How to spell a particle without verbs. Svetozar: open international Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language

The particle NOT with verbs is written separately.

For example: if you don’t teach, don’t speak, won’t be silent, wouldn’t play.

Exception: the particle NOT is written together with verbs that are not used without NOT.

For example: to dislike, to be unwell, to hate, to be indignant, to be perplexed, to be in bondage.

In verbs, one should distinguish between the prefix NEDO- and the particle with the prefix NOT DO-.

UNDO is used in the meaning of “little”, NOT DO – in the meaning of “not completing the action.”


(meaning “little”, has an antonym with PERE-)

Meaning insufficiency actions:

It is IMPOSSIBLE to complete the action!


(meaning “did not complete”).

Meaning incompleteness actions:

it is POSSIBLE to complete the action!

malnourished(to starve) – antonym: to overeat

neglect the patient(you can’t keep an eye on the patient)

neglect the child(You cannot supervise the child)

don't finish the soup because you're in a hurry(you can eat it later)

don't watch the show(you can watch it next time)

didn't finish watching the movie(you can go back and watch it)


1) Verb “to lack”(meaning “to be absent in the required quantity”) is written with NOT together, because UNDO- is a prefix. Also UNDO- is written together in stable expression“This was still missing!”

For example:

This family was constantly short of money.

The landscape lacked color.

The boy did NOT reach the shelf. (NOT written separately, because the action may be completed).

2) There are verbs with the prefix DO- that are not used without the particle NOT:

To dislike, to underestimate, to misunderstand, to underhear.

Let's get acquainted with the particle NOT and find out what role it plays in speech.

Read the sentences.

Flowers grew in the flowerbed.

Rice. 1. Flower bed ()

Let's add the particle NOT to the verb.

Read the resulting sentence.

No flowers grew in the flowerbed.

How did the meaning of the verb change when the particle NOT appeared in front of it?

The verb acquired a negative meaning, the action was not completed.

The particle NOT with verbs is written separately

So, we found out that the particle does NOT give verbs a negative meaning. Now let's find out how it is written with verbs.

The particle NOT with verbs is written separately.

Let's restore the proverbs by adding the particle NOT to them. How is it written with verbs?

He who works eats.

Truth is friends with lies.

You can easily pull a fish out of a pond.

If you are afraid of wolves, go into the forest.

Water flows under a lying stone.

Let's check.

Who does not work shall not eat.

Truth is not friendly with lies.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

The particle NOT with verbs is written separately.

If you haven't learned it, don't do it.

If you don't know, don't rush.

With verbs separately

DO NOT write the particle.

Let's read a funny poem and explain how to write a particle NOT with verbs.

- Get off the chair!

- (Don't want!

- You'll fall!

- (I won’t) fall!

- Move away!

-(Not) I’ll leave!

- Will you come?

- (I won’t) come!

- Will you come?

- No, (not) I will come!

- Will you hear?

- (I won’t) hear!

- Will you find it?

- No, (not) I will find it!

-Are you getting off?

- (I’m not) getting off!

- Are you deciding?

- (I won’t) decide!

- Are you dreaming?

- (I don’t) dream!

- Are you silent?

- No, (not) silent!

- Would you like some candy?

- No! Yes, I want, I want!

Verbs with particles are not written separately.

- Get off the chair!

- Don't want!

- You'll fall!

- I won’t fall!

- Move away!

- I won’t leave!

- Will you come?

- I won’t come!

- Will you come?

- No, I won’t come!

- Will you hear?

- I won’t hear!

- Will you find it?

- No, I won’t find it!

-Are you getting off?

- I’m not getting off!

- Are you deciding?

- I won’t decide!

- Are you dreaming?

- I don’t dream!

- Are you silent?

- No, I’m not silent!

- Would you like some candy?

- No! Yes, I want, I want!

(A. Shibaev)

So, we learned that the particle is NOT written separately with verbs.

But in the Russian language there are exception words. A fairy tale will tell us about them.

The noble Verb did NOT love the proud and stubborn particle. This love was difficult and sad. He said: “I love you,” and she said to him: “I don’t love you.” He admitted: “I believe,” and she told him: “I DO NOT believe.” The particle NOT never came close to the Verb and was written only separately from it. However, the Verb was constant in its feelings. So one day NOT says to him: “I will reciprocate your feelings if you prove that you cannot live without me.” The Verb sighed sadly and went to wander through dictionaries and textbooks...

