Correct use of numerals and lexical norms. Collective numbers

Problems often arise with numerals and in general everything related to numbers. Not declination, eternal errors like “about three hundred” or “in the year two thousand and one,” the painful choice between “two” and “two,” and finally, confusion with the words “digit,” “number,” and “quantity.”


1. “Five hundred” or “five hundred”? Only “five hundred”, “six hundred”, “three hundred”, “eight hundred”, etc. In general, none of these numerals ends in -hundred.

2. “Two thousand and first” or “two thousand and first”? Only “two thousand and one” is correct. In complex ordinal numbers, only the last part changes.

3. “Five point three percent” or “five point three percent”?"PercentA" is correct because the fraction controls the noun.

4. “A thousand kilometers” or “a thousand kilometers”? Both options are correct. The fact is that the word “thousand” is unique in this sense: it can both control a noun (in a thousand of what? kilometers) and agree with it (in what? in a thousand kilometers). In addition, the “thousand” itself can take different shapes. Remember Pasternak: “The darkness of the night is directed at me by a thousand binoculars on an axis...”? You can say “thousand” and “thousand”.

5. If 32 miners were rescued from a mine, then how to say: “Thirty-two were saved?”, “Thirty-two were saved?” Correct: “THIRTY-TWO MINERS WERE SAVED.” Here we must remember the special status of compound numerals that end in “two”, “three”, “four”. In the accusative case they have the forms “two”, “three”, “four”. For example, “twenty-four tourists were detained,” “thirty-three students were released.”

6. Is it possible to say “with ninety rubles”? No you can not. The numerals “forty”, “ninety”, “one hundred” have only two forms. " FORTY", "NINETY", "ONE HUNDRED"in the nominative and accusative cases And " FORTY", "NINETY", "STA"- in all the others. Therefore, it is correct - “with ninety rubles.”

7. How do you spell “850th anniversary”? Is it really in one word? Yes, really in one word - “eight hundred and fifty years”. Other similar words will be spelled the same way, for example “two thousand five hundred years”.

8. “Two friends” or “two friends”? Now you will again say that linguists are too liberal, they themselves know nothing and allow everything. Yes, you can do it both ways. True, in fairness it should be noted that such liberties are not always permissible: the combination of “three professors” is hardly possible. There is no difference grammatically - it's a matter of style. We quote ROSENTHAL: “In some cases, on the contrary, collective numerals are not used, since they introduce a reduced connotation of meaning, for example: two professors, three generals (not “two professors”, “three generals”).”

But with feminine nouns, collective numerals are not used at all. You cannot say “two dressmakers” or “three teachers.”

9. What if you need to say “22 days”? No, there is no normative option here. The only way out- look for some descriptive phrase, for example “ WITHIN 22 DAYS" It is recommended to do the same with the expression “one and a half days”, which exists in literary language, but grammatically flawed. It is recommended to look for speed: “within one and a half days”, “one and a half days”.

10. “Two-tone” or “two-tone”? Once again, both options are possible! But, however, there are nuances that D.E. points out. Rosenthal: he notes that the parallel use of such words is possible, but still in most of these words there is a tendency towards one option. In terms, formations with the element “two-” predominate, and in everyday terms, everyday words- formations with the element " TWO-".

It is well known that Russian is one of the most complex languages in the world. A simple confirmation of this is the huge number of errors in oral and writing even among the most educated people. Oddly enough, but, according to some data, about 90% of Russian speakers do not notice these errors or do not consider them as such.

My faithful friend! my enemy is treacherous!

My king! my slave! Native language!

Valery Bryusov

Many native Russian speakers often have doubts (and this despite taking a Russian language course not only at school, but also at university) regarding "come" or "come" at the airport or at the airport , dressor wear a dress, I miss you or you. But the use of numerals and conjugation of verbs is generally a problem. Or take, for example, a section such as punctuation. With the placement of commas in complex union proposals there are not as many problems as in the situation with non-union proposals. There is always confusion with colons and dashes.

