Vivid expression. Expression

Expression is a concept synonymous with expressiveness, intensity, brightness of manifestation and presentation of one’s emotional state, feelings, experiences. In addition, the term expression can be used to refer to indirect messages and thoughts of a person in non-verbal form (tears, hysterics, exclamations, etc.). Those. expression does not affect the descriptive side of the state, when a person is able to reflect on what is happening, but the immediate moment of being, living an emotion, its implementation in external space.

The word expression realizes its meaning exclusively on the external plane of personality manifestation. The strength and quality of personality is largely determined by innate characteristics associated with the strength and mobility of the nervous system, the pace, amplitude and intensity of mental processes. Expression expresses the meaning for a person of another or an event that has occurred, and expresses both the degree of importance and the direction (positive or negative).

Expressive components of manifestation in the outside world reflect the status of the individual (acceptance by society leads to greater expressiveness), as well as belonging to a particular culture or community (for example, Italians are more expressive than Estonians). The level of development of communication skills is also manifested through the degree of development of expressive manifestations and their adequate use to create socially acceptable forms of behavior. In addition to such external factors, expression serves as an excellent regulator of the internal state of the individual, providing a way of emotional release during stress.

Expression largely serves to control and regulate relationships, allowing one to establish a certain optimal closeness of distance and change the nature of interaction. Thus, expressively expressed anger will push away an unwanted interlocutor, and an equally strongly expressed joy at the appearance of a person will contribute to rapprochement. Vivid expression of one’s own feelings allows one to give communication a certain form: conflict, clarification, interaction, agreement, submission, etc.

What is expression

Expression implies expression and therefore this concept is often used in the arts. There is artistic and theatrical expression, expression in music. In all creative spheres, feelings and details are presented more voluminously, expressively and vividly compared to everyday life. In psychology, the concept acts exclusively as a manifestation of the emotional-sensory sphere.

Expression includes, in addition to emotional manifestation (expression of emotions), also a dynamic component (expression of movements). It is the latter that is increasingly being studied by science because of its clarity and ease of recording results. Visual recognition of expressive movements as indicators and emotional state of a person was laid down by evolutionary mechanisms and serves as an integral part of communication. It is important that the criteria for recognizing and decoding information from expressive actions among communication partners can either coincide or differ. Such inconsistencies are explained by differences in cultures and the peculiarities of a nation’s temperament. The same gestures and intonations can mean different things (a nod does not always mean agreement), and the degree of expression of a gesture can give additional connotations in different cultures.

Facial expressions (facial expression), pantomimics (gestures, postures, gait) are distinguished; in addition, expressive manifestations include timbre, intonation and volume of the voice. In combination, these manifestations give an individual personal pattern of external manifestation, and also influence the internal organization of the personality. The influence of external manifestations on internal processes occurs through the release of emotional intensity or its retention, as well as in the method of its manifestation.

The expression of emotions is reflected not only at the behavioral level, but affects all external manifestations of a person - this could be clothing, hairstyle, choice of accessories. You can notice a tendency that the more charged a person is with expressive manifestations, the more vivid and non-standard appearance he chooses. At the same time, the same person with a lack of emotional affect will also look less defiant in appearance.

Impressiveness is the opposite of expression and is manifested by an orientation towards the inner world, living one’s own feelings in isolation from society, as well as a greater focus on the negative side of the process. Such people appear cold, distant, emotionless, isolated from society and not in need of interaction. But the absence of external manifestations in a strong and significant form does not mean the absence of strong experiences as such. The expressive or impressive orientation of a person does not determine the strength and duration of feelings, but only characterizes the way they are experienced.

There is no permanent division of people into expressive and impressive, because... in its harmonious development, a person is able to creatively and spontaneously choose the form of experiencing emotions that is most adequate to the current situation. Manifestations oriented toward an external outburst of state and toward internal analysis must be in constant balance. If there is a stable bias in one direction, we can talk about, but if a person has only one way of experiencing, then there may be a violation of the psychiatric spectrum.

Expression cannot be artificially created, since it is largely controlled by biological characteristics and is a manifestation of unconscious processes. It is a kind of uncontrolled background where more complex forms of activity controlled by consciousness are realized.

Expression of feelings

The expression of feelings, as their vivid manifestation and designation, is an important component of the interaction between a person, the surrounding world and society. The occurrence of emotional reactions is the signaling system of the body, since changes in the emotional background occur in response to changes in external space. If danger is approaching, we feel either, if our boundaries have been violated, then resentment arises or, when everything goes well, satisfaction and joy are born. Accordingly, emotions that arise unconsciously with appropriate analysis can tell a lot of information about what is actually happening in human life.

