Methodology for using small forms of folklore. Causes of poor speech development in preschool children

For a comfortable stay, life and development in society, speech skills are necessary. The formation of such a factor is most important during preschool age. There are special programs, technologies and classes for this purpose. The optimal method for developing the speech of preschool children allows them to master communication and learn to exist in society. This plays an important role in fully understanding the world around us, assimilating new information and applying knowledge in practice.

Development Goal

There are several stages in the formation of a person’s speech factor, but one of the most important periods is preschool age. At this moment, children strive to gain knowledge about various things and phenomena, to communicate and be active in kindergarten, in the family or in society. For effective development, it is important to provide comfortable conditions, as well as technology.

Each method for developing children’s speech has a specific goal. To effectively solve any problem, it is important to determine the desired result. The main purpose of using such methods is to develop speech skills in children. Also, at the same time, one masters not just speech, but correct communication and competent presentation. Such training techniques are aimed at solving the following problems:

  • Improving the sound culture of speech in children;
  • Replenishment, activation and use of vocabulary;
  • Improving speech grammar;
  • Mastering coherent and clear pronunciation of sounds;
  • Teaching children their native language;
  • Getting the child interested in a coherent, artistic word.

The basis for building any methodology is mastering simple skills, and then moving on to more complex knowledge. This approach allows children to learn in the most optimal way, and also contributes to the high-quality acquisition and assimilation of knowledge.

A child’s speech skills and development go through several stages. At the age of three, after accumulating some vocabulary, its active use occurs. At the moment, a method of speech development is needed. In this way, it is possible to effectively consolidate the knowledge acquired by the child, promote interest in the educational process and high-quality assimilation of data.

In kindergarten, various methods are used that promote the active development, correction and improvement of speech skills. In cases where there are any problems, an individual and correct approach is necessary. For this purpose, the age category of children, the developmental characteristics of the speech factor and the technologies used should be taken into account.

Methods and technologies

Various technologies for children's speech development require a special approach. Thus, there is an impact on skills, psychological state and practical use of knowledge. There are methods that are used in kindergarten, as well as at home. The participation of parents in this process contributes to the full learning and education of the child.

There are various aids for carrying out the process. One of the most popular is the book by O. S. Ushakov, which is intended for teachers. This technology for children's speech development is aimed at improving sound pronunciation. Also, the method for older children in kindergarten provides a full-fledged approach to learning, the application of all skills in practice.

Each method of speech development for preschool children has a clear goal and implementation plan. Ushakov’s technology also assumes a structured approach, that is, training begins from simple moments to complex ones. In such a process, it is important to take into account the reasons that interfere with the optimal formation of speech skills. These are the following factors:

  • Lack of parental attention;
  • Monosyllabic type of communication between adults and children;
  • Individual characteristics of psychological development.

Various technologies for children's speech development allow for a correct and optimal learning process. Such actions are used in preschool institutions, as well as at school. Effective diagnosis of influencing causes is an important circumstance for the development of children's speech.

Subject. Speech development in preschoolers as a necessary condition for personal development.

FULL NAME. Kleymenova Galina Alekseevna,

teacher at the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution, Kindergarten No. 2 “Bell”, Starooskolsky District, Belgorod Region.

Speech is a great power: it convinces, converts, compels.”

R. Emerso
In accordance with the new Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” preschool education has become an independent level of general education, and the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO) has come into force. According to the standard, the content of the program should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types of activities and cover the following areas: social and communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development. According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO): “speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write"

It is impossible to judge the beginning of the personality development of a preschool child without assessing his speech development. In the mental development of a child, speech is of exceptional importance. The development of speech is associated with the formation of both the personality as a whole and all basic mental processes. Therefore, determining the directions and conditions for the development of speech in children is one of the most important pedagogical tasks. The problem of speech development is one of the most pressing.

Speech is a tool for the development of higher parts of the psyche. By teaching a child to speak, the teacher simultaneously develops his intellect. The development of intelligence is the central task that a teacher sets for himself in a preschool institution.

The power of the native language as a factor that develops the intellect and nurtures emotions and will lies in its nature - in its ability to serve as a means of communication between a person and the world around him (extra-linguistic reality). The sign system of language - morphemes, words, phrases, sentences - encodes the reality surrounding a person.

The system of work on speech development lies in the close relationship and complementarity of its three components.

1. The teacher’s speech occupies a central place.

Through his speech, the teacher teaches the child his native language, communicating throughout the day. The teacher’s speech is the main source of speech development of children in kindergarten, and he must be fluent in the speech skills that he imparts to children (sound pronunciation, articulation, the formation of lexical and grammatical skills, etc.).

2. Conversations, games, and play exercises aimed at enriching and activating the child’s speech, which are carried out with all children, some children, and individually. They can be short-term or longer (10-15 minutes); can be planned in advance, or can arise spontaneously - the teacher must have a sense of the “moment”.

3. Creation by teachers of certain conditions - a special place, separate from the play areas, where individual and subgroup work on speech development takes place- speech corner.

The formation of a person’s personality largely depends on pedagogical influence, on how early it begins to be provided. Therefore, preschool institutions are an important link in shaping the development of a child’s personality.

In a preschool institution, the mental, moral and aesthetic education of children is carried out in the process of speech development. The content of speech acquired by a preschool child, as is known, is the surrounding reality reflected in his consciousness and perceived by his senses: himself, parts of his body, close people, the room where he lives, the interior of the kindergarten where he is brought up, the yard , park, nearby streets, city, human labor processes, nature - inanimate and living. The content of the speech development of an older preschooler also includes aesthetic concepts associated with the concept of duty in relation to surrounding people, nature, ideas about the phenomena of social life, and holidays. Therefore, the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” combines work on speech development with work on familiarizing children with the environment, as well as with fiction, and determines the forms of this work.

