How affectionate will the name Egor sound? ​Girls' names by patronymic: how to choose the most suitable option.

When we translate a sentence, we capture the meaning of their context. One word can have several meanings; we choose a specific one based on the meaning of the sentence. But what about names? There are names in Russian that do not exist in English. What to do in this case? This a difficult situation both for English speakers and for Russians, because there may be a linguistic misunderstanding. But... a way out of the situation can be found. Let's look at Russian names in English, the features of their translation and transliteration, and also consider foreign names, which correspond to Russian. Go ahead for new knowledge!

First of all, you should pay attention to transliteration. Transliteration of names – important point V correct translation Russian name into English. Why is Peter written as Pyotr? What is the reason for this translation? Why can't you just write Petr?

This is because there is such a thing as reality. These are unique ethnonational features, distinctive characteristics of a people, their customs and way of life, which are not found in other nations. That is why, in order to eliminate the language barrier The US State Department has developed a whole methodology that explains the features of translating letters from Cyrillic to Latin. The result can be seen in the table below (with English letters):

A -> A I -> I C -> S b -> goes down
B -> B Y -> Y T -> T Y -> Y
B -> V K -> K U -> U b -> goes down
G -> G L -> L F -> F E -> E
D -> D M -> M X -> KH Yu -> YU
E -> E, YE N -> N Ts -> TS I -> YA
E -> E, YE O -> O CH -> CH
F -> ZH P -> P Ш -> SH
Z -> Z R -> R Ш -> SHCH

The table shows that not all letters that exist in the Russian language exist in English ( good practice to repeat). For example, ъ and ь are omitted in the English language, that is, they do not need to be translated. It is important to remember that there are Russian letters that English language denoted as two, for example, Ш -> SH, Ц -> TS, Ш -> CH.

On a note! The letters E and E are written the same way in English => E, YE.

Elena will be Yelena, Parfenov will be Parfenov.

But! If we mean the pronunciation of Yo, then Yo should be denoted as YO => Peter -> Pyotr.

Students who are just beginning to learn about transliteration may find it difficult to tell the difference. In this case, you need to memorize the given examples, and with time and practice you will be able to easily translate the names yourself.

The letters E and E should be translated as E, but... if the letter E is at the beginning of a word, after the letters b, b or a vowel, then it should be translated as YE:

  • Elina => Elina
  • Eremin => Yeremin
  • Medvedev => Medvedev.

Note! The Russian letters Y and Y, which do not exist in English, are translated as Y, for example, Raikin -> Raykin, Nasyrov -> Nasyrov.

Special attention should be paid to endings. The pearls of the Russian alphabet Ъ and ь are beyond the comprehension of foreigners, so they are simply omitted, that is, they are not translated in any way: Podjemny -> Podyomny, Daria -> Darya.

If we talk about the endings IY and YY, popular in Russian, then everything is simple: both endings are translated as Y:

  • Bravy -> Bravy
  • Bold -> Smely
  • Dmitry -> Dmitry

The name Yulia, popular in Russian, is translated as follows:

  • Julia -> Yuliya.

Note! Yu and Ya are denoted in English by two letters. But not only them. Ж and Х are also denoted by two letters => ZH and KH, respectively, for example:

  • Jacqueline -> Zhaklin
  • Mikhail -> Mikhail.

The letter Ts, often used in Russian surnames, is translated as TS, Ch - as CH:

  • Chernova -> Chernova
  • Tsareva -> Tsaryova.

As for the letter Ш, it is also translated by two letters – Sh, and Ш – by four letters – SHCH. Let's give some examples:

  • Shchitkova -> Shchitkova
  • Shalamba -> Shalamba.

Russian names in English:is there a match?

Now the question is: how to introduce yourself to a foreigner so that he understands that this is your name, and not an adjective to something? What are we talking about? About the same realities. Translating Russian names is often problematic. Imagine what you say to a foreigner My name is Nastya, which, if translated literally, would mean My name is Nastya. Word Nastya associated with nasty, which in English means disgusting, disgusting, unpleasant. Russian name Nastya when translated into English it corresponds Anastasia.

Things are even more fun with Svetlana. Svitlana is associated with the phrase sweat Lana, which means sweaty Lana, or sweet Lana - sweet Lana.

Reference: Love is translated as Lubov. You should not call a woman's name the name of love Love.

If we are talking about names that end in b, then we omit the letter. The name Igor will sound like Igor, while phonetically the word will sound hard. Remember: there are no softenings in English.

Note! Ivan in English sounds like Ivan. The first letter is I, not AI (some foreigners call Ivanov Aivan, that is, the first letter is read as two. But this is wrong).

