Current problems in the implementation of the professional teacher standard project. The professional standard of a teacher is dangerous primarily for talented teachers

We live in a rapidly changing world. Modern children are fluent in modern technologies. They have other interests. Pedagogical activities in modern schools need modernization. In addition, science and technology are developing. The teacher must be ready for change. Mobility, the ability to perform non-standard work actions, responsibility and independence in decision-making - every teacher should strive for this.

The professional standard focuses on the ability to communicate with children while recognizing their dignity; the ability to protect those who are not accepted in the children's team; willingness to work with children, regardless of their abilities, mental and physical health, and even respect for the different cultures and languages ​​of students of other nationalities.

Teachers have a conflicting attitude towards the introduction of the standard. On the one hand, the implementation of the standard is necessary. Teachers are competent in many issues. On the other hand, there are gaps in some competencies that need to be somehow filled in the near future. Once upon a time at university we studied the basics of psychology, but this knowledge was superficial. We have not studied inclusive education.

What problems are identified when introducing a professional standard?

1. Psychological rejection of the standard by some categories of teachers.

2. Additional teacher self-education and advanced training will be required.

We fulfill many of the provisions of the standard: we know our subject, we know how to develop work programs, we know how to conduct lessons and perform self-analysis, we are proficient in ICT technologies, we are able to objectively assess students’ knowledge using various forms of control. A problem may arise with the use of special educational approaches in order to include all students in the educational process: with special educational needs; gifted students; students for whom Russian is not their native language; students with disabilities, etc.

What should teachers teach? In what directions? What topics should be covered in advanced training courses?

The teacher will have to carefully study the professional standard and determine what gaps in competencies exist. And depending on this, draw up a plan for improving your professional level. I believe that a teacher cannot handle many issues on his own: it is necessary to organize advanced training courses with the involvement of specialists of different levels: psychologists, speech pathologists.

Difficulties may arise with the development and use of psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive ones) necessary for targeted work with various groups of students: socially vulnerable children, children in difficult life situations, migrant children, children with special educational needs (autism). , children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, etc.), children with behavioral deviations, children with addiction.

Competencies of teachers of Russian language and literature: work plan for the educational organization of teachers of Russian language and literature (additions to the plan for the implementation of professional standards).

A modern school requires a teacher who is able to think freely and actively, model the educational process, independently generate and implement new ideas and technologies for teaching and upbringing. RMO helps teachers of various categories, solves theoretical and methodological problems in teaching the Russian language and literature. Each teacher has a methodological topic that he works on, deepening knowledge on it and practically improving the forms and methods of work.

I will formulate the tasks of the Ministry of Defense for the 2014 - 2015 academic year to implement the priority areas of activity of the Moscow Region, which are consonant with the requirements of the PSP.

  1. Continue to study and implement best teaching practices.
  2. Introduce new technologies into the teaching activities of district teachers.
  3. Involve teachers in creative search, in innovative, experimental activities and, in the future, in research activities.

4. Study methodological innovations and literature on preparing and improving the teaching of Russian language and literature lessons.

5. To improve teaching methods for students with pronounced cognitive activity, gifted children, as well as low-performing students.

6. Study the experience of pilot schools according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Where to begin?

1. Post information about the standard on the website (school, individual)

2. Conduct a meeting of the RMO “Introduction of a professional standard”

3. Monitor the needs of Russian language teachers based on teachers’ self-assessment of knowledge of the requirements of the PSP “My order for advanced training.”

4. Adjust the work plan of the Ministry of Defense in accordance with the requirements of the PSP

5. It is necessary to involve a school psychologist, employees of AKIPKRO and AltSPA (to conduct practice-oriented courses).

Forms of work of the RMO

1. Propaganda team "TV studio "School Planet" (system of working with a group of children of different ages).

2. Workshop “Effective techniques for teaching adults” (“Snowball”, “Brainstorm”).

3. Meeting of the Ministry of Education "Pedagogical activities of a tutor."

4. Federal State Educational Standards requirements for a modern lesson (open lessons for teachers at Malinovoozersk secondary school and elementary school).

