Irrational equations. Examples of solving irrational, trigonometric, logarithmic and other equations solved by non-traditional methods

Publication date: 2016-03-23

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. Solving irrational equations.

    1. Substitution method.

1.1.1 Solve the equation .

Note that the signs of x under the radical are different. Let us introduce the notation

, .


Let's perform term-by-term addition of both sides of the equation.

And we have a system of equations

Because a + b = 4, then

So: 9 – x = 8  x = 1. Answer: x = 1.

1.1.2. Solve the equation .

Let us introduce the following notation: , ; , .


Adding the left and right sides of the equations term by term, we have .

And we have a system of equations

a + b = 2, , , ,

Let's return to the system of equations:

, .

Having solved the equation for (ab), we have ab = 9, ab = -1 (-1 extraneous root, because , .).

This system has no solutions, which means that the original equation also has no solution.

Answer: no solutions.

      1. Solve the equation: .

Let us introduce the notation , where . Then , .

, ,

Let's consider three cases:

1) . 2) . 3) .

A + 1 - a + 2 = 1, a - 1 - a + 2 = 1, a - 1 + a - 2 = 1, a = 1, 1  [ 0;1). [ 1 ; 2). a = 2.

Solution: [ 1 ; 2].

If , That , , .

Answer: .

1.2. Method for estimating the left and right sides (majorant method).

The majorant method is a method for finding the boundedness of a function.

Majorization – finding the limit points of a function. M – majorante.

If we have f(x) = g(x) and the ODZ is known, and if

, , That

      1. Solve the equation: .

ODZ: .

Let's look at the right side of the equation.

Let's introduce the function. The graph is a parabola with vertex A(3; 2).

The smallest value of the function y(3) = 2, that is.

Let's look at the left side of the equation.

Let's introduce the function. Using the derivative, it is not difficult to find the maximum of a function that is differentiable on x  (2; 4).

At ,


G` + -

2 3 4

g(3) = 2.

We have .

As a result, then

Let's create a system of equations based on the above conditions:

Solving the first equation of the system, we have x = 3. By substituting this value into the second equation, we are convinced that x = 3 is a solution to the system.

Answer: x = 3.

1.3. Application of function monotonicity.

1.3.1. Solve the equation:

About DZ: , because  .

It is known that the sum of increasing functions is an increasing function.

The left side is an increasing function. The right side is a linear function (k=0). The graphical interpretation suggests that there is only one root. Let's find it by selection, we have x = 1.


Suppose there is a root x 1 greater than 1, then

Because x 1 >1,

We conclude that there are no roots greater than one.

Similarly, one can prove that there are no roots less than one.

This means x=1 is the only root.

Answer: x = 1.

1.3.2. Solve the equation:

About DZ: [ 0.5; + ), because those. .

Let's transform the equation,

The left side is an increasing function (product of increasing functions), the right side is a linear function (k = 0). The geometric interpretation shows that the original equation must have a single root, which can be found by selection, x = 7.


It can be proven that there are no other roots (see example above).

Answer: x = 7.

2. Logarithmic equations.

    1. Method for estimating the left and right sides.

2.1.1. Solve the equation: log 2 (2x - x 2 + 15) = x 2 - 2x + 5.

Let us give an estimate for the left side of the equation.

2x - x 2 + 15 = - (x 2 - 2x - 15) = - ((x 2 - 2x + 1) - 1 - 15) = - (x - 1) 2 + 16  16.

Then log 2 (2x - x 2 + 15)  4.

Let's estimate the right side of the equation.

x 2 - 2x + 5 = (x 2 - 2x + 1) - 1 + 5 = (x - 1) 2 + 4  4.

The original equation can only have a solution if both sides are equal to four.


Answer: x = 1.

For independent work.

2.1.2. log 4 (6x - x 2 + 7) = x 2 - 6x + 11 Answer: x = 3.

2.1.3. log 5 (8x - x 2 + 9) = x 2 - 8x + 18 Answer: x = 6.

2.1.4. log 4 (2x - x 2 + 3) = x 2 - 2x + 2 Answer: x = 1.

2.1.5. log 2 (6x - x 2 - 5) = x 2 - 6x + 11 Answer: x = 3.

2.2. Using the monotonicity of a function, selecting roots.

2.2.1. Solve the equation: log 2 (2x - x 2 + 15) = x 2 - 2x + 5.

Let's make the replacement 2x - x 2 + 15 = t, t>0. Then x 2 - 2x + 5 = 20 - t, which means

log 2 t = 20 - t .

The function y = log 2 t is increasing, and the function y = 20 - t is decreasing. The geometric interpretation makes it clear to us that the original equation has a single root, which is easy to find by selecting t = 16.

Having solved the equation 2x - x 2 + 15 = 16, we find that x = 1.

By checking we make sure that the selected value is correct.

Answer: x = 1.

2.3. Some “interesting” logarithmic equations.

2.3.1. Solve the equation .

ODZ: (x - 15) cosx > 0.

Let's move on to the equation

, , ,

Let's move on to the equivalent equation

(x - 15) (cos 2 x - 1) = 0,

x - 15 = 0, or cos 2 x = 1,

x = 15. cos x = 1 or cos x = -1,

x = 2  k, k Z . x =  + 2 l, l Z.

Let's check the found values ​​by substituting them into the ODZ.

1) if x = 15, then (15 - 15) cos 15 > 0,

0 > 0, incorrect.

x = 15 is not a root of the equation.

2) if x = 2  k, k Z, then (2  k - 15) l > 0,

2 k > 15, note that 15  5 . We have

k > 2.5, k  Z,

k = 3, 4, 5, … .

3) if x =  + 2 l, l Z, then ( + 2 l - 15) (- 1) > 0,

 + 2 l< 15,

2l< 15 -  , заметим, что 15  5  .

We have: l< 2,

l = 1, 0, -1, -2,….

Answer: x = 2  k (k = 3,4,5,6,...); x =  +2 1(1 = 1.0, -1,- 2,…).

3. Trigonometric equations.

3.1. A method for estimating the left and right sides of an equation.

4.1.1. Solve the equation cos3x cos2x = -1.

First way..

0.5 (cos x+ cos 5 x) = -1,cos x+ cos 5 x = -2.

Since cos x - 1 , cos 5 x - 1, we conclude that cos x+ cos 5 x> -2, from here

follows a system of equations

c os x = -1,

cos 5 x = - 1.

Having solved the cos equation x= -1, we get X=  + 2 k, where k Z.

These values X are also solutions to the equation cos 5 x= -1, because

cos 5 x= cos 5 ( + 2  k) = cos ( + 4  + 10  k) = -1.

