Children's robotics courses. “League of Robots”: how to make money teaching robotics to children

Children of our century are already accustomed to all kinds of modern devices, which surround them almost from birth. These include smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Some wealthy families even have their own robots—surprisingly, but true. They vacuum, clean, wash windows and dishes - in a word, they make the life of a modern housewife easier in every possible way. Many children have seen robots in movies and cartoons, at exhibitions and in entertainment centers.

The question “How does a robot work?” probably worries a lot modern preschoolers and older guys. More and more are appearing in our city technology centers, clubs, laboratories, in which young technology lovers will not only be able to find out what robots “are made of”, but will also eventually learn how to construct them. Note that similar activities Often children who have reached the age of 4, and sometimes even earlier, can visit.

Robotics classes allow children to develop creative and creative abilities, improve mathematical skills, and gain knowledge in the field of design, algorithmization, and programming. In addition, it develops attentiveness, accuracy, diligence, accuracy - after all, creating complex models requires precision, precision work.

Why you need to create robots in the section

Robotics is a rather specific, but, of course, interesting business that many guys adore. The thing is that they literally bring their “pets” to life: even if at first they are not very complex, the child understands that he is capable of creating a model on his own. Of course, you can do this at home with your parents, but it’s better to visit a specialized section, since there are plenty of them now. They are taught by masters of their craft who know exactly what children need to create a robot, how best to organize the process of work and rest, how to teach children to work in a team, and ensure the safety of their charges. Even healthy competition allows students to force themselves to think more intensively and set new goals for themselves.

Two common types of robots

Among the classes of robots for mass use, which are the most important in science and production today, mobile and manipulative robots are distinguished. The first is an automatic machine equipped with two important elements. This is a moving chassis and controlled drives. Such robots include walking, tracked, floating, wheeled, crawling, and flying. The manipulation robot is equipped with a manipulator with a number of degrees of mobility. Software control of such a robot is provided in production motor functions. The handling machine can be either mobile or stationary. Structures can also be floor-mounted, portal or suspended. Today they are widely used by machine and instrument manufacturing enterprises.

New times - new morals. This is for everyone famous saying can be applied to many areas of life. Even to the question of choosing a circle for a child. Remember what additional classes After school, the children were taken early - needlework, drawing, radio technology, music. Now programming and robotics courses have been added to the long-familiar list. And if the first does not surprise anyone in our time, then with the second there are difficulties. What will it do child in robotics club and whether he needs the knowledge gained there - we’ll talk about this and much more later.

Children's robotics club: what is it and why is it necessary?

From the name it is already clear that they are associated with robots. In such classes, children study various devices - from the simplest models to complex mechanisms, including 3D printers, for example, and many other types of equipment.

During the learning process, the child will have to study in detail the principle of their operation, learn what microcircuits look like, how the robot is programmed and many other interesting things. And even more! IN robotics club Children will be able to design their own mechanisms.

Usually it all starts with creating toys - this is how teachers try to interest their students in the design process. Subsequently, children will be able to develop and program full-fledged robots, such as robotic vacuum cleaners. Yes, the same ones that now cost tens of thousands of rubles in stores. At the same time, students master a huge amount of knowledge in physics, mechanics, 3D design, programming and engineering. Actually robotics clubs- these are real conveyors for turning children into technical geniuses.

You can enroll your child in such a club starting from the age of 5-6 years. But this is not general rule for all robotics schools. Some of them accept only teenagers, others - younger children school age. So these points need to be clarified separately.

Once again about the benefits of classes in robotics clubs

It was already mentioned above that by studying robots, a child acquires a lot of knowledge and skills. He will have the opportunity to learn about things that are not taught in physics, computer science and labor courses at school. Activities in clubs, in addition to specific skills, also develop many general skills, such as logical thinking And systems thinking, perseverance, concentration, attentiveness. And let's not forget about creative thinking and creativity - after all, in circles children can assemble their own unique robot, and here there is no need for imagination.

The design of robots also influences the development fine motor skills hands, which is especially important for children younger age. But the most important thing is to prepare the child for the school curriculum in advance.

For example, physics appears on the schedule from the 7th grade. If the child begins to walk robotics club V junior school, then by the 7th grade he will have a solid base of knowledge on this subject. Accordingly, it will be much easier for him to learn.

