A modern school is a competitive school. Material on the topic: Certification work "Formation of a brand of an institution of further education as a factor in increasing competitiveness"

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“Increasing the competitiveness of a higher education institution”

educational service competitiveness higher

Shamonov P.A.

postgraduate student of the Department of Marketing, Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov

In the article by Shamonov P.A. “Increasing the competitiveness of a higher educational institution” provides a justification for the need to find new ways to increase the competitiveness of universities, especially public ones.

Currently, the non-state sector of higher education has greater opportunities compared to the state sector, because it is endowed with financial independence, which allows it to direct significant funds to the development of the material and technical base of training, as well as to the positioning and promotion of the educational services provided. Based on this, it is necessary to identify new ways to increase the competitiveness of higher education institutions, taking into account that the level of competition is constantly growing under the influence of various factors.

It is worth agreeing with the author that for a university, competitiveness lies in the ability to train highly qualified specialists, develop competitive innovations in the field of education, and conduct an effective reproduction policy in all areas of its activities.

Since the main product sold in the activities of a university is an educational service, which is an educational process in market conditions, it is worth highlighting a number of features. Firstly, by consuming educational services, a person accumulates certain experience and knowledge, developing his personal and, consequently, professional capabilities. Secondly, in addition to the desire and opportunity to acquire knowledge, the consumer must have an initial level of education, a certain set of skills and abilities necessary to receive an educational service. Thirdly, obtaining vocational education is a long-term process, during which the consumer acquires the necessary amount of knowledge and skills for his professional activity. Fourth, educational institutions must actively follow changes, otherwise they will be uncompetitive. First of all, this is due to scientific and technological progress. It may happen that the knowledge acquired by students during their studies may become irrelevant not after, but before they are acquired. Consequently, the university needs to stay ahead of changes in the external environment (especially at the moment the change begins), the development of education should be dynamic and, if possible, accelerate the development of the university. In this regard, the task is to create a unique competitive advantage that other universities do not have.

The quality of education is currently the main competitive advantage of an educational institution, along with price. But this parameter is unstable, and it is very difficult to achieve its stability. Therefore, it is important to develop and implement new methods of teaching and educational activities that allow you to stand out from other competitors. Accordingly, to create a unique competitive advantage, it is important to take into account the interests of all participants in the educational process, especially employers. An analysis of the expectations of potential employers should be carried out, i.e. determine what exactly they expect to receive from young specialists.

In the article, the author says that it is necessary to devote as much time as possible to practical and seminar classes, therefore it is planned to create such an interaction system as partnership marketing (PRO). It is based on the work of the university and potential employers to create value, which will provide a joint competitive advantage. In the course of the work, it is planned that enterprises will receive practical solutions to their problems based on the activities of students, who, together with teachers, will find optimal management solutions for a realistically simulated practical situation in the educational process. Accordingly, at the stages of its development, an enterprise can turn to the services of a university either to obtain information on issues that are relevant to it, or to find the necessary specialists, because A university is a place to replenish human resources, which is also important for the employer.

It is worth noting that for students the implementation of this approach will also be a big plus, because in practice, they implement their knowledge, develop certain skills, and participate in management decision-making. All this happens thanks to the simulation of production situations and participation in business games. The project is based on motivation, interest, competition between students, self-realization, and focus on the final result. I believe that this stage of the learning process is necessary because... it allows you to identify not only the personal qualities of the student, but also makes it possible to develop the necessary professional skills for future work.

The project also involves the use of educational and information databases that influence the training of in-demand specialists. Databases imply the accumulation and systematization of information obtained in the process of students solving practical problems of an enterprise on the basis of existing theoretical knowledge. This again allows you to create another competitive advantage and interest potential employers in obtaining information useful for their activities.

I believe that increasing the competitiveness of the university is currently a priority. It is the university that effectively uses the marketing of educational services that will be able to use its capabilities to a greater extent to improve competitive advantages in the educational services market, as well as maintain a leading position. Educational activities will be successful if the university focuses directly on the potential consumer: a student whose goal is to obtain a quality education and realize himself in society, and an employer who wants to hire a qualified specialist who has professional knowledge for his further development.