Thus, X=  + 2 k, where k Z are all solutions of the system, and therefore of the original equation.

Answer: X=  (2k + 1), k Z.

Second way.

It can be shown that the original equation implies a set of systems

cos 2 x = - 1,

cos 3 x = 1.

cos 2 x = 1,

cos 3 x = - 1.

Having solved each system of equations, we find the union of the roots.

Answer: x = (2  k + 1), k Z.

For independent work.

Solve the equations:

3.1.2. 2 cos 3x + 4 sin x/2 = 7. Answer: no solutions.

3.1.3. 2 cos 3x + 4 sin x/2 = -8. Answer: no solutions.

3.1.4. 3 cos 3x + cos x = 4. Answer: x = 2 k, k Z.

3.1.5. sin x sin 3 x = -1. Answer: x = /2 + k, k Z.

3.1.6. cos 8 x + sin 7 x = 1. Answer: x = m, m Z; x = /2 + 2 n, n Z.

Municipal educational institution

"Kuedino Secondary School No. 2"

Methods for solving irrational equations

Completed by: Olga Egorova,




highest qualification

Introduction....……………………………………………………………………………………… 3

Section 1. Methods for solving irrational equations…………………………………6

1.1 Solving the irrational equations of part C……….….….…………………21

Section 2. Individual tasks…………………………………………….....………...24




Mathematical education received in a comprehensive school is an essential component of general education and the general culture of modern man. Almost everything that surrounds modern man is all somehow connected with mathematics. And recent advances in physics, engineering and information technology leave no doubt that in the future the state of affairs will remain the same. Therefore, solving many practical problems comes down to solving various types of equations that you need to learn how to solve. One of these types is irrational equations.

Irrational equations

An equation containing an unknown (or a rational algebraic expression for an unknown) under the radical sign is called irrational equation. In elementary mathematics, solutions to irrational equations are found in the set of real numbers.

Any irrational equation can be reduced to a rational algebraic equation using elementary algebraic operations (multiplication, division, raising both sides of the equation to an integer power). It should be borne in mind that the resulting rational algebraic equation may turn out to be nonequivalent to the original irrational equation, namely, it may contain “extra” roots that will not be roots of the original irrational equation. Therefore, having found the roots of the resulting rational algebraic equation, it is necessary to check whether all the roots of the rational equation will be the roots of the irrational equation.

In the general case, it is difficult to indicate any universal method for solving any irrational equation, since it is desirable that, as a result of transformations of the original irrational equation, the result is not just some rational algebraic equation, among the roots of which there will be the roots of the given irrational equation, but a rational algebraic equation formed from polynomials of the smallest degree possible. The desire to obtain that rational algebraic equation formed from polynomials of as small a degree as possible is quite natural, since finding all the roots of a rational algebraic equation in itself can turn out to be a rather difficult task, which we can completely solve only in a very limited number of cases.

Types of irrational equations

Solving irrational equations of even degree always causes more problems than solving irrational equations of odd degree. When solving irrational equations of odd degree, the OD does not change. Therefore, below we will consider irrational equations whose degree is even. There are two types of irrational equations:


Let's consider the first of them.

ODZ equations: f(x)≥ 0. In ODZ, the left side of the equation is always non-negative - therefore, a solution can only exist when g(x)≥ 0. In this case, both sides of the equation are non-negative, and exponentiation 2 n gives an equivalent equation. We get that

Let us pay attention to the fact that in this case ODZ is performed automatically, and you don’t have to write it, but the conditiong(x) ≥ 0 must be checked.

Note: This is a very important condition of equivalence. Firstly, it frees the student from the need to investigate, and after finding solutions, check the condition f(x) ≥ 0 – the non-negativity of the radical expression. Secondly, it focuses on checking the conditiong(x) ≥ 0 – non-negativity of the right side. After all, after squaring, the equation is solved i.e., two equations are solved at once (but on different intervals of the numerical axis!):

1. - where g(x)≥ 0 and

2. - where g(x) ≤ 0.

Meanwhile, many, out of school habit of finding ODZ, act exactly the opposite when solving such equations:

a) after finding solutions, they check the condition f(x) ≥ 0 (which is automatically satisfied), while making arithmetic errors and obtaining an incorrect result;

b) ignore the conditiong(x) ≥ 0 - and again the answer may turn out to be incorrect.

Note: The equivalence condition is especially useful when solving trigonometric equations, in which finding the ODZ involves solving trigonometric inequalities, which is much more difficult than solving trigonometric equations. Checking even conditions in trigonometric equations g(x)≥ 0 is not always easy to do.

Let's consider the second type of irrational equations.

. Let the equation be given . His ODZ:

In ODZ both sides are non-negative, and squaring gives the equivalent equation f(x) =g(x). Therefore, in ODZ or

With this method of solution, it is enough to check the non-negativity of one of the functions - you can choose a simpler one.

Section 1. Methods for solving irrational equations

1 method. Getting rid of radicals by successively raising both sides of the equation to the corresponding natural power

The most commonly used method for solving irrational equations is the method of eliminating radicals by successively raising both sides of the equation to the appropriate natural power. It should be borne in mind that when both sides of the equation are raised to an odd power, the resulting equation is equivalent to the original one, and when both sides of the equation are raised to an even power, the resulting equation will, generally speaking, be nonequivalent to the original equation. This can be easily verified by raising both sides of the equation to any even power. The result of this operation is the equation , the set of solutions of which is a union of sets of solutions:" width="95" height="21 src=">. However, despite this drawback , it is the procedure of raising both sides of the equation to some (often even) power that is the most common procedure for reducing an irrational equation to a rational equation.

Solve the equation:

Where - some polynomials. Due to the definition of the root extraction operation in the set of real numbers, the permissible values ​​of the unknown are" width="123 height=21" height="21">..gif " width="243" height="28 src=">.

Since both sides of equation 1 were squared, it may turn out that not all roots of equation 2 will be solutions to the original equation; checking the roots is necessary.

Solve the equation:" width="137" height="25">

Cubes both sides of the equation, we get

Considering that" width="195" height="27">(The last equation may have roots that, generally speaking, are not roots of the equation ).

We cube both sides of this equation: . We rewrite the equation in the form x3 – x2 = 0 ↔ x1 = 0, x2 = 1. By checking we establish that x1 = 0 is an extraneous root of the equation (-2 ≠ 1), and x2 = 1 satisfies the original equation.

Answer: x = 1.

