Sources of education and replenishment of student jargon. Synonymy in youth slang

Student jargon is a specific language that is common among students in higher education institutions. It can be divided into several types.

Tail, record book, first...

The first group includes words and expressions that are understandable to all students without exception. These words include: university, spur, hostel, teacher, tail, ball, pair, reader, record book, dopsa. Sometimes a university may have its own specific vocabulary that is understandable only to local students. Freshmen can learn these words from seniors. Words from the first group are understandable to both first- and last-year students.

And senior students have a special jargon

In senior years, when special major subjects appear, expressions characteristic of a particular faculty appear. For example, matanal is mathematical analysis, nachertalka is descriptive geometry, tower is higher mathematics, ZUN is knowledge, abilities, skills, criminal law is criminal law, “Kharka” is a characteristic of a student from the place of practice, etc. Often slang expressions appear in the name of the teacher or the title of the textbook.

Professional slang

The third group of student slang includes words or special terms that are characteristic not of students, but of professionals. Similar words are typical for representatives of IT specialists: meter - megabyte, brains - memory, mother - motherboard, operating system - operating system. For example, the phrase “I need 5 meters of brains” is translated as “I need 5 megabytes of memory.”

There is also a fourth, most extravagant group of student jargon. This is profanity that is used by students to describe their disliked teachers. We won’t include it in the article, but if you want, you can leave a few words in the comments.

The study of Russian youth slang began in the 60s and 70s. XX century, and sociolinguists had to defend the right to study “low” vocabulary. In this regard, a comparison is often quoted by K. Koscinski, who wrote: “The trouble with our lexicology is still that it studies mainly “good” words and, with the disgust of a classy lady from the institute of noble maidens... bypasses “bad” ones. words".

At the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, new trends emerged in the study of informal youth speech: youth slang is being studied as a component of urban vernacular; analyzed as a language formation that has an independent lexical-semantic system; is considered from the standpoint of speech culture. During this period, jargon dictionaries were actively published [Mokienko, Nikitina 2000; Maksimov 2002; Nikitina 2003; Levikova 2003; Kveselevich 2003; Grachev 2003; Walter 2005, Nikitina 2009, etc.].

Student jargon

In the mid-80s. “Informal” youth associations of different directions are emerging: punks, rockers, metalheads, goths, etc. Many of them are trying to create their own slang systems. They supplement the general youth jargon with individual lexical units, the emergence of which as a powerful language subsystem occurred in the late 80s - early 90s, when stereotypes were being broken in society and in the language, and priorities were changing. The hip-hop movement is actively developing - rap, graffiti, breakdancing. The younger generation is mastering computer technology and communicating on the Internet. All this contributes to the emergence of new corporate languages ​​and the dynamics of development of the Russian lexicon.

As you know, the boundary between jargon, vernacular and colloquial speech is fluid and permeable. In this regard, some researchers talk about the emergence of the so-called general jargon, which is used not only by individual social groups, but also by the majority of Russian speakers.

It should be noted that slang and jargon are not entirely synonymous concepts. “The terms jargon and slang differ in cultural and historical connotations and traditions of use” [Nikitina - 2007: p. 4]. The word slang was borrowed from the English language, in which it had an original meaning - “the language of youth” (for example, the slang of hippies, beatniks - representatives of youth movements of the 60s of the XX century), or meant “professional jargon of some new, actively developing spheres" [Nikitina - 2007: p. 4], which includes business slang, computer slang, etc. It is noteworthy that “the new term is gradually replacing the word jargon, which during the Soviet period acquired a negative connotation” [Nikitina - 2007: p. 4].

College jargon is a peculiar language common among students in higher education institutions. Several groups can be distinguished in it. First- these are jargons common to all students: record book, university, teacher, faculty, abitura, freshman, dorm, tail, spur... There are also whole student slang expressions such as, for example, to give up on a couple, which means to skip class. Each university may have its own set of expressions (student jargon), which are passed on from senior students to junior ones.

Second the group consists of jargons that are used by students according to their department and specialization. Usually words are formed from abbreviated names of objects: matan, matanal - mathematical analysis, vyshka - higher mathematics, nachertalka - descriptive geometry, termekh - theoretical mechanics, ugolovka - criminal law, drill - ancient Russian literature, prosem - proseminary. Sometimes students replace the names of subjects with the names of teachers or authors of textbooks (Derevianko’s textbook, from which the name of the subject follows - wood). In senior years, special terms appear in the jargon of students that are no longer inherent in the student, but in the professional environment.

