How to translate commerce to budget. How can a student transfer from paid education to free education?


Find out under what conditions it is possible to transfer a student at your university to a budget department. Usually the main requirement is good academic performance. Additional extracurricular activities can also be a plus - participation in student Olympiads and conferences, as well as in interuniversity sports competitions.

Submit an application to the dean's office for transfer to a budget department. Your request will be granted only if there is a free place available, for example, a person who studied at public expense. But even if this is not possible now, your application may be saved for future consideration.

If your university does not provide budget places for your specialty, contact other universities. In some cases, the university may agree to accept you into a government-funded place by transfer. To do this, you must demonstrate your motivation and high marks. But keep in mind that even in the same specialties the program may differ greatly in different universities. You may be accepted into a junior course and required to take additional exams and tests in subjects that were not included in your course. curriculum your first university.

In some cases, the basis for transfer from a paid department may be a deterioration in your financial situation, for example, the death or loss of work of a relative who paid for your education. To confirm this situation, you will need to provide documents about this to the dean's office.


Attempts to transfer to the budget department can be made every session, up to last year training. If you are finishing your bachelor's degree but still remain in paid branch, try to enroll in a budget master's program - your chances will be equal to those who previously studied for four years for free.

Lomonosov Moscow State University is one of the most prestigious Russian universities. According to statistics, at least 80% of graduates Moscow State University find a job immediately after graduation. University graduates are in demand in the labor market. Since education in Moscow State University costs a lot of money, most the best option for applicants is precisely admission to budget. How to apply for budget V Moscow State University?

You will need

  • Internet, problem books, materials on the Unified State Exam, manuals for applicants to Moscow State University in previous years


The first step to admission to Moscow State University- choice of faculty. Narrow is the key to success. Especially if you want to compete with hundreds of other applicants. Find out on the website of the faculty where you want to study, the subjects that are majored at the faculty. An excellent option for applicants - special schools and courses at Moscow State University. All preparatory classes can be divided into two large groups: remote and face-to-face. Of course, if you live far from Moscow, distance learning will be the best option for you. Pay attention to the joint Moscow State University and MIPT (Moscow Physical and Technical Institute). This is the center distance education. On the site you can prepare for admission in real time completely.

One of the easiest opportunities for entering a university is getting a prize in a first-level Olympiad. In order to become the winner of the Olympiad, you need to familiarize yourself with the tasks for applicants to Moscow State University past years, solve original and unusual problems. Development school level(basic) is also mandatory for applicants. Get ready Moscow State University You can register for full-time subject courses. Becoming one of the winners All-Russian Olympiad guarantees you budget V Moscow State University.

Surrender of the One State Exam- Also good opportunity for admission. If you write the state exam well (for this you need to solve basic problems and have a good understanding of the material), then you will need

What to do if the coursework does not pass Anti-plagiarism?

At the final stage, each coursework is tested for uniqueness, and this is where the student’s problems begin. Of course, it all depends on the teacher’s requirements, but it is still sometimes very difficult to meet them.


How to recognize that coursework has been ordered?

Every semester students write term papers, as a report on the knowledge gained. Grades for “coursework” are given separately in the grade book, but also play a role in receiving a scholarship.


How to correctly set tasks in a thesis?

Fifth year, diploma, young specialist, adult independent life! Every student who enters the fifth year of study thinks approximately in this direction. There is euphoria in the mind, and far-sighted plans for life in actions.


What happens if a student forges a signature on a record book?

IN student years what students don’t make up just to survive the next session. Every year, the horizons for such tricks only expand, because the desire to get a higher education is above all else.

The procedure and conditions of transfer are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 06.06.2013 No. 433.

The most important condition for transfer is the availability of free budget space in the relevant field of study and form of study at the right course. A vacancy may appear at any time school year: someone dropped out, transferred to another faculty or to correspondence form training. Accordingly, the situation with budget places: The dean's office should provide the information you are interested in. Unfortunately, students are not always informed in a timely manner, but it is possible to monitor the number free seats on the official website of the university.

Other conditions for applying for a transfer are that the student has no current academic debt, disciplinary sanctions, as well as tuition debts.

