Where are kindergartens for blind children? Specialized kindergartens

Kindergartens for special children “Svetly Gorod” and “Rainbow” are holding their fifth academic year. Every year, about 50 children with developmental disabilities study here, many of whom were refused admission to state kindergartens due to the severity of the disease.

Nadezhda Samoilova Children's Centers set themselves two serious goals:

  1. Provide children with developmental disorders (cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, delays and other developmental disorders) normal childhood. What does it mean? It means that special child You no longer need to sit at home and communicate only with your mother. He also has a kindergarten, friends the same age and favorite teachers.

It is important for a special child to communicate with other children and adults. It is important for his parents that the child develops and moves towards the norm. Kindergartens do both.

  1. Give parents the opportunity to live as ordinary people: go to work, do what you love and just be parents, not narrow specialists on correction of children's development.

How do kindergartens for special children work?

Kindergartens are attended by children aged 3 to 7 years, in a group - a maximum of 8 people. Teachers are allocated for every three children so that all children are supervised and receive proper care.

Each student has his own schedule and lesson plan - individual route development. At the end of each month, an assessment is carried out - teachers write a report on the child’s progress, achievements and development plans. All individual sessions are recorded in notebooks-diaries so that parents can see what the child has been doing and support learning at home.

Each child also has a curator - a teacher who knows everything that happens to the child in kindergarten, supports the developmental activities of specialists in the group, communicates with parents and becomes a close friend to the child.

During the day they pass group classes with teachers: children are engaged in modeling, appliqué, reading, music lessons etc. Artists and musicians often come to the kindergartens, master classes are held, concerts and small shows are held. Friends of our kindergartens invite our children to visit the zoo and dolphinarium for free, and give them tickets to the theater.

In addition to classes, children walk on the playground, go to bed during the day and eat 3 times a day (breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack). And in the evening they wait for mom or dad coming after work.

New in “Svetly Gorod” - a school for special children

The idea of ​​opening a school for children with special needs was not born empty space. It's getting smaller and smaller correctional schools and inclusive classes with full-time learning for all students. If this process continues, children who cannot attend regular schools, there will be only two ways: home schooling or a correctional boarding school.

Of course, most parents are not happy with these options. Homeschooling again means separation from the team, lack of communication with peers and the need for one of the parents to constantly be at home with the child, that is, to leave work. Sending a child to a boarding school is too difficult a decision for many, and in most cases it is not advisable, which will bring more harm to the child than good.

Our child is our everything. This expression is confirmed in every detail. Particularly painful for every parent are health problems in their child. Today, the statistics of children with visual impairments are disappointing. However, myopia and astigmatism are far from a death sentence. normal development baby.

For many parents, the word “special institution” means horrible dream. Therefore, kindergartens for children with vision problems are called compensatory kindergartens. These institutions have specialized groups that help children develop fully, taking into account their characteristics. There is no need to be afraid of such a garden; the main thing is the correct diagnosis and the right group. You can't have a child, for example, with complete absence view be placed in the same group with visually impaired child. They use completely different educational methods and other materials.

The problem with kindergarten is, oddly enough, a serious moment for every parent, because especially in big cities, kindergartens are overcrowded, and it is quite difficult to accommodate a child. In some cases, parents get on the waiting list after the baby is born.

Of course, this also applies to Moscow. There are thousands of kindergartens in the capital, but there are not many of them that provide compensation. And given the characteristics of the city, a kindergarten must also be selected according to several parameters.

What to do if the ophthalmologist nevertheless sent the child to a special group? The main thing is to try to control yourself and leave behind the prejudices that often accompany mothers.

It is important to select a kindergarten based on the following parameters regarding the child:

  • with a group specifically corresponding to the baby’s diagnosis;
  • garden with necessary equipment(if certain procedures are prescribed, even more so);
  • with a similar age group(this is a very important point, if the age difference in young children under 5 years old is more than 2 years, then in one group there will be a very large discrepancy in learning the material, which can affect the child’s psyche and his perception of himself in social communication);
  • a garden with specialized staff. This is also very important. In principle, in almost all gardens in Moscow, the staff is trained.

