Ministry of Education and Science: Management of schools will transfer from municipalities to regions in three years. Causes of educational problems

The problem of first-graders adapting to school directly concerns many parents, as well as primary school teachers, who are constantly faced with it.

Adaptation is traditionally interpreted as adaptation to a particular environment, setting, situation, particular activity, etc. It seems that the term “adaptation” does not accurately reflect the essence of the concept of “adaptation”, since adaptation implies a passive attitude towards reality. A more accurate synonym for the term “adaptation to school” would be the phrase “inclusion in school life” (incorporation), which implies an active position.

“Your child is stealing”! Such a sentence from a teacher produces the effect of a bomb exploding on parents. “I’m a bad teacher”, “what will others think of me if they find out”, “what a shame in front of the teacher”- these thoughts fly like fireworks through the minds of confused adults, and the reaction is often immediate. The father takes out a belt, the mother, in tears, begins to appeal to the child’s conscience. And here, before parents use radical methods of education, a teacher or psychologist should come to the rescue, who will help answer the eternal Russian question: “Who is to blame, and what to do?”

A child is a rational being,
he knows the needs well,
difficulties and obstacles in your life.
Janusz Korczak

The three most carefree months of the year flew by like one day, giving us bright adventures, fantastic discoveries and unforgettable acquaintances. And very soon the calendar will turn the last page of summer to begin the countdown of the new school year. Many people are familiar with the exciting feeling you experience when an ironed uniform weighs on your hangers, and a bouquet of chrysanthemums is waiting in a vase for its special moment. The night before September 1 lasts forever, and the alarm clock rings especially pleasantly this morning. Similar emotions overwhelm students after the summer holidays on the eve of the first day of school.

Today in the curriculum of many Russian schools you can find a mysterious subject called “valeology”. It is not included in the category of compulsory general education disciplines, but is included in the category of a variable component of the educational process. This means that valeology can be taught at school, based on the decision of the pedagogical council. The goals and objectives of this school course are declared as a manifesto of a healthy lifestyle for a child. In practice, a variety of unimaginable things happen during these lessons: from an introduction to occult teachings and practices, to meditation and entering a state of trance.

Who grumbles against his teachers,
For those, the learning is a hundred times harder

School is the place where a child spends half of his life. Here he not only gains new knowledge, but also gains his first experience of communicating with other children and teachers. And how successfully he manages to get along with classmates and teachers often determines his attitude towards the educational institution itself. There are cases when a child flatly refuses to go to school just because the teacher is biased towards him, unreasonably criticizes his work, or makes excessive demands. Such conflicts with the teacher may lead to the search for a new educational institution. To prevent this from happening, both parents and children need to know simple rules that will help establish a relationship with the teacher.

Childhood is a time of many questions, possibilities and consequences.
Alfred Adler

Almost all of us, being young, and later having our own children, were faced with the classic scheme: “3 years old - go to kindergarten, 7 years old - hello “home school”. Some people went to kindergarten and school with pleasure, while for others it remained a painful memory, but now we understand that it was there that our skills to interact with the outside world were formed, there we developed and received our first knowledge and experience. And it was difficult to come up with another scenario for the development and education of a healthy child... then. Today Russia has made a huge step forward in this matter.

"Formal Education
will help you survive.
Self-education will lead you to success"
Jim Rohn

When it comes to teaching, the first thing that comes to mind is pedagogy. However, recently, when we increasingly talk about education, we mean adult education. Research conducted by Knowles has shown that teaching methods are not effective in teaching this category of “students.” In this regard, when talking about adult education, today you can often hear a new concept - “andragogy”.

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Education for a successful life: realities and prospects

Dear Colleagues!

The 2010-2011 academic year has ended. And today, traditionally, we gathered at the district pedagogical council to sum up the results and set goals for the future.

The past year has become for our pedagogy the year of the formation of a new coordinate system, which determines the main trends in the development of modern education in the context of the national educational initiative “Our New School”.

Recently, a variety of expert groups have been forming their proposals for modernizing the education system. Some of them have received legislative recognition. Thus, a unified state exam, new educational standards, an updated system of licensing and accreditation of schools and much more have become a reality.

The systematic design of all these innovations is the draft federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. It is he who must link the updating of educational legislation with the general trends in the socio-economic development of the country.

The 1992 Law “On Education” solved the problem of creating clear rules for the development of the education system in new market financial and economic conditions for the country.

