Encounters with UFOs in the oceans. I

Very strange, inexplicable events periodically occur in the waters of the Black Sea. Wide circles know little about them. Moreover, reliable sources report that the hydrometeorological center of the Ukrainian Navy has been monitoring similar phenomena in the Black Sea since 1993. And the old archives of the Soviet Navy indicate that something similar has been recorded here since the middle of the last century! What kind of events are these? Who or what is the main character?

In particular, such phenomena include:
- luminous balls floating and/or hovering above the water;
- moving light spots, circles and luminous rotating “wheels” on the surface of the water;
- “spotlights” and “pillars of light” shooting from the depths and moving in the water;
- objects of unknown origin flying out from under the water and plunging into the water;
- unknown underwater objects (UNO), moving at speeds significantly exceeding the speed of the most modern submarines;
- underwater objects that, in a short time, dive to depths inaccessible to submarines and emerge from there to the surface;
- NGOs that mechanically influence equipment and sea vessels submerged in depth;
- massive underwater objects of unknown origin, remotely influencing the functioning of equipment and weapons;
- acoustic and radio emissions of unknown origin emanating from the depths of the sea;
- unidentified flying objects (UFOs) appearing in areas where naval forces and assets are concentrated...

Vitaly Pravdivtsev and Evgeny Litvinov in the article “On the history of the study of anomalous phenomena by intelligence of the USSR Navy” (2008) provide a number of archival information about facts of this kind that took place under water, on water and above water in the oceans and seas. Here are the facts about the Black Sea in chronological order:

1950 The cruiser's crew observed an egg-shaped object rising from the surface of the sea. He took off silently, leaving no waves or ripples on the water.

1966 During a large-scale exercise in the Black Sea, in an area where ships and submarines were concentrated, a group of UFOs appeared at a very high altitude. Objects moved chaotically in the air. As the objects descended, their spherical and cigar-shaped shapes became visible. The teaching had to be interrupted. The order was given to destroy the UFO. But the shelling did not produce any results.

May 1979. In front of one of the ships, several tens of meters away, a large luminous disk-shaped object flew out of the water. The water rose like a dome behind him and then fell down. Before it disappeared into the sky, we managed to take a good photograph of the object.

A disc-shaped UFO takes off from the water in front of the ship. Black Sea, May 1979

August 12, 1979 Adler area. Engineer Ya. Podvyazny testifies, who, together with two companions, observed the strange maneuvers of a luminous object from 2 a.m. for two and a half hours. It moved jerkily over the water from the sea towards Adler. “After another sharp throw, he ended up a kilometer away from us, west of Khosta. We managed to take nine pictures and see him through optics.

The object was 50-100 meters in diameter and had four rows of luminous portholes. It moved above the water at a height of 5-20 meters, slowly rising at an angle of approximately 3 degrees to the horizon. A patrol ship standing nearby illuminated the UFO with its spotlight. And immediately a ray of light departed from the object and turned into a ball, which flared up and went out. And at the same time, both the searchlight and all the lighting on the patrol ship went out. The observation continued until 04.30 am."

September 1982 Kerch. KGB General G. Aleksandrovich told about this incident to the famous test pilot, Air Force Colonel Marina Popovich. N. A group of KGB officers was fishing from a boat in the Kerch area. Suddenly, one of the five “fishermen” noticed an extra star in the constellation Ursa Major, which began to rapidly increase in size. It soon became clear that it was spinning. When the object hovered over the water near the boat, it was possible to estimate its diameter - about 400 meters. Three beams appeared from the UFO, which “with a rotational corkscrew movement illuminated everything around and even touched the edges of the people on the boat. They either retracted, then moved forward again.” The fishermen hurried to the island, where two people remained to prepare a fire and spend the night. The object accompanied them for some time, but when approaching the island it began to decrease in size, rotating counterclockwise. In Moscow, eyewitnesses reported what had happened to General G. Aleksandrovich N., and he reported to Yu.V. himself. Andropov. “Fortunately, there was no negative impact on people. But the duration of the observation and the enormous size of the UFO are an amazing fact,” concluded General G. Aleksandrovich N.