5. Participation in webinars (publishing houses "Legion", "Uchmag", "Enlightenment", etc.).

For me, a real discovery were the books by Anatoly Gin “Techniques of Pedagogical Techniques” and S.I. Zair-Bek “Development of Critical Thinking in the Lesson”.

These books will allow the teacher to take a fresh look at how to teach and learn in the modern world.

To summarize all of the above, I would like to note that the professional standard of a teacher allowed us to take a fresh look at the professional qualities of a teacher. Of course, at the institute we received the necessary knowledge, but time passes, everything changes... Educational technologies change. Every teacher must meet the requirements of the profession. As for the difficulties: a lot of work and little free time. But in general, we will overcome everything!


The article discusses the professional difficulties of a teacher that arise during the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for general education. The author classifies the identified difficulties in accordance with the components of the educational process: errors and difficulties in goal setting, selection of the content of educational material, choice of forms, methods and technologies of teaching, in the implementation of control and assessment activities. The article also analyzes the causes and identified professional difficulties of teachers and suggests ways and forms of their resolution: from theoretical training (pedagogical councils, meetings of the Ministry of Education, theoretical seminars, methodological days, speeches, reports, exhibitions), the work of a creative group of teachers, consulting teachers to teacher training laboratories, practical classes, trainings, business and role-playing games.

professional difficulties of teachers

federal state educational standard

goal setting

selection of learning technologies

control and evaluation activities of the teacher.

1. Babansky Yu. K. Optimization of the learning process (General didactic aspect). – M.: “Pedagogy”, 1977. – 256 p.

2. Vinogradova A. P. Study of professional difficulties of teachers in building the educational process in primary school // Modern problems of science and education. – 2015. – No. 4. – Access mode: http://www.?id=20976.

3. Voltaire. Selected works. – Moscow: “GIHL”, 1947. – 646 p.

4. Herzen A.I., Ogarev N.P. About education and education. – M.: Pedagogy, 1990. – 368 p.

5. Kuzmina N.V. Essays on the psychology of teacher work. – L., 1967. – 183 p.

6. Kuzmina N.V. Professionalism of the personality of a teacher and industrial training master. – M.: Higher School, 1990. – 119 p.

7. Petunin O.V. Cognitive independence of students: monograph. – Tomsk: Tomsk State Publishing House. Univ., 2010. – 372 p.

8. Polyakova T. S. Analysis of difficulties in the pedagogical activities of beginning teachers. – M, 1983.

There are never great things without great difficulties.


Significant political, economic and social changes in Russia that have occurred in recent years have created a need for a substantive and structural renewal of education and the development, introduction and implementation of the federal state educational standard (FSES) for primary (IEO), basic (BOO) and secondary general education ( SOO).

The Kemerovo region has accumulated current experience in implementing the Federal State Educational Standard. Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard of LEO has been implemented in the region since 2010, the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC since 2012 (in the 2015/2016 academic year, 8th grade students are already studying under the Federal State Educational Standard in 6 educational organizations), and the Federal State Educational Standard of Special Education since 2014 ( 40 educational organizations are pilot schools working out various elements of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education). This experience allowed us to study the difficulties teachers face when implementing the Federal State Educational Standard and present them in this article.

A modern teacher who follows the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard must possess a number of competencies:

In the field of building the educational process;

In organizing the interaction of subjects of the educational process;

In the field of communication;

When creating an educational environment and using its capabilities, etc. As practice shows, not all teachers are fully prepared to perform professional functions in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

A high level of requirements leads to various difficulties for teachers, which are most often a consequence of the lack of development of basic competencies. In psychological and pedagogical research, various authors paid attention to the problem of professional difficulties: Yu. K. Babansky, A. P. Vinogradova, N. V. Kuzmina, T. S. Polyakova.

In the works of N.V. Kuzmina, professional pedagogical difficulty is understood as the subject’s experience of states of tension, heaviness, and dissatisfaction. Such states arise as a result of the action of external factors of activity and depend on the nature of the factors themselves, the degree of preparedness for the activity and attitude towards it.

T. S. Polyakova writes that difficulties in professional activity, along with visible negative consequences, also contain a positive function, activating creative search.