Speech education is closely related to the formation of artistic and speech activity, i.e. with aesthetic education. In preschool institutions, children are introduced to folklore and literary works, thanks to this, preschoolers learn to master the expressive means of their native language.

Familiarization with literature, retelling works of art, and learning to compose a collective story contribute to the formation of not only ethical knowledge and moral feelings, but also the moral behavior of preschoolers.

The system of speech work promotes the consistent acquisition of the structural elements of language. The main thing in this is the creation of optimal pedagogical conditions for the development of the language abilities of preschoolers. In this regard, the proportion of work on the word as the basic unit of language is increasing and the definition of the range of linguistic phenomena with which preschool children can be introduced


Preschool age is the age of play. It is in play, in our opinion, that relationships between children arise. They learn to communicate with each other, and the child’s speech develops through play.

Games are selected according to the interests and wishes of the children. To develop speech, small forms of folklore are used in the work: proverbs, sayings, riddles, lullabies, folk songs, nursery rhymes, pestles, etc.

Using proverbs and sayings in their speech, with the help of adults, children of senior preschool age learn to express their thoughts and feelings clearly, concisely, expressively, coloring their speech intonationally, developing the ability to creatively use words, the ability to figuratively describe an object, and give it a vivid description.

Guessing and inventing riddles also has an impact on the diversified development of a preschooler’s speech. The use of various means of expressiveness to create a metaphorical image in a riddle (the device of personification, the use of polysemy of words, definitions, epithets, comparisons, special rhythmic organization) contributes to the formation of figurative speech of an older preschooler.

Lullabies develop the speech of a preschooler, enrich their speech due to the fact that they contain a wide range of information about the world around them, primarily about those objects that are close to people’s experience and attract with their appearance.

Works of folklore are priceless. Acquaintance with children's folklore develops interest and attention to the surrounding world and folk words. Speech develops, moral habits are formed. Folk songs, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes - all this is excellent speech material that can be used in all types of activities.

The development of fine movements of the fingers is especially closely related to the development of speech. The well-known researcher of children's speech M.M. Koltsova writes: “The movements of the fingers, historically, in the course of human development, turned out to be closely related to speech function.

The first form of communication of primitive people was gestures; The role of the hand was especially great here... the development of the functions of the hand and speech in people proceeded in parallel.

It is necessary to take care of the timely development of a child’s speech from the first weeks of his life: develop his hearing, attention, talk, play with him, develop his motor skills.

The higher the child’s motor activity, the better his speech develops. The relationship between general and speech motor skills has been studied and confirmed by the research of many major scientists, such as A.A. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, I.P. Pavlov.When a child masters motor skills and abilities, coordination of movements develops. The formation of movements occurs with the participation of speech. Precise, dynamic execution of exercises for the legs, torso, arms, and head prepares for the improvement of the movements of articular organs: lips, tongue, lower jaw, etc.

However, we must not forget that the child spends a lot of time outside the kindergarten: with his family, with peers in the yard, etc. In communicating with others, his vocabulary is enriched. By expressing his opinion on certain issues, the child learns to pronounce sounds correctly and construct phrases. A child masters speech more successfully when he is taught not only in a preschool institution, but also in the family. A correct understanding by parents of the tasks of upbringing and teaching, knowledge of some of the methodological techniques used by the teacher in working on the development of children's speech, will undoubtedly help them in organizing speech classes at home.

The most effective results can only be achieved if parents and teachers work together. At the same time, the work should be structured in such a way that parents are equal participants in the development process. For this purpose, I developed consultations, memos for parents, and held thematic parent meetings: “Games and exercises for the development of speech of children of the 3rd year of life”, “Speech development of younger preschoolers”, “Speech development of older children”, “Didactic game and development of children’s speech”, etc. We try to hold meetings in a playful way, so that parents feel a little like children and disconnect from everyday worries. And most importantly, they learned to play themselves and could teach their children to play. INindividual conversationWe try to tactfully and unobtrusively explain to parents whose children need specialist help the seriousness of the situation. After all, many parents believe that the child will speak on his own, without anyone’s help, but this is a misconception. We often advise parents to talk more with their children, read books at night, even in the kitchen, when preparing dinner, you can play word games.

Thus, a preschool educational institution presupposes the purposeful activity of its participants, a creative approach to its organization and a person-oriented model of influence, which is a necessary condition for the successful development of speech in preschoolers.


1. Federal state educational standard for preschool education

2. Ushakova O. S. Methods of speech development for preschool children / O. S. Ushakova, E. M. Strunina. - M.: Humanitarian. ed. VLADOS center, 2008

3. Novotortseva N.V. Encyclopedia of speech development. - M.: JSC

"ROSMAN - PRESS", 2008

4. M site materials link to site ()

The third technique, developed by O.S. Ushakova, on the basis of which the experiment was carried out. The level of speech and communication development of preschoolers can be determined both at the beginning of the school year and in the middle (or at the end). The examination can be carried out by methodologists or educators. The examination is carried out individually with each child. A conversation with a child can be recorded on a voice recorder or directly into the protocol (one adult conducts the conversation, the other records). If children are well acquainted with the adult interviewing them, they easily make contact and willingly answer questions. If an unfamiliar adult comes, then you should get to know the children in advance, establish emotional contact, so that they enter into verbal communication with pleasure.

Assessment for all tasks is given in qualitative (children's answers are recorded) and quantitative expression (in points). Despite the conventionality of quantitative assessments for statements of varying completeness and correctness, they help to identify levels of speech development: I (high), II - average (sufficient) and III (below average):

Methodology for identifying the level of speech development.

The examination technique allows us to identify the child’s success in mastering program tasks for speech development, the degree of proficiency in phonetics, vocabulary, grammar and speech coherence when constructing different types of statements.

