Short passive participles and verbal adjectives. “The difference between participles and verbal adjectives

I'm trying to create something like reference summary for those who find it difficult to determine the part of speech and, accordingly, are confused in the spelling of participles and verbal adjectives.

Questions, clarifications and attempts to round up will be welcome.

Participles differ from adjectives not only in the presence of verb features, but also in their meaning.

Adjectives denote permanent characteristics objects, and participles - signs that develop over time.

For example: red (generally red) - blushing, blushing (becoming, becoming red over some time); old (generally old) - aging, aged (becoming old over a period of time).


Participles can lose their meaning and attributes of the verb and turn into adjectives. In this case, the participle already means constant sign object (loses the category of time), loses the ability to have subordinate (dependent) words, to control nouns: out of tune piano defiant look, aspiring poet, brilliant answer.

For example: He also liked Titus Nikonich... loved by everyone (participle) and loving everyone. (I. Goncharov)

When she played my favorite (adjective) pieces on the piano... I listened with pleasure. (A. Chekhov).

Most easily converted into adjectives passive participles: reserved character, high spirits, strained relationship, confused look.

Participles are used mainly in styles book speech and are almost never found in everyday life.

To differentiate between a participle and an adjective, you first need to remember one simple thing:

The participle can be replaced by a phrase with the verb from which it is formed.

For example, a built house is a house that is built;


A participle may have a dependent word.

For example: eyes shining (from what?) with joy - communion.

and an adjective can be replaced by another adjective.

For example:

eyes shining (participle) with joy - replace: eyes that shine + there is a dependent word “with joy”

brilliant (adjective) performances - replace: amazing performances, wonderful performances, excellent performances.


The terms are always adjectives (typewriter);

The particle does NOT reduce verbosity, so the word is used as an adjective (inappropriate conditions - adjective);

Participles on – shiy often turn into adjectives (the past year is an adjective).

How to distinguish unloved from unloved?

Participle - if there is a dependent word + the form is formed from the verb not perfect form, i.e. answering the question “what to do?”

For example:

not loved (derived from the verb - “what to do?” - “to love”, non-natural form) by a child (< - это зависимое слово) игрушки.

Let's repeat and clarify:

If a word can be replaced by a verb without changing the essence phrases, and substitute dependent word V instrumental case, That this is a participle

(exquisite reserves - to find reserves, exquisite (by whom?) reserves by the chief);

If I may replace with another adjective, apply degrees of comparison or form an adverb from a word with –O, then it's an adjective

(exquisite manners - noble manners, extremely refined manners, exquisitely);

In every doubtful case, experiment with synonyms or try to form a verb form, add a dependent word and over time the distinction will become easier.

Letters Н and НН in verbal adjectives and participles

One letter H written in adjectives with suffixes -n-, -en-, formed from verbs imperfect form without prefix:

For example: loaded (one “n”, because the word is formed from the verb “load” without a prefix, an imperfective verb, because it answers the question “what to do?”) machine, knitted (one “n”, because it is formed from the verb “knit” without a prefix) sweater.

Adjectives here do not have dependent words. If no dependent word is added, you have an adjective.

Two letters HH are written:

A) in participles, as well as verbal adjectives formed from perfective verbs, with and without prefixes:

salted butter, broken things (participles);

an absent-minded person (an adjective formed from the verb “scatter” of the perfect form, answering the question “what to do?”), a desperate step (an adjective formed from the verb “to despair” of the perfect form, answering the question “what to do?”)

Exceptions: smart boy, sworn brother;

b) in participles with dependent word :

loaded with (what?) bricks, crocheted (with what?);

And if diligent J. explains to me in her own words in the comments why “loaded car” is spelled with one “n”, and “car loaded with bricks” with two, then she will receive a bun.

c) We memorize (read: cram, so that forever and ever) exception adjectives: unprecedented, unheard of, unexpected, unforeseen, desired, sacred, accidental, minted (step), done (look), cutesy, slow;

d) in adjectives formed from passive participles -ovanny, -ovanny: rhymed, qualified, uprooted (exceptions: forged, chewed).

They saw “ovanny, yovanny” - they wrote two “n”

3. In short participles, one letter N is written,

in short verbal adjectives two letters N are written.

To distinguish in a sentence short form participle from the short form of the adjective, you can use the same principles as for distinguishing the full form.

a) if it is possible to replace the short form with a synonym in the short form, you have an adjective.

Their views are very limited (i.e. narrow, narrow-minded - short adjective);

b) if we see a dependent word, we have a participle in front of us.

The interests of the Oblomovites were limited to a narrow circle of everyday concerns (limited (by what?) to a narrow circle of concerns - short communion).

