The curse of the Egyptian pharaohs. Pharaoh's nightmare: the curse of the Egyptian pyramids

According to many experts, the largest pyramid in Egypt, the Pyramid of Cheops, was once crowned with a huge magic crystal that collected the energy of the Cosmos. There are many other versions about the secrets of the pyramids: they say that the most important information is encrypted in them; with their help, the priests came into contact with the other world; they served as identification marks for “flying saucers”, etc. But today we will talk about only one of the many secrets - the curse of the pharaohs, which, according to legend, overtook everyone who invaded the holy of holies: the crypts of the rulers of Egypt.

Clairvoyant Warning

There is a place in Egypt that has gone down in world history called the Valley of the Kings. This lifeless valley is located on the western bank of the Nile opposite Luxor, where in our time the stone columns of destroyed temples stretch to the sky. Life has long left here, only a colossal necropolis remains here, in the depths of which the mummies of the pharaohs were buried.
At the end of 1922, after a six-year search, researchers were lucky enough to find here the almost untouched tomb-treasury of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Luck fell to the lot of the English expedition, which included the largest archaeologists in Great Britain, famous Egyptologists and other scientists. The expedition was led by Lord Carnarvon, a famous collector in England, and archaeologist Carter.

No one else, without a doubt, in the entire history of archaeological excavations has been able to see anything more magnificent. A striking picture opened up to the eyes of archaeologists: a golden stretcher, a throne, a statue, caskets, heads of wild animals, ritual figurines and much more. But this was only the first camera. It was followed by the tomb itself with the pharaoh's sarcophagus, a treasury and another side chamber.

Blinded by the countless brilliance of the treasures, Carter at first did not notice the discreet clay tablet with a brief hieroglyphic inscription: “THE FORK OF DEATH WILL pierce the one who disturbs the peace of the pharaohs.” Later, having learned about it, the archaeologist deciphered the inscription and hid the tablet, fearing that the workers would take this warning seriously. However, he did not pay attention to a certain amulet kept in the crypt. On the back of it was found the following text: “I AM THE ONE WHO, WITH THE CALL OF THE DESERT, PUTS THE GRAVE DEFAULTERS TO FLIGHT. I AM THE ONE WHO STANDS GUARD THE TOMB OF TUTANKHAMUN." This was the second warning...

By the way, some warnings were made to Lord Carnarvon before the start of the expedition. Before opening the grave, he received a letter from the English clairvoyant Count Haymon. The psychic warned him not to open the tomb under any circumstances - this would be mortally dangerous due to the existing “curse of the pharaoh.” Haymon attached the text to the letter: “Lord Carnarvon, do not enter the tomb, disobedience leads to death. First, you will face an illness from which you will not recover. Death will take you in Egypt."

The lord was seriously alarmed. Friends advised him to turn to a famous fortune teller named Velma. The clairvoyant, having examined his hand, said that she “sees the possibility of death associated with the curse of the pharaoh.” In fright, the lord decided to stop the excavations, but it was too late: preparations for them had gone too far. And the lord decided to challenge the mystical forces...

Harvest of Death

There were seventeen of them - those who followed Carter and Carnarvon into the burial chamber of Tutankhamun in February 1923. Soon after opening the tomb, Carnarvon, for some unknown reason, became terribly nervous. The close proximity of the tomb bothered him so much that he left without even waiting for a list of the treasures found to be compiled.

Six days after the opening of the tomb, Lord Carnarvon died unexpectedly. Doctors attributed his death to a venomous mosquito bite. What happened? At breakfast the lord felt slightly unwell. The temperature, which was low at first, suddenly jumped sharply, the fever was accompanied by severe chills, and no one was able to help him. At the last minute of his life, consciousness returned to the seeker of Egyptian treasures. Turning to his wife, he said: “Well, everything has finally happened. I heard a call, it attracts me." Before his death, in delirium, according to eyewitnesses, Carnarvon mentioned the name of the pharaoh: “TUTANKHAMON, TUTANKHAMON...”

