Training exercises. Explain the spelling of prepositions, conjunctions and homonymous independent parts of speech

11th grade

Spelling training before the exam. Together or separately?

Task A18

Part 1

I. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

1. A. Getting up in the morning, she (Mis) (that) hour she took up a book and read, sitting on the terrace in a deep armchair, (So her feet barely touched the ground.

B. Down the stairs (c)top (someone) walked.

IN. (Right, in the old orchard, reluctantly, an oriole sang in a weak voice, probably (Same old lady.

(in) mind the carpenter, bending the backs so mercilessly, and I wanted to think that it wasn’t the carpenter’s fault, and some passing strongman

2. A. Take a look at (pale) green, a sky strewn with stars, on which there is not a cloud, not a spot, and you will understand, (Why warm air is motionless.

B. Every personal coexistence is kept secret, and perhaps (from) part (That's why cultured person He is so nervous about ensuring that personal privacy is respected.

V. All he had to do was look closely (in)distance, (to see a fox, a hare, a hornbill or some other animal.

G. The shopkeeper raised his eyebrows and left (because of counter and poured a penny worth of sunflowers into Yegorushka’s pocket, (at) what The measure was an empty fondant jar.

3. A. (Finally footsteps were heard nearby, (somebody coughed.

B. Nature (as if (something I had a presentiment and languished.

V. But here (finally wind in last time pulled the matting and ran away (somewhere) somewhere.

G.V (half) mile from the station he sat down on a stone by the road and began to look at the sun, which was more than (half hid behind an embankment.

4. A. Sasha sits and comes up with ideas, (to such a strong and weighty thing to say (un)hated uncle.

B. (During tea, when it was already completely dark and on the wall of the carriage (like) yesterday a lantern hangs, the train shudders from a slight jolt and quietly goes back.

V. There is always, even in calm weather, (something hummed in the old Amosov stoves, and (during thunderstorms the whole house shook.

D. Another two days pass and (finally (c) given, the capital appears in the dark fog.

5. A. The monks rushed to the old man (at) (meeting) and showered him with questions, but he (instead of In order to rejoice at them, he wept bitterly.

B. Zhenya walked next to me along the road and tried not to look at the sky, (to not to see the falling stars that (why) then scared her.

B. This lovely street (from) part replaced the garden, (because poplars grew on both sides of it.

G. All evil in life, it seems to me, comes from idleness, from boredom, from spiritual emptiness, and all this (inevitably, when you get used to living (about others.

6. A. I got up early, at dawn, and (that) hour was taken up with any work.

B. I helped Stepan, I liked it, and when he left (somewhere) somewhere I stayed willingly (instead of him.

IN. (From what don't you visit me? - asked Maria Viktorovna, raising her smart, clear eyes, and I was very embarrassed with joy and stood in front of her (on) the hood.

G. (Together we drank tea, cooked porridge, or sat for hours in silence, waiting, not will it subside? rain.

7. A. (At first April the days were warm and frosty nights, the winter did not yield, but one warm day overpowered (finally- and streams began to flow.

B. They say that Moses has already bought himself an estate with a transfer of debt and is constantly checking in at the bank (about Dubechnya, which (Same going to buy.

Q. The train has already left, leaving you here. And you can hear his noise (a little and freezes (finally.

D. In the summer it was a small river that was easily crossed (c) ford and which usually dried up by August, now after the flood, it was a river six fathoms wide.

8. And the eldest son Anisim came home very rarely, only in big holidays, But (but often sent gifts and letters written to his fellow countrymen (someone's) in someone else's handwriting.

B. The trees were quietly rustling in the garden, and the beautiful evening dawn was burning (in a) festive way, capturing (half) the sky.

IN. (What) would only you can’t talk and shout if you weren’t connected with this hated person (for) forever and the hopeless fate of sister Vera?

G. Sasha went to the hut, (to complain; Motka followed her, who (Same cried.

9. A. Go to the dacha (not) (for) (what), because) and the city is good.

B. Egor Semenych (at first walked important, pompous, as if) wanting to make it clear that for him the interests of justice and order are above all else.

IN. (So, We lived quietly and peacefully with our master, but still, that unclean and offensive thing that I was so afraid of when I became a footman was (on the face and made itself felt every day.

G. Peering (That's why the direction where last year he appeared (first black monk, Kovrin stood for about twenty minutes until the evening dawn began to fade.

10. A. We have weakened, sank, fallen (finally, our generation (c) solid consists of neurasthenics and whiners.

B. You need to sit down at the table and force yourself, (in) (what) (then) (nor) (became), focus on one any thoughts.

V. The late father, Akim Ivanovich, was the owner’s brother, and after all was afraid of elders (like this tenant, and ingratiated himself with them.

G. The blackbirds were screaming, and next door in the swamps something) the living thing hummed pitifully, as if it were blowing (c) empty bottle.

11. A. Big Old Sheepdog dirty(white) colors... calmly walked around three times (around horses.

B. Toporkov... dealt only with tapping, listening and reprimands (but, that the air is not clean, the compress is not in place and (during.

V. Marusya (not) for nothing I've read novels in which people get married and get married (for) evil loved ones.

G. (Dark) gray, like mud-smeared clouds (c) solid clouded the sky and made me sad with its immobility.

12. A. When the shadow of the willow began to recede (from) that shore, advancing (noon.

B. Evtikhiy Kuzmich... washes his face with soap, which smells like something, (from what everyone in the house sneezes, eats meat on fast days and looks for an educated bride, and (That's why considered the smartest resident.

