Interesting facts top 10. People with disabilities - prostitutes at public expense

Humanity has been obsessed with sex throughout its existence. Coitus is not just an act of procreation, but a real sacrament, to which countless books, paintings, art films and other works of art. Pronounced sexuality has more than once been the object of criticism from religion and the public: numerous sex scandals in recent years, in which politicians, show business stars and businessmen became participants, confirm this.

1. Nazi inflatable dolls

For many years, syphilis was one of the most terrible diseases of mankind. Doctors did not know how to deal with it; entire generations died from epidemics; the agony of some patients lasted for years until the infection spread throughout the body. When it penetrated the brain, the person began to delirium - this is exactly what happened to the gangster Al Capone: according to eyewitnesses, due to an advanced form of syphilis in last years In his life he had difficulty comprehending what was happening around him.

During the Second World War, the problem of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases became aggravated many times over, because the troops actively used the services of prostitutes. In order to combat the spread of infections among Wehrmacht soldiers, Adolf Hitler ordered the Danish doctor Olen Hannussen to develop inflatable rubber women, and the Fuhrer personally compiled a list of requirements that should have " fighting friends» German soldiers: “She should be life-size, blue-eyed blonde with good looks, large breasts and 176cm tall.”

2. Impotence test

Catholic Church has long been very strictly regulating the sexual aspects of the lives of its adherents, for example, Pope Clement VII refused to dissolve the marriage English king Henry VIII Tudor with Catherine of Aragon. After this, the monarch founded his own, the Anglican Church, as a result of which England became a Protestant country. However, this is not yet the most shining example the desire of the Catholic clergy to completely control personal life parishioners

During times late Middle Ages in France there were quite strange trials. Wives accused their husbands of impotence, on the basis of which they demanded a divorce, and if the husband wanted to save the family, he was forced to prove the opposite to the judicial commission. As a rule, for this purpose, bailiffs came to his home, to whom he showed his own erect penis, and sometimes, at their request, he ejaculated.

Sometimes husbands could not cope with the excitement, and the attempt to prove their sexual viability turned out to be unsuccessful, in this case they were given a second chance - the spouses had to have sex in front of witnesses, and if the defendant and plaintiff achieved mutual satisfaction, the divorce petition was rejected.

3. People with disabilities - prostitutes at public expense

De Wallen is the most famous red light district in Amsterdam. Thousands of tourists come here every year to experience first-hand the diverse sex life of the Dutch capital. Among brothel visitors seeking exotic sensations, there are not quite ordinary clients whose prostitutes are paid for by the country's government.

To ensure that people with disabilities have the chance to experience sexual intimacy, the Dutch budget includes a corresponding expense item. Disabled people are paid a special pension, with which they can use the services of “priestesses of love,” and this practice is also common in Germany and Switzerland.

4. "The Saint of Five Thousand Women"

There is a common misconception that Buddhist monks lead an extremely ascetic lifestyle, fundamentally avoiding earthly pleasures in order to ensure high position in the next cycle of rebirth. However, this is not true, since the Buddha did not encourage anyone to give up simple joys life.

It was not for nothing that the Tibetan Lama Drukpa Kunl (1455 - 1529) was famous as the “saint of five thousand women” - the monk was distinguished by a completely unbridled sexual temperament, constantly organized noisy drinking bouts, spent half his life naked and violated public order in every possible way.

Although his achievements included popularizing Buddhism in Bhutan and building the Chimi Lhakhang monastery, Drukpa is best known for seeking enlightenment through sex: according to legend, he warded off evil spirits with a phallus called “The Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom.” , which can be translated as: “Lightning strike of flaming wisdom.”

5. Secret dates among teenagers more often end in pregnancy.

As a rule, in most countries it so happens that teenagers are forced to have sex secretly from their parents, for which they have to arrange dates, for example, in a car, stopping in some secluded place. Strict fathers of families do not encourage early sexual intercourse, even if at this age they themselves have already learned the joys of sex. In the United States in recent years, there have been approximately 30 pregnancies per thousand adolescent sexual intercourse, which is six times higher than, for example, in the Netherlands, where parents are more accepting of early puberty in their children.