Today, when the main figure of innovative development is a person with his needs, values ​​and interests, the need to describe the norms and rules that make it possible to provide every citizen at any age with opportunities for continuous education and professional growth becomes fundamentally important. Educational achievements and an educational career will make it possible to produce a successful person who is ready for the changes taking place in society and the economy.

The orientation of educational legislation towards human development and his success in life means a guaranteed opportunity to:

    each preschooler receives a varied, high-quality education that ensures good preparation for school (Articles 64-65);

    free choice of educational courses for each student using distance and modular learning technologies (Articles 13-15);

    full education and socialization of citizens with disabilities (Article 83);

    individual development of the intellectual and creative abilities of gifted children (Articles 34 and 81 of the draft law);

    widespread use of electronic educational resources and services in the educational process (Articles 28, 29);

    the formation of a positive attitude towards the teaching profession, including the normative consolidation of provisions defining the status of teaching staff (Article 48);

    effective use of various financial and economic instruments to create a developing educational environment (Articles 102-108);

    development of mechanisms for assessing the quality of education; including through the improvement of licensing and accreditation procedures for educational institutions (Articles 96-99).

These are the prospects. Let us now analyze our achievements to understand how ready we are to take a step forward towards a renewed school.

One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of educational activities remains the results of the unified state exam.

For three years now, the Unified State Exam has been taken in all subjects as usual. A significant part of the district’s school teachers have been trained in technologies for preparing students for the unified exam, educational institutions have developed their own approaches to training future graduates, and the “Education Quality Management” project has been implemented in the district for several years.

What are the results of the past academic year? Have the figures improved compared to last year?

I’ll start with an analysis of the Unified State Exam results in compulsory subjects: Russian language and mathematics. I would like to note that in general, both in the city and in the region, the indicators in these subjects have increased compared to the 2009-2010 academic year, which is explained by the development of approaches to the preparation and organization of exams. However, in the past school year, our district decreased its position at the city level.

Preliminary results for the region as a whole: Russian language - 61.17 points, mathematics 45.47 points. Unfortunately, we did not meet the city average in either the Russian language or mathematics.

At the same time, the share of educational institutions whose results are higher than urban ones has also changed. If in the Russian language this indicator has increased slightly, then in mathematics it has decreased significantly, which, without a doubt, is alarming and requires close attention to the preparation of students and strengthened control not only at the level of the educational institution, but also at the district level.

But there are also results that inspire optimism.

Thus, the number of students who received 100 points in exams increased. Last year there were 4 of them, this year there are already 6 graduates: Veronika Boroukhina, Ekaterina Mikhailova, Ellina Pavlova, Andrey Slabodkin, graduates of gymnasium No. 261; Trifonov Georgy, Tyutyukina Polina, graduates of school No. 551.

This is a very good result!

Best Unified State Exam results in Russian:

Among the gymnasiums and lyceums: at OU No. 261, 248, 393.

Among schools with in-depth study of subjects: at OU No. 274, 481, 506.

at the op-amp Swing, 551.

In mathematics, the results are much higher than the city average:

In gymnasiums and lyceums: 393, 261.

In schools with in-depth study of subjects:№ 481, 504; 274.

In general educational institutions: Swing and 551.

The number of certificates received by graduates of our region based on the results of mandatory exams is alarming. This year there are 25 of them, taking into account the results of Education Center No. 162. Considering that the final certification today is not only a summing up of a student’s school life, but also a step into the future, I consider the primary task and point of honor of the district’s educational institutions in the 2011-2012 academic year to be to issue a certificate to every student!

To enter higher education institutions, students had the opportunity to take the Unified State Exam in 12 additional subjects.

This year, as before, the most popular exams remain in social studies, physics, and history. English and biology have also become popular.

According to the preliminary results of the Unified State Examination, the district's results are above the city average in 6 out of 14 subjects: biology, literature, English, German and French, chemistry. The results in literature (5th place in the city, last year it was 13th place), English language (6th place in the city, last year it was 8th place), chemistry (3rd place in the city, last year it was 11th place) are encouraging. However, indicators in physics, geography, and computer science decreased.

Unfortunately, there are schools in which learning rates are below the city average in all subjects - there are 3 of them, or in all subjects except one - there are 4 of them this year. Without a doubt, there is something to work on!

It should be noted that the effectiveness of an educational institution is the responsibility, first of all, of its head. Heads of educational institutions should pay special attention to the results of the final certification of graduates and, at pedagogical councils, discuss with school staff the possibilities of improving the quality of educational preparation of students, and take personal control of the work of preparing students for the Unified State Exam. It is important to remember that the performance of the school will be directly related to its financing in accordance with Federal Law - 83.

