Partners. Biography Regional branches of the "Russian Union of Veterans"

Yuri Fedorovich Zarudin(born 1923) - Soviet military leader, colonel general. Hero of the Soviet Union (1945); at the time of awarding the title of Hero - commander of a rifle company of the 459th rifle regiment of the 42nd rifle division of the 49th army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, senior lieutenant. Deputy of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 10-11 convocations (1979-1989) from the Lithuanian SSR.


Born on May 25, 1923 in the village of Borodulikha, Borodulikha district, now the East Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan, into a peasant family. Real name is Zanudin. Russian. In 1940 he graduated from 8th grade.

In the Red Army since June 1941. He graduated from the Grozny Military Infantry School, and as part of the 58th Division formed at the end of 1941, he left for the Kuibyshev (now Samara) region, where he was awarded buttonholes with two lieutenant heads. In the battles of the Great Patriotic War as part of the 58th Infantry Division (50th Army, Western Front) from February 1942. He took part in the Moscow operation in the Tula direction. In one of the battles, on April 22, 1942, a young rifle platoon commander was seriously wounded, which is why he was evacuated to a hospital in Moscow. The surname Zanudin, as dissonant, was changed to Zarudin (but this happened much later - in 1972). Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1944.

After leaving the hospital, Yuri Zarudin was again able to return to the front line, but this time to the Belarusian direction. Behind him were eight months of heavy fighting for the liberation of Belarus, including participation in the strategic offensive Operation Bagration (from June 23 to August 29, 1944) in which he was wounded twice. For fighting on Belarusian soil, Zarudin was twice nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union...

The commander of the rifle company of the 459th Rifle Regiment (42nd Rifle Division, 49th Army, 2nd Belorussian Front), Senior Lieutenant Yuri Zarudin, particularly distinguished himself during the liberation of the Mogilev region of Belarus.

The unit entrusted to officer Zarudin on June 23, 1944, during a breakthrough of the enemy’s defense, destroyed about a platoon of Nazi infantry and, together with a neighboring rifle company, repelled a tank counterattack.

On June 24, 1944, a rifle company under the command of Senior Lieutenant Zarudin, as part of a rifle battalion, defeated the enemy garrison in the village of Zhevan, now the Goretsky district of the Mogilev region of Belarus and immediately crossed the Basya River, occupied the first enemy trenches and, being surrounded, continuously fought back for fourteen hours counterattacks by tanks and infantry of the Nazis. Then the rifle company of Yuri Zarudin was among the first to cross the Dnieper River, occupied enemy trenches and covered the construction of a bridge across the Dnieper with its fire.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 24, 1945, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism displayed, senior lieutenant Yuri Fedorovich Zarudin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal "(No. 5482).

He completed his combat journey near Berlin.

After the war, Yu. F. Zarudin continued to serve in the army. In 1953, he graduated from the Military Academy of Armored and Mechanized Forces, in 1962 from the Military Academy of the General Staff, and from the Higher Courses at this academy in 1970 and 1979. For four years he commanded a regiment in the Carpathian Military District. In 1956, he participated in the suppression of an anti-constitutional rebellion in Hungary. Then he served in the Far East for eleven years - he commanded a division and a corps. From April 1967 to February 1973 - commander of the 35th Combined Arms Army. Since February 1973 - first deputy commander of the Leningrad Military District.

Lieutenant General (04/29/1970). In February 1978, he was awarded the rank of Colonel General.

From February 1978 to September 1984 - Commander of the Northern Group of Forces, from October 1, 1984 to November 1985 - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Direction (Baku, Azerbaijan), from November 1985 to December 1988 - Chief Military Advisor in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam .

Lives in Moscow. He is vice-president of the Russian Association of Heroes, a member of the board of the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation. Since 2007, he has headed the Zvezda Foundation for Support of Heroes of the Soviet Union Participants in the Great Patriotic War, the purpose of which is targeted support for veterans on emerging problems. He is the honorary chairman of the Council of Courage and Courage of the All-Russian public organization “Officers of Russia”. .

Wife - Tamara Fedorovna Zarudina (born 1930). They got married in 1948. The marriage produced two daughters.