American boyfriends would never think of asking their parents for permission to leave their girlfriend overnight, or even sleep in the same room with her, but in the Netherlands this is a common thing. Of course, this does not mean that all requests of this kind are approved by the families of the Dutch "Romeo" and "Juliet", however, in this country, parents really discuss sex problems much more openly with their grown-up children, perhaps this is what allows teenagers to be warned against many mistakes that can lead to unwanted pregnancy.

6. Homophobia in Jamaica

Among the most acute problems modern society V Lately often referred to as same-sex marriage. In 15 countries of the world, marriage unions between spouses of non-traditional sexual orientation are allowed, and, for example, in the USA this can be achieved through the courts, but in some parts of the world homosexuals are forced to fight not only for the right to formalize relationships, but also for survival.

Many people think that Jamaica is something like heaven on Earth. It's true that the country survives largely on tropical beachgoers, but it also vies with countries like Venezuela and Belize for the title of murder capital of the world.

In Jamaica, homosexuals are very disliked, although no punishment is provided for admitting to a non-traditional sexual orientation; sexual intercourse between men can result in participants being 10 years old prison term, if they are caught red-handed. In addition, hate crimes against gays are quite common here, and the police are reluctant to investigate them, so homosexuals traveling around the country are better off not advertising their intimate preferences.

7. Garage for dates

For those who often use the services of prostitutes (or, for example, fans computer game“Grand Theft Auto”) we know what a “car date” is - the client chooses a girl of easy virtue and goes with her to the nearest quiet alley, where the sacrament of copulation takes place. This practice is quite common, although representatives of “ the oldest profession» may be in serious danger, because many serial killers and the maniacs chose prostitutes as victims.

To provide clients and their partners with more comfort and ensure the safety of girls, special parking lots were opened in the Netherlands back in the 1980s, where you can rent a secluded place to satisfy your sexual needs. In the early 2000s, similar establishments appeared in Germany, and in 2013 in Switzerland. There is a security guard on duty at each parking lot who, in case of emergency, emergency may call the police. Visitors can also use the services of a social worker or doctor.

8. Turn off the lights

Halloween is traditionally associated with ghosts, zombies, monsters and other horrors. Unfortunately, children who go from house to house singing songs and collecting sweets are sometimes at risk real danger- behind the next festively decorated door there may be a mentally unstable person or a pedophile.

To protect little “witches” and “zombies,” in 2005, authorities in some areas of Texas developed a set of measures called “Lights Out” - persons convicted of sexual offenses are prohibited from decorating their homes during Halloween, so as not to attract children. .

In 2006, the government went even further - anyone who has committed a sex crime from six to half past nine on Halloween evening is required to meet with employees of the institution for monitoring compliance with conditions. probationary period, attend counseling and take a drug test.

9. Magdalene Asylums

The struggle for high morality and ethics, which humanity has been waging for many centuries, sometimes takes completely unimaginable forms. In Europe, from the end of the 18th to the 20th centuries, there were so-called Magdalene asylums - monasteries designed for the re-education of “fallen women”. Often, such institutions did not contain prostitutes, but young girls whose parents feared for their morality, and the age of some of the inhabitants of the shelters did not exceed 12 years.

The Magdalene orphanages were most widespread in Catholic Ireland. The women were kept there virtually as slaves - they were forced to do everything free time to atone for one’s “sins” hard work, their heads were shaved and their chests were compressed with ropes to exclude all possibilities of sexuality. Some sufferers spent most of their lives in monasteries, unless there was a guarantor who expressed a desire to take them away from there. Prisoners were also often humiliated and beaten.

Despite numerous scandals associated with “correctional monasteries”, in Ireland the last institution of this kind ceased to exist only in 1996. When the famous Irish-born singer Sinead O'Connor was a teenager, she had to spend some time in one of the shelters, and in 2013, the country's government issued an official apology to all women who had ever become victims of such re-education.

10. Pornography is a criminal offense in India.

Many have heard about the existence of the Kama Sutra - an ancient Indian treatise, which is a set of recommendations and rules with the help of which you can get many vivid erotic experiences. Some even tried to diversify their intimate life poses and techniques that were described by the Indian sage Vatsyayana.

It may seem that India is relaxed about satisfying people's sexual needs, but this is not the case. The current legislation of the country allows a dealer of pornographic materials or sex toys to be imprisoned for up to two years, and for a repeated crime of this kind a person can be jailed for up to five years. Is it true, legislative acts do not regulate how detailed images or videos must be to be considered pornography, allowing some offenders to avoid liability.