No less responsibility for the educational outcome of a particular student lies on the shoulders of all the teachers who taught him from grades 1 to 11. I would like to draw attention to the unconditional requirement to improve the quality of knowledge in the subjects. We have no moral right to fail! Our children must be confident in the future!

I believe that the Education Department needs to strengthen control over the activities of schools in preparing students for the final certification.

At the same time, we have schools in which the administration and teaching staff work effectively, which, of course, affects the quality of education and the results of the Unified State Examination. Graduates of these educational institutions show results above the city average in almost all subjects.

Among the gymnasiums and lyceums This is OU: No. 248, 261, 378, 384, 393.

best op amp 481

Among secondary schools: Swing

Special mention should be made of secondary school No. 551, which for the second year now has confirmed a high level of training in specialized subjects: chemistry and biology. And this is provided that 82% of its graduates chose specialized subjects, which is not typical for all specialized schools in the region.

More than 50% of students chose specialized subjects or subjects of an advanced level of study in only 9 educational institutions out of 18 (excluding schools with universal education). Considering that specialized training creates additional favorable conditions for mastering a subject, I believe that this indicator should be higher. That is why the administration of each school needs to conduct a serious analysis of the reasons for the discrepancy between the choice of exams and the profile of the institution and adjust the curriculum, as well as organize additional work with students and their parents on career guidance and the choice of subjects for final certification. The education department needs to take strict control over this area of ​​school activity.

This academic year, as in the past, the implementation of the “Education Quality Management” project continued in the district. The advantage of the project is the ability of the student to receive an external prompt assessment of their own results, the teacher to immediately see the results of both an individual student and the entire class as a whole, and the administration to make timely management decisions to adjust the educational process.

In the 2010-2011 academic year, schools were offered 3 diagnostic works in the Russian language and mathematics and 2 diagnostic works in 9 academic subjects.

Unfortunately, not all educational institutions have taken advantage of the technology developed in the region. Also alarming is the untimely transmission of reports on the implementation of work on subjects to the Central Election Commission, which complicated the processing of data. Considering the significance of the project for the region and its potential for organizing effective preparation of students for the Unified State Exam, I strongly recommend that the administration of educational institutions strengthen control over compliance with the implementation schedule of this project. I instruct the Education Department, together with the Information and Methodological Center, to conduct a random check of the effectiveness of the participation of educational institutions in this project.

For the third year, an experiment is underway to conduct final certification of 9th grades in a new form. This year, 29 educational institutions participated in the GIA in the Russian language (last year - 31), in mathematics - 28 (last year - 29 educational institutions). It should be noted that the number of GIA participants has also decreased: in Russian by 53 people, in mathematics by 112 people.

Of course, while the State Examination is being carried out as part of the experiment, each educational institution independently decides on the need to participate in it. However, we must remember that when the State Examination begins to take place as usual, the lack of experience in participating in it may cause difficulties that will not allow students to achieve sufficiently high results.

We are pleased with the significant increase in the performance of the State Academic Examination compared to the previous academic year.

This year, the district took 2nd place among districts in terms of the quality of training in the Russian language (last year - only 9th place), in mathematics we have 4th place in the city (last year it was 9th place). These are very good indicators!

It is worth noting that the results in mathematics this year are 2 points higher than the city average, while 23 students failed the exam (last year there were 66).

In the Russian language, the results are also higher than the city average (in the region this indicator remained virtually unchanged, but in the city as a whole it decreased from 33 to 32 points). Only 3 people showed unsatisfactory results in the region (last year 35 people!).

Of course, I would like to mention the leaders.

Best results in Russian:

    among gymnasiums and lyceums at OU 248, 384;

    among schools with in-depth study of subjects at OU 254, 501, 481;

    at OU 585, 249.

Best results in mathematics:

    among gymnasiums and lyceums at OU 384, 393, 261;

    among schools with in-depth study of subjects at OU 254;

    among secondary schools at OU 551, 585.

Understanding the importance of effectively preparing students for the State Examination, within the framework of the implementation of the regional project “Managing the Quality of Education” using the PC “Znak”, in the past academic year, 2 works were carried out in the Russian language and mathematics and 1 work in elective subjects. This work will certainly continue in the next academic year. I think it is important to draw the attention of managers to the need for all educational institutions, regardless of the choice of the form of final certification in 2012, to participate in the diagnostic work carried out for 9th grade students in the PC “Znak”.