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Over the past decades, increased competition has been observed virtually all over the world. Not so long ago, it was absent in many countries and industries, even where rivalry existed, it was not so fierce. One of the economic prerequisites for a democratic society is the decentralization of economic decision-making. Free competition is synonymous with freedom of choice, freedom of entrepreneurship, freedom of entry into the market - an integral part of the constitutionally enshrined economic freedoms of man and citizen.
At the present stage of market transformations in Russia, the shortage in the number of educational institutions has already been largely overcome. The first place for parents today is no longer the presence of a school institution itself, but its characteristics, the most important of which are the quality of education, the conditions in which the learning process takes place, and the equipment of schools. This defines the behavior strategy of domestic schools in a completely new way, because in a situation of liberalization of foreign economic activity, they have to withstand significant competition.
The market for any product or service has its own characteristics, which, however, do not change the essence of competition itself. As a phenomenon, it is not new, but the variety of its manifestations requires constant study, including assessment of dynamics or intensity. Today, not a single serious educational institution can do without competition. Despite the various methods and forms of competition, each school is trying to develop its own competitive strategy to achieve market success.
In order to choose a successful strategy for developing and increasing the competitiveness of school No. 426, it was necessary, of course, first of all to analyze the school’s competitiveness, and then develop organizational and technical measures aimed at increasing it.
Our school was founded in 1974; it is located on the territory of the Orekhovo-Borisovo Severnoe municipal district in the so-called residential area of ​​Moscow, therefore it is remote from cultural institutions, sports, healthcare, educational centers and industrial enterprises. The school microdistrict consists of municipal and cooperative houses, dormitories of the plant named after. Likhacheva. All this largely determines the tasks of the school.
Today our school, having become a large educational complex, which, in addition to school No. 426, also united school No. 938, CRR - kindergarten No. 896, kindergarten No. 1011, is located in four buildings. All buildings of the complex are within walking distance from each other and are not separated by a roadway. School No. 996 and kindergarten No. 905 are generally located nearby and are aimed at the same contingent. In addition, in the area there is a gymnasium, a school with in-depth study of the English language, and an Education Center. As a result, quite intense competition arises, which forces our complex to study demand, formulate a social order and follow changes in this order.
Regular surveys of parents and public representatives of the school microdistrict have recorded an emerging change in the social order, which cannot be satisfied with the achieved state of the school, despite significant successes in its educational and educational work. As a result, the requirements for the level of academic success of the school are growing, and the problem of educational work aimed at developing a tolerant consciousness and cross-cultural competencies is becoming more acute. Therefore, the main task of the school-complex for the coming years will be to solve problems to build a functioning model of the educational system that will contribute to the education of a competent, competitive, successful individual.
The school today strives to take maximum account of the needs and inclinations of students and the interests of parents. To most fully satisfy the needs of these categories of consumers of educational services, we pay priority attention to creating comfortable conditions for raising and teaching children, optimizing the activities of teaching staff. The material and technical base of the school is constantly updated and generally meets modern requirements: the school’s classrooms are equipped with computer equipment (laptop, projector, screen, MFP, SMART boards), united into a single local network, laptops are installed in the offices of administrative, managerial and support staff with MFPs included in the school local network, within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation, there are four mobile computer classes in the primary school, primary school classrooms are equipped with full-size furniture, 1st grade classrooms have student desks, subject classrooms are equipped with modern educational furniture, appropriate sanitary standards, educational, laboratory and demonstration equipment.
The school is provided with highly qualified teaching staff and is fully staffed with specialists, that is, the staff meets modern requirements for the organization of the educational process. The teaching staff of the school (the average age of teachers is 40 years) is characterized by creative activity and professional competence. The school's teachers are the authors of methodological developments, participants, diploma winners and winners of the All-Russian open competition "Pedagogical Innovations", the festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson", winners of the district competition on the use of information technology in the educational process. Among the school’s teachers there are prize-winners and winners of the district competition “Teacher of the Year”, “First Steps - Pedagogical Debut”, participants and winners of the competition for a grant from the Mayor of Moscow and winners of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation (a grant from the President of Russia within the framework of PNGO), two teachers of the school have the title “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”, 13 - “Honored Worker of General Education”, 3 - “Teacher of the Year in Russia”.
The trend towards maintaining the student population can be traced precisely because the school employs professional teaching staff and specialists (social pedagogue, educational psychologists, speech therapist) who strive to create a comfortable social and pedagogical environment for students, which preserves the rich school traditions , that it has created and is developing its own award culture for students and school employees, as well as souvenir symbols. In addition, the teaching staff professes the principle of an adaptive school “for everyone” and actively shapes the psychology of success among all participants in the educational process.
The results of the final certification over several years show that the quality of knowledge of school students is stable, and that there is evidence that the level and quality of graduates’ training meets the requirements of state educational standards. Over the past years, the school has had a stable percentage of students awarded gold and silver medals, the annual enrollment of our graduates in universities is 90-94%, we pay significant attention to working with gifted children - every year our students take prizes in municipal, district and city olympiads , competitions, scientific and practical conferences.
The school has created good conditions for organizing extracurricular activities for students and additional education. The majority of students are interested in participating in various clubs (44% of the total number) and sports sections (30% of the total number of students), many attend music and art schools, theater and choreography studios, and sports clubs outside of school. The school actively operates a museum of cosmonautics, and we organize excursions to the museum not only for school students, but also for WWII veterans, students of district and city schools; in February 2013, a museum of military glory was opened at our school. School students are active participants in such regional, district and city events, festivals, competitions as “Young Talents of Muscovy”, “Moscow Literary Festival”, the district festival “Synergy Project”, the “Freedom from Smoking” campaign, various drawing competitions. Participation in such events allows children to show the results of creative work, gives them the opportunity to compare their successes and achievements with the successes of their peers, and opens up opportunities for raising a successful personality.
Our school is ready to accept all the children of the Orekhovo-Borisovo Severnoe microdistrict and surrounding areas, but the problem is that the educational institution is losing potential students year after year. Many parents send their children to other schools in the district; therefore, increasing the school’s rating should be a natural result of the work to implement the overall development strategy; it should become competitive.
Like any organization, a school does not exist in isolation, but in a certain social environment. It is a complex integral system that actively interacts with the external environment; in connection with this, certain problems arise for the effective development of an institution in the conditions of modern education.
The school must be competitive, and competitiveness is a complex phenomenon, so it can be assessed from different positions. In principle, four subjects can be distinguished, each of which, independently of the others and based only on its own inherent evaluation criteria, evaluates the competitiveness of something: consumers; manufacturers; investors; state. Each of them has its own interests: the consumer is interested in obtaining maximum utility (benefit) by purchasing a set of goods and services; the manufacturer is interested in getting the maximum possible result (profit) with a minimum of effort; the investor is interested in the project in which he invests his money bringing him a profitability high enough so that this project can be considered promising and expedient; finally, the state is interested in ensuring the efficient use of resources available on its territory (labor, land, capital, knowledge, entrepreneurial abilities) while maintaining certain social standards.
Taking all this into account, we need to develop a strategy for working with the population as a consumer of educational services from the point of view of a market economy. In this aspect, the factor of rapid reorientation becomes critical, when the rapid identification of new customer segments and the formation of sustainable flows from them becomes a determining element of the strategy. It should be noted that the policy of the educational institution, aimed at creating a situation of success for all participants in the educational process, will be one of the effective strategic directions, since one of the most important needs of a modern person is his self-realization.

The desire to take a leading position in the educational services market and create a favorable public opinion brings to the fore the problems of forming a positive image of the educational institution; this objectively occupies one of the leading places in the system of development strategy priorities. In this regard, the image of an educational institution acquires the status of one of the main resources that predetermine its economic and sociocultural prospects.
Today there are three main objectives of image policy: achieving a high level of competence and effective work with potential consumers of educational services, maintaining the image of a successful educational institution that makes participants in the educational process believe in us, establishing an emotional connection with the consumer and society.
Taking into account the current state and main activities of the institution, existing problems, strategies, solutions, we can formulate a development concept. At the same time, the key idea will be the individualization of educational trajectories to ensure maximum success of different groups of students (residents of the microdistrict) in the conditions of a school - a multifunctional educational complex, and the mission - variable education of residents of the microdistrict, taking into account their individual needs in the process of successful activities. What do you need for this? I think that this is attracting 90% of the contingent of potential pupils and students, expanding the complex by joining other educational institutions and preschool educational institutions, increasing the efficiency and quality of educational services and entering the ranking of the best institutions in Moscow.
The main reserve, the basis on which the value orientations of an individual are formed, is, of course, the collective. The individual uniqueness of the work collective is characterized by the pronounced direction of its life activity, the combination of individual and collective interests, and the emotional climate. Studying the value orientations of both the team as a whole and an individual member of the team is necessary to conduct a full analysis and develop the correct strategy for the effective development of educational institutions. Therefore, as part of the project, we conducted a study of collective value orientations. As a result, it was concluded that as a result, school No. 426 will be able to choose the optimal competitive strategy and occupy an advantageous position in the industry (market) to attract students to its school, as well as take the right position to protect itself from competitors.
As part of choosing a development strategy, we first identified the strengths and weaknesses of our complex, its opportunities and threats that could interfere with the implementation of these opportunities, and then identified three strategic directions for our work:
- implementation of a set of measures to increase the number of students and pupils;
- expansion of the “Partners in Education” program;
- implementation of the strategy for promoting the complex in the services market.