The Indian government has banned the sale of pornography due to the extremely high number of crimes related to sexual violence, but porn-related internet searches have increased fivefold in India over the past ten years, so it looks like Indians are continuing to improve ancient art"Kama Sutra" is the art of emotional life, lust and love.

Here is a selection of 10 interesting facts that do not fit into any specific topic, so it was decided to combine them.

1. Siamese twins (twin people joined by some part of the body) have always existed and still exist in the world. So, in the 19th century there lived two such twins - Eng and Chang Bunkers. But it is noteworthy that they not only lived, but also both married different women and and had 10 and 12 children from their marriages. At first they all lived together, but then their wives began to quarrel often among themselves and they separated. So what to do Siamese twins? It was decided to compromise: For three days they lived in Chang's house, and for three days in Eng's house. And so they alternated.

2. Occidental College Los Angeles is quite strange educational institution because in their curriculum includes such a subject as “Stupidity”. Yes, yes, students study various stupid things, such as the stupidity of George W. Bush or the cartoon series Beavis and Budhead.

3. The shortest commercial flight is less than a minute. This is how long it takes to cover the 3 km distance between the two Scottish islands of Westray and Papa Westray.

4. The world's largest cemetery is located in Iraq, near the city of An-Najaf. Its area is 6 square kilometers. Several million people are buried in the cemetery. And it is considered a great honor to be buried in this cemetery.

5. The word “HELLO”, pronounced when picking up the phone, is just a slightly transformed word “Hello”, which is used by the British and Americans.

6. British student Alex Tew became a millionaire at the age of 21, thanks to the fact that he created his own website called, consisting of one page measuring 1000x1000 pixels. And the point was that he sold every pixel of his page for any need for $1 per 1 pixel. At first, his relatives bought several squares from him on the website, then the press found out about this miracle, they really liked the idea and invited him to give an interview. The site began to gain popularity and pixels were slowly being sold. Then the American media became interested in this matter, after which the pixels began to be sold even more. As a result, the site became like an advertising dump (they actually bought these places on the site for advertising), but everyone is happy. Alex fulfilled his dream and earned even a little more than the planned million US dollars, and the traffic is more than 200 thousand unique visitors per day.

7. What they don’t do for the sake of the game. One 27-year-old American named Simon Darnis was just a colossal gaming nerd. He could play World of Warcraft almost for days. He spent most of the money he earned on the game, he wanted to be the coolest. As a result, he even lost his job. The guys from the game joked about selling a kidney for profit, but he really liked the idea. Which he successfully did. And the proceeds continue to be put into the game.

8. The most expensive flash drive costs about $37,000. Not because it has 500 terabytes of memory, but because it is encrusted with precious stones. The flash drive is made by the Swiss jewelry company La Maison Shawish, and its capacity is 32 GB. For those who really have nowhere to spend money.

9. Young clerk McKinley really wanted to see his parents, but they were in Dallas and he was in New York. Then he decided to save on an air ticket and sent himself by airmail. When the delivery man hauled the 150-kilogram load to the clerk's parents' house, he saw holes and a body inside. Thinking at first that there was a body there, the delivery man called the police. To a young man charges were brought.

10. And the last one for today interesting fact. In fact, there are not 24 hours in a day, but a few minutes less. It is generally accepted that on average there are 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds in a day (although not always the same). It is because of this that once every 4 years we leap year(366 days instead of 365).


- the most interesting and fun facts about everything in the world.

An extremely interesting selection. Look!

1. The brain does not experience pain There are no pain receptors in the brain. Therefore, surgeons can perform brain operations without giving patients anesthesia. This helps avoid damaging any visual or motor functions. But it looks quite scary. Why then do we feel pain? Because the pain receptor, also known as the sensory receptor, sends a signal to spinal cord, notifying the brain of danger.

2. Our brain has 100,000 miles of blood vessels
The brain also consists of one hundred billion neurons, as many as in the entire galaxy. Using only 17% of the body's energy and 20% of oxygen, its mass is only 2% of the body; When waking up, the brain creates an electric field of 10-23 watts, which is enough to light a light bulb. Composed of 75% water, the brain contains more than 100 trillion synapses connecting neurons and is also large enough to hold five volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica, or 1,000 terabytes of information. Myth about underutilization brain is not true. You always use your brain fully.

