How to communicate in Spain without knowing Spanish. Useful Spanish phrases: tourist phrasebook How to say it in Spanish how much it costs

You have booked your ticket. Your luggage is already packed. You can't wait to start your trip to a country where everyone speaks Spanish.

There is one more simple thing you can do that will come in handy on your trip: learn a few phrases in Spanish! Traveling will definitely be much more exciting and rewarding if you can communicate with native speakers.

In this article, we have selected the most popular Spanish phrases that will help you “survive” while traveling.


Hispanic culture is based on the cult of politeness, you should also always be polite and say “hello” and “how are you?” And don't worry about making mistakes, people around you will do their best to understand you and make sure you understand them. Just try your best and they will be happy to see your efforts.

  • Good morning - Buenos Days(Buenos dias)
  • Good afternoon - Buenas tardes(buenas tardes)
  • Good evening - Buenas nights(buenas noches)
  • Hola (ola)- this is “hello”. You can say hello this way to people you already know.
  • What do you think?(komo esta) - a way to ask “how are you?” in case you are unfamiliar with the person, What do you think?(como estas) - if you know him.
  • If you are asked “how are you?”, answer “ok, thank you” - “Bien, gracias”(bien, gracias) because you are also a polite person.
  • Never forget the key words: please - por favor(por favor) - and thank you - gracias(gracias).
  • When you introduce yourself to someone, you say “Mucho gusto”(mucho thick), and you will hear the same thing in response. It means "nice to meet you."
  • If you suddenly hit an insurmountable language barrier, switch to universal English, just make sure from your interlocutor: ¿Habla ingles?(abla ingles)? - Do you speak English?

Useful basic vocabulary

Even the simplest words and phrases to remember will be of great use to you in everyday communication. You can always use “I want”, “I like”, “Do you have...?”, and if you don’t know how to complete a phrase (for example, you can’t remember the right noun), just point to the item.

  • I want, I don't want - Yo quiero, yo no quiero(yo kyero, yo no kyero)
  • I would like (more politely) – Me gustaria(me gustaria)
  • Where is? – What do you think?(donde esta)?
  • What is the price? – ¿Cuánto cuesta?(cuanto cuesta)?
  • How much time? – ¿Qué hora es?(ke ora es)?
  • You have? – ¿Tiene?(tiene)?
  • I have it, I don’t have it - Yo tengo, yo no tengo(yo tengo, yo no tengo)
  • I understand, I don't understand - Yo entiendo, yo no entiendo(yo entiendo, yo no entiendo)
  • You understand - ¿Entiende?(entiende)?

Simple verb forms: where is, I want, I need

You can express many thoughts and requests using simple verb forms. The important thing is that you can say a variety of things by using “I want,” “I need,” “I can,” “I could,” or “where is,” and then simply adding a noun. It may not be so easy for you, but you will definitely be understood.

  • I want a ticket to a hotel, a taxi - Yo quiero un boleto, un hotel, un taxi(yo kyero un boleto, un hotel, un taxi)

How do I get there?

If you're a little lost or unsure of how to get somewhere, you need a few simple phrases to help you find the right path. "Where is?" in Spanish it sounds like “¿dónde está?” (donde esta?), let's look at this question in action based on a few examples:

  • Where is the railway station? – ¿Dónde está la estación de ferrocarril?(donde esta la estacion de ferrocarril) or “autobuses” (autobuses).
  • Where is the restaurant? – How about a restaurant?(donde esta un restaurante)?
    - Train? – ¿Un tren?(un tren)?
    - Street …? – ¿La calle...?(la saye)?
    - Bank? – ¿Un banco?(un banko)?
  • I am looking for the restroom. – What do you think?– (donde esta el banyo)?
  • I want a hotel, I want a hotel with a bathroom - Yo quiero un hotel, yo quiero un hotel con baño(yo kyero un hotel, yo kyero un hotel kon banyo)
  • I need - Yo necesito(yo neseshito). A very useful phrase, just add a noun:
    Yo necesito un hotel, un cuarto, un cuarto con baño– (yo neseshito un hotel, un cuarto son banyo)
  • Where is the exchange office located? where is the bank located? – ¿Dónde está una casa de cambio?(donde esta una casa de cambio);
    How about it?(donde esta el banco)?
  • Money – Dinero (dinero).

Driving directions

Once you ask a question about how to get somewhere, you will hear the answer in Spanish. Remember some simple instructions in Spanish that someone might give you, such as telling you to turn right or left or to go straight ahead. Listen to these keywords:

  • Right side - a la derecha(a la derecha)
  • Left-hand side - a la izquierda(a la izquierda)
  • Straight ahead - derecho(derecho)
  • On the corner - en la esquina(en la esquina)
  • In one, two, three, four blocks - a una cuadra, a dos, tres, cuatro cuadras– (a una cuadra, a dos, tres, cuatro cuadras)

At a restaurant: what do you want to eat or drink?

These are probably the phrases you'll need most when you're in a restaurant. Order something using something you already know "quiero"(quiero) or "quisiera"(kissier) – “I want” or “I would like.” And don't forget to talk “por favor” And "gracias"!