End of 1982 Crimea. During naval exercises, an unknown target was discovered in the sky above the naval base in Balaklava, which did not respond to a friend or foe request. It flew at the height of a helicopter, had a sharp nose, “like a TU-144,” and sparks flew out of the tail. As fighter-interceptors approached, the UFO went under water. Warships were brought in to search for him, but to no avail.

1990. Testified by the director of the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, E. Shnyukov, the head of the expedition to the Black Sea on the research vessel "Mikhail Lomonosov". “At a depth of 1400 - 1800 meters, a mysterious body was discovered - an elliptical NPO measuring 3x2 kilometers. Its thickness was determined on echograms - up to 270 meters. Its materiality and density were confirmed by devices that prevent barometers from hitting hard ground - they invariably triggered upon contact with the NPO. Analysis of water samples taken near the NPO did not show any hydrochemical anomalies."

1990 Explorers of the deep sea in Sevastopol told the expert of the Association "Ecology of the Unknown" Kuzovkin A.S. about his observation during descent in a deep-sea bathyscaphe. It was an unknown object in the shape of a wheel with a diameter of a ten-story building, standing vertically in the water column. From the submersible it was visible how this “wheel” assumed a horizontal position and began to rotate, and then began to move away.

August 8, 1991 Black Sea. Residents of Sevastopol and the crews of Navy ships stationed in the roadstead observed a UFO in the shape of a diamond with two central lights, then a triangular pyramid appeared, from each face of which a “searchlight” was visible. Its height was 12 times less than the width of the base...

A lot of other evidence of this nature can be found in the book of the veteran of Russian ufology V.G. Azhazhi “Underwater UFOs” (Moscow, “Veche”, 2008). It is based on a report on the research topic “Hydrospheric aspect of the UFO problem”, completed by the author back in 1978 at the request of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the USSR Navy (revised and expanded). The book analyzes more than 2000 cases of UFO sightings in the seas and oceans above water, on the water, under water, on the shore, their impact on submarines, ships, airplanes, equipment and people... There are as many as 118 cases of Black Sea UFOs in the book! This is exactly how many episodes off the Crimean coast over the past 60 years were counted in the book by Sergei Sharygin, a Crimean ufologist. The number of observations of moving alien objects (DOP - a new term, equivalent to UFOs, proposed by V.G. Azhazha in the book) in the Black Sea and off the coast of Crimea over the past 60 years is given in the table:

The last episode of the “Black Sea UFO” that received publicity in the media dates back to the fall of 2006. Then, from the small ship of the Ukrainian Navy "Balta", an underwater flying "saucer" was spotted. This happened during an expedition to search for a ship that sank during the Second World War. This is what the director of the Department of Underwater Heritage of Ukraine Sergei Voronov said:

- We explored the waters near Cape Ayudag - one of the probable crash sites of the Armenia. It was a joint expedition with the Russians. They provided equipment capable of scanning the bottom at great depths. She also “sees” objects in the water column. And then, during one of my watches, a Russian engineer exclaimed: “We seem to have spotted a Ukrainian submarine!” I look at the screen, and there really is some object and a contrail coming from it, indicating that the mysterious submarine is moving (visually it resembles a trail in the sky from an airplane). I did not tell the Russian specialist that the only Ukrainian submarine “Zaporozhye” has not gone to sea for a long time. He only stated that this submarine has an unusual shape, it looks very much like a flying saucer. Actually, I don’t believe in UFOs and similar miracles, so I was overcome by a feeling of the unreality of what was happening. I'm sure nothing like this exists. I assumed it was a Russian submarine. Returning to Sevastopol, he told the officers of the Russian Black Sea Fleet he knew about the strange submarine. They unanimously declared: their submarines have not gone to sea for several months...

So what is happening in the waters of the Black Sea? One of the leading researchers of the bottom and subsoil of the Black Sea, academician Evgeniy Shnyukov, argues:

Together with Rear Admiral Mitin, we published an article devoted to mysterious phenomena occurring in the Black Sea, which can be mistaken for unidentified underwater objects. In fact, this is the result of the functioning of gas torches of mud volcanoes located at the bottom. They emit a lot of gases and dirt, which leads to the appearance of visual effects on the screens of echo sounders. The effects were large - up to a kilometer long and 300 meters high - and had the shape of a dome.

