 people. Athletes in kettlebell lifting achieve very high results. Among them: International class master of sports, world champion A. Nesterenkov and winner of the USSR, Russian and World Cups V. Meshkov.

At the end of the Great Patriotic War, in the central part of Krasny, in the city park (one half of it, by analogy with the ancient park in Smolensk, is called Blonye), next to the monument to the heroes of 1812, an obelisk (obelisks? - Ch.) was erected on the mass grave of Soviet soldiers , who fell in battles on the territory of the Krasninsky region in 1941-1943.

Krasny is an urban-type settlement, the administrative center of the Krasninsky district of the Smolensk region of Russia. Population - 4,524 inhabitants (2007). Located at the confluence of the Svinaya and Mereya rivers, 45 km southwest of Smolensk, 18 km from the Gusino railway station. The village is included in the List of Historical Cities of Russia.

The first mention of Krasny (under the name Krasen) dates back to 1165 (Ipatiev Chronicle), when the Smolensk prince Davyd Rostislavich, having captured Vitebsk, handed Krasny over to his nephew, the Vitebsk prince Roman. Until the 17th century, Krasny passed from Russia to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and back, finally falling to Russia in 1654; in 1667 - a palace village. In 1776, the village of Krasny was approved as a city, which became the center of the Krasninsky district of the Smolensk province; in 1929 it was transformed into a village rural type; since 1965 - an urban-type settlement. In 1812, two battles of the Patriotic War took place near Krasnoye (August 2 and November 3-6). In August, during the organized retreat of the Russian army to Moscow, the infantry division of General D. P. Neverovsky, which was the last to retreat, repelled attacks from superior forces all day long French cavalry Marshal I. Murat. In November, many times superior forces of Russian troops attacked the retreating to the border French army, caused her significant losses. During the Great Patriotic War, Krasny suffered greatly.


The most important enterprises of the village are the electrical impulse counter plant and the branch of the Smolensk Production Association Iskra.

Russian Orthodox Church

Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord.


A number of architectural monuments have been preserved: 6 civil buildings and 2 churches (all from the 19th century). Historical monuments: 2 monuments in honor of the soldiers of the Russian army who fought at Krasny against Napoleon’s army in 1812 (both installed in 1912). On September 16, 2012, a monument restored for the 200th anniversary of the victory over Napoleon was opened (the original monument, erected in 1847 according to the design of the architect Antonio Adamini, was blown up by the Bolsheviks in 1931 and restored with funds Union State Russia and Belarus).

Famous people associated with Red

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to 11 Krasninsky natives, among them commander tank battalion Major A. N. Malikhov. Kirill Shchelkin, a famous Soviet nuclear physicist, spent his childhood in Krasnoye. Born: I. A. Averchenkov (1946-2003) - mayor of Smolensk in 1998-2003 V. S. Nelsky (1906-1990) - theater actor, National artist USSR (1975) B. M. Eikhenbaum (1886-1959d) - literary critic

urban settlement

Krasninskoe urban settlement consists of the village of Krasny itself and the villages: Bolshaya Dobraya, Buyanovo village, Zaluzhie village, Kutkovo village, Sorokino village, Khrapovo village, village The total area of ​​the settlement is 70.37 km², the population is 4,620 people (2007). Head municipality is Isachenkov Mikhail Alexandrovich. Formed on December 2, 2004. ...