We do not set ourselves the task of covering the entire Russian language course and teaching everyone to read and write, but we are talking about common mistakes, which are allowed in oral speech and in writing, we will try. It’s easy to get lost in the intricacies of the Russian language. Let's start with the use of numerals.

Declension of numerals

Agree that numbers and quantities constantly surround us in Everyday life. They are found at every step, making our lives easier, and in some cases difficult. We equally count the minutes before a long-awaited meeting, bitterly see off the passing years, react vividly to an increase in clothing size, remember the desired page of a book or phone number. Numbers and quantities... It is clear that we can’t do without them, which means we can’t do without special words- names of numerals, with the help of which we can name a particular date, report a number or size, index or code, determine the amount, difference, balance, income and much more.

However, despite the frequency of use and use in almost all areas of life, numerals presented in modern Russian language cause certain difficulties.

The greatest number of difficulties that arise when using numerals is associated with the need to use them in oblique cases. Right choice such forms is determined, firstly, by the type of declension to which this or that numeral belongs, and secondly, general rules regulating the change of these words depending on the composition (simple or compound) of the numeral and what word it is combined with. And although independent words, which are part of such a part of speech as a numeral, in the modern Russian language there are relatively few (about a hundred), all of them turn out to be distributed over a fairly large (especially when compared with nouns or adjectives) number of independent types of declension.

So, let's first remember what numerals are and how to use them correctly.

  • Cardinal numbers- denote the actual quantity or number: one, two, five, fifteen, thirty, seventy, two hundred, fifty two etc.
  • collective numerals- denote quantity as a totality: two, three, six, both, both and etc.
  • ordinal numbers (counting adjectives)- numerals with countable ordinal value: fifth, sixth, twentieth, seventy-fifth, thirty-second.

Cardinal numbers can be certain And uncertain (five And some); by its structure - simple(with one root: five, nine), complex(with a base consisting of two parts: fifty, five hundred, ninety, nine hundred) And composite(consisting of several words: twenty five, ninety six).

Collective numbers are used:

  • in combination with masculine and general kind, calling persons: five friends, met five friends; There were seven onlookers standing on the street. In such constructions, the use of cardinal numbers is also allowed: five friends, five friends; seven onlookers;
  • combined with nouns children, guys, people, faces in meaning "People": at Maria Nikolaevna's five children, met three guys, there are six characters in the play. The use of cardinal numbers is also allowed: five children, met three guys, six characters;
  • in the role of substantivized numerals and in combination with personal pronouns: five in gray overcoats, five of us;
  • in combination with Not animate nouns pluralia tantum(that is, used only in the form plural) and with the names of paired items: five scissors, five tongs, two socks. IN indirect cases cardinal number is used: five scissors, five tongs, two socks.

How to decline numerals?

Cardinal and collective numerals are inflected like nouns or adjectives.

Modeled after third declension nouns ( night, shadow) are inclined:

  • numerals :

I. p. five

V. p. five

R. p. five

etc. five

D. p. five

P. p. o five

But: etc. – eight And eight.

  • numerals on -twenty: eleven, twelve, thirty and etc.:

I. p. eleven

V. p. eleven

R. p. eleven

etc. eleven

D. p. eleven

P. p about eleven

  • numerals on -ten: fifty, sixty and etc.:

I. p. fifty, sixty

V. p. fifty, sixty

R. p. fifty, sixty

etc. fifty, sixty
(NOT fifty, sixty)

D. p. fifty, sixty

P. p. about fifty, about sixty

But: etc. - eighty And eighty.

Numerals have a special declension two hundred, three hundred, four hundred and all numerals in -sot ( five hundred, six hundred):

I. p. three hundred, five hundred

V. p. three hundred, five hundred

R. p. three hundred, five hundred
(NOT three hundred, five hundred)

etc. three hundred, five hundred
(NOT three hundred, five hundred)

D. p. three hundred, five hundred
(NOT three hundred)

P. p. about three hundred, about five hundred

It is necessary to remember that:

  • numerals forty, ninety And one hundred have only two forms: forty, ninety, one hundred(I. p., V. p.) and forty, ninety, hundred(in all other cases). Therefore it is correct: with ninety rubles, about forty disciples, with a hundred problems, but not * with ninety rubles, about forty students, with a hundred problems;
  • numeral one and a half has two forms of the nominative case - one and a half(m.r. and s.r.) and one and a half(f.r.): one and a half liters, one and a half logs, one and a half lives. The form of all indirect cases (except the accusative) is flooratTorah. Right: about the floorata few days ago, but not * about one and a half days, *one and a half days.