  • Table - Una mesa(una masa)
  • Table for two, three, four - Una mesa para dos tres, cuatro(una mesa para dos, tres, cuatro)
  • Menu – Un menú(un menu)
  • Soup - Sopa(sop)
  • Salad - Ensalada(ensalada)
  • Hamburger (also necessary!) – Hamburguesa(amburgesa)
  • With ketchup, mustard, tomato, lettuce - Con salsa de tomate, mostaza, tomate, lechuga– (con salsa de tomate, mostaza, tomate, lechuga)
  • Snack – Una entrada(una entrada)
  • Dessert - Un postre(un postre)
  • Drink - Una bebida(una babyda)
  • Water – Agua(agua)
  • Red wine, white wine – Vino tinto(Bino Tinto), vino blanco(bino blanco)
  • Beer - Cerveza(serveza)
  • Coffee - Un café(un cafe)
  • Call a waiter or waitress - ¡Señor! or ¡Señorita!(senior or señorita)
  • Check - La cuenta(la cuenta)

Miscellaneous information

  • Credit cards. Many places in small towns still don't accept credit cards, so be sure to have plenty of cash with you. You can ask if credit card is accepted - una tarjeta de credito(una tarheta de credito). If you have questions, you can always use nouns as a question. For example, you could take out your credit card and ask ¿Tarjeta de credito? They will understand.
  • Universal word: No funciona(but functional) – no, it doesn’t work. You can use this in many other circumstances. Just point to a shower or something and say: “¡No funciona!”
  • Practice saying everything out loud, so, firstly, you will remember some phrases without having to “peep” them, and secondly, you will learn to pronounce them quickly and, at the same time, smoothly. Simply listening to the person speaking will also help you understand people.
  • Take a small pocket dictionary with you. Of course, you don't want to look for the right verb conjugation in the middle of a conversation, but you will always find the right noun quickly. Download this dictionary before your trip, it will definitely come in handy more than once.

1 – uno (uno)
2 – dos (dos)
3 – tres (tres)
4 – cuatro (cuatro)
5 – cinco (cinco)
6 – seis (seis)
7 – siete (siete)
8 – ocho (ocho)
9 – nueve (nueve)
10 – diez (dies)

P.S. You will learn more useful phrases in the online course.

Russian-Spanish phrasebook with pronunciation. Going to trip to spain or to cities and countries, where they speak spanish, take this one with you spanish phrasebook.

Spaniards try to enjoy every moment of their lives. The Spanish language is as emotional and passionate as their songs and dances.

When writing, Spaniards put question and exclamation marks not only at the end of a sentence, but also at the beginning, thereby enhancing the expression of speech. Planning trip to spain, be sure to study at least a few phrases of this Russian-Spanish phrasebook with pronunciation, because one of the most favorite pastimes of the Spaniards is “osio” - the opportunity to talk.





¡ Hola! Hello! Ola!
¡ Buenos días! Good morning! Buenos dias!
¡ Buenas tardes! Good afternoon Banos tardes!
¡ Buenas nights! Good night! Buenas noches!
What do you think? How are you? Como estas?
Bien, gracias.¿Y usted? OK, thank you. And you? Bien, gracias. And usted?
No estoy bien. Badly. But estoy bien.
Má s o menos. So-so. Mas o menos.
¡ Bienvenido! Welcome! Bienvenido!


¿Cómo te llamas? What is your name? Como te yamas?
Me llamo... My name is… Me yamo...
Mucho gusto en conocerte Nice to meet you Mucho gusto en konoserte
¿De donde eres? Where are you from? De donde eres?
Yo soy de Spain. I'm from Spain. Yo soi daeEspaña.
¿Cuántos años tienes? How old are you? Quantos anos tienes?
Yo tengoaños. I'm... years old. Yo tengo... anjos.
¿A qué te dedicas? What do you do? A ke te Dedikas?
Soy estudiante. I am a student. Soy estudiante.
¿En qué trabajas? What is your job? En que trabajas?
El director. I am a director. El director.
El empresario. I'm a businessman. El empresario.
El arquitecto. I'm an architect. El arcitecto.
¿ Usted habla Inglés? Do you speak English? Usted abla ingles?
Si Yes Si
No No But
No entiendo I don't understand But entendo
¿Me puedes repetir eso? Repeat please Me puedes rapper eso?

Communication and questions

¿Dónde? Where? Where? Dongde?
¿Cuándo? When? Cuando?
¿Por qué? Why? Por ke?
¿Qué? What? Ke?
¿Cuál? Which? Kual?
¿Quien? Who? Qian?
¿Cómo? How? Como?
¿Nos trae la cuenta, por favor? Could you bring us the bill, please? Nos trae la cuenta, por favor?
¿Cuánto cuesta? How much does it cost? Cuanto cuesta?

Expression of gratitude

Gracias Thank you Gracias
Por favor Please Por favor
De nada My pleasure De nada
Disculpe Sorry Disculpe


Adios Goodbye Adyos
¡ Hasta mañana! See you tomorrow! Hasta mañana!
¡Nos vemos pronto! See you soon! Nos vemos pronto!
¡Que tengas un buen día! Have a nice day! Ke tengas un buen dia!

I wish…

¡Enhorabuena! Congratulations! Enorabuena!
¡Felicidades! Best wishes! Felicidades!
¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy Birthday! Feliz kumrlăños!
¡Feliz aniversario! Happy wedding! Feliz aniversario!
¡Que aproveche! Bon appetit! Ke aproveche!
¡Que tengas suerte! Good luck! Ke tengas suerte!
¡Buen viaje! Have a good travel! Buen vyahe!

Where and how to speak Spanish correctly?

Spanish is spoken by about 500 million people on the planet. There are about 60 countries in the world with significant Spanish-speaking populations, even America is a country where they speak spanish.