Implementation of a set of measures to increase the number of students and pupils
When developing measures for a competitive strategy for the development of an institution as a multifunctional educational complex, the implementation of a set of measures to increase the number of students and pupils becomes one of the top priorities. This task can be successfully solved provided that the teaching staff works purposefully to increase the efficiency of the educational process and the quality of services provided while maintaining the continuity of all educational levels in the school complex. High qualifications of teachers and stable results of students based on the results of external examination, team efficiency and mobility in solving assigned tasks, openness to innovation, positive experience of work of creative groups of teachers on topical issues, a comfortable educational environment created in the institution ensure the development of the school’s image as a multifunctional educational complex that provides high-quality harmonious education for residents of the microdistrict.
The following measures are intended to contribute to the solution of this problem:
- opening of groups for children from one to two years old;
- holding an open day using interactive forms of work;
- work of a school for future first-graders for children who do not attend preschool educational institutions;
- development of elective courses to develop the intellectual abilities of students with low starting capabilities;
- organization of specialized education groups in accordance with the changing needs of society;
- implementation of a cooperation program with universities and colleges;
- development of individual educational trajectories at the request of students and their parents (including within the framework of inclusive education);
- creation of a distance learning system, development of software and methodological support for its implementation;
- expanding the range of additional educational services, including with the involvement of extra-budgetary funds.
By implementing a set of these measures to increase the number of students and pupils (in other words, increasing the attractiveness of the institution for potential consumers), we will be able to:
minimize the risk of strong students leaving for other schools;
increase the interest of parents and students in the offered educational services of a high level of content;
partially reduce competition from other educational institutions in intellectual competitions;
compensate for the distance from infrastructure in the field of sports and culture.
Almost all of these measures are promising, as they are in the “high utility - low effort” sector.

Expansion of the “Partners in Education” program
School-community partnership is an area of ​​activity related to the implementation of cooperation between the school and residents and community organizations to jointly solve social and educational problems, increasing the social significance of the school and its relevance as a civil institution, and attracting extra-budgetary funds to the school.
The program will help us make real:
establishing partnerships with family, parents, and the public;
providing a wide range of educational services;
consideration of the educational space of the microdistrict as a system for managing personal development;
the ability to solve many serious social problems and tasks based on the network interaction of the school in the mode of a sociocultural center and the integration of the capabilities (personnel, material, technical, methodological) of all institutions in the microdistrict.
The goal of the program is to create a favorable attitude towards educational institutions and support the demand for quality educational services for students, parents and residents of the neighborhood. To achieve it you need:
- creating an association of active parents, attracting parents to participate in school life with a well-thought-out reward system (letters of gratitude, excursions to museums, concerts, holiday meetings);
- provision of school-based services for psychological and socio-pedagogical counseling to residents of the microdistrict;
- teaching Russian as a foreign language to migrants and their children;
- attracting residents of the microdistrict to the trial Unified State Exam as observers or participants;
- opening a computer club on the basis of the school to teach computer literacy to interested residents of the microdistrict.
In doing so, we can count on the following results:
increasing the cultural level of society, the participation of parents in raising children;
participation of schoolchildren, youth, parents and the public in solving educational and social problems through the implementation of projects, programs, and charity events;
development of volunteer initiatives for children and youth;
increasing public interest in the problems of the school and local community;
attracting additional resources (including financial) through partnerships with various social structures;
enriching the traditions of the school;
increasing the number of potential pupils and students.
The Partners in Education program provides high value that can be achieved with little effort.
Implementation of the strategy for promoting the complex in the services market
The most relevant direction in the implementation of the strategy of a competitive educational institution is customer focus. It must be taken into account that it is of great importance for attracting customers that the educational institution has a positive reputation in the education market and its design as a brand. Thus, the main task of promoting an educational service on the market is to provide potential buyers with information about the educational institution. Here we need to carry out such relevant activities as:
- branding - creation and positioning of a unique positive face of the educational institution, formation of a positive reputation through the effective use of the media. Here, high usefulness is likely, since the image of the school and its perception by society is formed, but to create a positive reputation it is necessary to attract a large number of resources - personnel, material, financial.
- Information support for real and potential consumers of services (including the effective operation of the website) is also distinguished by its high usefulness, since the involvement of modern technologies ensures an increase in the number of users of Internet services, including the OS website, here you can invite a qualified specialist who will deal with this important matter.
- Expanding public relations means working on the school’s brand, the emergence of new areas of work, holding joint events that solve specific problems, here you can use a group of specialists, while the time and financial costs are comparable to the importance of the event.
- The publication of teaching aids and materials is very useful if they are created taking into account the characteristics of a particular society and are individualized, but this will require the use of large amounts of time and financial resources.
By implementing all this, we can reduce the risk of students leaving for other schools, minimize the impact of unfair methods of competition from other preschool educational institutions and educational institutions in the microdistrict, and increase the interest of parents and students in the educational services offered.
In our opinion, the school’s motto should be: “Let everyone here find themselves and be successful.” At the same time, every student will reveal his potential abilities, every teacher will realize his creative potential, every parent will be in demand.
Competitiveness is the totality of a school's capabilities. Competition forces schools, under the threat of being forced out of the market, to constantly work on the system of quality of education, upbringing and the overall competitiveness of the educational institution. In connection with the provision of free public education, based on the principle of per capita financing (money follows the student and does not depend on the number of employees of the educational institution), the school must be competitive. To do this, the educational institution must draw up an action plan aimed at achieving its goals.
In order for a general education institution to become competitive, the director needs to make a lot of effort. Only if the director becomes a leader capable of organizing the process of improving a school institution, attracting school employees to it, leading them to jointly implement management decisions to achieve set goals, will the school be successful. It is no coincidence that in recent years the words “management” and “marketing” have entered the education system; we are on the threshold of understanding the school as a social system subject to the laws of the functioning of a market economy.
A school is an educational institution, which, if isolated from society, from its needs and orders, is subject to more intense degeneration. The school prepares people of the future generation and therefore must prepare them to build a new social organization of life that would help each person find himself in a complex system of social relations.
Marketing is a living connection between school and society. Based on the concept of economic marketing, the school must produce what is in demand, that is, fulfill the social and economic order of society. In the analytical and planning activities of the school, there cannot but be a study of the external environment, the need for education, planning and stimulating the demand for education and its satisfaction. The school’s attempts to adequately participate in the market, attracting attention and cultivating its image, of course, should be assessed positively.
The developed strategy for the development of school No. 426 as a multifunctional educational complex is designed to increase our competitiveness and implement the key idea and mission of the school.