Indicators of speech development in children of senior preschool age


  • 1. Pronounces correctly all the sounds of the native language, hard and soft, dull and voiced, distinguishes between whistling, hissing and sonorant sounds. Aware of the shortcomings of sound pronunciation in the speech of others and in his own speech.
  • 2. Clearly pronounces words and phrases, uses various means of intonation expressiveness (pace of speech, control of voice, fluency of text presentation), depending on the content of the statement.
  • 3. Understands the terms “sound”, “syllable”, and can conduct a sound analysis of a word.
  • 1. Correctly names objects, their actions and qualities, distinguishes between specific and generic concepts, uses generalizing words in speech;
  • 2. Understands the semantic side of the word (can select antonyms, synonyms, correctly understands the meanings of polysemantic words of different parts of speech).
  • 3. Accurately uses words in coherent statements depending on the context.


  • 1. Morphology. Correctly agrees nouns and adjectives in gender, number, case, uses difficult grammatical forms (imperative verbs, plural nouns in the genitive case).
  • 2. Word formation. Forms new words in different ways, selects words with the same root.
  • 3. Syntax. Constructs sentences of different types (simple, common, complex).

Connected speech

  • 1. Has the ability to compose different types of texts: description, narration or reasoning;
  • 2. Makes up a coherent statement based on a series of plot paintings. Able to determine the topic and content, structure the text in a logical sequence, connect parts of a statement using different methods of connections, construct sentences grammatically correct. Uses figurative words and expressions in the story.
  • 3. Presents the text clearly, emotionally, with expressive intonation.

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1 METHODS FOR DETECTING THE LEVEL OF SPEECH DEVELOPMENT IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN (Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M.) The level of speech development in preschoolers can be determined both at the beginning of the school year and in the middle (or at the end). The examination can be carried out by educators, methodologists, and parents. If children are well acquainted with the adult interviewing them, they easily make contact and willingly answer questions. The examination is carried out individually with each child (the conversation should not exceed 15 minutes). If an unfamiliar adult comes, then he should get to know the children in advance, establish emotional contact, so that the children enter into verbal communication with pleasure. Assignments must be given in an interesting, intonationally expressive form. Correct answers should evoke approval and support; in case of difficulty, you should not show the child that he failed, but simply give the answer himself (for example, the child could not name a generalizing word, and the adult himself says: “this can be called the word clothes”), but note the failure in the protocol. It is best to offer tasks to children when looking at well-known toys or objects, and if isolated words are taken (without visualization), their meaning should be known to the children. To check the level of speech development of children of primary and secondary preschool age, visual aids (objects, pictures, various toys) are widely used. For older preschoolers, tasks can be presented without visual aids, but in familiar words. Here, the precise formulation of questions becomes of great importance, this is especially important when performing speech tasks to identify: the ability to select synonyms and antonyms for adjectives and verbs; ability to use words accurately (in terms of meaning); skills in performing various creative tasks (speech situations); skills in composing different types of statements. The questions follow a logical sequence, which sometimes causes incompleteness of the formulation. Assessment for all tasks is given in quantitative terms (points). Given the convention of quantitative assessments for statements of varying completeness and correctness, they (assessments) help to identify levels of speech development: I high, II average (sufficient) and III (below average). 3 points are given for an accurate and correct answer given by the child independently. A child who makes a minor inaccuracy and responds to leading questions and clarifications from an adult receives 2 points. 1 point is given to the child if he does not correlate the answers with the adult’s questions, repeats the words after him, or demonstrates a lack of understanding of the task. 1

2 Approximate (possible) answers of children are given after each task in the following sequence: 1) correct answer; 2) partially correct; 3) inaccurate answer. At the end of the test, points are calculated. If the majority of answers (over 2/3) received a score of 3, this is a high level. If more than half of the answers have a score of 2, this is an average level, and with a score of 1, the level is below average. SENIOR PRESCHOOL AGE CHARACTERISTICS OF SPEECH DEVELOPMENT In children of senior preschool age, speech development reaches a high level. Most children correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, can regulate the strength of their voice, the pace of speech, the intonation of a question, joy, and surprise. By older preschool age, a child has accumulated a significant vocabulary. The enrichment of vocabulary (the vocabulary of the language, the set of words used by the child) continues, the stock of words that are similar (synonyms) or opposite (antonyms) in meaning, and polysemantic words increases. Thus, the development of the dictionary is characterized not only by an increase in the number of words used, but also by the child’s understanding of different meanings of the same word (multiple meanings). Movement in this regard is extremely important, since it is associated with children’s increasingly complete awareness of the semantics of the words they already use. At senior preschool age, the most important stage of children's speech development, the acquisition of the grammatical system of the language, is generally completed. The proportion of simple common sentences, complex and complex sentences is increasing. Children develop a critical attitude towards grammatical errors and the ability to control their speech. The most striking characteristic of the speech of children of senior preschool age is the active development or construction of different types of texts (description, narration, reasoning). In the process of mastering coherent speech, children begin to actively use different types of connections between words within a sentence, between sentences and between parts of a statement, observing its structure (beginning, middle, end). At the same time, one can note such features in the speech of older preschoolers. Some children do not pronounce correctly all the sounds of their native language, do not know how to use intonation means of expression, or regulate the speed and volume of speech depending on the situation. Children also make mistakes in the formation of different grammatical forms (this is the genitive plural of nouns, their agreement with adjectives, different ways 2

