The use of interactive training and development programs in the educational process. Determining the previous number

ON THE. Kukushkin.

Electronic textbooks and training programs can be divided into three types: descriptive, interactive textbooks and training programs.

Descriptive textbooks include an electronic textbook developed by me for studying the 1C-accounting program in the form of an electronic book.

The textbook was developed using WEB technologies, then compiled in a special program into an executable file. The entire textbook is a set of pages on which the entire sequence of actions necessary for the formation of a particular document is presented in graphical mode. Arrows with text indicate where the cursor should be placed, and inside these arrows there is a detailed description of what needs to be done after placing the cursor in the desired menu bar or window input field. To go to the next page, you need to place the cursor on the "Continue" button and press the left key. Working with such a textbook is simple and comfortable. All information is provided visually; you don’t need to read a lot. It is especially convenient to use such a textbook for self-study of the program. I used this textbook for practical training of students at the Novosibirsk Industrial College. Many students wished to burn this textbook onto a CD.

During my time at the technical school, I encountered an unpleasant phenomenon: students constantly delay the completion and timely delivery of course projects. A similar phenomenon occurs in diploma design. After analyzing the situation, I came to the conclusion that in the conditions of a new, large flow of information in the course design process, old methods of searching for information are used, namely reference books on paper, i.e. books. At the same time, completing a course project, and even more so a diploma project, requires simultaneous work with a large amount of literature.

I have made an attempt to combine the necessary reference materials and a calculation system in one program, in such a way as to eliminate the routine work of searching for the necessary information and mathematical calculations. Thus, when completing a course or diploma project, the student is left with the creative part of the work: he must correctly select certain data, assign certain parameters depending on the operating conditions of the device, and enter them into the program input fields, after which the program will perform the necessary calculations, and in case of incorrect choice of some parameters, it will inform the student about his error. In this case, the program will guide the student through the entire calculation algorithm, pointing out to him all the features of this calculation.

It should be noted that to automate the calculation process, you can make a simpler program in which you just need to enter the necessary data, and it will select the necessary parameters and make the calculation; such a program is good for a ready-made specialist, and not for training. Since in this case the learning effect of course design is lost. Therefore, I wrote the program in such a way that the student went through the entire algorithm and independently selected all the parameters and entered them into the appropriate fields. Thus, the program itself does practically nothing for the student - it only replaces a microcalculator and a reference book for him! This program will guide the student through the entire calculation algorithm, which achieves not only automation of the calculation, but also a certain educational effect. A certain advantage of the program is the fact that having started the calculation, the student cannot interrupt the calculation without losing the data. Thus, the student is forced to complete the calculation in one go. If necessary, you can split the calculation into several separate stages with the ability to save intermediate results.

To develop these programs, I used the Visual Basic Express Edition programming environment, which is distributed free of charge.

In this software environment, I developed a program that teaches how to calculate bevel gears for strength. The program works according to the wizard principle: step by step the student enters the necessary data and gradually calculates the drive based on the bevel gear. The calculation results are saved as a text file in MS Word or OpenOffice .org Writer format. It is possible to save the results as a spreadsheet file.

Each wizard window is made in the form of a mnemonic diagram, where arrows indicate the path to perform the task, and the necessary text information is placed inside the arrows. In addition, the window contains text information explaining the progress of the calculation.

If the student misses any step in the calculation, the program will notify him about it. The program has built-in necessary reference books that display information either directly in the window or in the form of lists. Thus, this program not only automates the process of calculating the drive, but also teaches the student to use electronic reference books, which are replacing paper reference books all over the world. In this way, it is possible to automate coursework and diploma design, both in technical and economic disciplines, wherever it is possible to create a mathematical model of the device or process being calculated. Such programs allow you to simulate a large number of gear transmission options with different input parameters during the lesson and establish dependencies output parameters from input ones.

To study the theoretical part of the “Machine Parts” course, I have developed an interactive electronic textbook, entirely made using WEB technologies.

This textbook contains sequential information about machine parts with 3D illustrations; in addition, 3D animation is used to show the operation of mechanisms and gears.

All over the world, and here in Russia, there is a transition to reference books in electronic form: e-books, databases and other means. The use of electronic textbooks and training programs contributes to the development of students’ independent learning skills and is a very promising area of ​​activity for teachers.

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Computer Science and Information Technology




Head Department Vorobiev V.I. _________________

personal signature, date

Head: Prokhorov V.S. __________________

personal signature, date

N/controller: Prokhorov V.S. ___________________

personal signature, date

Student: Mazitov M. A. ___________________

personal signature, date

Group: AS - 04 - 1


1. On the economic side, Lobkovskaya O.Z. _____________________

personal signature, date

2. On life safety, N.P. Fandeev. ______________ personal signature, date

Novomoskovsk 2009


Novomoskovsk Institute (branch) of the State educational institution of higher professional education

“Russian Chemical Technology University named after D.I. Mendeleev"

Faculty of Cybernetics Department of VTIT

Specialty ASOIU


Head department

« » 2009


Mazitova Marseille Alexandrovicha

(Full Name)

Project topic Development interactive educational programs By "Informational technologies" approved by order of the institute dated “27” February 2009 No. 461/62

2. The deadline for the student to submit the completed work is _______________________

3. Initial data for the project necessary materials relatively NIPC; documentation informational character

4. Contents of the settlement and explanatory note (list of issues to be developed) 1. Theoretical Part: Requirements To systems remote training; Advantages And flaws remote training; Review some existing solutions (Microsoft Learning Gateway, Prometheus, Macromedia Authorware Moodle); Choice And justification solutions delivered tasks. 2. Design Part: Installation general parameters course; Formation scheme course; Creation subsystems testing; Creation test; Insert video lessons. Publication course. 3. Economic Part: Labor intensity development AIS; Calculation costs on development AIS; Definition possible (negotiable) prices AIS; Economic justification choice complex technical And software funds; Grade socially - economic results functioning AIS. 4. Safety vital activity: Theoretical Part; Calculation and analytical Part.

5.List of graphic material 1. Main page course, Page With educational material. 2. Page creation test With multiple choice, Page test With multiple choice. 3. Page creation test With binary choice, Page test With multiple choice 4. Page creation test With filling form, Page test With filling form. 5. View Withpagess report O result testing, Window installations parameters publications.

6.Work consultants

7.Date of assignment _____________________________________________


The task was accepted for execution by _______________


Name of stages

graduation project

Project stage completion time

Collection of material and processing of information

Formation of tasks and development of the LMS structure

LMS development

Adjustment and debugging of LMS

Calculation of the economic part

Work on the BJD section

Preparation of graphic material

Working on an explanatory note

Graduate student ________________

Project Manager ______________


Explanatory note 88 pp., 50 figures, 11 tables, 8 sources.