In addition, the manifestation of emotional expression can not only read and analyze current events, but also regulate the life of an individual. This happens through the management of emotions and behavior. It is feelings that force you to choose one or another line of behavior, drive you to implementation or block any activity. In addition to the direction of action, the expression of emotions and the way through which this is done has a direct impact on the release or increase of emotional tension, which ultimately affects both somatic functions and the further formation of personality.

Any emotional manifestations affect physiological processes, and if the expression is not very pronounced, the effect on the physical side is not so noticeable. With more severe shocks, reactions of tears, sensations of cold or heat are possible. However, when interpreting gestural and physical expressions of feelings, extreme caution must be exercised, since there are not always correspondences in expression. The most consistent manifestations are in children who cry when they are upset, stomp when they are angry, and laugh when they are happy. Already in adolescence, a mixture of manifestations occurs, and with the development and complexity of the personality, external manifestations can move further and further away from direct manifestations. A person begins to cry with joy, laugh with anger, destroy furniture with grief and be extremely calm when his whole life is going downhill. This is a consequence of imposed social norms and rules of behavior, where we were all explained how to behave appropriately and how not to. The results obtained can change a person’s emotional expression when, in response to a true and open emotional reaction, an answer that is inadequate in strength was received.

The expression of feelings can be suppressed or, on the contrary, encouraged by the characteristics of culture, and the stronger the cultural influence, the more it undergoes changes relative to its original natural course.


Expressiveness; the power of manifestation of feelings and experiences. Expressive reactions are the external manifestation of a person’s emotions and feelings - in facial expressions, pantomime, voice and gestures. Although expression in humans is genetically determined, it is highly dependent on the learning process, guided by social norms. In this case, certain forms of expression may arise that have no “natural” connection with a certain emotion. The forms of expression among individuals of the same culture are relatively homogeneous. There are universal forms of expression that can be understood by people of different cultures, and those that can only be understood within the framework of a given culture. Thus, tears are an almost universal sign of grief and sadness, but the form of this reaction - when, how and for how long you can cry - is determined by cultural norms. Expression greatly influences the nature of interpersonal relationships. Excessive or insufficient expression, its inadequacy to a specific situation can become one of the sources of conflicts.

Dictionary of a practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998.


(English) expression - expression, e.g. faces, eyes; image).

1. Any external display, demonstration, imitation using movements, poses and sounds.

2. Directly observable external signals and signs that inform about the internal state of the subject. For example, emotional E. - signals and signs(verbal, gestural, facial), informing about the emotional state of the subject; speech E. - the ability of speech to express the mental state of the speaker (including emotional).

Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .


See what “expression” is in other dictionaries:

    EXPRESSION- (Latin, from exprimere to express). Expressiveness: in painting, music, stage acting, etc. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. EXPRESSION, expressiveness, predominantly. in stage game and painting... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    expression- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    expression- and I. expression f. , lat. expressio expression. 1. outdated Expression, word. If the work deserves a response to the libel passage that concerns me, I most humbly suggest that the following or similar expressions should not be used: ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Expression- * expression * expression 1. . 2. Protein synthesis in the cell, which is encoded by a gene specific for each protein. The process of E. includes transcription of DNA, processing of the resulting mRNA product, and its translation into active protein. In this case … Genetics. encyclopedic Dictionary

    EXPRESSION- [re], expressions, plural. no, female (lat. expressio expression) (book). That which gives expressiveness to something, that which makes something expressive. He sang the romance with great expression. Expression of gesture, face, word. “Look how much... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    expression- expression. Pronounced [expression] and [expression]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    EXPRESSION- EXPRESSION, expressiveness; a bright, significant manifestation of feelings, moods, thoughts... Modern encyclopedia

    EXPRESSION- expressiveness; a bright, significant manifestation of feelings, moods, thoughts... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    EXPRESSION- EXPRESSION, and, g. (book). Expression of feelings, experiences, expressiveness. Recite with great expression. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    expression- (gena) Topics of biotechnology EN expression ... Technical Translator's Guide


  • Gesture and Expression, Pasquinelli, Barbara. In this encyclopedia, “mental movements” expressed by body language - gestures, postures, expression - are viewed through the prism of fine art; their meaning and significance is explained in...

