Download French study guides. The best French textbooks

Yu.N. Glumova, O.V. Drozdova, V.V. Kolesnikova



D. Renault

"Professor Micron's Secret"

"Adventures in Parisian Museums", "Incident on the Water Bus"


I. Simona

"School Theater"

First stage



Methodicala note

Le secret du professeur Micron

Premier itineraire

Deuxième itinéraire

Aventures dans les muses é es de Paris

Premier itineraire

Deuxième itinéraire

Enquête sur un bateau-mouche

Premier itineraire

Deuxième itinéraire

Th é Attre du collège

Corrigé s


Tutorial for home reading on the books of modern French writers is addressed to first-year students of MGIMO faculties studying French as the main language, and second-third year students in second language groups.

The manual includes the books by D. Renaud “The Secret of Professor Micron”, “Adventures in the Parisian Museums”, “The Incident on the River Bus” and I. Simon “School Theater”, as well as additional dialogues and texts thematically related to the content of the analyzed books.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of July 9, 1993 No. 5351-1, the authors this manual used in their work, with the obligatory indication of the names of the authors whose works are used, and the source of borrowing, legally published works and excerpts from them as illustrations (in in a broad sense) to the extent justified by the stated goal or methodology.

Methodical note

The main goals of the manual are: improvement of reading skills, development of skills and abilities of oral speech, expansion and activation of vocabulary, repetition and consolidation of individual grammatical phenomena within the framework of the first year program of the main language and the second and third courses of the second language based on the vocabulary of the books read, the formation of skills writing a resume.

The manual consists of 10 sections with the same structure:

    book text;

    French-Russian dictionary that makes it easier to work with text;

    exercises aimed at removing grammatical difficulties of the text;

    exercises that involve activating new vocabulary;

    exercises aimed at repeating grammatical material based on the vocabulary of books;

    exercises that control the correct understanding of the content of books and develop skills in writing summaries and making value judgments.

At the end of work on the book, the student is asked to outline the content of the storyline from the perspective of various characters, express his own attitude to events and characters, and explain the title of the book.

The manual takes into account the methodological principle of repeated repetition of one lexical unit in different contexts for its better assimilation.

The manual has two versions: the first is intended for classes conducted under the guidance of a teacher in a multimedia classroom, the second is for independent work by students. The presence of two versions allows you to: increase the productivity of students in the classroom, using the capabilities of multimedia technology and the large screen; optimize students' preparation for classroom training; help students in case of missing classes to make up for lost time as much as possible.

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Publishing house

The year of publishing


Gavrishina I.N.,
Guseva L.I.,
Yakovleva N.V., Ivantsova E.I.
and Lyzhina T.L.

French. Language of profession: management

Ogorodov M.K.

French. Political translation

Osetrova M.,
Samorodova E.,
Dubynina M.

Textbook “Constitution of the French Republic”

Tsybova I.A.
Minimum educational French-Russian word-formation dictionary
MGIMO 2011
Dubynina N.V.
multimedia textbook " Interactive program on French grammar" (levels A1-A2)
Lyakhova I.V. A manual for working in a multimedia classroom based on the novel by M. Levi "Where are you?" French MGIMO 2008 76 p.
Popova G.F.
Shishkovskaya O.V.
French. Textbook on commercial correspondence. Levels B1, B2 MGIMO 2008 142 p.
Popova G.F.
Shishkovskaya O.V.
French. Textbook on commercial correspondence. Part 2 MGIMO 2008 158 p.
Rekosh K.H. French. Some problems European law MGIMO 2008 112 p.
Shinkaryuk S.A. Linguomosaic MGIMO 2008 192 p.
Gavrishina I.N.
Krylova A.S.
Popova G.F.
French for Economists MGIMO 2007 240 pp.

Rudakova O.V.

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin “French Lessons”.

Study guide for foreign students

Ivanova L.P.

Tutorial for the DIS VOIR video course

Istomina G.D.

Mitrofanova L.G.

A collection of texts for developing oral and writing

Glumova Yu.N.

Drozdova O.V.

Kolesnikova V.V.

A home reading guide based on books by contemporary French writers

D. Renaud “The Secret of Professor Micron”,

"Adventures in Parisian Museums"

"The River Bus Incident" and

I. Simona “School Theater”

Nikitina G.I.

Orlova E.P.


French language of political scientists

Bobrova S.V.