Numerals two three four, as well as collective numerals, words both, both, how much, how much, how much, how much inflected like adjectives:

Until how long is the library open? (emphasis on O) She works up to so many, but not * until what time up to so much.

Remember that in compound cardinal numbers each word included in them is declined. Right: One thousand two hundred and fifty-two textbooks are missing; talk about one thousand two hundred fifty-two missing textbooks.

For compound ordinal numbers, only the inflection is the last word: by two thousand fourteen, May twenty-third.

IN Lately(apparently, under the influence of the widely used ordinal number two thousandth) in means mass media the form began to appear: two thousand and one (second, third...) year. Such use is considered unacceptable. Regulatory form: two thousand one (second, third...) and so on.

Interesting to know!

In the words “fifty” and “sixty” you can see the roots of “five” and “six”. So Why do they say “forty” and not “forty”?

According to its origin, the word fourty associated with old Russian measure counting squirrel and sable skins magpies(in bags of a certain volume, from here shirt– originally “bag”): six forty sables. Meaning of unit of count word fourty received in the speech of hunters, displacing the more ancient designation of this number - fourty.)

Surely many people doubt how to correctly: “one and a half days” or “one and a half days”?

Grammatical combination one and a half days flawed: in nominative case cardinal number one and a half governs a singular noun ( one and a half meters, one and a half hours). But in literary language the expression one and a half days(but not one and a half days) exists. Since the word day has no shape singular, then it is recommended to express the given meaning descriptively, for example: within a day and a half, a day and a half(If exact value words day not important). With nouns that do not have a singular form, you should use the word one and a half: Not even a day and a half had passed. The waiting time is already approaching one and a half days. Everything was limited to a day and a half. Is it worth talking so much about this day and a half?

By the way, one and a half- this is the merging of words floor And second- “half past one”, “half past one”. After the loss of reduced lvt simplified in lt.

Some may wonder: If it is correct to say “two tables”, then why can’t we say “five tables”?

Numerals two three four(as well as compound numerals ending in two three four, For example twenty two) in the nominative case are combined with a noun in the form genitive case and singular, for example: twenty-two tables, thirty-three misfortunes, fifty-four people. Numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine etc. and compound numerals ending in five, six, seven, eight etc., agree with a noun in the genitive plural, for example: forty-eight criminals. However, in indirect cases the agreement is leveled out: R. p. - two tables, five tables, D. p. - two tables, five tables.

This difference in the agreement of numerals is associated with the history of the Russian language. The names of the numbers 5–9 were feminine nouns and declined as, for example, the word bone. Being nouns, these names controlled the genitive case of nouns, which were used, of course, in the plural form. Hence such combinations as five cows, six tables(cf. combinations with nouns: table legs, cow hooves) and so on.

The situation was more complicated with the names of numbers 2–4, which were counting adjectives and agreed in gender, number and case with nouns: three tables, four walls, three stones ( compare: beautiful tables, high walls). In this case, the name of the number 2 was consistent with nouns in a special form of the dual number (neither singular nor plural; this form was used to designate two objects): two walls, two tables, two knives(Not two tables, two knives). TO XVI century in the Russian language there is a destruction of the category of the dual number, and forms like two tables begin to be perceived as the genitive singular. The special correlation of the numbers 2, 3 and 4 (possibly grammatical belonging to the same class of words) influenced the alignment of inflectional forms of all three numerical names.

It is interesting that such inflection is an exclusively Great Russian feature, contrasting the Russian language with other East Slavic languages. Scientists hypothesize that initially such combinations were formed as a feature of the northeastern dialect.

Here's another common problem: Can one say “a pair of trousers” about one pair of trousers?