Bobrov 2017

Objective of the project: studying the vocabulary of VOUK students Project objectives:
  • find out whether slang is a separate language;
  • trace the development of slang in Russia;
  • identify the need of modern youth for self-expression and mutual understanding;
  • establish whether slang influences the literary language;
  • study the characteristic features of the vocabulary of VOUK students;
  • HYPOTHESIS: in the speech of VOUK students there is vocabulary that is limited in use.
Research methods: 1. Collection of vocabulary. 2. Questionnaire. 3. Logical analysis, analysis of scientific and methodological literature. 4. Method of statistical data processing. 5. Comparison method. 6. Generalization method. Research Questions: What is slang? How did it develop in Russia? How does slang affect the language? Is it a separate language? Do students at our school use slang expressions? Object of study- oral speech of students of the Voronezh Regional School of Culture Slang is an island of freedom in the world of adults... Young people make up 1/3 of the Russian population... We need your own language!!! Three waves in the history of slang formation in Russia:
  • 20s
  • 50s – 60s
  • 70s – 80s
School and student slang originated in the 19th century
  • N. Gogol “Viy” (“try large peas”)
  • N. Pomyalovsky (“May”, “Lupettes”)
  • L. Charskaya (“moveshki”, “bruises”)
  • K. Paustovsky (“teeming”)
If he speaks incorrectly, then he is a Bolshevik! A. M. Selishchev The revolution and civil war gave birth to an army of homeless people, and the speech of “prosperous” youth was replenished with many “thieves” words. The second wave occurred in the 50s, when “hipsters” took to the streets of cities. Its own music, its own dances, its own clothes, its own special language. H – Man, U - Respectful B - High A - American K - Culture Let this world bend under us... group “Time Machine” The third wave in the development of youth slang in Russia associated with a period of “stagnation”. “Systemic” slang appears as a linguistic gesture of opposition between informal youth and official ideology. A sociological survey was conducted among students of our school in order to find out the reasons for the use of slang expressions in speech. I use slang because: - I want to be understood peers – 9%; - this saves time when communication – 7%; - helps express emotions and feelings – 13; - I want to be modern – 9% - it has become a habit – 12%; - all my friends say so – 19% - it’s fashionable – 14% - I want to look cool – 15% Distribution of normative and slang vocabulary among boys and girls of VOUK Analysis of a sociological survey of students Young people who use slang understand the meaning of the words they use (this is conscious use, not blind repetition, because “everyone says it and it’s fashionable”). So what is slang? Good friend? 1. Slang is a game that helps you overcome everyday life. 2. Allows you to create your own world, a world without adults. 3. Saves time, which is so important for us to communicate. 4. Constantly updated. 5. Slang is expressive and short. 6. Emotionally charged. A cunning enemy? 1. Slang reduces communication to primitive communication. 2. Limited thematically (main topics: “person”, “appearance”, “clothing”, “housing”, “leisure”). 3. Does not convey the full range of emotions. 4. Cannot be the basis of national culture. 5. Slang kills thought, discourages its fans from thinking and thinking. Is slang a separate language? Slang cannot be called a separate language because: 1) it does not have its own rules of phonetics and grammar; 2) it differs from the common language, mainly in vocabulary; 3) slang can only be used in colloquial speech, in other cases it clogs the generally understandable literary language.

Literary language

Non-literary varieties





Book words

Standard spoken words

Neutral words




Slang is just one of the levels of the national language

National language

Does slang influence literary language? For example, the modern normative Russian language has included the word “ostrit”, which in the past meant “to make sharp.” Now we use this word in the sense of “joking, saying witticisms.” We believe that... Slang remains with young people, as an island of naturalness and freedom from the adult world. Slang was, is and will be. BUT! Statistics show that slang is characteristic of young people aged 12-22... When young people enter conscious adult life, they stop actively using slang expressions... Project “Slang in the language of students of our school”

“Voronezh Regional School of Culture named after A.S. Suvorin"

In our country, youth slang also receives enough attention. However, you can often find articles and works by Russian authors who consider youth slang a negative phenomenon of the language and call for getting rid of it, since, in their opinion, it defiles speech: “Slang kills thought, weanes its zealous admirers from thinking,” writes philologist L.I. . Skvortsov [Skvortsov, 1996, p. 189]. This idea also runs through many of D.S.’s works. Likhacheva. Lecturer at Moscow University V.M. Kasyanova writes indignantly: “Open any modern youth magazine, some “Molotok”, and you will see what their authors treat their readers to. When flirting with young people, they sometimes express themselves “cooler” than the teenagers themselves...” [Kasyanova, 2004, pp. 121-122].