Olga Tonina. Alexander Afanasyev. Chapter two. "City Red. Smolensk region. " Red- an urban-type settlement, the administrative center of the Krasninsky district of the Smolensk region. Located in the southwest of the Smolensk region at the confluence of the Svinaya and Mereya rivers, 45 km southwest of Smolensk, 18 km from the Gusino railway station. Population 2,753 people (1897) 4,524 inhabitants (2007) (4,515 people - 2010). Located at the confluence of the Svinaya and Mereya rivers, 45 km southwest of Smolensk, 18 km from the Gusino railway station. The village is included in the List of Historical Cities of Russia. 1912. Krasny. General view from the south.
The first mention of Krasnoe (the city of Krasen) is contained in the Ipatiev Chronicle of 1165 in connection with the appearance of appanages in the Smolensk region. It talks about how the Smolensk prince Rostislav Mstislavich, having received the grand-ducal throne in Kyiv, gave these lands to his nephew Vitebsk prince Roman: “And to the Romanovs, Vyacheslavl’s grandson, yes (gave) Rostilav Vasiliev and Krasn.” The name of Krasnoye is one of the most interesting in the Smolensk region. In the Old Russian language, to denote the color red, there was a word cherven, chervonny. In “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” the color red is represented in scarlet shields and scarlet banners. The word red is also found, but not as a sign of color, but of quality (Red Roman, red maiden). From the above, it becomes clear that the word red has the semantic meaning of “beautiful, beautiful.” Until the end of the 13th century, Red developed in a peaceful environment, and then from the second half of the 14th century. and until the middle of the 17th century. Red was either subordinate to Lithuania, then became part of the Moscow, then part of the Polish-Lithuanian state. Only in 1654 was Krasny finally returned to Russia. The coat of arms of Krasny is known, granted Polish king May 6, 1625: in an azure field, Saint Yuri is on horseback, slaying a serpent with a spear. (Materials from the book by A. Titov were used" Symbols of independence") The city, drained of blood by previous wars, fell into disrepair and in 1667 was transformed into a palace village. In 1776, by Decree of Catherine II, Krasny received the title of a county town, and in 1780 the first regular plan for its development was approved. On October 10, 1780, the city was granted a coat of arms. At the top there is the coat of arms of Smolensk (a cannon with a phoenix bird sitting on it). At the bottom there are gates and two red towers on a silver field. There was no stone fortress in Krasnoye. Apparently, the coat of arms emphasized the importance of Krasny as a city located on the outskirts of Smolensk. The coat of arms has become a symbol of the fact that Red is a reliable guard and a mighty stronghold on the western borders of the Russian state. The coat of arms of the city of Red Smolensk governorship was approved in 1780: At the top of the shield is the coat of arms of Smolensk, at the bottom" gates and two towers of red color in a silver field, meaning the name of this city" (Materials from an article by O. Revo in the magazine were used" Science and life" , N10, 1975) Around the same time, the Moscow (Ekaterininsky) tract, now known as the Old Smolensk Road, was extended from Krasnoye to Lyady-Dubrovno. Early XIX V. was marked by the construction of stone buildings - administrative and church. In 1812, the district town of Krasny became famous not only in Russia, but throughout the world for the large-scale battles of the Russian army with the troops of the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Two bloody battles took place on Krasninskaya land: the first - on August 2, when Napoleon launched an offensive on Smolensk not along the Rudnyanskaya road, as expected, but along the Krasninskaya road. Here the French path was blocked by the 27th Infantry Division under the command of General Neverovsky. During the day, having repelled more than 40 attacks by Murat’s cavalry, the division stopped the advance French troops and thwarted Napoleon’s plan to cut off the Russian army from Moscow.
Illustration of Hess's painting "The Battle of Krasny on August 2" General Bagration reported to the Emperor: “One cannot sufficiently praise the courage and firmness with which the division, a completely new one, fought against overwhelmingly superior enemy forces. One can even say that an example of such courage cannot be shown in any army.”
Postage Stamp, released in 1912, Krasninsky zemstvo. The second battle took place during the retreat Great Army from Moscow. The battles near Krasnoye continued from November 3 to November 6, 1812. The Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzova tried to cut off the enemy’s retreat routes. Napoleon's troops suffered heavy losses: 26 thousand prisoners, 6 thousand killed, the French banner with golden eagles 18 infantry regiment. In the battles of Krasny, the baton of Marshal Davout was captured. Almost destroyed 4 Italian corps Beauharnais and the corps of Marshal Ney. Napoleon's young guard suffered serious losses. According to the Marquis Pastore, "... the day near Krasnoye was a preface and, as it were, a harbinger of the Berezina battle."
Illustration of Hess's painting "The Battle of Krasnoye on November 5, 1812" Assessing the results of the second battle near Krasnoye, M.I. Kutuzov wrote: “On November 5 and 6 it was covered Russian army unfading glory, for in these days the enemy suffered the strongest blows throughout the entire campaign."