The lord's death was the first in a whole chain of unexpected deaths. A few months later, two more workers who took part in the excavations died one after another. They were followed by two more victims - A.K. Mace and George Jay-Gold. This was the case with Mace. Carter asked to help him open the tomb. It was Mace who moved the last stone blocking the entrance to the main chamber. Soon after Lord Carnarvon's death, he began to complain of unusual fatigue. Increasingly frequent attacks of weakness, apathy and melancholy occurred. It all ended in loss of consciousness: Mace died at the Continental, the same Cairo hotel where Lord Carnarvon spent his last days. Once again, doctors were powerless to diagnose a fatal disease.

American George Jay-Gold was an old friend of Lord Carnarvon, a multimillionaire and a great lover of archeology. He closely followed all the affairs of the expedition: many of the finds discovered there were in his hands. He was overcome by a sudden chill. The next day in the evening the millionaire died. And again the doctors helplessly threw up their hands...

Twenty-two people died in a matter of years. Some visited Tutankhamun's crypt, others examined his mummy. I would like to note one thing: each time the death was fleeting and unpredictable. Death overtook archaeologists and doctors, historians and linguists famous in those years, who were in one way or another involved in the study of the tomb. Lady Carnarvon died in 1929. Readers of gossip columns were shocked not so much by the fact of this death as by the diagnosis: “Died from a mosquito bite.” And then rumors spread all over the world about the current curse of Tutankhamun. And the pitchforks of death found more and more victims. As soon as rumors of the death of Bathell (one of the members of the expedition) reached London from Cairo, his father, Lord Wesbury, jumped out of the window of the seventh floor of the hotel. When the corpse of a suicide was being transported to the cemetery, the hearse (it is clear how fast this carriage was moving) crushed to death a child playing in the street. The examination showed that the driver simply could not help but notice him...

Lord Carnarvon's brother and the nurse who cared for him died in Cairo, and the death lurking in the house overtook everyone who dared to visit the sick man in those days. Oddly enough, only the archaeologist Carter lived serenely until he was 67 years old!

An animated mummy

...The evening turned out to be unusually humid and hot. As usual, the hall of sarcophagi in the National Museum of Cairo was full of visitors. And suddenly, when the light was turned on with the onset of darkness, a sharp, drawn-out grinding sound was heard from the sarcophagus of Ramses II. People saw a chilling picture: behind the glass of the swaying sarcophagus, a glimpse of Ramses's mouth, distorted by a silent scream, flashed, his body shuddered, the bandages holding the mummy burst, and the hands of the pharaoh, resting on his chest, suddenly sharply and terribly hit the glass lid: shards of broken glass fell onto the floor. It seemed that the mummy - a dried and securely swaddled corpse - was about to rush at the visitors. Many people fainted. The stampede began. Breaking their legs, arms and ribs, people fell in heaps from the stairs leading from the hall. Some people jumped straight out of the windows.

The morning editions of the newspapers did not spare color, savoring this event, interpreting the curse of the pharaoh in every possible way... And the mummy, as if satisfied with the effect produced, froze again, bowing her head on her shoulder: her face, hidden by a funeral mask, was turned north towards the Valley of the Kings . It was as if she was asking to be returned to her place and given peace. Another striking incident occurred with the mummy of the great soothsayer of ancient Egypt, Amenophis IV. Her mummy was in the hold of the Titanic. Under her head lay a figurine of the god Osiris with the following inscription: “RISE FROM THE DUST, AND YOUR GAZE SHALL CRUSH ALL WHO STAND IN YOUR PATH.” The mummy was valuable cargo, and the captain of the Titanic placed it in a compartment directly behind the bridge. It is known that almost all researchers who dealt with mummies later suffered from clouding of reason, became delirious in reality, fell into prostration, lost their legal capacity, etc. Who knows, maybe it was the priestess’s witchy gaze that struck Captain Smith: his consciousness became clouded, as a result of which the Titanic collided with an iceberg...

