Sign up for a speech therapy commission. Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission

The phrase "PMPC" evokes a feeling of fear and anxiety. What is hidden behind the term "PMPC"? Who conducts it, who directs it and for what purpose.

When parents are faced with why they need to undergo this commission, many questions immediately arise. The very first and most natural thing in our time is that immediately after the answer, everyone goes to the Internet, and where else? And then they find a lot of negative reviews. Teachers' response to negative reviews parents is very simple. Allegedly, the commission is often carried out in conditions that are not comfortable for the child. And parents add fuel to the fire with their aggressive attitude and fear for emotional condition child who needs to be tested. At the same time, specialists need to open up the child and see his real capabilities. In their opinion, the recommendations in such a situation are very simple. They recommend that parents do not panic and behave with restraint and calm. At correct behavior parent, the child will not notice the anxiety and then the meeting with the commission will be painless and with good result. But I prefer to disagree with this. Our experience and the experience of many families speaks of completely different results.

Let me briefly introduce you to what “PMPK” is and what it is eaten with.

Psychological and medical pedagogical commission or “PMPC” is a commission at which a complete, comprehensive diagnosis of the child takes place. The commission includes doctors (psychologist, ophthalmologist, speech therapist, neurologist), and teachers (educational psychologist, teacher-defectologist, speech therapist teacher), which is why it is called psychological and medical pedagogical commission. The specialists present determine whether the child has any diagnoses. Usually these are children with diagnoses such as mental retardation, visually impaired children, children with developmental delays speech apparatus, with mental disorders, children with cerebral palsy (children cerebral paralysis) etc. Specialists must determine whether your child can attend a regular school, or whether the issue of transfer to another school or transfer to correctional school etc. Not only schoolchildren, but also preschoolers are sent for examination to the “PMPC”.

Who refers to PMPC?

Usually these are teachers of preschool educational institutions or schools. The school holds a consultation and, at the end of it, decides whether a particular student should be sent to PMPK or not. Your child can also be referred by specialists (doctors) with whom your child is registered, according to the diagnoses given to him. Well, for example: An ophthalmologist to resolve the issue of enrolling a child in a school for children with low vision. A speech therapist can refer you to a PMPK to send your child to a speech therapy kindergarten or to a specialized speech school, if your baby is deaf and mute, this is a completely different educational institution.

List of documents required for passing the PMPK

At the very beginning, the parent or legal representative is given a form, a referral for a medical examination, or as I call it a slider.

Then, after passing all the doctors, you need to contact the institution itself that conducts this commission. Such information is usually given by the specialists who refer your child, or you can get it from a speech therapist at a children's clinic. I make it much easier by calling by phone to find out when you can come up with ready-made documents and sign up for PMPC. The employee accepting documents for the commission tells you the days for accepting documents and what time is best to come. I arrive at the recommended time, bringing with me all the necessary documents.

All required necessary documents Originals and photocopies are provided. Photocopies will be taken from you, and you will come to the commission with the originals on the appointed day.

List of documents:

  • Passport, the legal representative of the child, who will represent the interests of his child (the parent is usually the mother).
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • Referral to PMPC, which I mentioned earlier.
  • Pedagogical characteristics certified by the supervisor educational institution;
  • Results of independent productive activity child (2-3 drawings with colored pencils);
  • Child's outpatient card.
  • Direction medical organization, an organization providing social services, another organization (if any);
  • Document confirming disability. If your child has a disability.
  • IPR - Individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child.
  • Previous conclusion of the commission (PMPC) on the results of a previous examination of the child. You should have this conclusion if you have already passed this commission before. If this is your first time on a commission, then naturally you won’t have one.

If your child is a schoolchild, then you also need to add the following documents to all of the above:

  • You were sent based on the conclusion of the school commission - the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council educational organization or a specialist (specialists) providing psychological, medical and pedagogical support to students in an educational organization (for students of educational organizations).
  • - A copy of the student’s personal file with certification by year of study;
  • - grades list;
  • - samples written works in the Russian language, mathematics and other results of the child’s independent productive activity; This is in place of the three drawings that preschoolers provide.