3 word formations). And, of course, it is difficult to correctly construct complex syntactic structures, which leads to incorrect combination of words in a sentence and the connection of sentences with each other when composing a coherent statement. The main disadvantages in the development of coherent speech are the inability to construct a coherent text using all structural elements (beginning, middle, end), and to connect parts of a statement. Speech tasks in relation to children of senior preschool age will include the same sections as in previous ages, however, each task becomes more complicated both in content and in teaching methods. Dictionary The skills are revealed: 1) to activate adjectives and verbs, to select words that are accurate in meaning to the speech situation; 2) select synonyms and antonyms for given words of different parts of speech; 3) understand and use different meanings of polysemantic words; 4) differentiate general concepts (wild and domestic animals). Grammar 1) Form the name of young animals (fox, fox, cow, calf); select words with the same root, agree on nouns and adjectives in gender and number; 2) form difficult forms of the imperative and subjunctive mood (hide! dance / would look); genitive case (hares, foals, lambs); 3) build complex sentences of different types. Phonetics 1) Differentiate pairs of sounds s-z, s-ts, sh-zh, ch-sch9 l-r> distinguish between whistling, hissing and sonorant sounds, hard and soft; 2) change the strength of the voice, rate of speech, intonation depending on the content of the statement; 3) select words and phrases that sound similar. Coherent speech 1) In the retelling of literary works, intonationally convey the dialogue of the characters, the characteristics of the characters; 2) compose a description, narrative or reasoning; 3) develop a storyline in a series of paintings, connecting parts of the statement with different types of connections. 3

4 PROGRESS OF THE SURVEY I series of tasks (vocabulary and grammar). 1. You already know a lot of words. What does the word doll, ball, dishes mean? 1) The child correctly explains the meaning of words (they eat and drink from it, these are toys); 2) names individual signs and actions; 3) names 1 2 words. 2. What is deep? small? tall? low? easy? heavy? 1) Completes all tasks, names 1 2 words to the Adjective (deep hole, deep sea); 2) selects words for 2 3 adjectives; 3) selects a word for only one adjective (high fence). 3. What is the word pen called? 1) Names several meanings of this word (The pen writes. The child has a pen. The door has a pen); 2) names two meanings of this word; 3) lists objects that have a handle (1 2 words). 4. Come up with a sentence with the word pen. 1) Compose a grammatically correct sentence of three words; 2) names two words (phrases); 3) names only one word (pen). 5. A pen is needed to... (write, hold a cup, hold a bag, etc.). You can use a pen... (write, open the door). 1) Correctly completes different types of sentences; 2) names two words; 3) selects only one word. 6. An adult offers the child a situation: “The little bunny took a walk in the forest. He is in a cheerful mood. He returned home like this... (joyful, animated, satisfied). And if the little hare was cheerful and joyful, then he didn’t just walk, but... (rushed, rushed, flew).” 1) The child correctly selects words that are close in meaning (synonyms); 2) names 2 3 words; 3) selects only one word. The teacher gives a different situation: “The bunny’s other brother came sad, he was offended. For the word cheerful, choose words that are opposite in meaning (sad, sorrowful, offended). And if the bunny was offended, he didn’t just walk, but... (trudged, dragged, wandered)”, 1) Correctly selects words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms); 2) names 2 3 words; 3) selects only one word. 7. What would the bunny do if he met a wolf (fox)? (I would run away, hide, get scared.) 1) Correctly names all the words in the subjunctive mood; 2) selects two words; 4

5 3) names only one word. 8. Tell the bunny to jump, hide, dance. 1) Correctly names words in the imperative mood; 2) selects two words; 3) names one word. 9. Tell me, who is the hare’s cub? (Hare.) Cubs? (Little bunnies.) The hare has a lot of... (bunnies). Similar questions are asked about other animals: “A fox..., a wolf..., a bear, a hedgehog...” 1) The child names all the cubs in the correct grammatical form; 2) names only one form correctly; 3) does not complete the task. 10. Name the young dogs, cows, horses, sheep (dog puppy puppies, many puppies; cow calf calves two calves; horse foal foals many foals; sheep lamb lambs many lambs). 1) The child names all the words correctly; 2) names two or three words; 3) says one word. 11. Where do animals live? (To the forest.) What words can be formed with the word forest? (Forester, forester, forest, forest, forester, forester, forester.) 1) Names more than two words; 2) names two words; 3) repeats the given word. 12. What is called the word needle! What other needles do you know? 1) The child names the needles of a Christmas tree, a hedgehog, a pine needle, a sewing needle and a medical needle; 2) names only one meaning of this word; 3) repeats the word after the adult. 13. What kind of needle does a hedgehog have? (Spicy.) What are we talking about: spicy, spicy, spicy? 1) The child names several objects (sharp knife, sharp saw, sharp scissors); 2) chooses two words correctly; 3) names one word. 14. What can you do with a needle? What is it for? 1) The child names different actions (sew, embroider; inject); 2) names two actions (prick mushrooms, sew); 3) names one action (sew). 15. Make a sentence with the word needle. 1) The child makes up a complex sentence (A needle is needed to sew); 2) makes up a simple sentence (An injection is made with a needle); 3) names one word. 5

6 16. An adult says that children from another kindergarten said this: “Daddy, go in a whisper,” “Mommy, I love you loudly,” “I put my shoes on inside out.” Is it possible to say that? How to say it correctly? 1) The child correctly corrects all the sentences (Dad, walk quietly. Mommy, I love you very much. I put my shoes on the wrong foot); 2) correctly corrects two sentences; 3) repeats sentences without changes. II series of tasks (sound culture of speech). 1. Which animals have the sound l in their names? (Horse, wolf, elephant, squirrel); sound? (Lion, fox, leopard.) 2. In the names of which animals is the sound /> heard? (Tiger, cow, ram, giraffe.) Sound! (Turtle, chicken.) 3. Name words that contain the sounds s and sh. (Old lady, Sasha, drying.) Sounds coming from? (Iron.) 1) The child distinguishes between hard and soft sounds, differentiates hissing sounds; 2) names more than two words; 3) names one word. 4. A tongue twister is given, which must be pronounced quickly, slowly, quietly in a loud whisper. “Thirty-three cars in a row, chattering, rattling” (or any other). 1) The child speaks clearly, changes the pace of speech, regulates the strength of his voice; 2) does not pronounce clearly enough; 3) does not have the ability to slow down or speed up the pace. 5. Say the phrase “I’m going to school” so that we can hear that this makes you happy, surprises you, or that you are asking about it. 1) The child conveys the given intonations; 2) conveys only interrogative intonation; 3) repeats the narrative intonation. 6. Come up with the end of the phrase so that it turns out coherently: “Hedgehog-hedgehog, where were you walking? (I was picking mushrooms.) Hedgehog-hedgehog, where have you been? (I kept wandering through the forest).” 1) The child rhythmically finishes the phrase; 2) responds by breaking the rhythm; 3) says one word. III series of tasks (connected speech). 1. The teacher asks the child to describe the hedgehog (based on the picture). 1) the child composes a description in which there are three part structures: beginning, middle, end. This is a hedgehog. It is brown and prickly. The hedgehog has sharp spines on its back. The hedgehog needs them to prick mushrooms and berries. The hedgehog takes care of his hedgehogs; 2) tells, omitting the beginning (or end); 3) lists individual qualities. 6