In the speech of Russian schoolchildren, for example, there are such slangisms as uchilka (teacher), klassukha (class teacher), sackcloth (school principal). But the use of these words does not have the function of evaluating the named people (a teacher is not a “bad teacher”, but simply a “teacher”). It clearly demonstrates the speaker’s intention to reduce the social status of these people in the eyes of the listener and in his own, and thereby, as a rule, increase his own status (at least at the time of speech).

Student slang reflects the characteristics of youth consciousness, which is characterized by an ironic-critical perception of reality, parody, travesty of official speech forms based on language play.

Student slang is a timeless, eternal concept. The focus here is on the person of the student in the system of intra- and extra-university relations. Slang reflects the social, cultural and value characteristics of the environment in which it operates

The core of student slang consists of nominations related to education. The following thematic groups can be distinguished here:

designations of universities, individual faculties, specialties;

designations of teachers and certain categories of students;

subject components of student life;

names associated with control activities;

names of various student "events".

Let's consider the main ways of forming slang in the Russian language:

Borrowing. This method was discussed in detail in the first chapter. Here we mean tracing paper, semi-calculation, translation and phonetic mimicry. For example, teacher is a teacher, party is a party.

Affixation as a means of slang formation is also very productive. Youth slang makes do with the most standard suffixes and prefixes. For example, most adjectives derived from English roots are formed with the stressed suffix -ov-: branded - completely new, French - French; suffix -ist-: indifference - a lazy student indifferent to everything.

The next powerful source of formation of the lexical composition of slang is metaphorization. For example, strain the brain in the meaning of think or blow out in the meaning of cheat. In metaphorics there is often a humorous interpretation of the signified. Compared to the three mentioned (foreign borrowings, affixation and metaphors), the share of other sources of formation of the lexical fund of youth slang is insignificant

As for specific examples, the slang of Russian students is also quite diverse, although it is inferior to French in its diversity. Let's also look at some examples of thematic groups.

Educational institution, faculty:

Universities, universities

Sharaga - college, school

Bursa - college, school

Med - medical university

Ped - Pedagogical University

Polytech - polytechnic university InYaz - linguistic university

HSE - Higher School of Economics

Faculty of Philology, History Faculty, Mechanics and Mathematics - philological, historical and mathematical faculties, respectively

Fail an exam - fail the exam

Fail an exam - deliberately ask a student difficult questions so that he fails the exam

State - state exam

Tail - debt, failed exam

Automatic - test or exam "automatic"

Enka, enochka - a pass recorded by the teacher


Teacher, teacher - teacher

Teacher - teacher

Classroom - class teacher

Teacher - teacher (nitsa)

Daily educational work:

To nerd - to study diligently, to prepare for classes, diligently

do homework

Cramming - diligently learning something by heart

To cheat from a neighbor - to copy from a neighbor at his desk

Celebrate the equator - celebrate the end of the fifth semester, i.e. "middle of the educational path", 2.5 years

Academic - sabbatical leave

Couple - lesson, lecture

Window - break between lectures

Zarubezhka, antichka, matan, tower, physical education, liter, nachertalka, English, français - names of disciplines

Student, pupil:

Pervak ​​- first year student

Schoolboy - schoolboy

Botanist (nerd, bot) - a student who is always ready for class

A nerd (crammed) - a student who studies hard

Freeloader - lazy student

Historians, physicists, lawyers, economists - students of relevant faculties

Psychos - students of the Faculty of Psychology

Germans, English, French - students of the linguistic faculty

Most of the slang units are altered official names that help new students quickly adapt to their new environment and make its realities and laws “their own.”