Spanish is one of the easiest languages ​​to learn. Almost all words in it are read as they are written, with some exceptions:

h – unreadable

ll – in is read as “th”, but there are also other national variants “l”, “j”

y – read as “th”, and if used as a conjunction, then “and”

j – reads like Russian “x”

z – like “c” (Latin America) or English “th” (Spain)

ñ – read softly “n”

r – “rr” if it is at the beginning of a sentence or when there are two rrs in a word

с – before a, o, u – like “k”; before e, i – like “c” (Latin America) or English “th” (Spain)

g – before i and e – like the Russian “x”, before the other vowels “g”.

The uniqueness of the culture of a people is expressed in the dialect and language spoken by the population of the country. Studying Russian-Spanish phrasebook, pay attention to our foreign phrase books for traveling to other foreign countries:

So now you know how to speak spanish correctly. We recommend that you print this with pronunciation and use it while traveling.

Currently, Spain is the country most frequently visited by Russian-speaking tourists. However, for some reason the Spaniards are in no hurry to learn Russian, just like English. In Barcelona, ​​Madrid and large tourist cities it is quite possible to communicate in English, but if you want to see non-tourist Spain, be prepared for the fact that the locals will only speak Spanish. Apparently, this is why most tourists either trustingly attach themselves to Russian-speaking hotel guides, or constantly engage in pantomime when communicating with the Spaniards :)
To make your holiday more enjoyable and comfortable, try to remember a few essential words and phrases in Spanish.

I want to warn you right away that the Spanish language may sound indecent for Russian speakers, but keep in mind that “h” is almost never read, two “ll” are read like “th”. For example,

  • Huevo is pronounced "huebo" (egg) in Spanish.
  • Huesos is read as “uesos” (bones)
  • Perdi – “perdi” (I lost) – from the verb perder (to lose)
  • Dura – “fool” (lasts)
  • Prohibir – “proibIr” (prohibit)
  • Debil – “dEbil” (weak) – often found on water bottles, means that the water is, for example, slightly carbonated.
  • Llevar – “yebar” (to wear). Para llevar – “para yebar” (takeaway, for example, food in a cafe to take away)
  • Fallos - “fiOs” (errors)

So, here we go – the most useful words and phrases in Spanish!

Greetings and goodbyes in Spanish

In the photo: the faster you learn a few phrases in Spanish, the more enjoyable your vacation will be :)

In Spain, to greet a person, you just need to call him Olya :)
It is written – Hola! Pronounced – something between “Ol I” and “Ol A

A more formal greeting: “Good afternoon!” – Buenos dias! – pronounced “b” U enos d AND ac"

Good evening! – Buenas Tardes! – “buenas tardes” – is always used in the afternoon.
Good night! – Buenas Noches! – “Buenas noches” (night) – used after 19 hours.

To say goodbye, Spaniards rarely say the famous phrase, thanks to Arnold Schwarzenegger, “hasta la vista” (see you later). Most often they will say: “See you soon!” – Hasta luego! – “Asta luEgo”
Well, or they say “farewell (those)” - Adios - “adyOs”

Tell your interlocutor your name, for example: “my name is Anton” - Me llamo Anton - “me yamo Anton”
You can say where you are from: “I’m Russian/Russian” - Soy ruso/rusa – “Soy Ruso / Rusa”

Daily words and phrases in Spanish, politeness

Residents of Malgrad de Mar talking on the street

Affirmative answer: yes – Si
No – No.
It’s more polite, of course, to say “no, thank you!” - No, gracias! - “but, grAsias”

A very important word that always helps in Spain: “please” - por favor- "por favor"
And another “thank you” - Gracias– “grasias” (in the middle of the word the letter “s” is unclear and even has a lisp)

In response you can hear: “You’re welcome!” - De nada – “de nada”

If we want to apologize, we say “I beg your pardon” – Perdon – “fartOn”
To this, Spaniards often respond: “everything is fine (no big deal)!” – No pasa nada – “but pasa nada”

How to ask for directions in Spanish

To practice Spanish, ask locals for directions

Sometimes a tourist gets a little lost in the city. Then it's time to ask in Spanish:
where is…? – ?Donde esta...? - “DOnde estA?”

For example, if you are going to travel and cannot find the bus station, learn a phrase in Spanish: “Donde est A la Parada de Autobus?” Of course, a detailed answer in Spanish may be discouraging, but a Spaniard will most likely duplicate the direction with his hand :)

Street signs in Figueres city

Here are some other useful Spanish words for directions:

To the left – Izquierda – “Iskierda”
To the right – Derecha – “derEcha”
Straight – Recto – “recto”

In Spanish, “street” is Calle – “caye”

We ask where the Rambla is - ?Donde esta la calle Rambla? - “Donde estA la caye Rambla?”
We ask where the beach is – ?Donde esta la playa? - “Donde estA la playa?”

You can search for the Russian Embassy - “Where is the Russian Embassy?” – ?Donde esta la embajada de Rusia? - “donde estA la embahAda de Rusia?”
Another useful line: “Where is the toilet?” – ?Donde estan los aseos? - “Donde estAn los asEos?”

Basic Spanish words for transport

To navigate along the way, a tourist will still have to remember a dozen Spanish words

Schedule – Horario – “orArio”
Sales – Venta – “venta”
Ticket (for transport) - Billete - “biyEte” or “bilEte”. You can say “ticketE” - they also understand normally.
If you need a “Round and Back” ticket, the cashier needs to say: “Ida i Vuelta” - “Ida and Vuelta”
Card (travel card, subscription, also a bank card) - Tarjeta - “tarkhEta”
The next station is Proxima Parada.

Train - Tren – “tren”
Path, platform - Via – “bia”
Taxi/metro/bus – Taxi, metro, autobus – “taxi, metro, autobus”

Express your opinion or desire in Spanish

Advanced tourists very quickly begin to understand and speak Spanish

I like! - Me gusta – “me gusta!”
I don't like! - No me gusta – “but me gusta!”