The study of teachers' documents, observation of the practical activities of teachers, control and methodological sections, control of documentation, analysis of the results of teachers' activities, interviews, questionnaires, as well as an analysis of the practice of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard show that in total there are quite a lot of difficulties experienced by teachers (this does not mean that the entire amount of difficulties is experienced by one particular teacher). These are difficulties in the field of setting goals and objectives for activities taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, difficulties in the field of motivating the educational activities of schoolchildren, insufficient competence of the teacher in the field of providing the information basis for educational activities, in the field of organizing educational activities. This list can be continued, and an impressive list of difficulties will be obtained.

In order to understand the difficulties experienced by teachers and not limit ourselves to a simple list of them, we will apply a systematic approach to their analysis and classify the difficulties according to the components of the educational process.

Traditionally, a number of components are distinguished in the educational process: 1) Target; 2) Contentful; 3) Procedural; 4) Evaluation and correction. Next, we will dwell on the professional difficulties of teachers that manifest themselves in the implementation of the named components of the educational process.

Let's first stop on teachers’ mistakes and difficulties in goal setting. Teachers often experience difficulties in formulating the goals of their teaching activities taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Not all teachers are ready to accept the goals of the educational standard and the changes associated with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. The teacher does not always fully understand what they want from him and how to apply his extensive experience to it. Let us name just some of the teacher’s mistakes and difficulties when setting the lesson goal:

The teacher is engaged in goal-setting (identifying the goals and objectives of the teacher and students, presenting them to each other, agreeing on achievements) formally and only at the last stage of lesson planning;

The goals are set abstractly and cannot serve as a guide to conducting a single lesson;

Inability to design personal and meta-subject learning outcomes;

Substituting the goal with the means of the lesson. Often, teachers receive moral satisfaction not from the result of the lesson, but from what the children did during the lesson. In fact, the goals of the lesson are being replaced by means of achieving them, etc.

It is obvious that pedagogically well-set lesson goals must be diagnosable, specific, understandable, conscious, describing the desired result, real, motivating (encouraging students to action), accurate, etc.

Difficulties in finding value meaning in the material being studied (knowledge not for the sake of knowledge, but for life; real knowledge is what allows a person to cope with any situation, be it a crisis in the country, admission to a university, or solving everyday life problems);

Difficulties in combining the principles of science and accessibility; the main thing is not highlighted in the material being studied;

The material is not systematized and is not related to the previous one, etc.

Thus, the content of the educational material must meet the principle of science, correspond to the topic of the lesson and the requirements of the program according to which the teacher works, ensure a connection between theory and practice, reveal the practical significance of knowledge, demonstrate the connection of the material being studied with previously covered, etc. .

Speaking about mistakes and difficulties in selecting technologies and teaching methods, let us dwell on their two extreme manifestations:

Using standard methods of traditional technology (explanation of material, oral questioning, problem solving, etc.);

One-sided passion for activity-based learning methods (game, project, problem-based, etc.).

It is obvious that learning is impossible if the role of a knowledge translator and reproductive teaching methods are completely excluded from the teacher’s didactic arsenal. As practical experience shows, it’s all about their harmonious combination. The “recipe” for this harmonious combination is complex and individual for each lesson. It is determined by the degree of motivation of the class to study a given subject, the degree of preparedness of the class, the level of complexity and volume of the material being studied, the age of the children, etc.

Finally, difficulties in carrying out control and evaluation activities by the teacher in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:

The problem of overcoming the “universality” of school grades in assessing subject knowledge and skills;

Lack of experience in assessing meta-subject results;

Inability to psychologically competently assess personal learning outcomes, etc.

The results of control and evaluation activities carried out by the teacher must accurately and objectively track not only individual aspects or manifestations of the student’s abilities - both in relation to his mastering a system of knowledge and in relation to mastering methods of action, but also give a holistic, and not disparate, picture of educational the child’s achievements, about his achievement of the planned learning outcomes. The mark given to the student at the end of the lesson must be justified according to a number of parameters: correctness, independence, originality.

What are the reasons for the professional difficulties experienced by teachers when implementing the Federal State Educational Standard? They, like the difficulties themselves, are numerous and varied.