Method 2. Replacing an adjacent system of conditions

When solving irrational equations containing radicals of even order, extraneous roots may appear in the answers, which are not always easy to identify. To make it easier to identify and discard extraneous roots, when solving irrational equations it is immediately replaced by an adjacent system of conditions. Additional inequalities in the system actually take into account the ODZ of the equation being solved. You can find the ODZ separately and take it into account later, but it is preferable to use mixed systems of conditions: there is less danger of forgetting something or not taking it into account in the process of solving the equation. Therefore, in some cases it is more rational to use the method of transition to mixed systems.

Solve the equation:

Answer:" width="109 height=27" height="27">

This equation is equivalent to the system

Answer: the equation has no solutions.

Method 3. Using nth root properties

When solving irrational equations, the properties of the nth root are used. Arithmetic root n- th degrees from among A call a non-negative number n- i whose power is equal to A. If n – even( 2n), then a ≥ 0, otherwise the root does not exist. If n – odd( 2 n+1), then a is any and = - ..gif" width="45" height="19"> Then:





When applying any of these formulas, formally (without taking into account the specified restrictions), it should be borne in mind that the VA of the left and right parts of each of them can be different. For example, the expression is defined with f ≥ 0 And g ≥ 0, and the expression is as if f ≥ 0 And g ≥ 0, and with f ≤ 0 And g ≤ 0.

For each of formulas 1-5 (without taking into account the specified restrictions), the ODZ of its right side can be wider than the ODZ of the left. It follows that transformations of the equation with the formal use of formulas 1-5 “from left to right” (as they are written) lead to an equation that is a consequence of the original one. In this case, extraneous roots of the original equation may appear, so verification is a mandatory step in solving the original equation.

Transformations of equations with the formal use of formulas 1-5 “from right to left” are unacceptable, since it is possible to judge the OD of the original equation, and consequently, the loss of roots." width="247" height="61 src=">,

which is a consequence of the original one. Solving this equation reduces to solving a set of equations .

From the first equation of this set we find" width="89" height="27"> from where we find. Thus, the roots of this equation can only be numbers ( -1) and (-2).Check shows that both found roots satisfy this equation.

Answer: -1,-2.

Solve the equation: .

Solution: based on the identities, replace the first term with . Note that as the sum of two non-negative numbers on the left side. “Remove” the module and, after bringing similar terms, solve the equation. Since , we get the equation . Since , then" width="89" height="27 src=">.gif" width="39" height="19 src= ">.gif" width="145" height="21 src=">

Answer: x = 4.25.

Method 4 Introduction of new variables

Another example of solving irrational equations is the method of introducing new variables, with respect to which either a simpler irrational equation or a rational equation is obtained.

Solving irrational equations by replacing the equation with its consequence (followed by checking the roots) can be done as follows:

1. Find the ODZ of the original equation.

2. Go from the equation to its consequence.

3. Find the roots of the resulting equation.

4. Check whether the roots found are the roots of the original equation.

The check is as follows:

A) the belonging of each found root to the original equation is checked. Those roots that do not belong to the ODZ are extraneous to the original equation.

B) for each root included in the ODZ of the original equation, it is checked whether the left and right sides of each of the equations arising in the process of solving the original equation and raised to an even power have the same signs. Those roots for which the parts of any equation raised to an even power have different signs are extraneous to the original equation.

C) only those roots that belong to the ODZ of the original equation and for which both sides of each of the equations arising in the process of solving the original equation and raised to an even power have the same signs are checked by direct substitution into the original equation.

This solution method with the specified verification method allows one to avoid cumbersome calculations in the case of directly substituting each of the found roots of the last equation into the original one.

Solve the irrational equation:


The set of valid values ​​for this equation is:

Putting , after substitution we obtain the equation

or equivalent equation

which can be considered as a quadratic equation with respect to. Solving this equation, we get


Therefore, the solution set of the original irrational equation is the union of the solution sets of the following two equations:

, .

Raising both sides of each of these equations to a cube, we obtain two rational algebraic equations:

, .

Solving these equations, we find that this irrational equation has a single root x = 2 (no verification is required, since all transformations are equivalent).

Answer: x = 2.

Solve the irrational equation:

Let's denote 2x2 + 5x – 2 = t. Then the original equation will take the form . By squaring both sides of the resulting equation and bringing similar terms, we obtain an equation that is a consequence of the previous one. From it we find t=16.

Returning to the unknown x, we obtain the equation 2x2 + 5x – 2 = 16, which is a consequence of the original one. By checking we are convinced that its roots x1 = 2 and x2 = - 9/2 are the roots of the original equation.

Answer: x1 = 2, x2 = -9/2.

5 method. Identical transformation of the equation

When solving irrational equations, you should not begin solving the equation by raising both sides of the equations to a natural power, trying to reduce the solution of the irrational equation to the solution of a rational algebraic equation. First we need to see if it is possible to make some identical transformation of the equation that can significantly simplify its solution.

Solve the equation:

The set of acceptable values ​​for this equation:" width="292" height="45"> Let's divide this equation by .


We get:

When a = 0 the equation will not have solutions; when the equation can be written as

for this equation has no solutions, since for any X, belonging to the set of admissible values ​​of the equation, the expression on the left side of the equation is positive;

when the equation has a solution

Taking into account that the set of admissible solutions to the equation is determined by the condition , we finally obtain:

When solving this irrational equation," width="60" height="19"> the solution to the equation will be. For all other values X the equation has no solutions.


Solve the irrational equation:" width="381" height="51">

Solving the quadratic equation of the system gives two roots: x1 = 1 and x2 = 4. The first of the resulting roots does not satisfy the inequality of the system, therefore x = 4.


1) Carrying out identical transformations allows you to do without checking.

2) The inequality x – 3 ≥0 refers to identity transformations, and not to the domain of definition of the equation.

3) On the left side of the equation there is a decreasing function, and on the right side of this equation there is an increasing function. The graphs of decreasing and increasing functions at the intersection of their domains of definition can have no more than one common point. Obviously, in our case x = 4 is the abscissa of the point of intersection of the graphs.

Answer: x = 4.

6 method. Using the Domain of Functions to Solve Equations

This method is most effective when solving equations that include functions" width="36" height="21 src="> and finding its area definitions (f)..gif" width="53" height="21"> .gif" width="88" height="21 src=">, then you need to check whether the equation is correct at the ends of the interval, and if a< 0, а b >0, then checking at intervals is necessary (a;0) And . The smallest integer in E(y) is 3.

Answer: x = 3.

8 method. Application of the derivative in solving irrational equations

The most common method used to solve equations using the derivative method is the estimation method.


