Vegetables in English, pronunciation in Russian. Topic “Food, vegetables, fruits” in English for children: necessary words, exercises, dialogue, phrases, songs, cards, games, tasks, riddles, cartoons for children in English with transcription and translation

In the article you will find materials and ideas for organizing an English lesson “Food, vegetables and fruits”.

Necessary English words on the topic “Food, vegetables, fruits” for beginners, children: list with transcription and translation

Learning the topic of Food, Vegetables and Fruits in English is a lot of fun. It’s always interesting to see colorful visuals for the lesson, list the names of “snacks” and be interested in the food preferences of your friends. The vocabulary of this topic is very large and therefore requires more than one lesson (at least three: food, vegetables, fruits).

However, all vocabulary should definitely be written down in a dictionary along with translation and transcription, which will always help to correctly read the sounds of unfamiliar words. There is no way to deal with this topic without visuals in the lesson, because there are few associations and memories of what a certain fruit or drink looks like; a visual connection is required.

IMPORTANT: Each teacher must measure the number of words to memorize independently, choosing those that are most often used and that are easy for a child of a certain age to understand.

Vocabulary of the topic “Vegetables and fruits”

Vegetables and fruits vocabulary:

Vocabulary of the topic “Vegetables and fruits”

Exercises in English for children on the topic “Food, vegetables, fruits”

It is very interesting to do exercises, both written and oral, on this topic. For individual work, you can prepare cards or individual tasks.


  • You should correctly name and label all the fruits and vegetables shown. The suggested words are listed in the table below.
  • You should think about and remember all the names of the products (leafy, leguminous, root vegetables and others). List all the names in the columns under the pictures.
  • Solve the crossword puzzle by correctly entering the words - the names of the depicted fruits.
  • Look carefully at the food counter and complete the words written on the counters with the missing letters.
  • This is a logical task consisting of two parts. The first part requires you to recognize the "hidden" word in the topic "Food" and then use it to make sentences.
  • A simple task for kids, just draw a path from the bunny to his favorite food item, and then name it.

Dialogue in English for children on the topic “Food, vegetables, fruits” with translation

Composing dialogues on the topic “Food” is not difficult and fun, because there are a lot of ideas for coming up with sentences. It is best to act out the dialogue, imagining a “real” situation (this way children feel freer if they encounter something similar in life).

You can act out the dialogue:

  • Grocery store shopping
  • At the checkout
  • On the market
  • In the kitchen
  • In a restaurant or cafe
  • On the holiday
  • Away (treats)


Dialogue on the topic “Food”

Phrases in English for children on the topic “Food, vegetables, fruits” with translation

Ready-made phrases on this topic will help you easily build dialogues and write sentences for stories.

English Translation
A cup of tea A cup of tea
Meat sandwich Meat sandwich
To buy food Buy food
To cook Prepare
I would like to eat something tasty I would like to eat something tasty
Expensive food Expensive food
Menu Menu
Food market Grocery store
Fresh vegetables Fresh vegetables
Sweet fruits Sweet fruits
My favorite dish My favorite dish
Dish Dish (on a plate, already prepared)
Tasty breakfast Tasty breakfast
Delicious Very tasty
Sweets Sweets

Additional vocabulary:

Songs for children in English on the topic “Food, vegetables, fruits” with translation

Songs using the vocabulary “Food, fruits and vegetables” are not difficult to remember and are always fun to sing.


Cards in English on the topic “Food, vegetables, fruits” with transcription and translation

For a lesson on this topic, you should prepare a lot of colorful and interesting cards. Try to find images in which fruits, vegetables and other food products are separated (it is also advisable to have an English name and transcription).

Which cards are suitable:

Cards for lesson “Food” No. 1

Cards for lesson “Food” No. 2

Cards for lesson “Food” No. 3

Games in English on the topic “Food, vegetables, fruits”

Playing in class can be not only useful, but also fun. Offer several options for games so that the child loves such activities and learns with pleasure.


  • Fruits and colors. To do this, you should prepare in advance small cards with pictures and “baskets” (these are large sheets of colored paper). The student’s task is to arrange the fruits according to colors and name each one correctly.
  • Edible - inedible. The game is very simple: the teacher names foods and objects in English words, and the children must clap their hands when they hear the name of something edible.
  • "In the shop". This is a small dramatization of a store where customers go to buy groceries. Everyone has their own role and at some point voices it.
  • Guessing games. The teacher reads riddles, hinting at a certain fruit, and the children guess it. It is best to play as a team in order to earn points as a competition.

Assignments in English on the topic “Food, vegetables, fruits”

A few more tasks for the lesson:

  • Correctly guess the words (names of fruits) and write the missing letters on the lines. Then distribute the names according to the pictures.
  • Find the translation for each fruit
  • : Sort the products correctly (first part), find the necessary products in the picture (second part).
  • : Guess the word and enter the correct letter (first part), translate the words and tell us about your favorite products (second part).

