Knyagininsky Engineering and Economic Institute official. Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic University

The university has 2,334 full-time students and 2,223 part-time students. There are 2,609 students studying in higher professional education programs, 1,281 in secondary vocational education. 54 people are studying in graduate school, 4 in doctoral studies. In addition, more than 300 people study annually in advanced training programs, more than 50 people in retraining programs, and courses training of car drivers - 150 people, training courses for workers in mass professions - up to 40 people.

Educational activities are carried out in 2 faculties and two institutes (as faculties):

  • Faculty of Economics;
  • Faculty of Information Technologies and Communication Systems;
  • Engineering Institute;
  • Institute of Transport Service and Tourism.

Since 2011, a branch of NSIEU has been operating in Nizhny Novgorod, created by joining the Nizhny Novgorod Technological College to NSIEI. With the addition of the Nizhny Novgorod College of Technology and Design in October 2012, the branch received the name “Institute of Food Technologies and Design - a branch of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education NGIEU”.

The structural divisions of the university are specialized educational centers: Driver Training Center, Industrial Qualifications Center, Center for Certified Training of Users of 1C Software Products; Energy Audit Center; Center – Cisco Network Academy and others.

The university is focused on meeting the needs for educational services of residents of municipal districts and small towns of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Education at NSIEU is free for students. Every year, more than 1,200 applicants from most districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region and neighboring regions enter the university.

The university actively works with enterprises and organizations - strategic partners. Together with a number of them: Sberbank, the GAMA travel agency, Lyskovsky Brewery CJSC, Pokrovskaya Sloboda CJSC, Rostelecom OJSC, basic departments were created. Thorough knowledge by teachers of the basic departments of production, economics, and technology makes it possible to ensure that the content of education meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the requests of employers.

The material, educational and laboratory base of the university is constantly being improved. Every year, new classrooms and laboratory spaces are put into operation, and a new educational building is being built. The university is equipped with modern laboratory equipment, multimedia and interactive complexes. On September 1, 2014, a high-tech resource center for training personnel in the field of infocommunication technologies and communication systems was put into operation.

Annual international student scientific and practical conferences are held, combined with a trip by boat. Delegations from Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Poland, Abkhazia, and the USA participate in them.

The university carries out targeted extracurricular work. The task is not only to prepare a competent, qualified specialist with professionally significant qualities, but also to form the civic and moral qualities of the individual. There are music and dance groups, eight KVN teams. University delegations annually take part in all-Russian student forums. Sports, physical education and health activities are actively carried out. The university has several sports teams in team sports and water tourism. There is a sports and recreation center in the village of Vasilsursk - the confluence of the Volga and Sura rivers. Every year the university holds the Universiade in Thai boxing, in which athletes from St. Petersburg, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Kovrov, Stary Oskol and others participate. The system has gyms in all faculties, a hockey rink, and free rental of skis and skates.

Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics trains specialists capable of working in various industries and fields of activity: economics, management, agricultural engineering, information technology, service, motor transport and others.

The university is focused on meeting the needs for educational services of residents of municipal districts and small towns of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Education at NSIEU is free for students. Every year, more than 1,400 applicants from most districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region and neighboring regions enter the university.

During the existence of the university (institute), about 3,732 certified specialists, bachelors and masters and more than 3,168 specialists with secondary vocational education were trained.

The scientific activities of NSIEU scientists are focused on the real sector of the economy, including increasing the efficiency of agricultural production, its technical and technological modernization, and solving social problems of rural municipal areas.

In just 12 years, teachers, including those who came to science from the real sector of the economy, have prepared and defended more than 40 candidate dissertations and 1 doctoral dissertation in various dissertation councils in various specialties.

The university actively works with enterprises and organizations - strategic partners. Together with a number of them: Sberbank, the GAMA travel agency, Lyskovsky Brewery CJSC, Pokrovskaya Sloboda CJSC, Rostelecom OJSC, basic departments were created.