Tutorial on French based on the book “Beware of the Ghost” by D. Reno.

For working in a multimedia classroom

Dubrovskaya N.B.

Drozdova O.V.

A textbook for home reading based on the book “Carmen” by P. Merimee

Kolesnikova V.V.

French language tutorial for the video course “Areeplaisir”

Lyakhova I.V., Samarina K.V.

France on the move: panorama social problems

Aleksandrovskaya E.B., Loseva N.V.

A manual for teaching analytical reading and abstracting in French.
For senior students

Belkina O.E., Petrova M.L.

Cinema in France. - Collection of regional studies materials

Istomina G.D., Mitrofanova L.G.

Ethics business communication
(For senior students)
Drawing up a personnel certificate-objective (CV), attachments to it, samples of personal and business correspondence

Karpukhina G.K.

Diplomatic correspondence.
Textbook for 3rd and 4th year students

Karpukhina G.K.

Diplomatic correspondence.
Textbook for students of faculties international relations and political science

Kurganskaya L.A.

Summarizing texts in French.
Textbook for 4th year students of the International Law Faculty

Popova G.F.

A collection of lexical and grammatical exercises in French for beginners.
To the textbook "L.L. Potushanskaya et al.
Beginner course French"

Teplova E.V.

A textbook on the French language. Some aspects of the diplomatic service.
For 3-4 year students of the Faculty of International Relations

You can study foreign languages ​​independently or with a teacher, individually or in groups, but in any case with the help of textbooks and dictionaries. Today there are a huge number of books for learning French and auxiliary materials, which add variety to the routine learning process, making it more interesting and rich. But it is difficult to find an ideal textbook that meets absolutely all requirements.

Even the most best books do not always cover all aspects necessary for learning a foreign language. Some instill the skills of correct pronunciation, others only provide knowledge of the basics of grammar, others help develop to a greater extent language competence (writing/speaking). Therefore, if you want to master a particular language (in our case, French), you need to acquire several “helpers.”

Since learning a foreign language involves mastering phonetics, grammar and vocabulary, it is best to use not one textbook that briefly covers all these aspects, but several separate books, each of which is devoted to a specific aspect. In particular, if we're talking about about a thorough rather than superficial study of the language. Below is a selection of the best textbooks intended for those who are just starting to learn French and for those who want to improve their existing knowledge.

Progressive phonetics of the French language. First level.(Phonétique progressive du français. Niveau débutant.)

A book that is practical course French phonetics with numerous exercises and audio materials. The textbook is designed for beginners adolescence and adults. Each chapter provides explanations accompanied by phrases from Everyday life. This allows you to correct/correct your pronunciation, as well as expand your vocabulary with new expressions.

Progressive phonetics of the French language. Average level.(Phonetique progressive du francais avec 600).

This textbook is intended for students who want to move to the intermediate level of studying the subject. This manual comes with a CD with exercises aimed at understanding speech. The manual includes a number of exercises for repetition and consolidation of material already covered. The manual also contains tasks in the form of dialogues followed by gaming options for reading that correspond to the student's level.

All exercises in the textbook are classified according to three levels of difficulty - beginner, intermediate and advanced. All answers are given at the end of the publication. The teaching principle is as follows: the student must listen to the material, then try to repeat it, and then complete tasks for better understanding different nuances speech.

PhoneticsVdialogues(Phonetique en dialogues).

The textbook is addressed to adults and teenagers who are beginning to learn French or have advanced knowledge of low level knowledge. This manual helps to work on both articulatory and prosodic features of the French language, as well as solve a number of other problems that have arisen. An audio disc with exercises and dialogues serves as an appendix to the textbook.

The manual presents dialogues that are often found in different situations, exercises and texts to help you study new language with interest and pleasure. There is humor in almost all dialogues. The dialogues are carried out by two characters participating in scenes of everyday life. Dialogues are characterized by high repetition of sounds that form the subject of the lesson.


Grammar of the French language Popova-Kazakova.

The effectiveness of this classic French textbook has been tested by dozens of generations of students. This manual was reprinted 20 times, revised and supplemented, as a result, the latest edition fully meets modern requirements. The textbook is an indispensable “assistant” both for beginners and for university students ( philological faculties).

With the help of this manual, you can quickly learn how to correctly pronounce words and phrases, replenish lexicon, develop communication skills, study grammar, develop sound perception, and ultimately reach new level learning French.