This diploma project sets the task of developing an interactive training program in “Information Technologies”.

This system should ensure the issuance of educational material in the discipline “Information Technology” and passing a test to consolidate the material in this discipline. To implement the system, the visual environment for developing interactive educational materials was chosen, Macromedia Authorware 7.0.

The created system consists of two main subsystems:

This work was developed for the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology.


1 Problem statement

2 Theoretical part

2.1 Requirements for distance learning systems

2.2 Review of some existing solutions

2.2.1 Microsoft Learning Gateway

2.2.2 LearningSpace

2.2.3 Macromedia Authorware

2.2.5 Prometheus

2.3 Selection and justification for solving the problem

3 Design part

3.1 Setting general course parameters

3.2 Formation of the course outline

3.2.1 Course introduction

3.2.2 Main part of the course

3.2.3 Creating a navigation system

3.2.4 Filling course frames with content

3.3 Creating a testing subsystem

3.3.1 Implementing multiple selection

3.3.2 Creating a binary choice test

3.3.3 Creating a fill-in-the-blank test

3.3.4 Enabling the rating generation block

3.4 Course publication

4 Economic part

4.1 Labor intensity of AIS development

4.2 Calculation of costs for AIS development

4.3 Determination of the possible (negotiable) price of AIS

4.4 Economic justification for choosing a set of hardware and software

4.5 Assessment of socio-economic results of AIS functioning

5 Life safety

5.1 Theoretical part

5.1.1 Fire hazardous and toxic properties of substances and materials used when performing work

5.1.2 Characteristics of potential hazards and hazards that may arise during the experimental part of the work

5.1.4 Sanitary and hygienic characteristics of the premises

5.1.5 Safety conditions during the experimental part of the work General requirements for the organization of workstations for PC users Requirements for the organization and equipment of workstations with PCs for adult users

5.1.6 Electrical safety

5.1.7 Fire safety and fire extinguishing equipment

The following measures are aimed at fire prevention:

5.1.8 Environmental protection

5.2 Civil defense measures

5.3 Calculation and analytical part

5.3.2 Certification of the workplace according to the degree of intensity of the labor process


List of sources used


At a difficult stage in the development of our society, when seemingly insoluble problems appear, there is a particularly acute shortage of qualified specialists in various areas of our life. Training qualified specialists for our country is a problem that needs to be solved in the very near future with the help of the education system. The modern world, modern life require the use of new progressive forms of education.

In addition, with all the variety of forms of training, it is impossible to say categorically that all of them are used as efficiently as possible and are accessible to every potential subject. The opportunity to get an education and realize one’s intellect should be given to anyone who wants it. These requirements in the system of higher professional education are met by the distance learning system.

Distance learning should be understood as an organization of learning in which a student has access to educational materials and teacher consultations at any time of the day, seven days a week and in the place where he is located.

The relevance of using distance learning is no longer in doubt.

The use of distance learning provides a number of advantages, which usually include the following:

The ability to combine various forms of information presentation (text, graphic, animation, video, audio);

Application of “learning by doing” exercises;

Possibility of adapting the course to the individual characteristics of students;

Giving students the right to control the size and order of delivery of portions of educational material;

Providing a technological basis for flexible interaction between students and teachers;

Effective training in performing “mechanical” operations.

Distance learning works where it is difficult to organize any other kind. Traditionally, with its help, enterprises solve the problems of mass training of hundreds of employees in the skills of working with various office applications, for example, with a program. For a large corporation, distance learning allows you to organize simultaneous training and retraining of personnel in all of its branches, regardless of their distance from the main office.

Distance learning, like no other, easily adapts to the specifics of a particular organization and even to the level of individual preparedness of each employee. The testing system will tell a new student which section he should start learning from. If the technology or course version is updated, the system can quickly adapt to such changes. Thus, distance learning allows you to avoid the obsolescence of knowledge and loss of qualifications of company specialists, which is important in the context of dynamically changing technologies.

So, the main advantages of distance learning are: reduction in the cost of training, a significant increase in the efficiency of the educational process, mass availability, constant relevance, flexible schedule.

1 Stagingtasks

This thesis sets the task of creating a training program in “Information Technologies”.

This system should ensure the issuance of educational material in the discipline “Information Technology” and passing a test to consolidate the material in this discipline. Therefore, the system should be designed and developed as a system consisting of two main subsystems:

A training subsystem designed for issuing educational material;

Diagnostic subsystems that provide verification of the trainee’s performance.

2 TheoreticalPart

2.1 RequirementsTosystemsremotetraining

Distance learning solutions must meet the following requirements:

To be comprehensive, that is, to cover all stages of learning and all participants in the learning process - students, teachers and parents (bosses);

Be customizable, that is, it must adapt to the customer’s needs, both by changing settings and using additional software components;

Have a simple and clear user interface for students and teachers who may not be IT professionals;

Provide the maximum number of communication options between students and teachers, such as a forum, instant messaging, audio and video communication;

Provide opportunities for stakeholder (parents or supervisors) to monitor student progress.

2.2 Reviewsomeexistingsolutions

2.2.1 MicrosoftLearningGateway

The requirements described above are fully satisfied by the solution from Microsoft - Microsoft Learning Gateway (hereinafter MLG). The Microsoft Learning Gateway solution is implemented as a portal (a set of components such as news, calendar, mail, a list of classes or assignments), combining a number of Microsoft server products and a set of components, each of which implements its own functionality (Table 1). Along with using ready-made components, it is possible to develop your own to add unique functions to the portal that are not implemented in the standard solution.

Table 1 - List of Microsoft products used

in Microsoft Learning Gateway


Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003

portal interface, content aggregation, personalization, list of portal root documents, personal MySite website, indexing (crawling) and search

Windows SharePoint Services

Web sites of departments (schools), teachers, students and parents, sites of study groups (classes) and projects/tasks (assignment), rooms of teachers (virtual departments), sites for creating content by subject areas (KLA - Key Learning Areas) and content storage, document libraries and forums.

Microsoft Class Server 3.0

creation and publication of training courses, educational process management

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003

email and calendar

Microsoft Office Live Communication Server 2005

real-time collaboration, instant messaging infrastructure

Microsoft SQL Server 2000

database services for SharePoint, Class Server and instant messaging

Microsoft ISA Server 2004

namespace integration, caching, firewall, intrusion detection and request routing

Microsoft Metadirectory Services 2003

synchronization of Active Directory and information stored in the Class Server SQL database

Server products can operate on one or more servers, depending on customer requirements and the number of students in the educational institution.

Teachers can use the Learning Gateway in the following ways:

View existing resources needed for distance learning and create new ones from one workplace and using one account;

Use the same information when teaching different groups of students, without having to re-enter this information;

Perform interaction and communication with colleagues;

Provide access to standard-approved learning materials prepared by third-party educators;

Perform automated verification of assignments given to students;

Use the calendar to plan events included in the educational process.

