Why is there such emptiness inside? The emptiness inside prevents you from living or how to find meaning. Causes of spiritual emptiness

It happens in life that a person is consumed by a feeling of loneliness and apathy towards everything and everyone. Such spiritual emptiness may arise once or twice, and can quite often interfere with life life to the fullest. Without timely response, this condition can even develop into depression, which is considered serious psychological illness. The information presented below will help you recognize the characteristic symptoms of this phenomenon in time or avoid their occurrence.


The state of emptiness can appear completely unexpectedly. A person may not even notice what influenced it. Just at one point you stopped feeling happy. Life, of course, goes on, but it no longer brings joy. Those around you may have no idea about your problems, and you, in turn, will wonder: why did the emptiness appear inside me?

Among the reasons for this crisis period are called the following:

  • Banal fatigue. Every person at some point gives up and no longer wants to endure the constant routine, unloved job, eternal vanity, etc.
  • Stress. Feelings of emptiness are often observed as a reaction to loss loved one, serious changes in life, etc.
  • Shock. Something similar to stressful situation, but it can be caused by betrayal, betrayal, destruction of the usual picture of the world, etc.
  • A loss life guidelines, goals. Every person has some kind of aspiration in life. It can be easily realized or very long-term, but its loss or achievement can create an emptiness in the soul.
  • Any heavy life situation can break a person. Inner emptiness is a natural result of such circumstances.


People suffering from this disease are distinguished by great indifference to the world around them. They withdraw into themselves, own problems, which are often simply far-fetched. When there is emptiness in your soul, you don’t want to do anything: take care of your own appearance, the situation in the house, leave your beloved four walls. In such a situation, a person is often left alone, because he ceases to be interested in communicating with friends and acquaintances. It’s very good if you have a family that won’t abandon you. difficult situation and will pay attention to this condition.

There is often a feeling that one's soul has been put on display. This is especially observed among people who have been betrayed.

Spiritual emptiness clouds everything around. The events around you simply fade away. This painful state quickly drags you into the abyss of loneliness and darkness, devaluing previously significant things. Such a condition, as is believed in psychology, can even lead to physical pain. Many people, when a feeling of emptiness appears, begin to suffer from migraines. In this situation, medications may not be effective.

If you do not respond to this condition in a timely manner, do not pull yourself together, or do not seek the help of a psychologist, you can lead yourself to a real disease - depression. The result of the latter, as many people know, is often suicidal behavior.

What to do first?

Inner emptiness requires serious attention from a person and, preferably, his loved ones. It is quite difficult to fight this phenomenon on your own without support, but it is possible. It will take a lot of willpower. In this case, be guided by one point: who would you really like to be, a weak, weak-willed creature or a person who knows how to rejoice, love and live? If you chose the second, then here is a list of completely simple emergency measures:

  • Start complaining. Yes, yes, exactly complain! This, like nothing else, will help you look at yourself from the outside, voice everything that is boiling in your soul. All that’s left is to find someone who can just go and cry.
  • Trust people. This may be very difficult for people who have just been betrayed, but take a closer look at your surroundings. Surely there will be someone to whom you can speak without fear, and who will help with practical advice.
  • Look for the cause of your condition. Self-digging in this case is only beneficial. Think about it, maybe your work is to blame or certain person. You will have to eliminate this reason: find something you love or say goodbye forever to the culprit of the inner emptiness.
  • Stir up your emotions. It’s not particularly important here what emotions they will be, the main thing is to get rid of the indifference with which you Lately look at the world. Get adrenaline pumping into your blood. They will help with this extreme species sports Read a dramatic book, watch a fun movie, or just enjoy the sunset. There are many options, just choose something you like.

Another question is what and how to fill the emptiness in the soul. There is a lot of information about this in psychology. Below are just the main points.

How to fill the spiritual emptiness?

It is very easy for a person to think about this in his usual state, not subject to emptiness outside and inside. It is more difficult to perceive this information when you don’t want anything and the meaning of life disappears.