The souls of the dead take revenge

One of the reasons for the curse of the pharaohs, according to many famous scientists, is the use of radioactive elements, which the Egyptian priests used to prevent mummies from decay, and also as protection so that robbers would not escape retribution. But there is another reason. According to some researchers, it lies in the terrible power of the spacecraft, which protected the mummies and everything that was with them. What is this terrible power of the spacecraft? Simplifying to the limit the philosophical teaching about one’s own “I” accepted among the ancient Egyptians, we can say that it boiled down to three human essences: HAT - the physical essence, BA - the spiritual and KA - the unity of HAT and BA.

KA is an astral body protected by a multicolored aura. One of its main purposes is to ensure the unity of the spiritual and physical principles in a person. KA is a powerful force, but as soon as it leaves the dead body, the astral can become blind and uncontrollable. From this moment on, the KA becomes especially dangerous if it is not calmed down and appeased. Hence the rituals of offering food to the dead, funeral prayers, and this is the main meaning of gravestone images, detailing the appearance of the deceased. Such images served as a new refuge for the spacecraft, preventing him from leaving the crypt, otherwise there would be trouble. For, if the KA escaped from the crypt, any person or object could become its victim. Among the Egyptians there were sorcerers who knew how to bypass all obstacles and unleash the monstrous energy of the spacecraft, quite purposefully using it, so to speak, as a hired killer.

The people of Ancient Egypt firmly believed that they could fall victim to the machinations of a KA that had left the body of its owner, or a magician who knew how to direct this blind force. If we add to this the high rank of the pharaoh or priest lying in the pyramid and the magical power of the word written, for example, on a tablet in hieroglyphs, it becomes obvious that the curse of the pharaohs begins to affect both people and matter. At one time, researchers were surprised by the behavior of Oremheb, the highest military leader, and later the pharaoh, who treated the tomb of Tutankhamun with such respect. Indeed, there is something to be amazed by here.

As is known, Oremheb hated the deceased, whose name, on his orders, was erased from the walls of temples, from the plinths of monuments and walls. In addition, he knew very well what treasures were kept in Tutankhamun’s mortal chambers. His power was enormous, and he, no doubt, would not have met any resistance among the priests if he had wanted to plunder the tomb. Everything suggests that Oremheb abandoned the idea of ​​plundering the pyramid, because he knew very well that there was a certain force hidden there that he was not able to overcome.

It is also known that before walling up the tomb, Egyptian priests killed many slaves, and in the most brutal way. And the point here is not that the slaves knew perfectly well all the passages and exits from the tomb. It’s just that their collective spacecraft, full of hatred, torment, suffering, despair, was concentrated in an underground crypt, and woe to anyone who tried to enter the burial chamber! The unstoppable collective spacecraft - condensed hatred, would have dealt with him! Alas, the chain of deaths does not seem to end today. Adventurers in Egypt, India, and South America, ignorant of the laws of the subtle world, still break into tombs today, hoping to become the owners of countless treasures. They die one after another - and again for no apparent reason. However, the reason is known - they are overtaken by the curse of the pharaohs.

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“Death will quickly overtake the one who disturbs the peace of the Pharaoh,” says the inscription on the famous pyramid at Giza. The formidable guardians of the secret knowledge of the Atlanteans, hidden in the pyramids, are always ready. In the spring of 1923, many newspapers of world importance published a message about the death of the English archaeologist Carnarvon in Egypt. The latter, together with the Englishman Carter, excavated the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. I involuntarily remembered curse of the pyramids...