Instilling a love of learning

It also copes with this task with a bang. Here, unlike at school, the child will not just sit at a desk, resting his head on his hand, and will not always listen interesting lectures teachers.

In the circle he is always busy, creating amazing things, making simple pieces of iron and pieces of plastic come to life. This is an excellent motivation for work, which also demonstrates in practice that physics, for example, is a truly fascinating subject, and not a set unclear words in the textbook.

Robotics clubs in Russia

In our country there are enough of them to list them all in one article, but at the same time they are few - not in every region you can enroll your child in a school or robotics club.

The majority of such circles are, of course, in Moscow. The largest of them is the League of Robots. It was founded in 2014 and has 100 sections operating in Moscow and the region. Here children are taught design, programming microcontrollers, automatic control theory and much more.

The Edu-Craft Programming and Robotics Center is becoming increasingly popular. This organization has also been operating since 2014, but does not have such an extensive network of sections as the League of Robots. Here, in addition to the design itself, attention is also paid to the development of soft skills (skills whose manifestations are difficult to identify and clearly demonstrate).

In addition, throughout Russia there are such children's sections and robotics clubs:

  • My-Robot (St. Petersburg);
  • Fundamentals of Robotics (Nizhny Tagil);
  • Section of Robotics OCTTU (Rostov-on-Don);
  • Academy of Robotics (Perm);
  • RoboLaboratory (Ufa);
  • Robotics studio "Robocube" (Krasnodar);
  • Resource Center in robotics Murmansk region and etc.

Robotics from the outside may seem like a rather complex and demanding subject, which is not only at home, but also in special educational institutions is difficult to master. At the same time, it is already difficult to surprise anyone with robotics classes in schools, as well as with a variety of online lessons from Chinese language to graphic design. But is it possible to learn how to create and program a robot at home using distance program? Today we are analyzing Russian-speaking free online courses in robotics.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that each course assumes that robots must be assembled from something. Different teachers prefer to work with different designers and on different platforms, so before you start classes, you should carefully study these issues and purchase the necessary electronics in advance in accordance with your interests and needs.

Age: from 13 years old

Platform: Arduino

Teachers: leader and Researcher directions of robotics of the Laboratory of Innovation educational technologies MIPT Alexey Perepelkin and Dmitry Savitsky

Duration: 6 weeks

This program has been in existence for almost two years, during which time several hundred people have completed it. Students highlight structure and accessibility as the main advantages educational material. Video lectures will tell you how to design, assemble and program devices. Every week there is a new practical task. The creators managed to talk about the complex in simple words, and the course is truly suitable even for those who have no background on the topic. You can rest assured that by the end of the classes you will be on a first-name basis with robots and will be able to assemble a 3D printer yourself.

2. Course “Robots in everyday life” from MSTU. N.E. Bauman at the Universarium

Age: from 15 years old

Teachers: Andrey Vitalievich Kravtsov and Boris Sergeevich Starshinov - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Prof. Academy of Military Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Physics, Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman

Duration: 1 month

This is more general and theoretical course for an audience that understands how mechatronics differs from robotics. It consists of four modules and practical tasks are provided in the last stage of 6 lessons with the exciting title “Use of robotic devices in extreme conditions”.

3. Course “Fundamentals of Robot Programming” from MGUPI at the “Universarium”

Age: from 13 years old

Platform: Arduino

Teachers: Andrey Nazarovich Budnyak - Deputy Director of the Central Technical Training Center of the Moscow State University of Pedagogical Institute, Vice-President of the Association of Sports Robotics, competition winner Russian Federation 2012 in robo-sumo in the category “The most technologically advanced robot”. Winner and laureate of numerous competitions in sports robotics: Polytechnic Museum Cup, GEEK PICNIC, Russian Robo-Sumo Championship, RobotChallenge in Vienna.

Duration: at your own discretion

Nearest course: lectures are available in recording

The course from the titled roboticist, winner of various competitions Andrey Budnyak is designed for those who have mastered the school curriculum in physics and computer science (especially the sections on electricity and algorithms). At the same time, the course will be useful even for those who are far from electronics, but can use microcontrollers in their work: architects, designers, doctors, sound engineers. In general, everything you wanted to know about regulators, indicators, drives and sensors, but were afraid to ask.