Solve the equation: (1)

Solution: Since" width="371" height="29">, or (2). Consider the function ..gif" width="400" height="23 src=">.gif" width="215" height="49"> at all and, therefore, increases. Therefore the equation is equivalent to an equation having a root that is the root of the original equation.



Solve the irrational equation:

The domain of a function is a segment. Let's find the largest and smallest values ​​of this function on the segment. To do this, we find the derivative of the function f(x):" width="37 height=19" height="19">. Let's find the values ​​of the function f(x) at the ends of the segment and at the point: So, But and, therefore, equality is possible only if" width="37" height="19 src=" >. Checking shows that the number 3 is the root of this equation.

Answer: x = 3.

9 method. Functional

In exams, they sometimes ask you to solve equations that can be written in the form , where is a function.

For example, some equations: 1) 2) . Indeed, in the first case , in the second case . Therefore, solve irrational equations using the following statement: if a function is strictly increasing on the set X and for any , then the equations, etc. are equivalent on the set X .

Solve the irrational equation:" width="103" height="25"> strictly increases on the set R, and" width="45" height="24 src=">..gif" width="104" height="24 src=" > which has a single root. Therefore, equation (1) equivalent to it also has a single root

Answer: x = 3.


Solve the irrational equation: (1)

By virtue of the definition of a square root, we obtain that if equation (1) has roots, then they belong to the set" width="163" height="47" >.(2)

Consider the function" width="35" height="21"> strictly increases on this set for any ..gif" width="100" height ="41"> which has a single root Therefore, and its equivalent on the set X equation (1) has a single root

Answer:" width="145" height="27 src=">

Solution: This equation is equivalent to a mixed system

1.1 Irrational equations

Irrational equations are often found in entrance exams in mathematics, since with their help it is easy to diagnose knowledge of concepts such as equivalent transformations, domain of definition, and others. Methods for solving irrational equations are usually based on the possibility of replacing (with the help of some transformations) an irrational equation with a rational one, which is either equivalent to the original irrational equation or is its consequence. Most often, both sides of the equation are raised to the same power. Equivalence is not violated when both sides are raised to an odd power. Otherwise, it is necessary to check the solutions found or evaluate the sign of both sides of the equation. But there are other techniques that may be more effective in solving irrational equations. For example, the trigonometric substitution method.

Example 1: Solve the equation

Since, then. Therefore we can put . The equation will take the form

Let's put where, then



Answer: .

Algebraic solution

Since then . Means, , so you can expand the module


Answer: .

Solving an equation algebraically requires good skills in carrying out identity transformations and competent handling of equivalent transitions. But in general, both decision methods are equivalent.

Example 2: Solve the equation


Solution using trigonometric substitution

The domain of definition of the equation is given by the inequality, which is equivalent to the condition, then. Therefore, you can put . The equation will take the form

Since, then. Let's open the internal module

Let's put , Then


The condition is satisfied by two values ​​and .



Answer: .

Algebraic solution


Let us square the equation of the first system of the population and obtain

Let it be then. The equation will be rewritten as

By checking we establish that is a root, then by dividing the polynomial by a binomial we obtain the decomposition of the right side of the equation into factors

Let's move from variable to variable, we get


Condition satisfy two values


Substituting these values ​​into the original equation, we find that is the root.

Solving in a similar way the equation of the second system of the original set, we find that it is also a root.

Answer: .

If in the previous example the algebraic solution and the solution using trigonometric substitution were equivalent, then in this case the solution by substitution is more profitable. When solving an equation using algebra, you have to solve a set of two equations, that is, square it twice. After this unequal transformation, we obtain two equations of the fourth degree with irrational coefficients, which can be eliminated by substitution. Another difficulty is checking the solutions found by substituting them into the original equation.

Example 3: Solve the equation


Solution using trigonometric substitution

Since, then. Note that a negative value of the unknown cannot be a solution to the problem. Indeed, let us transform the original equation to the form


The factor in parentheses on the left side of the equation is positive, the right side of the equation is also positive, so the factor on the left side of the equation cannot be negative. That's why, then, that's why you can put The original equation will be rewritten as

Since , then and . The equation will take the form

Let . Let's move from the equation to an equivalent system


The numbers and are the roots of the quadratic equation


Algebraic solution Let's square both sides of the equation

Let's introduce the replacement , then the equation will be written in the form

The second root is superfluous, so consider the equation


Since, then.

In this case, the algebraic solution is technically simpler, but it is imperative to consider the given solution using trigonometric substitution. This is due, firstly, to the non-standard nature of the substitution itself, which destroys the stereotype that the use of trigonometric substitution is possible only when. It turns out that trigonometric substitution also finds application. Secondly, it is difficult to solve the trigonometric equation , which is reduced by introducing a substitution to a system of equations. In a certain sense, this replacement can also be considered non-standard, and familiarity with it allows you to enrich your arsenal of techniques and methods for solving trigonometric equations.

Example 4: Solve the equation


Solution using trigonometric substitution

Since the variable can take any real value, we put . Then


Because .

The original equation, taking into account the transformations carried out, will take the form

Since we divide both sides of the equation by , we get

Let , Then . The equation will take the form


Given the substitution , we obtain a set of two equations


Let's solve each equation of the set separately.


Cannot be a sine value, since for any values ​​of the argument.


Because and the right side of the original equation is positive, then . From which it follows that .

This equation has no roots, since .

So, the original equation has a single root


Algebraic solution

This equation can easily be “transformed” into a rational equation of the eighth degree by squaring both sides of the original equation. Finding the roots of the resulting rational equation is difficult, and you need to have a high degree of ingenuity to cope with the problem. Therefore, it is advisable to know another way of solving, less traditional. For example, the substitution proposed by I. F. Sharygin.

Let's put , Then

Let's transform the right side of the equation :

Taking into account the transformations, the equation will take the form


Let's introduce the replacement , then


The second root is superfluous, therefore, and .

If the idea for solving the equation is not known in advance , then solving the standard solution by squaring both sides of the equation is problematic, since the result is an equation of the eighth degree, the roots of which are extremely difficult to find. The solution using trigonometric substitution looks cumbersome. It may be difficult to find the roots of an equation if you do not notice that it is reciprocal. The solution to this equation occurs using the apparatus of algebra, so we can say that the proposed solution is a combined one. In it, information from algebra and trigonometry work together for one goal - to obtain a solution. Also, solving this equation requires careful consideration of two cases. The solution by substitution is technically simpler and more beautiful than using trigonometric substitution. It is advisable that students know this method of substitution and use it to solve problems.