Collocation pair of trousers- colloquial. You should say: some trousers(about one subject) or two trousers, two pieces of trousers(about two subjects) In common parlance, the expression pair of trousers often replaces the commonly used some trousers. This is due to the analogy with commonly used phrases such as a pair of boots, a pair of socks, a pair of gloves- about two objects used as a pair. Uses of the phrase pair of trousers is also undesirable due to the fact that this phrase can be understood differently by interlocutors (one will believe that we're talking about about one subject, another - what is said about two homogeneous objects). Use of the word pair in the role of a counting word is normative only when we are talking about paired objects ( a pair of boots, a pair of gloves, a pair of oars and so on.). Use of the word pair meaning “several” ( work on a project for a couple of years, it’s a couple of kilometers from here to the station, complete a couple of tasks, go out for a couple of minutes, a couple of trifles) or “two pieces of something unpaired” ( a couple of apples, a couple of bags) is characterized by Russian language dictionaries as colloquial.

“A thousand workers” or “a thousand workers”?

Let's try to figure it out. The question is what is the word thousand- noun or numeral?

If thousand is a noun, then it must control the genitive case of the noun worker(should be: a thousand workers, a thousand workers, a thousand workers; compare: paradoxes of history, paradoxes of history, paradoxes of history etc. - the form of the controlled noun is preserved in all combinations). If thousand- numeral, then it must agree with “workers” in indirect cases. In other words, in the forms of indirect cases, all cardinal numerals must be used with nouns in similar case forms: fifty workers, six houses, five brothers.

So what is it thousand- numeral or noun?

“Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova counts the word thousand in all meanings (including the meaning of “number and quantity 1,000”) as a noun. “Dictionary of the Russian Language” in 4 volumes, ed. A.P. Evgenieva (“Small academic dictionary") and big Dictionary Russian language" ed. S.A. Kuznetsova are not so categorical. According to these dictionaries the word thousand- a noun only in the meanings “huge quantity, multitude” and “big money, fortune.” And in the meanings “number 1,000” and “quantity 1,000” thousand- cardinal number.

The academic “Russian Grammar” of 1980 explains: Nouns that lexically denote the number or quantity of someone, in all cases, control a noun naming countable objects: a thousand people, a thousand (and a thousand) people (and people), a thousand (and a thousand) rubles (and rubles); about a thousand people; a million books, a million books.

The question seems resolved: the word thousand controls the following noun. But where does the form come from in “Russian Grammar”? thousand people And a thousand rubles? Read on: If in the form instrumental case the word thousand does not have a definition; it can, like a numeral, agree in case with a noun dependent on it: with a thousand rubles and rubles (but only: with every thousand rubles). Consequently, agreement is allowed only for the instrumental case form thousand(Not a thousand!).

So the word thousand is a noun and in all cases controls the word dependent on it. Moreover, the instrumental case form of this noun is thousand (with a thousand rubles).

However, simultaneously with the instrumental case form of the noun thousand there is a numeral form - thousand, in combination with which coordination and control compete. Agreement is possible only if the word thousand denotes an exact number and does not have a definition: with a thousand students, with a thousand acquaintances, with a thousand rubles in my pocket. Form thousand can also mean vague a large number of something, in this case, instead of coordination, control is required: a man with a thousand faces, his office is filled with a thousand papers; The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles (Gogol); a thousand violent and fiery heads (L. Andreev), a thousand small injections (Korolenko).

RIGHT: thousand worker ov, million employee ov, three thousand employee ov (D.p.), thousand worker ov, millionaire employee ov, three thousand employee ov, thousand worker ami And one thousand employee ov (T.p.).

RIGHT: address twenty-five thousand students ov , BUT: appeal to twenty-five thousand hundred student am .

1. General provisions

1.1. In order to maintain business reputation and ensuring compliance with the norms of federal legislation, FGAU State Research Institute of Technology "Informika" (hereinafter referred to as the Company) believes the most important task ensuring the legitimacy of processing and security of personal data of subjects in the Company’s business processes.

1.2. To solve this problem, the Company has introduced, operates and undergoes periodic review (monitoring) of a personal data protection system.