Firstly, the ratio of the activities of the teacher and students in the educational process has changed, which requires the search for a new scheme of interaction between teacher and students. The share of independent cognitive activity among schoolchildren has increased. The information content of the educational material has increased, and the activity of students has also intensified: they do a lot of educational and practical work (analyze, discuss, solve problems, set up experiments, write various abstracts, reports), and private methods still provide little assistance to the teacher in this.

Secondly, the scientific organization of labor has not yet properly entered into school practice.

Thirdly, teachers cannot completely get rid of the explanatory-illustrative type of teaching.

Fourthly, the presentation of educational material in textbooks (even in the latest ones) most often remains informational; they do not contain tasks of a variable nature, tasks for the creative activity of students, both when studying new material and when applying the acquired knowledge and skills.

Fifthly, there is no purposeful work by the teacher on the development of children’s creative abilities, etc.

What are the ways to overcome the identified difficulties? There are several of them.

1) Drawing up a plan to correct teachers’ difficulties.

2) Organization of methodological work. In order to overcome the professional difficulties of teachers in implementing the Federal State Educational Standard, methodological training, in our opinion, should be conducted in several areas:

Ensuring the psychological and pedagogical preparedness of teachers in accordance with modern requirements;

Understanding the theoretical aspects of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Development, updating and ensuring accessibility of professional and pedagogical information for teachers;

Training teachers in the forms and pedagogical technologies laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard, etc.

3) Teachers’ selection of relevant topics for self-education and control over the process of their development.

4) Organizing and conducting trainings for teachers on necessary topics. Here are a few topics from these classes:

Communication training in order to improve communication skills to effectively interact with students and colleagues and develop optimal communication styles with different people;

Creativity training, which serves to develop the creative imagination and thinking of teachers;

Training for resolving various pedagogical situations, developing teachers’ skills for more effective interaction with students, etc.).

5) Organization of the work of problem-solving and creative groups. It can be formed from expert teachers who, based on the results of self-diagnosis, do not experience difficulties in certain aspects of their activities. Here are examples of the topics of several projects that can be completed by teachers within the framework of a problem-based creative group:

Forms of monitoring the degree of development of schoolchildren’s UDL;

The role of laboratory workshop in the implementation of active teaching methods for schoolchildren;

Features of forms and pedagogical technologies for implementing the Federal State Educational Standard;

Features of forms and pedagogical technologies of extracurricular work of schoolchildren, as a component of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Research activities of students, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, etc.

6) Creation of an information base that allows teachers to overcome professional difficulties associated with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. We are talking about programs for extracurricular activities for schoolchildren, creating a database of the best lesson scenarios using active learning methods, and developing our own visual aids.

7) Mutual visits to lessons, both by subject teachers working in primary schools, and lessons of primary school teachers. This should contribute to greater continuity in the work to implement the requirements of the standard. Showing experience in real time in the form of a series of open training sessions and extracurricular activities (meetings of scientific and scientific-technical societies of students, subject months, weeks, etc.), as our pedagogical experience shows, is of enduring importance in overcoming the professional difficulties of teachers.

8) Carrying out repeated diagnostics of teachers’ difficulties.

Forms used to overcome professional difficulties of teachers can be:

1) Theoretical training (pedagogical councils, meetings of the Moscow Region, theoretical seminars, methodological days, speeches, reports, exhibitions). Let us give as an example several topics of pedagogical councils and seminars:

Structure and content of the school's main educational program;

Psychological foundations of a system-activity approach to the training and education of students;

Extracurricular activities and their role in achieving the results of training and education of schoolchildren, etc.

2) Consulting teachers, developing recommendations, memos.

3) Round tables held for the purpose of exchanging experiences. Here are examples of topics for round table meetings:

Psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with adolescents;

Features of adolescence and their consideration in teaching activities;

Are student-centered learning and pedagogical technologies compatible?;

The most pressing problems of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard, etc.

4) Exhibitions and auctions of pedagogical and methodological findings, which involve the promotion and defense of ideas aimed at implementing the requirements laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard. During their implementation, teachers can talk about their ideas and practical findings in a limited time so that colleagues become interested in them and choose them for further use in practical work. In the process of defending pedagogical ideas, the following positions should be introduced: author, opponent, interpreter, practitioner. The participant of this event proposes questions to clarify and combine these positions.