Postage stamp issued in 1912 by Krasninsky zemstvo.. After the War of 1812, the restoration of the city began. January 4, 1817 Red received new plan developments. Postal routes connected it with Orsha, Smolensk, and Mogilev. A number of enterprises and handicrafts emerged. The Catherine Cathedral, the Spasskaya Church and the Abraham Church were built. Fairs were held twice a week. They traded bread, lard, honey, hemp, and handicrafts. Hemp, which was considered the best for the port of Riga, was especially valued. In 1847, on the 35th anniversary of the Battle of Krasnoye on November 5-6, 1812, a monument was erected near the Losvinka River - a cast-iron column 26 m high. In total, six similar monuments were created to place them in the places of the bloodiest battles of the Patriotic War 1812. The “twins” of the Krasninsky monument stood on the Borodino field, in Belarus and Smolensk. Now only Smolensk monument, which is located in the center of the Lopatinsky Garden. Author - Anton Adamini (participated in the construction St. Isaac's Cathedral). (The monument was lost: blown up in 1931)
1912. Monument to the defenders of Smolensk on August 4-5, 1812. Architect A. Adomini. Similarmonumentstood in Krasnoye. In 1849, the first school was opened in Krasnoye, which was located in a private house, and then school buildings and a gymnasium were built. In 1863, a draft coat of arms of Krasny was drawn up: " In the silver shield there is a scarlet gate between 2 round crenellated towers with silver seams.. . " . (DrawingcompletedYu. Kalinkin) In 1896, the first library was opened, and in 1899 - the People's House with 250 seats, one of the cultural centers in which an excellent dramatic group was created. Here the Krasny residents who became famous began their artistic activities: People's Artist, State Prize laureate V.S. Nelsky, People's Artist, opera singer A.A. Khalileeva.
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War, a monument to the Uhlan Regiment was erected in the city park "Blonye" - a granite obelisk on a stepped pedestal, fenced with a cast-iron neoclassical lattice. On the northern outskirts of Krasnoye - in memory of the soldiers who died near Krasnoye - there is a tetrahedral pyramid topped with a cross. On the right bank of the Mereika River, near the Old Smolensk Road, there is a granite obelisk in honor of the Patriotic War of 1812. In 1912, in connection with the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Krasninsky Zemstvo issued two three-kopeck multi-color stamps of different designs. They were printed in Moscow using lithographic methods on paper various colors. The total circulation of these commemorative stamps, including the imperforate ones, was 3,868 pieces.
1912. Monument to the War of 1812 near the town of Krasny. The exploits of the War of 1812 have not been forgotten. Thus, Kutuzov Street got its name in honor of the outstanding Russian commander who successful actions After the defeat of the Napoleonic army near Krasnoye during its retreat, he was awarded the family title - Smolensky. Another street bears the name of General D.P. Neverovsky. Over the past few years, the Reconciliation Foundation has been studying the events of 1812 in the Krasninsky district. Great October socialist revolution, Civil War and establishment Soviet power Red was not spared either. The city remembers and honors: A. T. Orlov - the fireman of the legendary cruiser "Aurora", K. K. Welling - the chairman of the county council, V. I. Kuksin - the chairman of the Krasninsky Committee of the Poor. After October revolution the city remained the center of an agricultural district, in 1929 it was transformed into a rural-type settlement. During these years it is growing and developing rapidly. Warriors wrote heroic pages into the chronicle of the village Soviet army And people's avengers during the Great Patriotic War. In July 1941, in the southwest of the Krasninsky region near the village of Zverovichi, the 57th Tank Division under the command of Colonel V.A. For 8 days Mishulina held back the onslaught of Nazi divisions rushing to Smolensk. In their honor, the famous T-34 tank - a symbol of victory - is installed on a high pedestal. Soviet weapons and tank warriors.
Monument to tank soldiers. At this point in the brutal July battles of 1941, valiant warriors 57 tank division under the command of Colonel V.A. Mishulin was hit Nazi troops heavy damage.Located at the entrance to the village from Gusino During the years of occupation, in the vicinity of Krasnoye there were partisan detachments G. I. Chernenkova, N. T. Seregina, S. A. Sviridova and underground groups in the villages of Grigorkovo and Palkino. The fighters of the "Sasha" detachment - E. S. Borodin, I. A. Prudnikov and many others - became famous for their courage. He headed the patriotic movement in the area of ​​the underground RK VKP(b) under the leadership of secretary S.A. Sviridov. On the night of September 27-28, 1943, Krasny was liberated from the fascist invaders. 11 Krasninsky natives were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their accomplished feats. One of them, the commander of a tank battalion, Major A. N. Malikhov, liberated Odessa and was awarded posthumously. A village street is named after the hero. At the end of the Great Patriotic War, in the central part of Krasny, in the city park (one half of it, by analogy with the ancient park in Smolensk, is called Blonye), next to the monument to the heroes of 1812, an obelisk was erected on the mass grave of Soviet soldiers who died in battles on the territory of Krasninsky district in 1941-1943. And in 1990, a memorial complex was created here: an eternal flame, slabs were installed on which the names of about 2,000 victims were carved. Krasny residents never forget the price at which freedom was won; they sacredly honor the memory of those who defended their native land in battles. The streets bear their names: Kutuzov, Bagration, Neverovsky, Malikhov, etc. The place where the headquarters of the commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General I.A. was located is immortalized. Chernyakhovsky and plans for Operation Bagration were developed. The places of death are marked