I repeat once again: photocopies of all documents must be made.

After presenting all necessary documents, you will be signed up for a specific day and time, where you must come together with your child.

I almost forgot when submitting documents for PMPC, it is not at all necessary to take a child. Since you will have to fill out several applications and sign consent, and the child, especially if he is a preschooler, will be very much in the way.

After passing the commission, you will receive the conclusion of the “Territorial Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission”, in a single copy. You keep this conclusion, and you provide a copy and the original to anyone who requests it. The original should always be kept with you, and you can safely give copies to institutions that need it. You will need the original if you pass the commission again.

Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, how is the examination carried out?

After you have provided all the documents and you have been enrolled in the PMPC, you are given a small coupon that contains the date, time and a list of original documents required for the commission. Now your task is to come with your child to the commission on the day for which you were registered, 10 minutes earlier than the appointed time. You hand over the original documents to one of the commission members and wait to be invited into the office.

Basically, the entire composition of the commission is in one office. The child falls into the hands of several specialists at once, who can sit at one long table or at different ones. The child’s task is to complete the tasks given to him by his teachers. He will communicate with each member of the commission in turn, and they will naturally observe him completely and draw appropriate conclusions.

It is important to note that the procedure for performing PMPK itself is not comfortable for the child. Specialists often rush the child, do not encourage him or give him a break. Testing or examining a child lasts from 30 minutes to two hours. In such a situation, your presence, support, and encouraging soothing words are very important for the child. Take with you something to eat and drink.

Psychological and medical pedagogical commission, result.

Based on the results of the examination, specialists will draw up a PMPC protocol, which you will have to read and sign whether you agree or not. The protocol must be signed as confirmation that the commission has passed in your presence (legal representatives).

The PMPK report will display the results of the examination and further recommendations to parents.

Will your child be able to study in regular school, or education in a special school is recommended.

Does your child need additional classes with a speech therapist, additional training assignments.

Does the child need treatment from doctors, observation from a psychologist, etc.

It is important to understand that the commission’s conclusion is advisory in nature, and parents are not obliged to strictly follow the instructions of the PMPC.

Abuse of PMPC

Unfortunately, here, as everywhere else, there are pitfalls with excess or abuse. There are times when teachers or school authorities directly force or force you to take the PMPK. Or, on the contrary, you see that the child cannot cope, you try to accept more correct solution, but they recommend you not to take any action and in any way they try to dissuade you from transferring to another Educational establishment. If, after all, you got to the PMPC and you are not satisfied with the conclusion and recommendations of the commission... You can safely contact the commission top level(city, regional) for re-passing an independent commission.

Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, now a little of our experience in passing this event.

Our son was sent to primary medical care for the first time when we were 2.5 years old. We were referred by teachers from the center, which we attended from the age of 9 months. The purpose of the PMPK was to ask whether the child was ready to attend a short-stay group in kindergarten. It depended on this commission whether our child would be accepted into kindergarten or not. As a result of imprisonment, we were taken into a group . The second time, we were sent by teachers from preschool educational institution 199. (Speech therapist, psychologist, with the permission of the head). The commission was faced with the question: Can our child attend a regular inclusive group in the same kindergarten? Based on the results of the conclusion, we were sent to a group with ordinary children, where we went for three years, but then..... In 2014, Slava turned 6 years old and the question arose about preparing the child for school, and then all the fun began. In the spring, we passed the PMPK, based on the results of which we were sent to a specialized kindergarten. With this conclusion, I went to the preschool educational institution that the commission recommended to us, and there a surprise awaited us. The head of the preschool educational institution bluntly said that they do not accept children with Down syndrome. According to the law, they have no right to refuse us, but we have no chance of getting to them. The excuses are the usual: there is a very long queue, there are about 250 children in front of us with different diagnoses and a little older, they need these classes more than we do. Of course, it was not in our rules to retreat, and since it was useless to prove anything, I started a little on the quiet. Turning to the head of kindergarten 199 where we go, I explained the essence of the problem, and she fussed about considering our candidacy out of turn. Manager specialized garden She also fussed and raised the question that the conclusion needed to be revised. Confident in the strength of my child, I agreed, and we went to PMPK again in the fall. This is where the pitfalls were revealed. Three teachers from a specialized kindergarten to which we could not get a transfer were present at the commission. The commission's conclusion shocked me completely. In the conclusion it was written that my child is completely a vegetable and cannot be taught in a specialized preschool educational institution, not in preschool educational institution No. 199, which we have been attending for the last 3 years. Of course, when they gave me the opportunity to read the PMPK protocol and sign it... I read it and expressed my complete disagreement, which led the commission into a little bewilderment and confusion. At the bottom of the protocol, she wrote that she completely disagreed with the commission’s conclusion and put a signature under her disagreement. With this conclusion, I went to our 199 garden, and we passed Last year up to seven years into it. Although, based on the conclusion of the PMPC, they had the right to send us to hell. But fortunately, the teachers really assessed the situation, and knowing our child’s abilities, they ignored the conclusion of the PMPC and agreed with my opinion.