The choice regarding parent parameters can be made based on:

  • Remoteness of the garden (it is best to choose an institution along the way or near home or work). Traffic in Moscow does not always allow you to be in right time, so it’s better to look for a kindergarten nearby so that your child doesn’t have to wait long.
  • Type of institution: the garden can be public or private. In principle, the difference, as a rule, lies in the conditions under which the children stay and the cost of the monthly payment (contribution). Therefore, it is best, after reviewing the reviews, to visit the institutions you like and most suitable, and not choose solely based on the photo.
  • Availability of additional options in the garden (for example, a swimming pool, gym, etc.). For children with low vision, additional developmental procedures may not be superfluous (if they are not prohibited by the attending physician).
  • Conditions for the child's stay. Almost every garden has the same regime, but there are certain features inherent in specific gardens. Usually this can be confirmed by reviews from other parents or the kindergarten workers themselves.
  • Work schedule and features. This is also important because there are institutions with longer work hours, which is very important when the relative distance from home (work).

One more important point are doctor's recommendations. For example, the ophthalmologist himself can recommend a certain garden, because some specialists are assigned certain groups. If in specific case It turns out that the local ophthalmologist “leads” a group that, according to the main parameters, is suitable for the baby, then this will be a great success. It will also be easier for the child psychologically.

Conversation with the baby

This is the most important, most serious and most difficult thing in parental education of a child with certain features. If the child is already 2 years old or older, it is best to talk to him and tell him what kind of institution will accept him. It is best if you decide to arrange a promenade around kindergartens, take your baby with you so that he can also feel where he will be comfortable. Do not neglect your child’s opinion, because then you can avoid serious problems with the baby’s adaptation to kindergarten.


Many parents make a serious mistake by sending their children with low vision to general kindergartens. Because of his or her peculiarities, a child may perform less well than his peers, and this will naturally affect his development as an individual. Therefore, it is very important in such a situation to act and act in the interests of your child. Then you can avoid significant problems with the upbringing, development, and attitude of the baby.