Total based on exam results received certificates of completion:

- basic school- 2213 students, 42 of them with honors;

- high school– 820 students who graduated from grade 11, of which 7 people received a “gold medal”, 9 people received a “silver medal”.

It is encouraging that 72 10th grade students (according to the results provided by the OU) are potential “medalists” for the coming academic year. Heads of educational institutions need to pay special attention to organizing individual work with these promising students.

A significant type of assessment of the quality of education in the region is the results of licensing and accreditation of educational institutions. Currently, all educational institutions operate on the basis of valid licenses and accreditation.

In the 2010-2011 academic year, 14 institutions passed the accreditation procedure. I would like to especially note the successes of school No. 244 (director Sergey Leonidovich Svetlitsky), which, based on the results of accreditation, received the status of a lyceum.

The quality of education in schools in the district can be judged not only by the results of the final certification and accreditation of schools, but also by the results of intermediate certification.

1046 people or 4.22% of school students graduated with excellent marks from the 2010-2011 academic year. The effectiveness of the educational institution’s activities is also indicated by a significant decrease in the number of repeat students from 208 people in 2010 to 147 people in 2011. Another optimistic indicator is the increase in the number of schools in which not a single student was retained for a second course of study (last academic year there were only 7 such schools, and this year there are 13). This is OU No. 223, 244, 250, 254, 282, 377, 387, 393, 397, 506, 539, 658, Central Election Commission.

I would like to draw the attention of the heads of educational institutions to the fact that a new system for assessing the quality of education is being tested in the city, within the framework of which the level of training of students in transfer classes in various subjects is analyzed. Thus, in the future, the educational results of not only school graduates, but also students of transfer classes will receive external assessment. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen control over teachers’ implementation of an individual approach to students and initiate activities to create internal audit programs and in-school quality assessment. The quality of education is becoming one of the key topics of new legislation. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the new law on education will strengthen the responsibility of educational institutions for the quality of education provided. This is stated, in particular, in Article 46 of the draft law.

Recently, one of the topics of concern to both teachers and parents is the transition to new educational standards, which are being introduced in elementary schools in all educational institutions, except correctional ones, from September 1, 2011. The area has done a lot of work to make this transition successful. Thus, over the past two years, teachers have been preparing for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard as planned.

Seminars, round tables, and master classes were systematically held for primary school teachers on mastering the methods and technologies recommended by the new standards. All future first grade teachers have completed advanced training courses.

In each educational institution, a system of educational and methodological complexes for the first grades has been defined in accordance with the Federal List of Textbooks and Teaching Aids, the basic educational program of primary general education has been developed and approved, a model for organizing extracurricular activities of students has been determined, prepared and agreed upon in accordance with new standards and with new sanitary and hygienic requirements curriculum. Thus, today every educational institution is ready to implement new standards. However, readiness alone is not enough to obtain truly significant results. Heads of educational institutions need to carry out systematic work to monitor the progress of the educational process in the new conditions, separating this activity into a separate block of intra-school control.

Simultaneously with creating conditions for the implementation of the new standard, it is necessary to “build an extensive system of searching, supporting and accompanying talented children.” This is stated in the National Educational Initiative “Our New School”. Effective mechanisms for implementing such support are the Olympiad and competitive movement, holding Scientific and Practical Conferences for students.

In the 2010-2011 academic year, 4,500 students took part in the regional stage of the All-Russian School Olympiad (16% more than in the 2009-2010 academic year).

The most active participants in the regional stage were:

    among gymnasiums and lyceums OU No. 261, 384, 397, 393, 248;

    among schools with in-depth study of subjects OU 504, 506, 282, 254, 274;

    among secondary schools OU 249, 264, 250, 503, 493.

Special mention should be made about the participation in subject Olympiads of students from correctional schools: No. 502 (6 Olympiad participants, 6 winners) and 565 (7 Olympiad participants, 7 winners). From year to year, their students consistently take prizes and bring winners’ diplomas to the district in the subject “Technology”.

In total, 856 students became winners and prize-winners of the regional subject rounds of the All-Russian Olympiad.

However, if we consider the results of the performance of students from the Kirov region at the city and all-Russian rounds of the Olympiad, then not everything is so rosy.