1.3. The processing of personal data in the Company is based on the following principles:

The legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data and integrity;

Compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the goals predetermined and stated when collecting personal data, as well as with the powers of the Company;

Correspondence of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of processing personal data to the purposes of processing personal data;

The reliability of personal data, their relevance and sufficiency for the purposes of processing, the inadmissibility of processing personal data that is excessive in relation to the purposes of collecting personal data;

The legitimacy of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data;

Continuous improvement of the level of knowledge of Company employees in the field of ensuring the security of personal data during their processing;

Aspirations to continuous improvement personal data protection systems.

2. Purposes of processing personal data

2.1. In accordance with the principles of processing personal data, the Company has determined the composition and purposes of processing.

Purposes of processing personal data:

Conclusion, support, change, termination employment contracts, which are the basis for the emergence or termination labor relations between the Company and its employees;

Providing a portal and services personal account for students, parents and teachers;

Storage of learning results;

Fulfillment of obligations provided for by federal legislation and other regulatory legal acts;

3. Rules for processing personal data

3.1. The Company processes only those personal data that are presented in the approved List of personal data processed in the Federal State Autonomous Institution State Scientific Research Institute of Information Technology "Informika"

3.2. The Company does not allow the processing of the following categories of personal data:


Political Views;

Philosophical beliefs;

About the state of health;

State intimate life;


Religious Beliefs.

3.3. The Company does not process biometric personal data (information that characterizes physiological and biological features person, on the basis of which his identity can be established).

3.4. The Company does not carry out cross-border transfer of personal data (transfer of personal data to the territory foreign country authority of a foreign state, foreign to an individual or a foreign legal entity).

3.5. The Company prohibits making decisions regarding personal data subjects based solely on automated processing of their personal data.

3.6. The Company does not process data on subjects' criminal records.

3.7. The company does not publish the subject’s personal data in publicly available sources without his prior consent.

4. Implemented requirements to ensure the security of personal data

4.1. In order to ensure the security of personal data during their processing, the Company implements the following requirements: regulatory documents Russian Federation in the field of processing and ensuring the security of personal data:

the federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”;

Government Decree Russian Federation dated November 1, 2012 N 1119 “On approval of requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in information systems personal data";

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2008 No. 687 “On approval of the Regulations on the specifics of processing personal data carried out without the use of automation tools”;

Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 18, 2013 N 21 “On approval of the composition and content of organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems”;

Basic model threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems (approved by the Deputy Director of the FSTEC of Russia on February 15, 2008);

Methodology for determining current threats to the security of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems (approved by the Deputy Director of the FSTEC of Russia on February 14, 2008).

4.2. The company assesses the harm that may be caused to personal data subjects and identifies threats to the security of personal data. In accordance with identified current threats, the Company applies necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures, including the use of information security tools, detection of unauthorized access, restoration of personal data, establishment of rules for access to personal data, as well as monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures applied.

4.3. The Company has appointed persons responsible for organizing the processing and ensuring the security of personal data.

4.4. The Company's management is aware of the need and is interested in ensuring an adequate level of security for personal data processed as part of the Company's core business, both in terms of the requirements of regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and justified from the point of view of assessing business risks.

Formation and use of numerals also obeys certain rules, non-compliance with which leads to speech errors. Norms for the use of numerals in the modern Russian language are unique and specific. The numeral is a lexically closed category that is not replenished today with new units. However, the use of numerals is a serious speech problem. So, for example, complex numerals like eighty, seven hundred are the only group of words in which both parts are declined: eighty, seven hundred (creative fall.), about eighty, about seven hundred (prev. fall.) - in modern speech has practically lost the declination system. This is a violation of the norm that is imperative, that is, mandatory for all speakers of the language. given language. In modern colloquial speech the inclination of complex numerals is lost, which is facilitated by professional speech mathematicians, however official speech the norm requires the declension of both parts of complex numerals.