Students can use the Learning Gateway in the following ways:

Access all educational programs and assignments from home or a computer lab, that is, from any place equipped with a computer that has a network connection to the Learning Gateway servers;

Use a variety of materials as teaching aids: HTML, Word files, PowerPoint presentations, Flash animations, video and audio recordings and much more;

View the list of teachers and students currently online and ask them questions, including through audio and video communications;

Use the calendar to view events included in the educational process, such as online communication with the teacher, tests, etc.

Parents and bosses can use Learning Gateway in the following ways:

Determine what their children or subordinates are doing at the moment;

Track the progress of your children and students;

View tasks completed by your children (subordinates);

View calendar events related to their children (subordinates);

Communicate with teachers and discuss with them issues of teaching your children and subordinates.

At the same time, data about other people's children (subordinates) is not available to parents (bosses).

Please note that these lists of Learning Gateway functionality are not exhaustive, but are only a description of the basic capabilities of MLG.

2.2.2 LearningSpace

LearningSpace is a unique software learning environment that uses modern web technologies, which allows you to reach any number of students with training - from a small group to an entire organization. It combines the possibilities of “classical” teaching with modern information technologies based on the automation of interaction between teachers and students. LearningSpace was developed jointly by Micromedia and IBM Lotus.

LearningSpace is the latest, full-featured, flexible distance learning platform for educational institutions, which provides support for three modes of distance learning:

Independent supervised learning (the student individually gains access to educational materials and can independently work in a learning environment with a wide range of opportunities);

Asynchronous collaborative learning (learning in a rich, interactive environment with tutorials, exercises and discussion of various issues - almost like in a regular “live” classroom, but without the restrictions of time and space);

Synchronous (real-time) collaborative learning (in a virtual classroom, teachers can quickly and easily deliver any type of content to the class using standard traditional text, audio, and video conferencing tools).

Five specialized databases allow students to solve problems, conduct discussions, and participate in classroom activities that fully address the demands of group learning.

The Schedule database is the central module of the system, allowing participants to view training materials and exercises, take tests, solve problems and conduct research. The Schedule database reflects the course structure created by the instructor;

The MediaCenter database stores articles, news, book chapters, abstracts and summaries. Through it you can access the World Wide Web and other external sources of information. The MediaCenter database can also store additional information that goes beyond the course of study and allows students to conduct individual research according to personal inclinations and requirements;

The CourseRoom database is an interactive environment in which students conduct discussions among themselves and with the teacher, and also jointly solve problems and perform various tasks;

The Profiles database contains information about students and teachers, including contact information (address, phone number, etc.), photographs and information about the course of study, experiences gained and hobbies;

The Assessment Manager database is the means by which instructors evaluate each student's work and report the results to them. Materials for tests, tests and exams are sent to students through the Schedule database, and completed work is sent for verification by email to the Assessment Manager database.

LearningSpace makes it easy to enroll students in courses: the employee can do it themselves. Enrollment tools allow you to create “rules” that describe how students can automatically enroll in various academic programs and courses.

In order to fully take into account the specific content and structure of educational programs in LearningSpace, programs have been developed to train course designers and teachers.

"Introduction to Course Design in LearningSpace" teaches program developers and educators how to create effective and dynamic online learning programs.

Program developers and educators learn to strategize how to use LearningSpace tools and capabilities to achieve learning goals. This program includes presentations and practical exercises on developing and modifying a curriculum, structuring a database of student profiles, creating a multimedia library of student assignments and course materials, organizing and leading electronic discussions, and organizing the review of student work.

Teaching in LearningSpace was developed by distance learning experts to help educators understand what it means to teach in an electronic environment to a distributed audience. This program includes hands-on training in the use of LearningSpace administrative and instructional tools to support teaching methods and impart essential knowledge to students. Particular attention is paid to the role and experience of the remote teacher, as well as strategies for distributing, managing and assessing work in a distributed environment with an emphasis on group learning work.

LearningSpace's three-tier architecture can be configured to run on a single server or across multiple servers.

2 . 2 .3 MacromediaAuthorware

The Authorware package is designed for creating compact multimedia applications that involve the joint use of various forms of presentation of material: text, drawings, video and sound. This tool can also be used to prepare “regular” electronic presentations, similar to those made using Power Point. However, Authorware is focused primarily on creating electronic learning systems. In this regard, its capabilities are significantly wider than those of packages for preparing presentations. The tools included in Authorware allow you to almost fully implement modern requirements for the construction and organization of e-learning systems. At the same time, the user who will work with such a training system may not know anything at all about Authorware. The point is that the final product created in Authorware is an independent application that can either be burned to disk (on a CD or floppy, depending on the size) or published on the Internet. When posting a training course on the Internet, it is possible to remotely register users with subsequent processing of information about their success in studying the course using a learning management system - LMS, hosted on the server. To “package” the sent data, Authorware includes a special XML editor called SCO Metadata Editor.

The environment has built-in support for distance learning standards AICC, SCORM, ADL.

Authorware has extensive capabilities for importing and integrating multimedia data. Import of Macromedia Flash, Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple QuickTime and many other formats is supported. It is possible to play streaming video and audio, as well as DVD video. The environment also has built-in technology support: XML, JavaScript, ActiveX.

Working with Authorware is a lot like working with Lego. You are offered a variety of parts from which you can assemble one or another composition. There are few different types of parts - a little more than a dozen. However, this does not limit your possibilities at all.

Authorware uses different types of tests:

Binary choice (True/False Question) - as an answer to a question, the student must choose one of two options - “yes” or “no”;

Choice “one of many” (Single Choice Question) - the student must choose one (correct) of several proposed options;

Multiple Choice Question - the student must choose all the correct options from among those proposed;

Multiple choice with an unknown number of options (Hot Spot Question) - the student is presented with graphic objects that he must move (using the mouse) to the corresponding area on the screen;

Ordering objects (Hot Objects Question) - the student must select the presented objects in accordance with some feature;

Manipulation of objects (Drag-drop Question) - the student must move the presented objects in accordance with some rule; The difference from the previous type of testing is that the student is required not only to know the rules, but also to have the necessary motor skills;

Filling out the form (Short Answer Question) - the student must enter a free-form answer into the text field, but using certain keywords (terms used in the subject area in question).

Authorware provides the ability to export the developed course to all possible formats with one click. This procedure is initiated by the Publish command. As a result of executing this command, you receive three output files at once: an executable file (with the .exe extension), a file for the Authorware player (with the .a6r extension) and an HTML file that ensures that the course is loaded into the Web browser window.

Authorware also provides tools that should simplify the development of Authorware and increase the efficiency of working with it.