Who can apply for a budget place

According to the order of the Ministry of Education, the following have the right to transfer:

  1. Students who have passed at least two sessions in a row with “excellent” or “good” and “excellent”. However, there must be at least 75% of A's in the student record book. total number grades (taking into account grades for coursework and practice). In different universities, the required period of study without C grades may differ, but does not exceed four sessions in a row. A single “satisfactory” rating will deprive you of the opportunity to apply for a transfer to the budget. Therefore, it makes sense to ask the teacher to give it a “fail” and then retake the exam. All “tails” of those applying for transfer must be eliminated as quickly as possible.
  2. Orphans and children left without parental care.
  3. Citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of twenty years, having only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita total family income is below the subsistence level established in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation. This point can also help those students who apply for a budget place based on good academic performance. A certificate from social security will be a bonus that can resolve the issue in your favor.
  4. Students who lost one or both parents (legal representatives) or a single parent (legal representative) during their studies.

Package of documents

In order to add your candidacy to the list of applicants for a budget-funded position, you need to:

− submit a corresponding application to the dean’s office;

− confirm the right to transfer. An excellent or good student must make a photocopy grade book and have it certified by the dean’s office (there must be a stamp educational institution and signature of the dean); for those who have lost a parent or for the poor - relevant certificates and documents from social security;

− prepare documents confirming special achievements in educational, research, social, cultural, creative and sports activities educational organization(diplomas, certificates, gratitude - if available);

− characteristics, which are compiled by the dean or his deputy for educational work, group curator;

Transfer commission

A special commission that decides the fate of students usually meets twice a year. Most often this happens in August-September and February-March - following the results of exam sessions. The exact date It’s better to check with the dean’s office or on the website.

For budget applicants this is very important point, since collection and signature necessary documents takes certain time. It is better to start collecting certificates from social security several months before the date of delivery. If you miss the time when the commission met or do not have time to submit all the documents, you will have to wait another six months, which means you will have to pay for another semester.

If there are more applicants than vacancies, the transfer commission may appoint additional tests in the form of an exam or allocate available places in accordance with the submitted documents. According to the law, priority is given first to excellent students, then to orphans and students who have only one parent - a group I disabled person.

For any equal conditions Preference is given to students with the best academic performance.

How to get money back after transfer

If you managed to pay next year or a semester of study, and after that you were transferred to the budget, you can get your money back.

To receive a refund, you will need to write a corresponding application based on the transfer to budgetary basis training, indicating the current account. If the year or semester has not yet begun (you paid in advance or switched to a budget during the holidays), then the money will be returned to in full. If the commission met during educational process, then a recalculation will be made. For example, if the order to transfer a student was signed on April 11, then funds will be returned only for the period of part of April and until the end of the academic year.

Question: Hello, Ekaterina Gennadievna! My name is Liliya Romanovna. I am the mother of Nelly Marselevna Shigapova, 2nd year student Faculty of Philology, "Linguistics", " Foreign languages"profile "Italian language".
Question: Is it possible to transfer my daughter from paid to budget? If I am an old-age pensioner and do not work due to health reasons, I receive a pension of 10,000 rubles plus 1,000 rubles. for a child, my husband’s salary is 20,000 rubles, next. the year goes by for retirement, and 10,00 rubles is my mother’s pension; my daughter doesn’t work because... is a full-time student. As a result, the average is 40-45 thousand, sometimes they rarely give the husband a bonus.
My daughter passed her exams and tests in all three semesters with grades 4 and 5, but so far the transfer has not worked out. We have run out of all our money and there is no one to borrow from. My daughter was always an excellent student, and we expected that she would go to school on a budget. Is it possible to transfer her to the budget as a low-income person? If yes, what documents should I submit and when? Thank you.

Answer of the First Vice-Rector for Academic, Extracurricular and educational and methodological work St. Petersburg State University Ekaterina Gennadievna Babelyuk

In accordance with paragraph 7.2.8 of the “Rules for training in basic educational programs bachelor's, specialist's, master's and secondary vocational education in St. Petersburg state university, approved by the order of the first vice-rector for academic, extracurricular and educational-methodical work dated January 29, 2016 No. 470/1,” the following students can apply for transfer from places with payment of tuition fees to places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget:

  • students who passed exams in the last two semesters of study preceding the application, with grades “excellent” or “excellent” and “good” or “good”;
  • orphans, children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;
  • citizens under the age of twenty who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is lower than the subsistence level established in the corresponding subject Russian Federation;
  • students who lost one or both parents (legal representatives) or a single parent (legal representative) during their studies.

According to clause 7.1.3 of the training rules, the transfer and reinstatement of students is carried out on a competitive basis if there are vacancies.