Natalia PETROVA, director of school No. 426

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Changes in the socio-economic structure of our society, the emergence of market relations, have determined new approaches to education and its subjects. Today, an educational institution is considered as a socially significant open system, subject to the laws of a market economy, the main product of which is an educational service. Market relations are developing most actively in the field of additional education. By now, the market in this area has come close to a situation where the volume of supply has balanced the previously dominant effective demand and has begun to exceed it; differentiated demand for additional educational services has emerged; A developed market infrastructure for such services has emerged and a competitive environment has emerged. In order to “survive,” additional education institutions are faced with the task of not only maintaining their student population, but also attracting new groups of consumers of educational services.

Competition in the educational services market has led many additional education institutions to the need to use various ways to attract potential consumers. Today, more than ever, serious research into this market and improvement of methods for attracting consumers of additional educational services are required.

One of the most modern and effective ways to attract and retain the attention of consumers is branding. Further education institutions need to realize the importance of actively using branding tools to successfully position themselves in the educational services market.





Department of Development and Expertise


Formation of a brand of an additional education institution as a factor in increasing competitiveness

(using the example of MAOU DOD “Palace of Children and Youth Creativity” of the municipality of Bratsk)

Performed: Alexandrova Natalya Vladimirovna,

graduate of professional courses

retraining in the direction of "Management

organizations. Management in Education"

Scientific adviser:Perfilyeva Yulia Vladimirovna

Ph.D., Associate Professor

The work was approved for protection _____________2013. Protocol No._____

Head department _______________

Irkutsk 2013


Chapter 1. Theoretical approaches to the process of forming a brand of an educational institution……………………………………………………………….……………………….……..5

  1. The concept of a brand, a brand of an educational institution, the purpose of a brand………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………… 5
  2. Brand formation process…………..…………………………………..…….…….. 7
  3. Features of the formation of a brand of an educational institution……………….…10
  4. Features of building a brand for an institution of additional education for children……………………………………………………………………………………………………………......12

Chapter 2. F Formation of the brand of MAOU DOD "DTDiM" of the Bratsk Municipal District………………...….….16

  1. External and internal advantages of MAOU DOD "DTDiM" of the Bratsk municipality……………………………………………………………………………………………………………........ .......16
  2. Research on the attitude of consumers and customers of additional educational services to the MAOU DOD "DTDiM" of the Bratsk municipality……………………….....….19
  3. Recommendations for building the brand of MAOU DOD “DTDiM” in the city of Bratsk…………………………………………………………………………………………..…… …...22





Changes in the socio-economic structure of our society, the emergence of market relations, have determined new approaches to education and its subjects.Today, an educational institution is considered as a socially significant open system, subject to the laws of a market economy, the main product of which is an educational service. Mostmarket relations are actively developing in the field of additional education.By now, the market in this area has come close to a situation where the volume of supply has balanced the previously dominant effective demand and has begun to exceed it; differentiated demand for additional educational services has emerged; A developed market infrastructure for such services has emerged and a competitive environment has emerged. In order to “survive,” additional education institutions are faced with the task of not only maintaining their student population, but also attracting new groups of consumers of educational services.

Competition in the educational services market has led many additional education institutions to the need to use various ways to attract potential consumers.Today, more than ever, serious research into this market and improvement of methods for attracting consumers of additional educational services are required.

One of the most Branding is a modern and effective way to attract and retain the attention of consumers. Further education institutions need to realize the importance of actively using branding tools to successfully position themselves in the educational services market.

Relevance The research is thus associated with the growing need to create a brand for individualization and differentiation of additional education institutions in the educational services market and the ability to compete.

Purpose research has become the study of technologybrand formation, its use to create a brand of an educational institution and usethis technologyto build a brandMAOU DOD "Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth" of the Bratsk Municipal District.

The following are defined research objectives:

  • Reveal the essence and meaning of the brand of an educational institution;
  • Study and determine the technology for forming a brand of an educational institution;
  • Determine the features of the formation of the UDOD brand;
  • To study competitive advantages and develop recommendations for building the brand of MAOU DOD "DTDiM" of Bratsk

Object of study: features of MAOU DOD "DTDiM" of the city of Bratsk (hereinafter referred to as DTDiM)

Item: Brand DTDiM

Hypothesis: Forming a brand will allow DTD&M to compete in the educational services market.

The work consists of an introduction, a theoretical and practical chapter, a conclusion and a list of references. The work used methods of collecting and analyzing information, classifying the data obtained, and comparative analysis of data.

The theoretical significance of the project is that the research conducted, accumulated and processed material helps to increase the efficiency of work in creating a brand for an additional education institution. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of its use as a basis for developing a program for the development of an additional education institution.

Chapter 1. Theoretical approaches to the process of forming a brand of an educational institution

  1. The concept of a brand, the brand of an educational institution and its purpose

A study of the literature showed that different authors give different definitions of the brand and its meaning for different audiences. Literally translated from English brand (brand) means: a) brand, stamp, factory mark; b) to burn, to cauterize with a hot iron, and in a figurative sense - to leave an imprint in the memory. Different authors interpret the concept of brand in different ways. Y. Elwood believes that a brand, like a flag flying in front of the consumer, creates awareness of a product and differentiates it from competitors’ products.

Considering the concept and essence of a brand in the marketing literature, we came across the most, in our opinion, definition suitable for our research. A brand is a stable image of a product (service) brand or an organization as a whole in the mind of the buyer, distinguishing it from the competition. Consequently, brand formation makes it possible to compete in the market for goods and services. The brand helps:

The main element of the marketing mix is ​​the product offered by the company, since it is this product that satisfies the functional requirements that consumers expect. To achieve a special, unique position for a company's products or services in the consumer's mind, marketing managers transform products into a brand. If such a brand manages to win the recognition of buyers, its sales grow, the manufacturer gets the opportunity to set price premiums, and can more successfully resist pressure from resellers.

Product name everything that can satisfy the needs of the consumer. In everyday life, we often distinguish between the concepts of goods and services: a product, as a rule, is something tangible (for example, a car), while services are mainly of an intangible nature (for example, additional education).

Product branding is the process by which companies distinguish their product offerings from those of competitors. Brned is created by giving a product a distinctive name, developing unique packaging and unique design. Some brands also have a logo, such as the famous Nike curl or Ferrari's prancing horse. Thanks to such identification marks, certain positive associations with specific brands are formed in the consumer’s mind, which facilitates the decision-making process when purchasing a product.

The main function of a brand is to confirm the high quality of the product. Brand reputation is of great importance when trading goods whose quality the buyer cannot always evaluate on his own. Products sold under famous brands are much more expensive than any other product that is functionally equivalent to them.

