Psychology of color: purple. Purple color in clothes - restraint and aristocracy

Recently, I began to notice that the profiles of some magazine owners (or rather, mostly the owners) indicate an interest in the color purple. I was wondering what the craving for this color means.

This is what it means
The color purple has a huge variety of meanings, such as intelligence, knowledge, religious passion, sobriety, humility or moderation. In addition, this color signifies grief, nostalgia, mourning and old age. Purple combines optimally with colors such as yellow, white, pink and orange; it is intermediate between blue and red. Light shades of purple are called lilac. They go well with white, yellow, gray and orange colors.

Symbolism of purple
The color purple serves as a symbol of dignity, grandeur, luxury, melancholy, spirituality and tranquility, humanism and modesty. It can make a person want to be filled with the feelings and thoughts of a loved one. In addition, purple color can calm anger, relax, relieve anxiety and irritation.

Psychology of purple

The color violet speaks of emotionality, great sensitivity, spirituality and delicacy of the individual. In the case when a person is opposed to this color, this is a sure sign that this person has a very developed sense of duty and the desire to live exclusively in the present. Violet is the color of very harmoniously developed people (the upper seventh chakra correlates with it). However, an excess of this color can cause apathy and melancholy. It is associated with great ideas and artistry, due to the fact that the color purple promotes not only inspiration, but also compassion and sensitivity. This color can help with a variety of negative mental conditions, such as neurosis, despair, loss of faith and self-esteem. It is not recommended for severe mental illnesses, as well as for people suffering from alcoholism.

Purple clothes

Clothes in this range are most often preferred by people who want to achieve inner peace. It helps you find your state of mental balance, maximum calm, peace and silence. In addition, purple clothes prevent selfishness and the desire to satisfy only one’s own desires and thoughts. This color indicates that the person who chooses it is spiritually open and tries to listen to his intuition. However, an overabundance of purple in clothing can lead to a desire to retire and communicate as little as possible with others. According to psychologists, the choice of purple in outfits and accessories may indicate some immaturity and lack of control on the part of consciousness. A light shade of purple, lavender, can create a feeling of coolness and detachment. Dreamers choose clothes of this color.

If you are feminine and dreamy, choose a purple outfit or stone without any fear, it will give you self-confidence and give you strength. In order for the created image to be as elegant as possible, use a combination of gray and purple colors; an outfit with a mixture of purple and yellow colors can help open the way to what you want, and combining it with brown can serve as a signal of your need for luxury.

Purple color in the interior

Purple is considered a somewhat heavy color, but its lighter shades can fit perfectly into the interior of any room. In the kitchen you can use brighter shades of this color; for the dining room, grape tones are better. And for southern-oriented dining rooms, cool wine tones are optimal. To decorate the living room, you can choose the colors of eggplant or grape. However, if you're worried about the room being too dark, choose a shade of lavender, pairing it with darker, plum tones. This combination will give your living room more sophistication and style. Purple with a slight blue tint is perfect for the bedroom; it will give you serenity and inner peace. And when decorating a bathroom, it is best to use floral tones: lilac or lavender. Thanks to them, the room will be filled with warmth, comfort and aroma. Deep and luxurious eggplant tones are quite appropriate in a powder room, and the darker the color, the better the room will look. An eggplant shade is appropriate for the design of a personal office, and all wine shades will quite organically fit into the design of this room, creating a comfortable atmosphere that is conducive to creativity and helps you concentrate. Since purple is a very multifaceted color, its use in the interior must be approached with extreme caution. If you like this color, you can use it as a refreshing accent spot, small in size, or as a contour line. You can also soften the purple color in the interior by adding a gray color of equal lightness.

The color lilac is often confused with violet. Although, according to psychologists, there is a fundamental difference between these two shades, which are so similar to each other. Eric Bren, the author of the famous book on psychology “Know Thyself,” very accurately described in it all the main differences between these two related colors.

What do psychologists think about purple?

The predominance of purple in a person’s life characterizes him as a mysterious person, prone to constant analysis of what is happening around him. Often such people seem to others to be focused only on themselves and indifferent. Maybe that’s why, when a person first hears the expression “but I’m purple,” he understands on a subconscious level that his interlocutor is not at all interested in the topic of their conversation.