Riddles in English on the topic “Food, vegetables, fruits” with transcription and translation

Solving riddles is a lot of fun, so feel free to introduce this form of work in English lessons. Riddles for lesson No. 3


  • Instead of visuals, you can bring real fruits and vegetables to class to make your lessons as close to real situations and experiences as possible. Also, vegetables and fruits can help you act out a scene “in the store.”
  • One of the simplest but most interesting tasks on this topic is to write a shopping list for a store or a restaurant menu with dishes. Thus, the child will remember everything he remembers from this topic.
  • Solving crossword puzzles is best done in a group rather than individually, for example, dividing the class into two teams and giving each the opportunity to earn a point.
  • Ask your child to do an unusual task after class: have him go to the refrigerator, open it and list in English all the products he sees and knows there.

Video: “I like my food: a song in English”

We often use words in our speech related to everyday and economic topics. This article will discuss a lexical topic dedicated to edible plants. Vegetables and fruits in English with translation and pronunciation in Russian will also be presented in this article.

Origin of the word vegetable

Vegetable is a culinary definition meaning the edible part (for example, fruits or tubers) of a variety of plants, as well as any solid food of plant origin with the exception of fruits, cereals, mushrooms and nuts.

The word vegetable is translated into English as vegetable. It was first recorded in English in the early 15th century. It came into the language from Old French and was originally used for all plants; the word is still used in this sense in biological contexts.

It comes from the medieval Latin vegetabilis and translates as “grows, flourishes.” Semantic transformation from Late Latin means “revitalization, acceleration.”

The meaning of the word vegetable as a plant grown for consumption was not known until the 18th century. In 1767, the word was specifically used to refer to all edible plants, herbs, or roots. In 1955, the abbreviation from vegetable was first used as slang: veggie - “vegetarian”.

As an adjective, the word vegetable in English is used in a scientific and technological sense with another much broader definition, namely “relating to plants” in general (edible or not), that is, an object of plant origin, the plant kingdom.

Vegetables in English with translation

Let's look at the names of the main vegetables and fruits in English. The list will consist of those foods that we eat every day. Vegetables and fruits in English with translation and transcription are presented below:

1. White cabbage - cabbage - [ˈkæbədʒ] or white cabbage.

And a translation of its varieties and methods of preparation:

  • wild — wild cabbage;
  • pickled — pickled cabbage;
  • dried — dehydrated cabbage;
  • pickled  — liberty cabbage;
  • Chinese — celery cabbage;
  • shredded cabbage;
  • decorative — ornamental cabbage.

2. Garlic - garlic [ˈɡɑːrlɪk]; fragrant garlic - fragrant garlic.

3. Turnip - turnip [ˈtɝːnəp].

3. Onion - onion [ˈʌnjən].

4. Leek - leek [ˈliːk|].

5. Potatoes - potatoes.

Set phrases with the word potato will be translated as follows:

  • boil potatoes— to boil potatoes;
  • dig up potatoes — lift potatoes;
  • young potatoes — new potatoes.

6. Common carrot - carrot [ˈkærət].

7. Tomato - tomato.

The tomato used to be called the apple of love. This is due to the literal translation from Italian. Vegetables and fruits in English are mostly of borrowed origin.

Translation of main varieties of fruits in English

Let's move on to the topic of fruits. The word "fruit" is translated into English as fruit ["fruːt]. At its core, this is not a botanical term, but rather a colloquial and economic term for the name of sweet large fruits.

Here is a list of the most common ones:

  • apricot ["eɪprɪkɒt] - apricot;
  • banana - banana;
  • grape - grapes;
  • grapefruit ["greɪpˌfruːt] - grapefruit;
  • pear - pear;
  • melon ["mɛlən] - melon;
  • lemon ["lɛmən] - lemon;
  • mandarine ["mænəˈriːn] - mandarin (a word of Chinese origin);
  • plum ["pləm] - plum;
  • apple ["æpl] - apple;
  • citrus ["sitrəs] - citrus;
  • kiwi [ˈkiːwiː] - kiwi;
  • fig [ˈfɪɡ] - fig;
  • date - date (this word can also be translated as a date);
  • mango [ˈmæŋɡoʊ] - mango;
  • persimmon - persimmon;
  • pomegranate [ˈpɒmˌgrænɪt] - pomegranate;
  • pineapple ["paɪnˌæpl] - pineapple.

Origin of plant terms

Most terms for vegetables and fruits in English are borrowed from other languages. For example, the word “tomato” comes to the European world from the Aztec empire. The name of the plant tomal, through the French language tomate, came into both English and Russian. In modern Russian, both names are equivalent.

The word potatoes comes from the Spanish language, but it came to Spanish from the Quechua Indian language during the conquistador conquest of South America. Thus, these two words for nightshades come from the Indian languages ​​of Latin America.