3. Einstein's brain is still preserved
When Albert Einstein died in 1955, his skull was opened to remove his brain. Dr. Dr. Thomas Harvey carried out this operation seven and a half hours after his death. Presumably this was done in scientific purposes. Then he disappeared. In 1978, desperate journalist Steven Levy tracked down Dr. Harvey in Wichita, Kansas, where good doctor said that his brain is still stored in a formaldehyde solution.

4. There is a difference between the right and left hemispheres
The brain is divided into two hemispheres. They work simultaneously, but left hemisphere responsible for rational analytical thinking, and the right one is for visual and mental. They also work in counterbalance - you raise your left toe and the sensations are perceived right side. But there is one VERY strange thing, if half the brain is switched off, the person will still survive.

5. Sorry ladies, but a man's brain is 10% larger.
So, definitive proof that men smarter than women. But despite the fact that male brain more female, there are more in the female brain nerve cells and connectors, and it works faster and more efficiently than the male one. Women process information more emotionally, using right hemisphere, and men - the left “logical” part of the brain.

6. The brain is more active during sleep
Night time is the time when our brain processes all the information received during the day. Scientists believe that this is the reason for sleep, although no one knows for sure. Some believe that we sleep so that our brain can process all the information, others believe that during sleep the information is reset. Latest Research have shown that sleep can help cope with trauma. People with high IQs allow themselves to nap during lunch. A short nap during the day can energize you and help you concentrate on your work.

7. “Inception” is real
There is such a thing as " conscious dream"when a person can control his sleep. This phenomenon has its roots in Tibetan Buddhism, where “Yoga-Sleep” was practiced - performing various feats during sleep, which indicates the illusory nature of existence. The term was first used by Frederick (Willem) van Eeden in the 1880s, but was not used until the 1960s.
8. Nobody knows why we laugh
Real laughter is involuntary. Only humans have this ability, and children begin to laugh as early as 4 months. Real laughter is contagious and also difficult to fake. But we laugh not because of jokes. One scientist studied laughter for 10 years, looking at about 2,000 situations that prompted laughter. He came to the conclusion that laughter is not the result of any action. Perhaps one day we will also understand why we laugh when tickled.

9. Does size matter?
Research has been conducted regarding the relationship between brain size and intelligence. Albert Einstein's brain size is 1230 grams, while the average man's brain size is 1400 grams. Other studies have shown that the larger a person's head, the smarter they are. However, these results are quite doubtful.

10. Ung Yang has the highest IQ - 210
Born on March 8, 1972, Ung Young mastered algebra at the age of 8 months. By the age of 2, he spoke 4 languages ​​fluently. He entered university at 4 and graduated at 15. But he is not only good at exact sciences. He also excels at drawing and writing poetry. Now he lives in South Korea and enjoys what he was previously deprived of, such as childhood.

Photos from open sources

Business and entrepreneurship is one of the serious areas of earning money. Everyone knows famous brands and manufacturers. But do we know everything about them? Perhaps this selection of 10 facts will come as a surprise to many and will make you look at the world of business from a different angle.

1. The first fact is related to American company, engaged in retail trade and hosting. This is an Amazon online store founded in 1995. Today the store is one of the most popular online. In just one second, the store manages to sell an average of 163 products. It's hard to imagine how many products he sells in one day.

2. Did you know that Monday is the most unproductive day of the week. It turns out that a person’s performance on Monday decreases significantly after three hours labor and this is not a joke. If you want to bring maximum benefit to your employer, and to yourself personally, work on Tuesday. Productivity will be off the charts compared to Monday.

3. This fact is associated with the dreams of most men. Almost every man wants to have in his arsenal such a “candy” as a Bentley, Bugatti, Audi, Porsche or Lamborghini. But what do all these famous brands have in common besides their exorbitant prices with many zeros after the first digit? In fact, all these car brands are owned by the Volkswagen concern.

4. Why do you think large store chains place children's toys on the lower shelves? Yes, because this is such a clever marketing ploy. Children are not tall people, unlike adults, and it is problematic for them to reach the top shelves. Therefore, when children's products are located on the lower shelves, it is very convenient for the child to grab them and throw them into the basket of mom or dad, especially if the parents do not see it. And at the checkout, like it or not, you have to pay for the goods. Do you want to save your savings and protect your nervous system from children's tantrums, then ride your kids in carts.

