English games of colors and numbers. Learning colors in English in a playful way

Learning colors in English can be a lot of fun. Show your child a color and clearly name it in English several times. Ask your child what else comes in this color?

If you are studying e.g. yellow do it with your child. At the end of the lesson, repeat several times what color the craft is.

Learning colors in English - cards for children

When you move on to learning a new color, repeat the color that you studied in the last lesson. Remember what craft you made, saying the color you have already studied several times. The youngest students will find it interesting if each lesson is taught by a character of the color being studied. For example, about pink color a fashionista doll in a pink dress can talk, and for a lesson on studying orange color will host a cheerful orange.

Watch a cartoon in English with your child, where charming jars of paints dance and sing along with cartoon characters. The easy song is immediately memorable, and children really like the repeating motif.

When you offer children to watch educational cartoons in English:

  • It makes sense to explain to your child what there is different languages. So Russian word"red" in English sounds like "red". You might want to expand on the topic and explore with your child the question: “Why do people speak different languages?”
  • Repeat colors in English and Russian when you look at a book or walk. Invite your child to remember the words from the song if he has forgotten the color in English.
  • You should not play such cartoons non-stop. Endless repetition will reduce the child’s attention and interest, and very soon he will stop enjoying watching the cartoon.
  • Try to learn excerpts from the song or the entire song. Imagine how you will surprise your grandparents with a song in English!

Hello! Wondering how easy it is to remember English words? Now we'll tell you everything! Today we are learning colors in English. For children, remembering colors in English is not easy.

And we turned it into something funny and fun! After such a transformation, it was not difficult for my eldest daughter Mariska to learn all the assignments in the English lesson!

Learn English

So. We have news! We are learning English!!!

And immediately encountered new necessity memorization - English words!

I first heard about the fact that it is better to learn English words through association, probably from wonderful person and a very effective leader course "Yes" Sergei Smirnov.

Moreover, the funnier the association, let’s say, the better it will be remembered. This is roughly his main idea on this matter.

We also learn English words with fun and interest.

So. Our associative memory cards English flowers. Meet!

We only have one and a half pages so far.

Remember colors in English

This is what our first cards with flowers looked like :) Front side

Eh, there was a time...

I'll leave the pencil cards as a souvenir. They are so cute))

And we move on to our new bright and colorful cards with the ability to print and study individually.

Learning colors in English. Part one

Here you can download pdf file with cards for double-sided printing on A4.

And this - Word document 97-2003 . The document has better image quality. Despite the fact that when opening cards from Google Drive, they look a little strange, after downloading the file everything is fine with them. So, feel free to download!

Red - RED

RED tomatoes
The children ate for lunch

Green – GREEN

We're talking secretly
What grasshopper color is GREEN

Blue - BLUE

I love the sea very much
Because – the colors are BLUE!

Yellow - YELLOW

Whatever you do with the sun
The color will always be YELLOW

Black – BLACK

A very black man
Wears BLACK jeans

Brown – BROWN

There are many cranes
Dirty, dirty! BROWN colors

White - WHITE

The tram runs in January
All covered in WHITE snowflakes

Colors. Part two (General)

In this place in our leaflet it began back side. Like this:

Well, now - new bright cards for

Purple – PURPLE

Ate some blueberries
Steel hands in PURPLE color

Actually, I thought it was burgundy, but they gave it to us as purple. So – for now it’s purple.

Pink – PINK

Daddy Pig loves mom
Out of love all the colors are PINK

This is the name. PigK. Yes Yes.

Gray – GRAY (GRAY)

Help quickly!
I see a mouse of GRAY color!

(grAy - more American version, grEy is English, but it seems that both spellings are acceptable)

Orange – ORANGE

Orange to the rescue
Superfruit it is ORANGE in color!

These are all the colors we have studied so far. Who is bigger?

These are the methods we use to remember colors in English.

Did you like our method? Leave your requests! If you get it on a card, I’ll draw it and publish it new series cards with your words.

These were our cheerful English colors!

We learn colors in English for children - we write, draw, laugh, remember!

And about how easy it is to remember English words. And today we had memorization of colors - I hope - effective?