Lovers of violet, due to their temperament, cannot fully open up to others, so they often experience problems establishing external contacts. Despite this, people who are far from color psychology think that the main meaning of purple is only secrecy and indifference.

But how wrong they are! Without a doubt, purple is the most mysterious and enigmatic of all the colors of the rainbow. Therefore, people who give their preference to this color are assigned such properties as caution, wisdom, and balance in their actions.

The color lilac in psychology has a completely different interpretation than its “brother”.

Lavender color

Lilac color means lightness, airiness, openness and is characteristic of people who have a creative streak. The pursuit of excellence is their main goal in life. They are not like those around them and always have their head in the clouds. Such people are endowed with a flexible and creative mind; improvisation is their strong point.

As people knowledgeable in the art of psychology assure, it is easy to recognize a lilac person in a crowd; they emanate an inner glow that we instinctively attract to ourselves. After communicating with them, your soul becomes comfortable and light.

But like any coin, there are two sides. Despite all their radiance and openness, lavender people are prone to deep depression, which can drag on for a long period of time. It is very difficult for lilacs to get out of this state on their own without outside help.

Such people feel most comfortable in professions such as actor, critic, artist or writer. Routine office work is not for them. They are generators of ideas.

Special signs

If a person gives his preference to the lilac color, this means that he has the following character traits:

  • Careful attitude towards objects with which both pleasant and not so pleasant memories are associated. Such people need both positive and negative emotions. But they cannot always strike the right balance. Therefore, frequent and abrupt transitions from one emotional state to another among lilac individuals are a completely normal phenomenon;
  • Incredibly gullible. Deprived by nature of such qualities as opportunism and resourcefulness, such people naively believe that they live in a world where the main criterion is “do no harm.” Thanks to their gullibility, they often fall into traps “carefully” set by people more adapted to life in this difficult world;
  • Prone to low self-esteem. Lavenders are not accustomed to blaming others for their failures, because they are convinced that it is primarily their fault;
  • 100% altruists and perfectionists. They are convinced that there is no limit to perfection, therefore they cannot afford to perform equally similar types of work;
  • They are very attentive to their appearance. Even if they are not in the best mood, they will look well-groomed;
  • The material side does not interest them, for them the creative part is a priority;
  • They are flighty, therefore they diligently avoid work that is monotonous and requires a lot of time to complete;
  • Demanding not only of themselves, but also of others;
  • Despite their openness, they are often unrestrained in a dispute;
  • Such people are indispensable for family life if you are looking for a companion who will bring not only coffee to your bed, but also happiness. Their wild imagination knows no bounds. But be prepared for the fact that your lilac companion will turn out to be useless as a provider for the family.

Of course, all of the above qualities cannot be applied to all unconditional lovers of the lilac color and its shades. Psychology is a subtle science, but as progress shows, it is very effective in influencing a person when used skillfully. Advertising, design, food and clothing industries - and this is not a complete list, where they are seriously interested in how this or that color can influence the human subconscious.

Lilac in clothes

A very strong, noble and rich shade. This was noticed back in Turkey during the “Golden Age”. It was thanks to this perception that wearing lilac was considered a priority exclusively for representatives of royal blood. In this way, people emphasized their power and peremptory power over others.

Times have changed, clothes no longer carry hidden philosophical implications. But fashion goes in circles and clothing designers again increasingly began to turn to color psychology.

Blue is the color of the sky and calm. The majority of flight attendants are dressed in this color. As experiments have proven, most people experience fear of flying, and looking at blue, our brain receives signals that have a calming effect on our entire nervous system.

By wearing lilac clothes or an accessory of a similar color, you let others know that you are in a state of confidence and peace of mind. For business meetings, it is better to stick only to lavender-colored accessories; this will signal to others that this is a person who has a creative approach to business and is accustomed to achieving a goal in a short time.

Despite the apparent coldness, lilac can encourage the interlocutor to have a pleasant and open conversation. Therefore, HR managers, when conducting interviews, often use this technique in their work. But it's not just HR managers who use the meaning of lilac and purple as a tool for their profession. Interior designers clearly know that to create a calm, relaxing and solid interior, they cannot do without the color lilac and its shades.