This year in the spring we had to undergo the PMPC again, but we missed all the deadlines due to chickenpox. First Slavka got sick, then my daughter took over the baton and our dad finished the baton. I was lucky because I had chickenpox as a child and out of our entire family I was the healthiest and most adequate. I had to take on all the responsibilities, since Slava and our dad had a very hard time with the illness. high temperature. And of the whole family, I was the only one who was not covered in brilliant green and I alone had to make forays into the city to buy food and all the medicines for my family. I was something like liaison with the outside world.

When we went through all the stages of recovery, it turned out that the next commission would start working only at the end of August.

All we had to do was take a referral from a psychiatrist and prepare all the documents for the next commission. As a result of the autumn commission, they wrote to us that the child was not yet ready for school and recommended that he study independently or in a social center for a year. help from our area. I agreed with this conclusion because we can no longer go to kindergarten. According to the new law, all children are in preschool until they are seven years old, and then go to school. We are not ready for school yet; we still have at least two years left before school. IN next year We will make our way into the zero grade, and only then, based on the results of the zero grade education, we will raise the question of our child’s further education. I hope everything works out for us and we will go to school and get an education.

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PMPK and PMPk- these are two similar abbreviations, two completely different in composition, formation, tasks and activities, educational structures. They have one thing in common - to help children with learning problems cope with the educational program. Psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (commission) (hereinafter referred to as PMPC (MPC) is created in order to correct child underdevelopment, by establishing the right of this category of children to special education, as well as for consulting parents (legal representatives), teachers and other interested parties on all issues related to the physical and (or) mental disability of children.

PMPk - school psychological-medical-pedagogical council - a necessary link in the system of diagnostic and advisory work: diagnoses students and consults parents and teachers, organizes assistance and pedagogical support children with learning difficulties, prepares documents for the PMPK (psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

Below is a brief Comparative characteristics the abovementioned educational structures.

Basic indicators


Psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (commission) (hereinafter referred to as PMPK (MPC)) is created for the purpose of timely identification and correction of childhood underdevelopment, differential diagnostic examination of children with disabilities health, establishing the right of this category of children to special education, as well as for consulting parents (legal representatives), teachers and other interested parties on all issues related to the physical and (or) mental disability of children.

Consilium specialists determine the initial correctional tasks, the optimal ways to solve them, and determine the form and timing of correctional and developmental training. They diagnose students and consult parents and teachers, organize assistance and pedagogical support for children with learning difficulties, and prepare documents for the PMPK (psychological-medical-pedagogical commission).

(If the child under no circumstances can complete the training program)

Direction (who directs)

Admission of children and adolescents to the PMPK (MPC) is carried out on the initiative of institutions and governing bodies of education, healthcare, social protection of the population, public organizations only with the consent and accompanied by parents (persons replacing them).

At the initiative of parents, legal representatives, employees of the educational institution, with the consent of parents, representatives and on the basis of an Agreement between the educational institution and parents, representatives of the child.