Meanwhile, not all experts, much less direct eyewitnesses, agree with this statement, although they do not reject the proposed hypothesis out of hand. The fact is that not all cases can be clearly explained within the framework of such a hypothesis, especially since they have been recorded in the waters of many seas and oceans since ancient times, and all attempts at scientific analysis of such facts always ended in practically nothing...

Yaroslav Sochka, March 2011

Everything incomprehensible arouses in us a burning interest and at the same time anxiety. After all, the unknown can be fraught with danger. It is not just individuals who are worried, but also governments. Especially if the phenomenon is global, such as unidentified flying objects.

...Northern Fleet, Motovsky Bay, August 26, 1975. The Project 671 nuclear submarine goes on a combat mission.. After some time, the signalman reports to the commander: “45 degrees to starboard - airplane.” However, within a minute it became clear: the sailors had never encountered anything like this before. Because the object did not move: it simply hovered in the air.

The situation is further described by Alexey Korzhev, commander of the nuclear submarine: “The object was of an unusual shape, like an inverted parachute. It was all glowing and was clearly visible against the dark sky. The glow was rings. The brightest glow came from the lower ring - an intense white color. Then a moon-colored ring was visible, then a reddish, pink, dark ring, and finally, a triangular fire was clearly visible above the dome. Its color could be called phosphorescent. Suddenly this UFO began to move in our direction. After a while, a beam similar to a searchlight extended from its lower part.”

After 10 minutes, a second beam appeared towards the ship sailing on the starboard side. These rays remained for some time, but then went out. The UFO itself began to approach the submarine and hovered directly above it. The crew gathered on the upper deck no longer saw the luminous stripes, but only the dark lower part. Having stayed in this position for about a minute, the UFO began to move away in the direction from which it appeared. The stripes again became clearly visible, and the object itself disappeared into the clouds. According to observers, its diameter was from eight to fifteen meters.

What was it? Most likely, the UFO was scanning the ships, trying to assess the threat they pose. Interestingly, the UFO was not hiding at all and did not seem to be bothered by people's attention. Only after learning everything they wanted, the unknown pilots decided to leave the scene of the incident. This is especially surprising given the fact that UFOs usually try to leave the field of view of observers as quickly as possible.

This was not the first and not the last meeting of our sailors and submariners with mysterious objects. So, in 1964, during a night ascent in the Atlantic, a Soviet nuclear submarine discovered a large cigar-shaped object in the sky next to it, about 250 meters long. He moved absolutely silently. What is this? US Coast Guard patrol blimp? The commander ordered to prepare for an urgent dive. And then three bright beams hit from the bottom of the object. It became clear that this was not an airship. There were no gondolas or any rudders. Then something totally unexpected happened. Without turning off their spotlights, the object began to slowly descend and disappeared under the water. The boat's sonars recorded a brief hissing sound at that moment.

Several decades later, after retiring, the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy, Vladimir Chernavin, commented on the situation as follows: “Unidentified flying objects appear in areas where the forces of both our fleet and the forces of the fleet of foreign states are concentrated. The Americans have similar directives, and they have similar records, and similar observations are analyzed, and these observations are kept secret. I myself, after reading these reports, in three hours turned from an ordinary person into a ufologist.”

It is worth noting that descriptions of UFOs encountered at sea are sometimes repeated. Compare with the last case the entry from the logbook of the Argentine ship Naviero.

“July 20, 1967 During dinner, duty officer Jorge Montoya, in great excitement, went down to the wardroom and reported the appearance of an unknown object 15 meters on the starboard side. Immediately rising to the deck, the commander saw a cigar-shaped object emitting a blue-white glow. The length of the object was approximately 30 meters, the surface was absolutely smooth. There are no portholes, towers, handrails, superstructures or any protruding parts on the surface of the object.”

For about a quarter of an hour, the “cigar” followed a parallel course with the ship, causing amazement to the sailors. Then she suddenly plunged into the water, continuing to emit a radiance, passed under the Naviero’s hull and quickly moved away.