When learning, kids will need the most basic colors in English. For children, you can give associations and poems so that the colors are remembered better and easier. Let's see which colors you need to learn first, and which are the most simple examples we can use them to make them better remembered.

Colors in English for children

From every color we will make separate category, in which we will try to give the most popular associations with each color.


White in English will be white. Let's make up phrases with this color:

  • White snowman - white snowman.
  • White sheep - white sheep.
  • White snow - white snow.

Please note: you can make a full sentence from these words by simply adding a form of the verb to be. For example – the snowman is white, the sheep is white.


In English it will be red.

  • Red rose - red rose.
  • Red pepper - red pepper.
  • Red heart - red heart.

Red car – red car


Yellow will be yellow.

  • Yellow lemon - yellow lemon.
  • Yellow sun - yellow sun.
  • Yellow sand - yellow sand.


This color is easy to remember, because the fruit is also called orange.

  • Orange flower - orange flower.
  • Orange leaves - orange leaves.
  • Orange sunset - orange sunset.


Both blue and blue are called blue in English. For more detailed description There are many terms for different shades of blue, but for now we need to know one - blue.

  • Blue sky - blue sky.
  • Blue jeans - blue jeans.
  • Blue sea - blue sea.

Blue ball - blue ball


This color symbolizes nature itself and in English it will be green.

  • Green grass - green grass.
  • Green tree - green tree.
  • Green tea – green tea.


Pink is translated as pink.

  • Pink pig - pink pig.
  • Pink dress - pink dress.
  • Pink tulip – pink tulip.


Purple means violet, as well as magenta and violet.

  • Purple butterfly - purple butterfly.
  • Purple balloon - purple ball.
  • Purple T-shirt - purple T-shirt.

Please note: phrases with flowers do not always have a direct translation, for example, purple grapes in Russian is translated as “blue grapes”.


Gray will be gray (grey).

  • Gray (grey) mouse – gray mouse.
  • Gray (grey) cloud - gray cloud.
  • Gray (grey) stone – gray stone.


In English it will be brown.

  • Brown bear - brown bear.
  • Brown trunk - brown trunk.
  • Brown hair – brown (chestnut) hair.


The last color on our list will be black.

  • Black hat - black hat.
  • Black cat - black cat.
  • Black night – black (dark) night.

Colors - colors


Here's another way to teach English language. For children, colors at the beginning of learning are just words, let them acquire a vivid semantic image. Effective method memorizing colors are poems. This method is fun and entertaining, and it also helps train children's memory and pronunciation. Let's see what verses can be useful to us in studying colors. To make the meaning of the verses clear, we provide a literal translation in the right column of the table.

Spring is green.
Summer is bright.
Autumn is yellow.
Winter is white.
Spring is green.
Summer is bright.
Autumn is yellow.
Winter is white.
Orange is an orange.
Yellow is the sun.
Brown is the bear and
Purple is the plum.
Red is an apple.
Blue is the sky.
Black is witch's hat.
And red is cherry pie.
Orange orange.
The sun is yellow.
The bear is brown and
Purple plum.
The apple is red.
The sky is blue.
The witch's hat is black.
Cherry pie red.
Adding white to black we get gray
Everyday to God we should pray.

Adding yellow to blue we get green
Our house should always be tidy and clean.

Adding white to red we get pink
Morning and evening milk we must drink.

By adding white to black we get grey,
Every day we must pray to God.

By adding yellow to blue we get green,
Our homes should always be neat and clean.

By adding white to red we get pink,
Morning and evening we should drink milk.


Remember that children cannot hold attention for long. Games are a great way to early stages learning, especially if English is taught to children. Colors surround us everywhere. To add variety to your learning process, try several methods.


Make cards different colors. Explain to your child that in Russian “this” in English will be It is. On the back of the cards, write in English the color it represents. Show your child different cards and ask them to name the color using the expression It is…. When he says it, turn the card over and show the word. Let the outer shell be remembered simultaneously with the vocabulary itself ( correct writing) of each word.