PMPK (MPC) is created by the founder subject to the availability of conditions (highly qualified specialists, provision of methodological and diagnostic material, premises) and are registered in the order established by law Russian Federation.

The PMPK includes:

Manager, social worker Worker, doctors: neurologist, psychiatrist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, pediatrician

Defectologists: oligophrenopedagogue, teacher of the deaf, typhlopedagogist, speech therapist

A lawyer and other interested parties may be present.

The composition of the council is approved by order of the director of the educational institution (that is, each school or kindergarten forms its own council of the following specialists):

Deputy director of educational work,

Organizer educational work,

Speech therapist,



Doctor, nurse,

Teachers with experience in correctional class.

1) Development and implementation of medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population in order to prevent deviations in physical and mental development children;

2) timely and comprehensive examination of children, identification of developmental disorders;

3) identifying children’s readiness for schooling;

4) determination of the form of training;

If necessary, PMPK review previously established diagnoses and refer the child for additional examination;

5) identification and registration of all children with developmental disabilities;

6) selection of children special institution and staffing groups (classes).

1) Organization and conduct of a comprehensive study of the child’s personality using diagnostic techniques;

2) identifying the level and abilities of development cognitive activity, memory, attention, performance, speech;

3) identifying the potential (reserve) capabilities of the child, developing recommendations for the teacher to ensure individual approach to the child;

4) choice of differentiated pedagogical conditions necessary to correct developmental deficiencies;

5) selection of educational programs that are optimal for the student’s development;

6) ensuring the general correctional orientation of the educational process;

7) determining ways to integrate children into appropriate classes;

8) prevention of physical, intellectual and psychological stress, emotional stress.

9) Preparation of a conclusion on the state of development and health for submission to the PMPC


The child is examined according to the following algorithm:

1) Familiarization with the accompanying documents;

2) Professional examination (of the above-mentioned specialists.

3) Conclusion.

1.Organizational moment;

hearing the characteristics, Representations / Conclusions / of specialists, their addition by the leading specialist, doctor, other members of the Consilium;

2. Interview with parents (legal representatives); 3. Interview with the child;

4. Making a pedagogical diagnosis;

5.Exchange of opinions and proposals for development correction;

6 Selecting the optimal ones for of this child educational programs;

development of a program of individual correctional work with a child.

Carrying out activities:

PMPK (IPC) in its activities is guided by international acts in the field of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the relevant educational authority, this regulation, its charter.

The council carries out its activities in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 27/901-6 dated March 27, 2000 "On the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk) of an educational institution", the Charter of the educational institution, the Concept of the educational institution, the Agreement between The educational institution and the parents (legal representatives) of the student, pupil, the Agreement between the PMPk and the regional psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation (PMPC), the Regulations developed and approved by the director of the educational institution.

Thus, the table shows that the PMPK is a more serious structure, which is opened on the basis of an order of the founder in agreement with the Department of Education and Science at the rate of at least 40 thousand children under 18 years of age per one PMPK and at least 5 thousand child population per one MPC. PMPK is carried out one-time, in order to determine the best possible educational route child with special needs educational needs.

PMPK - opens at educational institutions (both correctional and general education (hereinafter referred to as educational institutions) by order of the head of the educational institution in the presence of relevant specialists. It is systematically operating, with a permanent composition of participants, endowed with the right to recommend and control the meeting of persons participating in educational work. The council works year-round, identifying difficult students, examining them, outlining plans to work with these children, monitoring the dynamics and adjusting the methods and program of teaching a child at risk.

In conclusion, all that remains is to add that the conclusions of both the PMPC and the PMPK are strictly advisory in nature. The last word and the decision in choosing an educational route always remains with the child’s legal representatives. Therefore, there is no need to challenge the conclusions of the PMPK and PMPK and for the same reason there is no need to higher organizations to challenge the findings. That is, both in PMPK and PMPK there is nothing terrible or criminal. On the contrary, it is necessary structures that need to be skillfully used to help the child. For example, when cool teacher trying to prove to you that your child is, to put it mildly, difficult. Knowing your rights, you can demand PMPK and shake off work plans from them, individual program, the work of a psychologist, etc... But they don’t really like to do this... Therefore, they often prefer to simply consider him their student. Good luck to all parents in this difficult time. art education and teaching a child, especially a child with special educational needs.