Isn't it true that these two cases are incredibly similar? The capabilities of UFOs at sea are amazing: they have enormous speed and maneuverability, can penetrate multi-meter thick layers of ice (when taking off in Antarctica), and do not leave stripes of foaming and seething water behind them. The principle of operation is still incomprehensible to us. But maybe there is just a little left? When powerful magnetic fields were first used on the American destroyer Eldridge in 1943, it simply disappeared from radar. And then many were inclined to believe in a miracle, that the ship had moved to a parallel world.

True, encounters with UFOs at sea do not always end peacefully. The Navy has almost always attempted to pursue UFOs at sea and use weapons. And not once have their attempts been successful. Sometimes the UFOs tried to avoid contact, and sometimes they simply played with the ships of earthlings, apparently well aware of their superiority.

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Some say that the limit of our knowledge about the world lies in space, but they flatter themselves: the limit of our knowledge is still on Earth. The world's oceans continue to represent one of nature's greatest mysteries. Many of us take the ocean for granted, but it is huge, powerful and almost endless, and its depths can hide something unimaginable. 10 examples of such surprises are in this post!

The Bimini Road, also called the Bimini Wall, is located in the Bahamas. It lies underwater at a depth of only about half a meter, so that it can be seen through the water. Some of its stones reach a length of 6 meters! Some believe that it was formed naturally, others believe that it was laid by people. Only one question remains: why build a road under water?..

9. “Sea of ​​Milk”

The “milk sea” effect occurs when in a certain area of ​​the ocean all the water seems to change color and becomes a milky white-blue hue. This is quite a frightening phenomenon; many sailors and travelers felt completely disoriented when confronted with it. Many scientists claim that this is due to the activity of bacteria, but bacteria have not yet been discovered that can change the color of water for days on end, but not constantly, but from time to time.

These stunning ancient pyramids were found in Japan, near the island of Yonaguni. Researchers say they may be older than the Egyptian pyramids! This is all great, but how exactly did they end up underwater? Nobody can say for sure. If they are man-made, they may have been part of the city. But people cannot live under water! Or... once could they? Or were they not built by people? Who knows.

A question for philosophers who love riddles like “can God create a stone that he himself cannot lift”: how can an underwater waterfall exist if water is everywhere? However, underwater waterfalls exist and can even be very dangerous - the currents that form near them can destroy a ship. So far, scientists have discovered 7 underwater waterfalls, and most likely these are not all similar phenomena that we know about. The largest of them is located off the coast of Denmark.

6. Underwater “crop circles”

You know about “crop circles” - mysterious patterns that, looking at them, people think that these circles were left by a UFO upon landing? So, these circles also exist under water. Apparently, aliens are not very concerned about where exactly to land - on land or in the ocean! In fact, scientists believe that these traces remain from the mating ritual of one of the fish species - this is not as interesting as the version with aliens, but what can you do?

Ah, the Bermuda Triangle! Once upon a time, people were really concerned about having to fly or swim through this area if the route ran through it. They talk about it less now, but it used to be a significant cause for concern. It was also called the “Devil's Triangle”, and many planes and ships in this zone disappeared without a trace. Some say there is a portal to another world there! This may not be true, but why tempt fate?

All the items on this list are real mysteries, but the Cuban underwater city is something that really makes you think seriously. There is a structure off the coast of Cuba whose existence makes you think that perhaps the myth of Atlantis was based on real facts! This is an underwater city that has giant pyramids and sphinx sculptures. Some believe that the city is over 10,000 years old and sank during an earthquake. It is really difficult to come up with another explanation.

The Devil's Sea is an area in the sea approximately 100 km from the Japanese capital Tokyo, near the territory of Guam. Many sailors are afraid to enter these waters. Many ships of brave souls who tried to cross the Devil's Sea sank here. Strong storms and gales erupt in this area “out of the blue”, in the middle of a clear sky. In addition, no one lives here - no fish, no birds, no whales, no dolphins. Most likely, there is something connected with this that we humans don’t know!