We emphasize that the use of trigonometric substitution to solve problems must be conscious and justified. It is advisable to use substitution in cases where the solution in another way is more difficult or completely impossible. Let's give another example, which, unlike the previous one, can be solved easier and faster using the standard method.

Real numbers. Approximation of real numbers by finite decimal fractions.

A real number, or a real number, is a mathematical abstraction that arose from the need to measure geometric and physical quantities of the surrounding world, as well as to carry out operations such as extracting roots, calculating logarithms, and solving algebraic equations. If natural numbers arose in the process of counting, rational numbers - from the need to operate with parts of a whole, then real numbers are intended to measure continuous quantities. Thus, the expansion of the stock of numbers under consideration led to a set of real numbers, which, in addition to the rational numbers, also includes other elements called irrational numbers .

Absolute error and its limit.

Let there be a certain numerical value, and the numerical value that is assigned to it is considered accurate, then under error in the approximate value of a numerical value (mistake) understand the difference between the exact and approximate value of a numerical value: . The error can take both positive and negative values. The quantity is called known approximation to the exact value of a numerical quantity - any number that is used instead of the exact value. The simplest quantitative measure of error is absolute error. Absolute error approximate value is a quantity about which it is known that: Relative error and its limit.

The quality of the approximation significantly depends on the accepted units of measurement and scales of quantities, therefore it is advisable to correlate the error of a quantity and its value, for which the concept of relative error is introduced. Relative error approximate value is a quantity about which it is known that: . Relative error is often expressed as a percentage. The use of relative errors is convenient, in particular, because they do not depend on the scale of quantities and units of measurement.

Irrational equations

Equations that contain a variable under the root sign are called irrational. When solving irrational equations, the resulting solutions require verification, because, for example, an incorrect equality when squaring can give a correct equality. In fact, an incorrect equality when squared gives the correct equality 1 2 = (-1) 2, 1=1. Sometimes it is more convenient to solve irrational equations using equivalent transitions.

Let's square both sides of this equation; After transformations we arrive at a quadratic equation; and let's substitute.

Complex numbers. Operations on complex numbers.

Complex numbers are an extension of the set of real numbers, usually denoted by . Any complex number can be represented as a formal sum x + iy, Where x And y- real numbers, i- imaginary unit Complex numbers form an algebraically closed field - this means that a polynomial of degree n with complex coefficients has exactly n complex roots, that is, the fundamental theorem of algebra is true. This is one of the main reasons for the widespread use of complex numbers in mathematical research. In addition, the use of complex numbers makes it possible to conveniently and compactly formulate many mathematical models used in mathematical physics and in the natural sciences - electrical engineering, hydrodynamics, cartography, quantum mechanics, vibration theory and many others.

Comparison a + bi = c + di means that a = c And b = d(two complex numbers are equal if and only if their real and imaginary parts are equal).

Addition ( a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + c) + (b + d) i .

Subtraction ( a + bi) − (c + di) = (ac) + (bd) i .


Numeric function. Methods for specifying a function

In mathematics, a number function is a function whose domains and values ​​are subsets of number sets—typically the set of real numbers or the set of complex numbers.

Verbal: Using natural language, Y is equal to an integer part of X. Analytical: Using an analytical formula f (x) = x !

Graphic Using a graph Fragment of a graph of a function.

Tabular: Using a table of values

Basic properties of a function

1) Function domain and function range . Function Domain x(variable x), for which the function y = f(x) determined.

Function Range y, which the function accepts. In elementary mathematics, functions are studied only on the set of real numbers.2 ) Zero function) Monotonicity of the function . Increasing function Decreasing function . Even function X f(-x) = f(x). Odd function- a function whose domain of definition is symmetrical with respect to the origin and for any X f (-x) = - f (x. The function is called limited unlimited .7) Periodicity of the function. Function f(x) - periodic period of the function

Function graphs. The simplest transformations of graphs using the function

Graph of a function- a set of points whose abscissas are valid argument values x, and the ordinates are the corresponding values ​​of the function y .

Straight line- graph of a linear function y = ax + b. The function y monotonically increases for a > 0 and decreases for a< 0. При b = 0 прямая линия проходит через начало координат т.0 (y = ax - прямая пропорциональность)

Parabola- graph of the quadratic trinomial function y = ax 2 + bx + c. It has a vertical axis of symmetry. If a > 0, has a minimum if a< 0 - максимум. Точки пересечения (если они есть) с осью абсцисс - корни соответствующего квадратного уравнения ax 2 + bx +c =0

Hyperbola- graph of the function. When a > O it is located in the I and III quarters, when a< 0 - во II и IV. Асимптоты - оси координат. Ось симметрии - прямая у = х (а >0) or y - x (a< 0).

Logarithmic function y = log a x(a > 0)

Trigonometric functions. When constructing trigonometric functions we use radian measure of angles. Then the function y= sin x is represented by a graph (Fig. 19). This curve is called sinusoid .

Graph of a function y=cos x shown in Fig. 20; this is also a sine wave resulting from moving the graph y= sin x along the axis X left to /2.

Basic properties of functions. Monotonicity, evenness, oddness, periodicity of functions.

Function Domain and Function Domain . Function Domain is the set of all valid valid values ​​of the argument x(variable x), for which the function y = f(x) determined.

Function Range is the set of all real values y, which the function accepts.

In elementary mathematics, functions are studied only on the set of real numbers.2 ) Zero function- the value of the argument at which the value of the function is zero.3 ) Intervals of constant sign of a function- such sets of argument values ​​on which the function values ​​are only positive or only negative.4 ) Monotonicity of the function .

Increasing function(in a certain interval) - a function in which a larger value of the argument from this interval corresponds to a larger value of the function.

Decreasing function(in a certain interval) - a function for which a larger value of the argument from this interval corresponds to a smaller value of the function.5 ) Even (odd) function . Even function- a function whose domain of definition is symmetrical with respect to the origin and for any X from the domain of definition the equality f(-x) = f(x). The graph of an even function is symmetrical about the ordinate. Odd function- a function whose domain of definition is symmetrical with respect to the origin and for any X from the domain of definition the equality is true f (-x) = - f (x). The graph of an odd function is symmetrical about the origin.6 ) Limited and unlimited functions. The function is called limited, if there is a positive number M such that |f (x) | ≤ M for all values ​​of x. If such a number does not exist, then the function is unlimited .7) Periodicity of the function. Function f(x) - periodic, if there is a non-zero number T such that for any x from the domain of definition of the function the following holds: f (x+T) = f (x). This smallest number is called period of the function. All trigonometric functions are periodic. (Trigonometric formulas).