I would like to - Querria – “qErria”
This is good! - Esta bien – “estA bien!”)
Very good! - Muy bien – “muy bien!”
I don't want! - No quiero – “but quiero!”

Clarifications regarding mutual understanding + help

I don’t speak Spanish – No hablo espanol – “but Ablo Español”

Do you speak Russian? - Habla ruso? - “Abla ruso?”
Speak English? – Habla ingles? - “Abla Inglas?”

At first, this phrase will be the most popular: “I don’t understand” – No entiendo – “but entEndo”
The Spaniards very often confirm, they say, “Got it” - “Vale” - “Bale!”

"Help me please!" – ?Ayudeme, por favor! - “ayudEme, por favOR!”

Shopping, bookings

In the photo: tourists are interested in the prices of souvenirs in Bilbao

What it is? – ?Que es esto? - “que es esto?”
The basic phrase for shopping: “how much is it?” – ?Cuanto cuesta? – “cuAnto cuEsta?”)
If you are going to pay for a purchase with a bank card, it will be - Con tarjeta - “con tarjeta”
Cash - Efectivo - “effectibo”

Car – Coche – “koche”
Entrance (to any establishment) - Entrada - “entrAda”
Exit – Salida – “salIda”

I booked a room – Tengo una reserva de la habitacion – “Tengo una reserva de la habitacion”

If you need to spend the night, you can say: “two beds for this night” - Dos kamas por esta noche - “dos kamas por estA noche”

Phrases in Spanish about food (in a restaurant, store, market)

In the photo: a fragment of the menu in a small restaurant, Malgrad de Mar

Sometimes, when buying food in a cafeteria or bar, Spaniards ask: Do you take food “to go?” - Para llevar? - “Para yebAr?” If you want to eat in a cafe, then you can answer a short “No” and add: “I will eat here” - Para aquí - - “Para akI”

I’ll order... – Voy a tomar... – “fight a tomar”

Bon appetit! - Buen provecho! - “buen provecho”. Or often just “provEcho!”

Hot – caliente – “calEnte”
Warm up – calentar – “calentAr”

The check, please! - La cuenta, por favor! – “la cuenta, por favour”

Meat – Carne – “kArne”
Fish – Pescado – “peskado”
Chicken – Pollo – “poyo”

If, when ordering chicken, you say not “Poyo”, but “Pollo” (if you read “pollo” as you are used to), you will get an indecent word and you will have to say “Perdon” :)

Seafood – Mariscos – “marIskos”
Pasta – Pastas
Bread – Pan – “pan”

Spanish words and phrases about drinks

Drinks – Bebidas – “babyIdas”
Coffee with milk – Cafe con leche – “cafe con leche”

Beer – Cerveza – “SerbEsa”

The most important phrase for mastering Spain: “two beers, please!” Dos cervezas, por favor!- “dos sirbEsas, por favOR!”

Sparkling water – Agua con gas – “Agua con gas”
Still water – Agua sin gas – “Agua sin gas”

Black tea – Té Negro – “te negro”
Green tea – Té Verde – “te vErde”
Sugar – Azúcar – “Atsukar”
Spoon – Cuchara – “kuchAra”
Spoon (small) – Cucharilla – “kucharIya”
Fork – Tenedor – “tenedor”

For the Spaniards, the sounds “b” and “v” are almost the same. This will be noticeable when you mention, for example, “wine”

White wine – El vino blanco – “El Bino Blanco”
Rose wine – Rosado – “El Bino Rosado”
Red wine – Tinto – “El Bino TInto”

If you want to order two glasses of red wine: “two glasses of red, please!” Dos copas de vino tinto, por favor!- “dos copas de bino tinto, por favOR!”

Juice – Zumo – “ZUMO” (the sound is fuzzy, lisping)
Orange juice, please – Zumo de Naranja, por favor! - “zumo de naranja, por favOr!”

The 7 Most Important Words and Phrases in Spanish

It’s difficult to remember everything before your first trip, so remember at least the 7 most important words and phrases in Spanish that you will definitely need:

  1. Hello! – Hola! – “Ola”

Holidaying in Spain is a pleasure. Sea water, the burning southern sun, interesting sights, delicious national dishes, and hospitable locals make you return to Spanish resorts again and again. Communicating with temperamental Spaniards using sign language is easy and fun, but let's still learn some Spanish words for tourists.

Let's remember the basic phrases in Spanish so that you can communicate in public places, shops, hotels, cafes. You don’t even have to study, but write down the necessary words in a notebook and read them out if necessary during your vacation. Or use our Russian-Spanish phrasebook online, which includes the most important topics for tourists.

Russian-Spanish phrasebook for tourists: common phrases

You can argue that you are going to live at a resort where the staff speaks Russian and English, so Spanish is not needed for tourists. Yes, you can have a wonderful holiday in Spain without knowing the language, but you will deprive yourself of one wonderful pleasure, namely communication with the locals.