  • 5. Content and nature of interaction between adults and children in different periods of childhood
  • 6. Subject development environment, material and technical conditions and teaching staff
  • 7. Promising directions for the development of preschool correctional pedagogy
  • Chapter 3. Raising and teaching children
  • 1. Characteristics of disorders in mental retardation
  • 2. Preschool oligophrenopedagogy as a branch of special preschool pedagogy
  • 3. System of education, training and rehabilitation of children with intellectual disabilities (mentally retarded)
  • 5. Cognitive development.
  • 6. Speech development.
  • Chapter 4. Education and training of preschool children with mental retardation
  • 1. Characteristics of deviations in mental retardation in children
  • 2. Stages of providing assistance to children with mental retardation
  • 3. Study of the causes of mental retardation in children
  • 4. Classifications of mental retardation
  • 5. Differential diagnosis of mental retardation and similar conditions
  • 6. Specific educational needs of early and preschool children with mental retardation
  • 7. Organizational forms of assistance to preschool children with mental retardation
  • 8. Corrective focus of education and training of children with mental retardation
  • 9. Organization of work with parents
  • 10. Integrated education and training
  • Chapter 5. Education and training of preschool children with hearing impairments
  • 1. Characteristics of children with hearing impairments
  • 2. Objectives and principles of education and training of children with hearing loss
  • 3. Contents of correctional pedagogical work with preschoolers with hearing impairments
  • 4. Characteristics of methods for examining children’s hearing
  • 5. Organization of correctional assistance for preschool children with hearing impairments
  • 6. Education and training of preschool children with visual impairments
  • 1. Characteristics of visual impairment in children
  • 2. System of preschool education for children with visual impairments
  • 3. Conditions for raising and educating children with visual impairments
  • 4. Basic principles of correctional work in kindergarten for children with visual impairments
  • 6. Contents of special correctional classes
  • 7. Sensory education as a means of social adaptation of children with visual impairments
  • 8. The relationship between psychological and pedagogical correction and vision treatment
  • Chapter 7. Raising and teaching preschool children with speech disorders
  • 1. Scientific and methodological aspects of speech therapy
  • 2. Causes of speech disorders
  • 3. Classification of speech disorders
  • 4. System of speech therapy assistance
  • 5. Objectives and principles of raising children with speech disorders
  • Chapter 8. Education and training of early and preschool children with musculoskeletal disorders
  • 1. General characteristics of musculoskeletal disorders. Cerebral palsy
  • 2. Motor disorders in cerebral palsy
  • 3. Mental disorders in cerebral palsy
  • 4. Speech disorders with cerebral palsy
  • 5. Classification of cerebral palsy
  • 6. Corrective work for cerebral palsy
  • Chapter 9. Raising and teaching preschool children with emotional disorders
  • 1. Ideas about the characteristics of early development of children with autism
  • 2. Psychological assistance to families raising a young child with deviations in affective development
  • Chapter 10. Education and training of preschool children with behavioral and activity disorders
  • 1. Social disorientation
  • 2. Negative self-presentation
  • 3. Family isolation
  • 4. Chronic failure
  • 5. Withdrawal from activities
  • 6. Verbalism
  • Chapter 11. Raising and teaching preschool children with complex and multiple disabilities
  • 1. Etiology of complex and multiple developmental disorders in children
  • 2. On the classification of complex and multiple developmental disorders in children
  • 3. Problems of raising a child with complex and multiple disabilities in the family
  • 4. Objectives of special preschool education of a child with complex and multiple disabilities
  • Chapter 1. General issues of special preschool pedagogy.................................6
  • Chapter 2. General requirements for the organization and content of correctional
  • Chapter 3. Education and training of preschool children
  • Chapter 4. Education and training of preschool children
  • Chapter 5. Education and training of preschool children
  • Chapter 7. Education and training of preschool children
  • Chapter 8. Education and training of children of early and preschool age
  • Chapter 9. Raising and teaching preschool children with disabilities
  • Chapter 10. Education and training of preschool children
  • Chapter 11. Raising and teaching preschool children with complex
  • 2. System preschool education children with visual impairments

    Differentiated preschool institutions and preschool groups at kindergartens and boarding schools are open for children with visual impairments:

    kindergartens, nurseries and preschool groups for blind children;

    kindergartens, nurseries and preschool groups for visually impaired children;

    kindergartens, nurseries and preschool groups for children with strabismus and amblyopia.

    Currently, there is a network of special preschool institutions of a mixed type, which enroll mainly children with strabismus and amblyopia, a certain number of visually impaired and a small number of blind children.

    The purpose of these institutions is to provide treatment, possible restoration of vision and prevent the deterioration of its condition, as well as the creation of corrective and compensatory conditions in the process of training and education in order to prevent the appearance of secondary abnormalities in the early detection of eye pathology, and to overcome, weaken or eliminate deficiencies in cognitive activity, physical abnormalities

    some unwanted personal qualities children with visual impairments.

    Preschool institutions for children with visual impairments operate according to a special program, built taking into account the unique development of children and the peculiarities of the formation of their cognitive activity, motor sphere and personality traits.

    Education of children is aimed at the comprehensive development, correction and compensation of developmental deficiencies in children with visual impairments, due to the degree and nature of the visual defect.

    Education for children with visual impairments kindergarten carried out in classes with a group of 10 blind and visually impaired children or 10-12 children with strabismus and amblyopia. Classes are face-to-face, subgroup or individual.

    The content of education and upbringing of children with visual impairments is aimed at solving general and special problems of developing knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure successful admission to school for the blind, visually impaired and children with strabismus and amblyopia. Special programs developed on the basis of an education program in a general education kindergarten. Along with this, special sections have been introduced on the development of visual perception and the formation of subject concepts, social adaptation and orientation in space, development of the sense of touch, auditory perception, physical therapy, rhythm, correction of speech disorders.