Having noticed a kind of emptiness in yourself, you need to try to pull yourself together, no matter how difficult it may be. this moment no matter what you said, or ask for help from loved ones. You can get out of this state; to do this, you just need to figure out how to fill the resulting emptiness in life. Several options can be offered in this regard:

Personal life

This is precisely the sphere that absorbs a person headlong and in all serious ways. Plunge into the world of feelings, find a place for them in your heart, and you will feel alive again. If you have a loved one, then let him take care of you. If you have children, take care of them. They probably don't have enough attention right now. Find a point of support for yourself: in the form of a person, a group of people or an event. In fact, it's boiling next to you real life. Don't let her bypass you!


Perhaps it's time to change your profession or place of activity. Have you ever wondered how much energy your work takes from you? Maybe it's time to turn favorite hobby one that makes a profit? Activity itself gives us room for maneuver: new acquaintances, employment, goals, etc.


It's time to occupy yourself with something interesting and unusual. Agree to any offers; perhaps something will interest you right now. If you have long wanted to sign up for dancing or Gym- Right now. Get yourself involved in something new, and you simply won’t have time left to think about how to get rid of the emptiness in your soul.

Think positively

If there is emptiness in the soul, it means that a lot of space has been freed up for something new and unusual. Now is the time in life when you can start everything with clean slate, with new emotions, feelings and friends. There is now a space in the heart that absolutely needs to be filled. new information. While you are filling it out, try to find support from your loved ones. You need communication now more than ever.

In cases where you cannot get out of this state on your own, psychology or psychotherapy comes to the rescue. Contacting a specialist should not be regarded as something shameful. For many people, the state of emptiness leads to more serious phenomena. To avoid this, it is better to undergo several sessions of psychoanalysis at this stage.

Emptiness inside and emptiness outside... Absolutely everything is permeated with emptiness. Physicists confirm this amazing fact.

Emptiness is both the beginning and the end of everything. This is eternity and infinity. This is at the same time God, and Consciousness, and I, which are one whole. This emptiness is the basis of everything perceived. Everything is born from it, and everything in it dies. This is both Mother and Father at the same time. It is all-presence and at the same time the absence of everything.

Emptiness inside, or Flight from oneself

I must say that this article is not for a wide range of readers, but I recommend reading it - at least for the sake of interest. In this article we will touch on the topic of the true nature of man, flight from himself, the cunning of the mind and human hopes for finding happiness.

A person is afraid to be left alone with himself, with emptiness inside, he is afraid of inner silence, because stopping activity causes a feeling of death.

And death really comes at the moment of achieving a goal or desire - the desire and everything connected with it dies, goes away forever. And in the place of desire, silence and emptiness appear. Awareness of emptiness and lack of desires is even more frightening modern man, without them there is no meaning in life.

The human mind has come up with many ways to escape from itself, from the opportunity to be alone with itself, to look inside its consciousness, its nature, the emptiness inside. What is it that frightens a modern person, what does he isolate himself from through his activities, his “important” thoughts, desires, images, being on the Internet, humming or listening to songs, reading books, discussing his affairs, his friends and enemies - the list of ways is endless.

A person seeks what he believes will bring him happiness and satisfaction. Some earn money, some fame, some love, some power, some enlightenment - thinking that this will bring happiness. And all life passes in pursuit of illusory happiness, which, like the horizon, can never be caught up, since it is in some way in the mind, in other words, an illusion. People have a habit of dividing everything into “useful” and “harmful,” “bad” and “good,” “black” and “white,” and from this point of view, using everything for something.

The mind ensures the life and safety of the body; it uses everything that falls into its area of ​​perception to solve this problem. Therefore, the mind perceives internal emptiness as something negative: how can you use something that is the absence of anything? He is so used to something constantly happening in him that inner emptiness and silence seem to him an abnormal phenomenon, and he, trying to fill this emptiness, again drives the person to where, in his opinion, something useful can be found. But having what you want gives you a feeling of fullness only for a short period of time, then emptiness settles inside. A void that needs to be filled and the race begins again.