  • Good morning! – Buenos dias! (Buenos dias)
  • Good afternoon - Buenas tardes! (buenas tardes)
  • Good evening! - Buenos nights! (buenas noches)
  • Hello! – Hola! (ola)
  • Goodbye – Adios (adios)
  • Good – Bueno (bueno)
  • Bad – Malo (little)
  • Enough/enough – Bastante (bastante)
  • Small – Pequeno
  • Big – Grande (grande)
  • What? - Que? (ke)
  • There – Alli (ayi)
  • Here – Aqui (aki)
  • How much time? – Que hora es? (ke ora es)
  • I don’t understand – No entiendo (but entiendo)
  • I'm so sorry - Lo siento (losiento)
  • Can you speak slowly? – Mas despacio, por favor (mas-despacio, por-favor)
  • I don’t understand – No comprendo (but-comprendo)
  • Do you speak English/Russian? – Habla ingles/ruso? (abla ingles/rruso)
  • How to get/get to…? – Por donde se va a...? (pordonde se-va a...)
  • How are you? - Que tal? (ke tal)
  • Very good – Muy bien (muy bien)
  • Thank you – Gracias (gracias)
  • Please – Por favor (por favor)
  • Yes – Si (si)
  • No – No (but)
  • Sorry - Perdone
  • How are you doing? - Que tal? (ketal)
  • Thank you, great – Muy bien, gracias (muy bien, gracias)
  • And you? – Y usted? (juste)
  • Very nice to meet you – Encantado/Encantada (encantado/encantada)
  • See you later! – Hasta pronto (hasta pronto)
  • Okay! (Agreed!) – Esta bien (esta bien)
  • Where is/are...? – Donde esta/Donde estan..? (dondesta/dondestan...)
  • How many meters/kilometers from here to...? – Cuantos metros/kilometros hay de aqui a...? (quantos metros/kilometros ay de-aki a...)
  • Hot – Caliente (caliente)
  • Cold – Frio (frio)
  • Elevator – Ascensor (assensor)
  • Toilet – Servicio (service)
  • Closed – Cerrado
  • Open – Abierto
  • No smoking – Prohibido fumar (provido fumar)
  • Exit – Salida (salida)
  • Login – Entrada
  • Tomorrow – Manana (manyana)
  • Today – Hoy (oh)
  • Morning – La manana (La Manana)
  • Evening – La tarde (la-tarde)
  • Yesterday – Ayer (ayer)
  • When? - Cuando? (kuando)
  • Late – Tarde (arde)
  • Early – Temprano (temprano)

How to explain yourself without knowing Spanish

Our Russian-Spanish phrasebook includes the most necessary Spanish words for tourists with translation and transcription so that you can greet your interlocutor and start a conversation with him. All phrases in Spanish are divided by topic, all you have to do is select the sentences you need and read them.

Don't be afraid to be funny. In any country, the local population treats tourists who try to communicate in their native language with great cordiality and understanding.

  • Railway station/train station – La estacion de trenes (la-estacion de trenes)
  • Bus station – La estacion de autobuses (la estacion de autobuses)
  • Tourist Office – La oficina de turismo
  • City Hall/Town Hall – El ayuntamiento (el ayuntamiento)
  • Library – La biblioteca (la library)
  • Park – El parque
  • Garden – El jardin (El Hardin)
  • City Wall – La muralla (la-muraya)
  • Tower – La torre (la-torre)
  • Street – La calle (la caye)
  • Square – La plaza
  • Monastery – El monasterio/El convento (El monasterio/El combento)
  • House – La casa (La Casa)
  • Palace – El palacio (el palacio)
  • Castle – El castillo
  • Museum – El museo (el museo)
  • Basilica – La basilica (la-basilica)
  • Art gallery – El museo del arte (el museo delarte)
  • Cathedral – La catedral
  • Church – La iglesia
  • Tobacco shop – Los tabacos (Los Tabacos)
  • Travel agency – La agencia de viajes
  • Shoe store – La zapateria
  • Supermarket – El supermercado (el supermercado)
  • Hypermarket – El hipermercado
  • Newsstand – El kiosko de prensa
  • Mail – Los correos (los correos)
  • Market – El Mercado (El Mercado)
  • Hairdresser – La peluqueria
  • The dialed number does not exist – El numero marcado no existe (El numero marcado no existe)
  • We were interrupted - Nos cortaron (nose cortaron)
  • The line is busy – La linea esta ocupada (ea line esta ocupada)
  • Dial a number – Marcar el numero (Marcar el nimero)
  • How much are the tickets? – Cuanto valen las entradas? (cuanto valen las entradas)
  • Where can I buy tickets? – Donde se puede comprar entradas? (donde se puede comprar entradas)
  • When does the museum open? – Cuando se abre el museo? (cuando se abre el museo)
  • Where is? – Donde esta (Donde esta)
  • Where is the mailbox? – Donde esta el buzon? (donde esta el buson)
  • How much do I owe you? – Cuanto le debo? (quanto le debo)
  • I need stamps for – Necesito sellos para (necesito seyos para)
  • Where is the post office? – Donde estan Correos? (donde estan correos)
  • Postcard – Postal (postal)
  • Hairdresser – Peluqueria
  • Down/below – Abajo (abajo)
  • Up/above – Arriba (arriba)
  • Far away – Lejos
  • Near/close – Cerca (serka)
  • Straight – Todo recto (todo-rrecto)
  • To the left - A la izquierda (a-la-Izquierda)
  • To the right - A la derecha (a-la-derecha)
  • Call the fire department! - Llame a los bomberos! (yame a los bomberos)
  • Call the police! – Llame a la policia! (yame a-lapolisia)
  • Call an ambulance! – Llame a una ambulancia! (yame a-unambulansya)
  • Call a doctor! - Llame a un medico! (yame a-umediko)
  • Help! - Socorro! (socorro)
  • Stop it! (Wait!) – Pare! (pare)
  • Pharmacy – Farmacia (pharmacy)
  • Doctor – Medico (medical)

Phrases in Spanish for cafes, restaurants

When ordering a dish at a restaurant, make sure it contains exactly the ingredients you want to eat. Below are the most common Spanish words used by tourists to order food and drinks in restaurants and cafes.