Thus, student slang, being a special functional variety of the Russian language, reflects the entire range of interests of the student’s personality, the circle of his contacts inside and outside the university and performs mainly a communicative-adaptive function.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

(Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)


Faculty of Philology


“TSU student jargon as an integral part of the modern Russian language”


1. Main part:

1.1 Background

1.2 Student jargon

1.3 Reasons for using jargon in the speech of young people

1.4 Replenishment of slang vocabulary

1.5 Ways to form slang vocabulary

1.6 Peculiarities of slang of TSU students


List of sources and literature used

Application. Dictionary of jargon


This work is devoted to the study of student jargon at Tomsk State University - one of the corporate youth sublanguages. At the National Research Tomsk State University, 23 thousand people study (13 thousand full-time) in 130 areas and specialties. Every day, students learn, communicate with their peers, express themselves using their individual style, colorful words and expressions. The student language differs in many ways from the norms of the literary language, so it should be studied as a separate phenomenon. In modern Russian language there is youth slang, or slang(from the English slang - words and expressions used by people of certain professions or age groups). Sociolinguistics studies this layer of vocabulary. Social linguistics is a scientific discipline that develops “at the intersection of linguistics, sociology, social psychology and ethnography and studies a wide range of problems related to the social nature of language, its social functions, the mechanism of influence of social factors on language and the role that language plays in the life of society.” "

Student jargon as a lexical subsystem refers to group jargon, which is used mainly by youth groups: athletes, students, military personnel, computer scientists, etc. The TSU Dictionary of Jargons has both common and distinctive features with general youth and other jargons; has its own, relatively independent, lexical base.

The relevance of research. The confrontation between literary language and jargon “ associated with the psychology and subculture of individual, usually youth, groups” (Bondaletov); although “ dialects are never the only means of communication, they always act only as an addition to the general (literary) language.” Jargon is capable of independently realizing not only its leading emotional-expressive function, but also the main general linguistic functions: communicative, social, informational, etc.

Identification of lexical-semantic, morphological, stylistic features of student jargon is considered relevant, since it occupies a prominent place in the speech of young people, and its composition is rapidly changing. The number of Russian students reaches a million, and they are the most intellectually and culturally developed representatives of the younger generation.

The object of the study is the student jargon of TSU as an integral part of the modern Russian language.

The subject of the study is the lexical-phraseological and word-formation levels of informal speech of students of Tomsk State University, in particular, “their” words, phrases, phraseological units that differ from the literary standard, used for the original, most often connotatively rich designation of objects, concepts, signs, actions and conditions associated with educational activities, general cultural interests and the life of modern students.

Purpose of the study: to identify the lexical and phraseological layer of words, consisting of vocabulary and phraseological nominative non-literary units, characteristic of the active dictionary of students of Tomsk State University. To achieve the goal, the following tasks must be solved:

1. Determine the lexical and phraseological corpus of informal slang speech of TSU students.

2. Clarify the etymology and interpretation of individual slang units.

3. Identify sources of replenishment and formation of student jargon.

4. Distribute jargon into thematic groups.

The novelty of the work lies in the analysis of a layer of slang expressions used in 2009-2011 by students of Tomsk State University, which was previously unstudied.

vocabulary phraseology student jargon speech

1 . Main part

1 .1 Background

The study of Russian youth slang began in the 60s and 70s. XX century, and sociolinguists had to defend the right to study “low” vocabulary. In this regard, a comparison is often quoted by K. Koscinski, who wrote: “The trouble with our lexicology is still that it studies mainly “good” words and, with the disgust of a classy lady from the institute of noble maidens... bypasses “bad” ones. words".

At the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, new trends emerged in the study of informal youth speech: youth slang is being studied as a component of urban vernacular; analyzed as a language formation that has an independent lexical-semantic system; is considered from the standpoint of speech culture. During this period, jargon dictionaries were actively published [Mokienko, Nikitina 2000; Maksimov 2002; Nikitina 2003; Levikova 2003; Kveselevich 2003; Grachev 2003; Walter 2005, Nikitina 2009, etc.].

1 .2 Student jargon

In the mid-80s. “Informal” youth associations of different directions are emerging: punks, rockers, metalheads, goths, etc. Many of them are trying to create their own slang systems. They supplement the general youth jargon with individual lexical units, the emergence of which as a powerful language subsystem occurred in the late 80s - early 90s, when stereotypes were being broken in society and in the language, and priorities were changing. The hip-hop movement is actively developing - rap, graffiti, breakdancing. The younger generation is mastering computer technology and communicating on the Internet. All this contributes to the emergence of new corporate languages ​​and the dynamics of development of the Russian lexicon.

As you know, the boundary between jargon, vernacular and colloquial speech is fluid and permeable. In this regard, some researchers talk about the emergence of the so-called general jargon, which is used not only by individual social groups, but also by the majority of Russian speakers.