V. Bird (about berries are harmful, that's true, but after all creature.

D. The green spot and shadows begin to move, climb into (semi) open, Varka's motionless eyes and in her (half in the sleeping brain they form foggy dreams.

13. A. For insomnia and (c) consequence intense struggle is happening to me (something strange.

B. Toporkov walked through the hall, living room and dining room, (nor) (on) (whom)) without looking, it is important, (like) a general, creaking throughout the whole house with his shining boots.

V. During the day the princess strengthened herself, at night gave complete freedom tears and cried all night, (c)flesh until morning.

G. Marusya wanted to at least anything calm down (non)silence and, as it seemed to her, a heart pounding for the whole house.

14. A. And I even became annoyed with these children (but, that they walk decorously and oh something they talk respectably.

B. I thought, the sun-scorched plain, the huge sky, the darkening (c) given oak forest and foggy distance (as if They told me: “Yes, you won’t understand anything in this world!”

IN. Would) much smarter if (instead of consumptive lindens, yellow acacia and rare, clipped lilacs would grow here tall pines and good oaks.

G. (In) sight it would not hurt to revise the “Penal Code”, (By the way, add articles to it.

15. A. To harbor an evil feeling against ordinary people (but, what are they (not) heroes, Only a narrow-minded or embittered person can.

B. Mikhail Fedorovich slanders, Katya listens, and both do not notice what a deep abyss they are in little (little by little) pulls them in like this (apparently) innocent entertainment, like judging others.

B. The arrival took off her coat, (from what narrowed again (half, She pulled off her velvet boots and sat down too.

G. Nikolai usually comes to me on holidays, (as if behind the scenes, but more (then, to see you.

Part II

II. In which sentence are both highlighted words written separately?

1. A. I’m asking (about estates (Same most.

B. Kholmov already (did not have, and everywhere, where(none) look, the brown, cheerless plain stretches on endlessly.

V. A light fog was flying over the grass, and past the moon in the sky somewhere (carelessly the clouds were running.

G. Something) mad, angry, but deeply unhappy, with the fury of an animal, rushed around the tavern and tried to break into (in) inside.

2. A. It even seemed as if the air itself was crackling, (not) enduring cold; But, (despite to this... the chilled police were already at the skating rink.

B. Far away, on the other side, in the impenetrable darkness, it was burning (c) loose some bright(red) lights.

It seemed to V. Yegorushka that the sun was (not on in its place (because yesterday it rose behind him.

G. I (for) luck walked along one of the side alleys, whistling some motive.

3. A. One June evening, when the sun had already set, but its wide trail - purple(golden) the stripe still painted the far west and prophesied (for tomorrow a quiet and clear day, I drove up... to the outbuilding.

B. The sun was warm (like) summer, blue sky tenderly beckoned (in) distance.

V. Should have some day) thunder strikes and rain splashes, what(b) refresh the stuffy atmosphere.

G.V same) day (during Evening classes, I noticed a sharp change in Zinochka’s face.

4. A. It was said (half) whisper, but, (to I heard.

B. Nikita hits ( by) than got it and I’m sure it wouldn’t be possible without it would) there's order here.

V. Alekhine said goodbye and went home (down, and the guests remained (on) the top.

G. Deaf (Same sat in a shop or without a hat, with his hands in his pockets, walked along the street and absentmindedly glanced at the huts, then (up On sky.

5. A. (B)gave (still) as before The mill flaps its wings.

B. Yegorushka saw (Same the most I've seen before (half) a day.

IN. (Because of hills suddenly appeared (ash) gray curly cloud.

G. Andrei Efimych did not show piety even to a spiritual person (at first his medical career was like (Also little like now.

6. A. This house was called inn, although near him (nor) any yard (did not have.

B. (Half) minutes Ephraim stood (not) moving and looked blankly at the bench.

V. Both, the shoemaker and the orphan, walk across the field and say (non)silence And (not) get tired.

G. It was difficult to understand what convenience I had (in) mind (un)slave carpenter

7. A. (However, hung on one wall in a gray wooden frame some double-headed eagle rules.

B. (Right the hills darkened, which seemed to obscure something) unknown and scary.

V. The nurse brought tea and scolded Pashka (but, what he (not) left some bread for tea.

8. A. Kholmov already (did not have, and everywhere where (not) take a look The brown plain stretched on endlessly.

B. Dymov (none) anyone (not) afraid.

V. Everyone started watching (in)distance and look for the fox with your eyes, but (Nothing not found.

G. The sun was burning (like) yesterday, there was air (not) mobile and sad.

9. A. Podvodchik Styopka... in a long shirt, without a belt and in wide trousers (for) release... ran away (down along the steep bank.

B. The pike disappeared under the crayfish, and (instead of she surfaced (on) top perch and tench.

B. This smiling man (not) felt and the taste of porridge, because) I chewed somehow mechanically.

G. Egorushka (Nothing (did not understand V church singing and was indifferent to him.

10. A. (Stranger, when they saw him, he turned out to be a man of about thirty, (not) beautiful.

B. Near the houses (did not have it is seen (no) yards, (no) trees.

B. Nature (as if something) I had a presentiment and languished.

G. Egorushka, a long time ago (not) hated Dymov, I felt how the air suddenly became (unbearable stuffy.

11. A. (No) no one responded.

B. Near the car (still stood some kind girl.

V. Doomed by fate to constant idleness, I (not) did decisively (Nothing.

G. Three days later Afanasy came to me and asked, (No need (whether) to send for the doctor.

12. A. And life flowed on (still) as before the same) harsh, stupid.

B. Lame Pelageya was sick whole year, (none) any doctors and medicines (not) helped.

V. To me (did not want home, and (not) (for) (what) was to go there.

G. Egor Semenych and Tanya as (not with anything) (not) happened walked side by side.

13. A. About Olenka (no) no one (could) think badly.

B. (First day (not) paying attention to the taiga of attention.

V. In Oreanda they sat on a bench, (near from the church, looked (down on the sea.

G. (Not) understanding (from) what their sweet relationship changed so dramatically, Tanya... huddled close to her father and looked anxiously into his eyes.