Another real mystery is the mysterious circles near the Persian Gulf that glow and rotate. Some scientists claim that these are plankton, but most researchers disagree with this. Most likely, this is another of the unknown oceanic phenomena (although, of course, like other phenomena on Earth, aliens may be involved in this).

This is perhaps too mysterious even for this list! Some people believe that what we think is a UFO at the bottom of the Baltic is just a rock. Others say it is an old sunken submarine. But this device looks like it came straight out of a Star Wars movie! The team of researchers who discovered it claim that it rests on a huge pillar, and inside it there is what appears to be a staircase leading into a black hole. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in the versions given here or not, one thing is clear: definitely, this is truly a mystery for humanity!

Continuing to investigate the mysterious object and studying the data received from the scanning sonar, some researchers came to the conclusion that this could be a top-secret Nazi base on which anti-submarine weapons were installed.

Former Swedish naval officer Anders AUTELLUS suggested that the structure, measuring 200 by 25 feet, may have served to block the signals of Russian and British submarines moving in the area during World War II. This, according to him, can explain the fact that some technical devices stop working near the UFO. Team member Stefan HOGEBORN agreed with these arguments: “The object is located directly on the shipping route. Most likely, this is a really huge concrete structure.”

The Nazis, retreating, “burned bridges behind them,” covering up the traces of not only their crimes, but also the discoveries of scientists. But there are many legends about the experiments that could be carried out by them. A significant part of the secret objects was destroyed, and most of those who were engaged in this kind of research simply did not survive to this day. Perhaps this installation was one of the last that they created, and in the singular, given that no others (or even just similar ones) were discovered. A hypothetical Nazi weapon is indeed somehow quite capable of “jamming” radio signals, since it is assumed that signals from submarines were lost.

But there is a completely different version. Geology professor Volker BRUCHERT from Stockholm University believes that the object lying at the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia (between Finland and Sweden) “... most likely has a geological origin.” As the expert noted, “The Baltic Sea was formed as a result of a glacier passing through this territory, which later melted and marked the beginning of its formation.”

Having studied rock samples collected at the site where the mysterious object was discovered, Bruchert claims that the samples given to him turned out to be pieces of ordinary basalt, a rock of volcanic origin. The scientist suggests that the basalt was once brought to this place by a glacier, and after the ice melted, it ended up at the bottom of a new sea. According to the professor, it was the northern part of the Baltic seabed that was under the influence of these processes. So both these rock samples and the object itself most likely ended up at the bottom as a result of melting glaciers. And the fact that the basalt acquired an unusual shape is explained by the fact that “... huge ice masses contained fragments of rocks. These stones traveled thousands of kilometers with glaciers and settled where they were found at the end of the Ice Age. Often, as a result, bizarre formations were formed from these debris, even similar to “flying saucers.”

True, the geologist could not explain why the “rock debris” also jams electronics.

Extraterrestrial civilizations have long captivated our imagination, and there are countless conspiracy theories around the world based on the wildest ideas and suspicions. It turns out that there is a widespread belief among some ufologists that all this time we have been looking for aliens in the wrong places and looking in the completely wrong direction. The authors of some of the craziest theories are convinced that we are unlikely to find someone in space, because the aliens have been here for a long time, and their main goal is our water. According to these theories, alien bases are hidden precisely in the darkest and uncharted depths of the seas and oceans!

10. Alleged accumulation of several UFOs at once to meet in the middle of the ocean

Last year, rumors spread about a military report about mysterious incidents allegedly recorded in the Californian coastline back in 2004. According to the report, allegedly over a period of 2 weeks, the US military observed several UFOs that were moving at incredibly high speeds and using unknown technology to hide from prying eyes. These flying saucers could make incredible dives from a height of almost 18 kilometers to 15 meters above the ground in a matter of seconds. The military simply did not have time to find them and could barely cope with tracking the movements of these UFOs using their most advanced equipment.

Pilots who were monitoring these spacecraft said that they noticed an unusual disturbance in the sea right where the mysterious ships were theoretically flying. In some cases, these traces on the water were the size of a football field and shaped like a submarine, and the UFOs also appeared to float up and submerge under water. The ripples on the water calmed down very quickly, it was almost impossible to see anything in these short moments, and witnesses to this phenomenon were often not taken seriously, although there are rumors that the authorities were in fact very attentive to this case.