The tomb of Tutankhamun (1400-1392 BC) was discovered a few months before the death of archaeologist Carnarvon. Egyptologists discovered huge treasures in it, including the famous golden mask. Carter subsequently said that after finishing work in the hallway of the tomb, the nervous system of those working in it was incredibly tense. Although Carnarvon had heard about the curse of the pyramids, he was still not afraid to enter the tomb of the ancient ruler. However, several days passed and he died suddenly. Immediately after him, several more people who were exploring the pyramids suddenly died.

In one of the rooms of the tomb, archaeologists found an inscription that read: “The spirit of death will twist the neck of the one who enters here, like a goose.” The curse of the pyramids was gathering new victims. American Mays died, then several more people died. The pharaoh's retribution also overtook the English businessman Wulf, who came to Egypt to see the tomb. Carter died 16 years later.

In December 1993, the Associated Press reported sensational news: the tomb of Pharaoh Peteti and his wife was opened in Giza. Her age is 4600 years. But the main thing was the inscription contained there: “The great goddess Hathor will twice punish anyone who dares to desecrate this grave.” These words turned out to be not an empty threat. The head of the excavations, Zaki Hawass, suddenly suffered a heart attack, which almost led to death. An earthquake destroyed the house of his fellow archaeologist. The photographer was the next to be hit. Ultimately, the train carrying the recovered valuables derailed.

Recently, a group of physicists Luis Alvarez (University of Los Angeles) attempted to explore the Great Pyramid using cosmic rays. But the photographs turned out to be inadequate. Dr. Arm Gohead expressed the following opinion: “Either the geometry of the pyramid introduces significant interference, or some force violates the laws of science when working inside the pyramid.”

There is an opinion that in the tomb of the pharaohs there were spells - psycho-energetic clots sent by the priests by force of will into teraphim objects. Such teraphim are capable of maintaining spells for many millennia. The famous anthropologist Carlos Castaneda, who studied with two Mexican yogis Don Juan Matus and Don Genaro Flores, in his book “The Gift of the Eagle” writes that in the city of Tulu, Hidalgo province in Mexico (the ancient epicenter of the Toltec empire), he was struck by the ensemble of a pyramid of four giant columnar figures (five meters high and one across), called "Atlantes", standing on the flat roof of the pyramid. Six meters behind the figures was a row of four basalt columns.

The figures depict women - 4 corners, 4 winds, 4 directions of the pyramid - the number “four” corresponds to the centers of stability and order. The figures of women are the foundation and basis of the pyramid. The pyramid itself seems to correspond to a man who is supported by his four women and raises them to the highest point of the pyramid.

Castaneda described the mechanism of the curse of the pyramids from an unusual perspective. He claims that the Atlanteans were clairvoyants - the figures represent a mysterious “order of second attention brought forward. That's why they are so frightening and mysterious. They are creatures of war, but not of destruction. And the row of rectangular columns located behind is the order of first attention. They are covered with inscriptions, but they are very peaceful and wise.”

There is a special pyramid in Tulu, which, according to Castaneda, was a guide to the second attention. It was looted and destroyed. Some pyramids were places where warriors practiced dreams and mystical “second attention.” All their actions are depicted in drawings and inscriptions. Subsequently, certain warriors of the “third attention” came who condemned what the pyramid magicians had done with their own second attention, and they destroyed the pyramid and its contents as punishment.

Castaneda explains that the first attention is associated with the consciousness of the physical body, the second perceives our “luminous body” (perhaps we are talking about the soul). The third attention is an immeasurable consciousness that combines aspects of the physical body and the luminous one. Leaving aside a lengthy exposition of this peculiar teaching, we should, however, dwell on the remark made by Castaneda that these pyramids are especially harmful to vulnerable people like us. Somehow, he connects them with "evil second attention fixation." When warriors can focus on the weak side of the second attention, they are able to become “man hunters”, i.e. vampires." Castaneda continues that even if they died, they can get to the object they need through time, as if they were here and now. Therefore, for a person who has entered one of these pyramid-traps of the second attention, there is a danger of becoming a victim of evil forces. Further description leads to the idea that the author of these words is talking about the spirits of evil, which can really be associated with the pyramids from the distant times before the Flood: “... A person can withstand one visit to the pyramid without much harm. On the second visit, he will begin to feel an inexplicable sadness that makes the person lethargic and tired. Such fatigue will very soon turn into bad luck. After a certain time, a person can become a bearer of misfortune. All kinds of troubles will haunt him. Our failures are due to our willful visits to these ruined pyramids.”