with signs: Aneli Krzywoń - the first foreign woman awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union; S.V. Golovko, who repeated the feat of A. Matrosov; civilians shot by the Nazis, etc. Every year since 1986 in June in Krasnoye, near the village of Uvarov, as part of the Russian Championship, traditional international memorial autocross competitions are held, dedicated to the memory of the soldiers of the Patriotic War of 1812, which attract thousands of spectators and more hundreds of participants. After the war, Red was a scorched earth. The Nazis destroyed and plundered almost the entire economy. Years passed, and the Krasny residents accomplished a real feat: they not only raised the destroyed buildings from the ruins, but also made their village many times richer and more beautiful than the pre-war one. Streets and sidewalks are paved. New neighborhoods are growing. Natural gas came to homes. Multi-storey buildings have grown up: a school, a hospital, a House of Culture, the State Bank, Sberbank, etc. Many wonderful people who glorified our Motherland with their labor exploits were born, lived and worked on Krasninsky land. Among them: laureate of State Prizes, scientist-breeder, Honorary Citizen of the village of Krasny Academician E.A. Nettevich; writer M.M. Zoshenko, Doctor of Sciences B.M. Eikhenbaum, K.A. Osipov, V.D. Mortikov, Kh.A. Pisarkov and others. Hundreds of Krasninies were awarded orders and medals for their labor successes. Memorial plaques were opened on the school building in honor of former students - three times Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and three State Prizes, physicist K.I. Shelkin and Hero of the Soviet Union A.N. Malikhova. Since 1965, Krasny has been an urban-type settlement. Krasny consists of three main microdistricts - Center, Bolshoye Zarechye and Maloye Zarechye. The center is the historically established main district of the former city. The place of its foundation was a cape formed at the confluence of the Mereika River with the Svinaya River. Here are the main streets of the modern urban village - Lenin (formerly Smolenskaya), Karl Marx (Uspenskaya), Kirov (Mogilevskaya), Sovetskaya (Sorokinskaya), Proletarskaya (Zemskaya), etc. The old street names clearly show the connection between the former county town and the outside world along the main highways to Smolensk, Mogilev, Gusino, Sorokino, as well as the most noticeable objects within the city itself, for example, the Assumption Church, the Zemstvo hospital. The Bolshoye Zarechye and Maloye Zarechye microdistricts occupy a peripheral position: the first - beyond the Svinaya River (western part of the village), the second - beyond the Mereyka River (eastern part). Currently, they are the main sites for new buildings. This especially applies to Maly Zarechye, on whose territory not so long ago a rural way of life dominated. Evidence of this can be the name of Lesnaya Street, which arose on the site of the former village of Andryusi, as well as the disappearance of the village of Karpilovka, where Nekrasova Street now runs. Goncharovshchina adjoins the southern part of Maly Zarechye. As the name suggests, this place was once inhabited by potters. New developments have radically transformed this part of the village. The streets of Engels, Pushkin, Pionerskaya and others are now located here. The same can be said about Pchelnya - a former rural area where local residents were engaged in beekeeping. This territory is now built up with good-quality houses on a number of streets, including such as Socialist and International. The only street that has retained its ancient name from an Orthodox church to this day is Spasskaya. The vitality of this toponym is not accidental: it is supported by the good memory of the ancestors who found eternal rest in the Spassky cemetery. An important event for Krasny was the construction of a dammed lake with an area of ​​40 hectares on the Svinaya River. It is marked by the appearance of Ozerny Lane. The modern development of the village is characterized by the names of streets and alleys: Mekhanizatorov Street, Stroiteley Lane, Molodezhnye Street and Lane, etc. A new microdistrict is being built - Hospital Town. Residents of the village try to immortalize the names of Smolensk residents - outstanding figures of science and culture - in street names. The names of the streets Glinka and Tvardovsky speak about this. One of the streets of Krasny is named in honor of his fellow countryman, famous physicist, three times Hero of Socialist Labor, K.I. Shchelkin. Modern Red is a monument to urban planning from the Classical era, which has largely preserved the volumetric composition and style of the 2nd floor. XIX - early XX century A number of architectural monuments have been preserved in the city: 6 civil buildings and 2 churches (all from the 19th century): in the late 1980s. The Church of the Transfiguration was restored. It was built in 1871 and stands on the site of a former cemetery on the outskirts of the village, near a small pond. The Abrahamia Church, located in the center of the village, has been preserved. The building was built in the second third of the 19th century. in the spirit of classicism and is awaiting restoration work in the near future. In 2005, near the village. Hangovers, on the Moscow-Minsk highway, a church was built in honor of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and his mother Queen Helena. One of the attractions of Krasny is the Krasninsky Museum of Local Lore. The collection of the Krasninsky Museum of Local Lore began in 1959 by students of a local school - members of a geographical circle under the leadership of Z.F. Erashova. Its official opening took place in 1963. Since 1987, the museum has been operating in a two-story stone building built in the early 20th century. In 2003, it was named after the founders of the museum - the Erashovs.