  • Red wine – Vino tinto (tinto wine)
  • Rose wine – Vino rosado (rosado wine)
  • White wine – Vino blanco (blanc wine)
  • Vinegar – Vinagre
  • Toasts (fried bread) – Tostadas (tostadas)
  • Veal – Ternera
  • Cake/pie – Tarta (tarta)
  • Soup – Sopa
  • Dry/dry/oe – Seco/seca (seco/seca)
  • Sauce – Salsa (salsa)
  • Sausages – Salchichas (salchichas)
  • Salt – Sal (salt)
  • Cheese – Queso
  • Cake(s) – Pastel/pasteles (pastel/pasteles)
  • Bread – Pan
  • Orange(s) – Naranja/naranjas (naranja/naranjas)
  • Vegetable stew – Menestra (menestra)
  • Shellfish and shrimp – Mariscos
  • Apple(s) – Manzana/manzanas (manzana/manzanas)
  • Butter – Mantequilla (mantequilla)
  • Lemonade – Limonada (lemonade)
  • Lemon – Limon (lemon)
  • Milk – Leche (leche)
  • Lobster – Langosta (langosta)
  • Sherry – Jerez (sherry)
  • Egg – Huevo (huevo)
  • Smoked ham – Jamon serrano
  • Ice cream – Helado (elado)
  • Large shrimps – Gambas
  • Dried fruits – Frutos secos (frutos secos)
  • Fruit/fruits – Fruta/frutas (fruit)
  • Check, please – La cuenta, por favor (la cuenta, por favor)
  • Cheese – Queso (queso)
  • Seafood – Mariscos
  • Fish – Pescado
  • Properly fried – Muy hecho (muy-echo)
  • Medium-roasted – Poco hecho
  • Meat – Carne
  • Drinks – Bebidas (babydas)
  • Wine – Vino (wine)
  • Water – Agua (agua)
  • Tea – Te (te)
  • Coffee – Cafe (cafe)
  • Dish of the day – El plato del dia
  • Snacks – Los entremeses (los entremeses)
  • First course – El primer plato
  • Dinner – La cena
  • Lunch – La comida/El almuerzo (la comida/el almuerzo)
  • Breakfast – El desayuno (el desayuno)
  • Cup – Una taza (una-tasa)
  • Plate – Un plato (un-plato)
  • Spoon – Una cuchara (una-cuchara)
  • Fork – Un tenedor (un-tenedor)
  • Knife – Un cuchillo (un-kuchiyo)
  • Bottle – Una botella
  • Glass – Una copa (una-copa)
  • Glass – Un vaso (um-baso)
  • Ashtray – Un cenicero (un-senicero)
  • Wine list – La carta de vinos (La carta de vinos)
  • Set lunch – Menu del dia
  • Menu – La carta/El menu
  • Waiter – Camarero/Camarera (Camarero/Camarera)
  • I am a vegetarian – Soy vegetariano (soy vegetariano)
  • I want to reserve a table – Quiero reservar una mesa (quiero reservar una mesa)
  • Beer – Cerveza (servesa)
  • Orange juice – Zumo de naranja (sumo de naranja)
  • Salt – Sal (salt)
  • Sugar – Azucar (asukar)

Spanish words for tourists for different situations

Always keep a Russian-Spanish phrasebook at hand during your vacation; perhaps it will come in handy many times and even help you out in an emergency. To travel around Spain, you don’t need to know the language thoroughly; it’s enough to remember words in Spanish for specific situations in a store, hotel, taxi and other public places.

In transport

  • Could you wait for me? – Puede esperarme, por favor (puede esperarme por favor)
  • Stop here, please – Pare aqui, por favor (pare aki por favor)
  • To the right - A la derecha (a la derecha)
  • To the left - A la izquierda (a la Izquierda)
  • Take me to the hotel... - Lleveme al hotel... (Lleveme al otel)
  • Take me to the train station - Lleveme a la estacion de ferrocarril (Lleveme a la estacion de ferrocarril)
  • Take me to the airport – Lleveme al aeropuerto (Lleveme al aeropuerto)
  • Take me to this address - Lleveme a estas senas (Lleveme a estas senas)
  • What is the tariff until...? – Cuanto es la tarifa a...? (quanto es la tariffa a)
  • Can I leave my car at the airport? – Puedo dejar el coche en el aeropuerto? (puedo dejar el coche en el aeropuerto)
  • Where can I get a taxi? – Donde puedo coger un taxi? (donde puedo kocher un taxi)
  • How much does it cost on...? – Cuanto cuesta para una... (cuanto cuesta)
  • When should I return it? – Cuanto tengo que devolverlo? (quanto tengo ke devilverlo)
  • Is insurance included in the price? – El precio incluye el seguro? (el precio inclue el seguro)
  • I want to rent a car – Quiero alquilar un coche

In a hotel, hotel

  • Hotel – El hotel (el-hotel)
  • I reserved a room - Tengo una habitacion reservada (tengo una habitacion reservada)
  • Key – La llave (la-yave)
  • Receptionist – El botones (el-botones)
  • Room with view of the square/palace – Habitacion que da a la plaza/al palacio (habitacion que da a la plaza/al palacio)
  • Room overlooking the courtyard – Habitacion que da al patio
  • Room with bath - Habitacion con bano
  • Single room – Habitacion individual
  • Double room – Habitacion con dos camas
  • With a double bed – Con cama de matrimonio (concama de matrimonio)
  • Two-room suite – Habitacion doble
  • Do you have a free room? – Tienen una habitacion libre? (tenen unabitación libre)