14. A. You could do a lot of work in one day, (at the same time) time fled quickly (not) noticeable.

B. Make friends with wealth. (un)righteous- so it is said, because) In general there is not and cannot be the wealth of the righteous.

V. On (half) way I sat down and looked at the city, (not) deciding come close to him.

G. Ephraim before (in)all own life (not) seen such persons.

15. A. Our future was pictured to us like this: (at first in the Caucasus, while we get acquainted with the place and people, I will put on (vic) uniform and I will serve.

B. But I (did not have time visit this medieval institution, (because in September it was closed by a young military doctor.

IN. Very coldy winter and dampness (during all year... they put (black)worker into a situation that is sometimes barely bearable.

G. Achmianov (Same soon said goodbye to the company and went (c) trace for Nadezhda Fedorovna.

16. A. There is arable land here, there are livestock, but (never) once (did not have harvest.

B. More (recently it (the Arkai River) was a real river and pink salmon were caught in it, but now (c) consequence forest fires and felling, it becomes shallow and dries out completely by summer.

B. Here in the open, each of the trees (by oneself wages a fierce struggle against frost and cold winds; and everyone has to... swing (un)restrained from side to side.

G. (However (during heavy rains the river overflows.

17. A. (Finally (some words about the Japanese, who play a prominent role in the history of South Sakhalin.

B. (At first this century (first Our diplomacy also paid attention to Sakhalin.

IN. (Apparently) the Japanese... had the idea of ​​a colony, maybe even (agricultural)

D. They talk about families who (during winter (did not have not a piece of bread and ate only rutabaga.

18. A. In summer, people harnessed to a log in (half) arshin and thicker, and longer (some fathoms, make a heavy impression.

B. Every official... (by) how much I could make sure I can take it for myself (un)limited number of servants.

B. These parties wander around completely (un)explored the area where... (not) stepped human leg.

G. In appearance, Korsakovka is deceptively similar to a good Russian village, (at the same time) deaf, who is still (not) touched civilization.

19. A. Laevsky felt tired and (in)dexterity a man who may soon die and (That's why attracts everyone's attention.

B. (First days of dating Kashtanka thought he talked a lot (That's why, which is very smart.

V. Toporkov sat in a sleigh (Also, as in a chair: it is important to keep your head and shoulders straight, (not looking on both sides.

G. (Sky)slope turned pale and (in)all Pale, pleasant greenery spread across its expanse.

20. A. Mitya pulled out (from the pocket number of the newspaper, handed it to my father and pointed it with his finger (instead of, outlined in blue pencil.

B. Rushing (to) a meeting another three and (Same to the fullest.

IN. (B)continuation the road remains all year (impossible)

G. (For example, loading and unloading of ships, (not) requiring in Russia, from the worker's exceptional exertion of strength, in Aleksandrovsk they often seem to people to be a true torment.

Keys to tasks

1 – B 2 – B 3 – G 4 – G 5 – A
6 – B 7 – B 8 – G 9 – B 10 – A
11 – B 12 – G 13 – A 14 – G 15 – V

Exercise No. 47.

Explain the spelling of prepositions, conjunctions and homonymous ones independent parts speech.

1. Appear from behind the clouds, look after the departing ship, book a hotel room in view of the upcoming meeting, make an inquiry about the work schedule, be sick during the semester, allow expenses to be charged to the administrator’s account, stop the yacht competition due to rain, turn into the wind, despite the weather, as they grow, despite the privileges, with the exception of one swimmer, unlike the fans.

2. The teacher also came and told the same thing; his friends also came with him; we need to figure it out, no matter what happens; I want everyone to stay with friends; disappeared as suddenly as it appeared; difficult, but interesting; disappeared behind that lake; good athletes because of an experienced coach; There is a highway along the other side.

Exercise No. 48*.

Open the brackets and explain the spelling of the words.

I. 1. Thunderstorms occur in succession over the steppe. 2. A column of fighters was moving (to) meet the boys. 3. (During) the course of his journey, Kasyan maintained stubborn silence. 4. Young athletes lined up on the square in the form of a huge star. 5. (At) nine o’clock in the morning we left at two. 6. The walls were painted with some kind of blue paint, (sort of) gray. 7. (As a result of... the speed of the current, it was necessary to look carefully ahead. 8. Many Russian rivers, (like) the Volga, have one mountain bank, the other meadow. 9. Having agreed (on) an account tomorrow, they said goodbye. 10. (In) view of the approaching frosts, heating systems are being checked and repaired. 11. It was difficult to understand what convenience the carpenter had in mind when he bent the backs of the chairs so mercilessly. 12. We are (in) sight of the enemy: it is necessary to give battle. 13. All expenses for holding the exhibition were transferred (to) the account of the sponsoring enterprise. 14. (During) ... the day no one saw Gerasim. 15. (As) a consequence...substantial amendments were made. 16. I am writing to you from a village where I visited (as a) result of... sad circumstances. 17. (B) consequences... I learned that the flood was not the only reason for our delay. 18. (In) the flow of... the river we discovered an old collapsed dam. 19. (C) continued... this week I got up early. 20. (Due to the current circumstances, departure to the Crimean coast was postponed. 21. (In) continuation... of all Nozdryov’s chatter, Chichikov rubbed his eyes several times, wanting to make sure that he was not hearing all this in a dream.