Important! It should be remembered that many Russian names are adapted to English ones (they are written differently from the way we are used to seeing them). Here is a small list showing the spelling of Russian names in English with translation:

Male names

  • Alexander – Eligzande (Alexander)
  • Michael – Michael (Michael)
  • Charles – Charles
  • Ivan – John, Ivan (John)
  • Matvey – Matthew (Matthew)
  • Daniel - Daniel
  • Heraclius – Hercules (Heracl)
  • Gabriel – Gabriel (Gabriel)
  • Claudius – Claude
  • Anatoly – Anatole
  • Andrey – Andrew (Andrew)
  • Vasily – Basil
  • Benjamin – Benjamin
  • Vincent – ​​Vincent
  • George - George Eugene - Eugene
  • Ephraim – Geoffrey
  • Ilya – Elias
  • Joseph, Osip – Joseph (Joseph)
  • Leo – Leo
  • Nicholas – Nicholas
  • Pavel – Paul
  • Peter - Pete (Peter)
  • Sergey – Serge
  • Stepan – Stephen, Stephen (Steven, Stephen)
  • Fedor – Theodore
  • Jacob - Jacob

Female names

  • Agnes/Agniya – Agnes (Agnes)
  • Alice - Alice
  • Anastasia – Anastacia
  • Antonina – Antonia
  • Valentina – Valentine
  • Valeria – Valery
  • Barbara – Barbara
  • Dasha - Dolly Dolly (Dorothy)
  • Eve - Eve
  • Eugenia – Eugenie
  • Catherine – Catherine, Catherine (Catherine)
  • Elena – Helen
  • Joanne, Jean
  • Zoe - Zoe
  • Irina – Irene
  • Caroline - Caroline
  • Laura – Laura, Lauren (Laura, Lauren)
  • Maria – Mary (Mary)
  • Natalya – Natalie
  • Polina – Polina (Paulina)
  • Rita – Margaret
  • Sofia – Sophie
  • Suzanne – Susan (Susan)
  • Julia – Julia

From the list it is clear that female English names , including truly beautiful ones, they can be radically different from Russians. For example, who would have thought that Jeanne would be Joan and Helen would be Helen? The same can be said about the spelling of male names. Is Ivan associated with John? But this is so! Translated into English, Ivan will be none other than John!

There are names that are easily translated and perceived, for example, Natalia and Natalie, Valeria and Valery. But in any case, the words from the list must be studied in order to appear before the eyes of a foreigner as a literate and educated person.

First name, second name. What is the difference?

when we speak first name, then this means the first name, second name – the surname. First name can also be replaced with given name, second name with surname or family name. But middle name is not the fatherland, as some believe, but the second name in English names. It's no secret that in England children are often called by two, three, or even four names. For example, the name for a girl, Anne-Marie Lisa Oster, is common.

As for the fatherland, it sounds like patronymic. Knowing the difference between first name, surname and patronymic will be especially useful for those who are planning to apply for a foreign passport. In an official setting, everything is strict and each column must be filled out clearly and correctly.

Examples of how to write a name in English, country and surname:

  • Lesovaya Olesya Evgenievna - Lesovaya Olesya Evgen`evna.
  • Koroleva Alexandra Leonidovna - Korolyova Aleksandra Leonidovna.
  • Tatarchuk Igor Grigorevich - Tatarchuk Igor Grigorevich.
  • Somova Irina Yaroslavovna - Somova Irina Iaroslavovna.
  • Krupnov Igor` Valer`evich.
  • Anisova Marina Valentinovna - Anisova Marina Valentinovna.
  • Nefyodov Denis Arkadievich - Nefyodov Denis Arkad`evich.
  • Lisitsina Daria Yurevna - Lisitsina Daria Iurevna.
  • Karelin Vladimir Sergeevich - Karelin Vladimir Sergeevich.
  • Kuzmenko Yuliya Filippovna - Kuzmenko Yuliya Filippovna.
  • Fedoruk Roman Konstantinovich - Fedoruk Roman Konstantinovich.
  • Pavlenko Maria Vladimirovna - Pavlenko Mariia Vladimirovna.
  • Kozlova Elena Vladimirovna - Kozlova Elena Vladimirovna.
  • Petrova Alexandra Pavlovna - Petrova Aleksandra Pavlovna.
  • Ivanova Tatyana Nikolaevna - Ivanova Tat`yana Nikolaevna.
  • Sinitsyn Anton Pavlovich - Sinitsyn Anton Pavlovich.