Types of certificates

Conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission

The Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC) is appointed to prevent deviations and help children with developmental disabilities. Its goal is to promptly identify and correct, if possible, deficiencies in the child’s development, to adjust educational process to suit his individual needs, as well as give recommendations to parents and teachers. Let's find out why many people prefer to buy the opinion of a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission. To do this, let’s understand its purpose and implementation algorithm.

When is the conclusion of the PMPC commission required?

Teachers at school may recommend that parents send their student to PMPC for schoolchildren. This may cause confusion among adults, but as a rule, such wishes are caused by specific reason. For example, a child has constant academic failure and finds it difficult to adapt to children's team or developmental delays are observed.

In addition, PMPK is often carried out for admission to school. At this stage, readiness for school is established. If necessary, the form of education for first-graders is determined, for example, in a correctional class or a specialized institution.

Also, a PMPC conclusion for a preschooler is required if the child is suspected of committing a crime.

Protocol of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission free delivery in Moscow

To pass the PMPK commission, you must receive a referral, which is usually issued by educational authorities - a kindergarten or school. In this case, parents have the right to refuse to conduct a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

Composition of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission

The list of specialists for PMPK is specified in the relevant legislative acts. It includes not only doctors, but also teachers and social workers. The collective conclusion of the PMPK is issued by:

  • chairman of the commission;
  • social services representative;
  • lawyer;
  • doctors for primary medical care: pediatrician, psychiatrist, otolaryngologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist;
  • defectologists: speech therapist, teacher of the deaf, oligophrenopedagogist, typhlopedagogist;
  • other persons whose presence may influence the final decision.

The final composition of the jury depends on the specific purpose it is collected and what diseases and abnormalities are present in the child.

Documents for the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission

To obtain a PMPK certificate, you will need to run around to various authorities. As a result, you should have at least:

  1. passport or birth certificate;
  2. parents' identity card;
  3. the child’s medical record from the clinic or an extract from the developmental history;
  4. if a child is under observation to determine an educational route, then a conclusion from specialists is needed: a speech therapist, a psychologist, a teacher, an educator;
  5. honey. doctors' conclusions about the presence/absence of developmental disorders;
  6. ready-made characteristics for PMPC from school or kindergarten;
  7. evidence of progress: diary, workbooks, drawings, crafts, etc.;
  8. presentation of a consultation defining the purpose of PMPC for children;
  9. extract of the PMPC from the first meeting, if it is reconvened.

This is an incomplete list of documents for passing the PMPC. In every specific case it is negotiated separately and can be expanded. But it already gives me the idea to buy a certificate from the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. However, there are actually more reasons for this.

How does the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission proceed?

  • members familiarize themselves with the documentation provided;
  • a meeting date is set;
  • the child is examined for PMPK by all specialists;
  • At the meeting there is a conversation with the child, he is asked various questions and give problems;
  • Based on the accompanying documentation and the results of the survey, participants give a conclusion on the PMPC.

Many parents are worried about how to pass the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission with the least harm to their child. After all, the presence large quantity strangers can even be quite frightening healthy baby. This may affect the ability to produce good impression and give adequate answers. And this is very important, because the conclusion of the territorial psychological-medical-pedagogical commission can have a great impact on future fate child.

PMPC decision

It is necessary to understand that the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission is purely advisory in nature. It is not binding on the parents or other legal representatives of the child.

The pedagogical conclusion of the PMPK is rather a guideline for teachers. So, if at a school or kindergarten the administration complains about a child, calling him difficult and intractable, parents have the right to demand the convening of a PMPK. And in this case, the protocol of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission will provide for the development of a training plan taking into account the individual educational needs of the child, the project correctional work, referral to classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, etc. For educators and teachers, this is an unnecessary burden, which most will not be delighted with. Therefore, the child will be treated like other children. So when the right approach the conclusion of the PMPC consultation can be very useful for the child.