What is a verbal adjective? What is the difference between this part of speech and participles formed seemingly in the same way? What does the origin of an adjective mean for the spelling of its suffix?

In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to define the terms and what they mean.

An adjective is usually called a part of speech that denotes an independent attribute of an object. Words of this morphological group are either non-derivative (their origin is different lexical units not motivated), or formed from (denominative).

Participles simultaneously combine the properties of adjectives and verbs. Their role in language is to designate a feature caused by an action.

A verbal adjective is a special word that can, under certain conditions, become a participle or express an independent attribute of an object. How is this possible?

To understand this phenomenon, it should be remembered that passive participles are formed exclusively from the Action to which a certain object was subjected is complete, and now the result of this process is expressed by the participle:

  • overcooked fish - overcook (sov.v.);
  • painted fence - paint (owl).

The verbal adjective, reminiscent, comes from the action on which the attribute of the object is based, is not complete. Therefore, referring a specific characteristic to a process that happened to an object loses its meaning:

  • knitted sweater - knit (nesov.v.);
  • wicker basket - weave (nesov.v.).

Such a sign breaks the connection with the form from which the verbal adjective originated, and now the word indicates the final state of the object, without taking into account its origin: “turned pencil”, “torn shoe”, “pickled cucumbers”.

The spelling of verbal adjectives is a stumbling block of Russian orthography. The problem is distinguishing homonymous parts speech.

Students do not understand why both “n” and “nn” can be written in the same word:

  • ruble n oh meat;
  • ruble nn meat slaughtered with an axe.

In fact, everything is very simple. By default, adjectives, with the exception of “ovanny” and “yovanny”, are written with one letter “n”. But when dependent words or prefixes appear, this part of speech becomes passive participles, in full form of which “n” is doubled according to the rule.

  • Noshe n ode dress (from the verb “to wear” is not of the same type, there are no dependent words and no prefix);
  • Noshe nn the coat was given (by whom?) by grandfather (there is a dependent word);
  • Zanoshe nn s trousers (from the verb “to bring in” of the Soviet type, there is a prefix).

Of course, as with any rule of the Russian language, this algorithm has its own characteristics. For example, the word “wounded”, formed from an unprefixed perfective verb, does not fit this rule.

Based on the rule governing the writing of two similar parts of speech, it is possible to completely exclude these words from the suffixes.

Very often in Russian, participles turn into adjectives (they are called verbal adjectives).

Moreover, if these are passive participles of the past tense, then we must take into account that when they turn into adjectives, their spelling changes. Choice nn or n often depends on what part of speech the verb is: a participle or an adjective. And vice versa, if we know how many n in a verbal word ( nn or n), you can determine what part of speech it is.

Signs by which you can determine a part of speech (verbal adjective or participle):

1) Verbal adjectives are formed only from imperfective verbs: boiled milk from boil, burnt cork from burn.

But there is whole line verbal exception adjectives: made, affected, seen, desired, arrogant, minted, cursed, slow, sacred, unprecedented, unheard of, unexpected, unexpected, accidental, counted, watchful eye.

If the form is formed from a perfective verb, then this is a participle: solved problem from solve, abandoned things from throw. Exceptions: smart, named - with one n.

2) For verbal adjectives no consoles: fried cutlet, confusing answer. If the prefix not- is added to an adjective, then it remains an adjective and is written with one n: slaked lime - quicklime; ironed linen - unironed linen.

Participles can have prefixes: fried meat, confused traces.

3) For verbal adjectives no dependent words: dried mushrooms, sauerkraut. Participles can have dependent words: dried in the sun mushrooms, pickled for the winter cabbage.

4) Verbal words on -ovanny, -evanny- adjectives, they are always written with two n (pressed, uprooted).

Adjectives forged, chewed, are written with one n, since -s And -ev are included in the root, as we are convinced of by analyzing the words according to their composition.

Hence, if we are considering a form formed from a verb that does not have a prefix or dependent word, then before deciding whether it is a participle or an adjective, we must determine the type of verb from which this form is formed.

It is useful to compare the mixed forms:

oil(paints) is an adjective formed from the noun oil using the suffix -yan;

buttery(pancake) is a verbal adjective formed from the verb oil; oiled (apron) - a participle formed from the verb to oil.

IN short adjectives as many n are retained as were in full ones, and short passive participles always written with one n.

Exercises for training:

1. Turn adjectives into participles by adding dependent words or prefixes.

Soaked apples, salted fish, a wounded bird, a quilted jacket, a confusing answer.

2. Turn participles into adjectives.

Cabbage pickled in a barrel, a whitewashed ceiling, melted butter, a paved street, an overloaded car, potatoes fried in oil.