Lilac in the interior

This universal color goes harmoniously with any shade from the rainbow palette. Warm, sparkling, noble, capable of giving the interior both a feeling of business and complete relaxation and carefree. It is appropriate everywhere, from the hallway to the design of guest rooms.

You can advantageously emphasize and visually expand small living spaces using light lilac color. But this does not mean that all the walls should turn lavender in an instant!

Every color has a meaning, even if we don't believe it. How many times in history have blue canvases calmed people down, while red ones have given them strength and courage to go into battle. The color violet also has its own characteristics and symbolic meanings.

The influence of color energy on human psychology can be different. When studying this issue, scientists and psychologists resort to legends about gods, experiments, etc. For different groups of people, the color purple has its own meaning:


For the stronger sex, such shades mean awareness of something powerful and special. This is both faith in eternal powers and the desire to comprehend their depths. There is also a strange influence on aesthetic interests.


Purple colors and textures are often associated with a woman who will soon become a mother. She experiences interesting feelings - fear of the unknown and confidence in her new strength.

Children (child or teenager)

Since this range is responsible for connecting opposites, for children color means choice. They constantly study the world and try to understand what is good and what is bad. The presence of purple shades encourages kids and teenagers to think, reflect, and look for answers.

Purple color according to Freud, characteristics

Freud, along with a huge amount of research, compiled a list of colors. He studied their features and characteristics and explained their essence. Purple color, according to the scientist, is a strong sexual dissatisfaction.

People who often choose this color as their main color suffer from loneliness or misunderstanding in an intimate sense. Therefore, analysis of the interior or clothing can suggest this personality trait.

What does the color purple mean?

Now let's move on to the values. Today there are a lot of them: humility, repentance, sadness, mourning, openness, holiness, intelligence. The use of these paints in different areas has its own nuances.

In the interior (hallway, bedroom, kitchen, living room, nursery)

Violet shades are chosen by open-minded people. They are ready to show their insides and trust others. But individual rooms have their own peculiarities. The hallway is a symbol of religious humility or submission. The bedroom opens up problems of intimate life, coldness in relationships. The kitchen implies renunciation of the large family and service to other people. The hall confirms that the owner is not afraid of the cold and problems. The nursery shows the parents' concern for their children.

In clothes

Small inserts speak of openness and lack of egoism. These are good qualities that always adorn personality traits. But a large amount of purple encourages solitude, detachment from everyone around.

Designers argue that you should not use such paints as base paints. They can serve as an addition.

In any things

Purple jewelry, trinkets and other things are symbols of immaturity. These people cannot control their lives normally. We are talking about pregnant women, creative individuals, those who have a developed imagination and interesting talents.

Cool shades speak of detachment. A person simply goes into his dreams and forgets about the real world. This may seem rare, but many people do not even notice such a habit. It becomes the cause of their discontent and apathy.

Purple eyes

People with bright eyes are perceived as spiritual creatures who are constantly in apathy. They seem to know so much that they are already tired of life and don’t want to try to do anything.

This is a very rare aspect. Some people buy special lenses to get closer to their ideal of sophistication.

Purple hair color

Some girls dye their hair completely, while others are content with only strands. Such hairstyles are associated with mystical or magical creatures, elves and fairies. The reason was various stories, legends and, of course, cinema.

Often, such hair makes it possible to stand out from the crowd if loneliness and depression overcome.

According to Feng Shui

Here the meaning is completely different. No religiosity or detachment. According to Feng Shui, this is wealth and power. They try to use it in design solutions for expensive repairs.

What colors should you mix to get purple?

The most common answer is a mixture of red and blue. But this is not a solution, since the shade will be dirty.

To use this special color in all its glory, you need to consider several options:

  • the original mixture and white give a delicate shade;
  • a regular shade with black or green gives a rich dark shade;
  • muted colors are provided by purple, black and white;
  • purple is a combination of red, blue and yellow.

Combinations of purple with other colors

These colors are very practical, as choosing an outfit is not difficult. A good combination is beige, lilac, turquoise, blue and white. Their shades are also suitable.

It is important that there are not many bright spots. They will confuse the overall idea. These shades almost always convey tenderness. It is necessary to dilute them carefully and carefully.