Of the 300 students sent to the city (regional) round, only 36 became winners and prize-winners. Of course, this is more than in the last academic year (27 students). But 36 diplomas are only 12% of the number of participants in the city tour and 0.8% of the number of participants in the regional tour. Agree, these are quite modest results!

OU No. 261 (7 diplomas), 504 (5 diplomas), 397 (4 diplomas), 387 (3 diplomas), 248 (3 diplomas) have the largest number of regional round diplomas.

Unfortunately, the number of winners at the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad has not increased: four students from the Kirov region this academic year (5 last year). These are students from schools No. 504, 386 and 261.

All winners of the final stage are candidates for an award to support talented youth within the framework of the Priority National Project “Education”. It is pleasant to note that student of educational institution No. 504 Irina Skudnova became the winner of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for the second time in a row.

I would also like to note the consistently high achievements of the students of boarding school No. 2 - 8 winners and prize-winners of the regional Olympiad in Russian language and literature for children with disabilities, one of whom Lapardin Alexander Sergeevich for the second time won the award to support talented youth within the framework of the priority national project “Education. Well done!

Meanwhile, the region has the potential to successfully participate in the Olympics. So, in the 2010-2011 academic year:

12 students became winners and prize-winners in the regional round of 4 or more Olympiads. These are students from educational institutions No. 261, 397, 378, 384, 387, 393, 504, 506;

25 teachers trained 6 or more winners and prize-winners of the regional round of the All-Russian Olympiad. These are teachers from schools No. 244, 248, 250, 261, 389, 392, 393, 397, 501, 504.

The district, for its part, is trying to encourage the participation of schoolchildren and teachers in the Olympiads. The solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and prize-winners of the regional stage of the Olympiad has already become traditional. This is a real holiday for students and teachers. And the valuable gifts presented by Sergei Alekseevich Dmitrienko, General Director of the NPO Pribory LEK, significantly emphasize the significance of the achievements of the children and their mentors.

Competitions for students remain in demand in the region. In the 2010-2011 academic year, students from schools in the Kirov region participated in 130 competitions of various types (in the 2009-2010 academic year there were 122).

The largest number of competition participants was prepared by OU No. 397 (462); 261(460); 389 (443); 386(292);503(289); 481 (267), 377 (260).

The winners of the competitions were 1974 students, which amounted to 27.7% of the total number of competition participants.

Victories in competitions at various levels (from city to all-Russian) are an important indicator of the effectiveness of a school’s educational activities. Therefore, it is especially pleasant to note institutions whose students have actively and successfully demonstrated themselves in competitions at various levels. This is OU 389;

658, 274, 501, 2 boarding school, 493; 658, 503, 274, 249, 384.

In total, 238 students from the Kirov region became winners of regional, All-Russian and International competitions.

In the past academic year, educational institutions of the Kirov region continued to actively participate in competitions held by the Russian Academy of Productive Training. Schools willingly participated in both traditional competitions - “Kangaroo”, “Russian Bear”, “Golden Fleece”, and in new competitions “Man and Nature (CHP)”, “Computers and Technology (CHT)”, “British Bulldog”. All these competitions are especially useful for those who not only want to know a lot, but also learn a lot and discover a lot for themselves. We are pleased with the constant increase in the number of participants in these developmental competitions. In the 2010-2011 academic year there were more than 20,000.

The current stage of technological development has created unprecedented opportunities for creating fundamentally new and more effective teaching methods and methods. At the same time, original approaches also take place in the scientific community, where the latest developments are actively used. However, the introduction of new concepts and programs that promote development is not always readily accepted by those in charge. But this is not the only reason for the problems of modern education and science, which make further development impossible. The stagnation of teaching activity, for example, is facilitated by several factors, the culprits of which are teachers, the students themselves, and ineffectiveness.

Funding problems

The domestic one has long been considered one of the best in the world. The reason for this could be attributed to the enthusiasm of the teaching staff, who performed their duties efficiently and with love for their students. However, in our time, quality education is impossible without funding. And we are talking not only about the proper level of remuneration for teachers, among whom there are still many people truly dedicated to their work. The fact is that the distribution of money is planned based on the number of students. But this approach today is ineffective and gives rise to other, no less education problems, including the difficulty of monitoring student attendance at schools. For this purpose, some institutions practice the introduction of special commissions, which subsequently draw up reports on the actual number of students. This is due to the fact that the allocated money does not always correspond to the intended tasks precisely because of discrepancies in the numbers related to the number of students. However, there is an alternative to this financing system, which involves receiving funds directly from parents. At least, the most pressing problems of the technical condition of schools are solved in this way.