II. 1. A person must live, work and treat people in such a way (that) he honestly deserves real glory. 2. I thought the same about the person in whose hands my fate lay. 3. Twilight and clouds grew thicker as we drove from the station along big village, then (same) still spring and dirty. 4. I leaned towards the river, but even there, in this dark, cold depth, the stars also swayed and trembled. 5. The sun rises and the air warms up, the drops on the telegraph wire begin to merge with one another and thin out. Probably the same thing is done on the trees: the drops are poured out there. 6. Be as polite in words as in actions. 7. Likewise, in the mornings above the Near Mills the air groaned with beeps, but it was no longer cold and foggy, but bright, luminous. 8. The next morning I woke up when I heard a dull grumbling. 9. It’s short and clear, which is why it’s great. 10. The snow sparkled (because) the sun was reflected in every newly born drop, in every crumbled grain of grainy snow. 12. (Because) he is not nice, the gift is hateful. 13. The bird cherry blossoms, (for) the elderberry blossomed and under it the strawberries. 14. Maryana rarely smiled, but (for) her smile was always amazing. 15. The wolf is not beaten because it is grey, but because it ate the sheep. 16. The boy was the first to hear the snorting of the beast and hissed at us so that we would shut up. 17. In order to get to the site, it was necessary to climb two very long stairs. 18. Whatever we did, our efforts were in vain. 19. We were given new benefits, (with) warning that they must be returned at the end of the year. 20. (And) so, this is the kind of landowner who stood before Chichikov. 21. The streets were narrow and much dirtier than the road here from Sevastopol, (that is) the dirt was even deeper.

1. Indicate the correct morphological characteristics of the highlighted word in sentences 1 - 10.

1. Standing embarrassed smiling, you are silent, unable to raise your eyes.

2) short adjective

3) short participle

4) adverb

2. Our little society was embarrassed her sudden appearance.

2) short adjective

3) short participle

4) adverb

3. Horses anxiously laughed.

2) short adjective

3) short participle

4) adverb

4. Heart again alarmed unexpected news.

2) short adjective

3) short participle

4) adverb

5. What is the heart, what is the heart worried? (M. Matusovsky)

2) short adjective

3) short participle

4) adverb

6. Anxious the reeds rustled at dawn.

2) short adjective

3) short participle

4) adverb

7. Indignantly looking back, he stepped across the threshold.

2) short adjective

3) short participle

4) adverb

8. His whole being was indignant unfair accusations.

2) short adjective

3) short participle

4) adverb

9. Quiet answered the residents, the convoy passed quietly. (N. Rubtsov)

2) short adjective

3) short participle

4) adverb

10. It was morning quiet, sunny.

2) short adjective

3) short participle

4) adverb

2. In which sentences are the highlighted words nouns?

1. Schoolchildren! Be careful while on pavement.

2. Along the street pavement The girl was walking for water. (Song)

3. Call home on the phone at teacher's room

4. Everything those who responded got good grades.

5. Future starts today.

6. Future We are going to spend the summer hiking around our native land.

7. This year we bought a new one for school. dining room dishes

8. The museum-apartment of A. S. Pushkin is located on embankment Moika River.

9. In our hairdresser wonderful craftsmen work.

10. Word interior borrowed from French and means "internal". This term is used in architecture and refers to the interior space of a building.

3. In which row (which rows) are all words numerals?

1) one, eleven, eleven years old, loneliness

2) fifty, five, five years, five hundred fifty-five

3) three, three hundred, three, thirteenth

4) once, six, thirty, double

5) deuce, two, twice, twenty

6) million, thousand, both, seven

7) two thirds, eighteen, both, sixth

8) three-story, double, triple, thrice

9) seven-mile, dual power, thousandth, eight

10) first grader, championship, forty, centipede

4. In which row(s) are all words pronouns?

1) different, any, all, yours

2) they, you, in your opinion, yours

3) someone, something, some, several

4) the most, in our opinion, always

5) everyone, ours, in another way, his

6) yourself, them, no one, everyone

7) no one's, mother's, hers, common

8) cat, me, we, everyone;

9) how much, how much, in my opinion, that

10) someone, this, another, such

5. Indicate examples with an error in the formation of the form of a noun.

1) congratulations on the first of September

2) kilogram of oranges

3) a pair of boots

4) one hundred grams

5) attentive drivers

6) talented teachers

7) electoral districts

8) without socks

9) bright spotlights

10) new passports

6. In which row(s) are not all numerals used correctly?

1) with both friends, by the age of forty, about ninety athletes

2) on page four hundred and one, in the twenty-first century, in two thousand and seven

3) to eight hundred rubles, on both walls, about fifty years

4) in two notebooks, without fifty kopecks, in the year two thousand

5) for the hundredth time, with both girlfriends, with three cubs

6) seven kids, on page thirty-seven, with three girls

7) one hundred steps from the house, about five hundred meters, with both hands

8) to three hundred thirty-three, more than seventy varieties, in one thousand eight hundred and twelve

9) in two hundred answers, on twenty sheets, with five kittens

10) on the ninth floor, from sixty-six to one hundred and twenty-one

7. Write down the pronouns from the following sentences.

1) B modern linguistics a clear distinction is made between the concepts of language and speech. Language (knowledge of language) exists in the minds of speakers, speech exists in sound or writing. Everyone speaks in their own way, and someone’s speech may be illiterate or tongue-tied, but the language is ours common property. (P. Klubkov)