Don Juan Matus, Castaneda's mentor, emphasized that all historical ruins in Mexico, and especially the pyramids, are extremely harmful to the uninitiated person. According to him, the pyramids are structures alien to the expression of our thoughts and actions.

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Secrets of the pyramids: the curse of the pharaohs. Part 1

The beginning of the 20th century was marked by numerous reports in newspapers about the mysterious deaths of dozens of people who disturbed the peace of the mummies of the pharaohs. These cases gave rise to talk about the curse of the pharaohs. The ancient Egyptians believed that the body that would inhabit the other world would not survive if the earthly body was not in normal condition. For this purpose, the bodies of the dead were mummified and placed in a sarcophagus. Of course, this was not available to everyone. The sarcophagus, especially among the pharaohs, was made of precious metals and shaped like a body. Various objects were also left next to the deceased that a person would certainly need after death: money, food, jewelry, weapons, etc. The sarcophagus, in turn, was placed in a pyramid, the construction of which presents a separate mystery. The ancient Egyptians went to great lengths to ensure maximum peace for the mummy. For this purpose, they created false passages, failures, collapsing ceilings, closing rooms, falling stones, etc. In addition, the burial of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs included the ritual of casting a spell that protected the mummy from the worries of the outside world. As history has shown, this spell, now called the curse of the pharaohs, turned out to be very effective. However, this did not stop the robbers, and they still tried to enter the burial places for profit.

Once, in one of the tombs of the valley of the pyramids, the corpse of a man was discovered, and not far from it there was a sign on which it was written: “the spirit of the deceased will break the neck of the robber.” The thief actually lay with a broken neck due to a stone falling on him, installed in the tomb as a trap.

The Englishman Paul Brighton learned that many tourists visiting the stone depths of the Great Pyramid of Cheops feel ill, and decided to test the rumors about the reality of the spirits there from his own experience. To do this, he entered the burial room of Cheops, and almost said goodbye to life: after some time he was taken out of there in a semi-conscious state. He later admitted that he lost consciousness from inexplicable, inhuman horror.

Egyptian archaeologist Mohammed Zakaria Ghoneim managed to discover an unknown ancient Egyptian pyramid with an alabaster sarcophagus, the mystery of which remains to this day. The excavations were coming to an end, and it seemed that the path to the tomb was about to be cleared, when suddenly a disaster occurred. One of the stone blocks suddenly fell through and dragged several workers underground with it. There was a terrible collapse of sand and stones, which buried people under it. In this case, one person died, the rest were saved. However, rumors increased the number of victims by more than 80 times. It was claimed that the entire pyramid had collapsed, burying the expedition. An investigation began and excavations were suspended. Not a single local worker now wanted to even come close to the pyramid. People were terribly scared. After three years of searching, which were subsequently continued by this archaeologist, it was possible to discover the name of the hitherto unknown pharaoh of the III dynasty, Sekhemkhet. However, there was nothing in his sarcophagus! And the curse of the pharaohs was not long in coming, since shortly after his discovery, Mohammed Zakaria Ghoneim died tragically: he drowned in the Nile.