Such means include:

Multimedia introductory course on Authorware;

An electronic reference book on the technology of using Authorware in general (implemented as a set of HTML pages displayed on the screen using a Web browser installed on your computer);

An electronic textbook explaining the technology of using Authorware using the example of creating a simple but complete application;

A system of contextual hints for the main components and elements of the Authorware interface;

A selection of examples explaining the peculiarities of performing certain types of tasks;

Online technical support for users provided via the Internet;

Tools for customizing the user interface, taking into account the individual needs of the user and the characteristics of the problem being solved.

2.2. 4 Moodle

Moodle (modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment) is a software product that allows you to create courses and websites based on the Internet. The system is focused primarily on organizing interaction between the teacher and students, although it is also suitable for organizing traditional distance courses, as well as supporting face-to-face learning.

Moodle is distributed free of charge as open source software under the GNU Public License (rus). In terms of the level of capabilities provided, Moodle can be compared with well-known commercial LMSs, at the same time it differs favorably from them in that it is distributed in open source code - this makes it possible to “tailor” the system to the features of a specific educational project, and, if necessary, to integrate new ones into it modules.

Moodle has been translated into dozens of languages, including Russian, and is used in 197 countries around the world.

Moodle is written in PHP using a SQL database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, etc. DB - ADO DB XML is used). Moodle can work with SCO objects and complies with the SCORM standard.

It can run on Windows or Mac operating systems and many flavors of Linux (such as Red Hat or Debian GNU). There are many people involved with Moodle who have enough knowledge to help you, and even assist you in creating your own Moodle site.

Ample opportunities for communication are one of Moodle's greatest strengths. The system supports the exchange of files of any format - both between the teacher and the student, and between the students themselves. The mailing service allows you to promptly inform all course participants or individual groups about current events. The forum provides an opportunity to organize educational discussions of problems, and discussions can be carried out in groups. You can attach files of any format to messages in the forum. There is a function for rating messages - both by teachers and students. Chat allows you to organize educational discussions of problems in real time. The “Messaging” and “Comment” services are intended for individual communication between teacher and student: reviewing works, discussing individual educational problems. The Teacher Forum service gives teachers the opportunity to discuss professional problems.

An important feature of Moodle is that the system creates and stores a portfolio for each student: all the work submitted by him, all the grades and comments of the teacher on the work, all messages in the forum.

The teacher can create and use any assessment system within the course. All grades for each course are stored in a summary sheet.

Moodle allows you to control “attendance”, student activity, and the time they spend studying online. Elements of a distance course

When preparing and conducting classes in the Moodle system, the teacher uses a set of course elements, which includes:




Test, etc.

By varying the combinations of various course elements, the teacher organizes the study of the material in such a way that the forms of teaching correspond to the goals and objectives of specific classes.

The glossary allows you to organize work with terms, while dictionary entries can be created not only by teachers, but also by students. Terms included in the glossary are highlighted in all course materials and are hyperlinks to the corresponding glossary articles. The system allows you to create both a course glossary and a global glossary that is available to participants in all courses.

The resource can be any material for independent study, research, discussion: text, illustration, web page, audio or video file, etc. To create web pages, a visual editor is built into the system, which allows a teacher who does not know markup language HTML, easily create web pages that include formatting elements, illustrations, tables.

Completing a task is a type of student activity, the result of which is usually the creation and uploading of a file of any format to the server or the creation of text directly in the Moodle system (using the built-in visual editor).

The teacher can quickly check the files or texts submitted by the student, comment on them and, if necessary, suggest improvements in some areas. If the teacher deems it necessary, he can open links to files submitted by course participants and make these works the subject of discussion in the forum. This scheme is very convenient, for example, for creative courses.

If permitted by the teacher, each student can submit files more than once - based on the results of their verification; This makes it possible to quickly correct the student’s work and achieve a complete solution to the learning task.

All texts created in the system and files uploaded by the student to the server are stored in a portfolio.

The forum is convenient for educational discussion of problems and for consultations. The forum can also be used for students to upload files - in this case, educational discussions can be built around these files, giving students the opportunity to evaluate each other’s work.

When adding a new forum, the teacher has the opportunity to select its type from several: a regular forum with a discussion of one topic, a general forum accessible to everyone, or a forum with one discussion line for each user.

The Moodle forum supports a tree structure. This feature is convenient both in the case of a branched discussion of problems, and, for example, in the collective creation of texts using the “add a fragment” principle - both sequentially and to any fragments of text composed by other students.

Messages from the forum can, at the request of the teacher, be automatically sent to students by email 30 minutes after they are added (during this time the message can be edited or deleted).

All student posts in the forum are stored in a portfolio.

Moodle supports a very useful function for collective text editing (the “Wiki” element of the course).

The “Lesson” element of the course allows you to organize step-by-step learning of educational material. The body of material can be divided into didactic units, at the end of each of which test questions can be given to assimilate the material. The system, configured by the teacher, will ensure that, based on the results of the control, the student is transferred to the next level of studying the material or returned to the previous one. This element of the course is also convenient in that it allows students’ work to be assessed automatically: the teacher only sets the assessment parameters to the system, after which the system itself displays the overall grade for the lesson for each student and enters it into the report.

The Tests element of the course allows the teacher to develop tests using different types of questions:

Closed-form questions (multiple choice);

Short answer;



Random question;

Nested answer, etc.

Test questions are stored in a database and can be reused in the same or different courses. You may be given several attempts to pass the test. It is possible to set a time limit for working with the test. The teacher can evaluate the results of the test and simply show the correct answers to the test questions.

2.2. 5 Prometheus

General description:

Using the Prometheus Distance Learning System (DLS), you can build a virtual university on the Internet or intranet and conduct distance learning for a large number of students, while automating the entire educational cycle - from receiving applications to issuing a final certificate. SDO "Prometheus" is effectively used in various projects of government and corporate structures, leading educational institutions in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other CIS countries.

At the beginning of 2007, a new release of the Prometheus LMS - 4.2 was released, which is a further logical development of the Prometheus LMS versions 4.0 and 4.1, which received an author's certificate.

The presence of the “Learning Portal” module makes version 4.2. not just a LMS, but a comprehensive learning and content management system. Thanks to the functions of maintaining news feeds and editing information blocks, not only an IT professional, but also an ordinary confident computer user can work with this portal.

The functions of group registration of users and group enrollment of students in a course significantly increase the efficiency of using the new version of the LMS in large projects.

A new testing mode has been implemented - training, in which correct answers are given immediately after an incorrect answer is sent to the server. Testing in this mode can significantly increase the student’s efficiency in correcting mistakes at the initial, often the most important, stage of mastering new material.