Let's sum it up

Names in English – interesting topic for studying. How to spell a name in English is the first thing you need to know when you are planning to visit a foreign country or a visit to a government agency. At the same time, it is worth remembering the realities, because in English there may be no analogues to Russian names.

And another important thing: remember about transliteration. If it is easy to say orally, then there may be problems with spelling. Initially, it is important that everything you study is written in transliteration, so that the pronunciation is correct and the names are correctly transliterated. If you have difficulty reading names in English, then transcription should be your first assistant on the way to solving the problem.

There are many beautiful and sonorous names. Sometimes people don’t even think about how and why his name is that. Psychologists say that a person’s name largely determines his character and future fate. But every name has a meaning.

Sociologists have proven that women pay a lot of attention to the meaning of their name. great attention. And this is by no means idle curiosity. After all, the meaning of a name helps to better understand a person, largely determining the character and inclinations of nature.

Women's names are as different and mysterious as their owners themselves. Since ancient times, the choice of a name for a girl has been approached with maximum attention and scrupulousness. Initially, a woman's name meant or contained some natural names or phenomena. Later, women's names began to play the role of a talisman, or rather a talisman. Which actually continues to this day.

When choosing a name for your little daughter, you should not rush, follow the beaten path and name her in honor of relatives. Or succumbing to fashion to choose Name born girl fashionable and rare. Remember, by giving a name to your little daughter, you determine her destiny and character.

It sounds quite mystical, but, nevertheless, it is so. And by giving a girl the wrong name, you risk setting her up for emotional conflict.

It has been noticed more than once, and not by scientists, but simply by people. When, in the presence of a baby, they begin to list the names prepared for him, the baby will definitely “react” to some name. And more specifically in your name.

Choosing baby girl's name , it is important not only to focus on the interpretation of its meaning and fashion, but also to pay attention to how the chosen name is consistent with the patronymic and surname.

It’s also a good idea to pay attention to the horoscope. You can find recommendations from astrologers about preferred and undesirable names for a particular zodiac sign.

But if we move a little away from mysticism and astrology, and turn to science, then modern scientists, psychologists and sociologists, have noted the fact that in different times children are born with certain character traits.

Girls born in summer months, characterized by gentleness and trustfulness. These girls are easily influenced. This means that it is worth choosing “solid” names for them.

Girls who were lucky enough to be born in the spring months combine inconstancy and self-criticism, a sharp mind and good feeling humor. But they also have traits - frivolity and some self-doubt. Based on this, it is better for them to choose names among the “solid-sounding” ones.

Girls born in winter combine selfishness and hot temper in their character; they have some intolerance. But having a strong character, they achieve what they want. This means that soft and gentle names are best suited for them. This will balance their difficult nature.

Concerning named after a girl born in the autumn months, they can have any names. What distinguishes them is easy character, they are characterized by seriousness and prudence, they have talent.

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Radio amateurs of the Tver region received a special radio call sign R130ANT in honor of Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev. The Diploma has been approved and we cannot stand aside. The name of our fellow countryman Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev will be heard on air throughout the entire planet from November 1 to November 30. The youth radio station of the city of Kimry Youth Sports School No. 3 RK3IXB is the base in this event.

Diploma established regional office The Union of Russian Radio Amateurs in the Tver Region in honor of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Andrei Nikolaevich Tupolev - a native of the Kimry district of the Tver region, a Soviet scientist and aircraft designer, Colonel General, engineer, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Purpose of the diploma: To tell about our fellow countryman who made a great contribution to the development of the aircraft industry of our Motherland.

Conditions for completing the diploma: Diploma “130 years of A.N. Tupolev" is issued for conducting two-way radio communications (observations) with a special call sign of amateur radio stations R130ANT.

The diploma program is implemented jointly with the “Fifth Ocean” club, so connections with members of the club and with ATP R130TU during the period from November 1 to November 30, 2018 are counted towards the diploma.

The diploma is issued to licensed radio amateurs in Russia and the world for conducting (observing) radio communications on the HF and VHF bands. Communications made using active repeaters do not count.

To receive a diploma, radio amateurs must score at least 130 points.

Temporary special callsign: R130ANT is worth 10 points.

Temporary special call sign: R130TU is worth 10 points.

Radio amateurs - members of the “Fifth Ocean” club, give 5 points;

On work days from the territory school museum in memory of graduate A.N. Tupolev in the village of Ustinovo, Kimry district, Tver region, from November 9 to November 11, 2018. QSO points with R130ANT are doubled.

During the days of activity of the R130TU ATP in the period from November 10 to November 18, 2018. points are doubled. Repeated QSOs are allowed on different bands or different types radiation. Repetitions from the ATP are counted if the range and modulation match, but when the ATP operates from different areas of the RDA. All digital views count as one.

