Syntactic role of the full form of the adjective. Syntactic role of the adjective

Denoting a sign of an object, this part of speech makes human speech figurative and precise.

There are three qualitative ones, relative and possessive. Each of these groups has its own characteristics and functions, which we will not dwell on in detail in this article. Let's talk in detail about such as the form - full or short.

Short forms of adjectives and their features

Actually, the presence of a “truncated” version is the “litmus test” that determines the type of adjective. Possessive and relative do not have this hypostasis. In the form of a non-permanent element, it is present only in high-quality ones.

Today, the short form of adjectives, although it exists, is becoming less common every year.

Few people know that in the Proto-Slavic language adjectives did not have a complete

Forms, it was formed much later. Let us recall examples from Fairy Tales; proverbs and sayings give us many such examples: “Mila is not white,” “a beautiful maiden,” “good fellows,” etc.

The short form of adjectives can be close in lexical meaning to the full form. They differ only in questions and endings. For example: children (what?) are obedient (full form), children (what kind?) are obedient (cr. form)

But the short form of adjectives sometimes differs from its full equivalent in semantic shade. Thus, the word “sick” indicates the present tense, and “sick” indicates a more permanent sign. Sometimes the forms of the same word have different interpretations.

  • The weather has been clear for a week now.
  • The task became clear after a conversation with colleagues.

In the second case, we see an obvious metaphor that has no direct semantic parallel with the first word. Also, the short form of adjectives can indicate excessive manifestation of a characteristic:

  • variegated (multi-colored) parrot;
  • clothes are colorful (very bright, attracting attention).

Some words are generally used only in a short form: “glad”, “ready”, “able”, etc. This is due to the fact that these lexemes have lost their semantic connection with their full analogues.

Unlike adjectives in full form, short ones often specify a characteristic in connection with the circumstance of its manifestation:

  • short haircut (any person can have it);
  • pants are short (for a specific person).

short adjectives

In a sentence, the “truncated” form acts exclusively as a compound nominal predicate. While full adjectives can be almost any part of a sentence, short adjectives have only one role:

Mighty oak ( - predicate)

A mighty (full definition) oak tree stands under the window.

The short form of an adjective may have a verb connective, which most often indicates time:

She was talkative. (past time)

The wall will be strong. (weekend time)

As we can see, the role of short adjectives in the language is quite large. Firstly, they can express both lexical shades of the full form and exist independently, denoting a separate concept. Secondly, the presence or possibility of forming this form indicates that we have a qualitative adjective. Thirdly, the syntactic role of such words is unambiguous - in a sentence they perform the function of a predicate.

The sentence is one of the basic units of syntax. It represents a complete thought and can consist of one or more words. From a grammatical point of view, a sentence has members - main ones (subject and predicate), as well as secondary ones (this is What is the syntactic role of this or that part of speech in a sentence? We will try to understand this question below: we will only consider

Syntactic role of the noun

As a rule, it acts as the main member of a sentence or addition. But the peculiarity of this part of speech is that it can become any member of a sentence. In their primary role, nouns can be qualified, for example, by adjectives, pronouns, participles, with agreement in categories such as gender, number and case. Also, a noun can form syntactic structures with verbs, adverbs and predicative words.

Syntactic role of the adjective

The most common role of an adjective in a sentence is as an agreed definition, but it is not the only one. An adjective can also act as the subject or nominal part of a compound predicate. It is typical for adjectives in short form to act only as a predicate.

Syntactic role of the adverb

The usual role of an adverb is adverbial - manner of action, time, place, reason, purpose, measure and degree. However, sometimes it can be predicated. There is also a separate group of adverbs that play the role of allied words in a sentence.

Syntactic role of the verb

The verb usually acts as a predicate. Infinitive (if you don’t remember, this can also be part of a compound predicate, or represent a subject, object, attribute, circumstance.

Syntactic role of participle

The participle has the same grammatical properties as the adjective, so it often acts as an agreed definition in a sentence. However, its relationship with the verb also allows the participle in some cases to be a nominal part of a compound predicate, but this is typical only for short forms. In addition, a participle with dependent words forms the so-called which, being an indivisible construction, can be almost any minor member.

Syntactic role of the gerund

The participle in a sentence acts only as a circumstance. However, in composition it can become another minor member of the sentence, but it is important to remember that the turnover is considered as a whole.