Textbook of French spelling and grammar La première annee de grammaire.

The textbook has theoretical and practical significance. The manual consists of 10 chapters with applications and exercises. It allows you to independently increase the level of your knowledge and develop the ability to perceive foreign speech. The directory can also be used if difficulties arise in completing any written works in French: an essay, an essay or even a research paper.

GrammarVdialogues(Grammaire en Dialogues).

Published in 2007 by Cle International and authored by Claire Mique, the French textbook is intended for in-depth study grammar and its features. The convenience of this manual lies in the principle of constructing the material: grammar rules and concepts for better perception appear in dialogues. All dialogue topics are devoted to ordinary everyday life situations.

French grammar in exercises. 400 exercises with keys and comments

The purpose of this manual is to form grammatical skills, to develop grammatical skills. The textbook contains 400 exercises, ranked by difficulty, as well as keys and answers. The manual is perfect for schoolchildren, teachers, university students, as well as for self-study grammars.

Grammatical difficulties of the French language. Brief dictionary use of prepositions.

The proposed manual was created to help schoolchildren and students, teachers and everyone else who uses French verbally and writing. The dictionary will help you learn how to correctly construct phrases and phrases in terms of syntax.

The dictionary includes the most difficult cases prepositional/non-prepositional controls used in modern French. All cases are accompanied by translation, brief interpretation(where necessary), examples and various stylistic notes.

Communication and vocabulary

La communication progressive du francais.

An accessible and understandable textbook for beginners. Advantage this textbook is that it can be used equally effectively for individual lessons and for group or class activities. A beginner will certainly discover a lot interesting aspects, existing in the French language, and will be surprised how easily they can be remembered and learned. As for the age category, the material presented in the textbook is designed for adults, high school students and students.

French. Vocabulary in pictures A.I. Ivanchenko.

A French language textbook designed for elementary students secondary schools– 2-3 grades. This textbook gives students the necessary amount of knowledge junior classes, and in an understandable form. The purpose of this manual is to develop lexical skills and associative logical thinking in children.

The author strives to help them understand the essence of the French language and teach French in a playful way. Interesting exercises will help kids develop their imagination, open up Creative skills. The 160 pages of the manual are full of fascinating illustrations, conversational topics and puzzles. There are no unnecessary ones in the textbook grammatical structures which can be difficult for children.

Le Franceais de la communication professionnelle

Nowadays, when business cooperation between countries is growing from year to year, successful activity specialists depends not only on their qualifications, their personal and business qualities, but also on their knowledge of a foreign language (oral communication).

The proposed textbook contains 10 sections devoted to business French, which is necessary in business communication. This guide is also great for those preparing to enroll at la Chambre de Commerce et d`Industrie de Paris. Grammatical aspect occupies in the textbook special place. The training of specialists who already speak French provides for their further improvement in the study of foreign language communication.

French tutorials for beginners

Textbook on French Popova - Kazakova.

For those who are starting to learn French, this textbook is one of the most convenient and most recommended. The purpose of this textbook is to teach grammar, spelling, and practice correct pronunciation, teach how to write and speak French correctly, communicate freely on a wide range of topics: from simple comics to classics French literature.

Beginning French course Potushanskaya L.L. Kolesnikova N.I. Kotova G.M.

Designed for a fairly wide range of people: beginners, university students and faculty students foreign languages, philology, as well as those who study French in courses. One of the main objectives of the textbook is to teach colloquial speech. The entire structure of the book is built on this goal and this goal explains unconventional method introduction of sounds, various grammatical structures and vocabulary.

The textbook presents designs active vocabulary, characteristic specifically for French colloquial speech. As a result, already at initial stage can carry on a simple conversation.

French in action. WellForbeginners.

Pierre Capretz, a renowned teacher and writer, became the author of progressive audio and visual methods teaching French, allowing the student to easily learn modern French. The textbook, published by Yale University Press in 1987, provides basic and average levels language learning. The entire course consists of a textbook of 336 pages, a transcription book (161 pages) and 52 episodes of a humorous television game (teleplay) with representatives of all ages and professions. Each episode lasts 30 minutes.

The professor devotes the first 8 lessons to teaching students the basics of the French language. And from lesson 9, each lesson begins with an 8-minute skit with the characters and subsequent detailed comments from the professor, in which he explains new vocabulary and grammatical categories.