ATP operators R130ANT, R130TU need to make 300 QSOs to receive a diploma. Fifth Ocean club members - 100 QSOs from November 1 to November 30, 2018.

All ATP operators R130ANT, R130TU and members of the “fifth ocean” club applying for a diploma must upload a log in ADIF format to the service. It is not recommended to download the log

less than once a day.

The diploma is free and issued in in electronic format on the HAMLOG website. Diplomas are issued as a PDF file in high resolution, suitable for printing, indicating the owner's call sign, number and date of issue.

The diploma can be issued on the basis of an application in paper form or by e-mail, indicating data on radio communications. After checking the application, the manager issues a diploma on the HAMLOG website, after which the applicant can download the diploma.

Also, the diploma can be issued in paper form, while electronic version will be available on the website HAMLOG.RU with the same number. If receiving a paper version, the applicant must cover the costs of sending the diploma. The manager will inform you about the exact cost and method of payment for the paper diploma.

The sound of the name

The ancient sages believed that between a person’s name, his character and destiny there is a special hidden connection. Moreover, a person’s fate is predetermined by his name. Some modern psychologists They proceed, in particular, from the fact that the name influences not only the developing character, but also behavior in society. It is well known how a name that impresses us often already attracts a stranger to it.

WITH early childhood Throughout our lives, we don’t hear a single word as often as our own name. It consists of a set of sounds different heights, which excite certain areas of the brain, thus influencing their carrier, as well as the people around him.

Some names sound firm, tough: Igor, Dmitry, Anatoly, Zhanna, Dina,
Ekaterina, Daria, etc. Under the influence of a sound stimulus, children with such names develop a persistent, stubborn character. They are independent and decisive.

Owners of soft-sounding names: Svetlana, Irina, Vera, Natalya, Mikhail, Sergey, Alexey, Ilya, Vasily, etc. - usually have a calm, flexible character.

There are neutral names, as if intermediate between hard and soft: Artem, Arkady, Andrey, Alexander, Valentin, Vitaly, Roman, Pavel, Olga, Anna, Anastasia, Zoya, Lyudmila, Lyubov, etc. As a rule, such people are balanced, reasonable, and moderately persistent.

The name must be chosen so that it is easy to pronounce and pronounce well both on its own and together with the patronymic.

If the name ends with a consonant sound, and the patronymic begins with it, and even in the patronymic name itself there are many consonants - Alexander Dmitrievich, Eduard Dmitrievich - the sound is difficult. Either the first name or the patronymic is often distorted, and the person anxiously waits to see what they will call him this time.

You should not name children after deceased relatives, especially those who died tragically. There is no need to give names in honor of grandparents. The child inherits a certain share of characteristic traits, and, as we know, bad things are passed on more easily.
Don't name your children names that are difficult to pronounce or after names
significant events and people (Revolution, Aurora, Stalin, etc.), so as not to complicate their lives in the future.

Do not give children the names of characters from their favorite television series, famous writers or prominent figures science - especially if the patronymic and surname coincide.
Imagine that in the family of engineer Nikolai Tolstoy, their son was named Leo in honor of the writer. At school, the boy was not given literature and the Russian language, and he became an object of ridicule from his peers. As a result, the child received
serious psychological trauma and stopped going to school. His parents had difficulty rectifying the situation by transferring him to another class.

You should not call your sons after your father: Nikolai Nikolaevich, etc. - owners of such names grow up unbalanced, nervous, irritable, capricious.
The girl should also not be named after her mother - it will be difficult for them to find a common language.

Knowing the name, one can judge the origin, nationality, and religion of a person.
But this is the most upper layer information available to everyone. There are deeper layers: the music of the name, its color and an elusively subtle spirit that influences character and destiny. Since ancient times, people have been concerned about the connection between a name and human life, cared right choice name so that it sounds sublime, pleasant,
ensured the favor of fate and created complete spiritual correspondence with the beloved or loved one, which became the key to a happy marriage.

After reading V. A. Mironov’s book “Names are Secret Power,” you can learn a lot of new and unusual things about names. The reader will be able to penetrate into the psychological depths of the character of his friends and loved ones, to better know own character and of course,
choose the right name for your children so that they are healthy and happy, which is what all parents dream of.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that a name influences a person’s destiny, plays
a certain role in the development of his character. Knowing the name, you can judge
origin, nationality, religion of a person. Just the sound of the name gives a large number of information. The name may sound euphonious, affectionate, sublime, pleasant, or it may sound alarming, dry, intimidating, unpleasant.
French researcher Pierre Rouget, in his book “The Influence of a Name on a Person’s Life,” speaks of the so-called “music of a name,” which, in his opinion, determines a person’s destiny. Based on this theory, each letter of the name is a source of a certain vibration that affects a person’s character.