4. Course “Arduino for Beginners” from “Entertaining Robotics”

Age: from 10 years

Platform: Arduino

Duration: at your own discretion

Nearest course: lessons are available in recording

The Fun Robotics team has created a simple course for beginners, complete with text explanations, photos, and instructional videos. The role of the presenter is played by the boy Sasha, who consistently does everything necessary actions and accompanies them with comments. This is both the main plus and the main minus of this program: indeed, everyone will be able to repeat the manipulations described in step by step instructions, especially when there is detailed video, but this often leaves gaps in the understanding of what is being done and why. On the other hand, the course has a fairly lively online community where all questions can be discussed.

5. Lessons on Robot Class

Age: from 10 years

Platform: different

Teacher: Oleg Evsegneev

Duration: at your own discretion

Nearest course: lessons are available in recording

A collection of disparate lessons on robotics and programming from Oleg Evsegneev, which are divided by level of difficulty: for beginners and for advanced ones. This is more of a thematic blog than a full-fledged course, but everyone who is already interested in robotics will be able to find something useful and interesting for themselves. Unlike other options, there is no video here - only text with photographs, formulas, diagrams and pieces of code. And this seemingly outdated format is even a little refreshing.

6. Course “My friend is a robot. Sociocultural aspects of social robotics" on Coursera

Platform: No

Teacher: Nadezhda Zilberman, candidate philological sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanitarian Problems of Informatics, Tomsk State University ()

Duration: 7 weeks

This course does not deal technical features robot development. This program is based on the premise that robots will become part of everyday life any minute (and in fact, they have already been for a long time). It is the sociocultural aspects of robotics that are discussed here: what a robot looks like, how it interacts with a person, what kind of relationship is built between the robot and the “master” and what the ethics of these relationships are based on. An interesting theoretical course, after which you will learn what “Frankenstein syndrome” is and get acquainted with the “uncanny valley effect.”

Pavel Baskir - about how to launch, scale and monetize the most interesting educational project

IT tools used by Pavel Baskir

  • FlowPlan
  • 1C:Educational institution
  • 1C:Accounting (“cloud”)

Moscow entrepreneur Pavel Baskir wanted his 10-year-old son to be interested in learning something new. And he launched a network of educational robotics clubs in Moscow. During classes at the Robot League sites, children gain knowledge in mathematics, computer science, physics and other disciplines, and then construct and test models of robots. The project is not even a year old, but during this time it has already seriously expanded twice..

38 years old, entrepreneur, founder of Moscow "Robot Leagues". Studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute at the Faculty of Radio Electronics, at the Russian economic university them. Plekhanov and Open University UK (MIM LINK), but completed higher education it still doesn't. From 1997 to 2015, he owned and managed companies that were franchisee partners of the 1C company. Then he sold the business and opened a franchise of robotics clubs “League of Robots” in Moscow. The business started with one circle, now there are 40 of them.


The Moscow “League of Robots” began with the Lego Mindstorm constructor, which Pavel Baskir gave to his son for New Year. The toy made it possible to game form introduce your son to the disciplines that are necessary to create robots - mathematics, physics, computer science.

Pavel began looking for an educational program that would use the principles of robotics. This search led him and his son to the Skolkovo Robotics conference, where they met Nikolai Pak from Novosibirsk, the founder of the open engineering movement “League of Robots.”

The project originated in 2011 in Novosibirsk and since then has been successfully developing in other cities - Tomsk, Simferopol, Astana, etc. Its participants get acquainted with robotics, participate in competitions and conferences, and are engaged in project activities.

Pavel Baskir was interested in the experience of the “League of Robots”: he was attracted by the presence of the author’s methodology for teaching robotics for schoolchildren of all ages. It wasn't just a system theoretical knowledge, but a valid scheme, tested on thousands of students. As an entrepreneur, Pavel liked that the Novosibirsk team had a franchise and projects already operating under it in other cities. He bought a franchise and opened the League of Robots in Moscow. “This experience is “alienating.” We are not tied to any specific people, we take the material and can continue to work on it,” notes Pavel.


