Topic on English language hobby. My Hobby – My hobby

Every person has passion for something or does something for pleasure. This is called a hobby. Some people like collecting different objects, some adore handmade things, others simply love reading books.

My hobby

I love photography. Photography is a true art which is not so easy to master. In fact, it is not just an art but a whole science. I like learning new things about photography equipment, exposure, colors and lighting. I read blogs of famous photographers and try to follow their advice.

There are a lot of genres in photography. I like to take pictures of nature and people. Still nature comes alive in a photograph. People, on the contrary, become motionless only in the picture and let the photographer perpetuate the moment of their life. I love portraits. I have taken full-length and half-length portraits as well as family and group portraits.

Why do I like photography?

  1. No pictures are the same. You can take pictures of the same person or place and every time discover something new.
  2. My friends often ask me to take pictures of them. That means they see me as a professional. And I always try to make them happy.
  3. Photography teaches us to notice beauty in simple things. We all are used to living at a fast pace. And only with the camera in our hands we are able to slow down and see unusual in everyday things.

Every person has a passion for something or something they do for fun. It's called a hobby. Some people are into collecting, some are into handicrafts, and some just like to read books.

my hobbies

I love photography. Photography is a true art that is not easy to master. In fact, this is not only an art, but a whole science. I'm interested in learning new things about photography equipment, photo exposure, colors and lighting. I read blogs of famous photographers and listen to their advice.

There are many different genres in photography. I like to photograph nature and people. Still nature comes to life in photography. People, on the contrary, only freeze in photographs and allow the photographer to immortalize a moment of their life. I love portraits. I took portraits in full height and half-length portraits, as well as family and group portraits.

Why do I like photography?

  1. No two photographs are the same. You can photograph the same person or place and find something new every time.
  2. My friends often ask me to photograph them. This means that they consider me a professional. And I try to please them.
  3. Photography teaches us to notice beauty in simple things. We are used to living at a fast pace. And only by picking up a camera do we have the opportunity to look around and see the unusual in the ordinary.
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Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies.

I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day. Sport is a very important part of our life. Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections.

Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball. I have been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis has become very popular now. I take part in different competitions.

To be in a good shape I"m jogging every morning and do my morning exercises. Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV.

If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. Your physical appearance will change too. You will be slimmer and trimmer. And what is even more important you will not get sick often.

Why do I go in for sports? Because I think that it is very important for a man to be strong and well-built. Sport is not for weak, because, you have to learn how to lose, and it"s not easy. My favorite proverb says: "A sound mind in sound body."

Text translation: My Hobby - My hobby (1)

Tastes could not be discussed. Different people like different things, so different people various hobbies.

I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I play tennis every day. Sports is important part our life. Many people are fond of sports, they run, walk, swim, skate and ski, train in clubs and various sports sections.

Physical education is an important subject at school. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball. I've been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis has become very popular now. I take part in many competitions.

To keep fit, I run every morning and do morning exercises. Every person should do their best to stay healthy and should choose a sport that interests them. I don’t understand people who say that they like sports, but yet they only watch it on TV.

If you exercise, you feel much better, you look much better, you sleep much better. Your body will change too. You will become slimmer and more graceful. But more importantly, you won’t get sick often.

Why do I play sports? Because I think it is very important for a man to be strong and well-built. Sports are not for the weak, because you have to learn how to lose, and this is not always easy. My favorite saying goes: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

1. 100 topics of English oral (Kaverina V., Boyko V., Zhidkikh N.) 2002
2. English for schoolchildren and those entering universities. Oral exam. Topics. Texts for reading. Exam questions. (Tsvetkova I.V., Klepalchenko I.A., Myltseva N.A.)
3. English, 120 Topics. English language, 120 conversation topics. (Sergeev S.P.)