New flexible tools for planning the educational process make it possible to draw up group curricula with their subsequent adjustment for individual students, which significantly facilitates the work of tutors and allows them to combine mass training with an individual approach to students.

The Filtering and Alphabetical Paging tools make it much easier to navigate large lists and increase the efficiency of working with databases.

The interface of the Prometheus 4.2 LMS is localized into Ukrainian, Kazakh and French. This release supports the import of courses in IMS and SCORM 2004 standards, and also provides users with a number of new features that will allow them to find new uses for distance learning in their daily activities.


User-friendly interface, extremely easy to learn and operate.

Lack of licenses for client seats.

Possibility of using online learning methods based on teamwork (In-Team Works).

High performance and scalability as the number of users and workload increases.

10 types of tests, the ability to use graphics and multimedia in tests.

Possibility of creating additional reports by the Customer’s specialists.

Possibility of combining several systems into a single educational environment

Possibility of integration with personnel, accounting, information and ERP systems.

Low requirements for server resources and client sites of the LMS.

Installation of a standard LMS along with system software is carried out within one day.

Organization of training:

The educational portal is the face of a “virtual university” with the ability to edit all materials by a non-specialist through a web interface

Registration for courses based on the type of electronic store;

A new principle for organizing educational materials - any number of e-books can be attached to the course;

Flexible payment (expense) accounting subsystem;

Registration/issuance subsystem of certificates;

A student can belong to any number of groups with one login;

Possibility of combining roles (a tutor can also be an organizer);

History of interaction with the listener, filled out by the organizer;

Training programs combining several courses;

Extensive control over the activities of participants in the educational process;

Educational process:

Calendar plans for studying courses;

The most powerful testing subsystem;

Self-tests and exams;

10 types of questions;

Coefficients of difficulty of questions and correctness of answers;

Arbitrary order of passing questions in the test task;

Work on mistakes.

Developed means of communication:


File sharing;

Exchange of mail messages;

Guest book;

Test designer is the height of convenience and functionality;

Organization of work in small groups (In-Team Works);

Reports on student activity allow the tutor to build relationships with them on an individual basis.

The Prometheus system has a modular architecture. Therefore, it is easily expanded, modernized and scaled. The modules and their descriptions are listed below.

The educational portal allows you to publish publicly available information about the virtual university, including a course catalog, news feed, and learning conditions.

The registration and application processing subsystem allows you to create an order for training and enroll students in groups.

The payment/expense control subsystem allows you to keep track of funds for training.

The group management subsystem allows you to perform administrative operations at the group level, which greatly facilitates the management of the educational process, which involves large flows of students.

The calendar subsystem allows you to create a course schedule that includes events of various types, conducted remotely or in person.

The library subsystem allows you to store textbooks in any file format, assign them to specific courses, perform full-text searches, and collect statistics on student requests. Supports international IMS and SCORM standards.

The testing subsystem checks the educational achievements of students in self-test and exam modes.

The communication subsystem provides a variety of means of communication between participants in the educational process.

The administration subsystem automates the creation and maintenance of objects of the Prometheus distance learning system.

The multimedia server allows you to transmit streaming video/audio over the network in a “live” broadcast or on demand.

The monitoring subsystem accumulates statistics on the educational process and displays it in the form of specialized reports. Tools for developing additional reports by customer specialists; reports of any complexity, data visualization tools (charts, graphs, histograms), export of reports to popular formats (Excel, PDF, TIFF, XML, CSV), automatic distribution of reports by e-mail.

Importing listeners from an Excel file allows you to quickly register a large number of listeners from the list presented in the Excel file in the LMS.

The synchronization module with the personnel records system ensures automated data exchange between the Prometheus distance learning system and the external personnel records system.

Pentium IV 2.8 GHz and higher, RAM 1024 MB and higher, HDD 36 GB or more, SCSI or SATA, CD-ROM from 40x. It must be possible to connect USB devices to the server.

Basic software Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft SQL Server


For universities, training centers and colleges, it is possible to introduce blended education methods into the educational process, which meets the requirements of the Bologna Convention and ensures student mobility.

Facilitating the preparation of students for tests and exams through the use of preliminary testing, and for teachers, simplifying the preparation for their admission, which can take place in computer classes in the form of testing under their supervision.

Providing students with the opportunity, without interruption from their main studies, to undergo additional training in courses that may be of interest to them for future work, but are not included in the list of required subjects for their course.

Certification of employees for compliance with the position held or when moving up the career ladder.

Control over the familiarization and work of employees with various normative and regulatory documents located on the organization’s server.

2.3 ChoiceAndjustificationsolutionsdeliveredtasks

To develop an interactive training program in the discipline “Information Technology,” the visual environment for developing interactive educational materials, Macromedia Authorware 7.0, was chosen.

Macromedia Authorware was created by Macromedia, a company known for its multimedia, web design and content management solutions. The creation of knowledge objects and complete interactive training courses in Authorware is implemented using an intuitive visual interface that uses the principle of a flowchart, reflecting the order of actions, and icons that the designer places in the nodes of the flowchart using the mouse. The block diagram corresponds to the student’s expected learning trajectory; it is nonlinear: it can branch and be looped.

Each Authorware icon has its own function, there are 14 of them in total. Among them are the following functions: displaying an image on the screen, playing a sound, interacting with a student, moving by condition, calculating the value of a variable, etc. By combining them, the developer can create an interactive application without resorting to programming.

In the course development process, you can use so-called knowledge objects. These are pre-saved software modules that implement specific educational functions using built-in Authorware tools (for example, testing, sending data to a learning management system, sending email, etc.). Most of them are implemented in the form of wizards, which are configured by the user step by step. The package includes a small library of the most popular objects, most of which are available on Authorware sites. You can also create these objects yourself, including, for example, design templates, which will significantly speed up the development of courses within an educational institution, while maintaining a uniform style and logic of materials. Proper organization of the creation of templates can become a central link in development, allowing even unqualified teachers in the field of programming to easily create courses.

Macromedia Authorware supports almost all common media data types. Various combinations of Shockwave Flash, MP3, QuickTime, AVI files are possible; raster images JPEG, GIF, BMP; vector graphics WMF, EPS, CDR; RTF and DOC text, etc.

Authorware allows you to store multimedia materials separately to distinguish between the course content and its logic. This allows you to easily update applications, implementing the principle of relevance of educational materials, and their logical core can be reused in other projects. This is especially important because once a course is published, it cannot be opened in the editor and changed; to do this, you must have the original working file.

Using external materials allows you to solve the problem of public access for those responsible for updating content without purchasing additional licenses. The training course is created just once and then published for delivery over the Internet, corporate Internet networks and on CDs. The “one-button publishing” technology allows a developer to quickly create several versions of a product for different platforms. During the publishing process, you can determine whether the data should be included in the body of the course or whether there will be links to external resources. The Authorware Web Player browser plugin is used to deliver Authorware courses over the Internet.