The museum collection contains over 12 thousand items on the history and cultural heritage of its region. It contains ethnographic objects, a numismatic collection, rare documents, photographs, unique information and other relics. The purpose of the exhibition is to present the history of the region: the life of peasants, the events of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, and to reflect the modern appearance of the Krasninsky region.
There are two historical monuments in Krasnoye - these are monuments in honor of the soldiers of the Russian army who fought at Krasnoye against Napoleon's army in 1812 (both were installed in 1912). The main and fundamental difference of the Krasninsky district is its border position. Russian and Belarusian cultures have always been united in the area, forming a unique local flavor. And today there is a constant exchange of creative teams and delegations, and joint sporting events are held with the nearest Belarusian regions. In the Krasninsky district, agriculture predominates, specializing in meat and dairy farming, potato growing, and flax growing. Industry: flax and dairy factories, a drainage pipe plant and a vegetable drying plant (all in Krasnoye and the village of Gusino). As of January 1, 2010, there were 127 trading enterprises, 25 catering enterprises, and 9 consumer service enterprises operating in the district. The most important enterprises of the village: a plant for electrical impulse meters, a bakery, a flax processing plant, a cheese-making plant, a vegetable drying plant, a brick factory, a branch of the Smolensk PA "Iskra" printing house. In the Krasninsky district, special attention is paid to the development of sports. Volleyball, basketball, tennis, football, and skiing sections have been created and operate. They employ about 1,500 people. Athletes in kettlebell lifting achieve very high results. Among them: International class master of sports, world champion A. Nesterenkov and winner of the USSR, Russian and World Cups V. Meshkov. Materials used: