Why experience is more important than things. Life experience for professional and personal growth

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Life experience for professional and personal growth

Once upon a time there lived a Chinese emperor. He had a beautiful palace, the most remarkable decoration of which was considered to be two vases - real works of art. The emperor loved them very much and placed them in the most luxurious hall of his palace. But one day an accident happened - one of the vases fell to the floor and broke into small pieces...

The emperor grieved for a long time, but then ordered to find craftsmen who could glue it back together. And such masters were found. They worked days and nights until finally the vase was assembled again. She was almost no different from her friend, but there was still one significant difference between them: the glued vase could no longer hold water. However, she had invaluable experience - the experience of being broken and put back together.

(Eastern parable)

Life experience is the knowledge that we acquire in the course of our lives. It is very individual and each of us has something that others do not have. We need life experience to realize, understand reality, and coordinate our actions, which allows us to successfully solve various life problems. Experience warns us against mistakes, tells us how we should or should not behave in certain situations, because they are often repeated.

Life experience is transmitted through communication between people, as well as through books, films, and programs. It appears as a result of human practical activity. And since our activities are closely related to mental abilities, the acquired life experience is our intellect.

We begin to gain life experience from the moment of our birth, when we just begin to learn to sit, crawl, smell, taste everything, try to find out what this or that thing consists of. Without this experience, our future life is impossible. Growing up, we learn to read, write, communicate, and also react correctly to various situations. We can already apply the acquired knowledge and skills in life, solving various problems, creating new ideas, and also reflecting on our possible actions and options for their actual outcome. As we get older, we have more life experience. Rich life experience makes a person self-confident, allows him to cope with any task, and he is not afraid to take on any type of activity.

Since experience is closely related to our activities and is also used by us in our activities, it is necessary to continuously develop the skills and abilities acquired in life. By consolidating them with practice, you can improve the quality of your work. By constantly working on yourself, you will contribute to your professional and personal growth and improve your abilities. You will become the best in your business.

Experience is the name everyone gives to your mistakes. O. Wilde

For every problem we create, there is a solution, and every test ends only when it gives us the opportunity for spiritual growth. Remember that there is always a solution to emerging problems, that the answer to the question of how to act correctly in a given life situation, you will find exclusively in yourself, in your inner “I”. Know that no matter what happens, every problem always has its own reasons and its own solutions.

Remember that the truth cannot be taught, because everyone reaches the truth on their own! What you experience as truth becomes your truth.

The wisdom of a person, apparently, lies in calmly accepting what is objective
But what depends on a person, meaning the relationship to the objective, can and should be a controlled process.

Any life situation provides an opportunity to gain the experience necessary for our development. Life is an amazing process of learning, understanding, compassion, patience and love.The best opportunity for spiritual growth often occurs during the most difficult moments in life, when a person's strength is tested.

Life is a garden, flowers in it are an amazing experience . The life of every person is an amazing garden, and the flowers that grow in it are an amazing experience for everyone living on earth. Every day people's individual bouquets are replenished with new, amazingly beautiful flowers.

Your own experience is an effective way to learn . Through our own experience we learn that we can do things differently.

Each person has their own experience. No experience meant for another . This is true, as is the fact that everyone has their own life and no one can live someone else’s life.

Every experience has its own meaning . It is thanks to our experiences that we acquire life wisdom, which accumulates over the years. Wisdom is not transferable; knowledge can be transferred, not wisdom. Wisdom is not conveyed by words, it is conveyed exclusively by life experience. Know that every problem has its own solutions.

Spiritual development should be, like everything in life, with a sense of proportion . If people who go headlong into spiritual self-improvement and development exclusively of their inner world. By doing this they violate the fundamental law of the Universe - the Law of unity of the internal and external world.

When faced with the truth, make way for it . Do not turn away from the truth, which at the right time in the right place comes out, thus declaring itself.

Learn to take every challenge from a creative perspective . Use your circumstances as an opportunity. Free yourself from the misconception that “a little good does not bring benefit” and “a little evil does not cause harm.” Know that, on the one hand, if you do not accumulate goodness in small ways, you will not get great goodness. On the other hand, if you do not abstain from evil in small things, a great crime will be committed.

“The Unpleasant” is an amazing experience that you must go through . Having received something “unpleasant” from your actions, look at this state as a signal from your own subconscious that somewhere in your thoughts, intentions or actions you have come into conflict with the Law of Love.

The most important human need is the need for truth. . When a person hears a lie, his subconscious reacts to it as an act of violence against the inner “I”. Moreover, it does not matter from whom this lie comes: from other people or from oneself.

Learn to see the big in the small . Learn to find freedom among prohibitions, to find abundance in the empty, to always see life behind any death.

Everything is possible in your life . By believing that everything is possible in your life, you will allow all the answers and solutions, all the changes to come into your life.

Before you evaluate anything, get at least a basic understanding of it . Before challenging the practicality of the methods presented in this manual, try, live in a new model of behavior, and only then judge and evaluate them. Don’t be like a person who argues about the contents of a book without even having a basic understanding of it (don’t be like the hero of M. Zhvanetsky, who argues until he’s hoarse about the taste of oysters without trying them). Also be especially wary of the opinion of someone who already knows the answer before they understand the question.

Follow the most important principle of wisdom - do not deny anything . Know that there are various teachers and spiritual mentors: some will definitely prohibit something, while others, without denying or prohibiting anything, will suggest the direction of development and improvement.

The wise man denies nothing, the wise man learns from everyone . When we deny (do not accept) something, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to learn something useful and wise.

Every life situation presents an opportunity for growth and personal development. . A wise person understands well that every new rebirth becomes a lesson, the possibility of change is an opportunity for personal growth.

Earthly reality is a great learning experience . A person resides in earthly reality in order to experience various states of being, and not in order to evaluate how others do it.

Life teaches even those who do not want to learn from it . Remember that it is not in the power of man to avoid the influence of the laws of life on a person.

The life situation will be repeated until the learning lesson is learned . The learning situation will be repeated (the so-called “déjà vu”) until you learn to respond correctly to the learning situation.

The situations we find ourselves in are lessons we must learn . If learning does not occur in a teaching situation, it means that it will be repeated again, but with much greater energy expenditure for the person and consequences for him. When all the learning occurs and the lesson is successfully completed, the situation is resolved and will not happen again.

The absence of any creativity in your life usually has a negative impact on your health. . Know that monotonous work, unloved work, as well as work that is motivated by some kind of fear (fear of being left without a livelihood, fear of being lonely, rejected, fear of losing the love of a loved one, etc.) usually undermine your health.

Remember that mistakes in life are a natural part of our spiritual growth and development . When a person feels sorry for himself in something, expresses doubts about what has happened, he creates a disorder in the energy system of his own body, which can negatively affect his health potential.

Nobody knows what he's capable of until he tries. . There are many people who do not tolerate failure. This happens most often because they never make any attempt. If something goes wrong, just try not to follow.

Learn about the main ways to gain life knowledge . Remember that we were born to seek truth and nothing more, and not at all to possess it. At least three paths lead to knowledge: the first path is the most noble - this is the path of reflection; the second path is the easiest - the path of imitation; the third path is the most bitter - this is the path of experience.

A thought once known cannot be lost . If something is not clear to you, know that the time has not yet come for you to learn any truth. However, rest assured that the seed of knowledge has already been sown and the plant with will appear over time and, like a lotus flower, will unfold naturally and gradually.

A problem is an excellent opportunity to change for the better. . Most problems are generated by the vibrations emanating from us, and all problems are nothing more than an amazing opportunity given to us to change for the better.

Every difficult situation has a very great educational role . In absolutely every difficult situation, there is a very significant personal reason that we must eliminate one way or another. For your own good, learn to express your own feelings like a child: to be happy and sad sincerely. Get rid of the fear of other people's reactions to your manifestations. sincere emotions, especially if you do not offend them feelings.

“We grow through obstacles” . Life's obstacles and adversities are an amazing opportunity to grow and develop in a new direction. Learn to perceive your life as an amazing school, where every situation gives us a useful life lesson.

When the conversation turns to life experience, everyone understands perfectly well what we are talking about. Everyone has heard this phrase more than once, knows its meaning well and has a good idea of ​​what life experience is needed for. But if you ask the question: “What is life experience and what does it consist of?” - the answers will be very diverse. It is obvious that, despite the similarity of ideas, people attach their deeply personal meaning to the concept of “life experience”.

For most people, life experience is already existing personal experience in solving various problems that a person faces in life. From the point of view of these people, if there are “no problems,” there is no experience in overcoming them, that is, there is no life experience. A similar view is supported by researcher A. B. Dobrovich, who believes that the unhindered opportunity to satisfy a certain need at any moment deforms the emerging character (which most often manifests itself in children in rich families). A person becomes pampered, prone to panic in the face of small difficulties, selfish and demanding, capricious, and devoid of a sense of duty. That is why in families where there is no need for anything, the child should be taught patience and restraint in meeting his needs. He needs to be disappointed to some extent (create difficulties, obstacles, problems in fulfilling his desires) day after day in order to instill in him, in the words of A. B. Dobrovich, “frustration tolerance” (the ability to persevere in the face of difficulties - to overcome, rather than avoid them) for the future.

Many also believe that life experience includes the sum of direct knowledge, impressions and thoughts about the achievement of the desired goal by other people, i.e. not only personal, but also the experience of others in overcoming similar problems (“But he did this - and everything worked out for him”; “Under certain conditions, which I don’t have yet, but they can be created, the problem simply goes away”; “Some manage to solve this issue differently; if necessary, I can use a similar method”).

People who hold a similar opinion prefer to learn not so much from their own mistakes as from the mistakes and experiences of others.

Some people consider life experience to be everything that is accumulated by the human mind - not only “informational” memory, but also sensory, emotional, and unconscious memory. This point of view allows us to consider life experience and memory of sensations: smell, taste, pain, touch, muscle tone, etc. Thus, life experience includes everything that has already happened, that has already been encountered, that a person has ever seen, heard, felt, sensed.

Finally, in the opinion of almost all people, life experience contains a variety of, but deeply assimilated knowledge that has undergone internal mental “processing” in a person for various situations and is at least potentially suitable for practical application.

Could there be anything more convincing for us than our own life experience, based on which we build our associations and beliefs, which often become basic? Of course, this cannot be attributed to those people who can endlessly step on the same rake, and at the same time not see any connection with their previous experience, but rare cases of idiocy are the exception to the rule. Basically, any significant event of the past that has played a significant role in a person’s life certainly becomes the basis for his beliefs in the future; in NLP this is called an imprint - quite an interesting name from my point of view, apparently characterizing NLP, because it could well be make do with such a concept as experience. And since this term is well known to everyone, this is what I will use, for your convenience, dear readers. So the imprint or our life experience, no matter what we call it, shapes our point of view, shapes our behavior and course of action, in case of a scenario repetition of the events of the past.

But as life shows, there is no 100% regularity in it, and no matter what a person’s personal life experience is in a particular issue, it can always be revised from a new position. In this respect, even idiots seem to be more advanced people, and if it were not for the thoughtlessly similar algorithm of actions on their part, leading to the same mistakes, they could not be called idiots. Experience, as we know, can be positive or negative, and both have a certain influence on our psyche, and the less adequate perception a person has, the correspondingly less certain this influence is for him. How often do people analyze what happened in their lives, analyze, look for cause-and-effect relationships, and try to understand the structure of what happened? But this is precisely what allows you to take control of a similar situation in the future, in which at least your own actions will not be identical to the actions of the past.

Whatever happens in life with obvious constancy, it all has an end, the sun, according to our history, has been rising for several thousand years, if we take the history of mankind, but you and I understand that even it will go out someday. In our life, everything is more transient, and therefore it is extremely important not to hang on the same scenario, which is the same in a person’s head, and which builds a solid foundation for a stereotype in his head. In NLP, the reprogramming of beliefs is called re-imprinting, this is for general information, but for simple understanding it can be formulated as a change of beliefs to others. And this is actually a key point to which you and I must certainly pay attention. The key word in it is belief, which characterizes the way unconscious people perceive this world, who are guided in their lives precisely by beliefs, and not by independently made calculations.

It’s quite easy to control a person whose life is built on beliefs by making an artificial connection between one or another event and his beliefs and turning it the way you want. In this case, any negative experience can become a reason for inaction in the future; a person may have a feeling of helplessness and panic only because he does not have the necessary algorithm of actions in case of a repetition of the negative situation, and he cannot form a new one along the way. As an example, we can take any situation of instilling uncertainty in a person, pointing out to him his negative experience of the past, which has nothing in common with the present in reality, but nevertheless has a depressing effect on him. In this way, people, as they say, cut the wings of others, subjugate their will, as happens in many enterprises, where a person is constantly pointed out to his place, not privileged, but the place of a loser.

At the same time, the positive experience of the past also cannot be the basis for blind self-confidence, or even extremely inflated self-confidence, because no matter how much you inspire yourself with the possibilities of a superman, you will not have them. Inflated self-esteem has a number of advantages, but lacking common sense, it often leads to irreparable mistakes. After all, enthusiasm alone is not enough to conquer new heights; you also need accurate, cold calculations, which should be based on the currently available reliable data, and not on the successful experience of the past. Personal life experience, of course, should not be ignored, but it is obvious that it must be used as a unit of account for the present, but using it as a guide without analysis, taking into account only a possible pattern, is simply unreasonable. For example, if you stole something once and didn’t get caught, is this a basis for the idea of ​​your own impunity?

Of course no! And no one can say with complete confidence which attempt may be unsuccessful, but each subsequent one will proceed from the pattern of past experience, or rather from beliefs about such a pattern, when a person who simply blindly believes in the next successful attempt, not only will not see the mistake , but will not take into account the external factors that preceded it. However, everything I write here is very difficult to apply to most people, since it requires a conscious approach to living in the present, and according to statistics, most people do not live this way. It is stereotypes and beliefs, based both on personal life experience and on an artificial form of belief, that are the basis of the life attitudes of the majority. And yet, since you are reading me, here is the door leading to a meaningful life, I am not giving you any beliefs, everything follows from a logical chain, the construction of which significantly transforms our thinking and, accordingly, influences our psyche and perception the surrounding world.

The past, your own or someone else’s, is not the basis for the present, it is its prerequisite, so use it to calculate the formation of the future, working in the present, and most importantly, do not assume the indisputability of those patterns that take place today, since they to a certain extent you limit. A person who has not achieved success after ten attempts will not necessarily fail to achieve it on the eleventh attempt, and no personal life experience confirms this, you just need to use this experience to build a new strategy, focused on mistakes, or even more correctly, the shortcomings of the past.

Every person has life experience, one way or another. Life experience is usually understood as a set of ideas about the world that allow one to form an individual opinion about a particular object, person or phenomenon. Life experiences undoubtedly make us wise and strong.

The problem of life experience

The problem with life experience is that this knowledge about the environment is actually acquired by each person independently. Someone else's life experience does not play any role in the development of another person. As they say, everyone must learn their skills, make mistakes that will help them draw the right conclusions and lead to the final goal. Some people are in no hurry to accept someone else's life experience, to take someone else's beliefs on faith. This happens because it is difficult for us to imagine someone else as right, and neglect our own opinion. In addition, other people's life experiences often become the opposite of our own. The problem with life experience is that not all people are ready to admit its presence. Some willingly continue to deny the knowledge they have acquired in order to try to forget the past and the problems associated with it as soon as possible.

Features of life experience

What does life experience give to an individual? First of all, the ability to always have a choice. Having a certain life experience, a person has enviable freedom: he decides for himself when and how to act. This is a wonderful advantage, because only a free person can be called fully accomplished and mature. In the absence of life experience, the personality will be lost and seek support from others. But the older we get, the easier it is to make decisions. Gradually, the individual gets used to taking responsibility and thinking about the consequences of his steps. What is included in the features of life experience? Let's take a closer look.

Personalized experience

One person's life experience is his indisputable truth. It does not always correspond to the ideas and worldview of other people. If for one the greatest value is family and children, then for another, career and growth through the ranks are extremely important. It would be wrong to blame your opponent for not meeting your expectations. The problem of understanding between people is that they do not want to give in to each other or accept a point of view different from theirs.

Life experience is the greatest good, spiritual wealth, which must be treated with extreme care. This treasure requires close attention and respect. Only a small percentage of people know how to appreciate what they actually have, and these are truly happy individuals. Life experience always contributes to the formation of a certain view of the world. This opinion is made up of those events that evoke a specific emotional response in the soul. Individualization of life experience emphasizes a person’s core values, how he makes decisions, and what kind of environment is around him. Individual people will derive different impressions from the same events and form individual life experiences.

Dependence on vivid impressions

In the process of learning about the world, we accumulate various impressions, which subsequently teach us to recognize information and divide it into components. This is facilitated by the presence of life experience. The habit of assessing current events is determined by certain life experiences. If since childhood a person has become accustomed to receiving kindness and warmth from loved ones, and has been surrounded by attention and affection, he will develop a positive attitude towards the surrounding reality. Otherwise, he will be forced to spend his entire life fighting imaginary “monsters” that exist only in his head.

Life experience creates dependence on impressions. Positive images have a positive effect on the individual: she learns to trust close people and the world as a whole. Life experience is necessary to form priorities. The attitude towards people and events around you also completely depends on life experience. The most important thing is to be able to accumulate a sufficient amount of bright and pleasant emotions in your heart. The more intense and positive they are, the more interesting the life experience itself will be.

Ability to act quickly

The life experiences of each of us represent the greatest good. Decision making entirely depends on how accurately a person is able to formulate a goal and set realistic goals for himself. The ability to act quickly, without thinking, is an invaluable quality. Of course, fears and doubts cannot be completely eliminated from life, but they can be made an integral part of a rich life experience.

Life experience will always tell you how to do the right thing. You won’t have to suffer for long and doubt the correctness of your next decision. That is why a person performs some actions quite simply, as if on an automatic machine - experience helps him. In its absence, doubts, panicky self-doubt and fears begin to overcome. They cannot be avoided, it is important to gain the necessary life experience before moving forward.

Know how to trust your life experience, then you will be able to get out of the most difficult situations with honor. We need it to act actively, relying on our own intuition and worldview.

Thus, life experience is an integral component of self-knowledge, perhaps its main component. It helps us maintain peace of mind in moments of difficult trials, encourages us in failures, and makes us believe in ourselves again after a crushing fall.