    Teaching methods in preschool institutions are based on general didactic teaching principles and taking into account the developmental characteristics of children with visual impairments, their methods of perception (visual or tactile), cognitive activity and compensatory capabilities.

    The use of special methods and techniques is aimed at correcting visual perception, subject concepts, orientation in space, overcoming deficiencies in speech development, subject-related practical activities, etc. An important place in learning is occupied by visibility, which adapts to the conditions of perception (visual or tactile); optical means of correcting visual perception of visual and illustrative material are widely used. To overcome the verbalism of objective ideas and expand sensory experience, special work is carried out to familiarize with the surrounding reality on excursions and observations, while important role assigned to the regulatory role of speech as a means of compensating for blindness and low vision. To correct deficiencies in the development of subject-related practical actions, the method of step-by-step, step-by-step execution of tasks in manual labor, design, modeling, appliqué, etc. is used.

    As a result of an integrated approach to teaching and raising children, the child’s activity and his interaction with the surrounding reality and people are formed.

    The proper development of the child is facilitated by the organization of continuity between education in kindergarten and boarding schools for children with visual impairments, as well as between public and family education. An important place in the pedagogical process is occupied by work on the continuity and interrelation of correctional-educational and treatment-restorative work, on the development and activation of vision, its protection, as well as the strengthening of general health.

    Kindergarten, nursery school for children with strabismus and amblyopia - a special educational institution designed for the treatment, education and training of children of early and preschool age. «

    Preschool institutions for children with strabismus and amblyopia are part of the education system and are opened by education departments together with health departments.

    General pedagogical guidance is provided by the education departments, and responsibility for providing treatment rests with the health departments.

    Preschool institutions - nurseries and kindergartens accept children from 2 to 7 years old.

    The selection of children is carried out on the basis of a medical report and a psychological and pedagogical examination by psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions. The examination methodology consists of a series of game tasks that allow us to identify the level of psychophysical development of a child of a certain age.

    The decision on enrollment in an institution and withdrawal from it is made by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

    The main goal of preschool institutions for children with strabismus and amblyopia is to provide comprehensive care to children. Training and education includes the following tasks: clarifying the level of psychophysical development and organizing appropriate conditions for training and education;

    ensuring the general level of development, education and training; creating corrective conditions to overcome deviations in psychophysical development.

    The main program and methodological documents regulating the activities of preschool institutions for children with strabismus and amblyopia were developed at the Institute correctional pedagogy, and the content of treatment in a preschool institution was developed by the Institute of Eye Diseases named after. Helmholtz. The content of training and education takes into account the tasks, requirements and recommendations of treatment and rehabilitation work. All types of children's activities include training - exercises to activate visual functions. The development of visual perception is carried out in special correctional classes, as well as in the process of play, general education classes and everyday life.

    Correctional classes on the development of visual perception, spatial orientation, and social and everyday orientation are conducted by a teacher-defectologist (typhlopedagogue).

    Classes to overcome speech development deficiencies are conducted by a speech therapist, and children are grouped into subgroups in accordance with the level of speech development, i.e. with approximately the same state of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, and coherent speech.

    In addition, children are held special classes in physical therapy, rhythm, since children with visual impairments have deviations in the development of the motor sphere.

    The entire educational process in kindergarten is built taking into account the requirements of medical and rehabilitation work.

    Advisory groups for children with visual impairments who do not attend preschool institutions arose as a need to assist families in raising the blind and visually impaired

    These groups are created both at state and public, private and other preschool institutions.

    The groups are staffed by medical, psychological and pedagogical commissions working in the education system. Children are enrolled in the groups from the moment the primary defect (visual impairment) is identified.

    Work with children is carried out both on the basis of a preschool institution and in a family setting.