  • Medal "Gold Star" (03/24/1945);
  • two Orders of Lenin (03/24/1945; 02/18/1981);
  • three Orders of the Red Banner (07/29/1943; 10/02/1944; 12/16/1972);
  • Order of the October Revolution (No. 160571 dated 03/03/1987);
  • Order of Suvorov, 3rd degree (No. 9379 dated December 18, 1956);
  • Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (04/06/1985);
  • Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree (02/14/1945);
  • two Orders of the Red Star (12/30/1956; 02/21/1967);
  • Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree (No. 2463 dated 04/30/1975);
  • medals.


  • Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary / Prev. ed. collegium I. N. Shkadov. - M.: Voenizdat, 1987. - T. 1 /Abaev - Lyubichev/. - 911 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN ex., Reg. No. in RKP 87-95382.
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union are Kazakhstanis. Book 2. Alma-Ata, 1968.
  • Forever in the people's heart. 3rd ed., add. and corr. Minsk, 1984.

The battalion commander, Hero of the Soviet Union and holder of three more military orders, 22-year-old Major Yuri Zarudin, met the news of the Victory in his hospital bed.​

On April 22, 1942, Yuri was unlucky: he was seriously wounded. Three soldiers carried him out of the battlefield to the medical battalion with wounds, he was losing his mind. The surgeon removed 18 fragments. And after a few days, the danger of gangrene loomed: the doctors were already preparing to amputate two legs.... He would be wounded many times and many times he was threatened with amputation of his arms and legs.

Mikhail Grigorievich Khomulo encourages his subordinates: briskly, they say, briskly, let's go forward. And forward - this is to Khandogi. There was a fascist bunker on the way. They hoped to defeat him outright. Zarudin had already figured out a plan of action: a single platoon attacking directly, two platoons going around on the left and on the right side. This idea just collapsed. As soon as all three platoons rose at Zarudin’s signal, the leaden heat from the bunker pressed all the attackers to the ground. And no one manages to raise their heads. The Nazis had time to thoroughly prepare for defense. “What to do?” Zarudin asks his subordinates. “How to liquidate that damned bunker?” Everyone is silent. There is a painful silence. Finally, someone says: “Navigation, chief, is allowed. But there won’t be a lot of us left.” Zarudin suggested undermining. That's what we decided. The digging is not that long - 70 - 80 meters, but rather heavy: they pulled out more than one ton of earth into their trench. But what was the fortune when at 3 o’clock in the morning the fighters burst out of the ground, destroyed the guards and everyone who was in the bunker! And then there’s another problem: the battalion commander is out of action. At decisive moments, Zarudin took over leadership. By morning Khandogi was liberated. Up to a hundred fascists remained dead on the battlefield, four were taken prisoner. Zarudin was met by Mikhail Grigorievich Khomulo. He smiles at the company commander and says: “I saw an eagle in you. Well done! We are nominating you for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.” But it didn’t reach the Golden Star then - the documents were lost somewhere. Now on the Dnieper. It would have been a hot seven-day period then. On June 23, 1944, Yu. Zarudin’s company, without any losses, destroyed up to a platoon of German infantry at an altitude of 192.2. And when the enemy tanks launched a counterattack, the Zarudins, together with the neighboring company, fiercely fighting back, forced them to turn back. The next day, an even more tense situation develops near the village of Zhevan. The company, having crossed the Basya River on the move, breaks into the first German trenches. And then he gets surrounded. It seemed that the company was trapped. But for 14 hours it continuously repels counterattacks by enemy tanks and infantry. And in the end the Nazis retreat. And Zarudin’s company moves on. Having obtained three boats and some rafts, she crosses the Dnieper, immediately occupies German trenches and covers the construction of the river crossing with continuous rifle and machine-gun fire. All these days, the company, despite the difficult operating conditions, did not have serious losses.

Colonel General Zarudin Yuri Fedorovich for his services to the Fatherland was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, awarded two Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, three Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Suvorov III degree, the Order of the Patriotic War I degree and two Orders of the Patriotic War II degree, and also two Orders of the Red Star and the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces".