Hi all! What do we often tell foreigners when they ask us to tell them a little about Russia? That's right, about the peculiarities of Russian cuisine! How can we tell about it without knowing the names of fruits, berries and vegetables?! We have already covered fruits and berries in English. It's time to learn what vegetables are called in English so that you can fully talk about your favorite dishes and products. Learning the names of vegetables in English

Knowing the names of vegetables (Vegetables) in English will also come in handy when communicating with English-speaking interlocutors. Very often in conversation we use the names of various vegetables, berries, fruits and other fruits. And native speakers often use many sayings or proverbs that contain the name of at least one of these fruits. For example:

An onion will not produce a rose.
A rose will not grow from an onion.

Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of mastering this vocabulary.

I have said more than once that one of the best ways to learn a lot of English words is with thematic cards. This creative approach to language learning produces amazing results. Cards with bright pictures, a word in English, with transcription and translation are easily and permanently etched in the memory of both children and parents. Adults love looking at pictures too!

There are many options for cards - just with a word, with a picture and a word, with a picture and translation, with a picture and translation + transcription. Choose the option that you like and use the cards, repeating new vocabulary whenever it is convenient for you - transport, rest, break at work. You can create cards yourself and download and print ready-made blanks from our website.

Download pictures with transcription “Vegetables”
Download pictures on the topic of vegetables with translation

In order to quickly remember new words when going shopping, make a list of products in English:

  • Beetroot
  • Carrot
  • Cauliflower
  • Horseradish, etc.

Don’t write a translation into Russian, but if you forget what a particular word means, use the card. A very simple, useful and effective technique!

Vegetables in English on the table

Another good way to replenish your vocabulary with the necessary words is a table with transcription and translation. You print out the finished list of vegetables in several copies and hang it where you spend the most time. This can be in the workplace, at home near the computer, or attached with magnets to the refrigerator. At every opportunity, look through the table and try to remember the entire list by saying the name of the fruits out loud.




beetroot [‘bi:t, rut] beet
garlic [‘ga:lik] garlic
potato potato
carrot [‘kærət] carrot
cabbage [‘kæbidʒ] cabbage
radish [‘rædiʃ] radish
lettuce ['letis] salad
pepper [‘pepə] pepper
dill dill
onion [‘ᴧnjən] onion
mushrooms ["mʌʃrum] mushrooms
beans beans
artichoke ["ɑ:rtɪ‚tʃəʋk] artichoke
broccoli ["brɒkəlɪ] broccoli
asparagus [əsˈpærəɡəs] asparagus
cauliflower ["kɔ:lə‚flaʋər] cauliflower
chilli ["tʃɪlɪ] chilli
ginger ["dʒɪndʒər] ginger
leek leek
celery ["selərɪ] celery
kohlrabi [ˈkəulˈrɑ:bɪ] kohlrabi
parsley ["pɑ:rslɪ] parsley
spring onion green onions
Brussels sprouts [‚brʌsəlz"spraʋts] Brussels sprouts
zucchini, courgette, marrow squash , ,[ˈmærəu skwɒʃ] zucchini
aurbergin ["əʋbər‚ʒɪ:n] eggplant
cymbling [ˈsimlən] squash
horseradish ["hɔ:rs‚rædɪʃ] horseradish
turnip ["tɜ:rnɪp] turnip
spinach ["spɪnɪtʃ] spinach
sorrel ["sɔ:rəl] sorrel
basil ["bæzəl] basil
savory ["seɪvərɪ] savory

We all love delicious fruits, aromatic berries and healthy nuts. But what are they all called in English? Let's find out!

First, a little grammar: it should be noted that the word fruit in English has two plural forms - fruit and fruits. When talking about any fruit without specification, fruit is used. For example, a store department might be called “Fruit and vegetables.”

Or you can say: “It’s hard to buy fresh fruit in winter.” If different types of fruit are meant, fruits is used. For example: “I want to try the tropical fruits of this island.”

Fruits in English

Let's look at the names of the most common types of fruits:

apple apple nectarine nectarine
avocado avocado orange orange
apricot apricot pear pear
banana banana papaya papaya
date date fruit pineapple a pineapple
fig figs peach peach
grapefruit grapefruit plum plum
grapes grape persimmon persimmon
kiwi kiwi pomegranate pomegranate
lime lime passion fruit passion fruit
lemon lemon quince quince
mango mango tangerine mandarin
melon melon watermelon watermelon

Berries in English

Along with fruits, it is worth remembering berries. Berry in English is berry, and this word is part of many berry names.

Many wild berries have different names depending on the region. For example, cloudberry can be called cloudberry or yellowberry, in Canada it is called bakeapple, in England - knotberry, and in Scotland - averin. Lingonberries can be found under the names cowberry, foxberry or lingonberry.

Nuts in English

And finally, we list the names of some nuts. These words often include the word nut, which means “nut”.