Declension rules extremely simple:

· when declension of compound numerals changes all the words included in it: the library has been replenished five hundred forty three books; O five hundred forty three books we talked about; five hundred forty three students appeared student cards;

· when declension of ordinal numbers only the last word changes: we meet twenty-fifth, in one thousand nine hundred and forty-one;

Word thousand acts as both a noun and a numeral, therefore in tv.p it can be used - thousand and thousand. Dispositive norms of forms tv.p. - eight and eight, but the literary language prefers the first form.

At formation of phrases “numeral + plural noun. h." collective (up to 5) and quantitative (c5) numerals are used: three friends, five soldiers, eight days. Collective numerals (two, three, ..., ten) are not used in official speech, although their meanings are the same as cardinal numerals. But even in colloquial speech their use is limited: they are not combined with feminine names, with inanimate nouns, with names high ranks, positions (hero, general, professor, etc.).

Collective numbers combine with the names of male persons (except for the names of high ranks, positions): two boys, six soldiers ; With names of the cubs: seven kids, five wolf cubs ; with substantivized adjectives: seven cavalry, four military ; with nouns that have only plural form: two hours, four scissors, five days ; with nouns: children, guys, people- three guys, four strangers . Combinations like 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34 102, 103, 104, days are impossible in Russian, since they require a form of a collective numeral, which cannot be part of a compound numeral. If necessary, synonymous expressions with lexical replacement: 22 days have passed, the twenty-second day has ended etc. As we see, collective numbers don't go together with nouns denoting female persons. You can't say: of five daughters ; and also with nouns male, denoting the names of animals: it is impossible to say - three wolves .

In combinations with nouns female used in Russian numeral “both”, and with nouns masculine - "both"": with both banks and along both rivers.

The declension of the numeral depends on the gender of the noun "one and a half". Male and neuter gender take the form one and a half in the nominative and accusative, and one and a half in the rest; feminine one and a half - in the nominative and accusative, and in the rest - one and a half: limit yourself to one and a half meters, add to one and a half thousand.

Difficulties are also observed when the use of fractional and mixed numbers. In what number should the nouns “percent” and “centner” be put if they have a mixed number? You should say: forty and a half percent, but five and five tenths of a meter, since when mixed number a noun is governed by a fraction.

1. There are variant forms of the instrumental case of simple and complex numerals and combinations with them:

A) eight - eight(the second form has a bookish character and a touch of obsolescence); Also: eighty - eighty, eight hundred - eight hundred;

b) fifty - fifty, sixty - sixty etc. (the first options are normative for a literary language, the second are found in spoken language);

V) with three hundred rubles - with three hundred rubles(the first option, in which the numeral, in accordance with the rule, agrees in case with the noun, is bookish; the second option, in which the complex numeral two hundred, three hundred etc. controls a noun in the genitive case, treated as colloquial);

G) thousand - thousand; For example, expenses are estimated at more than one thousand rubles(word thousand with a preceding numeral one treated as a noun and governs the genitive case next word) – came here with a thousand rubles(as a numeral word thousand usually agrees with the following noun); Control communication is also possible in the form of a thousand, for example: a thousand expensive trinkets(Mamin-Sibiryak); with a thousand violent and fiery voices(L. Andreev); a thousand small pricks(Korolenko); "The Man of a Thousand Faces"(title of the movie).

With a normative form like with six hundred seventy-two rubles(in a compound numeral all the parts forming it are declined; this position is obligatory for book and written speech) in oral and colloquial speech there is a simplified construction “with six hundred and seventy-two rubles”, in which only the last word is declined (sometimes also the first: “with two thousand six hundred seventy-two rubles”, which is explained for the first words by the influence of the preposition, and for the last - by agreement with the subsequent noun).

When connecting a compound numeral ending in two three four(22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34... 102, 103, 104, etc.), with nouns having only plural forms ( day, sleigh, scissors), syntactic incompatibility arises: it is impossible to say either “twenty-two days”, or “twenty-two days”, or “twenty-two days”. In such cases, depending on the context, either lexical editing is carried out (replacing a word, inserting another word), or grammatical restructuring of the sentence (replacing one construction with another).