Zarudin (surname from birth Zanudin) Yuri Fedorovich - commander of the rifle company of the 459th rifle regiment of the 42nd rifle division of the 49th army of the 2nd Belorussian Front. Awarded two Orders of Lenin, three Orders of the Red Banner, Orders of the October Revolution, Suvorov 3rd class, Patriotic War 1st and 2nd classes, two Orders of the Red Star, Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” 3- 1st class, medals.

Yu. F. Zarudin was born on May 25, 1923 in the village of Borodulikha, Borodulikha district, Semipalatinsk region of Kazakhstan. In the Red Army since June 1941. Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1944. In the battles of the Great Patriotic War as part of the 58th Infantry Division (50th Army, Western Front) since February 1942.

The path lay in Melex: the 58th Infantry Division was being formed there. Here, junior lieutenant Zarudin took over a platoon in the 885th Infantry Regiment. Soon the Moscow offensive operation began. The division advanced in the direction of Kaluga, Tula, Sukhinichi, Yukhnov. The fighting progressed successfully at first. Later, things became more complicated: the Nazis received reinforcements. Zarudin's platoon was considered one of the best. And the commander was often praised. But on April 22, 1942, Yuri was unlucky: he was seriously wounded. Three soldiers carried him from the battlefield to the medical battalion, and at times he lost consciousness. The surgeon removed 18 fragments from the wound. A few days later, the threat of gangrene loomed: doctors were already preparing to amputate part of the leg. But in the end they hoped for the young man’s good health. And they were not mistaken: Zarudin recovered.

Yuri Fedorovich, still limping, was appointed commander of a training platoon for political personnel courses on the Western Front. At first they were stationed in Ryazan, and later they were transferred to Noginsk. One day Army General V.D. was on the course. Sokolovsky. Seeing how easily and skillfully Yuri Fedorovich acts when disassembling and assembling a heavy machine gun, he could not resist praising: “Excellent, Zarudin! This is how you teach your subordinates to act.”

From the political training courses of the Western Front, Lieutenant Zarudin was sent to the 885th Infantry Regiment of the 290th Infantry Division. Regiment commander Major M.G. Khomulo, a strict, strong-willed man who understands people, talked for a minute or two with Zarudin and firmly said: “I have a real deal for you. Take the company."

We went to Khandogi. There is a fascist bunker on the way. We decided not to take it by storm, but to make a tunnel. The tunnel is not so long, 70-80 meters, but rather heavy: they pulled out more than one ton of earth into their trench. But what was the happiness when at 3 o’clock in the morning the fighters burst out of the ground, destroyed the guards and everyone who was in the bunker! And then there’s another problem: the battalion commander is out of order. At the decisive moments, Zarudin took command. By morning Khandogi was liberated. Up to a hundred fascists were left lying on the battlefield, four were captured.

Mikhail Grigorievich Khomulo met Zarudin. He smiles at the company commander and says: “I saw an eagle in you. Well done! We present you with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union."

But the matter did not reach the Golden Star then - the documents were lost somewhere. Fortunately, another case happened. Now on the Dnieper. It was a hot week then. On June 23, 1944, Yu. Zarudin’s company, without any losses, destroyed up to a platoon of German infantry at an altitude of 192.2. And when the enemy tanks launched a counterattack, the Zarudinites, together with the neighboring company, fiercely fighting back, forced them to turn back.

The next day, an even more tense situation develops near the village of Zhevan. The company, having crossed the Basya River on the move, breaks into the first German trenches. And then he gets surrounded. It seemed that the company was trapped. But for 14 hours it continuously repels counterattacks by enemy tanks and infantry. And in the end the Nazis retreat.

And Zarudin’s company moves on. Having obtained three boats and several rafts, she crosses the Dnieper, immediately occupies German trenches and covers the construction of a crossing across the river with almost continuous rifle and machine-gun fire. All these days, the company, despite the difficult operating conditions, did not have serious losses.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 24, 1945, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism displayed, senior lieutenant Yuri Fedorovich Zarudin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal "(No. 5482).