It should be noted that slang and jargon are not entirely synonymous concepts. “The terms jargon and slang differ in cultural and historical connotations and traditions of use” [Nikitina - 2007: p. 4]. The word slang was borrowed from the English language, in which it had an original meaning - “the language of youth” (for example, the slang of hippies, beatniks - representatives of youth movements of the 60s of the XX century), or meant “professional jargon of some new, actively developing spheres" [Nikitina - 2007: p. 4], which includes business slang, computer slang, etc. It is noteworthy that “the new term is gradually replacing the word jargon, which during the Soviet period acquired a negative connotation” [Nikitina - 2007: p. 4].

College jargon is a peculiar language common among students in higher education institutions. Several groups can be distinguished in it. First- these are jargons common to all students: record book, university, teacher, faculty, abitura, freshman, dorm, tail, spur... There are also whole student slang expressions such as, for example, to give up on a couple, which means to skip class. Each university may have its own set of expressions (student jargon), which are passed on from senior students to junior ones.

Second the group consists of jargons that are used by students according to their department and specialization. Usually words are formed from abbreviated names of objects: matan, matanal - mathematical analysis, vyshka - higher mathematics, nachertalka - descriptive geometry, termekh - theoretical mechanics, ugolovka - criminal law, drill - ancient Russian literature, prosem - proseminary. Sometimes students replace the names of subjects with the names of teachers or authors of textbooks (Derevianko’s textbook, from which the name of the subject follows - wood). In senior years, special terms appear in the jargon of students that are no longer inherent in the student, but in the professional environment.

1. 3 Reasons for using jargon in the speech of young people

Among the most significant reasons for the use of jargon in the speech of young people the following can be distinguished:

a) to achieve a certain social status in a group based on the acceptance of its social and moral values;

b) for fun and pleasure; c) to demonstrate the sharpness of your mind; d) in order to avoid the everyday banality of using words in a literary language, the desire for greater expressiveness of speech;

e) to attract attention to one’s own person;

f) to enrich the language, giving lexical specificity to certain phenomena and objects;

g) to accentuate one’s belonging to a particular school, craft, profession, to establish and maintain contact within a given social community;

h) to perform a secret function;

i) to create your own speech mask.

1. 4 Replenishmentslang vocabulary

There are a large number of sources of youth slang. The modern generation uses slangisms to denote new realities, objects, and phenomena. The most developed semantic fields are “Person”, “Appearance”, “Clothing”, “Leisure”. Slang is a living, moving language that keeps up with the times and responds to any changes in the life of the country and society.

1. Development of computer technology

Many words and expressions come from computer slang. The Internet, its wide possibilities, and rapidly developing computer technologies attract young people. In this regard, many new jargons appear. Here are some of them:

Virus - computer virus, emoticons - funny faces in chats, system glitch, buggy - problems with the computer, soap - e-mail, RAM - operating system, mouse - computer mouse, user - computer user, gamer - player.

2. Modern musical culture

One of the hobbies of young people is music. It is part of the lives of young people. Modern music is a mixture of different cultures and musical styles. Youth jargon related to the field of music contains the names of various musical styles (pop, popsyatin - pop music, Dark - heavy music, Dream, house, drum, drum (Dram "n Base), trance) and compositions (svezhak - fresh, new music, release - a composition that has been released for sale, track - a musical composition, playlist - a list of musical compositions), names of musicians' actions (sbat - play).

Foreign music is now more popular among young people, and Russian performers and compositions are sometimes perceived negatively. Young people often come up with nicknames for musical groups and performers:

Asi-Basi, Jennifer Popez, Zhenya Lenin, Patricia Kvas, Pasha Makarov, Marmeladze, Bari Karabasov, Bari Alabastrov, Andrey Buben, Kretinushki International, Bolvanushki International, Mikhail Shukherinsky.

3. English, German and French languages.

In youth circles, English is considered the most “fashionable” and most promising language for learning. Therefore, many youth jargons are words that are borrowed from the English language. The interesting thing is that these slang words are understood even by people who have never studied English in their lives, so slang words have become part of modern speech. Anglicisms reflect new realities from the spheres of science, technology, economics, and youth subculture.

Fifty-fifty (fifty-fifty) - 50 to 50, respect - respect, loser - loser, drink - drink, people - people, crazy (crazy) - crazy; best, bestovy - the best; love story - love story.

The writing of these slang words is free; you can use both Latin and Cyrillic alphabet. For example:

No problems - No problems

Please, okay, sorry, fail

Some English words have Russian elements of word formation. For example, the following expressions:

Face against the table - face against the table (head against the wall), face - face.