5) Practical exercises, business and role-playing games, which ensure the teacher’s active position in overcoming difficulties and therefore deserve great attention. Here are a few topics from these classes:

My place and role in the process of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard;

Freedom of creativity and responsibility of the teacher within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard;

If I were...etc.

6) Workshops on the use of active and productive technologies and teaching methods, which provide an opportunity to develop teachers’ skills in using a wide range of pedagogical technologies, methodological techniques and tools. It is possible to develop these and other skills only with the active participation of teachers in practical activities.

7) Pedagogical workshops can give teachers the opportunity to develop and implement innovative forms and pedagogical technologies for active learning of schoolchildren. As a rule, all participants in the game are actively involved in the proposed pedagogical situation and offer their own ways to solve this or that problem. During pedagogical workshops, teachers can be divided into groups, each of which must propose their own ways to solve any professional problem related to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

8) A methodological kaleidoscope may include an exchange between teachers of the most successful pedagogical finds and methodological techniques for introducing a systemic-active approach into the educational process, etc.

In the work to overcome the professional difficulties of teachers during the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, special attention must be paid to practical forms of work, because, as A. I. Herzen said: “Theory inspires conviction, example determines the course of action.”

Bibliographic link

Petunin O.V. PROFESSIONAL DIFFICULTIES OF A TEACHER WHEN IMPLEMENTING THE FSES OF GENERAL EDUCATION // Modern problems of science and education. – 2016. – No. 1.;
URL: http://?id=24061 (date of access: 09/18/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Dagbaeva S.M.,
English teacher
GAPOU "Aginsky Pedagogical College" named after. B. Rinchino

A characteristic feature of recent decades is not so much the emergence of new professions, but a change in the “boundaries” of old ones, associated with new types of activities, new technologies and methods of work, new requirements for results and performance assessment. The profession of a teacher today is expanding its boundaries and moving into the humanitarian sphere as a whole, and therefore standards, according to the developers, can determine the success and effectiveness of not only the education system, but the entire life of society for many years.

The relevance of the emergence of a professional standard for a teacher is obvious, since the ongoing modernization of general education requires high quality education from a modern educational organization. To implement this task, a school or preschool institution must have a highly professional teaching staff. This task is becoming extremely urgent. Analysis of educational results, primarily the final state certification of graduates of basic and secondary general education, in recent years confirms and aggravates the problem of human resources in the education system.

The professional standard of a teacher was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 18. 2013 N 544n, the timing of its introduction in the normal mode is set for January 1, 2017. Based on this, there is a need for targeted training of teaching staff in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher.

The approved standard is a complex regulator of a large number of issues of pedagogical work: employment of a teacher, determination of his job responsibilities, certification, and remuneration.

Profstandart- a tool for implementing the education strategy, improving the quality of education, is also the basis for assessing the qualifications and work of a teacher, on the basis of which employment contracts can be created. First of all, the requirements of the professional standard will affect teachers during certification for compliance with the position held, and this is a mass procedure.

Currently, we have professional standards relating to a preschool teacher (educator), an elementary school teacher, a primary school teacher, and a high school teacher. In the near future, the professional standard for a teacher of additional education and a teacher of the vocational education system will be approved. It is planned to develop and approve professional standards for the following specialties: educational psychologist, special teacher (defectologist) in a general preschool institution and a public school, tutor providing individual support and accompaniment for a disabled child.

The purpose of applying the professional standard is to determine the necessary qualifications of a teacher, which affects the results of a child’s education, upbringing and development; ensuring the necessary training of the teacher to obtain high results of his work; ensuring the necessary awareness of the teacher about the requirements placed on him; promoting the involvement of teachers in solving the problem of improving the quality of education.

The professional standard provides for new teacher competencies such as:

  • working with gifted students;
  • work in the context of implementing inclusive education programs;
  • teaching Russian to students for whom it is not their native language;
  • working with students with developmental problems;
  • work with deviant, dependent, socially neglected and socially vulnerable students with serious behavioral problems.

The professional standard should become a system-forming mechanism that will improve the quality of work of teachers in accordance with the requirements of federal state standards of general education.