PMPC result

  • consultations with a psychologist for a child, parent and even a teacher;
  • development of a correctional and developmental program (sessions with a speech therapist, speech pathologist, etc.);
  • rehabilitation measures and medical procedures;
  • assistance to the child in career guidance;
  • definition optimal shape training and education ( individual training, adaptive techniques, provision of a mentor);
  • assistance in social adaptation;

In practice, to create favorable conditions Children with special educational needs require a conclusion from the central PMPK.

Buy PMPC conclusion

As in many industries, there is a fair amount of bureaucracy in Russian medicine. Getting a referral to PMPK and putting together a commission quickly can be very problematic. In addition, parents cannot always be confident in making the decision they need. All this encourages them to buy a PMPK certificate. Our company offers its assistance in registration medical documents. By contacting us, you will receive original forms with authentic stamps. The most important thing is that the completed PMPC protocol will meet your requirements.

Psychological, medical and pedagogical commission in kindergarten

The most common case when parents need a PMPK conclusion for a kindergarten (preschool educational institution) is the desire to send their child to study in correctional group, most often with a speech therapist. Despite the fact that for parents the decision of the commission is optional, for the kindergarten administration the opposite is true. Without appropriate recommendations, the child cannot receive additional developmental programs. That is why it is so important to convene a PMPC commission in kindergarten on your own initiative. If you don't want to deal with this complex procedure, leave it to us. The necessary PMPC protocols can be ordered without going through specialists.

PMPK at school

A school psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC) can be assembled on the initiative of both parents and on the recommendation of teachers. Depending on the different situations it can be both useful for a schoolchild/preschooler and harmful. For example, timely diagnosis (mild mental retardation, mental retardation, etc.) makes it possible to correct some of the problems, and in the future it will be easier for the child to adapt to his peers. It also happens the other way around, when parents believe that being in a more advanced environment will have a positive effect on the development of their child. Therefore, they believe that it is better to buy the PMPC or take it for a fee. No one knows in advance what the best step in the future will be. But if you have made a firm decision and know what is best for your child, then you can order a PMPK conclusion for the school from our company. This will save you and your child from running around different offices, examining doctors and defending your position. With us you will receive ready-made recommendations from the PMPC commission that will help in promoting your position.

Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission in Moscow

To get a PMPC decision in Moscow, you don’t need to waste time and nerves. We offer our assistance in obtaining desired result. Just fill out the application and we will do the rest. With us you can also issue any medical certificates for children and adults. Contact us!

Online application

I have already encountered the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC) twice. Behind Lately Much in the system of admitting children to special kindergartens has changed for the better. The system has become simpler, more transparent and fair.

In order to get into the speech therapy garden, you need to get approval special commission, which will decide whether your child really needs the help of a speech therapist, neurologist and psychologist. You must be referred to this commission by two doctors - a speech therapist and a neurologist. When you apply for a medical card for a kindergarten, you come to them and tell them about your problems and difficulties. As a rule, they do not refuse anyone. If my first child really needed the help of a speech therapist, then the second one went through with great difficulty. But no one began to be harmful. Both the speech therapist and the neurologist made some kind of frivolous diagnosis just to get to the PMPC. Referrals from these specialists should look like this.

You will also need an extract from the medical history, which is issued by the local pediatrician.

With these three certificates, you then go to the manager. Based on them, she gives the most main document- direct referral to PMPC.

Next, you go to the website of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow, the district center for psychological, medical and social support (ocpsmds.mskob). And in the section “Electronic registration at the Center for Medical Processing and Training” you get in line for the nearest possible date.