Lack of young specialists

The aging of the teaching staff is one of the main problems of modern universities. It would seem that this is a normal and natural process, since the older generation is always replaced by young educators and teachers. But every year the decline in the rate of “reproduction” of young personnel becomes more and more obvious. The situation is aggravated by the fact that out of despair, heads of institutions are forced to hire people with dubious qualifications. As a result, he also suffers. By the way, in science there are problems of the same nature, but with their own specifics. It must be said that many young specialists begin their journey into science with teaching. This is followed by conducting research, writing articles, etc. But state participation is not enough to stimulate such processes. Again, much depends on the lack of sufficient provision of teaching staff with material resources.

Lack of career guidance institute

As surveys of high school students show, most of them, even at the last stages of receiving basic education, do not have a clear idea of ​​​​the choice of their future profession. Of course, we can name several specialties and niches that are in demand in our time, but in the conditions of a rapidly changing market and technological development, it is difficult to say which professions may be useful in 5 years. Accordingly, the problems of education in Russia are to a certain extent expressed by the lack of confidence among schoolchildren in in order to obtain specific knowledge.

According to experts, students should have an idea of ​​the possible direction of their further development from an educational point of view. Of course, this in no way eliminates the need to acquire a wide range of knowledge. The solution to such problems in the West is to attract successful people who have made a career in one field or another. As a rule, these are recognized experts who share their experience with schoolchildren and students.

Lack of practical orientation of education

Another unsolved problem follows from the problem outlined above - the practical orientation of education. Even if a student determines the direction of further development for himself at an early stage, he will not have the opportunity to fully master practical skills during the learning process. The Russian education system is rather focused on producing young scientists with a theoretical basis. Such problems of education in Russia appear in the future, when graduates cannot organically fit into the conditions of real activity. And it’s not even so much about getting practice in the traditional sense. It is much more important at the training stage to be able to navigate the market of professions and services, understanding where and how specific skills may be in demand.

Limiting the capabilities of gifted children

The notorious “equalization” is still on the list of the main problems of domestic education. Unfortunately, even the modern system does not allow children to rise higher than the bulk of their classmates. The five-point system, in particular, does not allow rewarding students who strive to go beyond the boundaries of standard programs. We can say that working according to standard programs and methods are common problems of modern education and science that hinder development in both areas. Originality of thinking, of course, finds its own ways of expression, but schools and universities should encourage and support such aspirations in every possible way. And this is not to mention the lack of practice of teaching within the framework of individual programs, which are much more effective than standard methods that smooth out the personal characteristics of students.

Problems of higher education

The last 20 years have seen a whole series of changes that have significantly transformed the main result of the reforms was the commercialization of universities and granting them complete freedom from the state. Most modern universities are practically commercial organizations that charge students money for their services. Of course, this situation causes other problems of modern education and science, which, among other things, are expressed in the low level of acquired knowledge. Similar problems begin with the accessibility of higher education. Theoretically, any school graduate can receive it. The following are the nuances of personnel formation at universities. The increase in their number against the backdrop of a shortage of professional teachers also does not make it possible to ensure specialist training at the proper level.

Causes of educational problems

As already noted, one reason cannot explain the current problems in education. On the one hand, we can name the weak position of the state, which does not participate in supporting universities, does not sufficiently fund schools and practically does not stimulate schoolchildren and students to acquire new knowledge. But problems in the education system are not only explained by government policy. The reluctance of teaching staff to introduce new technologies into teaching processes causes the backwardness of Russian schools and universities compared to European educational institutions. For example, one of the most high-profile innovations in recent years has been interactive tools, which are being actively introduced in many Western schools. But in Russia, even large educational institutions are reluctant to accept such innovations. Of course, among the reasons behind the problems of domestic education, one cannot ignore the reluctance of schoolchildren and students themselves to study. But these factors are closely intertwined with the lack of incentives and, in general, understanding of the benefits of knowledge.

Basic problems of science

Many of the problems in education are also characteristic of science. First of all, this is a lack of funding. Activities in this area require considerable investment - only in this case can one count on high results from research and new developments. But the problems of domestic science are connected not only with the technical arrangement of laboratories. According to many experts, domestic science lacks a clear definition of goals and objectives. As a result, there is inconsistency in activities and, as a consequence, an inability to implement innovation priorities.