The main desire of a modern person is to be happy and free, i.e. happiness in today's concept most often lies in the realization of the desire “Live well!” - A good life is even better!"

People think that “possessing” an object of desire will fill their being with meaning and give them freedom to one degree or another - but this is an illusion of freedom. There is a dependence on desires and images formed with the help of desires. The illusion is that they build their lives in accordance with the images that were embedded in them by their direct experience and the experience conveyed to them verbally and non-verbally by previous generations. People think there is no alternative to this experience. They do not want to free themselves from these images, on the contrary! It seems to them that then their life will be filled with meaning and will not be empty and worthless. They want to be needed by someone. But the more involved in these images, the less freedom, and with each achievement of a new desire a person feels this emptiness.

Illusion lies in the perception of oneself. A person perceives himself as an individual. What is perceived by a person is only part of a single consciousness, surrounded by a set of mental images, which are the experience of perceiving oneself. By creating these images, and then embodying them, rearranging and dissolving them, consciousness plays and enjoys. And it is this experience that is perceived as a person. A person thinks that this experience of perception is what he is. As a result, consciousness, surrounded by images of the experience of perceiving the personality, is reflected from the images that make up the personality, and identifies itself with these images, perceiving them as itself.

The whole world is a manifestation of consciousness, but the consciousness of man, enveloped in personality, feels separate from common field consciousness, and an internal inexplicable need for liberation is manifested in a person - gaining integrity, the desire for self-knowledge. But the integrity is not actually violated by anything, it’s all a game of imagination in perception. There are no obstacles other than personality, except what a person thinks about himself, who he feels, perceives and realizes. Consciousness, which is the true Self, is initially free! That part of consciousness that has been separated by mental images constantly strives to restore its natural, original integrity. And this is the only barrier between man and God, but from this position it is practically impossible to do anything about it, since the personality cannot free itself from the personality, and the mind from the mind.

The solution is that the personality cannot free itself from itself, but man can free himself from the personality. Only when a person is able to accept this can understanding happen instantly, and the interference will disappear, the personality will no longer separate the person from the general field of consciousness, from God. There is no path to God, since everything that exists in the Universe is God. All a person’s thoughts about himself are an illusion and all thoughts about liberation are absurd, but understanding will come only when a person’s brains refuse to think anymore, and then there will be no one and nothing left except pure consciousness. Everything that is needed is always in the human mind; you just need to understand, accept and realize it. Then the understanding “I AM PRESENCE” can come. And for the individual this is death. And the personality, anticipating this, resists, forcing the person to do anything to take him away from self-awareness.

Source rodoswet.ru/illyuziya-bolshogo-puti

Good luck on the path of self-discovery!

IN Western culture The expression “internal emptiness” is usually used to denote a state close to: lack of meaning in life, a feeling of acute lack of something inexplicable, loss and feelings self-importance. Probably everyone is familiar with the sensations that we define as internal emptiness, and everyone knows that we want to quickly fill this emptiness with something, to get rid of it. At the same time, in Eastern cultures– Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. – internal emptiness is. Having reached the state of emptiness, a person gains enlightenment. This paradox interested me very much, and I decided to consider the inner emptiness with different points vision.

Inner emptiness and meditation

When a person meditates, he achieves a complete cessation of the flow of thoughts. When these thoughts are absent, nothing defines a person, he is freed from the shackles of his physical body, mind and worldview. This can be defined as complete freedom or emptiness, while no one at any time feels that his existence is meaningless, on the contrary, we feel unity with the Universe, we are this Universe. All practices aimed at comprehending one’s inner emptiness are not intended to drive a person into depression. On the contrary, having recognized his emptiness, a person learns that emptiness and fullness are one and the same. Only in a state of such inner emptiness can one feel all the greatness human essence, divine powers and the world in which we live.