7 2. The teacher offers a series of pictures (3 4), united by a plot, invites the child to arrange them in sequence and compose a story. 1) The child arranges the pictures in the correct sequence and composes a coherent story; 2) tells with the help of an adult; 3) lists what is drawn in the pictures. 3. The teacher invites the child to compose a story (fairy tale) on a independently chosen topic. 1) The child comes up with a story (fairy tale), gives its name; 2) composes a story with the help of an adult; 3) fails to cope with the task. The development of coherent speech is assessed, in addition to the general indicators indicated above, according to special criteria that characterize the main qualities of a coherent statement (description, story based on a series of plot paintings or on an independently chosen topic). Let us recall these indicators: 1. Content (in the narration, the ability to come up with an interesting plot, develop it in a logical sequence; in the description, the disclosure of micro-topics, signs and actions). If a child comes up with an interesting story, he gets 3 points; if the plot is borrowed 2 points; if the characteristics are listed 1 point. 2. Composition of the statement: the presence of three structural parts (beginning, middle, end), arranging the plot in a logical sequence 3 points; the presence of two structural parts (beginning and middle, middle and end), partial violation of the logic of presentation 2 points; lack of beginning and end 1 point. 3. Grammatical correctness of construction of simple and complex sentences, correct agreement of words in word combinations and sentences 3 points; using only simple sentences 2 points; similar constructions (nominal sentences) 1 point. 4. Various ways of connections between sentences 3 points; using methods of formal coordinative communication (through conjunctions a, and, adverb then) 2 points; inability to connect sentences with each other 1 point. 5. Variety of lexical means (use of different parts of speech, figurative words of definitions, comparisons, synonyms, antonyms) 3 points; some violation of the accuracy of word usage 2 points; monotony of vocabulary, repetition of the same words 1 point. 6. Sound design of the statement (smoothness, intonation expressiveness, presentation at a moderate pace) 3 points; intermittent presentation, minor hesitations and pauses 2 points; monotonous, inexpressive presentation 1 point. The teacher gives an assessment of the completion of all tasks by calculating the total number of points. 7

8 Methodology for identifying the level of development of figurative speech (Research by H.B. Gavrish) Speech culture is the most important condition for nurturing the general and internal culture of people. Proficiency in a literary language and improvement of speech culture skills constitute a necessary component of a person’s education and intelligence. Speech culture is usually understood as compliance with the norms of the literary language, the ability to convey one’s thoughts in accordance with the purpose and purpose of the statement, grammatically correct, logically, accurately, expressively. The most important sources for the development of expressiveness of children's speech are works of fiction and oral folk art, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, phraseological units, riddles, tongue twisters). At the same time, scientists note a significant discrepancy between children’s ability to perceive the figurative structure of literary and folklore works and the ability to figuratively express their thoughts, impressions, and experiences in their own writings. Finding ways to form the imagery of coherent speech of preschoolers based on the use of different genres of literature, oral folk art, and phraseological units is the main goal of our research. Identification of the level of imagery of children's speech in independent coherent statements, the peculiarities of perception of literary works, including small folklore forms (proverbs, sayings, phraseological units, riddles), can be carried out in the form of individual conversations with each child using five series of tasks. The first series of tasks reveals the ability of children to come up with their own story or fairy tale using expressive means. It is checked whether the child can logically consistently develop the plot, in accordance with the topic that he himself has chosen, what means of expression he will use in his composition. After an introductory conversation about favorite books, the child is asked to come up with a story, a fairy tale; Give a name to the statement, define the genre and explain your choice. Children's ideas about the genre (fairy tale, short story, poem), the ability to choose a topic, and develop the plot in a logical sequence are assessed; Compliance with the composition (presence of a beginning, middle, end) and the use of lexical, syntactic, and stylistic means of artistic expression are also assessed. A significant part of children's essays are characterized by a violation of the logical sequence, composition of the text, and a discrepancy between the content and the topic. In the process of analyzing creative stories, a certain relationship is identified between the level of coherence as a qualitative characteristic of the text and the level of imagery. 8