In the fall of 1922, a significant event occurred in the history of archeology. English archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings. In February 1923, Carter and Lord Carnarvon, who financed his enterprise, opened the tomb in the presence of several invited persons. There was a sarcophagus here, as well as many different items, including jewelry. It was a triumph not only for the successful archaeologist, but also for the enterprising lord banker and collector. In the room with the sarcophagus there was a sign with a short and clear inscription, which read as follows: “Death will quickly overtake the one who disturbs the peace of the pharaoh.” At that moment, no one knew the ancient Egyptian language, and therefore no one understood what this hieroglyphic inscription meant. Somewhat later, the archaeologist finally deciphered the inscription, but hid the tablet so that the workers would not take the warning too seriously.
Further events developed like this. Even before the opening of the pyramid, the English clairvoyant Count Haymon sent a letter to Lord Carnarvon. The text warned him about the curse of the pharaohs: "Lord Carnarvon, do not enter the tomb, disobedience leads to death. First, you will have an illness from which you will not recover. Death will take you in Egypt." The lord was seriously alarmed. Friends advised him to contact a famous fortune teller named Velma. The clairvoyant, having examined his hand, said that she “sees the possibility of death associated with the curse of the pharaohs.” The lord got scared and decided to stop the excavations, but it was too late: the preparations had gone too far. The lord nevertheless challenged the mystical forces... And was defeated by these forces! Just six weeks later, Lord Carnarvon suddenly fell ill. At first it was believed that his illness was caused by mosquito bites. Then it turned out that he cut himself while shaving. Be that as it may, as a result, the lord died suddenly at the age of 57 for an unknown reason. If you believe the reports of journalists, the details of the tragedies caused by the “curse of the pharaohs” look like this: at the moment of Carnavon’s death, the lights suddenly went out in all of Cairo for several days, and in the English family estate of the lord, his beloved fox terrier howled and collapsed dead. It was said that of those who were present at the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb, most soon died. In particular, death overtook two pathologists who performed an autopsy on the mummy. After these events were published in the press, the mummies of the pharaohs, as well as their tombs, began to be considered a source of mortal danger. Journalist Helga Lippert wrote: “Carnavon’s death marked the beginning of a whole series of mysterious and unexpected deaths. Over the course of the year, five more people die quite suddenly. All of them visited the tomb of Tutankhamun. Among them was the radiologist Wood, who X-rayed the pharaoh’s mummy right in the tomb, English professor of literature La Fleur, conservation specialist Mace, as well as Carter's secretary Richard Bethel. Thus was born the not unfounded legend of the “curse of the pharaohs.” Mace, who moved the last stone blocking the entrance to the main chamber, died in the same hotel as Carnarvon. The cause of death could not be established: he began to complain of unusual fatigue, frequent attacks of weakness, apathy and melancholy. All this ended in a rapid loss of consciousness and sudden death.”

The story of Tutankhamun's tomb did not end with these events. Multimillionaire George Jay-Gold, an old acquaintance of Lord Carnarvon and a great lover of archeology, closely followed all the affairs of the expedition: many of the finds discovered there were in his hands. One day he was overcome by a sudden chill. The next day, by evening, the millionaire died, and doctors again could not establish a diagnosis. In a matter of years, 22 people died who were in one way or another related to the Egyptian pyramids and mummies of the pharaohs. Moreover, death was fleeting and sudden. Death overtook the then famous archaeologists and doctors, historians and linguists who were involved in the study of the tombs. Lady Carnarvon died in 1929. Rumors about Tutankhamun's curse spread throughout the world. When another member of the Batelle expedition died, his father, Lord Wesbury, upon learning of this, jumped out of the window of the 7th floor of the hotel. When the corpse of a suicide was being transported to the cemetery, a hearse, moving at extremely low speed, killed a child playing in the street.

After numerous observations, it was found that almost all researchers who dealt with mummies subsequently suffered from clouding of reason, became delirious in reality, fell into prostration, and lost their legal capacity. There have been attempts to explain what is happening. One of them is as follows. Mold spores were found in the tombs, causing serious lung diseases. It is known that most of the victims suffered from pulmonary ailments before visiting the tombs, and fungi fatally damaged the weakened body. However, this does not explain all cases of sudden deaths. In some cases their character is clearly supernatural.