Yu. F. Zarudin reached Berlin. There were many more glorious deeds on the account of Yuri Fedorovich. Like many front-line soldiers, after the victorious year of 1945 he took up his studies. Graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces. Having served in the positions of deputy regiment commander, regiment commander and deputy division commander, he returned to the educational institution. This time to the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. After graduation, 10 years of service followed in the east of the country - in positions from division commander to army commander. From the Far East he went to foggy Leningrad to take the post of first deputy commander of the Leningrad Military District. For six years he commanded the Northern Group of Forces. In 1984, a new appointment - first deputy commander of the Southern Group of Soviet Forces. And at the end of his service, Yu. F. Zarudin, from November 1985 to December 1988, was the chief military adviser in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Lives in Moscow.

Soviet military leader, colonel general. Hero of the Soviet Union (1945).

At the time of awarding the title of Hero, he was the commander of a rifle company of the 459th Infantry Regiment of the 42nd Infantry Division of the 49th Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, senior lieutenant. Deputy of the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 10-11 convocations (1979-1989) from the Lithuanian SSR.

Born on May 25, 1923 in the village of Borodulikha, Borodulikha district, now the East Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan, into a peasant family. Russian. In 1940 he graduated from 8th grade.

In the Red Army since June 1941. He graduated from the Grozny Military Infantry School, and as part of the 58th Division formed at the end of 1941, he left for the Kuibyshev (now Samara) region, where he was awarded buttonholes with two lieutenant heads. In the battles of the Great Patriotic War as part of the 58th Infantry Division (50th Army, Western Front) from February 1942. He took part in the Moscow operation in the Tula direction. In one of the battles, on April 22, 1942, a young rifle platoon commander was seriously wounded, which is why he was evacuated to a hospital in Moscow. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1944.

After leaving the hospital, return to the front line again, but in the Belarusian direction. Behind him were eight months of heavy fighting for the liberation of Belarus, including participation in the strategic offensive Operation Bagration (from June 23 to August 29, 1944) in which he was wounded twice. For fighting on Belarusian soil he was twice nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union...

The commander of the rifle company of the 459th Rifle Regiment (42nd Rifle Division, 49th Army, 2nd Belorussian Front), senior lieutenant, particularly distinguished himself during the liberation of the Mogilev region of Belarus.

The unit entrusted to the officer on June 23, 1944, during a breakthrough of the enemy’s defense, destroyed about a platoon of Nazi infantry and, together with a neighboring rifle company, repelled a tank counterattack.

On June 24, 1944, a rifle company under the command of a senior lieutenant as part of a rifle battalion defeated the enemy garrison in the village of Zhevan, now the Goretsky district of the Mogilev region of Belarus and immediately crossed the Basya River, occupied the first enemy trenches and, being surrounded, continuously repelled counterattacks for fourteen hours tanks and infantry of the Nazis. Then the rifle company was among the first to cross the Dnieper River, occupied enemy trenches and covered the construction of a bridge across the Dnieper with its fire.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 24, 1945, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown, the senior lieutenant was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 5482).

He completed his combat journey near Berlin.

After the war he continued to serve in the army. In 1953, he graduated from the Military Academy of Armored and Mechanized Forces, in 1962 from the Military Academy of the General Staff, and from the Higher Courses at this academy in 1970 and 1979. For four years he commanded a regiment in the Carpathian Military District. In 1956, he participated in the suppression of an anti-constitutional rebellion in Hungary. Then he served in the Far East for eleven years - he commanded a division, corps, and army. This was followed by the appointment as first deputy commander of the Leningrad Military District.

In February 1978, he was awarded the rank of Colonel General.

From February 1978 to September 1984 - Commander of the Northern Group of Forces, from September 1984 to November 1985 - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Direction (Baku, Azerbaijan), from November 1985 to December 1988 - Chief Military Advisor in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Lives in Moscow. He is vice-president of the Russian Association of Heroes, a member of the board of the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Awarded: two Orders of Lenin, three Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of the October Revolution, the Order of Suvorov 3rd degree, the Order of the Patriotic War 1st and 2nd degree, two Orders of the Red Star, the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3 th degree, medals.