2) The most brilliant description of grammar belongs to M.V. Lomonosov: “Oratorio is dull, poetry is tongue-tied, philosophy is unfounded, history is unpleasant, jurisprudence without grammar is dubious. And although she is from general use language occurs, but the rules show the way for the use itself.” (L. Graudina)

3) Objects and phenomena, as a rule, are named according to the characteristic that turns out to be sufficiently characteristic to distinguish them from other objects and phenomena. (Collection “The Word about the Russian Language”)

4) Borrowing should be understood as any word that came into the Russian language from outside, even if its constituent morphemes are no different from native Russian words. (Collection “The Word about the Russian Language”)

5) It is the constant live connection With vernacular, which was so popularized by the wonderful lexicographer...V.I. Dal, and helped the Russian language to “digest” everything that it had absorbed over 1000 years of existence. (Collection “The Word about the Russian Language”)

6) Finally, language also has an aesthetic, or poetic, function. It manifests itself not only in poetry, but also in the usual desire of speakers not just to say something, but to say it beautifully. (P. Klubkov)

7)... All norms of speech culture are aimed at making the language as suitable as possible for performing its functions. (P. Klubkov)

8) And if we them ( language norms) we violate, then we have to pay for it. At least morally. (L. Klubkov)

9) Mistakes made in public speech, prevent this speech from achieving the goals that the speaker sets for himself... (P. Klubkov)

10) The proverb is true: “Without grammar you can’t learn mathematics.” But many people think that grammar is a legislative summary of depressing rules about parts of speech, declensions, conjugations and parsing sentences. (L. Graudina)

8. Write out conjunctions from the following sentences.

1) The grammar of any language is full of secrets and mysteries, and its study may well rival in its fascination the study of the secrets of history or the mysteries of space. (P. Klubkov)

2) Designations of persons in Russian refer to masculine or feminine, however, when talking about people of different sexes, the words are used male. (P. Klubkov)

3) The richer the language is in expressions, the better for a skilled writer. Written language is enlivened every minute by expressions born in conversation, but must not renounce what he has acquired over the centuries. Write only spoken language- means not knowing the language. (A. Pushkin)

4) I read Chatsky - there is a lot of intelligence and funny in his poems, but in all the comedy there is no plan, no main thought, no truth... (A. Pushkin)

5) So in what direction is language changing? Does it get better or worse over time? It seems to me that it is neither one nor the other. In every era, language adapts perfectly to perform human society their functions. (P. Klubkov)

6) Baratynsky is one of our excellent poets. He is original among us... because he thinks in his own way, correctly and independently, while he feels strongly and deeply. (A. Pushkin)

7) The harmony of his (Baratynsky) poems, the freshness of the style, the liveliness and accuracy of expression should amaze anyone even somewhat gifted with taste and feeling. (A. Pushkin)

8) Nowadays a large number people engaged in a wide variety of work have to deal with computers, and the terminology related to these machines is included in the speech not only of professional programmers, but also of those who are called users... (P. Klubkov)

9) Scientists who have observed the animal world find in it whole line living beings, sometimes more or less closely resembling each other. These are monkeys different types and families, prosimians (lemurs) and, finally, humans. (L. Uspensky)

10) There is a lot in the world good books, but they are only good for people who know how to read them; However, the ability to read is not at all equivalent to knowledge of literacy. (A. Herzen)

9. Write out the particles from the following sentences.

1) Main sign of a living language lies not in whether this language is spoken or not, but precisely in its variability. Any change in language begins with the appearance of variants. (P. Klubkov)

2) It’s unlikely... a mammoth hunter would be able to discuss our current problems in his own language, but we probably wouldn’t be able to support him small talk on topics that interest him. (P. Klubkov)

3) Varieties of language characteristic of different community groups, called social dialects. A person does not have to belong to only one group. You can be a man, a military man, a musician, a hunter at the same time. Acting in different roles, a person uses different linguistic tools. (P. Klubkov)

4) The term is different from ordinary word. This Latin word means "border". The Romans used this term to describe the deity of borders and boundary markers. In honor of him, every year on January 23, even special celebrations were held - terminalia. Now we call words with strictly a certain value, used in science, technology, production, art - in general, in any activity that requires professional qualifications. (P. Klubkov)

5) But do specialists, when talking about their affairs, always express themselves exclusively using terms? (P. Klubkov)

6) ...Maybe that’s why some of our compatriots think that grammatical error can only be allowed in writing, for example in dictation. Meanwhile, grammar is not limited to spelling and punctuation - oral speech also obeys the requirements of grammar. (P. Klubkov)

7) Accuracy and brevity are the first advantages of prose. It requires thoughts and thoughts - without them brilliant expressions serve no purpose. (A. Pushkin)

8) As linguists have calculated, there are about 2,800 languages ​​on earth. Some are spoken by millions of people, others by only thousands, and sometimes even a few. (Collection “The Word about the Russian Language”)

9) Chatsky is not at all clever man, but Griboyedov is very smart. (A. Pushkin)

10) Talent is the ability to do more than is necessary only for oneself: it is the ability to glorify the dawn, and not to be glorified oneself. (M. Prishvin)

PERFORMANCE TEST with one answer option

1. In which sentence is the highlighted word an adjective?

1) The conversation proceeded peacefully.

2) We lived very calmly.

3) Old man easily got up and left without saying goodbye.

4) The room had not been cleaned for a long time and was dirty.