Each Robot League session lasts three hours and takes place on weekends once a week. The child studies theory from those sections that are necessary to know for robotics - mathematics, physics, programming, engineering, mechanics. Then, based on the knowledge gained, the guys assemble a robot, program it and test it in action.

“Our technique is more useful for general education. Robotics for us is not a goal, but a means of learning different sciences. We provide knowledge in an applied form"

Each course lasts three months (trimester) and consists of 12 lessons. The last two lessons of the trimester are project classes. The child makes his own robot using Lego and presents it to his parents.

Each lesson has a script. The teacher works within the framework of the script, sometimes adapting it to the characteristics of the group or examples from his professional experience. The work of dozens of teachers is controlled and synchronized different ways. These are remote control systems, communication through social networks, Feedback from parents and colleagues. Once a week, teachers participate in general meeting, where current issues, pedagogical issues, and current events from the world of robotics.

Working hardware

The classes use robots that are assembled from Lego WeDo and Lego Mindstorm construction sets. It is these constructors that the Novosibirsk “League of Robots” uses, and the company has developed a methodological base for them. “When entering the market, what was important to us was not the designer, but the methodology developed using it,” explains Pavel Baskir. It was also important for us that this particular constructor is used to carry out most of the international olympiads in robotics."

Lego sets include sensors, motors and a controller (the robot's brain), as well as a set of mechanical parts. The sensors are very diverse - light, touch, sound, infrared. Robots actively interact with physical world: sensors send information to the controller, which, based on the algorithms of the program written by the student, “makes decisions” about its further actions to complete the task. After a command from the computer, the engine sets gears, wheels and other parts in motion.

A special visual programming environment has been developed for these constructors. Children do not write program code, but drag and drop ready-made program blocks into the program and configure them through parameters.

The Lego WeDo set is intended for children of preschool or primary school age. It has simpler parts and they are the same as in classic Lego construction sets. The Lego Mindstorm set is designed for older children: there is a different principle for attaching parts. The sets cost 10 and 30 thousand rubles, respectively. They are given to children free of charge during classes.


The Moscow League of Robots, in order to find teachers who are interested in robotics and working with children, has created a separate structure - the School of Teachers of the League of Robots (SHPLR). All candidates are required to undergo training before starting work.

At first, the creators of the Moscow “League of Robots” tried to make teacher training paid. Thus, they wanted to check the motivation of applicants and raise the “entry threshold” in order to cut off random people. But soon the fee was waived. She scared away those people who wanted to come, but did not understand what was happening in the Moscow “League of Robots” and what they had to pay for.

The selection of future teachers takes place in six stages: filling motivational tests, personal interview before the start of training, supervision of curators during training, passing exams on knowledge of theory, practical training, exit interview. The training itself lasts at least 40 hours. Teachers are mainly students technical universities. They are given lessons at ShPLR pedagogical excellence, robotics theory and practice under the guidance of an experienced mentor. From November last year to January 2016, the school trained more than 200 people. The Moscow League of Robots believes that the more teachers, the greater the guarantee of quality and interchangeability.


At the stage of launching the business, Pavel Baskir understood that the “League of Robots” in Moscow needed to be developed not on one, but on several sites at once. In order to "break in" network model management, it was necessary to initial stage go to at least 10 sites. They were opened in September 2015. You could try them out management decisions and the “League of Robots” methodology, to identify them weak spots and take measures to improve them.

Managing multiple sites simultaneously helps reduce both equipment procurement costs and personnel training costs. The cost of training teachers for one or 10 sites does not differ much.

Initially, Pavel focused his project only on schools and schoolchildren. He assumed that schools have computer labs with equipment that are empty on weekends. They can be used for classes on mutually beneficial terms for the League of Robots and schools. Now the Moscow “League of Robots” is concluding an agreement with an educational institution on the network implementation of educational programs. The company does not pay for classroom space, and the school receives training school teachers, construction kits, preparing school teams for sports competitions in robotics. A year after the work of the circle at school, the construction sets become property educational institution. The school can use the resulting methods and equipment for its main educational process.