The material, educational and laboratory base of the university is constantly being improved. Every year, new classrooms and laboratory spaces are put into operation, and a new educational building is being built. The university is equipped with modern laboratory equipment, multimedia and interactive complexes. On September 1, 2014, a high-tech resource center for training personnel in the field of infocommunication technologies and communication systems was put into operation.

There is a mini-printing house at the university. Every year it publishes about 80 titles of scientific and educational literature. Since 2010, 2 series of the scientific journal “Bulletin of NGIEI” have been published, in which graduate students and teaching staff of the university publish the results of their research work.

International activities are developing. Citizens of Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, and Tajikistan study at the university. Agreements on cooperation in the field of education, science and culture were signed with 16 foreign educational institutions and educational and production institutions, including with 9 educational institutions in non-CIS countries. Within the framework of these agreements under various international programs in 2010-2014. more than 250 students and teachers traveled abroad for practical training and internships.

University graduates are competitive, socially and professionally active. As a rule, after completing their studies they work in their specialty, many in their “small homeland”.

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About the university

The Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic Institute was created on December 27, 2002 on the basis of the Knyagininsky Polytechnic College. The founder of the institute is the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the functions of the founder are performed by the Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The institute has 1,742 students, of which 955 are full-time and 850 are part-time. There are 1,481 students studying in the programs of higher professional education (faculty of economics - 754, faculty of engineering - 727), secondary vocational education - 253, primary vocational education - 90. 60 people are studying in graduate school, 8 in doctoral studies). In addition, 250 people are trained annually in advanced training programs, 40 people in retraining programs, 130 people in car driver training courses, and from 15 to 40 people in mass worker training courses.
The institute is focused primarily on the rural population. Most students are children from rural families with low income and social security, so education here is free for students. More than 400 applicants from most districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region and neighboring regions annually enter the budget places of four faculties (engineering, economics, secondary vocational education, primary vocational education). The Institute has a license for educational activities in 28 specialties and is accredited for the educational programs it implements.
Admission to the institute is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of the unified state exam. To improve the quality of knowledge of applicants, preparatory courses and individual consultations for first-year students are organized annually.
The institute trains specialists capable of working in various industries and fields of activity. This is also evidenced by the specialties offered by the institute: economist-manager, accountant, engineer, mechanical technician, agricultural production foreman, tractor driver. During the existence of the institute, 247 certified specialists and 226 specialists with secondary vocational education have been trained.
Practice shows that our graduates are in demand on the labor market. More than 80% of the institute’s graduates remain to work in rural areas and small towns of the Nizhny Novgorod region. In order to meet social demand, the institute conducts research on the labor market and educational services, and the possibilities of introducing new educational programs are being considered.
The Institute is fully staffed. The qualifications of the teaching staff are continuously improved. 56 full-time teachers have academic degrees, including 18 teachers who have a doctorate degree. Gradually, thanks to a personnel policy focused on the employment of young scientists, out-of-town personnel are being replaced with our own. Possibilities are being sought to provide teachers with housing. As part of the regional targeted program of social support for young specialists, 32 teachers of NGIEI received apartments.
With the active support of the Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the material, educational and laboratory base of the institute is being improved. Every year, due to the reconstruction and re-equipment of existing premises, new classrooms and laboratory areas are put into operation, and construction of a new educational building has begun.
The computer park of NGIEI consists of more than 150 computers; 7 computer classes equipped with computers based on modern processors are involved in the educational process. Since 2006, the institute has been participating in the “Federal Internet Examination in the Field of Vocational Education” experiment, which allows us to objectively evaluate and improve the quality of students’ knowledge.
In order to quickly provide students with teaching aids and methodological developments, the institute operates a mini-printing house. NGIEI teachers have prepared and published more than 300 educational, methodological and methodological publications.
The cultural level of students is growing. The task is not only to prepare a competent, qualified specialist with professionally significant qualities, but also to form the civic and moral qualities of the individual. The institute organizes art exhibitions, hosts creative evenings with the participation of poets and writers, students travel a lot around cities, studying the cultural and historical heritage of central Russia. Student amateur activities are developing. NGIEI has music and dance groups, four KVN teams. The institute’s delegation annually takes part in the All-Russian Student Forum in Sochi. Sports, physical education and health activities are actively carried out. The institute has several sports teams. The university’s special pride was the ice stadium, built by students and teachers. In the student dormitory, a gym equipped with modern exercise equipment is open every day until 21:00. Water tourism is actively developing: students not only go on kayak trips themselves, but also become water tourism instructors.
In order to develop student self-government, research and cultural-sports work, and form the social and civic position of students and graduate students, the Center for Youth Initiatives of the NSIEI was opened in 2009 in the village of Vasilsursk, Vorotyn district.
The annual student scientific and practical conference, combined with a boat trip, is becoming traditional. Since 2008, the conference has acquired international status. Delegations from Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, and Abkhazia took part in it.
The Institute is actively integrating into the higher education system and scientific community of the region, collaborating with leading scientific institutions, educational institutions of higher and secondary education. The teaching staff of NGIEI actively participates in interuniversity and international scientific and scientific-practical conferences. Young scientists of the institute annually become laureates of regional scientific competitions.
In order to train highly qualified personnel, the institute operates postgraduate and doctoral studies. The institute's teachers are regularly sent to advanced training courses and internships at major Russian and foreign universities. In 2008-2009 25 employees of the institute completed foreign internships. Long-term partnerships have been established with the German educational center Doyla-Ninburg, the State Higher Vocational School of Kalisz (Poland), Weihenstephan University (Germany), and the Agrarian University in Plovdiv (Bulgaria).
The institute’s cooperation with neighboring municipal districts is developing. Meetings of heads of administrations and employers of the Sergach, Lyskovsky, Pilninsky, Sechenovsky, Spassky districts with students are held annually; The management staff of the institute participates in celebrations within the framework of “City Day” in the regional centers of the south-east of the region (Pilna, Knyaginino, Sergach, Gagino, Spasskoye, etc.). During these celebrations, on behalf of and on behalf of the Academic Council of the Institute, letters of gratitude are presented to the parents of the best students who have distinguished themselves in their studies, research, sports and socio-cultural activities.
The strategic partner of the institute in terms of advanced training and retraining of specialists is the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Resources of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
For systematic work on monitoring the labor market and promoting employment and professional growth of graduates of the institute, a specialized “Center for Advanced Studies and Postgraduate Employment of Graduates” was created. The Institute actively interacts with employers. Agreements have been concluded for industrial and pre-graduation internships with leading enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the region, and factory internships with large engineering plants: KZ Rostselmash LLC, Gorky Automobile Plant. At annual “job fairs”, on the one hand, we introduce graduates to the situation on the regional labor market, help them find a specific job, and on the other hand, we give employers the opportunity to evaluate the professional qualities of graduates and select the required workers.
On July 1, 2008, Bolshemurashkinsky Vocational Lyceum No. 106 was attached to NGIEI as a faculty of primary vocational education and industrial training, which made it possible to solve the most important strategic task - the creation of a multi-level, multidisciplinary educational complex and the training of highly qualified personnel for mass professions using the faculty of the institute. While mastering the basic educational programs, students have the opportunity to receive additional education. Thus, all graduates of the Faculty of Engineering receive working professions as tractor drivers, car drivers, and many as welders and mechanics. At the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Resources of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, a program is being implemented to train a personnel reserve for managers of agricultural organizations from among senior students of the engineering and economic faculties. Theoretical training is supported by students' educational and practical work experience on farms in the region, during which they master modern agricultural machinery and gain practical work skills. In addition, a significant part of students are sent for practical training and internships at the largest Russian and foreign industrial enterprises. In 2008 and 2009, 17 future graduates completed internships in Poland and practiced in Germany at the Grimme plant and on farms. NGIEI graduate A. Lobanov is studying for a master's degree at the University of Weihenstephan (Germany).