9 In their coherent utterances, children use a variety of figurative means: syntactic (nominative and non-conjunctive sentences, inversion, direct speech, clarifications, repetitions), lexical (epithets, definitions, emotionally evaluative vocabulary). Metaphors and comparisons not only in stories, but also in children's fairy tales are found in isolated cases. At the same time, there are facts indicating the influence of the language of literary texts on children's writings: children use specific fairy-tale turns and expressions. Analysis of children's essays from the point of view of imagery shows the existence of a connection between the level of artistic perception of literary works and the level of expressiveness of children's creative stories. The second series of tasks is aimed at identifying the characteristics of children’s perception of literary works of different genres. Children are offered literary works of different genres: poems by A. Balonsky “In the Forest” and I. Bunin “Leaf Fall” (excerpt), M. Prishvin’s story “A Clearing in the Forest” (excerpt), the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” adapted by SV. Mikhalkova. There may be other works, but the main selection criterion should be a high degree of imagery, saturation with means of artistic expression. Questions are asked: “What did they read to you? Why do you think this is a fairy tale (story, poem)? What does it say in...? What does the author call...?” The ability to distinguish a genre, understand its specific features, and determine the theme and main content of a work is assessed. Analysis of children's responses shows that they do not have clear ideas about the genre features of literary works. The closest and most understandable genre to children is the fairy tale. Children cope most easily with isolating and reproducing epithets. Perceiving and highlighting comparisons in the text causes them significant difficulties, and understanding metaphors is the most difficult task. Other means of artistic expression (metonymy, personification, hyperbole) are noticed by children in rare cases. The third series of the task determines children’s understanding of the meaning of phraseological units: like being in the water, giving the floor, a hare’s soul, pouting your lips, headlong, in the sweat of your brow, speeding up. First, each expression is given to the child in isolated form, it becomes clear how he understands it, then the same phraseological unit is offered in context. The depth of a child’s understanding of phraseological units can be tested through the task: “Come up with a sentence or story in which someone could say that.” Correct, literal, negative answers, accuracy of word usage, and the ability to come up with sentences with a given expression are recorded and assessed. An analysis of the features of understanding the meaning of phraseological units shows that a significant proportion of children experience difficulties in perception and 9

10 understanding the figurative content of phraseological units. At the same time, the survey results show the possibility of teaching children to understand the figurative content and generalized meaning of phraseological units. The IV series of tasks reveals the understanding of proverbs: A wolf stumps a cowardly bunny. Emelya is coming, but wait a week for him. Poor Vanyushka has only pebbles everywhere. The child is asked to remember or come up with a short story in which one of the characters could say such words. The proverb is given to children first outside the text, and then in the text, which circles around its understanding. The analysis evaluates not only the ability to explain the meaning of a proverb, but also the ability to include it in the appropriate speech situation. The survey results show that children of senior preschool age can understand the general meaning of proverbs. Series V of tasks reveals children’s ability to perceive and understand the figurative content of riddles, and to isolate means of artistic expression from the text of the riddle. Children are offered three riddles. The text reads: “A quick flame flashed behind the trees, behind the bushes. It flashed, ran, there was no smoke, no fire.” (Fox.) The child guesses (or not) the riddle, and then he is asked questions: “How did you guess that it was a fox? (Understanding the metaphor.) What is the fox compared to? Why is a fox compared to a flame? (Highlight comparisons.) How can you say something different about the fox? What can it be compared to? Children's understanding of the artistic image contained in the riddle, identification of comparisons, epithets, and awareness of metaphors are assessed. Analysis of the characteristics of children's perception of different genres of literary works (poems, stories, fairy tales), small folklore forms (riddles, proverbs, sayings, phraseological units) allows us to establish the levels of children's perception of figurative speech. Such a survey allows us to conclude that an important factor in the formation of children’s speech imagery is the interrelation of work in speech classes, in the process of familiarization with fiction, as well as in everyday life. Familiarization with small folklore genres (riddles, proverbs, sayings, phraseological units), the use of special exercises and creative tasks leads children to the conscious transfer of formed ideas into verbal creativity. The formation of figurative speech should be carried out in unity with the development of other qualities of a coherent utterance, based on ideas about the compositional and genre features of a fairy tale, short story, fable, poem, on a sufficient supply of figurative vocabulary and an understanding of the appropriateness of its use in a literary text. 10

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(FOOTNOTE: Research by A.I. Lavrentieva)

The development of the semantic side of speech is one of the main conditions for the development of coherent speech and verbal communication skills of a preschooler. This is explained by the fact that the degree of formation of the lexical-semantic system of a preschool child has a direct impact on his ability to accurately and adequately select words in accordance with the communication situation and the context of the statement. “In teaching the native language, a central place should be taken by work on the word, the defining property of which is its semantic content, meaning. It is the correct understanding of the meaning of words that allows a child to enter into communication with adults and peers,” write O.S. Ushakova and E.M. Strunina. (FOOTNOTE: See: “Pre-school education”, 1981 No. 2.)

Identifying the level of semantic development of preschool children should reflect not so much the quantitative composition of their vocabulary, but rather the qualitative state of the vocabulary.

The lexical-semantic system is a set of lexical units interconnected by semantic relationships. It records all the relationships that a given lexical unit enters into with other lexical units. Any newly arriving semantic information one way or another rebuilds this system, so it is in constant motion. The most intensive development of the lexical-semantic system occurs precisely in preschool age: familiarization with the surrounding reality brings new information about objects, phenomena and their properties, and this, in turn, is embodied in changes in the lexical-semantic system that develops in the child. The development of children of senior preschool age is, to a certain extent, the result of previous semantic development, since the structure of the main semantic scales can already be considered fully established. Apparently, for this reason, diagnosing the state of the lexical-semantic system of children 5-6 years old does not present any particular difficulties: children are able to adequately respond to stimulus words in the conditions of an associative experiment, do not experience difficulties in selecting synonyms and antonyms, and give interpretations of the meanings of words upon request experimenter. But this result of the development of the semantic system of a child of senior preschool age, which is already approaching in its organization the semantic system of an adult native speaker, is preceded by a long process of its formation. This process begins at the earliest stages of speech development, and by the age of 2-3 years the child spontaneously develops a certain lexical-semantic system. At the same time, the meanings of many words are understood inaccurately, which is due, in particular, to the child’s poor speech and communication experience. Essential semantic connections are not taken into account, and unimportant ones begin to play an unreasonably important role, which causes inadequate use of words in situations of verbal communication.