There is information that the Titanic disaster is also connected with the curse of the pharaohs by an invisible thread. Shortly before the Titanic's fatal collision with an iceberg, the experienced steamship captain Edward Smith behaved strangely. For an inexplicable reason, he did not adhere to the set course, the ship was traveling at increased speed, and after the collision, the signal for help was sent with an unacceptable delay. In addition, it was too late for the passengers and crew to be informed of the need to escape. With all this, Lord Canterville was transporting the mummy of the Egyptian soothsayer Amenophis IV on the Titanic. He transported the mummy from England to America in a wooden box, placed not in the hold, but, due to the special value of the cargo, near the captain's bridge. This mummy was removed from a tomb over which stood a small temple. Her peace was protected by sacred amulets that accompanied the mummy on this journey. Under her head was an image of Osiris with a threatening inscription: “Wake up from your fainting state in which you are, and one look from your eyes will triumph over any intrigues against you.” Magic gems lay in front of the mummy's eyes. It is not difficult to guess what danger the crew of the Titanic was exposed to, although, most likely, the mummy was not the determining cause of this tragedy...

The tragic events associated with the curse of the pharaohs do not stop in our time. Thus, in December 1993, the Associated Press reported that the grave of Pharaoh Peteti and his wife had been opened in Giza. Its age is 4600 years. The researchers discovered the inscription: “The great goddess Hathor will twice punish anyone who dares to desecrate this grave.” The excavation director, Zaki Hawass, suddenly suffered a heart attack that almost cost him his life. An earthquake destroyed the house of his fellow archaeologist. The photographer was injured, and the train carrying the recovered relics derailed.

Not long ago, a group of physicists Luis Alvarez from the University of Los Angeles tried to explore the Great Pyramid using cosmic rays. However, the pictures were inadequate. Dr. Arm Gohead stated: "Either the geometry of the pyramid introduces significant interference, or some force violates the laws of science when working inside the pyramid." There is an opinion that in the tomb of the pharaohs there are spells - psycho-energy clots sent by priests by force of will into teraphim objects. Teraphim are capable of maintaining spells for many millennia.

The famous Carlos Castaneda, who was taught by two Mexican yogis Don Juan Matus and Don Genaro Flores, writes in his book “The Eagle's Gift”: “...We can withstand one trip to the pyramids. On the second visit, we will feel an incomprehensible sadness, like a cold breeze that makes us sluggish and tired. Such fatigue will very soon turn into bad luck. After some time we will become bearers of misfortune. All kinds of troubles will haunt us (which is what happened in the 20th century). Our failures are due to our willful visits to these ruined pyramids." Don Juan Matus told Castaneda that all historical ruins in Mexico, especially the pyramids, are harmful to the uninitiated modern man. He described the pyramids as creatures alien to the expression of our thoughts and actions. Every detail, every the drawings in the pyramids were a calculated effort to express aspects of attention that are now alien and incomprehensible to us.

91 years ago, a British expedition led by scientist Howard Carter made one of the main archaeological discoveries of the 20th century - they found the stone sarcophagus of Tutankhamun. Subsequent events, which are commonly called the “curse of Tutankhamun,” one way or another, led to the death of 13 people from Carter’s squad. "RG" recalls cases of mysterious deaths associated with the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids

"The Curse of Tutankhamun"

In the winter of 1923, Carter and his sponsor Lord Carnavon, in the presence of several invitees, opened the tomb of Tutankhamun. In addition to the sarcophagus, there were many different relics, jewelry and one inconspicuous clay tablet with the words: “Death will strike with its wings everyone who disturbs the peace of the pharaoh.”

The discovery and opening of the tomb was a triumph not only for the successful archaeologist, but also for the enterprising lord banker. Six weeks later, Carnavon, 57, suddenly fell ill. The first version was that he was bitten by a mosquito. Then it turned out that he cut himself while shaving... The official cause of the lord's death remained unknown.