2. In which row are the coordinating conjunctions listed?

1) also, so that, then... then

2) but, barely, not that... not that

3) however, also, not only... but also

4) yes, as if, or

3. In which row are subordinating conjunctions listed?

1) because, so that, which, where

2) because, how much, how, who

3) since, as if, if, as if

4) since, barely, where, why

4. In what example A is it a particle?

1) The evening shadows have not yet fallen, but the moon is already shining on the water.

2) But I'm afraid you're already tired of me, huh?

3) The goat plucks the vine, and the wolf plucks the goat.

5. Which one morphological characteristics is the highlighted word correct?

Exam, whom We were so afraid, it passed calmly and successfully.

2) attributive pronoun

3) relative pronoun

4) adjective

6. Which morphological characteristic of the highlighted word is correct?

Everything is great hard, so it is difficult to hold it.

1) adverb

2) participle

4) adjective

7. Which morphological characteristic of the highlighted word is correct?

Alena put on a new dress of color beige.

1) adverb

2) noun

3) adjective

4) participle

8. Which morphological characteristic of the highlighted word is correct?

Lost Yesterday, fortunately, an umbrella was found.

1) participle

2) adjective

3) adverb

4) participle

9. Which morphological characteristic of the highlighted word is correct?

It was close and understandable to each of us her excitement.

1) attributive pronoun

2) personal pronoun

3) possessive pronoun

4) adjective

10. Which morphological characteristic of the highlighted word is correct?

In general, I get along with people very much difficult.

2) adverb

3) adjective

4) participle

11. Which morphological characteristic of the highlighted word is correct?

Spilled milk glass from the table.

1) noun

2) participle

4) adjective

12. Which morphological characteristic of the highlighted word is correct?

The trash was careless dumped in a heap.

1) participle

2) adjective

4) participle

13. Which morphological characteristic of the highlighted word is correct?

We looked at the singer holding back breath.

1) participle

2) adjective

4) participle

14. Which morphological characteristic of the highlighted word is correct?

The sky was girded with flying lightning all around.

1) participle

2) noun

3) adverb

4) pretext

15. Which morphological characteristic of the highlighted word is correct?

I wanted to get on the train and rush by foreign copses, wide fields.

1) pretext

2) adjective

3) adverb

4) participle

16. Which morphological characteristic of the highlighted word is correct?

What are you sitting without fire?

1) interrogative pronoun

2) adverb

3) personal pronoun

4) particle

17. In which sentence is the word around is it a pretext?

1) Everyone timidly began to look around.

2) From this ray of sun everything around brightened.

3) The watchman walks around the estate and knocks on his mallet.

4) There were dark gray hills all around.

18. In which sentence is the word (in) mind is it a pretext?

1) It was difficult to understand what convenience the carpenter had in mind when he bent the backs of the chairs so mercilessly.

2) However, (due to lack of time) we will not deviate from the subject of the lecture.

3) Our field lay (in) view of a small lake.

4) “What do you mean?” - asked Ognev.

19. In which example was there an error in definition? morphological features words?

1) each - attributive pronoun

2) rereading - active participle present time

3) made his way - 3rd person past tense verb singular

4) also - coordinating conjunction

20. In what example was an error made in determining the morphological characteristics of a word?

1) five - collective numeral

2) to - subordinating conjunction

3) delicious ice cream - neuter noun

4) working - gerund imperfect form

21. In what example was an error made in determining the morphological characteristics of a word?

1) anyone - indefinite pronoun

2) stone - possessive adjective

3) could - past tense masculine singular verb

4) up - adverb

22. In what example was an error made in determining the morphological characteristics of a word?

1) own - possessive pronoun

2) not - negative particle

3) one hundred and ninety-sixth is a complex cardinal number

4) holding on - imperfective participle

23. Read the text. Which sentences are connected to the previous ones using a personal pronoun?

(1) Turgenev was a giant with a silver head. (2) He came from a fairy tale and brought us fairy tale, more valid than our reality. (3) Turgenev is the purity of feeling, the music of the soul, the roll call of hearts. (4) This is an impeccable artist who served art with prayerful reverence. (5) Among all the great writers, not only Russians, but the whole world, he occupies his special, his only place.

1) 2,3 2) 3,4 3) 2,5 4) 3,5

24. Read the text. Which sentence is related to the previous one using possessive pronoun?

(1) I took a closer look: she was young peasant girl. (2) She sat twenty steps from me, bowing her head thoughtfully. (3) A clean white shirt, buttoned at the throat and wrists, lay in short, soft folds near her waist. (4) She was very pretty. (5) I couldn’t see the girl’s eyes: she didn’t raise them.

1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5

25. Read the text. Which sentence is connected to the previous one using an adverb?

(1) It was time for the pine tree to bloom. (2) As soon as you hit a pine branch with a stick, a thick yellow cloud immediately surrounded you. (3) Golden pollen slowly settled around, and ahead, through the trees, water glistened, and soon the path led to big lake. (4) It, one might say, was without banks: there was lush forest grass, and suddenly, at the level of the same grass, forest growth began, and then the water itself. (5) It seems that you look into the water and see forest grass there, accidentally flooded with water. (6) But through the yellowish water a dense sandy bottom was visible, which went further and further into the depths.

1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5

26. Which morphological characteristic of the sentence is incorrect?

Styopa, a burly guy who held the position of footman, rushed headlong into the front garden located nearby and wanted to grab the little dog, but she deftly wriggled out from under his fingers and, raising her tail, set off towards the owner, who at that time, as it turned out, calmly knocks out and shakes out the barrel, turning it over in his hands like a child's drum.