The special work of teachers, aimed at the formation of a lexical-semantic system, is designed to overcome these spontaneous moments and help children learn to isolate important semantic information. But special education that claims to be successful must be preceded by a theoretically based diagnosis of the child’s semantic development at a given age stage, at a given point in the development of the lexical-semantic system. It is known that each individual child has his own path to language and, therefore, his own way of mastering the richest system of linguistic meanings that permeates all levels of language. Therefore, the methodology for diagnosing the semantic development of younger preschoolers should help the teacher identify the child’s individual characteristics in his mastery of lexical units and their relationships and, based on knowledge of these individual characteristics in each specific case, build further work on developing children’s awareness of linguistic meanings and their connections with other linguistic meanings.

Diagnosis of the semantic development of a child of primary preschool age, as well as correction of his semantic development in the future, will be helped by knowledge of the main regularity of the considered stage of formation of the lexical-semantic system. As the work of some psycholinguists, as well as our observations, has shown, children initially master the operations of contrasting linguistic elements, including elements of vocabulary. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that the elements of the language system at any of its levels (phonological, grammatical, semantic) function in conjunction with the correlates that oppose them. By mastering the semantic level of the language system, the child masters, first of all, scales of oppositions, or antonymic scales. These scales form a certain structure, and new semantic elements arriving “at the input” take their place within this structure. Having mastered the “polar” points of the antonymic scale, the child then masters some of its intermediate points: only by mastering the meanings of the polar words hot and cold can the child master the meaning of the intermediate words warm and cool, etc.

Based on the situational thinking of children of early and early preschool age, and also taking into account the large role of personal experience when using linguistic signs in their speech activity, we assumed that the identification of the semantic content that younger preschoolers put into words can occur in play conditions speech situations, since these conditions are as close as possible to natural ones.

For children of primary preschool age, it is better to offer tasks that are related to each other by a common theme or a specific plot. This will create and maintain during the examination the emotional contact of the experimenter with the subjects, and the child’s interest in the development of the plot, empathy for the heroes of a fairy tale or story, “invented” together with an adult at the moment, will cause a desire for the most accurate answers that reflect more or less adequately semantic connections in the child’s linguistic consciousness. Thus, the entire examination can be carried out using the same plot. The experimenter begins each next sentence, and leaves it to the child to complete it. Sentences should be constructed in such a way that they are not only interconnected, but also so that the way the child completes them reflects the state of one or another part of his lexical-semantic system.

Our task was to identify not only the features of the systemic organization of the meanings of lexical units, but also the grammatical elements of the language. We considered the system of organizing the meanings of some word-forming elements, in particular suffixes denoting baby animals, diminutive suffixes, some prefixes, as well as the understanding of the meanings of some prepositions by preschool children. The peculiarities of mastering the meanings of some formative affixes that do not change the lexical meaning of the word (gender, number, case of nouns and adjectives; type of verb, etc.) were touched upon.

First of all, the ability to name objects, their actions and qualities, the ability to assign the names of objects to thematic groups (I group of tasks) was tested; further, the skills of using contrasting language units in speech were considered (group II of tasks); skills were identified that allow one to operate with the meanings of grammatical elements of a language, as well as skills in semantic selection of words in a coherent monologue statement (group III of tasks). At the same time, consistency in the development of the plot was observed.

To conduct a survey of the semantic development of younger preschoolers using the described system of tasks, the following visual aids are required: two dolls (large and small), three dolls (large, medium and small), two Christmas trees (high and low), two pencils (long and short) , bunny, doll furniture (chair and wardrobe); pictures - dishes, pieces of furniture, pieces of clothing, two houses (big and small), two people (cheerful and sad), two paths (wide and narrow), an image of a girl who washes her hands, an image of a street in the light and dark. ; duck, duckling, ducklings; pig, piglet, piglets; horse, foal, foals; chicken, chicken, chickens; dog, puppy, puppies.

The duration of the conversation with one child is no more than 20 minutes. All children, without exception, expressed a desire to participate in the examination.

Below is a system of tasks that we developed to examine the semantic development of younger preschoolers. Possible answer options are indicated in brackets.

I group of tasks.

  1. What is this? (Doll, doll.)

  2. What is she like? (Big, small, elegant, beautiful...) If the child finds it difficult to answer this question, you can
offer him help in the form of an appropriate context: “This doll is big, and this one... (small)”; in this case, the task can be classified as group II.

  1. What do dolls do? What do dolls can (love) do? (Play, draw, dance...)

  2. The dolls wanted to play. What did they take? (Balls.)

  3. What kind of ball is this? (Blue, colorful, beautiful, round...)
If the child finds it difficult to answer this question, you can again offer him the appropriate context; in this case, the task can be assigned to group II: “This ball is big, and that one...” And further: “One ball is large, the second is small, and the third ball is larger than small, but smaller than large. What is he like? (Average.) This question should indicate whether the child is proficient in the “intermediate” term of the large-small scale.

  1. What can dolls do with balls? (Play, throw, roll...)

  2. Let's roll the ball with the dolls. Here the ball rolled towards you, and now it is away from you... (rolled away).
This task helps to identify skills in using speech with prefixes of opposite meaning and is included in the “area of ​​intersection” of tasks of groups II and III. In this place it is given only in order not to disrupt the sequence of presentation. Otherwise, it may be taken out of context.

  1. Dolls, balls, cubes, pyramids - how can we call it all in one word? (Toys.)

  2. Let's see what the dolls are wearing. (Dress, trousers, jacket). Dresses, shirts, blouses, trousers - how can we call it all in one word? (Cloth.)

  3. Now it's time for the dolls to eat. What will they put on the table? (Plates, cups, saucers...) Plates, cups, saucers, pots - how can we call it all in one word? (Dishes.)