Syntactic role of the pronoun

The role of a pronoun directly depends on which category it belongs to. Since the variety of pronouns gives them wide possibilities, they can act as subject, predicate, determiner and object - depending on the context.

The syntactic role of the numeral

Numerals in a sentence can be either a subject or a predicate, or a definition or adverbial tense. As you can see, nothing complicated.

In the course of studying morphology, students at each school level have to study parts of speech. Children learn the constant and inconstant signs of an adjective already in the fifth grade. We will analyze their features in detail.


This group of parts of speech is colorful and elegant. Not a single text can do without it, even if it is of scientific content. Adjectives help us describe size (long, big, tiny), tell about someone's appearance (cute, red-haired), indicate colors (white, yellow-blue, purple), reveal feelings (sad, cheerful, angry).

In its initial form it is used in the masculine singular. The main questions it answers: Which? whose? It is in this version that you can find the word you are looking for in a spelling or explanatory dictionary.

Constant signs

Any literate student knows that all parts of speech have their own characteristics.

The constant and inconstant signs of an adjective are quite difficult to study.

The first are categories. They are usually divided into three groups.

The most productive category is qualitative adjectives. Judging by the name, we can understand that they are intended to describe certain characteristics of objects.

They differ from other categories in that they can form short forms by truncating the ending.

For example: great - great, constant - constant, light - light.

Another special difference is the ability to compare one quality with another. In linguistics this is called degree of comparison.

For example: cool - cooler (cooler) - coolest (coolest).

These features distinguish quality adjectives from all others. No other category has so many possibilities.

Remember, if you are in doubt, this is a permanent and non-permanent sign of an adjective, remember that only the ranks are classified as the former.

The next group differs from the others in a question. Only possessive adjectives can answer the question " whose?" This category denotes belonging to an animal or person.

For example: wolf trail, shark eye.

The last group is relative adjectives. They tell you what time or place the word refers to. For example: spring drops (season), swimming pool (destination), forest coolness (place).

Variable signs

All characteristics that can change under the influence of something are called unstable. Unlike discharges, these may deviate from the initial version.

It is necessary to distinguish between constant and unstable signs of an adjective.

The first thing that needs to be named is the genus. All of them (male, neuter and female) are also inherent in the adjective.

For example: wall - dark - water.

Next is the number. This part of speech is used both in the singular and in the plural: any - different.

And, of course, the adjective changes in all cases. In this it is similar to a noun.

The signs of adjectives (constant and inconstant) are indicated during morphological analysis. We will indicate his plan below in the article.

Role in sentence

Constant and inconstant signs of an adjective are studied in great detail in Russian language lessons.

In addition, all its possible syntactic functions are examined in detail.

Since it answers the question “which?”, it usually plays the role of a definition in a sentence.

For example: We remember the warm summer evening for a long time.

In the case when the adjective takes on the function of action, it will be a predicate.

For example: The dress was colorful.

Sometimes in the Russian language a phenomenon occurs such as the transition of one part of speech to another. For example, the word "dining room" used to be an adjective. Now it is more often used as a noun, therefore in the nominative case it plays the role of a subject, and in the indirect case it plays the role of a complement.

Sample parsing

Before showing an example, it is necessary to develop a small plan that will help you not get confused by the signs.

  • Initial form and question.
  • Grammatical features.
  • Constant and inconstant sign of an adjective.
  • Role in a sentence.

Example: There are guests in a cozy house.

  • Cozy is an adjective (what?).
  • Sign.
  • High quality.
  • Masculine gender, prepositional case, singular, complete form, positive degree.
  • Function - definition.

Now you can easily perform the analysis yourself. Be careful, adjectives are often confused with participles.

Related materials:

  • Constant and inconstant signs of an adjective. Its difference from the sacrament
  • What is an adjective? Adjective as part of speech

Technological lesson map

Compiled by: Kopyak Victoria Leonidovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU "Secondary School No. 11"

Item: Russian language. Class - 5 A

Basic tutorial: Russian language for 5th grade. general education institutions/_M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L. A.

Trostentsova and others - M.: Education. 2015.

Lesson topic: Adjective as part of speech. Syntactic role of the adjective

The purpose of the lesson: Repetition of previously studied about the morphological features of the adjective name,

its syntactic role in a sentence.