3. From these verbs, form verbal adjectives or participles, and select nouns for them.

Praise, decide, mow, deprive, let go, captivate, sharpen, weave.

4. Turn adjectives into participles, and participles into adjectives:

a sawn log is sawn sugar, a forged sword is chained.

A woven tablecloth, a knitted scarf, an etched wolf, a mended sleeve, an untrodden path.

5. Form full and short participles from adjectives, select nouns for them: broken line- broken pencil, broken toy.

Frozen fish, boiled egg, sown herbs, confused story, unironed shirt.

6. Explain the spelling of N and NN.

a) Cleared path, cleaned boots, cleaned shoes today, unpeeled potatoes, uncleaned shoes.

b) Painted floors, painted walls, unpainted tables, white-painted windows, painted shelves.

V) Dinner party, called student, uninvited guest, guests invited to dinner.

7. Insert H or NN.

1) Bunches of dried herbs, bundles of wrinkled roots and kitchen utensils hung on the walls (K. Paustovsky).

2) The patched cab driver's coats with tin plates sparkled in the eyes (K. Paustovsky).

3) Our brigade entered a Turkish village its inhabitants, ravaged and half-burned out (V. Garshin).

4) On large tables without tablecloths they placed several wooden, beautiful and golden bowls with liquid wheat porridge (V. Garshin).

5) At this strange hour of the bright and dim... oh autumn night, the desolate park seemed sad and mysterious, like an abandoned cemetery (A. Kuprin).

6) The walls, painted with oil... paint, grabbed... with dirty fingers, turned yellow (K. Paustovsky).

7) They were overtaken by a man in a ragged coat and a straw hat (A.N. Tolstoy).

8) On an empty street a strange figure of a frightened man appeared (A.N. Tolstoy).

9) The palaces looked into the Neva with their empty windows... (A.N. Tolstoy).

10) He was lying in someone's sheep's coat, surrounded by a whole crowd of people (A. Kuprin).

11) The army melted like tin soldiers thrown into an oven (A.N. Tolstoy).

12) The walls are whitewashed with lime, and the bottoms are painted with brown oil paint (A. Kuprin).


  • - “Transition of participles into adjectives.”

Additional sources:

  • - § 52 “Spelling N and НН in participles and verbal adjectives” in the “Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics”, ed. D.E. Rosenthal (1997);
  • - “Spelling N and NN in participles and verbal adjectives”;
  • - “N and НН in participles and verbal adjectives.”

Additionally on the site:

Which is not conjugated and denotes a sign by action (procedural sign).” Therefore, the participle can be replaced by a phrase with the verb from which it is formed. For example, a built house is a house that is built.

Distinguish between a verbal adjective and an active present participle:
- there is a dependent word. For example: eyes shining (from what?) with joy - communion;
- an adjective can be replaced by another adjective. For example: eyes shining (participle) with joy - brilliant (adjective) performances (brilliant performances - magnificent, spectacular, successful, excellent);
- terms are always adjectives (typewriter);
- the particle does NOT reduce verbosity, so the word is used already in a role (inappropriate conditions - adjective).

Distinguish between an adjective and an active past participle:
- participles-SHYY are often transformed into adjectives (the past year is an adjective);
- participles, which are formed from the basics intransitive verbs perfect appearance, acquire qualitative value and become verbal adjectives. For example: extinguished (from go out - intransitive perfective, adjective) eyes, but extinguished (participle) fire.

Distinguish between a verbal adjective and the present passive participle (in -MY):
- a word is an adjective if it is formed from a perfective verb and from intransitive verbs of the form;
- a word is a participle if it is formed from an imperfective verb;
- if there is a dependent word in the instrumental case (subject), then the main word will be a participle. For example: unloved (adjective) toys, unloved (participle) toys by the child (subject).

Distinguish between an adjective and a passive past participle:
- if a word can be replaced with a verb without changing the essence of the phrase, and a dependent word can be substituted in the instrumental case, then this is a participle (exquisite reserves - to find reserves, exquisite (by whom?) reserves by the boss);
- if you can replace it with another adjective, apply degrees of comparison or from a word with -O, then this is an adjective (exquisite manners - noble manners, extremely refined manners, exquisitely);
- distinguish the adjective in figurative meaning(open (passive past participle with the suffix -T-) door – open (adjective) face).

Write with -N- and -NN-:
-N- in adjectives formed from imperfective verbs, without a word (knitted hat);
-NN- in participles x, formed from imperfect verbs, with a dependent word (knitted hat);
-NN- in participles x, formed from perfective verbs (tied (knit) jacket);
-NN- in verbal adjectives formed from imperfect verbs of -OVA-, -EVA- (pickled cucumbers).