1) there are 4 adverbs in the sentence

2) there are 5 gerunds in the sentence

3) there are 6 pronouns in the sentence

4) there are 5 verbs in the past tense form in the sentence

27. Which morphological characteristic of the sentence is incorrect?

From some little things, for example, from the way they both made coffee together, why each of them understood the other perfectly, I was able to conclude that these people live peacefully, prosperously and are glad to see the first guest who visited their home.

1) there are 8 pronouns in the sentence

2) there are 5 verbs in the sentence

3) there are 3 adverbs in the sentence

4) there are 2 numerals in the sentence

28. Which morphological characteristic of the sentence is incorrect?

The experienced traveler listened with attention and agreed, but from the expression of his figure and silence one can guess that everything that the old man told him was not new to him, that he had long since changed his mind and knew much more. Furthermore what the old man knows.

1) there are 6 verbs in the sentence

2) there are 5 adjectives in the sentence

3) there are 4 prepositions in the sentence

4) there are 2 particles in the sentence

29. Which morphological characteristic of the sentence is incorrect?

In the evening I usually indifferently drive up to any unfamiliar village and indifferently look at its appearance; To my tired eyes it is unpleasant, I find it funny what was awakened in previous years by the lively movement of the face, laughter and incessant speech; and motionless lips keep indifferent silence.

1) there are 7 adjectives in the sentence

2) there are 6 pronouns in the sentence

3) there are 4 verbs in the sentence

4) there are 5 prepositions in the sentence

30. Which morphological characteristic of the sentence is incorrect?

So I begin to forget about the house with the mezzanine, and only occasionally do I remember the green light in the window, or the sound of my steps heard in the field at night, when I, in love with a beautiful girl, returned home and rubbed my hands against the cold.

1) there are 4 adverbs in the sentence

2) there are 5 verbs in the sentence

3) there are 2 particles in the sentence

4) there are 2 participles in the sentence

Lesson summary in Russian language


Chizhikova Natalya Leonidovna.

I allow for the lesson:

Semyonova L. A.:

Zueva A. A.:

Topic: “Spelling of derivative prepositions.” 2nd lesson.

Goal: to improve in practice the spelling of derivative prepositions.


Leading word.

Hello guys! Sit down. Today we continue to study the spelling of derivative prepositions. Open your notebooks and write down the date. Today is the twenty-fifth of February. Classwork. And the topic: “Spelling of derivative prepositions.”

Global listening.

Writing in a notebook.

Twenty fifth of February.


Spelling of derivative prepositions.

Written on the board.

2. Repetition of the studied material.

Leading word.

Let's remember in which cases derivative prepositions are written together, and in which separately.

Leading word.

You and I remembered the rules of merged and separate writing prepositions. Now let's execute next task. You will need to choose whether derivative prepositions are written together or separately and determine the group of prepositions by composition. Make up 2 sentences using any of the phrases given to you. 4 people will go to the board - the rest work in a notebook. We record the sentence from dictation and then explain it.

Leading word.

Now let's see how the guys at the board coped with the task.


Prepositions are written together -as a result e , in view (in meaningbecause of ), about (in meaningO ), instead of, like, like (in meaninglike ), in view, despite).

Prepositions are written separately -during e , continued e , unlike e

During my entire vacation I was unable to visit the museum. During – written separately, at the ende – time value; composite.Due to drought, the river became shallow. Due to – written together, can be replaced with a prepositionbecause of ; simple.A dog ran out towards me. Towards - written together because formed from an adverb; simple.My father was worried about my health. About – written together because it can be replaced with a prepositionO, simple.At the end of the conference a concert was given Finally - written separately frome at the end; composite.

1st student.

Towards the dream - together, because it is formed from an adverb; simple,during for a long time – separately frome about work - together, because it can be replaced with a prepositionO , following those leaving – together, because formed from an adverb; simple,opposite the house - together, because it is formed from an adverb; simple.

2nd student.

Contrary to the order - together, because formed from an adverb; simple, in defiance of parents - conjointly formed from an adverb; simple, like juice - together, because can be replaced with the wordlikewise, throughout the week - separately frome at the end because time matters; composite,above the norm - together, because ; simple, opposite the stop - We write together, because formed from an adverb; simple.

3rd student.

Instead of the teacher - written together; simple,in order to protection – written separately; composite,in connection with bad weather - written separately; composite,ahead all – written separately, because formed from an adverb; simple,regardless of difficulties – written separately; composite.

4th student.

In continuation negotiations – written separately frome at the end because time matters; composite,due to overwork - written separately; composite,in the middle weeks - written together, because formed from the adverbdue to heat - written together withe at the end; simple,as example - written separately; composite.

Write the phrases on the board in advance.

Language material.

During my entire vacation I was unable to visit the museum. Due to drought, the river became shallow. A dog ran out towards me. My father was worried about my health. At the end of the conference a concert was given.

Language material (for children at the blackboard).

1) (to) meet a dream, (for) a long time, (for) work, (for) those leaving, (for) opposite the house;

2) (contrary to the order, (in) a kind of juice, (in) the continuation of the week, (from) above the norm, (on) against stopping;

3) (in) the place of the teacher, (for) protection purposes, (in) due to bad weather, (in) in front of everyone, (despite) difficulties;

4) (c)continuation of negotiations, (due to) overwork, (in)the middle of the week, (as)a consequence of the heat, (as) an example.

3. Checking homework.

4) Repetition of what has been covered.

Leading word.

You were asked to complete exercise 701 for homework. on page 98. Let's see how well you did the task. We work orally.

Leading word.

You did your homework well. Now let's do exercise 703 on page 98. Read task number 1.

Reporting word.

Moreover, the pretextin view of (in meaningbecause of ) must be distinguished from sustainable combination wordskeep in mind. In this case, this preposition is written apart. Read the 2nd task.