- (Latin, from exprimere to express). Expressiveness: in painting, music, stage acting, etc. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. EXPRESSION, expressiveness, predominantly. in stage game and painting... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

expression- expressiveness; the power of manifestation of feelings and experiences. Expressive reactions are the external manifestation of a person’s emotions and feelings in facial expressions, pantomime, voice and gestures. Although expression in humans is genetically determined, it is highly dependent... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

Cm … Synonym dictionary

expression- and I. expression f. , lat. expressio expression. 1. outdated Expression, word. If the work deserves a response to the libel passage that concerns me, I most humbly suggest that the following or similar expressions should not be used: ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

Expression- * expression * expression 1. . 2. Protein synthesis in the cell, which is encoded by a gene specific for each protein. The process of E. includes transcription of DNA, processing of the resulting mRNA product, and its translation into active protein. In this case … Genetics. encyclopedic Dictionary

- [re], expressions, plural. no, female (lat. expressio expression) (book). That which gives expressiveness to something, that which makes something expressive. He sang the romance with great expression. Expression of gesture, face, word. “Look how much... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

expression- expression. Pronounced [expression] and [expression]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

Expressiveness; a bright, significant manifestation of feelings, moods, thoughts... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

EXPRESSION, i, g. (book). Expression of feelings, experiences, expressiveness. Recite with great expression. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

expression- (gena) Topics of biotechnology EN expression ... Technical Translator's Guide


  • Gesture and Expression, Pasquinelli, Barbara. In this encyclopedia, “mental movements” expressed by body language - gestures, postures, expression - are viewed through the prism of fine art; their meaning and significance is explained in...
  • Gesture and Expression, Barbara Pasquinelli. In this encyclopedia, “mental movements” expressed by body language - gestures, postures, expression - are viewed through the prism of fine art; their meaning and significance is explained in...

). In a broad sense - increased expressiveness of a work of art, achieved by the entire set of artistic means and depending on the manner of execution and the nature of the artist’s work; in a narrow sense - the manifestation of the artist’s temperament in his creative style, in the texture of the stroke, in the drawing, in the color and compositional solutions of the work of painting and sculpture.

  • Gene expression- transformation of hereditary information from a gene into a functional product - RNA or protein.
  • Expressiveness
    • Expressiveness- the property of a certain set of linguistic units to convey the subjective attitude of the speaker to the content or addressee of speech, as well as the set of qualities of speech or text based on such linguistic units.
    • Expressiveness (genetics)- the degree of manifestation in the phenotype of different individuals of the same allele of a certain gene. Quantitative indicators of expressiveness are measured based on statistical data.

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


    See what “Expression” is in other dictionaries:

      - (Latin, from exprimere to express). Expressiveness: in painting, music, stage acting, etc. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. EXPRESSION, expressiveness, predominantly. in stage game and painting... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      expression- expressiveness; the power of manifestation of feelings and experiences. Expressive reactions are the external manifestation of a person’s emotions and feelings in facial expressions, pantomime, voice and gestures. Although expression in humans is genetically determined, it is highly dependent... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

      Cm … Synonym dictionary

      expression- and I. expression f. , lat. expressio expression. 1. outdated Expression, word. If the work deserves a response to the libel passage that concerns me, I most humbly suggest that the following or similar expressions should not be used: ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

      Expression- * expression * expression 1. . 2. Protein synthesis in the cell, which is encoded by a gene specific for each protein. The process of E. includes transcription of DNA, processing of the resulting mRNA product, and its translation into active protein. In this case … Genetics. encyclopedic Dictionary

      - [re], expressions, plural. no, female (lat. expressio expression) (book). That which gives expressiveness to something, that which makes something expressive. He sang the romance with great expression. Expression of gesture, face, word. “Look how much... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      expression- expression. Pronounced [expression] and [expression]... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

      EXPRESSION, expressiveness; a bright, significant manifestation of feelings, moods, thoughts... Modern encyclopedia

      Expressiveness; a bright, significant manifestation of feelings, moods, thoughts... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      EXPRESSION, i, g. (book). Expression of feelings, experiences, expressiveness. Recite with great expression. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      expression- (gena) Topics of biotechnology EN expression ... Technical Translator's Guide


    • Gesture and Expression, Pasquinelli, Barbara. In this encyclopedia, “mental movements” expressed by body language - gestures, postures, expression - are viewed through the prism of fine art; their meaning and significance is explained in...