From the point of view of its impact on the buyer, a brand can be divided into brand-name - the verbal part of the brand, or a verbal trademark (which it becomes after legal registration) and brand-image - the visual image of the brand formed by advertising in the perception of the buyer.

However, not every trademark can become a brand - for this it must acquire fame and trust of the buyer. The strength of a brand lies in the presence of a stable group of loyal consumers whose expectations are related to the quality of a certain product or service.

Differences in products determine the choice of which brand to create - product or corporate. The process of forming a brand (branding) of an educational institution implies the formation of a corporate brand, since in the educational services market a product is an educational service, which has its own “classical” features: intangibility, inseparability, inconsistent quality, non-storability, lack of ownership. And positioning educational services in accordance with them has no prospects. Therefore, in our study we will consider the institution’s brand as a corporate one, which representsa full range of impressions, opinions, and expectations of the customer of educational services that arise at every contact with the institution and its employees.

The basis of the brand of an educational institution should be a good quality educational service. All used characteristics that describe an educational service from the point of view of its quality can be divided into two groups :

When organizing work to build a brand, it is very important to understand that if an educational institution provides services of insufficient quality or poor quality, then it will never become a brand.

Forming a successful brand and effectively managing it solves a number of tasks assigned to the educational institution:

1.2. Brand formation process

The current situation in the educational services market confirms the fact that the brand of an educational institution is a vital condition for ensuring its survival. Even in the conditions of regulation of the organizational and normative conditions of the activities of educational institutions, those who have a “name” survive, i.e. a fairly strong, stable brand, which is the key to their high competitiveness .

Studying the literature on brand formation, we saw that the technology of building a brand of an educational institution is no different from the technology of building a product brand. The basis is a product of stable quality, positioned for a specific group of consumers.

The brand formation process goes through several stages.

  1. Goal setting:
  • analysis of the organization's mission;
  • determining the desired state of the brand (qualities, life cycle, competitive advantages);
  • formulation of measurable brand parameters.
  1. Project planning:
  • analysis of available resources (financial, personnel, etc.);
  • identifying a team of customers, participants and performers;
  • determining project deadlines;
  • identification of other conditions or limiting factors.
  • awareness of the brand among the target audience;
  • knowledge of the target audience brand;
  • attitude towards the brand of the target audience;
  • level of brand loyalty;
  • determining whether the current state of the brand matches the desired one.
  1. Market situation analysis:
  • competitor analysis (product range, target audience, positioning, promotion methods, pricing);
  • analysis of the intended target audience (characteristics, preferences);
  • sales markets (demand, share, dynamics).
  1. Formulating the essence of the brand:
  • mission, positioning and usefulness of the brand for the target audience;
  • individuality: values, associations, traits, competitive advantages;
  • brand attributes (name, logo/brand name, character or hero, font,

Packaging, etc.) .

  1. Brand management strategy:
  • development of rules for creating marketing materials and description of procedures for

Brand management (brand book);

  • identification of persons responsible for brand development (brand guardians);
  • development of an action plan for brand promotion (integrated

Marketing communications);

  • developing a plan and procedures for brand monitoring and performance evaluation.
  • media plan;
  • production of advertising products;
  • placement of advertising products in communication channels;
  • comprehensive loyalty programs.
  1. Brand monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of actions:
  • monitoring of measured brand parameters determined at stage 1;
  • comparison of the current state of the brand with the desired one;
  • correction of strategy or tactics.

Thus, we can state that the process of forming a brand of an educational institution is possible if the above steps are completed. The basis will be a good quality educational service, positioned for a specific group of consumers.

1.3. Features of building a brand of an educational institution

A study of publications and literature on branding showed that, despite the standard stages, consumer and corporate branding differ in a number of ways. This can be most clearly demonstrated in comparative table 1.

Table 1.

Comparative characteristics of the consumer and corporate markets


Consumer market

Corporate market

Involvement of company employees in the brand development process



Connection to the company's mission and philosophy

Mostly weak

Mostly strong


characteristics when choosing a product

Mostly emotional

Mostly rational

Priorities in

visual brand identifiers


Visual identification system

Basic communicators


Personal contacts

As can be seen from the table above, a number of key differences (characteristics) can be identified, which ultimately affect the procedure for creating a corporate brand, and which must be taken into account during the development process. Let's take a closer look at some of these characteristics. .

1. High importance of the project for top management companies.

The very concept of a “corporate brand” is the image and reputation of an entire organization, and the reputation of an organization cannot be dramatically changed or completely abandoned, as is the case with the consumer market, simply by removing an undesirable brand from the portfolio. Working with a corporate brand is always a great responsibility of management, the desire to preserve the potential and assets that it already has.

It is top management that has an understanding of what role the brand will play in the implementation of the company's strategy. It is the top management of the company that will ensure the implementation of the brand. This means that it is advisable to involve the company’s management in the project at the very first steps, starting with setting tasks.

2. The connection of the corporate brand with the philosophy and values ​​of the company.

Every company has its own unspoken corporate culture, expressed in philosophy and guiding principles: how people communicate, how they dress, how they build relationships with clients. Often, a company does not need to introduce any new values ​​from the outside - it is only necessary to harmoniously express the philosophy, the attitude towards business, the values ​​that have already developed in the organization.

Researching and understanding these elements is one of the key tasks when developing a corporate brand. And this is the key difference from consumer branding - often the basis for the ideology of a corporate brand is not traditional research of target groups, but the established ideology of the company, which gives a clear understanding of what its brand should be. .

3. The importance of rational characteristics in decision making.

The mere presence of an organization's strong brand is certainly not a basis for making a decision on choosing a contractor, and it is wrong to challenge the priority of rational motives in the corporate market.

The competitiveness of a “branded” company will not increase without working on the product itself, service, pricing, that is, rational attributes of the company’s offer.

However, to follow the path of exclusive rationality means dooming yourself to “similarity” in the competitive row. After all, competitors are also well aware of the rational properties that are significant to the consumer and focus on them in their offer. Ultimately, the client's choice must be made among similar offers, with similar strengths, from similar companies.

4. Multiplicity of identification elements.

The number of elements identifying a corporate brand is incomparably greater than in consumer branding. These are exhibition stands, presentation templates, corporate transport, representative and business documentation, office branding elements, etc. Moreover, today’s work with elements of visual identification has long gone beyond just the visually correct placement of a logo on a corporate style medium. We are dealing with a visual system, each carrier of which is a bright and self-sufficient “ambassador” of the brand, working for the benefit of its parent. Creative development of all identification elements is the key to a bright and memorable company image.