For example: instead of “22 days” you can say: twenty two days(if the text is not related to the terminological use of the word day, for example in the medical history), within twenty two days and so on. . IN business style: twenty-two pieces of scissors; purchase twenty-two sleighs.

4. IN normative speech The use of the words both and both is strictly differentiated in all cases: both brothers - both sisters; That's why: on both sides, on both sides etc.

The combinations “at both gates”, “at both clocks”, which do not answer grammatical norm, since the oblique case form is formed from a non-existent initial form (there is no nominative case form “both – both gates”, “both – both hours” due to the lack of a gender category for nouns used only in the plural form). Possible edit: at both gates and clocks.

5. Use of the word pair in the meaning of “two” is inherent in colloquial speech, for example: buy a couple of apples, a couple of pears. The use is of the same nature the specified word meaning “several”, for example: a couple of days, a couple of trifles, a couple of words, a couple of lines.

6. In combinations two (three, four) or more... the controlled noun is placed in the singular genitive case: two or more options, three or more difficult forms, four or more valuable proposals, i.e. the noun is made dependent on the numerals two three four, not from the word more(cf. the possibility of rearrangement: two or more options).

7. Pretext By in the so-called distributive meaning, it controls the dative and accusative case of the numeral.

For example,

A) one ruble, a thousand books, a million inhabitants, a billion rubles(with numerals one, thousand, million, billion);

b) two pencils, three notebooks, four sheets of paper; two scissors; one hundred tickets, three hundred rubles(with numerals two, three, four, two, three, four, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred).

Other cardinal numbers ( five, six... ten, eleven, twelve... twenty, thirty, forty, fifty...) allow two forms in the construction under consideration: with the dative case (book version) and with the accusative case (colloquial version), for example: ten times - ten times, forty places - forty places, seventy rubles - seventy rubles.

The same options are possible for numeral compounds: twenty-five rubles each - twenty-five rubles each etc. But if a compound numeral contains words two, three, four, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, then the entire counting combination is put in the accusative case, for example: two hundred thirty-five rubles each.

It should be noted that constructions with the accusative case are becoming increasingly widespread: combinations like fifty kilometers per hour, twelve hours a day, two tickets for thirty-five thousand rubles etc. become predominant.

This especially applies to numerals five hundred – nine hundred, in which, in combination with the preposition po, an unusual form is formed dative case (five hundred), and special – five hundred each(the first part of a compound word is in the dative case - five, and the second one saves initial form – -hundred); it brings us closer together possible options, and the form clearly dominates five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred etc.

8. The designs are correct 35.5 percent(not: ...percent), 12.6 kilometers(not: ... kilometers), i.e., with a mixed number, the noun is controlled by a fraction, not a whole number. Also: 45,0 (forty-five point zero) seconds, 6 7/8 (six and seven eighths) meters and so on.

9. In pairs with one and a half dozen people - with one and a half dozen people the first construction is normative: numeral one and a half in all cases except nominative and accusative, it is combined with the plural form of the subsequent noun.

The design is correct one and a half hundred kilometers from regional center (not “one and a half hundred kilometers...”); numeral one and a half hundred combines with nouns in the same way as one and a half, i.e., consistent in all cases except the nominative and accusative (cf.: one and a half kilometers).

Use of collective numerals

1. Collective numbers two, three, four(other numerals of this type are rarely used; cf. usual five days instead of “five days”) are combined:

1) with masculine and general nouns naming persons: two friends, three orphans;

2) with nouns that have only plural forms: ;

3) with the nouns children, guys, people, with the noun person meaning “person”: two children, three boys, three young people, four strangers;

4) with personal pronouns we, you, they: there are two of us, three of you, there were five of them;

5) with substantivized numerals: two entered; three in gray overcoats; seven do not wait for one.