When he returned to his beloved, she, as usual, jumped away from him shouting: “I’m indignant! I hate it! and suddenly froze in surprise, finding herself in the arms of Verb. So the Verb proved that in some cases not only it, but also the particle itself cannot live without each other.

Now let's get acquainted with verbs where the particle is NOT written together.

NOT written together in words:


be indignant

be perplexed

feel unwell

Let's give an interpretation to the exception words.

Hate -

Indignant -

Be perplexed -

Feel unwell -

Let's check:

To hate is to feel disgusted.

To be indignant is to feel angry.

To be perplexed is to have doubts.

To be unwell is to be sick.

Why do you think words appeared in the Russian language in which the particle is not written together? Let's look at examples.

Don't run - run

Don't write - write

Don't fly - fly

The particle is NOT written separately, therefore these verbs are NOT used without.

Not feeling well



The particle is NOT written together, because these verbs are not used without NOT.

Rice. 3. Exception words ()

Consolidating knowledge in practice

Let's read the proposals. Let's explain the spelling of particles NOT with verbs.

The snow in the forest has not yet melted.

The puppy was still (not) well.

Masha (didn’t) finish her porridge.

Today planes (do not) fly.

He (did not) hate his enemies.

Let's check:

The snow in the forest has not yet melted.

Didn't melt melted.

The puppy was still not well.

Not feeling well

Masha didn't finish her porridge.

Didn't finish it- written separately. NOT to be used without - finished it.

Today planes don't fly.

They don't fly- written separately. NOT to be used without - fly.

He hated his enemies.

Hated- written together. Without NOT it is not used.

In this lesson we learned that the particle NOT with verbs is written separately. There are exception words that need to be remembered. You will learn more about particles in high school.

Rice. 4. Spelling NOT with verbs ()

In the next lesson we will learn about such a part of speech as an adjective, and we will consolidate our knowledge in practice by completing many interesting tasks.

  1. Klimanova L.F., Babushkina T.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Education, 2012 (
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 2. - M.: Balass.
  3. Ramzaeva T.G. Russian language. 2. - M.: Bustard.
  1. Festival pedagogical ideas "Public lesson" ().
  3. ().
  1. Make 4 tests with three answer options on the topic of the lesson.
  2. Write down the words, opening parentheses: (don’t) will, (don’t) know, (don’t) be lazy, (not) unwell, (don’t) want, (don’t) look, (don’t) take. Explain the spelling of verbs.
  3. * Using the knowledge acquired in the lesson, come up with a fairy tale about the particle NOT and the verb.

Very often in front of authors written text costs a big problem in writing the particle “not” with verbs. Unfortunately, this situation is common not only for schoolchildren, but also for older people. Often, ignorance of a simple spelling rule leads to the appearance of such irregular shapes, as “not necessary”, “don’t want”, “I won’t”, “didn’t look” and so on. To avoid such glaring errors in the text, it is important to remember that the particle “not” with verbs is written separately. It does not matter what form the verb is in: personal, infinitive, or a gerund. Be sure to write “not” separately. For example, not in a hurry, not in a hurry, not in a hurry.

Of course, as with any rule there are exceptions and notes, the spelling of “not” with verbs also has a number of significant clarifications. Thus, those verbs that are not used without this particle are written together with the particle “not”. Examples are words such as indignant, unkind, hate, dislike, feel unwell, be perplexed, dislike. Regarding the spelling of “not to get”, it is worth paying attention to the meaning. If not to reach means “not to reach”, then it is necessary separate writing(I can't reach the ceiling.) If lack means “insufficient quantity”, “something needed”, in this case it is necessary continuous writing(We are missing five rubles. He lacks patience.)

The situation is similar with the spelling. If you look - it’s outdated to look, then the gerunds are written separately regardless (We took everything we needed, regardless of the prices.). If despite is part of the prepositional combination despite, meaning “despite”, “in spite of something”, it must be written together. (Despite the weather, we went on a journey. The war continued, despite the losses.) The verb “grab”, regardless of its meaning, is always written with the negative particle “not” separately. (The child no longer grabs the cat by the tail. The sentence is missing. Therefore, when deciding how to write “not” with verbs, you must not lose sight of the meaning of the verb itself.

Some difficulties also arise when writing verbs with under-, where under- is a compound prefix indicating incompleteness, insufficiency. Such verbs are always written together (not enough points, not enough vegetables, not enough grain, not tightening the nut, not enough, not enough, not enough, not enough sleep, not enough, not enough, not enough, not enough).