Over the course of the year, five more people die completely suddenly. They all visited the tomb of Tutankhamun. Among them were the radiologist Weed, who X-rayed the pharaoh’s mummy right in the tomb, the English professor of literature La Fleur, conservation specialist Arthur Mace, and Carter’s secretary Richard Bethel, who were present at the opening of the sarcophagus. This is how the legend of the “curse of the pharaoh” was born.

An animated mummy

On one hot evening in the 30s of the last century, the hall of mummies of the National Cairo Museum was, as usual, full of visitors. Suddenly, from the vertically standing sarcophagus of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II, a chilling grinding sound, similar to a scream, was heard, and those present were presented with a terrible picture: the mummy “came to life”, the bandages holding the body burst, the hands hit the glass lid of the sarcophagus hard and broke it, as if in an attempt to get out from the crypt.

Ramses's mouth, twisted with a silent scream, grinned at the visitors, many of whom fell unconscious or, fleeing, jumped out of the windows in panic. The mummy froze in an unnatural position, and putting it back in place was not an easy task - it was as if the pharaoh did not want to return to captivity. Subsequently, archaeologists and chemists will say that the specific composition of the mummifying “balm” is to blame, namely its reaction to high temperature. But the people who saw the “revived” pharaoh that day were unlikely to believe them.

Femme fatale

The tomb with the mummy of the great priestess of the temple of Pharaoh Amenemhat II Amun-Ra from the city of Great Thebes was found in 1902 during excavations of the pyramid by five local residents. The sarcophagus with the mummy was bought from them by four English archaeologists. The Arabs started a quarrel among themselves over the money they received, which ended in a bloody fight. They all died from the stab wounds they received. These were the first five victims of the Egyptian priestess.

An Egyptologist transporting the mummy to Cairo injured his finger on the sarcophagus, resulting in blood poisoning. Surgeons had to urgently amputate his arm to save his life. The scientist's assistant, who was involved in sending the mummy to London, soon shot himself. The third member of the archaeological expedition died of fever. The fourth was crushed in the street by a dray driver's cart...

The photographer, who was commissioned by the Egyptian authorities to take photographs of the priestess, went crazy. His imagination painted him terrible pictures - the priestess came to life and thirsted for the blood of the people who awakened her. The second photographer died eight days after filming from sunstroke. Finally, the fatal priestess of Amun-Ra was transported to London, where she “found peace” in the British Museum.

Stripe black, stripe... black

In the 60s of the 19th century, a wealthy Englishman, Douglas Murray, who was collecting a collection of unique items, bought a lid taken by “tomb robbers” from the sarcophagus of an Egyptian mummy. A couple of days after the acquisition, during a hunt, a gun exploded in Murray’s hands, and the collector lost his hand.

A little later, the lid of the sarcophagus was lent by him to a private exhibition in another city and sent by ship. During those few days while she was in the hold, the unfortunate ship burned twice.

The biggest misfortune befell Murray’s acquaintance, who helped him acquire part of the sarcophagus. She received news of the death of her husband, son and two sisters during a flood in India. The lady immediately went to the British colony for the funeral of her relatives, but the ship hit a reef and sank near the Cape of Good Hope.

Neither yourself nor people

In December 1993, the tomb of Pharaoh Peteti and his wife was opened in Giza. The age of the tomb was about 4600 years.

Archaeologists were attracted by the inscription: “The great goddess Hathor will twice punish anyone who dares to desecrate this grave.” These words turned out to be not an empty threat. The head of the excavations, Zaki Hawass, suddenly suffered a heart attack, which almost led to death. An earthquake destroyed the house of his fellow archaeologist, who was at an excavation site. Ultimately, the train carrying the recovered treasures derailed and most of the artifacts were completely destroyed.