Tasks lesson:

educational: to identify the quality and level of mastery of knowledge and skills acquired in primary school;

summarize the material as a system of knowledge;

developing: develop interest in the subject, a positive attitude towards learning the Russian language;

develop the skill of error-free writing and correct spelling;

develop speech, the ability to classify and generalize the facts being studied;

develop communication skills;

develop cognitive interest;

educational: to cultivate interest in learning the Russian language, love for Russian nature;

form the correct attitude towards the word.

Lesson Objectives through planned results:


    creation of value guidelines and meanings of educational activities;

    creating conditions for the development of respectful attitude of students towards each other;

    formation of a conscious attitude towards assessing the content being learned.


    know the morphological features of the adjective name, be able to determine the syntactic role of the adjective.



    develop the ability to formulate the topic of the lesson, the goals of the lesson, the ability to accept and maintain a learning task;

    learn to adjust task completion in accordance with the plan;

    be able to evaluate your work.


    develop the ability to work with information in class and express thoughts coherently;

    maintain and develop the ability to cooperate in pairs and groups, answer questions, listen and hear;

    formulate, express and justify your point of view.


    to develop the ability to work with text, performing educational and cognitive actions, carrying out logical operations of analysis, synthesis, classification;

    understand and integrate information into the existing stock of knowledge, transform, structure and apply taking into account the tasks being solved;

    extract the necessary information.

Lesson type: lesson of repetition of knowledge.

Basic teaching methods:

Partial search




Technology used: activity approach technology.

Necessary equipment: textbook. flashcards with tasks - appendix 1.


Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activity

Self-determination for activity (Organizational moment)

Greets students and checks their readiness for the lesson.

Collection of home notebooks.

Creates an emotional mood for the lesson, wishing creative success and achieving educational goals

Greet the teachers and check their readiness for the lesson.

Write down the number and type of work

Immersion in the topic of the lesson

Activity update

1. Let's remember what an adjective is?

2.What does the adjective mean?

Item action

Attribute of an object.

3.What questions does it answer?

Which? Who? Which?

Which? what to do? What?

Which? which? which? which?

4.How do adjectives change?

By gender and number

By cases and numbers

By gender, number, case

5.What parts of the sentence are adjectives?

Assignment: try to guess from the description in the text what kind of bird we are talking about?

……...called the king of all water birds. He is white as snow. It has a long, flexible and beautiful neck……..beautiful when swimming on the smooth surface of the water.

What part of speech words helped you guess the name of the bird? (adjectives)

Compare adjectives:

(Swan) beautiful - (swan) beautiful. What is their difference? (different endings)

In what form are these adjectives used?

(in full and short form)

Which parts of the sentence are adjectives in full and short form? (definition and predicate)

Assignment: copy by inserting the missing word (name of the bird).

Underline the adjectives as parts of the sentence.

Determine the part of speech of the highlighted word. What part of the sentence is it?

Test yourself!

The adjectives watery, white, long, beautiful, smooth are definitions.

The highlighted word is beautiful - the adjective used in short form is a predicate in a sentence.

Frontal work.

Determining the topic of the lesson. Setting a goal.

Immersion in the topic of the lesson. Goal setting.

Guess the topic of the lesson:

I'm friends with the noun

And I’m not bothered at all.

My main point:

I denote the attribute of an object.

Ice (what kind?) is cold, smooth.

Tea (what?) hot, sweet.

I change by birth,

Numbers and cases.

I love attentive children

Who am I? (adjective)

What role of the adjective did we talk about when we analyzed them according to the members of the sentence? (syntactic role)

Guys, your answer helped us formulate the topic of our lesson.

How will it sound, what options are there?

Record the topic on the board and in notebooks.

What do you think are the goals for our lesson today? What will we be study? (We must repeat everything we know about the adjective, the morphological and syntactic features of this part of speech, and find out the role of adjectives in speech).

They put forward versions.

Formulate the topic and goals of the lesson.

Dynamic pause

Creative practical activities to implement the constructed project

Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the name of an adjective?

What is this part of speech “attached” to?

Which part of speech is always associated with an adjective?

What is this type of communication called?

Task: correct speech errors!

Watermelon (what?) red

Fox (what?) cunning

The sun (what?) is bright

Can nouns and adjectives have different genders, numbers and cases?

Assignment: write down the adjectives, indicate their gender, case and

How does an adjective agree with nouns? (in gender, number, case)


Now I will name phrases consisting of adjectives and nouns. When naming phrases in the masculine gender, boys stand up, in the feminine gender – girls: a comfortable table, a beautiful scarf, a tall oak tree, a delicious berry, a salt lake, a high mountain, a red cat, mother’s bag, a warm sea, father’s laptop.