The prefix under- in this case is often antonymous with the prefix over- (under-weigh - over-weight, under-salt - over-salt). However, if the verb has the prefix do- and not - it negative particle, and in general the verb denotes an action that has not been completed, then it is necessary to write together not with verbs. Examples: not watching the movie to the end, he often didn’t finish his breakfast, not finishing many facts.

Having mastered these simple rules and with a little practice, it will be much easier to decide how to write non-verbs in a particular situation. And then the written text will look much more competent, and your reputation will not be spoiled.

Integrated and separate spelling is not with in different parts speeches
NOT is written together with words that are not used without NOT. This general rule for all parts of speech.
This is how it is described in the poem by S. M. Bondarenko “A Country without a Particle NOT”:

I once visited a country
Where the NOT particle disappeared.
But it was quiet all around,
And there was confusion in everything
And in the bright flowerbed by the booth
Blue forget-me-nots bloomed.
To meet me without any fear
A washed and combed rash walked along,
And behind the ryakha on the fresh grass
There was a gloomy dotepa and vezha.
It's a pity that only in a dream
There is a country without the particle NOT.
(Sent Pronicheva Yana )

Spelling NOT with verbs
NOT with verbs is written separately, except in cases where the verb without NOT is not used.
To better understand this rule, read the grammar fairy tale Usadova Yulia .
"One day young Verb fell in love with a beautiful piece NOT. For a long time he courted her, followed on her heels, but she was NOT a capricious particle and did not pay any attention to the loving Verb. "I can not live without you!" said the Verb. A NOT answered: “Until you find at least one word that will prove that you love me so much and cannot live, I will not be with you!” And the Verb wandered through all the dictionaries and reference books, but without finding anything, completely in despair, he went to NOT. Having learned that the search for the Verb ended unsuccessfully, she did NOT get angry and shouted: “I’m indignant! I hate it! Then the Verb ran up to NOT, hugged her tightly: “Well, you see, you yourself proved everything!”
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it; a lesson for good fellows: “NOT with verbs is always written separately, except in those cases when the word without NOT does not exist.”

She's still not born,
She is both music and words...
(O. E. Mandelstam)

I I hate light
Monotonous stars.
Hello, my old delirium
Lancet towers growth!
(O. E. Mandelstam)

You have endured your wondrous lot
That indignant, then just kidding!

What else? missing
Egypt ancient queen?
(A.S. Pushkin)
(Sent examples Panfilova Anna ).

1. The particle NOT with verbs (in all forms) is written separately. For example: you don't read, you can't help but read.
2. Verb grab in all meanings exists as separate word, therefore the particle NOT with this verb is written separately: “Let’s get going!” Look!.. Horses are NOT about everyone enough. You can also march as infantry!” (M. Gorky); “I took on more difficult roles, and failed, gunpowder wasn't enough" (D. Mamin-Sibiryak).
3. NOT written separately and in stable phrase: This was not enough yet!
4. Verb lack in the meaning of “to be absent in the required or desired quantity, not to be enough” it is written together: “The only thing that didn’t suit me was poetry, which I missing"(A. Chekhov).
This verb is written together and in a stable phrase: This was still missing!
In other meanings NOT with a verb get (get) written separately: The diver dives deep into the water, but the bottom, as before, is not enough“does not reach; does not reach the bottom, does not touch the bottom"; I didn't get a ticket to Grand Theatre “did not purchase.”
5. The particle NOT is written together with verbs that cannot be used without NOT: to hate, to displease, to be unkind, to dislike, to be unwell, to be unwell, to be indignant, to dislike Sveta, go on a rampage and etc.
6. Verbs are written together with the compound prefix NEDO-, which gives the verb the meaning of incompleteness, lack of action. This prefix is ​​often antonymous in meaning to the prefix PERE-, compare: underfulfill overfulfill, undersalt oversalt. For example, undercook potato, underfulfill plan, underload railway carriage, get less part of the goods. Among formations with NOT- there are verbs that cannot be used without NOT. For example: dislike, underestimate, misunderstand, underhear, be perplexed, underestimate and etc.
Attention! It is necessary to distinguish between verbs with the prefix NEDO-, which indicate that the action was performed below the norm, and consonant verbs with the prefix DO-, which are preceded by the negation NOT and which, in combination with a particle, indicate that the action was not completed. Compare: 1) neglect the child(to make an omission during supervision) and n watch the performance to the end(do not finish watching); 2) the unemployed were constantly malnourished and children often did not finish their soup at lunch.
(Sent Sachko Ekaterina)

Spelling NOT with nouns
The fairy tale about the boy Seryozha, the sorceress and the prefix particle NOT tells how NOT is written with nouns.