Periodic functions. Rules for finding the main period of a function.

Periodic function- a function that repeats its values ​​after some non-zero period, that is, it does not change its value when a fixed non-zero number (period) is added to the argument. All trigonometric functions are periodic. Are unfaithful statements regarding the sum of periodic functions: Sum of 2 functions with commensurate (even basic) periods T 1 and T 2 is a function with LCM period ( T 1 ,T 2). The sum of 2 continuous functions with incommensurable (even fundamental) periods is a non-periodic function. There are no periodic functions that are not equal to a constant whose periods are incommensurable numbers.

Plotting graphs of power functions.

Power function. This is the function: y = axn, Where a, n- permanent. At n= 1 we get direct proportionality : y =ax; at n = 2 - square parabola; at n = 1 - inverse proportionality or hyperbole. Thus, these functions are special cases of the power function. We know that the zero power of any number other than zero is 1, therefore, when n= 0 the power function turns into a constant value: y =a, i.e. its graph is a straight line parallel to the axis X, excluding the origin (please explain why?). All these cases (with a= 1) are shown in Fig. 13 ( n 0) and Fig. 14 ( n < 0). Отрицательные значения x are not covered here, since then some functions:

Inverse function

Inverse function- a function that reverses the dependence expressed by this function. A function is inverse to a function if the following identities are satisfied: for all for all

Limit of a function at a point. Basic properties of the limit.

The nth root and its properties.

The nth root of a number is a number whose nth power is equal to a.

Definition: An arithmetic root of the nth power of a is a non-negative number whose nth power is equal to a.

Basic properties of roots:

A power with an arbitrary real exponent and its properties.

Let a positive number and an arbitrary real number be given. The number is called the power, the number is the base of the power, and the number is the exponent.

By definition they believe:

If and are positive numbers and are any real numbers, then the following properties hold:



Power function, its properties and graphs

Power function complex variable f (z) = z n with an integer exponent is determined using the analytical continuation of a similar function of the real argument. For this purpose, the exponential form of writing complex numbers is used. a power function with an integer exponent is analytic in the entire complex plane, as the product of a finite number of instances of the identity map f (z) = z. According to the uniqueness theorem, these two criteria are sufficient for the uniqueness of the resulting analytic continuation. Using this definition, we can immediately conclude that the power function of a complex variable has significant differences from its real counterpart.

This is a function of the form , . The following cases are considered:

A). If, then. Then , ; if the number is even, then the function is even (that is in front of everyone); if the number is odd, then the function is odd (that is in front of everyone).

Exponential function, its properties and graphs

Exponential function- mathematical function.

In the real case, the base of the degree is some non-negative real number, and the argument of the function is the real exponent.

In the theory of complex functions, a more general case is considered when the argument and exponent can be an arbitrary complex number.

In the most general form - u v, introduced by Leibniz in 1695

Particularly noteworthy is the case when the number e acts as the base of the degree. Such a function is called an exponential (real or complex).

Properties ; ; .

Exponential equations.

Let's move directly to exponential equations. In order to solve an exponential equation, you must use the following theorem: If the powers are equal and the bases are equal, positive and different from one, then their exponents are equal. Let's prove this theorem: Let a>1 and a x =a y.

Let us prove that in this case x=y. Let us assume the opposite of what needs to be proven, i.e. let us assume that x>y or that x<у. Тогда получим по свойству показательной функции, что либо a х ay. Both of these results contradict the conditions of the theorem. Therefore, x = y, which is what needed to be proven.

The theorem is also proven for the case when 0 0 and a≠1.

Exponential inequalities

Inequalities of the form (or less) at a(x) >0 and are solved based on the properties of the exponential function: for 0 < а (х) < 1 when comparing f(x) And g(x) the sign of inequality changes, and when a(x) > 1- is saved. The most difficult case a(x)< 0 . Here we can only give a general indication: to determine at what values X indicators f(x) And g(x) will be integers, and choose from them those that satisfy the condition. Finally, if the original inequality holds for a(x) = 0 or a(x) = 1(for example, when the inequalities are not strict), then these cases also need to be considered.

Logarithms and their properties

Logarithm of a number b based on a (from the Greek λόγος - “word”, “relation” and ἀριθμός - “number”) is defined as an indicator of the power to which the base must be raised a to get the number b. Designation: . From the definition it follows that the records and are equivalent. Example: , because . Properties

Basic logarithmic identity:

Logarithmic function, its properties and graphs.

A logarithmic function is a function of the form f (x) = log a x, defined at



The graph of any logarithmic function passes through the point (1; 0)

The derivative of the logarithmic function is equal to:

Logarithmic equations

An equation containing a variable under the logarithm sign is called logarithmic. The simplest example of a logarithmic equation is the equation log a x = b (where a > 0, a 1). His decision x = a b .

Solving equations based on the definition of logarithm, such as Eq. log a x = b (a > 0, a 1) has a solution x = a b .

Potentiation method. By potentiation we mean the transition from an equality containing logarithms to an equality not containing them:

If log a f (x) = log a g (x), That f(x) = g(x), f(x)>0 ,g(x)>0 ,a > 0 , a 1 .

A method for reducing a logarithmic equation to a quadratic one.

Method of taking logarithms of both sides of an equation.

A method for reducing logarithms to the same base.

Logarithmic inequalities.

An inequality containing a variable only under the logarithmic sign is called logarithmic: log a f (x) > log a g (x).

When solving logarithmic inequalities, one should take into account the general properties of inequalities, the property of monotonicity of the logarithmic function and the domain of its definition. Inequality log a f (x) > log a g (x) equivalent to the system f (x) > g (x) > 0 for a > 1 and system 0 < f (x) < g (x) при 0 < а < 1 .

Radian measurement of angles and arcs. Sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent.

Degree measure. Here the unit of measurement is degree ( designation ) - This is the rotation of the beam by 1/360 of one full revolution. Thus, the full rotation of the beam is 360. One degree is made up of 60 minutes ( their designation ‘); one minute - respectively out of 60 seconds ( are indicated by “).

Radian measure. As we know from planimetry (see the paragraph “Arc length” in the section “Geometric location of points. Circle and circle”), the arc length l, radius r and the corresponding central angle are related by the relation: =l/r.

This formula underlies the definition of the radian measure of angles. So, if l = r, then = 1, and we say that the angle is equal to 1 radian, which is denoted by: = 1 glad. Thus, we have the following definition of the radian unit of measurement:

Radian is the central angle whose arc length and radius are equal(A m B = AO, Fig. 1). So, The radian measure of an angle is the ratio of the length of an arc drawn with an arbitrary radius and enclosed between the sides of this angle to the radius of the arc.