The color purple in English (translation)

In English, the word turns out to be especially tender and airy - “purple”. By analyzing the transcription, one can come to the correct pronunciation - “ash”. “E” should be as soft and stretchy as possible.

Magic and mysticism of purple

The peculiarity of the shade is open spirituality. People have developed intuition.

The planet responsible for this color is Mercury.

As for the aura, this is the seventh aspect of matter. He is responsible for obtaining higher knowledge and wisdom. Such people become either the highest spiritual ranks in the church, spiritual teachers in esotericism, or high magicians.

The color violet ranks last in the rainbow and color wheel due to the fact that human eyes are not able to see shorter radiations. At the same time, purple is the result of the fusion of complete opposites - red and blue.

Purple is the most difficult color in the rainbow. In ancient times, it was believed that a violet flame descended from heaven to Earth, which in its significance was higher than ordinary white light. People valued shades of purple, but not everyone was worthy of this color, because previously, dyes of similar shades were rare and very expensive.

Perhaps this is why many properties are attributed to it. Violet helps people with certain diseases, as it has the ability to calm. He is also credited with the ability to improve and restore vision. People suffering from myopia need to continuously look at this color for 10 minutes a day, and their vision will improve.

In addition to helping in the fight against diseases, purple helps in the spiritual struggle, protects against dark forces, and bestows supernatural abilities. This color also has a connection with intuition and helps to blur the boundaries between the material world and the world of subtle energies. Perhaps this is why purple is considered the most mystical and mysterious color. Let's look at photos of the most different manifestations of this beautiful color and think about the benefits it can bring to our lives.

If you're tired of wearing your favorite and tried-and-true shades, try creating an outfit in purple or at least adding shades of it to your accessories. This can have a positive impact on the subconscious, mood and various areas of our lives.

Purple color is usually classified as a “cool” shade, but in reality it’s not that simple. Ideal pure colors can be found in the pictures. All colors flow into one another, therefore, in clothes and accessories, the color purple can have both cold and warm shades. This must be taken into account when creating a new image.

Girls with a warm color type of appearance should choose clothes with warm shades of purple. Also keep in mind that the material can change the temperature of the shades. Matte, suede texture gives things warmth, while shiny materials make colors cooler.

In psychology, the color violet represents the complete unity of opposites and negations, until they completely dissolve into each other. As we already know, purple appears due to the fusion of opposites - red and blue. This is probably why purple is so mysterious and magical.

Psychologists are trying to show the whole world how deeply they understand the human soul and the essence of existence in general. But in fact, most psychologists are not satisfied with their own lives, but they will never admit it, because then there will be few people willing to listen to their instructions and pay for consultations.

Therefore, you should not take psychologists’ statements about the color purple too seriously. Some of them claim that homosexuals adore this color, others attribute the craze for purple dresses to sexually dissatisfied women or pregnant women. Some recommend this color for teenagers, while others, on the contrary, categorically prohibit dressing children in purple.

When it comes to achievements and lifestyle, the opinions of psychologists are again divided. Some argue that purple lovers often achieve high goals in life, while others, on the contrary, argue that purple is the choice of losers from the very bottom of society. I don’t know where this theory came from, but I have never met the dregs of society in .

Purple – the color of the unity of opposites , which is why there are so many contradictions associated with it. We must not forget about the variety of shades, which means that it is more correct to consider its meaning in psychology based on a specific shade. Dark shades symbolize power and strength. Light shades, on the contrary, are soft and delicate...

All people are different, but most likely the color purple is loved by individuals who are receptive to the spiritual, non-material world. And pragmatic people, living exclusively by material values ​​and calculation, reject shades of purple.

Psychics and people of holy life can see much more than a worldly person. For example, they can contemplate a person's aura, which is the glow of energies around a person. If there is a lot of violet in the aura, it means that a person has a pure soul, free from worldly vices and passions.

Now most of us do not see the aura, but the day will come when the soul is separated from the body and all our deeds become visible, then we will see our soul and will be able to check how true the statement about the divine origin of violet is.

Purple eye color

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Dyeing your hair purple

With the help of modern dyes, any girl can transform her appearance and dye her hair purple. Just before you decide on such a transformation, you need to define your expectations, because the resulting shade depends on the original hair color and dye.