In the shop

  • Can I try this on? – Puedo probarmelo? (puedo probarmelo)
  • Sale – Rebajas
  • Too expensive – Muy caro (muy caro)
  • Please write this - Por favor, escribalo (por favor escribalo)
  • What is the price? – Cuanto es? (quanto es)
  • How much does it cost? – Cuanto cuesta esto? (quanto questa esto)
  • Show me this - Ensenemelo (ensenemelo)
  • I would like... - Quisiera... (kisiera)
  • Give me this please – Demelo, por favor (demelo por favor)
  • Could you show it to me? – Puede usted ensenarme esto? (puede usted ensenyarme esto)
  • Could you give it to me? – Puede darme esto? (puede darme esto)
  • What else do you recommend? – Me puede recomendar algo mas? (me puede recomendar algo mas)
  • Do you think this will suit me? – Que le parese, me queda bien? (ke le parese, me keda bien)
  • Can I pay by credit card? – Puedo pagar con tarjeta? (puedo pagar con tarheta)
  • I'll take it - Me quedo con esto (me quedo con esto)

Numerals in Spanish

If you pay for purchases in a store or market, or for travel on public transport, then you cannot do without knowing how to pronounce numbers in Spanish. You don’t have to teach how to translate numerals from Russian into Spanish, but show them on your fingers, but do something nice for the seller - speak to him in his native language. Many tourists get good discounts this way.

  • 0 – Cero (sero)
  • 1 – Uno (uno)
  • 2 – Dos (dos)
  • 3 – Tres (tres)
  • 4 – Cuatro (quattro)
  • 5 – Cinco (cinco)
  • 6 – Seis (seis)
  • 7 – Siete (siete)
  • 8 – Ocho (ocho)
  • 9 – Nueve (nueve)
  • 10 – Diez (diez)
  • 11 – Once (onse)
  • 12 – Doce (dose)
  • 13 – Trece (trese)
  • 14 – Catorce
  • 15 – Quince
  • 16 – Dieciseis (dieciseys)
  • 17 – Diecisiete (diecisiete)
  • 18 – Dieciocho (dieciocho)
  • 19 – Diecinueve
  • 20 – Veinte (veinte)
  • 21 – Veintiuno (veintiuno)
  • 22 – Veintidos (veintidos)
  • 30 – Treinta
  • 40 – Cuarenta
  • 50 – Cinquenta
  • 60 – Sesenta
  • 70 – Setenta
  • 80 – Ochenta (ochenta)
  • 90 – Noventa
  • 100 – Cien/ciento (sien/siento)
  • 101 – Ciento uno (Ciento uno)
  • 200 – Doscientos (dossientos)
  • 300 – Trescientos (tressientos)
  • 400 – Cuatrocientos (quatrocientos)
  • 500 – Quinientos (quinientos)
  • 600 – Seiscientos (seissientos)
  • 700 – Setecientos (setesientos)
  • 800 – Ochocientos (ococientos)
  • 900 – Novecientos (novecientos)
  • 1 000 – Mil (miles)
  • 10,000 – Diez mil (diez miles)
  • 100,000 – Cien mil (cien miles)
  • 1,000,000 – Un million (un million)

Let us repeat that most major tourist establishments in Spain have their own translators; the service staff knows several foreign languages ​​well. But if you are a fan of independent travel, then a paper or electronic Spanish phrasebook will definitely come in handy. We hope that our list of useful phrases in Spanish will help you relax comfortably and recharge with positive emotions all year round. Have a great holiday!

When planning a new trip, many of us think through the route in advance and try to answer the questions: “Where to go?”, “What to see?”, “Which restaurant to dine at?” Knowing the basics of Spanish will help you experience much more than just good food and beautiful sights.

Our Spanish expert - Natalia Volkova I have collected a selection of necessary phrases. Thanks to them, you will be able to deeply experience the atmosphere of this cheerful country and touch its everyday life. In addition, it has long been known that most Spaniards do not speak English.

Even knowing such basic phrases as “¡Hola!” and “¿Cómo estás?” will help you feel more comfortable while traveling.

Learn to greet and say goodbye in Spanish

The simplest universal greeting ¡Hola! - Hello!

There are also phrases indicating the time of day, for example: ¡Buenos días! - Good morning! Good afternoon (can be heard from 6.00 to 12.00 noon), ¡Buenas tardes! - Good afternoon! (from 12.00 to 20.00) and ¡Buenas noches! - Good evening! (from about 20.00) the Spaniards use the same phrase to wish “Good night!” The answer to these greetings can be a repetition of these phrases, or only part of them: ¡Buenas tardes! - ¡Buenas!

Everyday phrases in Spanish

¿Cómo está(s)?How are you?
¿Qué tal la vida?What's up? Can be used with words such as: la familia, los estudios, el trabajo.
Muy bienVery good
Asi asiso-so
Сomo siempreAs always
¿y tú?And you?
¿y usted?And you?
¿Qué tal te va el viaje?How was the trip?
¿Qué hay (de nuevo)?What's new?
¿Qué pasa?What's happening?
Está bien, no pasa nadaNothing, everything is fine.
Lo siento mucho, de verdadI'm really sorry, I really am.