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Topics in English on the topic of hobbies provide the most necessary information about the concept of a hobby and its types. This topic on hobbies in English is recommended for study by students in grades 7/8 and contains the necessary vocabulary and grammar when learning English. The essay below on the topic of hobbies in English is very easy for students to understand, because English text In addition, there is a translation into Russian and you can look up all unfamiliar words and phrases.

Topic "Hobby"

Hobbies for children are not only fun, but it is also an opportunity to try and choose the interest of their future profession and find talents. Children can try to choose their hobbies, asking questions themselves like: “What would I like to do regularly in the afternoon, what would I like to learn?” Hobby is something that we like to do and that makes us happy. It is the occupation which people like to do when they have free time and when they want to keep themselves busy. Also, hobby helps people to forget their problems.

Everyone has his own hobby. Some collect stamps and coins, the others are wild about music and drawing. Women like knitting and sewing. The favorite thing to do for some men is fishing.

A hobby of many people is reading books. They read everything they get into their hands. Book lovers have their own small libraries at home. But they often visit school and city libraries, as there they can find new and interesting books for themselves and the ir friends.

People spend their free time in a different way, but many people like sport, reading, listening to music, playing computer games. Some people spend their free time with their friends or family.

Many people adore sport as a hobby because it is fun. There are many kinds of sports: football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, boxing, figure skating, athletics, and others. Every kind of sport can improve the health of people and make them more skilled. Football is extremely popular. It is played in every country of the world and it helps many people to become much more confident and get new friends.

Topic "Hobby" (translation)

For children, a hobby is not only entertainment, but also an opportunity to choose something interesting for their future profession and find the child’s talents. Children can try to choose a hobby by asking questions such as: “What would I like to do after lunch, what would I like to learn?” Hobbies are what we love to do and what makes us happy. This is what people like to do when they have free time and when they want to do something. Hobbies also help people forget about their problems.

Everyone has their own hobby. Some people collect stamps and coins, others are crazy about music and drawing. Women love to knit and embroider. Some men's favorite pastime is fishing.

Books are a hobby for many people. They read everything they can get their hands on. Book lovers have their own little libraries at home, but they often go to school libraries to find new and interesting books for yourself and your friends.

People spend their free time different ways, but many people like sports, reading, music, and playing computer games. Some people spend their free time with family and friends.

Many people love sports as a hobby - it's fun. There are many sports such as football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, boxing, figure skating, athletics and others. Every sport can improve people's health and provide new experiences. Football is especially popular. Football is played in all countries of the world and it helps people become more confident and make new friends.

My hobby is reading. It has been a great pleasure for me since my childhood. The world of literature is fascinating and infinite. It certainly doesn’t mean that I love all the books. To tell the truth, finding a good book is not so easy. I prefer historical novels, classical and informative literature and some professional books concerning business and management as I am going to run a business of my own in the future. I never choose a book only by its colorful cover. As a rule, I look through its pages, read about the writer and his awards. My favorite writers are Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas and Dan Brown.

It goes without saying that some of the books have become my favorites. When I open one of them I immerse in the world of my favorite heroes at once. A book is able to make me laugh or cry because I start feeling exactly what the characters feel. I experience somebody’s pain or joy and I understand that the art of the word in some books is extremely powerful. The book gives me a chance to look at our life through the author’s eyes, to analyze and agree or disagree with his point of view. Sometimes a book can completely change my way of thinking or help me to solve some serious personal or psychological problem.

Unfortunately today most of people and teenagers are not fond of reading. They would rather prefer going to night clubs or just watching TV. They find reading a bit boring or a waste of time. To my mind everything depends on the book. I am sure that without reading one cannot become an intelligent and educated person. People would consider him to be ignorant, illiterate or even ill-mannered, his vocabulary would be quite poor.

I should say that I enjoy reading not only books. I read magazines and I also surf the net and subscribe to interesting sites. These media can undoubtedly provide me with boundless and useful knowledge too. And by the way I often read e-books instead of the paper ones.