Inner emptiness and intuition

Feeling an inner emptiness, we strive to fill it, often without understanding what, exactly, needs to be filled with? Having the usual “antidepressants” at hand - food, alcohol, parties, films and TV series - we easily learned to get rid of unpleasant sensation emptiness. But, since these measures are only temporary, the feeling will become stronger and return more often if you do not find out the true cause of the emptiness and fill it. In this case, I propose to use emptiness as intuitive knowledge - inner voice tells you that something is missing, and your task is to tune in to the wave of this voice and understand what exactly you are missing.

You can do a short meditation to find out the causes of inner emptiness. Just do it, stop the flow of thoughts and concentrate on the feeling of emptiness. Ask the question: “What are you trying to say, emptiness? What am I missing? What is the meaning of your appearance? Now in the complete silence of your consciousness you will hear the answer. You may have to wait or ask clarifying questions about the situation. Be sure to write down all the thoughts that come to your mind when you come out of meditation, even if they seem chaotic - you can work with them in the future.

Perhaps even without meditation you understand why you feel emptiness, but you are afraid to admit it to yourself. , dislike for oneself are the most common reasons for this feeling. You can read about how to deal with them on this site.

Emptiness as a resource

If you do not wander with thoughts and feelings in the past or future, the “bad” inner emptiness will not overtake you. Feeling unity with nature and people, feeling part of the boundless Universe, a person feels a “good” emptiness, and this is only possible if you are here and now. Such emptiness can become inexhaustible resource because it brings understanding limitless possibilities that the world opens up to us. Don't fight inner emptiness, turn it into a source of motivation. For example, you can decide to fill yourself only positive experiences, useful knowledge and pleasant.

I think many people in their lives are faced with a feeling of emptiness, inner emptiness. Some experience it often and are aware of it, for others it is not so obvious, perhaps they were not even aware of it in themselves, but, one way or another, everyone is familiar with this state.

Stay with yourself

This state frightens us, a person tries his best to avoid it, don't be in it. There are people who cannot be alone with themselves, It scares them, although they don’t even admit to themselves that they are afraid. Characteristic signs fear of being alone with oneself - a person turns on music, TV, or just reads a book. But there is a small but, some do it at will, that is, they want to read, watch, listen. They easily remain alone with themselves if they wish, this is normal. But there is another option, when a person begins to feel restless, tossing, nervousness in silence.

How does a person feel when he is in a state of emptiness? The first and one of the most vivid feelings - this feeling of the meaninglessness of life, it seems to a person that everything that surrounds him is meaningless and brings nothing except disappointment; everything that man has created seems so small and insignificant. At this moment, all the goals that a person had lose their meaning. A person feels empty, useless, and unimportant in this world. Few people like this state and the mind begins to look for evidence that this is not so. A person experiences internal conflict, he sees his uselessness and does not agree with it.

Man always strives to fill the void

Struggle, disagreement awakens in a person, and naturally, he begins to look for manifestations of his significance, fill this void external signs, or by cultivating inner spiritual qualities. Some start fill your world with things and with this they show their significance, value, others try to become spiritual or simply kind people- this is their value. They evaluate themselves this way, no matter whether this happens consciously or whether the person does not even realize that he sets his price himself, through the things that belong to him, the position he holds, or his internal qualities.

Why don’t we want to be what we are? At what point did the person himself, his soul, lose value? Perhaps because somewhere deep down we believe that we cannot lose ourselves, our soul. Our mind understands that the soul can be bright or defiled, but it will not go anywhere, it will still be with us. A person does not feel the fear of losing himself, I now do not mean losing myself in life, I am now talking about myself as an object that really exists in our world. After all Most human fears are related to losses, a person is afraid of death not because he may lose himself, he is afraid because he may lose his life. Or rather, it’s not even like that - we are afraid of losing what we have: a job, a position, a loved one, a car, health, the importance of our knowledge, experience, we can lose a lot of other things and we hide life behind the word.