How to say thank you

In the city

¿Hay algún mercadillo al aire libre por aquí?Is there any outdoor flea market nearby?
de sellos y monedasstamps and coins
de ropaclothes
¿Dónde está.....?Where is....?
Está a la vuelta de la esquinaaround the corner
Está a 5 minutos de aquífive minutes from here
Está a 10 minutos a pie / corriendo / en bici / en coche10 minutes walk / run / bike / car
Seguir todo rectogo straight
Seguir hasta el final de la callewalk to the end of the street
Girar a la izquierda/a la derechaturn left/right
Cruzar la callecross, cross the street
Rodear el parquego around the park
¿A qué hora se abre el museo?When does the museum open?
¿A qué hora quedamos?What time do we agree to meet?
¿Dónde se puede comprar las entradas?Where can I buy entrance tickets?
¿Las entradas se puede comprar en la entrada del museo o por internet?Can tickets be purchased at the museum entrance or online?
¿Cuánto valen las entradas?How much are the tickets?
¿Aquí se puede fotografiar?Can I take photos?
Los lugares de interésattractions
El hotelhotel
El Bancobank
El cajero automáticoATM
La oficina de cambioexchange office
La cafeteriacafe
El supermercadosupermarket
El mercadobazaar
El Quioscokiosk
El museomuseum
El alquiler de cochescar rental



Quería una habitación.I would like to rent a room.
Reservar una habitaciónbook a room
Una habitación doble / individual / de lujodouble / single / luxury room
Tener una reserve de habitaciónhave a room reservation
Confirmar la reserveconfirm your reservation
La habitación que da a la piscina / con vistas al marroom with pool/sea view
Completar la ficha con los datos personalesfill out the form with personal information
¿A qué hora tengo que dejar la habitación?What time do you release your room?
¿Está incluido el desayuno?Breakfast included?
¿Podría pedir una pizza a mi habitación?Can I order pizza to my room?
¿Puedo usar el ascensor?Can I use the elevator?


Ir de comprasgo shopping
Ir a las rebajasgo to sales
¿Tiene la talla S/M/L?is there size S/M/L?
¿Dónde puedo probarme este vestido?Where can I try on this dress?
¿Podría usted mostrarme estos pantalones negros?Could you show me these black pants?
Quería probarme estas espadrillas.I would like to try on these espadrilles.
¿Tienes el número 38?Is there a size 38? (about shoes)
¿Hay la talla S/M/L?is there size S/M/L?
¿Hay estas sandalias en otro color?Are these sandals available in other colors?
¿Me podría decir el precio, por favor?Can you tell me the price please?
Pagar con tarjeta/ en efectivopay by card/cash
Tengo la tarjeta del clubI have a discount card
El probadordressing room
La cajacash register
¿Podría ayudarme?Can you help me?

Restaurant and cafe

“Qué me recomienda?”What do you advise?
¿Me recomienda algún plato tradicional?Can you recommend me any traditional dish?
Quería probar algo típico de esta ciudad / región.I'd like to try something typical of this city/region.
¿Tiene un menú vegetariano?Do you have a vegetarian menu?
¿Cuál es el plato del día?What's the dish of the day?
¿Qué lleva?What is it made of?
¿Tiene ajo?Is there garlic in there?
Quisiera algo de/sin....I would like something with/without....
¿Con qué viene?What does it come with? (with what side dish)
What do you mean by guarnición lleva?What side dish?
Para mí el salmón con la ensalada mixtaI'd like salmon and mixed salad.
El gazpachogazpacho
La tortilla de patatastortilla
El pescado al vapor con espárragossteamed fish with asparagus
Las gambas / pollo a la planchafish / shrimp / grilled chicken
Una ración de mejillones/caballa/patatas fritasone portion of mussels / sea bass / French fries
Me gustariaI would like...
De primeroon the first
De segundofor the second
De postrefor dessert
la magdalenacake
la ensaimadasweet bun sprinkled with powder
los churrosChuross
el heladoice cream
Para beberfrom drinks
una taza de café solo / con lechea cup of black coffee / with milk
un vaso de zumo de naranja/manzanaglass of orange/apple juice
una botella de agua mineral con gas/sin gasbottle of sparkling/still mineral water
Disculpa.../ Perdona....Sorry (sorry)
Por favor, me traiga...Can you please bring it to me...
otra copa de vinoanother glass of wine
tinto, seco, blancored, dry, white
Dejar una propinaleave a tip
La cuenta, por favorThe check, please.

Grocery store

Quería un kilo de.../ un kilo y medio/ medio kilo de...I need 1 kilogram..../one and a half kilos/half a kilo...
Póngame / deme tres plátanosPut/give me 3 bananas.
Una docena de huevosa dozen eggs
Doscientos gramos de queso / jamón200 grams cheese / jamon
Un paquete de harina / lechepacket of flour/milk.
Un manojo de esparragosbunch of asparagus
Una lata de atúntuna can piña en conservacanned pineapple
Una botella de vinoa bottle of wine
Un cucurucho de heladoone ice cream cone
Una barra de pana loaf of bread
Deme una bolsa grande / pequeñacan I have a large/small package
¿Algo más?Anything else?
Nada más, gracias.Nothing more, thank you.
Eso es todo.This is all.

Dates and times

Days of the week


¡Necesito ayuda!I need help!
¡Socorro! ¡Auxilio!For help!
Mi móvil se quedó sin saldoI've run out of money on my mobile.
¿Puedo usar su móvil?Can I use your phone?
He perdido mi pasaporte.I've lost my passport.
¡Llame a la policía/ambulancia!Call the police/ambulance!
Necesito un doctor.I need a doctor.
Me he cortado/quemado.I cut myself/burned myself.
Me han robado mi móvil.My mobile phone was stolen.
Me han atacado.I was attacked.
Quiero denunciar un robo.I want to report a robbery.

Basic Spanish phrases will open up a variety of communication possibilities for you.

You can easily order coffee, ask how to get to the Sagrada Familia, where to buy tickets, and maybe exchange a few phrases with smiling Spaniards!

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