Was all this for real? Are aliens involved in these phenomena? What exactly was happening in California's coastal waters in 2004? According to reports, the pilots were unable to really understand anything because everything was over too quickly. What if it was a massive gathering of aliens whose secret base is located somewhere at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean? Less conspiracy theories are associated with the latest military developments. How can one not remember Wakanda (a fictional state from Marvel comics)? If 14 years ago there were, indeed, new generation submarines cruising in the California area, which even the Americans with all their sophisticated equipment could not track, these were truly fantastic ships.

9. Crystal pyramids hiding underwater in the Bermuda Triangle area

This theory has recently gained a lot of adherents, and it owes its increased popularity to a recently released documentary. The film was made in the style of old filming, and according to the plot, a sensational discovery was made a long time ago, and the American government allegedly carefully hides this important information from people. According to this documentary, oceanographer Meyer Verlag and a team of American and French researchers discovered a beautiful sparkling pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle area, which is 3 times larger than the ancient Egyptian tomb of Pharaoh Cheops. In one of the scenes, the authors of this “documentary” film even claim that they came into possession of a certain crystal ball, raised directly from the bottom of the ocean, where the pyramids are hidden, and that it has supernatural powers.

However, the truth is that this entire film is an ordinary hoax and fake. There is no Dr. Verlag, and his international team of scientists, like this entire expedition in general, is a simple invention. There is also no evidence of the existence of a crystal pyramid or any other underwater structures in the area.

The most ridiculous thing in this whole story is that the said oceanographer was sure of the involvement of the mysterious pyramid in all the disappearances that ever occurred in the Bermuda Triangle area. But a real scientist would know that there is nothing special in this region, and that all the scary stories about this place are ordinary. Naturally, lovers of conspiracy theories will not give up their beliefs so easily. They will still believe in aliens, and conspiracy theorists will always consider any scientific arguments and reasonable arguments against the anomalous nature of the Bermuda Triangle as an attempt by the authorities to hide the terrible truth from people.

8. Octopuses are actually alien creatures that arrived on a meteorite.

Many people peer into the sky in the hope of discovering an extraterrestrial civilization in space, but some seekers are confident that aliens have long been among us and are hiding away from human eyes at the bottom of the oceans and seas. Recently, a group of 33 researchers published a scientific report in which several rather interesting theories about octopuses are offered to the public... These enthusiasts claim that once upon a time, along with a meteorite, alien DNA was brought to Earth, which entered the body of squids, and they mutated into octopuses. Another version says that fertilized eggs of some extraterrestrial species fell to Earth along with the meteorite, and that, again, octopuses are evidence of this. These same researchers are confident that octopuses evolved too quickly. They believe that the intellectual abilities of octopuses and their excellent ability to adapt to a wide variety of conditions clearly indicate the alien nature of these animals.

Other scientists view these claims with great skepticism, for obvious reasons. While conspiracy theorists claim that octopuses are too far ahead in development of other underwater organisms, conservatives do not see any contradictions in the chronology and are confident that the genome of these animals does not raise any suspicions of extraterrestrial intervention. In addition, it is worth noting that among the authors of the controversial study there is not a single qualified zoologist or marine biologist, which clearly casts a shadow on the entire study. However, the theory about the meteorite is not the first of its kind, because there are many more similar versions about the extraterrestrial origin of life on our planet.

7. Atlantis really exists, and real aliens live in this secret underwater city

Ancient people came up with very interesting myths, and some of them are even associated with quite traceable places and events. The legend about Atlantis is not that ancient, and recently scientists have come to the conclusion that this story still has no basis in reality. It turns out that Atlantis was simply a fictional city that Plato used as an instructive example during his thoughts on morality. No one had ever mentioned Atlantis before Plato, and there is no other historical evidence of its existence, so this place was no more real than the planet Coruscant from Star Wars, the refuge of Rivendell from the books, or Diagon Alley from Harry Potter. However, ufologists also seized on this fairy tale, once again managing to connect the fantastic underwater world with aliens.