Also, English affixes can be added to Russian stems: blindble (word-forming suffix of the English language -able). With the help of the same suffix, new slang units are formed, only instead of the Russian word the English word appears, although in English this suffix cannot be attached to this word. For example, greatble, superbl.

There are not many jargons using German and French.

I sprech in German - I speak German.

Pardon me - sorry.

4. Criminal vocabulary.

The vocabulary associated with the criminal sphere includes the names of persons (authority, garbage - policeman), actions (soak, bang - kill, knock - report).

Some argotisms, having become youth slang, have significantly changed their semantics. For example: gopnik is a primitive, intellectually undeveloped and aggressive person (cf. corner gopnik is a street robber), sucker is a person. not worthy of respect, trust (cf. angle: a sucker is a victim of a crime, someone who is intended to be deceived, robbed or killed).

5. Slangisms related to drugs and alcohol

They are mainly divided into words that are the name of the drug addict, the names of the drugs, and words that denote actions related to drugs.

Addict, junkie, junkie, addict

Wheels - tablets

Drugs, coke, gerych, grass, hairdryer - drugs

Puffing, blowing, smearing, throwing up, smoking - actions related to drugs

Words related to alcohol can also be divided into small groups:

Drunkard, alkanaut, bruise - alcoholic

Sinka, vodyara - alcohol

Ferment, drink, buzz - drink.

6. Computer games, videos, cartoons

A large number of slang words and expressions come into the speech of young people from computer games, but most often these words are specific in use, they are used by those young people for whom games are a hobby. Many words are borrowed from English.

Computer youth language has become very widespread lately.

Preved, bear! - traditional greeting

Handsome, bunny - a positive assessment of someone

Yatya Laf - I love you

Uzhs - horror; please - please

The last example shows that there is a tendency in computer language to shorten words and expressions to save time and also to improve typing speed.

The most expressive and memorable names of movie and cartoon characters become common nouns in youth speech.

Goblins, gremlins, simpsons, spongebob.

7. Hobbies and interests of young people

Young people have various hobbies to which they devote their free time. And the world of jargon associated with this or that hobby is bright and original.

The game of sox (sock) is a small rag ball. This game is reminiscent of the Russian game "Hot Potato", but in this game players kick the ball around with their feet. Now this game is less relevant, it is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Football has always been popular among young people, and in this regard, one cannot do without slang words (to feint, to chase feints).

This source can be attributed to the replenishment of youth slang with the help of anime, a subculture that is so popular these days. People who are interested in anime are called anime fans.

Anime is primarily the name of animated films that are produced in Japan. The first cartoons date back to the mid-twentieth century. It is interesting that anime fans, as a youth subculture, completely lack any ideology, but have a well-represented characteristic slang, replete with Japanese words, occasionally in the Russian manner (“kawaino”, “hentaino”, etc.). Today, explanatory dictionaries of modern anime culture are being created. Some units of anime slang have passed into the spoken language of Tomsk students, who sometimes have no idea what anime is.

Anime e shny - related to anime.

Bolv A nki - Blank discs for recording anime.

Kav A th, kawaii, kawaii - Japanese. kawaii "cute, lovely." 1. A subjective positive assessment of any object, person, phenomenon of reality as cute, pleasant and attractive, causing tenderness, is more often used as a noun. 2.An anime genre that features exaggeratedly cute characters.

Nya - 1. Meow; 2. Expression of positive emotions.

Nyashka is a female or male creature that evokes tenderness and strong sympathy within the limits of easy falling in love; The behavior or appearance of a cutie can be described by the word “kawaii”.

Nyashny - cute, adorable. Syn. kawaii.

1 .5 Ways of educationslang vocabulary

Expressive word-forming elements are involved in the formation of new jargons, most often these are suffixes: -uh-, -yak-, -on-, -lovo-, -ul- (veselukha, stipukha; krutyak, mattress, hilyak; vidon, lifon; mochilovo, rubilovo, kidalovo; lapulya, beauty). This method is one of the most common in the formation of new slangisms. Words without the above formants (fun, cool, beauty) can be used by a person belonging to any social or age group, that is, they are commonly used. It is specific suffixes that make it possible to create units of youth slang.

The tendency to form abbreviated and compound words: teacher, matan, antichka, zaruba, filfaker. Playful transformations of words with associative likening them to other lexical units: filoloh (contamination: philologist and loch), studen - student, kulek - college, university, academy of culture.