Trigonometric functions of acute angles can be defined as the ratio of the lengths of the sides of a right triangle.





Trigonometric functions of numeric argument

Definition .

The sine of x is the number equal to the sine of the angle in x radians. The cosine of a number x is the number equal to the cosine of the angle in x radians .

Other trigonometric functions of a numerical argument are defined similarly X .

Ghost formulas.

Addition formulas. Formulas for double and half arguments.


( ; .

Trigonometric functions and their graphs. Basic properties of trigonometric functions.

Trigonometric functions- type of elementary functions. Usually they include sinus (sin x), cosine (cos x), tangent (tg x), cotangent (ctg x), Usually trigonometric functions are defined geometrically, but they can be defined analytically through sums of series or as solutions of certain differential equations, which allows us to extend the scope of definition of these functions to complex numbers.

Function y sinx its properties and graph


2. E (y) = [-1; 1].

3. The function y = sinx is odd, since by definition of the sine of a trigonometric angle sin(- x)= - y/R = - sinx, where R is the radius of the circle, y is the ordinate of the point (Fig).

4. T = 2l - the smallest positive period. Really,

sin(x+p) = sinx.

with Ox axis: sinx= 0; x = pn, nОZ;

with the Oy axis: if x = 0, then y = 0.6. Sign constancy intervals:

sinx > 0, if xО (2pn; p + 2pn), nОZ;

sinx< 0 , if xО (p + 2pn; 2p+pn), nОZ.

Sine signs in quarters

y > 0 for angles a of the first and second quarters.

at< 0 для углов ее третьей и четвертой четвертей.

7. Intervals of monotony:

y = sinx increases on each of the intervals [-p/2 + 2pn; p/2 + 2pn],

nÎz and decreases on each of the intervals , nÎz.

8. Extremum points and extrema of the function:

xmax= p/2 + 2pn, nÎz; y max = 1;

ymax= - p/2 + 2pn, nÎz; ymin = - 1.

Function properties y = cosx and her schedule:


2. E (y) = [-1; 1].

3. Function y = cosx- even, since by definition of the cosine of a trigonometric angle cos (-a) = x/R = cosa on a trigonometric circle (Fig)

4. T = 2p - the smallest positive period. Really,

cos(x+2pn) = cosx.

5. Points of intersection with coordinate axes:

with the Ox axis: cosx = 0;

x = p/2 + pn, nÎZ;

with the Oy axis: if x = 0, then y = 1.

6. Intervals of constancy of signs:

cosx > 0, if xО (-p/2+2pn; p/2 + 2pn), nОZ;

cosx< 0 , if xО (p/2 + 2pn; 3p/2 + 2pn), nОZ.

This is proven on a trigonometric circle (Fig.). Cosine signs in quarters:

x > 0 for angles a of the first and fourth quarters.

x< 0 для углов a второй и третей четвертей.

7. Intervals of monotony:

y = cosx increases on each of the intervals [-p + 2pn; 2pn],

nÎz and decreases on each of the intervals , nÎz.

Function properties y = tgx and its graph: properties -

1. D (y) = (xÎR, x ¹ p/2 + pn, nÎZ).

3. Function y = tgx - odd

tgx > 0

tgx< 0 for xО (-p/2 + pn; pn), nОZ.

See the figure for the tangent signs for the quarters.

6. Intervals of monotony:

y = tgx increases at each interval

(-p/2 + pn; p/2 + pn),

7. Extremum points and extrema of the function:

8. x = p/2 + pn, nÎz - vertical asymptotes

Function properties y = ctgx and her schedule:


1. D (y) = (xÎR, x ¹ pn, nÎZ). 2. E (y) = R.

3. Function y = ctgx- odd.

4. T = p - the smallest positive period.

5. Intervals of constancy of signs:

ctgx > 0 for xО (pn; p/2 + pn;), nОZ;

ctgx< 0 for xО (-p/2 + pn; pn), nОZ.

See the figure for cotangent signs by quarters.

6. Function at= ctgx increases on each of the intervals (pn; p + pn), nÎZ.

7. Extremum points and extrema of a function y = ctgx No.

8. Function graph y = ctgx is tangent, obtained by shifting the graph y= tgx along the Ox axis to the left by p/2 and multiplying by (-1) (fig)

Inverse trigonometric functions, their properties and graphs

Inverse trigonometric functions (circular functions , arc functions) - mathematical functions that are the inverse of trigonometric functions. Six functions are usually classified as inverse trigonometric functions: arcsine , arc cosine , arctangent ,arccotanges. The name of the inverse trigonometric function is formed from the name of the corresponding trigonometric function by adding the prefix "arc-" (from lat. arc- arc). This is due to the fact that geometrically the value of the inverse trigonometric function can be associated with the length of the arc of the unit circle (or the angle subtending this arc) corresponding to a particular segment. Occasionally in foreign literature, notations like sin −1 are used for arcsine, etc.; This is considered not entirely correct, since there may be confusion with raising a function to the power −1. Basic ratio

Function y=arcsinX, its properties and graphs.

Arcsine numbers m this angle is called x, for which Function y= sin x y= arcsin x is strictly increasing. (the function is odd).

Function y=arccosX, its properties and graphs.

arc cosine numbers m this angle is called x, for which

Function y=cos x is continuous and bounded along its entire number line. Function y= arccos x is strictly decreasing. cos(arccos x) = x at arccos (cos y) = y at D(arccos x) = [− 1; 1], (domain), E(arccos x) = . (range of values). Properties of the arccos function (the function is centrally symmetric with respect to the point

Function y=arctgX, its properties and graphs.

Arctangent numbers m is the angle α for which the Function is continuous and bounded along its entire real line. The function is strictly increasing.


Properties of the arctg function



Function y=arcctg, its properties and graphs.

Arccotangent numbers m this angle is called x, for which

The function is continuous and bounded along its entire number line.

The function is strictly decreasing. at at 0< y < π Свойства функции arcctg (график функции центрально-симметричен относительно точки for any x .


The simplest trigonometric equations.

Definition. Wada equations sin x = a ; cos x = a ; tan x = a ; ctg x = a, Where x

Special cases of trigonometric equations

Definition. Wada equations sin x = a ; cos x = a ; tan x = a ; ctg x = a, Where x- the variable, aR, is called the simplest trigonometric equations.