IN spoken language and in common parlance the range of compatibility of collective numerals is wider. They are combined:

a) with names of female persons, for example: The 3inenko family consisted of a father, mother and five daughters(Kuprin); He would not have had enough money to educate his many children - five girls and three sons(Paustovsky); IN[military] I went to school to ease the worries of my father, who had three more of my sisters(V. Peskov). As examples show, such use is more often found in the forms of oblique cases, less often in the form of the nominative case, for example: Three women in the house(G. Nikolaeva); combinations such as “three dressmakers”, “four students”, etc. are not recommended even in colloquial speech;

b) with the names of young animals, for example: two bear cubs, three puppies;

c) with the names of paired items, for example: two mittens, three boots in the meaning of “so many pairs”; the combination is normative two trousers(and not “two pairs of trousers,” which evokes the idea of ​​four objects, since trousers are counted not in pairs, but in pieces); combinations a pair of trousers, a pair of scissors are conversational in nature;

d) with other words in stylized speech: “Three border guards. Six eyes and a motor launch” (Bagritsky); three horses(Paustovsky).

2. When constructions are synonymous with cardinal and collective numerals such as two friendstwo friends You can choose one of the options.

It is preferable to use collective numerals:

1) with substantivized masculine adjectives: two passers-by, three sick people, four guards;

2) with masculine nouns that have a singular ending in the nominative case -A : two men, three grandfathers.

In some cases, on the contrary, collective numerals are not used, since they introduce a reduced connotation of meaning, for example: two professors, three generals (not: “two professors”, “three generals”).

3. In combination with animate nouns, collective numerals are used in both the nominative and indirect cases: three children, mother of three children.

In combination with inanimate nouns, as a rule, only the nominative-accusative case form is used: two sleds, three scissors, four days. In oblique cases, the forms of the corresponding cardinal numbers are used: to two sleds, with three scissors, about four days.

At the word watch(device) the collective numeral is used ( one watch, two watches) or the word piece is added ( five watches are missing). The expression “a couple of hours” has a colloquial character.

Numerals in compound words

1. It is possible to use words in parallel that contain the element two- – two-, for example: two-voice song - two-voice song, double-bottomed suitcase - double-bottomed suitcase, two-class school - two-class school, two-year-old plant - two-year-old child, double bed - double bed, double-trunked birch - double-trunked birch.

However, in most of the words with the specified element, one variant is fixed: in terms, special and book words, formations with the element predominate two- , in everyday words – formations with the element two- .

For example:

A) double-headed(eagle), diphthong(sound), two-humped(camel), dihedral(corner), double-breathing(fish), double-horse(rogue), two-hoofed(animals), Diptera(insects), duplicity, dioxide, bisexual(flowers), two-field, two-handed(saw), double-decker, dicotyledonous(plants), bisemyanka, two-syllable(word), ambiguity, two-footed(iamb) bicarbonate(soda), I-beam(beam), binomial, bilingualism;

b) two-bucket(samovar), two days(stock), semi-detached(house), two-wheeled(cart), two-room(apartment), two-liter(jar), two months(salary), two-week(vacation), two-shift(Job), two-day(moving), two-stroke(engine), two-hour(riding).

If both options are available, the first one is more often used, for example: gable roof, bilateral agreement.

However, such differentiation is not categorical: in book words there may be an element of two-( two-field system, two-wool products) and, conversely, in everyday colloquial words – the element two- (double-barreled shotgun, double-light flashlight).

The phonetic-orthoepic aspect plays a well-known role: as a rule, it is used before vowels (including iotated ones). two- to avoid overlap of two vowels, for example: two-act, two-atom, two-axial, two-tier, two-story, two-element(however, there are deviations: dioxide, bicarbonate, bilingual and some others).

2. Numeral floor- , meaning “half”, is not used as an independent word in modern literary language.

Included difficult words numeral floor- , with a noun in the genitive case, in indirect cases (except the accusative) takes the form semi- , For example: in half an hour - half an hour's walk, in six months - within six months. In the nominative and accusative cases the numeral floor- as part of complex words it agrees with the predicate (verb or short communion) in plural or neuter form: six months have passed - six months have passed, half a century has been measured - half a century has been measured.

In words like 2500th anniversary two methods of forming complex words are used, the first element of which is the cardinal numeral: the form of the genitive case of the numeral, without a connecting vowel (cf.: biennial, quincentenary) and a form with a connecting vowel (cf.: millennium); the result is two thousand five hundredth anniversary.