For humans, the lower limit (threshold) of vibration is 35,000 fps (vibrations per second), and the upper limit is 130,000 fps. In other words, all possible forms of mutual understanding,
interactions between people are within 95,000 fps. And the more the vibrations of people coincide, the better they understand each other, even from half a word, half a glance, half a hint.

People with a high number of vibrations per second are resistant to infections. This number increases with high level moral attitudes.

There is also a certain connection between the perception of sound (vibrations, vibrations) and color. The name is a set of deaf and sonorous sounds, which, when combined, form a kind of melody. And melody, the vibration of sounds inherent given name, harmonizes with a certain color.

It is known that each of the colors of the spectrum has its own wavelength - from the shortest ( purple) to the longest (red). It has been established that the color blue traditionally symbolizes the soul, violet - the body, green - the mind, yellow - reason, red - passions, orange - feelings. The name can be complex if it corresponds to a composite color obtained by adding the primary colors. Color determines general mood name, the main tendency in character.

And the “Radiation” parameter includes, as it were, two indicators, knowledge of which is necessary for a clear understanding of the dynamics of personality development. This is the wealth of her inner world and external manifestation of this wealth (internal and external radiation, respectively). The ratio of these indicators as a percentage gives an idea of ​​the most important facets of a person’s character: for extroverts, the amount of radiation is greater than for introverts.

In addition, there is a certain connection between proper names and signs of the Zodiac. This has nothing to do with a person's date of birth. It’s just that people whose names correspond to the same zodiac sign are similar in many ways.

There is an old belief: every person has his own reflection in the world around him. In the same way, each name corresponds to certain plants, stones, animals, etc. Thus, in the bearer of the name, different faces character.

In the book, the description of each name begins with a description of its origin and meaning. Then there is information about the patron saints, by which each reader can determine his name day (angel day).

Many people consider their birthday to be their name day. This is wrong. According to the teaching Orthodox Church, name day is the day memory of the saint, after whom you are named. Ideally, your birthday coincides with the day of remembrance of the saint whose name you bear.

If these dates do not coincide, you need to look for the closest date of memory of the saint after your birthday. This will be your angel day.

The book also talks about possible fate, hobbies, intuition, intelligence, morality, health, sexuality, psyche and others, characteristic features people named the most popular male and female in Russia female names. Of course, this is far from being given here. full list Russian names. This list may be expanded in the future. In the meantime, those readers whose names are not included in the book can refer to the literature given at the end of the book.

You can make an attempt to independently touch the secret of your or any other name. For inquisitive readers, the following may serve as a key to such a search: brief information about the meaning of letters in names.

A - strength, power, comfort.

B - the ability to have great feelings, constancy, penetrating abilities.

B - impermanence, lack of systematicity, unity with nature.

G-mystery, attention to detail, conscientiousness.

D - sociability, friendliness, capriciousness, ability for extrasensory perception.

E - vitality, insight, talkativeness.

E - passion, energy of self-expression, emotionality.

F - uncertainty, meaningful but hidden inner world.

Z - material dissatisfaction, high intuition.

And - subtle spirituality, impressionability, peacefulness.

K - endurance, nervousness, insight.

L - artistry, pettiness, logic, great ingenuity.

M - caring, shy, hardworking, pedantic.

N - creative ambitions, interest in health, sharp mind.

O - great emotionality, mysterious excitement;

P - modesty, loneliness, wealth of ideas, concern for 6 appearance.

R - self-confidence, constant pressure, dogmatism.

WITH - common sense, oppression, power, capriciousness.

T - search for an ideal, sensitive creative personality.

U - vulnerability, fearfulness, generous empathy, intuition.

F - tenderness, ability to adapt, originality of ideas, ability to lie.

X- sexual problems, law-abiding, inconstancy of feelings.

C - claims to leadership, arrogance.

H - loyalty.

Sh - jealousy, developed sense humor, uncompromisingness.

Ш - generosity, forward striving, intelligence.

Kommersant - gentleness, the ability to smooth out difficult moments in relationships.

Y - a sense of belonging, practicality, down-to-earth spirit.

b - ability to classify, sort into shelves.

E - search for psychological balance, ingenuity, good speech skills, curiosity, sometimes excessive.

Yu - great ambitions, desire for truth, lack of systematicity,
self-sacrifice, cruelty.

I am the feeling self-esteem, intelligence, creativity.