In order to reach an agreement with the schools, Pavel Baskir and colleagues had an appointment with the Moscow Department of Education in May 2015, where they talked about the project. In the summer they took head teachers of schools to the Skolkovo Foundation, where they made a presentation of their achievements modern robotics and your project. After this, several school directors offered cooperation.

Unexpectedly, those institutions that were not initially considered by the League of Robots as potential sites - libraries and centers for youth innovative creativity - came up with a similar proposal. Now the “League of Robots” is invited to its territory by private kindergartens and schools.

The company also conducts classes at organizations that have their own computer classrooms that are idle on weekends. For the provision of premises, the League of Robots provides free education to the children of employees.

There is one robotics club at each site. The capacity of the circle is up to 100 children per weekend, but the workload of the sections is different parts Moscow is not the same. There are areas where there are fewer interested children than the organizers expected. Each circle has 6 groups of children; the group is usually made up of 16 people.


At first, the Moscow League of Robots planned to conduct classes only with school-aged children. But after the launch of the project, parents of preschoolers also began to show interest. If there is demand, then supply will appear: now the company also works with children from 5 years old.

Groups are formed according to the age of the participants and their level of preparedness. If two children of the same age come to the “League of Robots”, but one of them has already been involved in a club and the other has not, they will be assigned to different groups. And they will learn by different programs. There are 13 such programs in total, and the total volume of educational material is more than 600 academic hours.

Sometimes parents, confident in their child’s giftedness, ask to transfer him to an older group. Then employees have to explain that the result is better if the child follows a program in accordance with his age and in parallel with school curriculum. But not everyone accepts these arguments from the first explanation.


Investments in the project amounted to about 4 million rubles. These were Pavel Baskir’s personal savings received from the sale of his previous business.

The acquisition of the franchise cost 500 thousand rubles. The rest was spent on renting an office, purchasing Lego sets, and training the first 40 teachers. Pavel Baskir tried to get a loan, but to no avail. Banks lend against property and give preference to companies that already have some history.

“In principle, we did not need borrowed funds too much; we had enough of our own to open a business. But we checked whether it is possible to get a loan when it comes to scaling a business.”

The Moscow League of Robots set prices for their classes intuitively - 1000 rubles for one three-hour lesson. Most competitors cost the same for an hour of classes. But low prices contributed to great bandwidth. Due to this, it was possible to enter the mass market. Now several thousand children are involved in the League of Robots sections in Moscow. Monthly revenue is more than 8 million rubles.

Difficulties and nuances

Initially, Pavel Baskir assigned himself the role of founder and strategist in the project. “The dream of every entrepreneur is that he conceives something interesting, and it comes true by itself. Of course, that doesn't happen. We have formed a management team led by general director. But life made its own adjustments: I had to immerse myself heavily in the processes and help the team. The guys are great, they take on large-scale tasks that no one has ever done in this industry, and they get a very interesting professional experience. And I, in turn, help them with this,” says Pavel.

I had to learn a lot on the job, including interaction with government agencies. Pavel and his team had to master the skills of lobbying the interests of both their enterprise and the entire non-state industry additional education. Entrepreneurs initially expected that reaching an agreement would be faster and easier. For example, it has not yet been specified legal form interaction between the League of Robots and the Moscow Department of Education, although the founders of the League have been seriously dealing with this issue since the first day of the project.

There are about a hundred organizations in the robotics market that deal with educational activities in this domain. There are both small networks of robotics clubs and a large number of non-network circles created by enthusiasts at schools, creative palaces and other venues. “We understand that there are several serious players on the market who are preparing to enter with their offers. We know everyone and are ready for competition,” says Pavel Baskir.

Classes in the “Robot League” are seasonal: due to holidays and exams, December, January, May, June, July and August fall. It’s impossible to make money teaching children in the off-season. The company uses these periods for marketing and teacher training.

One of the events aimed at popularizing educational robotics in the “off-season” was the “Robomarathon”. This is a series of free master classes that are held for several months a year in technology parks, libraries and youth creativity centers. The “design capacity” of the last “Robomarathon” was 12,000 students. It is organized by the Moscow “League of Robots” together with attracted partners. “Robomarathon” is an opportunity to talk about your project and get new participants in paid classes. The League of Robots also participates in science and technology festivals organized by other organizers.