5. The main communicators of the brand are company employees.

The main tool for creating a brand image in the corporate market is personal communication between company personnel. It is the staff who are the main bearer and transmitter of the brand ideology; their ability to communicate with the environment in the “brand language” determines the target audience’s understanding of the uniqueness that this brand offers. This means that activities for the comprehensive implementation of a brand within an organization become an important element of brand creation work. After all the activities have been carried out to develop the brand platform and elements of its identification, care must be taken to convey the new ideology to employees. Internal seminars, a brand book, a book of brand values ​​are the best tools for this.

Thus, we have examined the main distinctive features of corporate branding, which demonstrate how significant the specificity of branding projects in this area is.

1.4. Features of building a brand for an institution of additional education for children

To determine the distinctive features of general and additional education, we turned to the basic concepts that are used in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”: “General education is a type of education that is aimed at personal development and the acquisition, in the process of mastering basic general education programs, of knowledge, abilities, skills and the formation of competencies necessary for a person’s life in society, an informed choice of profession and obtaining vocational education.” and “Additional education is a type of education that is aimed at comprehensively satisfying a person’s educational needs in intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and (or) professional improvement and is not accompanied by an increase in the level of education” . As we see, a distinctive feature of additional education is its optional nature; it depends on a person’s desire to satisfy his needs for intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and other improvement.

Studying literary sources on the essence of additional education, we came to the conclusion that there are differences in the process of providing additional educational services. We conducted a comparative analysis of the process of providing educational and additional educational services , the results of which are reflected in table. 2.

Table 2.

Comparative characteristics of the process of providing basic and additional educational services


Basic educational service

Additional educational service

Main customer of the service content


Parents (legal representatives)


All students, parents

Students according to desire and interests

The basis

Federal State Educational Standard

Additional educational program developed based on the interests and desires of consumers and customers

The level of education


Doesn't rise


For free

Free and paid

Consumer dependence



Thus, we see that in the process of providing additional educational services, the interests, desires, needs of both the customer and the consumer should be distinguished and taken into account. In this regard, we can assume that at all stages of the formation of the UDED brand it is necessary to consider and separate the positions of customers of additional educational services and their consumers.


So we have determined thatA brand is a stable image of a product (service) brand or an organization as a whole in the mind of the buyer, distinguishing it from the competition. FBrand formation allows an organization, company, firm to compete in the market for goods and services, as it helps:the consumer to identify the product, differentiate from competitors, i.e. distinguish a product from the crowd, create an attractive image among consumers that inspires trust, focus various emotions associated with the product, make a purchase decision and confirm the correctness of the choice, i.e. get satisfaction from the decision made, form a group of regular customers who associate their lifestyle with the brand.

The brand of an educational institution is a corporate brand and represents the full range of impressions, opinions, and expectations of consumers of educational services that arise at every contact with the institution and its employees. The basis of the brand of an educational institution is a good quality educational service.

It was found that the technology for building a corporate brand of an educational institution is no different from the technology for building a product brand. The stages of brand formation are as follows: goal setting; project planning; analysis of the current state of the brand; analysis of the market situation; formulating the essence of the brand; brand management strategy; brand promotion; brand monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of actions.

We also found out that since the brand of an educational institution is corporate, it is necessary to take into account

We have determined that a feature of the process of providing additional educational services is

To form a successful brand of the MAOU DOD “DTDiM” of the Bratsk municipality, it is necessary to use the classical technology of brand formation, take into account the peculiarities of the formation of a corporate brand, as well as the peculiarities of the functioning of the institution itself.

Chapter 2. F Formation of the brand of MAOU DOD "DTDiM" of the Bratsk municipality

  1. 2.1. External and internal advantages of DTDiM

To determine the features of the functioning of DTD&M, it is necessary to consider its position in the market of additional educational services in the city, as well as determine the internal advantages that would become the basis of the brand.

In the Central District of the city of Bratsk, the system of additional education is represented by a number of municipal and private educational institutions and organizations related to the field of education, culture, sports and social security. Consumers of additional educational services are children aged 1.5 to 18 years. The number of preschool children (from 2-6 years old) is 15 thousand people, schoolchildren - 14 thousand people.

DTD&M is the largest multi-disciplinary institution of additional education in the Central district of the city of Bratsk, where 2,500 children and adolescents study annually in more than 80 educational programs of various directions. DTD&M provides paid, partially paid, and free additional educational services.

A study of the social passport of DTDiM shows the presence of all categories of families: complete families 62%, single-parent families - 38%, low-income families (poor) - 4%, high-income families - 32% with average income - 64%. As the analysis of the survey results shows, 81% of consumers consider the cost of additional educational services in DTD&M affordable, 9% - high, 10% found it difficult to answer.

Direct competitors DTDiM - music school, art school, sports school, environmental and biological center, creative groups of the BratskArt theater and concert center, centers for the development of preschool children, language courses and schools, dance clubs and schools of various types.

To study pricing policy, we conducted studies of the cost of training for the same type of activity in various institutions and organizations. The results are reflected in the table. 3. Considering the price offers of competitors, we can note the advantageous position of DTDiM - the cost of its services is relatively lower than the cost of the same services from competitors.

Table 3.

Comparative characteristics of the cost of additional educational services of DTDiM and competitors.

Service (type of activity)

Competing institution/organization



Theater studio "Accent" TCC "BratskArt"

from 1200 to 1500 rub. per month

Fitness, Arabic dancing. IP

from 1500 to 1600 rub. per month

Choreographic groups DTDiM

from 400 to 750 rub. per month

English language

"Lingua" TCC "BratskArt"

from 1500 rub. per month

Language classes. IP

from 1500 to 6000 rub. per month

School of Foreign Languages ​​DTDiM

750 rub. per month

Music (piano)


from 1200 to 2000 rub. per month


900 rub. per month

Considering the position of DTD&M among competitors, it is also necessary to focus on one more feature - any child aged 2 to 18 years can become a DTD&M student - the institution enrolls only on the basis of the desires and interests of the consumer, while music and sports schools focus on capable and talented children are often given entrance tests.

In addition, as an external advantage of DTDiM, one can note its status, which is documented: “The best institution of additional education in the Irkutsk region 2010, 2012”, “The best institution of additional education in Russia - 2013” ​​(DTDiM was included in the rating of “100 best schools in Russia 2013”) , “Leading institution of additional education 2012, 2013” ​​(DTDiM is included in the National Register of Leading Institutions of Russia).

To highlight the internal competitive advantages of DTD&M, we conducted a study of the internal environment. The initial data were the results of the SWOT analysis shown in Table 4.

Table 4.