5. And this fact is simply shocking. It's about about the fast food restaurant McDonald's. The fact is that in 2010 the company fired 155 of its employees. The reason was that workers fed leftover food to homeless people. It's unpleasant to realize that even a large multi-billion dollar company like McDonald's can be so petty.

6. Now about the world of music. The famous guitar and audio amplifier manufacturing company Fender was created by a man who did not and does not know how to play the guitar. His name is Leo Fender. Surprisingly, this is a fact.

7. In the USA there is such a thing as “Black Friday”. On this day there are big discounts on all products. So much money is spent that it would be enough to feed all the hungry on earth for two years.

8. It turns out that there are businessmen much richer than Bill Gates. This is John Rockefeller and Carlos Slim. The first is considered the richest person on the planet at the beginning of the 20th century, and the second - in the 21st century. An interesting fact is that if Rockefeller’s money is translated into our current rate, taking into account all the subtleties, it turns out that in the 20th century he was 5 times richer than his modern follower.

9. Believe it or not, the best-selling product in the world is not super cool cars or fancy phones, but the most common Rubik's cubes. original title which was the “magic cube”. And in second place in the ranking of the best-selling products is the sale of mobile phones from Apple.

10. Duracell - largest company for the production of batteries. It would seem that what prevents such a large and profitable company from using modern material to build your offices. However, the company exercised the right to build part of its newly constructed office from materials that were made from waste from its own production. These companies are kind of strange.

For many years we had the humble opinion that we knew everything about our planet. However, this does not seem to be the case. Scientists are constantly discovering new facts about our planet and the rest of the Universe, and they are confident that we still have a lot to learn about our world.

In our list you will find 10 amazing facts about Earth that you probably didn't know.

10. 70% of our planet is covered with water, but only 3% of it is fresh water

All oceans and seas make up 97% of total mass of water that exists on Earth, and fresh water (that we can drink) is only 3%.

9. In 250 million years, all continents will unite

Photo: Wikipedia

Scientists believe that the continents will continue to drift and eventually merge in 250-300 million years. They again form one supercontinent called Pangea Ultima.

8. Unicellular organisms called first mass extinction

Photo: flickr

It is believed that Methanosarcina bacteria suddenly multiplied in the oceans more than 250 million years ago. This caused the only mass extinction of insects (as far as we know), allowing archosaurs to evolve.

7. The oldest temple in the world is 12,000 years old

This temple is called Gobekli Tepe and it is located in Turkey. This is not only a historical landmark. The figures carved on its pillars said that approximately 11,000 years ago our planet was hit, which led to a decrease in temperature throughout the Earth.

6. Most dry place in the world is located in Antarctica

Photo: Flickr

We were taught that the driest place on Earth is the Atacama Desert in Chile because it hasn't seen rain in thousands of years. However, the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica have not seen rain in the last 2 million years.

5. Everest is not the most high mountain in the world

Photo: Flickr

Theoretically, if you measure the height from the base to the top, then the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea has a height of 10,203 m. This is 1,355 m higher than Mount Everest.

4. The Earth's atmosphere has boundaries

Photo: NASA

The boundary of our atmosphere is called the Karman line. It is located at an altitude of 100 km above sea level. However earth's atmosphere it doesn't end there. Our atmosphere extends much higher, but throughout the world this imaginary line is considered to be the boundary between the atmosphere and outer space.

3. The Moon Was Once Part of the Earth

Photo: Flickr

There is a hypothesis that about 4.5 billion years ago the Earth collided with a planet called Theia. As a result of the collision, natural satellite Earth.

2. Most of I haven't seen our planet sunlight for billions of years

Photo: Wikimedia

Our planet is covered with oceans. Therefore, almost 70% of the Earth's surface is in darkness 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and has been for billions of years because light cannot pass through all that water.

1. Yes neighboring states with a 24 hour time difference

Photo: Wikipedia, Wikimedia

American Samoa and the Line Islands are just 2,000 km apart and together form part of the Kiribati island chain, but the time difference between the two countries is 25 hours.

BONUS. We really have new continent?


All the trash we throw into our rivers, streams, seas and oceans eventually ends up in one place. A small island has even appeared, formed by all the discarded waste. Scientists believe that one day the ocean will form a new continent. The biggest of these landfills today is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch or the Eastern Garbage Continent.