The verb “smile” as slang is used in the second person singular form. part of the imperative mood - smile (face), which means - smile.

1. 6 Peculiarities of TSU student slang

Some words and expressions in the jargon of TSU students have a different meaning than those given in the dictionary. For example, in the dictionary: blow - 1. Narc. There is a special way to inhale and exhale when smoking anasha. 2. Give someone a cigarette. 3. Perform sexual intercourse with someone. 4. Scold, scold, punish someone. (dictionary). In the slang of TSU students, the most common way to cheat is to skip a couple of days, skip a class.

When studying the literature on this topic, not a single slang unit with the suffix - bl -(blinble, superble, shikarnble), which is now very popular in the formation of new jargon. This suffix is ​​of English origin. He became widely known after the TV show “Give Youth” on the STS channel (it is interesting to note that the participants in this program also studied at Tomsk State University).


The appearance of many jargons is associated with the desire of young people to express their attitude to a particular subject or phenomenon more clearly and emotionally. Slang- this is constant word creation. It is based on the principle of a language game. Often it is the comic, playful effect that is the main thing in a slang text. It is important for a young man not only “what to say,” but also “how to say it” in order to be an interesting storyteller.

List of usesovated sources and literature

1. Anishchenko O. A. Dictionary of Russian school jargon of the 19th century. - M.: ELIPS Publishing House LLC, 2007. - 368 p.

2. Grachev M. A., Mokienko V. M. Russian jargon: Historical and etymological dictionary / Program “Dictionaries of the XXI century”. - M.: AST-PRESS BOOK. - 336 p.

3. Nikitina T. G. Youth slang: explanatory dictionary: approx. 20,000 words and phraseological units / T. G. Nikitina - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 1102, p.




7. Dyakov A.I. Dictionary of English borrowings of the Russian language: “Novosibirsk book publishing house” - 2010. - 588 p.

8. Vesnina G., Nechaeva N.: project “Explanatory Dictionary of Modern Anime Culture”. Tomsk 2010.


Dictionary of jargon of students of Tomsk State University.

Our language is the most important part of our general behavior in life...

D.S. Likhachev

Dictionary of jargon

Ice - good, solid (from the English ice - ice, ice cream). More often used with the particle “not” - not ice, that is, not very, unsuitable, ugly (about a person).

Loot is money.

Bazaar (bazaar) - 1. Conversation, conversation. 2. Speech.

There is no market - no problems, no questions, everything is clear.

without a market - really, really.

Filter the market - be careful in choosing expressions (in conversation, argument).

Baida - 1. disapproved. Nonsense, nonsense. 2. Sth. poor quality, not worthy of attention. 3. Vanity, troubles.

To show off - to give a bribe, to bribe someone.

Bespontovy - bad, ugly.

Blinble - the same as BLIN.

Damn - 1. Interjection, serves as a link of words, does not carry a semantic load.

2. Expression of annoyance, swearing.

Botanyo - collected. diligent, exemplary student, student (from nerd).

Broiler - neglected Girl (large).

Babe - an address to a girl.

To be offended - to be offended, to be angry with someone.

Blow - 1. Narc. A special way to make a puff. and exhalation when smoking anasha. 2. Take a couple of walks, skip class.

The paddle is a tablespoon.

Vidon - appearance.

Vidyukha - video.

Wind A- Windows operating system.

Throw in - drink, drink. (n)

Gamer is a player, a fan of computer games (from the English game - game).

Gopnik is a not very well dressed young man who behaves unculturedly.

Great - great, wonderful (from English great + able)

Dodik is the same as USHLYOPOK.

Board - neglected a thin girl, a girl with small breasts, with a flat, expressionless figure (offensive).

Dragging - Narc. Smoking hashish. (sl.)

Drill - ancient Russian literature. (philological) (n) sl. - ancient Rukha.

To drink, or to drink - to drink (from the English drink - to drink).

To complain is to bask.

Fatty is a fat person.

To bore - to bore, to bore someone.

Hover - 1. To be somewhere. 2. The program is in a state where it does not respond at all to user actions and does not perform any actions itself.

To throw yourself in is the same as to THROW IN.

To bother oneself - to worry about something. about.

To get hooked - to attract the attention of the opposite sex, to get to know someone. for long-term relationships.

Check out - evaluate something. Mostly used - check it out! - look!

Framing is trying to meet a person of the opposite sex with the goal of starting a relationship.

Kachipatki, or kachupatki - neglected. hands.

Kidalovo - a situation where smb. a person promised something and then went back on his words.