SWOT analysis of the internal environment of the institution


Weak sides

  1. Good material and technical base and the ability to replenish it.
  2. Availability of 66% of highly qualified teaching staff;
  3. Sufficient scientific, methodological, information and technical support for the educational process;
  4. Satisfaction of customers and consumers with the quality of additional educational services, which are provided by highly qualified specialists. (97%);
  5. High assessment of the results of certain types of activities of students and teachers by external examination. (Victories of students, teachers, institutions in competitions, festivals, competitions at the municipal, regional, all-Russian and international levels.
  6. 97% of students and 95% of parents note comfortable and safe conditions for children to stay in children’s playgrounds;
  7. Stable quantitative indicator of the safety of the student population
  1. Uneven coverage of services for different age categories of students. Insufficient coverage of services for middle and high school students.
  2. Lack of demanded teaching staff; Availability of vacancies in popular, new areas of activity.
  3. Insufficient funding for advertising and promotion of new additional educational services;
  4. Insufficient marketing abilities;
  5. Low employment of students from distant microdistricts.
  6. Insufficient qualitative indicator of the safety of the student population.



1. Opportunity to enter new market segments;

2. Opening new areas of activity;

3. Attracting sponsorship;

4. Use of marketing tools in promoting additional educational services.

5. Possibility of attracting more consumers.

6. Possibility of targeted work with higher and secondary vocational educational institutions.

1. The possibility of new competitors emerging;

2. Changes in the desires and interests of consumers and customers;

3. Unfavorable demographic changes;

4. Transition to partial self-financing;

Thus, we see that the institution currently has sufficient resources that can satisfy the needs of consumers and customers and which can become the basis for the formation of the DTD&M brand. INThe internal advantages of the institution are:high quality of additional educational services;goodhighly qualified personnel, comfortable, favorable living conditions, demand for additional educational services.

The distinctive features of DTD&M in the external environment are versatility and accessibility for a wide range of consumers, affordable price.

At the same time, when forming a DTD&M brand, it is necessary to quickly take advantage of favorable opportunities and mitigate the consequences of threats or turn them into favorable opportunities.

2.2. A study of the attitude of consumers and customers of additional educational services to the MAOU DOD "DTDiM" of the Bratsk municipality

The prerequisites for the formation of the DTDiM brand were a study , attitudes of consumers and customers of additional educational services towards DTD&M.

The necessary primary information was obtained as a result of surveying consumers and customers through questionnaires. Questionnaires were developed for the survey (Appendix 1). As a result of processing the questionnaires, the following results were obtained, presented in graphs:

Recognition of DTD&M among customers (parents).

Fig.1. Rice. 2.

From the graphs (Fig. 1. Fig. 2.) we see that only 15% of customers of additional educational services of DTD&M (parents) know the name of the institution where their child is studying; for 85% of respondents the name of the institution does not matter, since .e. they cannot identify him. 15% of respondents can distinguish the DTD&M logo from other institutions of additional education in the city, the remaining 85% do not associate the DTD&M logo with the image of the institution. This fact indicates the low recognition of DTD&M among customers of additional educational services, and as a result, the lack of targeted activities to position the institution .

A similar survey was conducted among student consumers of DTD&M services. The results can be seen in Fig. 1. Fig.2. 100% of students easily identify the name of their institution of further education, i.e. identify him. 60% know and can recognize its logo.

Recognition of DTD&M among consumers (students)

Fig.3. Fig.4.

Thus, it can be noted that students and consumers recognize and recognize DTD&M among other institutions, this indicates the deliberate efforts of DTD&M to position the institution among students.

Comparing the reasons for choosing DTD&M for training in the graph (Fig. 5), we see that the opinions of customers and consumers do not coincide in almost all indicators.

Preferences for choosing DTDiM by customers and consumers.


The priorities for parents (customers) in choosing DTD&M were the provision of high-quality services from the institution and the opportunity for their children to learn something useful. Whereas, consumers (students) were guided in choosing an institution by the desire to have a good time and study in company, with friends.

Therefore, when developing and conducting an advertising campaign for DTDiM, it is necessary to take into account the different needs of customers and consumers.

Thus, the results of studying the attitude of consumers and customers to DTDiM allow us to conclude that there is a need for targeted positioning of DTDiM, taking into account the different needs of customers and consumers.

To form a DTDiM brand, a choice of educational strategy is necessary - the educational institution’s line of conduct in the education market, which would make it possible to implement marketing measures for the sustainable promotion of educational services in the city’s education market, including analysis, goal setting, event planning, and monitoring of results.

To form a DTDiM brand, it is necessary to find answers to four questions that allow you to well determine positioning:

  • for whom? - determination of the target group of consumers for which the brand is created
  • For what? - the consumer benefit that he will receive as a result of purchasing this particular brand;
  • For what purpose (for what use?) is this particular brand needed?
  • against which competitor?

Once these key questions have been answered, the brand strategy is defined, that is, the ways in which the organization's resources will be used to create brand value.

The strategy includes the following elements:

  • Who is the target audience?
  • What promise (offer) should be made to this audience.
  • What evidence does she need to provide to show that this proposal is worth something?
  • What final impression should you leave?

The promise of benefits given by the authors of the brand is the main idea that underlies the brand. The same idea should be the main idea behind the future advertising campaign developed for this brand (or other promotional methods that will be used for this brand).

There are a number of recommendations that make it easier to create an idea. You should not overload the brand with many ideas - you need to choose the most valuable one and bring it to the consumer’s consciousness. When forming a brand idea, you should imagine the target audience as clearly as possible, not in the abstract, but using specific examples. You need to imagine what the target audience wants - what interests them, what they are interested in, what they look like, what they talk about.

Considering the promotion of DTD&M as an integrated set of measures to convey information about the advantages and benefits to potential consumers and customers and stimulate their desire to purchase the services of the institution, it is important to use a full range of marketing communications:

  1. Development of a corporate identity for an educational institution - the development of a set of permanent visual and text elements that identify belonging to DTDiM and distinguish it from competitors, the formation of a unique image - the space of the institution. Corporate identity includes: the corporate image of an institution with its characteristics, an advertising slogan (motto), the range and quality of additional educational services, as well as a set of characteristics, expectations, associations perceived by consumers and attributed to them by the institution.
  2. Use of advertising – information distributed in any form, by any means, about an educational institution, its educational services, which is intended for an indefinite number of people and is intended to generate or maintain interest in DTD&M and its additional educational services. The content of advertising involves achieving three main objectives:
  • informing about DTD&M and the additional educational services provided, creating on this basis the necessary knowledge about the learning conditions and the benefits they receive;
  • convincing those making decisions about receiving additional education that the services offered are preferable, i.e. activating strong emotional incentives for consumers to learn in DTD&M.
  • reminding consumers about DTD&M and its services, maintaining awareness and supporting positive emotions among those individuals who have already given preference to DTD&M.
  1. Sales promotion – carrying out a variety of short-term incentive campaigns aimed at potential consumers of educational services.
  2. Public relations is the organization of the process of managing bilateral communication relations of DTDiM with the public in order to coordinate its activities with its interests, as well as achieve mutual understanding and support the image through the implementation of various programs. The main goal of PR is to create a situation of success for DTD&M in society as a result of effective image management. Here it is necessary to take into account external PR - achieving a favorable public attitude towards DTD&M, internal PR - maintaining productive relationships within DTD&M, and instilling in the subjects of the educational process a sense of responsibility and interest in the development of the institution, crisis PR - managing the public's reaction to a problematic situation, eliminating the consequences of conflicts, solving non-standard situations; interaction with the media; sponsorship.