Ways to solve problems

Most concepts that propose creating conditions for natural solutions to educational problems assume an initial focus on students, rather than on the development and constant improvement of new rules and standards. In other words, the school should not force and control, but stimulate interested development. From this point of view, solving educational problems occurs through encouragement to independently search for answers to questions. For their part, teachers and educators must evaluate the proposed solutions taking into account the originality of the approaches used. An important component in this process is the motivational component, which arouses the interest of a schoolchild or student in further research.

Promising areas of development

Both in the education system and in science there is a huge gap between theory and practice. The school has practically no connection with the labor market, the mechanisms of which are knowledge and specialist skills, and does not take into account the interests of financial groups. Therefore, the most promising direction in which movement can solve the problems of development of education and the scientific industry is the merging of theoretical thought and viable market segments. Moreover, the effectiveness of this merger is only possible with the support of the state. Still, without proper funding it is impossible to talk about the implementation of promising knowledge and projects developed on its basis.


In recent years, Russia has been in some search for an optimal education system. This is evidenced by the reform of this segment. Nevertheless, attempts to make changes are not yet modern education and science, but only change their nature. If we talk about the most pressing tasks that the state faces today in this direction, there is a lack of funding and a lack of focus in scientific and educational activities. That is, despite their high development potential, domestic schools and universities provide rather modest returns.

Just some 20-30 years ago, Russian education was considered one of the highest quality in the world. Today, only the lazy do not criticize our education system, and the overwhelming majority of graduates of educational institutions demonstrate such a low level of knowledge that it becomes “offensive for the state.”

Some 20-30 years ago Russian education considered one of the highest quality in the world. Today, only the lazy do not criticize our education system, and the overwhelming majority of graduates of educational institutions demonstrate such a low level of knowledge that it becomes “a shame for the state” (in particular, according to statistics, the knowledge of about 80% of first-year students in paid departments of Russian universities corresponds to the knowledge 8th grade schoolchildren of the Soviet period).

And what is most upsetting is that, despite the regular implementation of reforms to improve the domestic education system, “things are still there”: the quality of modern Russian education is not so much improving as it is rapidly deteriorating. If in 1990 the Soviet Union ranked 33rd among 174 states in terms of knowledge and literacy, then already in 1998 Russia dropped to 62nd place. And the “fall” of our positions continues and continues.

In many ways, this situation is due to the fact that the well-proven Soviet school has collapsed, and our specialists have still not been able to create a new model of the educational system that corresponds to modern European trends.

Fortunately, our society understands that not only the prestige, but also the fate of the state depends on the state of the education system. Therefore, both the Russian government and the public are making every effort to identify relevant problems of Russian education and find effective ways to eliminate them. What are these problems? Let's look at the most obvious and relevant of them.

Decline in the social status of the teacher

In the Soviet Union, teachers had a special status: parents did not doubt the professional suitability of teachers and did not question their recommendations for the upbringing and development of children, and schoolchildren and students perceived teachers as certain “celestial beings” who should be treated with exceptional respect and reverence.

What are we seeing today? Students and schoolchildren allow themselves to barge into the classroom during a lesson or lecture, argue with the teacher and insult him, go about their own business during the learning process (for example, play on a mobile phone or “surf” the Internet), and not respond to the teacher’s comments. At the same time, some parents not only justify this behavior of their children, but also do not behave in the best way themselves.

It should be noted that in the current situation, the government is largely to blame, as it is unable to offer teachers a decent level of salary, as a result of which the quality of education has deteriorated. teaching staff, but also the teachers themselves, who allow themselves to discuss personal problems in front of their students and “take out” their bad mood on them.

Inconsistency between labor market requirements and the range of diplomas

Experts are increasingly saying that Russian universities place their main emphasis on preparing “money” majors (that is, those that are popular among applicants and for which they are willing to pay). And the specialists who are really required for the economic development of our country are trained on a residual basis.

In addition, the current education system is simply not able to quickly respond to changes in the labor market, the content of in-demand specialties of which changes every 5 years. As a result, a young specialist graduates from a university with outdated knowledge, which is why he has to “spend” the first years of his working life acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills through experience.

Educational services

But the most important mistake made, according to the public Ministry of Education, was the retraining of the education system into a system for providing educational services. The same opinion is shared by many experts who claim that such concepts as “training” and “services” are incompatible.

The fact is that the provision of services implies the performance of work in a volume corresponding to the amount of payment. And if we take it as an axiom that educational organizations provide educational services to the population, then there is no need to talk about any high-quality and accessible education for everyone. In addition, such a consumer attitude towards education gives participants educational process full right to make such statements as “I don’t want to study, but my parents pay you, so try to teach me something” or “until you pay me for additional classes, your child will not get high grades,” etc. d.