Room description

When we learn English, colors for children are not so interesting topic. Each of them does not represent an interesting three-dimensional image. Try to make associations with objects. If you are indoors, ask your child to point to various items and name their color. To make the game more fun, invite him to walk around the room and touch the named objects. Also, immediately teach to pronounce the name using the expression It is.... The same game can be played outdoors.

Please note: at the same time as learning colors, you can gradually introduce new vocabulary. And after the child said, pointing to the table, It is yellow, invite him to replace It with English word table.

Thus, you can combine various techniques, English itself becomes more fun for children. The theme “Colors” with the video will be remembered even faster:

The topic “Colors” in English for kids is one of the first to take: it is simple, there are few primary colors to learn, everything is easy to visualize.

The lesson begins, as always, with a greeting, the so-called “hello song” (I described the structure of the lesson in detail). Then a short exchange of greetings, answers to the question “how are you? - and you can start learning new material.

Show your child pre-prepared cards of different colors. Show it, name the color, repeat in Russian. Ask to show and name this color in the environment.

Primary colors that a child becomes familiar with:

  • red - red;
  • yellow - yellow;
  • blue - blue;
  • green - green;
  • pink - pink;
  • purple - violet;
  • brown - brown;
  • gray - gray;
  • black - black;
  • white - white.

There is no need to “dump” all the colors on the child at once. You can start with 4-5, and add new ones next time.

Even if your child is just beginning to learn English, don’t be afraid to name objects for him. The object named in combination with the color (and shown in the picture) will be remembered. Even if the child does not remember it, the connection will appear and next time it will be easier for him to perceive the information.

Games with flowers in English

While you're at initial stage getting acquainted with the language, most of the time during the lesson the children still do not talk, but listen, draw, play outdoor games, sculpt, glue appliqués, and so on. In a word, they do what they do well.

Here are 2 activity games you can suggest.

Race track

Cut small squares of different colors. Prepare a landscape sheet: stick flags in the upper left corner symbolizing the finish. Invite your child to stick squares of any color in random places. After the squares are glued, draw a car on the side and build a race track from it - draw a line through all the squares.

Now it's time to start racing! It’s very exciting for kids (at least for my daughter it was definitely exciting) - to move your finger along the road “at speed” and name the colors that you are “driving” through. Try playing races or take turns. When you “ride” yourself, you can even make a couple of mistakes in the name of the color so that the child notices and corrects it.


The principle of the game is the same. Give your child circles of different colors and let him make a caterpillar on a piece of paper. And then you need to walk along it with your fingers, like on a path, and name the colors (this is where fine motor skills are trained!).

In subsequent lessons, you can repeat the theme of flowers in the context of new material being studied (fruits, toys, pets, etc.).

Sometimes it's easier for children to remember foreign words when they are included in native speech. Offer your child this rhyme with “agreements”:

Ripe, fresh apple color

In English red - red.

Are you sick? Will come to the rescue

Orange is healthy - orange.

Sun and ripe lemon

In English yellow - yellow.

The Christmas tree always has the same color

Green all year round - green.

In the summer I fish

In the bright blue sea - blue.

The boy Styopa ate grapes,

He's purple - purple.

Mischievous pig

Color pink - pink.

We all like chocolate

He's brown, he's... brown.

The snow lies in winter and does not melt,

Name white - white.

Cloudy rainy days

How will it be gray? Gray!

The nose of a dog named Jack

Like black coal - black.

Video for learning the topic “Color” in English for kids

There’s nowhere to go without video materials now. It’s good that you can find quite a lot of high-quality songs that will be interesting to children 3-4 years old. My daughter could watch some videos dozens of times, trying to sing along in English.

Here are just a few that can be shown to children (of course, not all at once, but within the framework of several lessons).

Video about colorful butterflies in English:

Video about balloons:

Colors and objects of these colors:

6 primary colors in a very simple song with a simple but memorable video:

Video from the “find the color” series. Songs of the same type in which you need to find objects of a given color. I see something blue

Don't forget to practice your skills! Name the colors of objects and surrounding things on walks and at home. The child will remember them quickly enough, but without repetition this knowledge will not stay for long.

Have fun and fruitful activities! I would be grateful if you share in the comments interesting games and classes on this topic!