The book is my best and precious friend and it’s always with me. I devote most of my free time to reading. I read in transport or when I have to wait in a queue. I always take a good book with me when I travel or go on holidays. And I usually read before going to bed because it helps me to unwind at the end of a long and stressful day. I never feel lonely when I have a great book in my hands.

My hobby is reading. It gives me great pleasure since childhood. The world of literature is fascinating and endless. Of course, this doesn't mean that I love all books. Honestly, find good book not so easy. I prefer historical novels, classical and educational literature and some professional books related to business and management, as I am going to run my own business in the future. I never choose a book based on its colorful cover alone. Typically, I turn the pages, reading about the author and his awards. My favorite writers are Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas and Dan Brown.

Of course, some books have become my favorites. When I open one of them, I am immediately immersed in the world of my favorite characters. A book can make me laugh or cry because I begin to feel exactly what the characters feel. I feel someone's pain or joy, and I realize that the art of words in some books is extremely powerful. The book gives me the opportunity to look at our life through the eyes of the author, analyze and agree or not with his point of view. Sometimes a book can completely change the way I think or help me resolve a serious personal or psychological problem.

Unfortunately, today most people and teenagers are not interested in reading. They prefer going to nightclubs or just watching TV. They find reading boring or a waste of time. In my opinion, it all depends on the book. I am sure that without reading a person cannot become smart and educated person. People will consider him ignorant, illiterate and even ill-mannered, he lexicon will be poor.

It should be noted that I like to read not only books. I read magazines and also surf the Internet and register on interesting sites. These media can also undeniably provide me with limitless and useful knowledge. And by the way, I often read e-books instead of paper ones.

A book is my best and priceless friend, and it is always with me. I devote most of my free time to reading. I read on public transport or when I have to wait in line. I always take a good book with me when I travel or go on vacation (holidays). And I usually read before bed because it helps me unwind at the end of a long, stressful day. I never feel lonely when I have a great book in my hands.

will help you! Good luck!

I have lots of hobbies and, honestly speaking, I can’t choose one. I adore each of them: reading, writing, dancing and traveling.

First of all, I am keen on reading. Since the time I learned how to read I remember reading myself every evening. I am a big fan of classic literature and fiction. My favorite books are “Great Gatsby” and the Harry Potter series.

I am also keen on writing. I practice every day and hope that I will write a book one day. I have won some local competitions where my works were represented and I am really excited about it.

Another hobby of mine is travelling. I have already visited 27 countries and I wish I could visit all of them. That is why I am planning to take a gap year after school and do some volunteering jobs in some countries.

Dancing is my passion. I can’t live a day without doing some physical activity. I prefer modern dance especially contemporary. I have classes several times a week but I also go to the gym to keep fit.

So no matter how many hobbies you may have. The point is to enjoy what are you do. And I can say that I love everything that I do.


I have many hobbies and, to be honest, I can’t choose just one. I love each of them: reading, writing, dancing and traveling.

First of all, I love to read. Ever since I learned to read, I remember myself reading every evening. I'm a big fan of classic literature and science fiction. My favorite books are “The Great Gatsby” and the Harry Potter series.

I also love to write. I practice every day and hope to write a book one day. I have won several local competitions where my work was presented, and I am very happy about it.

Another hobby of mine is traveling. I have already visited 27 countries, and I would like to visit them all. That's why I'm planning to take a gap year after school and do some volunteer work in some countries.

My passion is dancing. I cannot live a day without physical activity. I prefer modern dances, especially contemporary. I have classes several times a week, but I also go to Gym to keep yourself in shape.

So it doesn't matter how many hobbies you may have. The most important thing is to enjoy what you do. And I can say that I love everything I do.

Useful expressions:

To adore each of them - adore each of them (hobby)

To be keen on sth. - To be interested in something

To be a big fan of - To be a fan of something

To take a gap year - Take the “missed year”

To keep fit - Keep yourself in shape