“An amazing story happened to the boy Seryozha. He was doing his homework, and outside the window it was spring, the sun, the boys were playing football. And Seryozha is still sitting at one exercise in the Russian language. The particle just doesn’t want to go with nouns correctly. He wrote both together and separately, but part of him was still dissatisfied. He was tired and did not notice how he fell asleep, but he dreamed of the sorceress Morphology.
“What did you come with?” asks the sorceress.
“I’m in trouble,” the boy answers, “I want to go for a walk, but the particle NOT won’t let me finish my homework.”
“Well, I can help this trouble,” says Morphology. “I’ll give you a magic spell on how to write NOT with nouns.”
1. NOT written together with nouns:
1) if the word without NOT is not used: ignoramus, ignoramus, ignoramus, slob, touchy-feely, forget-me-not;
2) if a noun with NOT forms a new word that can be replaced with a synonym without NOT: misfortune(grief) not true(lie).

2. NOT written separately with nouns:
1) if there is opposition: not a friend, but an enemy; not the truth, but a lie; not violets, but hyacinths.
2) in interrogative sentences when the negation is emphasized: You like Russian language lessons, don't you?
3) if there are words far from, not at all, not at all: This is far from true.
4) if there are words with NI-: not at all, not at all and others: Not at all true.

Seryozha thanked the sorceress and woke up, easily coped with the Russian language exercise and ran to play football with the guys.”
(Sent Simakova Elizaveta)

Spelling NOT with adjectives

1. NOT written together with adjectives:
1) if an adjective without NOT is not used: careless, nondescript;
2) if the adjective can be replaced with synonyms without NOT: small(small), not wide(narrow).

2. NOT with adjectives are written separately:
1) if there is a contrast with a conjunction A : not big, but small.
2) if there are words far from, not at all, not at all, not at all : far from a far-sighted step.

Majority verbal adjectives on -my without NOT it is not used and is written together ( unattainable, unbearable).
Words on -my written separately if the dependent word is:
1) negative pronoun ( incomparable);
2) noun in instrumental case, indicating the producer of the action or the instrument of the action ( stars not visible to the naked eye, but: through invisible to the world tears).
(Sent Huseynov Torgul )

The particle is NOT written separately With short adjectives , which are not used in full form ( not happy, not much) or do not correlate in value with full form (not capable, not powerful, should not).
(Sent Ter-Arakelyan Adrine )

Spelling NOT with participles

Look for the dependent word quickly,
Write the particle separately from the word.
A short form do not confuse with another,
After all, the word does not like to be carried NOT with you.
Tell me these rules with a smile
And DO NOT write with words separately.
We will offer you this example:
Not done, not fulfilled, not invited,
Not said by me, not passed by you,
Not mowed in the morning, not collected by friends.

Participles are very easy to write,
Try to give them more attention.
(Sent Grishchenko Alexander )

NB! Little cheat sheet: Together NO, Separately IS.
If suddenly it is very difficult to remember in what cases the participle is written with Not together, and in which separately, remember the cheat sheet: together NO, separately IS. (If the participle is written with Not together, then it is either without Not NOT used, either it has NO dependent words, or NO contrasts. If separately, then this is either short participle, or he HAS dependent words, either THERE IS opposition, or THERE are words that strengthen the negation).
(Sent Savina Evgenia )

Spelling NOT and NI with negative pronouns and adverbs

1. In negative pronouns under stress it is written NOT, without stress NI: no one, no one; no one, no one; nothing, nothing.
For example: to me nothing there is, to him nothing do there no one it wasn't, he no one didn't say I feel Nothing, he's a guy Nothing, to me no one send, no one blame Nobody didn't know about the meeting there no one did not have. This nothing compared to what I saw in Moscow. In an accident nobody not injured.
2. B negative pronouns when a preposition appears, a combination of three words: neither who, neither about what, Not with whom, neither from whom, neither who doesn't have it, she Not who to go with is neither which will not lead us to.
3. In negative adverbs V unstressed position the prefix NI- is written, under the accent NOT-: no way, nowhere, never, nowhere, no time, nowhere. For example: He no way I couldn't find out her address. His nowhere was not visible. New, nowhere unconfirmed myth. ( Sent Lyapinite Laima )