It should be noted new characteristics of the activity of a professional teacher, these include:

  1. Mobility
  2. Ability to perform non-standard work actions
  3. Skill to work in team
  4. Readiness for change
  5. Responsibility and independence in decision making.

In the professional standard, the requirements for professional competencies are distinguished by three general pedagogical functions: training, education, development - they are exceptionally high, for example, in teaching: mastery of forms and methods of teaching that go beyond lessons; the ability to objectively assess students’ knowledge using various forms and methods of control, possession of ICT competencies, etc. In education, a teacher must be able to find (discover) the value aspect of educational knowledge and information and ensure its understanding and experience by students; be able to design and create situations and events; be able to create child-adult communities of students, their parents and teachers in study groups. The teacher must possess the personal qualities and competencies necessary for the formation and development of meta-subject and personal competencies of students.

Currently, work is underway in the Russian Federation to prepare for the transition to professional standards. The professional standard of a teacher (teacher, educator) underwent extensive public discussion before approval. In 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the Trans-Baikal Territory, sites for testing the professional standard have been created. In the regions, starting regional models and projects have been developed, regional teams and regional specialization have been formed. In the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Aginsky Institute for Advanced Training of Social Sector Workers has been designated as a regional internship site, and 14 educational organizations have been approved as basic support sites for testing the regional model for introducing professional standards.

The professional standard of a teacher (teacher, educator) was included in the Comprehensive Program for Improving the Professional Level of Teachers, which was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2014 under No. 3241-P8.

The complex program consists of four subprograms:

  1. Introduction of the professional standard “Teacher”
  2. Modernization of teacher education
  3. Transition to an effective contract
  4. Increasing the prestige of the profession

Within the framework of this program, it is planned to build interrelated changes in the assessment and remuneration of teaching staff (an effective contract), procedures for certification of qualifications, certification based on professional standards, changes in the system of teacher education, training and PC, which includes their mastery of modern educational technologies of training and education, including number of children with disabilities, as well as increasing the status and prestige of the teaching profession. Thus, it is expected to approach the problem of training and improving the professional level of teachers in a comprehensive manner. To implement the Comprehensive Program for the purpose of preparing and implementing a professional standard for a teacher, it is relevant to formulate a package of regulatory documents at the regional, municipal levels and the level of the educational organization. The Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Trans-Baikal Territory signed order No. 579 dated June 27, 2014 “On the development of an Action Plan (“road map”) for the implementation of a comprehensive program for improving the professional level of teaching staff in educational organizations of the Trans-Baikal Territory”

The activities of subprogram 1 are aimed at ensuring the transition of educational organizations of general education to work under the conditions of the professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)”; organization of retraining and advanced training of teaching staff of general education in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher; formation of a certification system for teaching staff in general education based on the professional standard of a teacher.

Let us dwell in more detail on subprogram 2. The purpose of subprogram No. 2 is to ensure the training of teaching staff in professional educational organizations and educational organizations of higher education in accordance with the professional standard of a teacher and federal state educational standards of general education.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are highlighted in the subprogram:

  • changing the content of federal state educational standards and basic educational programs in the areas of the enlarged group of training areas and specialties "Education and Pedagogical Sciences" and teaching technologies in order to take into account the requirements of the new professional standard for a teacher, ensuring the implementation of federal state educational standards of general education;
  • approbation of updated federal state educational standards and basic educational programs and ensuring their implementation by 2020 in educational organizations of higher education and professional educational organizations implementing educational programs within the enlarged group of training areas and specialties "Education and Pedagogical Sciences".

At the federal level, a set of measures has been approved to modernize teacher education, which includes the following measures:

  • development and testing of federal state educational standards and basic professional educational programs in the areas of the enlarged group of training areas and specialties “Education and Pedagogical Sciences”, taking into account the relevant provisions of professional standards and federal state educational standards of general education, including new educational content, new teaching technologies, in including those aimed at mastering modern educational technologies and teaching and upbringing methods, knowledge, abilities and skills in order to ensure inclusive education for people with disabilities, improving the qualifications of the teaching staff of educational institutions of higher education participating in the development and testing (2014- 2017);
  • implementation of models of network interaction between educational organizations of higher education and professional educational organizations, educational organizations of higher education and general education organizations, aimed at implementing undergraduate pedagogical programs that meet the following characteristics: a significant increase in the volume of practical training (at least 3 times), conducting long-term practices, including ensuring the implementation of individual educational trajectories for students who already have secondary vocational or higher education (2014-2017);
  • development of multidisciplinary bachelor's degree programs based on federal state educational standards of a new type, suggesting the possibility of combining two profiles of training: general humanitarian and pedagogical, including those aimed at mastering modern educational technologies and teaching and upbringing methods, knowledge, skills and abilities in order to ensure inclusive education for people with disabilities disabilities, which is selected after studying the main block, taking into account the individual characteristics and abilities of the student (2015-2017);
  • testing models of personnel training during the development of basic educational master's programs of 3 types: training programs in pedagogical areas with an enhanced practical or research orientation, management programs for management personnel of the education system (2015-2017);
  • development and testing of a model for obtaining pedagogical education by persons who do not have a pedagogical education, but are motivated to teach, in practical master's programs (2015-2017).

At the federal level in 2016, it is planned to develop and approve an industry qualifications framework (4 or 5 levels), changes to regulations relating, first of all, to exams, certification, job responsibilities, to develop methodological recommendations and sample documents at the level of an educational organization (sample employment contract, etc.)

At the regional level, a regional model for applying the professional standard is being created and tested, which defines the interaction of the main participants: regional and municipal authorities, institutions of vocational education with a pedagogical focus, institutions of additional professional education for educators, educational organizations, public organizations. At the level of secondary and higher (pedagogical) education organizations, it is necessary to create and test new models of examinations and new models of teacher training in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard.

The teacher is a key figure in education reform. “In the matter of teaching and upbringing, in the entire school business, nothing can be improved without going past the head of the teacher” (K.D. Ushinsky). In a rapidly changing open world, the main professional quality that a teacher must constantly demonstrate to his students is the ability to learn.

Readiness for change, mobility, the ability to take non-standard work actions, responsibility and independence in decision-making - all these characteristics of the activities of a successful professional fully apply to a teacher. Acquiring these valuable qualities is impossible without expanding the space of pedagogical creativity.

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"Article "Introduction of professional standards""

“The introduction of a professional teacher standard is a problem or development?”

The teacher is a key figure in education reform. “In the matter of teaching and upbringing, in the entire school business, nothing can be improved without going past the head of the teacher” (K.D. Ushinsky). In a rapidly changing open world, the main professional quality that a teacher must constantly demonstrate to his students is the ability to learn.

Readiness for change, mobility, ability to take non-standard work actions, responsibility and independence in decision-making - all these characteristics of a successful professional fully apply to a teacher. Acquiring these valuable qualities is impossible without expanding the space of pedagogical creativity.

The work of a teacher should be freed from petty regulation and freed from total control.

The existing cumbersome qualification characteristics and job descriptions, which fetter the teacher’s initiative, burden him with formal requirements (for example, prescribing the preparation of educational programs) and additional functional responsibilities that distract from direct work with children, do not meet the spirit of the times.

Employee qualifications – the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience of the employee.

PROFESSIONAL STANDARD – characteristics of the qualifications required for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity

If we compare the concepts of “employee qualification” and “professional standard”, we come to the conclusion that professional standards are a more detailed system that defines the minimum requirements for the qualifications of workers for specific positions. At the same time, the name of a specific position and professional standard may differ, because professional standards are developed not for any position or profession, but for the type of professional activity. Professional standards connect the sphere of work and the sphere of vocational education and are based on the real experience of the professional activities of specialists.

The world is changing, children are changing, which, in turn, puts forward new requirements for the qualifications of a teacher. But one cannot demand from a teacher what no one has ever taught him. Consequently, the introduction of a new professional standard for a teacher should inevitably entail a change in the standards of his training and retraining in higher education and in advanced training centers.

Expanding the boundaries of a teacher’s freedom, the professional standard simultaneously increases his responsibility for the results of his work, placing demands on his qualifications and offering criteria for its evaluation.

The professional standard of a teacher, which should replace the obsolete documents that until now regulated his activities, is intended, first of all, to liberate the teacher and give a new impetus to his development.