  • verbal adjectives are

In order to find participle among other parts of speech, you need to know what distinguishes it from them. Firstly, this special shape verb denoting the attribute of an object by action. Secondly, it has the characteristics of a verb and an adjective.

You will need

  • 1. Words
  • 2. Participles


Look what it has given word. If these are real present participles, then you will encounter –ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -yash. For example, issuing. If these are present passive participles, then these are the suffixes -em-, -im-. For example, produced.

Correctly identify active past participles. They are characterized by the suffixes –vsh-, -sh-. For example, the one who read, who brought. For past passives, the characters are the suffixes –nn-, -t-, -enn-. For example, drawn, offended, sung.


  • “Modern Russian language”, Beloshapkova V.A. 1989.

Participles and participles, as well as participial and gerund phrases, perform in a sentence different functions, perform different roles. They also have pronounced morphological differences.


Participle(turnover) necessarily refers to the word being defined - a noun or pronoun, depends on it, changes in numbers, genders and, has a full and - some - short form.
For example: smiling person; us, who have signed this document, ...
Other nominal parts of speech can also act as a defined word if they are in the meaning of a noun.
For example: tidy dining room; “154th”, who asked to board, ... (about). Participle or participial turnover refers only to the predicate verb and denotes an additional action with the main one, expressed by a verb. Unlike the participle, the gerund is an unchangeable word form.
For example: lying motionless; froze standing in the wind.

Participle and the functions of definition - single or widespread, agreed or inconsistent, isolated or not isolated.
For example: Those who had calmed down silently and obediently dropped the yellow ones.
Participles in short form are used only as a nominal part of a compound predicate.
For example: The hair is silvered with early gray hair. The participle and participial phrase act as different circumstances.
Paler, the dawn subsides (I. Nikitin).

Formal features, distinguishing participles and participles, are suffixes.
IN school classes all information about suffixes is summarized in tables that are posted on. For convenience, they can be written down, for example, on the cover of a notebook.
Derivative suffixes of active participles: -ush-(-yush-), -ash-(-yash); -vsh-, -sh-; passive: - om-(-eat-), -im-; -enn-, -nn-, -t-.
Derivational suffixes of imperfect and perfect gerunds: -a-, -ya-, -uchi-, -yuchi-, -v-, -louse-, -shi-.

Communion is special verb form, having both the properties of a verb and an adjective. From the verb, the participle has aspect, transitivity, reflexivity and voice, and from the adjective - change in cases, numbers and genders, as well as agreement with the noun. A participle, like an adjective, denotes a characteristic of an object.

Grammatical features of participle

As a special form, it has some characteristics of this part of speech. They are of the perfect and imperfect form: “- prompted”, “excited - excited”; recurrent and irrevocable: “decided”, “falling asleep”; present and past tense: “thinking”, “running”.

Unlike a verb, a participle does not have a future tense form.

Denoting the attribute of an object, the participle, like adjectives, grammatically depends on and agrees with it in gender, number and case. For example: “boiling stream - boiling stream - boiling stream - boiling streams; boiling lava, boiling milk."

Types and methods of forming participles

Lexical meaning - a sign of an object by action - consists of grammatical features this part of speech. For example: “singing birds” (those that are singing now), “singing birds” (those that sang in the past), “the issue under discussion” (the one that someone is discussing now), “the issue under discussion” (the one which has already been discussed).

Accordingly, there are 4 forms of participles: active present and past tense, passive present and past tense.

The first group of participles (actual present tense) are formed from the present tense stem using the suffixes -ush- (-yush-), -ash- (-yash-). The choice of suffix depends on the verb. For example: “cry-ut - cry-ush-y”, “kol-yut - kol-yush-y” - I conjugation; “lech-at – lech-ash-y”, “kle-yat – kle-yash-y” – II conjugation.

Active participles in the past tense are formed from the infinitive by replacing the suffixes –т, -ти with the suffixes –вш-, -ш-. For example: “run - run - run”, “carry - carry”.

Present passive participles are formed from verbs in the present tense using the suffixes –em- (I conjugation) and –im- (II conjugation): “cherish-em – cherish-em-yy”, “kran-im – stored” -im."

Passive past participles are formed from the stem indeterminate form verb using the suffix –nn-, if the verbs end in –at, -et. Verbs ending in –it receive the suffix –enn-, just like verbs ending in –ti, -ch, and verbs ending in –ot, -ut-, -ity- receive the suffix –t-. For example: “write - write-nn-y”, “capture - captured-nn-y”, “save - save-y”, “forget- forget-y”.

Short participles, as well as short adjectives, are in the sentence noun part compound nominal predicate.

Passive participles have a short form with truncated ones: -а, -о, -ы. For example: “sent, sent-a, sent-o, sent-s.”