Some people believe in the authenticity of a certain mysterious artifact, which is a stone slab with the name of the ancient king of Atlantis mentioned. These same people believe that the location of the sunken kingdom is unknown only because of the conspiracy of the world authorities. They are also convinced that the king of Atlantis was a powerful alien, and that his relatives ruled prehistoric people. According to the same theory, it was aliens with the help of extraterrestrial technologies, using people as slaves, who built the famous Egyptian pyramids. Then a major natural disaster occurred on Earth, and the aliens decided to move under water, where the elements could not disturb them. This all sounds extremely contradictory, but do conspiracy theorists ever use common sense?

6. The mysterious Bermuda Triangle and government conspiracy

Nowadays, when access to information has become especially simplified thanks to the Internet and educational sites, all the myths and legends that previously captivated gullible minds can always be checked independently, rather than blindly trusting pseudoscientific TV shows and books.

One of the most notorious legends of our time is associated with the Bermuda Triangle. For years, this place was considered fatal and was blamed for the terrible disappearances of planes and ships. Its notoriety was fueled by numerous television shows and films, but recently this hype has died down, because now, thanks to scientists, we know that there is, in fact, nothing special in the Bermuda Triangle. It's all about the geographical location, climate and tectonic activity in the area.

The Bermuda Triangle is the name given to the area in the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda. The well-known insurance market Lloyd's of London, which brings together insurance companies from around the world, has never recognized the Bermuda Triangle as a high-risk area, and the US Coast Guard has confirmed that the area has no more accidents than other places in its jurisdiction. Despite such convincing arguments, conspiracy theorists still believe that the Bermuda Triangle is the source of something anomalous and mysterious. In their opinion, statements by the authorities that this part of the world does not pose any threat once again prove the desire of the powers that be to hide the terrible truth from ordinary people. Naturally, some people believe that it's all about aliens. Hey government, admit it!

5. Dolphins are capable of traveling to other dimensions, and they appeared on our planet to help people return to the ocean

There are many different conspiracy theories in the world, but Aros Crystos has surpassed most of them. This man claims that in the 50s, when he was still a little boy, his spaceship landed somewhere in Sweden. Christos lived most of his life there, until in the 90s he finally moved to sunny California closer to the sea. In America, he began to think about dolphins, and eventually came up with a simply incredible theory. Aros believes that he has the ability to telepathically communicate with these sea animals, and that he is actually the dolphin ambassador on land. Christos states that he has a very important message for all of us from the dolphins. It turns out that dolphins are actually creatures that live outside of space, and that their earthly shell is just one of many other incarnations.

More importantly, the dolphins want people to return to the ocean where we all come from. How we can pull this off is still unclear, because millions of years of evolution have made us completely terrestrial creatures, unable to survive under water. Obviously, there are still too many gaps in Aros' theory, although dolphins are indeed too smart creatures. But you must admit, they are unlikely to be some kind of interdimensional gods or aliens, vainly appealing to us through one single person in history with a request to abandon the land life and grow gills for ourselves.

4. Jellyfish are aliens, and some of them have been living on our planet for almost forever

Jellyfish are one of the strangest and most dangerous animals on Earth. When they get into coastal waters, they pose a threat to humans, but every year there are more and more of them, and in the end this can harm the entire ecosystem. Their unusual anatomy and feeding method (enveloping their prey) are perfect for survival in various parts of the world, and all this has also inspired many minds to come up with theories about the alien origin of jellyfish.

Scientists actually don’t know that much about these creatures... We are constantly finding out something new about them and regularly discover previously unknown species. The largest jellyfish in the world is the arctic cyanide, and it is found to grow up to an impressive 37 meters in length, including tentacles. However, an even more surprising example is another representative of this subtype - Turritopsis nutricula. This jellyfish is truly the Benjamin Button of the underwater world. She is virtually immortal thanks to her ability to reverse the life cycle.