    The main purpose of advisory groups is:

    identifying children with visual impairments who do not attend preschool institutions and who need comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance;

    consulting parents in connection with the uniqueness and characteristics of the child’s psychophysical development and developing, together with parents, a program for his education and upbringing;

    training parents in methods, means and techniques for raising and educating children with visual impairments in a family setting;

    conducting correctional classes by a typhlopedagogue in the presence of parents and with their help in preschool institution and at home;

    studying the success in the development and advancement of the child in the process of education and upbringing and drawing up individual maps of the dynamics of the child’s psychophysical development during the examination.

    Advisory groups establish a link between the family and other agencies that need to provide assistance to parents, both now and in the future.

    However, these groups are just beginning to function, so special nomenclature acts are needed to regulate their activities.

    Every newborn child perceives the world through sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste. Unfortunately, nature does not favor all children, and sometimes children are born with some kind of pathology.

    Children with visual impairments see the world completely differently, and their development and upbringing require special features. Correctly selected upbringing is very important, since such a child will need to adapt to kindergarten, school, and also in life, which will not be easy. What do parents need to know about the development of children with vision problems?

    List of diseases associated with vision problems in children

    The most common ones are functional ones, such as:

    - (blurred eye)
    — (the position of the eye is disturbed, in which deviation of one or two eyes appears, in turn or looking straight), read also ““,
    - (not distinguishing objects at a long distance),
    - (), and others. If treatment is started in time, the condition can be corrected.
    — Organic disorders are those that are related to the structure of the eye and other parts of the visual system. Causes include eye abnormalities, retinal disease, optic nerve disease.
    — Factors affecting vision problems are congenital, acquired, or hereditary.

    Features of development and learning for children

    Young children who do not see, get acquainted with the world in most cases through hearing and touch. Because of this, their idea of ​​the world is different from the children who see it. Unlike sighted children, blind children have to recognize everything by sound, because of this, one of the most important aspects of education is focusing on sounds. For such children, the participation of specialist doctors is a necessary part of education. It is difficult for children with vision problems to cope without the help of a speech therapist, since in most cases the child is not able to understand words, especially if he cannot see real objects.

    For such children, they need outdoor games that will stimulate their vision, develop proper movement associated with coordination, and most importantly, learn the necessary skills. All these recommendations can be obtained from an ophthalmologist, who will tell you which games and exercises are suitable for the child. So you're with high probability get success.

    — Teach your child proper orientation and coordination. It is advisable to repeat the exercise and actions several times until you reach automaticity.

    — Buy ​​toys that are not the same as for ordinary children, but take large sizes, so that you can feel it well and not get hurt. After all, for such children the main thing is to touch everything and learn new things.

    — Do not buy toys with small and very sharp parts, so that the child does not injure himself. After all, we can see everything, but they cannot.

    — Be sure to teach correct orientation in space, to do this, perform certain tasks and exercises. It is important to explain to the child what he is doing and why.

    Choosing a kindergarten

    The most responsible should be the choice of kindergarten; when choosing a kindergarten, look at specialized kindergartens for children with visual impairments, organization and implementation of therapeutic purposes to restore vision, and preparation for school. In order to get into a specialized kindergarten, you need to take a referral from your local pediatrician, or from the ophthalmologist with whom you are registered, and go to the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, which will issue a verdict on visiting a specialized kindergarten.

    For a child with visual impairments, such a garden will be the most suitable option, since in such kindergartens there are fewer children in groups than in ordinary kindergartens, in a regular kindergarten there are about 30 people, and in specialized ones there are 6-15 people. And because of this, your child will be much more more attention, and the child will learn exactly what he needs. There are very few disadvantages in such kindergartens, the fact is that such kindergartens are rare, and there are few of them; you have to take the child early in the morning. An equally responsible choice is in educators who must have two degrees, medical and pedagogical. There should be consultations with doctors, an ophthalmologist, a speech therapist, and a psychologist in the kindergarten. Even if you go to a regular kindergarten, the children will most likely laugh at such a child, but not in a specialized kindergarten, since almost all the children there are like that.