To drink - to drink, drink, get drunk. (n)

Kipesh, kipish - 1. Noise, noise, fight. set the scene; without kipish;

2. Vanity, troubles. 3. Noisy celebration.

Klubeshnik, club - night club. (n)

Clubbing - having fun in a nightclub.

To swing - to dance, to be in a state of euphoria, pleasure, performing active actions.

To laugh - to laugh while playing on stage or during a serious action.

Snag is a clumsy, clumsy person.

Krasava - well done.

Xerify - photocopy, make a photocopy.

Cool - interesting, beautiful, unusual (an expression of a positive attitude towards something) (from the English cool - colloquial cool).

Bream - slap in the face. More often used - to receive a bream, that is, to receive a blow, punishment for smth.

A loser is a loser, a bungler, stupid, short-sighted, a person who does not command respect.

Peel - look.

Lupki - eyes.

Major (major) is a wealthy person.

Money - money.

Mochilovo is the same as RUBILOVO.

Soap - e-mail, electronic mailbox.

Myaka, myakushka - anything fluffy (animal)

Nauchka - scientific library.

Nishtyak - 1. unchanged, meaning. adj., approved Good, excellent. 2. m. Smth. very good, excellent, top quality, a source of pleasant emotions. 3. m. State of satisfaction, bliss.

Zero - new.

Okay - okay, everything's fine.

Ok - everything is fine.

Snatch - joke. receive punishment.

Awesome - very good.

Shoot - watch.

To worry - to worry, to be upset about something. about.

The pack is an interesting, entertaining, funny story.

Pevokur is a freshman.

Peroxide is a blonde girl.

Punt - disdainful - insult. girl with small breasts.

Flattening is an unsatisfactory state of health.

Get hooked on smth. - seriously smb. get carried away.

Fraud - deceitful actions towards someone.

Spoil yourself - buy new clothes, update your wardrobe.

Outfit - clothing, clothing style.

Joke, prank - 1. Joke, practical joke. 2. A story, a fable about something. cheerful.

A prankster is a joker, a person who likes to tell jokes and funny stories.

Problems - problems (from the English problems - problems).

Poke - look closely.

To deceive - 1. To deceive someone. 2. To swindle money - to extract money from someone. money.

To split - to expose someone.

Edit - edit.

Rubilovo - 1. Fight 2. Too emotional argument.

To cut a chip is to be aware of what is happening at the moment, to understand what is happening.

Try to rock - try to produce something. aggressive action, physical or simply conflicting. An attempt is implied, that is, there is also a connotation that the action was unsuccessful. More often - don't rock the boat.

Sabers - long nails. (n)

Semak - semester.

Roll up - write off.

Savory - intense, with full dedication.

To escape is to escape at a crucial moment.

Sniper - ironic-joking. about a person who cannot get anywhere.

To snowball - to cover yourself in snow, play snowballs.

Sosochka is an attractive, attractive girl, richly and tastefully dressed.

Burn - expose, catch a person who is trying to do something. hide (more often, when cheating, a teacher can burn a student).

To get burned is to perform any actions that will help someone expose or catch you.

Stipuh - scholarship. (sl.)

Soup set - neglected. thin young man.

Suprbl - very good, wonderful (from super).

Wheelbarrow, wheelbarrow - car.

Troubles (from English trouble) - problems.

To hang out is to have fun, often in company.

Rotten - boring, uninteresting (either about a person or a situation).

Carcass is a large man.

Awesome is the same as cool.

Smiling is the same as smiling, doing smb. cheerful. More often used - smile your face (addressing someone - smile).

Slap - 1. Neglect. ugly young man. 2. Neglected - insulted: loser. 3. Abnormal.

Face - face (from English face - face)

Blow-drying - drying your hair with a hairdryer.

Philolokh, philoluch - student of the Faculty of Philology.

Philfakovets (filfaker) - a student of the Faculty of Philology.

Flash drive - flash card (USB storage device).

Hilyak - neglected. weak, thin young man.

Clear - successful, skillful. More often used - well, you're clear! that is, well done.

Chica is a pretty girl.

Chicarnbl - the same as chic, very good, wonderful.

Spurs are cheat sheets.

Shugi (from the English sugar) are small notes with pleasant content.

Slang expressions:

Everything is in order! - Everything is fine.

Flatten the snout, mug - sleep.

To receive lyuli - to be punished for smth.

To move the cabbage soup is to hit you in the face.

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