Why did no one stand up when naming some phrases?

Guys, they are putting forward versions.

Children perform linguistic physical exercise.

Application of knowledge in solving practical problems.

Primary consolidation with commenting in external speech

1) Strengthening the ability to coordinate an adjective with a noun.


Work on cards, mutual testing in pairs.

1 option

“Lake in the forest -_______________________,

City near the sea - _________________________,

Mom's jacket - ______________________________»

Option 2.

“The road along the coast is _____________________,

Sea in the south -______________________________,

Dad's jacket -______________________________"

2) Consolidating the skills of using adjectives when composing sentences.

- Letter with comments – exercise 566:

We do it in a column. We indicate the main word, write the question through a dash, determine the case, number.

3) Repetition of knowledge about the syntactic role of the adjective.

4) Syntactic analysis of the sentence on the board:

“Early spring has arrived.

5*) Oral work on exercise 567

They repeat that adjectives agree with nouns in gender, number, and case.

They work in a chain.

Two students work at the board, make up one simple sentence with any of the s/s, underline the adjectives as parts of the sentence.

Independent work

Independent work

Independent work: text reconstruction ex. 574 (on card)

- Paste .

Spring but cold. The weather is bad(?) Sky__________.

They work independently using a card.

Reflection on dual activity.

Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition

Guess the riddles (task in rows)

Green, sweet, sugar (watermelon)

Ripe, round, juicy (apple)

Brown, shaggy, clubfooted


There is a scarlet ball in the blue bowl,

He is both bright and hot (sun)

Who runs along the mountain slopes,

Chatting with myself

And the thick green grass

Hiding his blue tail? (Creek)

The blue tent covered the whole world (sky)

Conclusion: so why do we need adjectives? (to make our speech bright and expressive)

Therefore, adjectives say about themselves like this:

In nouns sometimes

Not life, just boredom.

They have no color without us,

No smell, no sound.

But if you apply us to them.

They will have more fun living.

Were we able to solve the assigned tasks?

Make a conclusion about the adjective as a part of speech using the answer scheme.

An adjective is _______________, which answers the questions _____________, agrees with the noun in __________, in a sentence is _______________.

Carry out self-assessment of their activities, correlate tasks with results.



What new did you learn in the lesson?

What caused the difficulty?

Acquire the ability to organize their activities in a motivated manner



Write homework in a diary

List of used literature

    Russian language. 5th grade. Lesson plans for the textbook Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranova M.T. and others - M., 2014.

2. Russian language for 5th grade. general education institutions/_M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L. A. Trostentsova and others - M.: Education. 2015.

3. Thematic and lesson planning in the Russian language / T. V. Raman.-M.: Publishing house “Exam”.

4. Russian language lessons in 5th grade / E.I. Nikitina – M.: Education, 2003.

Option 1.


2 Replace these phrases “noun + noun” with synonymous “adjective + noun”, keeping the main word. In new phrases, pose the question from the main word to the dependent word, determine the gender of the adjectives.

Lake in the forest -__________________________________________,

City near the sea - ________________________________________,

Mom's jacket is ___________________________________________.

3. Insert appropriate adjectives and determine their syntactic function .

Snow and rain fall from ______________ clouds. The ____________ wind blows and sways the _____ branches of the trees. There are puddles of _____________ water and _____________ snowdrifts everywhere. And yet there is joy in my soul (?), but because spring has come.


Option 2. FI__________________________________________



2. Replace these phrases “noun + noun” with synonymous “adjective + noun”, keeping the main word. In new phrases, pose the question from the main word to the dependent word, determine the gender of the adjectives.

The road along the coast -__________________________________________,

The sea in the south - __________________________________________,

Dad's jacket -__________________________________________.

3. Insert appropriate adjectives and determine their syntactic function .

Spring but cold. The weather is bad(?) Sky________________.

Snow and rain fall from ______________ clouds. The ____________ wind blows and sways the _____ branches of the trees. There are puddles of _____________ water and _____________ snowdrifts everywhere. And yet there is joy in my soul (?), but because spring has come.

4. Make a conclusion about the adjective as a part of speech using the answer scheme. Place a “!” sign next to information that is new to you.

An adjective is ________________________________, which answers the questions ___________________________, agrees with the noun in _________________, in a sentence is _________________________________.