    Adaptation of children with visual impairments

    Adaptation in children with poor eyesight goes a little worse than in children, with normal. Because the situation and people change, and the parents who were always with the child all the time are no longer present. The most important thing for parents is not to panic; the child feels it and begins to get nervous.

    - Go to the kindergarten together, let the child adapt a little, touch the toys, get to know the teachers and nannies.

    - On the first day, bring the baby to the kindergarten for ten twenty minutes, stand near the office, wait, if the child cries and cannot calm down, take him home, no matter what happens psychological trauma. If everything is fine and he plays, you can wait until he plays enough.

    — The second time, leave it for longer, about a couple of hours, even if the child cries, let him get used to it a little. And so on for a couple of hours and you will get used to it. The main thing for such a child is a schedule so that he has an idea of ​​how the day is going and automatically does everything.


    To summarize, if you decide to go to a specialized kindergarten, you will need to go to a pediatrician or ophthalmologist, get a referral for special commission, if she gives permission, then you can go to the kindergarten and find out how experienced and qualified the workers are working there, if everything is satisfactory, talk to the child that you need to start a new step in life. In this way, you prepare your child a little for adult life, a lot depends on you, how you explain everything so the child will understand. After all, children are a reflection of their parents.

    Create comfortable conditions for life, so that the baby knows that you love him despite the fact that he has vision problems, be an incentive for your children. Never focus on his illness, strive to develop your child further and further, then when he grows up, he will thank you.

    A unique garden for blind and visually impaired people will appear in Moscow. The opening of the garden is scheduled for September this year near the Ryazansky Prospekt metro station. The project is being implemented All-Russian Society nature conservation together with the Foundation for Support of the Deaf-Blind “Connection” with the support Resource Center NGO of the Moscow Public Relations Committee. Currently, a project for the future garden is being developed and the site is being prepared.
    In a tactile (or “sensory”) garden, plants will be selected and arranged in such a way that blind and visually impaired people can not only read information about them on special signs, but also touch each plant and smell the aroma. In the absence of the opportunity to examine this or that plant with the eyes, blind person it is still possible to “see” it through texture and smell, so all shrubs, flowers and herbs presented in the garden will have pronounced tactile and aromatic properties. The garden's infrastructure, including navigation and recreational spaces, are being developed taking into account the needs of blind and visually impaired people, which will make their stay comfortable and safe. It is planned to create audio accompaniment for modern technologies. In addition, all visitors will be able to use the help of volunteers if necessary.
    A garden for the blind is community project Therefore, the care of the plants will also be organized by volunteers. Guests of the garden will also have the opportunity to attend master classes and lectures by professional botanists and gardeners, during which they will not only talk about the properties of the most unusual herbs and flowers, but also give practical advice on growing plants at home.
    Tactile gardens are gaining popularity around the world. The first such garden was opened in botanical garden city ​​of Padua (Italy), a special route for the blind in the Botanical Garden of Budapest is extremely famous. Gardens for the blind are also open in the UK, Czech Republic, USA, South Africa, Romania and other countries.
    The Moscow Tactile Garden, according to the project organizers, will be open from April to October. At the same time, the exposition of plants will change depending on the season.
    According to unofficial data, there are more than half a million blind and visually impaired people in Russia. A tenth of them live in Moscow. The city authorities have been working for many years to create comfortable environment for the blind and visually impaired. First of all, attention is paid to solving such practical problems visually impaired, such as moving around the city. Meanwhile, blind and visually impaired people also need programs aimed at psychological rehabilitation and the creation of special spaces for understanding the surrounding world. In implementing such projects, city authorities come to the aid of non-profit organizations. In Moscow, in addition to specialized centers rehabilitation, there is already a cinema, library, theater and museum for the blind. In the future, the tactile garden will become another leisure platform for blind and visually impaired Muscovites.