The Moscow League of Robots wants to expand educational content and give children not only knowledge in robotics, but also in “friendly” disciplines, for example, 3D modeling and 3D printing.

For this, the creators of the project now have every opportunity. This year, the Moscow “League of Robots” received a grant from the Department of Science, industrial policy and entrepreneurship of Moscow and the ministry economic development Russia to open its own center for youth innovative creativity. It will be equipped with 3D printers, milling cutters and lasers - all the equipment necessary to introduce schoolchildren to modern technologies 3D printing.

In the "off-season" the Moscow "League of Robots" plans to hold summer camps– city or away. There are also plans to conduct one-time master classes for children and adults. There is already experience in carrying them out. For example, the Skolkovo Foundation organized a “Robonight”, which was attended by about 120 adults. They participated in master classes related, in fact, to children's construction kits.

The company is working on a corporate proposal that aims to organize events for the children of employees different organizations and companies.

One of the primary goals is to increase the number of sites to one hundred by the fall of 2016. To do this, in the summer they will recruit and train new teachers and look for new territories for conducting classes.

A roboticist is at the same time an engineer, programmer and cyberneticist, and must have knowledge in the field of mechanics, design theory and control of automatic systems. Therefore, to become a qualified specialist in this field, you need to have enormous knowledge and practical skills in various fields.

The most popular specialties of the future related to robotics

Robotics engineers are in the business of creating robots. Based on the goals of the project, they think through the electronics, the mechanics of movement, and program the car to certain actions. Moreover, work on creating a robot is usually carried out the whole team developers.

However, it is not enough to create innovative automated equipment; you need to manage its operation, carry out regular inspection and repair. This is usually done by service personnel.

In addition, robotics is constantly evolving. Cybernetics, which involves a combination of bio- and nanotechnologies, is beginning to flourish. Qualified specialists in this field regularly engage in research and make revolutionary discoveries.

There are 7 popular specialties in robotics:

1. Electronics engineer – develops robotics, repairs equipment and ensures reliability electronic elements management.

2. Service engineer – deals with technical maintenance and repair of robotics, performs equipment diagnostics, and also provides training and consultations for operators who will control the robots.

3. An electrical engineer is a universal specialist in electronic devices who is responsible for the correct generation, conversion and formation of electrical signals, and also ensures the implementation of many other processes. Must have extensive knowledge of physics, mathematics and chemistry.

4. Robotics programmer - develops software for robots, according to their purpose. Also participates in service maintenance, launching and debugging innovative mechanisms.

5. 3D modeling specialist – combines the skills of a visualizer and a model designer. The specialist’s responsibilities include the development of three-dimensional robotics models.

6. Application developer - creates functional applications for remote control robotics.

7. Teacher of the specialty “Robotics” - can teach schoolchildren and students specialized universities, teach at advanced or preparatory courses, conduct advanced training courses, participate in seminars and lectures.

Where do they teach robotics in Russia?

Universities that train robotics specialists:

1. Moscow University of Technology(MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT) –

2. Moscow State Technological University “Stankin” –

3. Moscow State Technical University them. N. E. Bauman –

4. National research university"MPEI" –

5. Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology –

5. Moscow State University Railways of Emperor Nicholas II –

6. Moscow State University food production–

7. Moscow State Forestry University –

Distance courses:

First Russian university, who launched online robotics training courses. On this moment undergraduates and high school students can enroll in two streams: “Practical Robotics” and “Fundamentals of Robotics.”

2. Educational project “Lectorium” –

Conducts online courses on the basics of robotics for high school students, students and professionals.

3. Intel educational program –

Clubs and clubs for teenagers:

Innopolis University launched in three regions Russian schoolchildren education program.

2. Club "ROBOTRACK" in Saratov - robotics-saratov.rf

3. “League of Robots” in Moscow –

4. The educational center Edu Craft in Moscow –

5. My Robot clubs in St. Petersburg –

6. Academy of Robotics in Krasnodar –

7. Robotics Laboratory of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum –

A complete list of circles and clubs in all cities of Russia can be found on the website:

Thus, people of any age and specialty have the opportunity to as soon as possible master creation skills automated systems. Almost all training courses issue a certificate confirming that the student has acquired theoretical and practical knowledge on robotics development.