Trigonometric equations

Axioms of stereometry and consequences from them

Basic figures in space: points, lines and planes. The basic properties of points, lines and planes regarding their relative positions are expressed in axioms.

A1. Through any three points that do not lie on the same line, there passes a plane, and only one. A2. If two points of a line lie in a plane, then all points of the line lie in this plane

Comment. If a line and a plane have only one common point, then they are said to intersect.

A3. If two planes have a common point, then they have a common straight line on which all the common points of these planes lie.

A and intersect along straight line a.

Corollary 1. A plane passes through a straight line and a point not lying on it, and only one plane at that. Corollary 2. A plane passes through two intersecting lines, and only one.

The relative position of two lines in space

Two lines given by equations

intersect at a point.

Parallelism of a line and a plane.

Definition 2.3 A line and a plane are called parallel if they do not have common points. If straight line a is parallel to plane α, then write a || α. Theorem 2.4 Test for the parallelism of a line and a plane. If a line outside the plane is parallel to some line on the plane, then this line is parallel to the plane itself. Proof Let b α, a || b and a α (drawing 2.2.1). We will carry out the proof by contradiction. Let a not be parallel to α, then the straight line a intersects the plane α at some point A. Moreover, A b, since a || b. According to the criterion of skew lines, lines a and b are skew. We have arrived at a contradiction. Theorem 2.5 If the plane β passes through a line a parallel to the plane α and intersects this plane along a line b, then b || a. Proof Indeed, lines a and b are not skew, since they lie in the β plane. In addition, these lines do not have common points, since a || α. Definition 2.4 The straight line b is sometimes called the trace of the plane β on the plane α.

Crossing straight lines. Sign of crossing lines

Lines are called intersecting if the following condition is met: If we imagine that one of the lines belongs to an arbitrary plane, then the other line will intersect this plane at a point not belonging to the first line. In other words, two lines in three-dimensional Euclidean space intersect if there is no plane containing them. Simply put, two lines in space that do not have common points, but are not parallel.

Theorem (1): If one of two lines lies in a certain plane, and the other line intersects this plane at a point not lying on the first line, then these lines intersect.

Theorem (2): Through each of two skew lines there passes a plane parallel to the other line, and, moreover, only one.

Theorem (3): If the sides of two angles are respectively aligned, then such angles are equal.

Parallelism of lines. Properties of parallel planes.

Parallel (sometimes equilateral) lines are called straight lines that lie in the same plane and either coincide or do not intersect. In some school definitions, coincident lines are not considered parallel; such a definition is not considered here. Properties Parallelism is a binary equivalence relation, therefore it divides the entire set of lines into classes of lines parallel to each other. Through any point you can draw exactly one straight line parallel to the given one. This is a distinctive property of Euclidean geometry; in other geometries the number 1 is replaced by others (in Lobachevsky’s geometry there are at least two such lines) 2 parallel lines in space lie in the same plane. b When 2 parallel lines intersect with a third, called secant: A secant necessarily intersects both lines. When intersecting, 8 angles are formed, some characteristic pairs of which have special names and properties: Lying crosswise the angles are equal. Relevant the angles are equal. Unilateral the angles add up to 180°.

Perpendicularity of a line and a plane.

A straight line intersecting a plane is called perpendicular this plane if it is perpendicular to every straight line that lies in this plane and passes through the point of intersection.


If a line intersecting a plane is perpendicular to two lines in this plane passing through the point of intersection of this line and the plane, then it is perpendicular to the plane.


If a plane is perpendicular to one of two parallel lines, then it is also perpendicular to the other.


Two lines perpendicular to the same plane are parallel.

Three Perpendicular Theorem

Let AB- perpendicular to plane α, A.C.- inclined and c- a straight line in the α plane passing through the point C and perpendicular to the projection B.C.. Let's make a direct CK parallel to the line AB. Straight CK is perpendicular to the plane α (since it is parallel AB), and therefore any straight line of this plane, therefore, CK perpendicular to a straight line c AB And CK plane β (parallel lines define a plane, and only one). Straight c perpendicular to two intersecting lines lying in the β plane, this is B.C. according to the condition and CK by construction, it means that it is perpendicular to any line belonging to this plane, which means it is perpendicular to the line A.C. .

Converse of the three perpendicular theorem

If a straight line drawn on a plane through the base of an inclined line is perpendicular to the inclined one, then it is also perpendicular to its projection.

Let AB- perpendicular to the plane a , AC- inclined and With- straight line in plane a, passing through the base of the inclined WITH. Let's make a direct SK, parallel to the line AB. Straight SK perpendicular to the plane a(according to this theorem, since it is parallel AB), and therefore any straight line of this plane, therefore, SK perpendicular to a straight line With. Let's draw through parallel lines AB And SK plane b(parallel lines define a plane, and only one). Straight With perpendicular to two straight lines lying in the plane b, This AC according to the condition and SK by construction, it means it is perpendicular to any line belonging to this plane, which means it is perpendicular to the line Sun. In other words, projection Sun perpendicular to a straight line With, lying in the plane a .

Perpendicular and oblique.

Perpendicular, lowered from a given point on a given plane, is a segment connecting a given point with a point on the plane and lying on a straight line perpendicular to the plane. The end of this segment lying in a plane is called base of the perpendicular .

Inclined drawn from a given point to a given plane is any segment connecting a given point with a point on the plane that is not perpendicular to the plane. The end of a segment lying in a plane is called inclined base. A segment connecting the bases of a perpendicular to an inclined one drawn from the same point is called oblique projection .

Definition 1. A perpendicular to a given line is a line segment perpendicular to a given line, which has one of its ends at their intersection point. The end of a segment lying on a given line is called the base of the perpendicular.

Definition 2. An inclined line drawn from a given point to a given line is a segment connecting a given point with any point on a line that is not the base of a perpendicular drawn from the same point to a given line. AB is perpendicular to the plane α.

AC - oblique, CB - projection.

C is the base of the inclined, B is the base of the perpendicular.

The angle between a straight line and a plane.

The angle between a straight line and a plane Any angle between a straight line and its projection onto this plane is called.

Dihedral angle.

Dihedral angle- a spatial geometric figure formed by two half-planes emanating from one straight line, as well as a part of space limited by these half-planes. Half-planes are called edges dihedral angle, and their common straight line is edge. Dihedral angles are measured by a linear angle, that is, the angle formed by the intersection of a dihedral angle with a plane perpendicular to its edge. Every polyhedron, regular or irregular, convex or concave, has a dihedral angle on each edge.

Perpendicularity of two planes.


If a plane passes through a line perpendicular to another plane, then these planes are perpendicular.