Information on the number of vacancies is published on the official portal of St. Petersburg State University no later than the working day preceding the day of the meeting of the commission for accepting documents in order to carry out transfers and reinstatements in the relevant area.

Next meeting Central Commission on transfers and restorations will take place on 02/10/2017 before the start of the spring academic semester 2016/2017 academic year. Documents are accepted from December 12, 2016 to January 30, 2017 (inclusive). Documents can be transferred to members of the commission for accepting documents in the relevant direction, or to in electronic format through "Personal Account".

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All students who perform well have the opportunity to transfer from a commercial form of education to a budget one. This opportunity enshrined in the Procedure and cases of transfer of persons studying in educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education, With paid training to free, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 06.06.2013 No. 443 “On approval of the Procedure and cases of transition of persons studying in educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education from paid education to free” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 07.19.2013 No. 29107).

What are the requirements for translation from commercial training on budget

Amendments to the Procedure made by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 25, 2014 N 1286 provide for the right of a student to transfer from a commercial department to a budget department if the following requirements are met:

  • - absence of academic debt;
  • - absence of disciplinary sanctions;
  • - no late payments for educational services;
  • - presence of “good” and “excellent” grades in the academic record for the previous two semesters.

It turns out that a student who passed the previous two sessions without “C” grades has real opportunity to transfer to a free form of training. The press service of the Ministry of Education and Science commented on the existing changes as “stimulating students to perform well.”

Let us remind you that until 2015, only “excellent students” could use the translation, of whom, unfortunately, we do not have many. Some talented guys ended up staying on a paid basis, which is not in the best possible way affected their mood and incentives. The current formulation of this provision contributes to a significant expansion of the circle of persons entitled to free education, which is undoubtedly an expansion of benefits for a good student, which should be taken advantage of. WITH full list benefits for students can be found in the corresponding section of the site.

The final decision to transfer the student to budget support accepted general meeting special commission. The opinion of the students' union is also taken into account. If the student has not reached the age of majority, then the council of parents in a particular educational institution is also involved in making the decision.

As additional documents, which can increase the chances of positive decision about the transition to a budget, you can additionally attach documents about achievements in knowledge of certain disciplines, about participation in cultural, social and sports events.

In the event that there are several applicants for one budget place, priority will be given to those persons with the best results intermediate certifications. Participation in cultural, social, sports and other areas is of secondary importance.

This is also an excellent incentive for students to achieve best results in teaching. In this regard, it is important to give a chance to receive education at the expense of the budget to those who show particular success in learning. Therefore, first of all, the commission’s gaze is focused on the results of academic performance.

An important decision is also to increase budget places. However, they should not be opened in all faculties and areas. Here it is very important to listen to the opinion of the community, which will tell you in which areas of activity there is a need for certain specialists. To meet your needs modern market work force It is important to create more budget places in those faculties that are able to fill the shortage of highly qualified specialists. But the current state of affairs suggests the opposite: commercial places in universities are an excellent option for earning money, so in popular areas of study the number of budget places is becoming less and less.

Rules for transferring to free education

The main condition for the transition from a commercial form of education to a free one is the availability of free budget places, the financing of which comes from the budgets different levels in a specific area of ​​study.

The period in which a student can apply for transfer is determined internal decision by educational institution.

All necessary information information regarding the timing, availability of budget places, as well as the procedure for switching from a commercial form of education to a free one, should be freely available. The educational institution is obliged to place the relevant data in the means mass media, for example, on the official website of the university.

  • - orphans and children who have lost parental care;
  • - persons under twenty years of age who have a disabled person as their only parent I group, and if the average per capita income of this family does not reach the subsistence level established in a specific region of our country;
  • - persons who lost one or two parents while receiving education.

Application Process

Upon receiving an application from a student with a request to consider his candidacy for transfer from a commercial form of education to a budget one, representatives of the educational institution are required to register and submit the application to the commission within 5 days. The application is accompanied by extracts from transcripts confirming the student’s academic performance, a certificate of no penalties and payment documents indicating payment for educational services. The package of documents also includes information about awards and participation in certain areas of activity.

The result of consideration of the provided package of documents is the adoption of one of two decisions: “refuse” or “allow”. Final decision The commission is also based on the presence of a certain number of available budget places.

The minutes of the commission meeting are also made available to everyone by posting it on appropriate resources, for example, on the World Wide Web or other media.

Within 10 days, the commission’s decision is officially formalized by order educational institution, which is signed by the head of the institution or other authorized person.

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