Authorware courses can also run under LMS. For this purpose, a wizard for connecting to the LMS is provided, sending and receiving data in accordance with ADL, SCORM and AICC standards. In addition, version 7.0 adds the ability to publish directly to the LMS for the first time to the “one-click publishing” options, making it much easier to deploy Authorware courses.

The CourseBuilder for Macromedia Dreamweaver MX module provides rapid development of interactive educational materials based on Dreamweaver versions 4, MX and MX 2004. The extension was developed by Macromedia and is recommended by the company for use in the field of e-learning. This extension is a set of preprogrammed scripts, the functions of which are conveniently accessed through the familiar interface of Dreamweaver screen forms. Thus, instead of creating, for example, a drag-and-drop interface manually from scratch (and this is quite labor-intensive, especially for beginners), an object is simply created from a template indicating the names of the pictures where they will need to be dragged, and the distance is determined - the worst scenario.

Since the extension was developed by Macromedia, it contains the traditionally complete description with training exercises. Both beginners and professionals will enjoy working with the extension: you can customize any element, be it a graphical interaction template or an event, since they are all written in HTML and JavaScript files. Some things are even described in the documentation (for example, adding new button styles).

Courses created using the Dreamveawer-CourseBuilder combination are fully accessible and portable, since nothing other than a standard browser version 4.0 or higher is required to play them. Therefore, the tool in question becomes the only choice when it is necessary to provide interactivity to students with an unknown equipment configuration.

The Learning Site for Dreamweaver MX web design tool is also developed by Macromedia. From the name you can conclude that it is intended to create an educational website, but this is not entirely true. With its help, it is possible to implement a server application for the delivery of electronic educational materials with the ability to track learning results and record them in a database, as well as (which is very important) user administration. Of course, it lacks many of the features of the “bigger” systems, for example, it cannot create a course catalog, but do not forget that this is a free extension. In addition, all operations to create a training resource can be completed in less than five minutes (if, of course, there are already prepared training materials).

3 . DesignPart

3.1 Installationgeneralparameterscourse

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The game set includes a set of 288 educational games +115 multiplayer games and interactive tasks, for teaching 3-7 year old children counting and reading, training attention, memory and development of logical thinking. The set includes all the games available in thematic collections of this series, puzzles and coloring books that introduce children to the world around them, interactive manuals on the Russian language and arithmetic.

Federal state educational standards for preschool education also include requirements for information and methodological support of the educational process in a preschool institution, in particular, the provision of interactive didactic materials and digital educational resources.
A series of interactive educational programs prepared on Interactive project interactive tables is aimed at organizing versatile work with preschool children in the main areas of child development, defined by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO).
Interactive training programs include both simple exercise games and more complex ones. This makes it possible to take into account not only the gaming needs of children, but also to use programs for educational activities with children of different levels of development.
The programs are simple and easy to use, working with them is comfortable for both adults and children, and does not require special training for teachers. Interesting tasks, animation, cheerful music, clear, clear instructions, and large, easily recognizable images help to engage children in cognitive activities.

All task management comes down to simple and familiar movements of a finger or stylus across the screen, just like on any tablet or other touch device.

Description of the split screen kit

“Ay yes Ya!” is a set of interactive educational programs for individual and group lessons for adults with children aged 5-7 years. The program frames have an intuitive interface for children, adapted for use on devices with touch screens. The set contains many game tasks of different difficulty levels and numerous versions of their implementation. In addition to games, the kit includes simulators with exercises in the Russian language and mathematics for preparing future first-graders. The kit is divided into four blocks by topic:

By completing the tasks of the games in the “Reading” block, the child becomes familiar with vowels and consonants, learns to divide words into syllables, trains in the correct placement of stress, and improves the skill of reading not only individual words, but also entire sentences.

The “Counting” block will help you get acquainted not only with counting and comparing the number of objects, but also teach you the rules of arithmetic: addition and subtraction.

The “Reading” and “Counting” blocks each have 25 game exercises.

The third block “Games” is entertaining. The varied themes of its 64 game tasks will certainly captivate preschoolers. And the process of the game itself will help develop his imagination, associative thinking, intelligence, attention and memory.

For independent drawing, the kit includes the fourth block “I draw myself!” It consists of a field and the necessary set of tools. With their help, the child will be able not only to create various drawings, but will also master the skills of using complex computer programs that are used by modern artists and designers.

Included in the set “Ay yes Ya!” It is possible to use the “Multiscreen” function. To do this, click on the “View” button (upper left corner of the screen) and in the window that opens, select the device currently needed by the user: “Computer”, “Touch table”, “Touch board”.

When working with a group of children (2 - 4 people), you can split the screen into parts by clicking on one of the faded red buttons in the corners of the screen.

The screen can be conveniently divided into parts as for a touch board:

and for the interactive table:

You can interrupt the game and return to the menu at any time by clicking on one of the red buttons in the window for managing the number of players. You can exit the block of games or tasks by clicking on one of the red buttons in the corners of the screen.

Characteristics of games

This section presents screenshots of program blocks and tables that will help you choose the right exercises or games in accordance with the tasks that the teacher solves at a certain stage of classes with children.

Block 1. “Reading”

This block presents tasks of varying levels of complexity, designed to teach a child to read. The simplest exercises will provide an opportunity to introduce children to letters, sounds and the alphabet. More complex tasks are aimed at children who already read. Some exercises can be used not only for teaching preschoolers, but also for developing the literacy of younger schoolchildren.


Memorizing (recognizing) letters. Listening to the name of a letter and searching for its image

Highlighting consonants

Highlighting consonants in words. Listening to the name of the letter

Assembling a word from letters

Making up a word based on a model. Listening to their sound

Reading syllables

Reading syllables. Listening to their sound

Reading words

Sound it!

Reading words. Listening to the sounds of letters that make up words. Listening to the sound of words

Reading two-syllable words

Words. Reading words by syllables and listening to their sounds

Assembling a word from syllables

Syllable breakdown

Reading long two-syllable words

Words (syllables). Reading words by syllables

Reading a two-syllable word you hear


Reading three-syllable words

Words. Reading words and listening to their sounds

Assembly of three-syllable words

Assembling a word from syllables. Reading words by syllables and listening to their sounds

Breaking a three-syllable word into syllables

Words. Breaking down and reading words into syllables

Stress in three-syllable words

Definition of a stressed letter in a word

Reading Long Words

Words. Reading words and listening to their sounds

What is this?

Reading words. Listening to their sound

Find the word!