The queue for PMPK is on average 1-2 months. Therefore, you can sign up for it in advance, even before you collect all the necessary documents. You also need to keep in mind that recruitment of kindergartens begins after February 15th. Therefore, if you want to get into a better kindergarten, you must already have a conclusion from the PMPC about enrolling you in a speech therapy kindergarten. Therefore, it is better to undergo pre-kindergarten medical examination in advance and not wait for spring.

There are two types of speech therapy gardens. Some only accept children in need speech therapy assistance. Others practice mixed groups. That is, there are both healthy and sick children. You will be enrolled in the first kindergartens only if you already have the approval of the PMPC in your hands. Therefore, if the garden you want to go to is exactly like this, then by February 15 you should already have everything in hand, otherwise there may be no more places left later.

The only exceptions are families in which their first child is already attending such a kindergarten. In this case, your second child must be taken there in any case. He will also be sent to the PMPC. But even if he is recognized as completely healthy and not in need of help, he will still attend a speech therapy garden. Just individual lessons He won't be able to see a speech therapist.

Since 2014, the annual PMPC is mandatory for all visitors speech therapy gardens. Even for those who didn’t have to do this before. Every year in the spring, a commission goes to all such kindergartens to check whether it is necessary to continue speech therapy and psychological assistance for each child next year. Everything has become much stricter than it was before. Many children are excluded from regular kindergartens. Therefore, it is always better to choose gardens with mixed groups. So that if your child’s speech therapist is canceled, he will still remain in the same kindergarten, and so that he will not be transferred to another preschool educational institution.

And now directly about the psychological, medical and social commission. It is held in special centers assistance and development, where classes are held for children with various mental, genetic and psychological disabilities. Previously, they were located only on the street. Fadeeva. Now, after optimization, several branches have appeared in Moscow.

We were for the first time at Fadeev, and then at the branch on Frunzenskaya.

On the street Fadeev is much more serious. Four people tested the child at once. Apparently, a psychologist, a speech therapist, a teacher, and someone else. The child is taken away from the parents to the other end of the room, seated with his back to them and talked in private. They didn’t explain anything to me there. Simply after the interview they said that the child would be given a referral to a specialized kindergarten. Like, go home and wait for distribution. In the direction it was simply written that we have general underdevelopment speech. No exact diagnosis, no reasons, no precise recommendations were given. Probably, it was assumed that they should tell me about everything in the kindergarten upon admission. But no one said anything there either. I for a long time I thought that the child simply needed a speech therapist to develop sounds. But it turned out that we had a rather severe neurological pathology and it had to be dealt with in parallel with visiting the garden. Therefore, immediately after the interview, try to learn as much as possible about your diagnosis and the necessary treatment methods.

The branch on Frunzenskaya Embankment is comparatively very small.

The commission is carried out by only two people. One is talking to his mother. The other one is with the child at the same time.

We went there with my second child, who, it seemed to me, had no developmental problems at all. To be honest, I thought that we wouldn’t go to the commission. However, these two women advised me so competently and in detail that I am still very grateful to them. They are the only ones of all the doctors we visited over three years who, almost at first glance, identified a genetic pathology in us, which I had no idea about. And which no damn specialist had pointed out or brought to our attention before. We were urgently advised to be examined by a geneticist. And their assumptions were completely confirmed. It turned out that we were shown a special kindergarten much more than many others.

Therefore, before you finally choose kindergarten, I advise everyone to seriously consider the option of speech therapy. Firstly, groups in such gardens are no more than 15 people, of whom, in fact, a third is usually absent. This has a beneficial effect on the quality of training, the incidence of illness, and safety. Secondly, a free speech therapist never hurts. And thirdly, and most importantly, I advise everyone to take the PMPC. Just like that, just in case. Because even if you think that everything is fine with you, and all neurologists confirm this, as practice has shown, this may not be the case at all. There are very competent people here for free once again will check your child. Even if you don’t go anywhere, you’ll just be calm.

If you are sent to a compensatory kindergarten, then you will have to go to the main office of the company - at Orlikov Lane, 8 - for all the documents.

There you will be given the most important document with all the recommendations and instructions specifically for your child, with whom you are already going directly to the kindergarten you want to go to.