Let's work at the board.

1) Talk n ac even bl And best plans for the future. About – preposition, because it cannot be asked a question and can be replaced with a prepositionO ; nearest - let's check with a wordclose.

Transfer money to bank to account management A present. On account – a noun with a preposition, because can I ask a question and translate itWhere? on account, cannot be replaced with a prepositionO ; 2) Go to currents e floor uch asa. During - preposition, because this word cannot be asked a question at the ende, because in this preposition it is always written at the ende; half an hour - we write together, because the particlesemi always written together.Etc e overcome the e obstacles in currents And stream. overcome - we write in the prefixe , because consolepre- equal to the prefixre-, obstacle – we write at the roote vocabulary word.; during – we write separately, because prepositions with words are written separately; at the end we writeAnd, because This is the prepositional case. 3) Wait in continue e month. In continuation - we write separately frome at the end, because it's an excuse.Pozn A to deal with the fate of the heroes in continuation of the book. Познакомиться - write at the rootA, vocabulary word;in continuation - write separately with the endinge, since it is a noun with a preposition in the prepositional case.4) Owls e fix the mistake Sun consequences e ra ss her nn awn. Due to we write together withe at the end, because this is a pretext;absent-minded we write with ss, becauserace - - console, -sowing- - root, suffix -nn- , because the noun is formed from a verbal adjectiveabsent-minded Device A thread error in consequences And in a criminal case. Because of - we write separately frome at the end, because it is a noun with a preposition in the prepositional case.

Explain why the wordsin mind, Andin view of are written differently, use the following schemes.

If from a verb you can ask a question to the wordin mind, then we write separately. We write together when there is a pretextin view of can be replaced with a prepositionbecause of.

Based on the diagrams, explain the choice of spellings. Copy the sentences by inserting missing letters, punctuation marks and opening parentheses.

1) It was difficult to understand what convenience I had in in I'm coming, carpenter And bye so n eat and mercifully the backs of the chairs. ( A. Chekhov ) Comma before a wordbending put because it is an isolated circumstance;in mind We write separately, because this is a stable combinationkeep in mind; in a wordbending we write at the rootAnd, because can be verified by wordbend; mercilessly - participle, in in this case written together, because it doesn't have dependent words and contrasts with the unionA. 2) However, bb I'm going n units remaining time, n e b let's go off O get away from e subject of the lecture. ( A. Chekhov ) Due to lack of time separated by commas, because This is a clarifying construction;in view - We write together, because it can be replaced with a prepositionbecause of ; lack - we write together, because it can be replaced with a word withoutnot – small quantity; we will not - We write together, becauseNot with verbs are written separately;deviate - let's write at the root oh, because you can check with a wordtends, subject - we write at the roote – vocabulary word.3) “What do you have in in am I going? - point e Ognev reassured himself. ( V. Kochetov ) What do you have in mind - we write in quotation marks because this is direct speech, afterin mind put a question mark;in mind – we write separately, becausekeep in mind stable expression; in a wordinquired write the first one at the roote - a dictionary word.4) Vv I'm coming soon ok O start swimming A nia, mood O tion to O manda became cheerful, etc. And raised. Afterswimming We put a comma because This is a clarifying construction;in view of – we write together, because can be replaced with a prepositionbecause of; in a wordswimming in a wordmood letterO can be verified by wordmood; wordteams we'll write viaO, because This is a dictionary word; in a wordelated we will write in the prefixand - remember the spelling. ( V. Stanyukovich )

Language material.

1) Talk about your immediate plans for the future. Transfer money to the bank account of the manager. 2) Walk (in) for (half) an hour. Overcome obstacles (in) the flow of the stream. 3) Wait (c) for a month. Get to know the fate of the heroes (in) the continuation of the book. 4) Make a mistake (as) a consequence of (s, ss)ey (n, nn)ost, eliminate a mistake (as a) consequence of a criminal case.

Language material.

Ch. + in mind

Ch. due to = because of noun.

Language material.

1) It was difficult to understand what convenience the carpenter had in mind by bending the backs of the chairs so (un)mercifully. (A. Chekhov ) 2) However (in) view of (lack of) time (we will not) deviate from the subject of the lecture. (A. Chekhov ) 3) What do you mean? Ognev asked. (V. Kochetov ) 4) (In) view of the imminent end of the swim, the team’s mood became cheerful and elated. (V. Stanyukovich )

Call 2 people at once.

5. Test work.

6. Homework.

Leading word.

Open your diaries and write down your homework assignment. Page 98, exercise 702. Read the assignment.

A word of instruction.

At home you will need to copy the text, open the brackets and sign the part of speech for the highlighted words. Who didn't understand?

Write down the sentences by opening the brackets. In what cases are the highlighted words derived prepositions, and in what cases are they words of other parts of speech?

Ask 2 – 3 people.

7. Summing up.

Leading word.

We have completed the topic: “Spelling derivative prepositions.”

Reproductive conversation.

Let's remember the cases of combined and separate writing of derivative prepositions.

Evaluative word.

You worked well during two lessons.

Leading word.

Save the reminders that I gave you in the first lesson - they will be useful to you later. Thanks for the work! You can go.

Prepositions formed from the adverb are always written together -towards, ahead, opposite, in the middle etc.

Prepositions are written together -as a result e , in view (in meaningbecause of ), about (in meaningO ), instead of, like, like (in meaninglike ), in view, despite).

Prepositions are written separately -during e , continued e , unlike e , in the form of, as, in connection with, for the purpose of, at the expense of, to the extent of, from the outside.