Finding and reading words. Listening to the sounds of letters that make up words. Listening to the sound of words

Reading a Heard Word

Words. Reading words and listening to their sounds

Reading simple sentences

Reading sentences. Listening to their sound

Accents in words of a sentence

Definition of a stressed letter in the words of a sentence

Block 2. “Account”

This block presents tasks of different difficulty levels. The simplest exercises will help introduce children to determining the number of objects, numbers, and the concept of “more and less.” By completing more complex tasks, little players will learn the sequence of numbers in a number line. And exercises with solving examples will help not only pre-schoolers understand the basics of arithmetic, but will also be an excellent training tool for younger schoolchildren.

Counting up to 5 items

Counting from 1 to 5. Memorizing the numbers corresponding to a given quantity

Addition of different types of objects

Subtraction of different types of objects

Solving examples with the number of objects from 1 to 5

Comparing a number with the number of objects

Quantity comparison. What is greater (smaller) number or number of objects?

Comparison of numbers

Quantity comparison. Recalculation and selection of the sign >,<, =

Adding numbers up to 5

Examples with numbers from 1 to 5

Subtracting numbers up to 5

Examples with numbers from 1 to 5

Introduction to numbers 5 to 10

Numbers from 5 to 10. Memorizing numbers: names, outline. Number of objects corresponding to a given number

Determining the next number

Determining the previous number

Remembering a sequence of numbers

Comparison of numbers and number of objects

Comparing quantities from 1 to 10. Which is greater (smaller) than the number or the number of objects?

Adding numbers up to 10

Examples with numbers from 1 to 10

Subtracting numbers up to 10

Examples with numbers from 1 to 10

Adding Multiple Numbers

Examples with numbers greater than two

Subtracting multiple numbers

Examples with numbers greater than two

Adding and subtracting multiple numbers

Examples with numbers greater than two with addition and subtraction

Block 3. « Games »

This block presents games of varying levels of complexity aimed at developing the child’s visual and auditory memory, visual-spatial perception of various objects, attention, intelligence and logical thinking.


Game description

Colorful colors

Sorting objects by color

What goes where?

Attention and visual perception. Sort objects by size

What common?

Attention and visual perception. Sorting objects by purpose

Who's going where?

Attention. Sorting animals into groups

From what letter?

Attention. Sorting objects by the initial letter of their names


Attention. Finding numbers according to the task


Attention. Finding letters according to the task

What's extra?

Attention and visual perception. Selecting an object by color

solar system

Attention, Getting to know the planets of the solar system

Earth Map

Attention and visual memory. Getting to know the continents of the Earth


Attention and visual perception. Collecting a picture (without sample)


Visual perception. Free coloring of pictures

Who is this?

Attention and visual perception. Assembling the animal according to its contour

How is a person made?

Attention and visual perception. Introduction to human anatomy

Sound it!

Visual and auditory memory.

Who's hiding?

Visual memory. Identifying a hidden animal - memory game

Who didn't hide?

Visual memory. Identifying an animal that is not hidden - memory game

What's lost?

Visual memory. Finding a Lost Object - Memory Game

Number pairs

Visual perception. Finding paired numbers patterns

What's new?

Visual memory. Finding new pictures - memory game

Where was it?

Visual memory. Which item is where - memory game

Find a pair!

Visual and auditory perception. Finding paired letter patterns

As it was?

Visual memory. Arrangement of numbers

Color it the same way!

Visual memory. Coloring pictures

Color the balls!

Coloring pictures

Complete the half!

Visual memory. Coloring your significant other pictures

Counting couples

Visual perception. Finding paired patterns


Visual memory. Arranging objects - memory game

What why?

Visual memory. Memorizing a series of pictures and restoring a series

Who wasn't here?

Visual memory. Which animal was not here - memory game


Visual memory. Arranging figures - memory game

Whose what?

Visual memory. What belongs to whom - memory game

Who's left?

Visual memory. Who stood where - memory game


Visual memory. Finding given images - memory game

Repeat the melody!

Visual and auditory memory. Recognizing sounds and the objects that made them

Who's on what?

Visual memory. Who rode what - memory game

Who was that?

Visual memory. Words (names of animals). Reading and composing words

How much was it?

Visual memory. Check. Recalculation and designation of quantity by number

Name it!

Visual memory. Reading geographical names and their arrangement

What's extra?

Attention. Finding differences

Fairy lights

Attention, logic. Establishing a pattern in the table; arranging pictures in a table according to a pattern


Visual perception. Finding identical (in shape) geometric figures


Logics. Coloring figures and their parts

What number?

Attention, logic. Combining letters with their serial numbers in the alphabet

Fruits and berries

Visual perception, logic, attention. Compiling identical pictures according to the assignment

What is missing?

Visual perception, logic.

What from what?

Visual-spatial perception. Finding pieces of a figure of suitable shape


Attention, logic.

Who is the letter to?

Attention, logic. Sorting objects by solving arithmetic examples


Attention, logic. Sorting items according to assignment

What's hidden?

Finding hidden words


Logics. Sorting, defining criteria for sorting (color or shape)


Attention, logic. Sorting, defining criteria for sorting (color)

What cube?

Visual-spatial perception, attention.

Determining the identity of objects

I see correctly!

Logics. Sorting, defining criteria for sorting (form)

Hide and seek

Attention, logic. Combining letters with their numbers and making words from them


Logics. Sorting, determining criteria for sorting (color, quantity, shape)

Number mat

Attention. Addition and subtraction. Solving Examples

Guess the letters

Attention, logic. Finding letters by their visible part

Make up words!

Attention, logic. Solving arithmetic examples to find the required letters and compose a word from them

Count it!

Visual perception, attention. Finding and recalculating identical (in shape) geometric figures


Visual-spatial perception, attention. Determining the number of objects


Attention, logic. Arithmetic calculations to determine the price of objects


Visual-spatial perception. Recounting and designating the number of objects by number

Block 4. “I draw myself!”

This block is for those who love or want to learn how to draw on a computer. The interface of our Semitsvetik studio is quite simple and the little artist himself will quickly understand which button to press in order to perform this or that action on his drawing. And having learned to create his artistic “masterpieces,” he will be able to show them to all his friends and relatives, proudly announcing: “I draw myself!”

The main menu of the training program, sections and subsections included in the set of tables.

A menu of tasks is displayed on the left side of the interactive table screen. This menu hides when you select the section you are interested in, and can also be easily called back by clicking on the shortcut in the lower corner.

Below is a desktop menu with sections, here you can select age 3+, and age-appropriate tasks. Each task is performed in the form of a clear animation with sound accompaniment.

Menu of tasks for ages 3.5+. Designed for the development of children, interesting, educational, exciting.

I have tasks for ages 4+. Various questions, riddles, solutions.

Menu of tasks for ages 4.5+. Digital, logical, animated puzzles.

Menu of tasks for ages 5+. Puzzles, construction sets, counting rhymes, etc.