Conspiracy theorists believe that jellyfish are alien creatures, and that the largest of them are very smart creatures that inhabit our planet indefinitely. In principle, these creatures may indeed be much smarter than we think. Perhaps they are simply communicating on a different level and we are not yet able to understand them. Considering the supposedly centuries-old age of some species, it can be assumed that during all this time the ancient jellyfish could even acquire some semblance of consciousness... However, all this is still unprovable, and we cannot say anything at all about their extraterrestrial origin.

3. A man claims that he was kidnapped by gray aliens and that they live underwater, constantly watching all of humanity.

Stories about gray aliens abducting people for the sake of terrible experiments and implanting high-tech beacons in them have existed as long as all myths about aliens in general. In many of these stories, the abductees lose their memory, and can only talk about bright lights and flying saucers. However, it also happens that the allegedly victims clearly remember everything that happened to them during the abduction by aliens.

One man claimed that he was walking along the Black Sea beach in Georgia when a flying ship appeared in the sky and the unfortunate man was captured against his will. This man said that on board the UFO he saw images of sea animals, including octopuses and dolphins, and that the aliens told him that they often take these sea creatures to their planet for reproduction and further study. The aliens allegedly admitted to our narrator that they are constantly studying our seas and oceans, and that their main goal is to collect large amounts of water for transportation to their home planet, where it is now in great need. The gray humanoids showed the abducted man what their planet looked like. According to him, the sky there is green, and extraterrestrial skyscrapers are much higher than our high-rise buildings. In addition, aliens live for several thousand years, and not up to 100, like humans. Despite the progress achieved and the availability of the most advanced technologies for traveling throughout the Universe, these aliens for some reason still cannot solve the problem of water resources, isn’t it strange?

2. Flight MH370 didn’t actually crash, it was dragged underwater by aliens

The Malaysian plane, which disappeared from radar back in March 2014, attracted the attention of the whole world. Trying to understand what happened to this flight, people came up with many incredible theories. Some believe the pilot committed suicide; according to another version, the cause of the crash was the machinations of an unknown passenger; perhaps the plane was shot down by the Americans or Russians; and the Boeing could have been captured by either the North Korean authorities or ISIS, and then used it in their own interests. All of these theories sound pretty crazy, but they still pale in comparison to the alien theory.

Some ufologists are convinced that it was aliens who interrupted the flight of flight MH370, and the wreckage of the plane discovered in the ocean only fueled their belief in this version. Conspiracy theorists have long been claiming that aliens live at the bottom of the seas and oceans, so the discovered fragments of the plane supposedly only confirm their version of the intervention of an extraterrestrial race. However, then another question arises - why did they even need a plane full of passengers, the disappearance of which clearly could not go unnoticed? Theorists have never been able to provide the world with at least one relatively logical answer to this question.

1. They say that there are secret alien bases deep at the bottom of the ocean.

In the 90s, a certain “blue folder” with reports from the Russian military on the study of aliens allegedly fell into the hands of the Ukrainian scientist Vladimir Azhazh, and it was handed over to former cosmonaut Pavel Popovich. The secret folder allegedly contained reports of UFO sightings. According to data from the same blue folder, 50% of alien activity occurred in the oceans, and another 15% in the lakes of the Earth, so it is easy to assume that extraterrestrial civilization prefers the aquatic environment. If these reports are to be believed. Such statistics could at the same time explain why the aliens chose our planet, because it is not without reason that 70% of its surface is covered with water. According to secret military documents, many alien bases have long been built on Earth, many of which are located deep at the bottom of the ocean. One particular group of aliens theoretically flew to us from our ancient sister planet Phaeton, which was destroyed by a nuclear explosion a long time ago, and now its inhabitants are establishing their bases throughout the solar system.

In 2006, Popovich claimed that aliens had built one base on Saturn, one somewhere at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, one in the Himalayas and another in the Andes, which they then closed for fear of being discovered by humans. All this sounds extremely far-fetched, and there are many reasons for skepticism. Most likely, this former Russian cosmonaut is out of his mind and delirious, or simply craving media attention. There is so much fantastic and at the same time extremely detailed information in Popovich’s stories that it seems very strange that he never managed to make contact with these creatures. How can you know so much without seeing it all with your own eyes? But Popov claims that he never managed to communicate with the owners of secret alien headquarters.