As a result, we have graduates with “bought” diplomas and certificates, behind which there is only the minimum required amount of skills and knowledge. To understand what this approach to training can lead to, you don’t need to think long: we will be treated by doctors who do not see the difference between, for example, hypertension and physical inactivity, and the country’s economic development strategy will be developed by specialists who confuse debit with credit.

Ways to solve problems in the education system

From all of the above, it is obvious that solving the problems of modern Russian education is impossible without restoring the status of the teacher as the country's elite and the most respected member of society. Naturally, such a status must be confirmed by an appropriate salary and respect, both from the public and the bureaucracy.

In addition, it is very important not just to try to introduce Western models of the educational system, many of which, by the way, are not adapted to the Russian mentality, but to make every effort to return the country to the natural path of development, which, whether we like it or not, is inextricably linked with the socialist the past of our state. In other words, today Russia needs education system Soviet type, equipped with modern technologies and teaching methods.

SOCHI, July 5. /TASS/. Powers to manage schools will transfer from municipalities to the regional level in less than three years. The head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva told reporters about this on Wednesday.

“We don’t have 5-10 years. I think it will be even faster than three years, because this is the need of the time,” the minister said. According to the head of the department, there are no such entities where it would be preferable to leave municipal government.

She emphasized that there is no point in postponing the solution to this issue, because this is an effective model and does not require costs. "The transfer of powers, on the contrary, will reduce costs. Now, under municipal government, there are units that are responsible for school affairs. If you reduce these units and transfer them to the regional level, then you have optimization even at the grassroots level, because such a number of administrative units are unnecessary,” Vasilyeva noted.

She added that education management is already carried out in several regions, including Moscow, Samara, Pskov and Tambov regions, but the regions have chosen different forms for themselves. In the near future, another 11-12 pilot regions will be selected.

“We need to return to regional management in the education system, because with self-government we are slowing down schools a little, we are slowing down the quality. And legal norms already allow this to be done,” the minister said. In her opinion, the transfer of powers to the regional level will allow funds allocated for education to be spent more efficiently. “Everyone says that the sector is underfunded, but even what is there should go in the right direction,” Vasilyeva believes.

“There should be an analysis here, there will be an appropriate plan [for the transition to regional management - TASS note], taking into account the positive experience of the regions, a road map will be developed,” Sergei Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor, told reporters.

Unified educational space

According to Vasilyeva, the transfer of school management from municipalities to regions is necessary to create a unified educational space. Today, the founders of all schools in the Russian Federation are municipalities, and the law allows them to independently formulate the school curriculum.

“We see such a variety of educational programs presented; it is very difficult to talk now about what, in my opinion, is the main key task of Russian education - the creation of a unified educational space and basic content for every child,” Vasilyeva said.

She emphasized that every child should receive a good and accessible basic education, but the obstacle to this is the very discrepancy that is associated with the foundation. “Municipalities are not very concerned about the content of the program,” the minister said.

Return schools to the state

According to Vasilyeva, a historical period has now arrived in the Russian Federation that requires the “nationalization” of schools, that is, their return to the state. “Now schools are outside the state’s care and guardianship, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. It’s hard to imagine that 42 thousand schools in the country are in no way subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, nor are they subordinate to the regions,” the minister said.

She added that for parents it is not of fundamental importance who controls the school, the main thing is that the child receives a quality education. At the same time, according to Vasilyeva, Russian legislation allows municipalities to directly participate in the creation of educational programs.

“Then it turns out that we are not bringing the country together through the most important sector, which is education from all points of view, but, on the contrary, we are pulling it apart,” the minister noted.

Several regions today are already implementing the practice of creating “school districts,” in particular the Samara and Astrakhan regions. According to Vasilyeva, governors of 16 more regions have expressed their readiness to implement pilot projects in this direction on their territory.


Earlier, Vasilyeva told reporters that powers to manage schools should be transferred from municipalities to the regional level in less than three years.

According to Vasilyeva, legal norms make it possible to transfer the management of schools to the regional level. This measure will also allow for more efficient spending of funds allocated for education.

According to the head of Rosobrnadzor, Sergei Kravtsov, in order to transfer powers to the regional level, an analysis must be carried out and a road map developed, taking into account the positive experience of the regions in this area.