Fear of loss

It turns out that we are afraid of everything, everything we can lose, and the more we have, the more terrible life becomes. But in life people forever everything is given only for a while. Fear, in turn, causes discontent, disagreement, and conflict. Now imagine how much everything surrounds us, what we can lose, everything, everything that surrounds us, to one degree or another we consider it belongs to us, even the air on the city street to some extent we consider it our property, don’t believe it ?

Don't believe that you consider the air yours? Imagine your indignation when they announce to you that some company has bought all the air on the planet and now everyone who breathes must pay half of their income for the use of air. Now such a turn of events seems absurd and impossible, but that is not the point, the point is the reaction that will occur in us when this fact appears.

The fact is that we are afraid of losing everything we have information about in our memory, all this causes conflicts and discontent in us, we are always filled with them almost every moment of our lives, but we have become accustomed to these states to such an extent that we simply do not notice many of them in ourselves. We are filled with these fears, discontents, and struggles. If a person is filled with these feelings, what can he sow into the world around him? Only what one is filled with, and considering that almost every person most our lives are in such a state, it is not surprising that we live in all this every day.

It turns out vicious circle– we ourselves generate fear, conflict, discontent, we sow it into the world, then we stumble upon the same thing, sowed by someone else, and this generates in us new conflict, discontent, and so on continuously in every event that occurs in life. Even if a person is aware of this situation and does not want to sow negativity into the world, he restrains himself, thereby also generating disagreement with what is. And disagreement with what already exists gives rise to violence - internal violence against oneself, and the result is the same thing, but under a different name.

A person who wants to become spiritually better, kinder, also gives rise to conflict and does the same thing as others, but under a different motto, but the actions themselves are also violence towards someone or oneself. This is how our world works, which people built for themselves and live in it. I have not yet met a single person who would be happy with everything and would rejoice at everything that surrounds him, accepting the world as it is and not trying to change anything in it.

Every person has periods when melancholy and anxiety roll in, when it becomes unbearably sad and as if something is oppressive and irritating inside.

The feeling of inner peace disappears somewhere and remains only feeling of inner emptiness. Oddly enough, it cannot arise unexpectedly and suddenly; it is applied for a long time and regularly, attacking you at the very moment when you absolutely do not need it.

Often a feeling of emptiness in the soul arises against the background unresolved problems with health, family, work, cloudy weather, depression.

But if you look at this in more detail, it turns out that the factors listed above are only a consequence of such a depressed state.

The real reasons emptiness in the soul, fears, anxieties are not personal problems, but the fact that you forget about yourself as an individual, put aside your desires and needs, sacrifice yourself in everyday life.

Did your life seem alien, empty and meaningless to you? Have you ever asked yourself the question “Am I doing everything right?” How often do you think about the fact that just some time ago you imagined your life differently?

No matter how sad it may sound, the feeling of inner emptiness, just like depression, is a disease of modern man.

What to do and how to decide this problem? First, you need to gather your strength and decide for yourself that you are ready to act and fight this problem. In this state you should accept so important decision It will be more difficult, but if you want to start feeling a sense of inner peace and happiness again, then you need to try to convince yourself of this.

Frequent options that most people use on a subconscious level are: these are 2 extremes.

The first extreme consists in a lot of communication, a person tries to hide all the problems in front of himself, believing that a lot of communication with people will help to do this. But, left alone with your thoughts, you will understand that the feeling of emptiness in your soul has not left you.

And the other extreme is self-isolation, loneliness, which leads to excessive and deep introspection, a lot of wrong thoughts and conclusions and withdraw into yourself.

Indeed, what can help you now is working on yourself and self-realization. The first step to improving your condition and situation is to increase your self-esteem.

Understand that in order for self-esteem not to decrease, you do not need to live in discord with your desires, principles and values. Learn to love yourself, start believing in your strengths and your capabilities. Start to value yourself as a person and enjoy life.