The main guidelines for the formation of the image space of DTDiM for managers and staff are: trust, identification of the educational institution among others and the effectiveness of educational activities. The following factors work on the image space: certificates and diplomas based on the results of competitions and exhibitions; reviews and letters of gratitude from social partners and government agencies; the authority of managers and teachers; documentary evidence of professionalism and qualifications of personnel.

When using a marketing approach to the formation and development of the image space of DTD&M, the mechanism can be:

  • provision of those educational services that will actually be in demand and are in demand on the market;
  • long-term goals – studying educational needs;
  • development of the educational institution in the implementation of the position “Our image is our graduate!”;
  • advertising campaign - informing about the activities of the educational institution and the value of the educational services provided;
  • attitude towards consumers of educational services;
  • strategy for behavior in the educational services market - a quality service will always find a consumer;
  • behavioral tactics - find, study, understand, adapt, satisfy.
  1. Direct marketing is the development of a marketing system in which, to obtain

For a certain response and/or concluding a training contract, one or more means of communication are used: compiling databases, personal offers, telephone marketing, mailings, direct response channels, interactive marketing.

  1. Fair and exhibition activities - participation of DTDiM in fairs and exhibitions with

with the aim of popularizing and promoting its educational services.

  1. Cooperation – cooperation between educational institutions and organizations to jointly resolve common issues

challenges and mutual capacity building. Cooperation is possible not only between educational institutions, but also between organizations operating in other industries, as well as foundations and associations. This is due to: the commonality of problems facing the educational institution; the opportunity to mutually build each other's potential; attracting one contingent of students; limited resources for marketing.

Conclusions: To summarize this chapter, we can note that DTDiM has the opportunity to become a brand, since it has certain advantages in the educational services market of the city of Bratsk. The external advantages of DTD&M are: versatility, the ability to provide services to everyone, regardless of their inclinations and abilities, and an affordable price.

In the course of our work, we also identified the internal resources of the institution, which are its strength and the basis for the development of its competitiveness: high quality of additional educational services;material, technical, scientific, methodological and information support of the educational process,

We noted that to form a DTD&M brand, it is necessary to choose an educational strategy and focused work on its implementation.

The basis for the promotion of DTD&M should be a set of marketing tools: development of a “corporate style” of the institution, advertising, sales promotion, public relations and the formation of a positive image of DTD&M, direct marketing, fair and exhibition activities, cooperation.

In addition, we also determined that when developing an educational strategy, it is necessary to minimize possible threats to the institution and take advantage of the opportunities identified in the SWOT analysis. All this will contribute to the formation of a strong brand of the Palace and will provide an opportunity to compete in the city’s educational services market.


Forming a brand allows educational institutions to compete in the educational services market. The brand of an educational institution is a corporate brand and represents the full range of impressions, opinions, and expectations of consumers of educational services that arise at every contact with the institution and its employees. The basis of the brand of an educational institution is a good quality educational service.

The technology for building a corporate brand of an educational institution is no different from the technology for building a product brand. The stages of brand formation are as follows: goal setting; project planning; analysis of the current state of the brand; analysis of the market situation; formulating the essence of the brand; brand management strategy; brand promotion; brand monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of actions.

Since the brand of an educational institution is corporate, it is necessary to take into accountfeatures of corporate branding:the high importance of the project for the top management of the institution; connection of the corporate brand with the philosophy and values ​​of the institution; the importance of rational characteristics when making decisions; multiple identification elements; The main communicators of the brand are the employees of the institution.

A feature of the process of providing additional educational services istaking into account the interests and desires of not only consumers, but also customers, since the decision to purchase a service is made jointly, but at the same time everyone pursues their own goal.

To form a successful brand of the MAOU DOD “DTDiM” of the Bratsk municipality, it is necessary to use the classic technology of forming a corporate brand and take into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the institution.

MAOU DOD "DTDiM" MO of Bratsk has the opportunity to become a brand, as it has certain advantages in the educational services market of the city of Bratsk. The external advantages of DTD&M are versatility, the ability to provide services to everyone, regardless of their inclinations and abilities, as well as an affordable price.

This work identifies the internal resources of the institution, which are its strength and the basis for the development of its competitiveness: high quality of additional educational services;material, technical, scientific, methodological and information support of the educational process,a wide range of additional educational services by type of activity; highly qualified personnel, comfortable, favorable living conditions, demand for additional educational services.

To form a DTDiM brand, it is recommended to choose an educational strategy and organize targeted work for its implementation. The basis for the promotion of DTD&M should be a set of marketing tools: development of a “corporate style” of the institution, advertising, sales promotion, public relations and the formation of a positive image of DTD&M, direct marketing, fair and exhibition activities, cooperation.

When developing an educational strategy, it is necessary to minimize possible threats to the institution and take advantage of the opportunities identified in the SWOT analysis.


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    Annex 1.

    Questionnaire for parents

    1. How will you explain to your friends where your child is receiving additional education?

    • Where the former school 22 was
    • At the center of creativity
    • In the house of creativity
    • At the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity (DTLDiM)
    • House of Pioneers
    • Don't know
    1. You chose to educate your child in DTD&M because: (select one indicator)
    • You know that here you can get high-quality additional education
    • recommended by acquaintances or friends, as here you can get high-quality additional education
    • close to home
    • Do you know that here you can usefully occupy your child after school?

    3. When choosing an institution, did the price of services matter?

    4. The price of additional education services in DTDiM in your opinion:

    • High
    • Low
    • Available

    5. If the service you chose was provided in another institution at a lower price, would you change the institution?

    • Don't know
    1. Is there a DTDiM logo?
    • Don't know

    If yes, what does it look like? Describe it.

    • Don't know

    Questionnaire for students

    1. You chose to study at DTDiM because here:
    • you can get high-quality additional education
    • friends recommended, came for company
    • close to home
    • opportunity to chat with friends
    • opportunity to make new friends
    • you can have a good time
    • you can learn something useful
    1. Is there a DTDiM logo?
    • Don't know
    1. Can you distinguish the DTD&M logo from the logo of another institution?