  4. The dolls will also use the furniture. What kind of furniture do you know? (Table, chair, wardrobe, sofa, armchair...)
Tasks 8-11 show the degree of mastery of generalizing words and the ability to group words that are thematically close to each other. It is used both to list the names of objects included in one thematic group, after which the child is asked to give their general name, and to use the generalizing word itself, after which the child is asked to list the words included in this thematic group.

  1. task group.

  1. The dolls ate and wanted to draw. The big doll will take a long pencil, and the small one will take ... (short).

  2. This is the picture the big doll drew. There are two people in this picture. One is cheerful, and the second is ... (sad).

  3. The little doll drew two houses: a big one and a small one. What can we call a small house? (House, little house.)
If the child finds it difficult to answer, he is offered help in the form of context: “The doll drew a big house and a small... (house).”

  1. What are the people who build houses called? (Builders.)
Tasks 14 and 15 should be classified as group III. They are presented here only in order not to disrupt the sequence of presentation.

  1. The dolls got tired of drawing and went for a walk in the forest. It started to rain. The large doll hid from the rain under a tall tree, and the small one hid ... (under a low one).

  2. The rain stopped and the dolls went home. The big doll walked along the wide path, and the little one - ... (along the narrow one).

  3. Having returned from a walk, the dolls began to wash their hands. What kind of water did they wash their hands with? (Hot, cold...)
You can offer the children the following context: “First they opened the tap with hot water, and then... (with cold).” And further: “If you mix hot water with cold water, what kind of water will you get?” (Warm, cool.) This task will show whether the child has “intermediate” members of the antonymic “hot-cold” scale (see also task 5).

  1. At first the dolls' hands were dirty, but when they washed them, their hands became... (clean).

  2. The dolls ate, played, looked out the window and saw that the street had become... (dark).
And during the day, when the dolls were goulash, it was not dark, but... (light).

  1. task group.

  1. Someone came to visit the dolls. Who is this? (Hare.) How can you affectionately call him? (Bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny.)

  2. The bunny decided to play hide and seek with the dolls. Where did he hide? (On a chair, under a chair, behind a closet.)

  3. Now let’s look together with the dolls at the pictures that the bunny brought them.
This is mother duck. Who is her cub? (Duckling.) This picture shows (ducklings). Mom has a lot of ducks... (ducklings).

This is mommy pig. Who is momma pig's baby? (Pig:) This picture shows... (pigs). Mommy pig has a lot of... (piglets).

This is the mother horse. Who is the mother horse's baby? (Falk.) The picture shows... (foals).

This is the mother hen. Who is the mother hen's baby? (Chicken.) The picture shows... (chickens). The chicken has a lot of... (chickens).

This is a mother dog. Who is the mother dog's baby? (Puppy.) This picture shows... (puppies). The dog has a lot... (puppies).

Task 23 reveals an understanding of the meanings of both derivational and formative elements: the ability to form the names of baby animals is tested, as well as the ability to change words by numbers and cases.

  1. task group.

  1. Which of the toys lying on the table do you like best? (Doll, ball, Christmas tree, bunny...) Tell us about this toy.
Task 24 reveals the skills of adequate selection of linguistic units when constructing a coherent monologue statement.

Our survey of the semantic development of younger preschoolers confirmed that, along with the general tendency associated with the mastery of opposition strategies and characteristic of all children examined, there are some very significant individual characteristics that reflect the process of formation of the lexical-semantic system in each specific case.

Comparison and evaluation of certain elements of situations causes the appearance of antonymic scales of parametric and qualitative evaluative adjectives in the child’s lexical-semantic system. However, many children are characterized by a state of the system of these scales in which “gluing” of the scales is observed. This tendency is manifested in the fact that all antonymic scales of parametric adjectives (long - short, high - low, wide - narrow, thick - thin, etc.) are included in the “big - small” scale, and all antonymic scales are qualitatively evaluative adjectives (good - evil, smart - stupid, clean - dirty, dark - light, cheerful - sad, etc.) are included in the “good-bad” scale. In this case, there is a “mixing” of members of various antonymic pairs: This doll has long hair, and that one has short hair. This pencil is thin, and that one is large (“gluing” scales of parametric adjectives); Now it has become dark outside, but during the day it was not dark, but good (“gluing together” scales of qualitative-evaluative adjectives); This ribbon is wide, and that one is low. The small doll will come along the narrow path, and the big one along the thick one (“mixing” the scales of parametric adjectives); This

Cheerful, and the second is not cheerful, but angry and dirty (“mixing” scales of qualitatively evaluative adjectives).

Individual characteristics characteristic of the development of the semantic system of various children are also manifested in the way of organizing lexical units: in some children words are organized according to the thematic principle (“topics” for grouping - material, purpose of objects, etc.), and in others according to situational ; they are perceived by children as elements of a particular situation (the situation of going to bed, walks in the park).

Noteworthy are the individual characteristics that reflect children’s understanding of the meanings of grammatical elements (word-formative and formative). Some children easily operate with the meanings of word-forming affixes, but at the same time find it difficult in cases where it is necessary to change the form of a word: from the word hare, a child is able to form several words with diminutive suffixes (bare, hare, hare, hare, hare), but not is able to use affixes that change the word and case of a noun (This is a chicken. Mother chicken has a lot of chickens). Other children, on the contrary, adequately use prepositions and formative affixes in their speech activity, but cannot form the names of baby animals. All these individual characteristics are determined by the type of speech (communicative) behavior of the child. They must be taken into account by the teacher in the process of special work on the formation of a lexical-semantic system in his linguistic consciousness by creating game speech (communicative) situations that change the semantic status of lexical units.

Thus, the success of special pedagogical work aimed at developing an awareness of the meanings of linguistic elements and the relationships into which these meanings enter within the semantic system of language is directly dependent on the qualitative identification of the Initial state of this system based on the most appropriate diagnostic technique for a given age. The level of the formed™ system of semantic connections of words is the most important prerequisite for the success of a preschooler’s further education.