Menu of tasks for ages 5.5+. Letter puzzles, coloring pages, puzzles.

Magic coloring pages for kids. Various themes, different colors, animated tasks.

Magic coloring pages, various animals. Interesting tasks with different animations.

Lots of puzzles, various tasks with animated movements of completed puzzles.

Arithmetic section for kids. Teaching numbers, signs, comparisons. Addition, subtraction, groups of numbers and much more to choose from in this program menu.

Russian language for kids. Lots of tasks, teaching letters, syllables, composing simple words and much more in this section menu.

Traffic Laws

Interactive simulator (Road rules for preschoolers) includes set of 25 task games to familiarize the child with the rules of the road and the main signs regulating it.
The program has an intuitive interface. Posters that complement the program make it possible to visually explain or remind the child of the material in question before class.

The standard or passive learning model has been used in educational institutions for a long time. The most common example of this technique is a lecture. And although this method of teaching has been and remains one of the most common, interactive learning is gradually becoming more and more relevant.

What is interactive learning?

Educational methods in preschool institutions, schools, and universities are divided into two large groups - passive and active. The passive model involves the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the student through lectures and study of material in the textbook. Knowledge testing is carried out through surveys, testing, tests and other verification works. The main disadvantages of the passive method:

  • poor feedback from students;
  • low degree of personalization – students are perceived not as individuals, but as a group;
  • lack of creative tasks that require more complex assessment.

Active learning methods stimulate students' cognitive activity and creativity. In this case, the student is an active participant in the learning process, but he interacts mainly only with the teacher. Active methods for developing independence and self-education are relevant, but they practically do not teach how to work in a group.

Interactive learning is a type of active learning method. Interaction during interactive learning takes place not only between the teacher and the student; in this case, all students are in contact and work together (or in groups). Interactive teaching methods are always interaction, cooperation, search, dialogue, play between people or a person and the information environment. Using active and interactive teaching methods in the classroom, the teacher increases the amount of material learned by students by up to 90 percent.

Interactive learning tools

The use of interactive teaching methods began with conventional visual aids, posters, maps, models, etc. Today, modern interactive learning technologies include the latest equipment:

  • tablets;
  • computer simulators;
  • virtual models;
  • plasma panels;
  • laptops, etc.

Interactivity in learning helps solve the following problems:

  • moving away from presentational presentation of material to interactive interaction with the inclusion of motor skills;
  • saving time due to the absence of the need to draw diagrams, formulas and diagrams on the board;
  • increasing the efficiency of presenting the material being studied, because interactive learning tools involve the learner's various sensory systems;
  • ease of organizing group work or games, full audience involvement;
  • establishing deeper contact between students and teachers, improving the climate within the team.

Interactive teaching techniques

Interactive teaching methods - games, discussions, dramatizations, trainings, drills, etc. – require the teacher to use special techniques. There are many of these techniques, and different techniques are often used at different stages of the lesson:

  • to engage in the process, they use brainstorming, discussion, and role-playing of the situation;
  • during the main part of the lesson they use clusters, the method of active reading, discussions, advanced lectures, business games;
  • To receive feedback, techniques such as “unfinished sentences,” essays, fairy tales, and mini-essays are needed.

Psychological and pedagogical conditions of interactive learning

The task of an educational institution for successful learning is to provide conditions for the individual to achieve maximum success. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of interactive learning include:

  • the readiness of trainees for this type of training, their availability of the necessary knowledge and skills;
  • a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, a desire to help each other;
  • encouraging initiative;
  • individual approach to each student;
  • availability of all necessary training tools.

Classification of interactive teaching methods

Interactive learning technologies are divided into individual and group. Individual training includes training and practical tasks. Group interactive methods are divided into 3 subgroups:

  • discussion - discussions, debates, brainstorming, case studies, situation analysis, project development;
  • gaming - business, role-playing, didactic and other games, interviews, playing out situations, dramatization;
  • training methods – psychotechnical games, all types of trainings.

Interactive forms and methods of teaching

When selecting interactive forms of teaching for classes, the teacher must take into account the compliance of the method:

  • topic, goals and objectives of training;
  • characteristics of the group, age and intellectual capabilities of listeners;
  • time frame of the lesson;
  • teacher experience;
  • logic of the educational process.

Interactive learning in kindergarten

Interactive technologies and teaching methods in preschool institutions are mainly used through games. Play for a preschooler is the main activity and through it a child can be taught everything that is necessary at his age. Role-playing games are best suited for kindergarten, during which children actively interact and learn effectively, because Experienced impressions are remembered more vividly.

Interactive teaching methods at school

At school, interactive learning allows you to use almost the entire range of techniques. Interactive teaching methods in primary school are:

  • role-playing and simulation games;
  • staging;
  • association game, etc.

For example, a game is well suited for primary school students, the point of which is to teach something to the neighbor at the desk. By teaching a classmate, the child learns to use visual aids and explain, and also learns the material much more deeply.

In middle and high school, interactive teaching methods include technologies aimed at developing thinking and intelligence (project activities, debates), interaction with society (dramatizations, playing out situations). For example, with high school students it is quite possible to play the role-playing game “Aquarium”, the essence of which is that part of the group acts out a difficult situation, and the rest analyze it from the outside. The goal of the game is to jointly consider the situation from all points of view, develop algorithms for solving it and choose the best one.

Advanced training for teachers to create interactive learning programs

Creating slides with triggers

Trigger translated from English means trigger, shutter. With its help, you can assign an action to any object. You can choose the sequence of these actions as you wish. As an example, we can recall the popular game “Field of Miracles” or “Intelligent Casino”. All you need to do is set up a trigger for each object (“disappearance”, “selection”, “swinging”, “time”, etc.)

Creating a game with triggers

You can create an entire game with triggers, using only one slide as a basis. At the same time, we need to present a clear picture of what we need to do. For example: a mouse needs to run to its hole without falling into a trap. If the answer is wrong, the trap will slam shut; if the answer is correct, it will pave the way further. You need to clearly write which trap has the correct answer and which does not. In Power Point, the most accessible settings in the context menu are “group”, “group”

Creating tests

Creating test tasks is even easier. You just need to select a picture for the correct and incorrect answer and set up an animation on them. Don’t forget that we create tests for different age categories of students. As always, you need to start with the idea and creation of a test. I choose “plus” for the correct answer, “minus” for the incorrect answer.

Creating a Crossword in a Grid

The easiest way to create a crossword is to create a crossword in a table grid. It can be created either in Microsoft Word or in Microsoft Excel, and then transferred to our presentation. All we need is to insert the table into our presentation, define the boundaries, enter the words and set up the animation. Crossword puzzles will be more interesting if we use autoshapes instead of cells.

The most pleasant thing is to look through and enjoy what we have achieved

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