In which city is it better to serve? List of elite Russian troops

Many people have heard the expression “elite troops” in Russia, but not everyone has an idea of ​​what this expression actually means. There are no clear criteria that would help classify this or that special unit as more prestigious. As a rule, such a title is usually earned by troops that are in full combat readiness every minute and have the greatest combat capability. deserve honorary title Among the people, troops can also be honored for displaying heroism and high professionalism in combat operations. IN elite Russian troops list, which are located below, included the most prestigious divisions based on the surveys conducted.

Opens a list of elite Russian troops. The main task of the special unit is anti-terrorist measures. The detachments are engaged in the release of hostages, eliminating mass riots, and are also engaged in the liquidation of illegal armed groups. Also in the competence of the Troops national guard includes the neutralization and detention of criminals who pose a particular danger to society. The special forces of this detachment celebrate their official day on March 27th.

Belongs to the most prestigious troops of the fatherland. The creation of the Armed Forces took place in 1992 of the 20th century. The main function of the special unit is to protect the territory of the country and its integrity. The aircraft has one of the largest reserves military equipment, as well as weapons mass destruction, including nuclear. As of 2017, the number of special forces military personnel was just over a million people, and the mobilization resource was over 60 million. Recruitment of the Armed Forces occurs in two ways - conscription through the army and contract service. The state spends more than 3 trillion rubles annually on the development of the Armed Forces.

rightfully belongs to the most prestigious troops Russian Federation. He stands guard over the country, protecting it from attacks outside the land zone. The Navy is designed to conduct combat operations on water spaces. Navy For more than three hundred years, it has been guarding our state. In addition to the main tasks, the competence of the special unit includes ensuring the safety of maritime activities in the vastness of the World Ocean. The Navy has high firepower and a long range, which allows it to destroy the enemy at a great distance - up to several thousand meters.

The FSSP of Russia certainly belongs to the elite troops of the Russian Federation. It includes rapid response units, which are required to undergo special training. The FSSP is armed with automatic weapons and ensures the safety of ships, and also personally guards the management Federal service bailiffs.

Included in the list of the country's elite troops. The main tasks of the special forces are to detect and eliminate terrorist groups. Other goals of the troops include carrying out special events on enemy territory.

Considered one of the most elite troops Russian state. Airborne troops are engaged in carrying out special activities behind enemy lines. Also, the tasks of the special forces include capturing enemy targets and capturing the enemy. Selection for the landing force is strict in all respects. The future paratrooper must have not only good physical characteristics, but also have a stable psycho-emotional background, since airborne troops have to perform quite a lot complex tasks. The official creation of the special forces occurred in 1992. Airborne Forces actively participated in the Afghan war, Chechen war, and also took part in hostilities with Georgia.

is elite special forces, which is in service with the Russian state. Refers to troops that are in constant and full combat readiness. On armament of the Strategic Missile Forces there are intercontinental ballistic missiles with warheads. The formation of the special forces occurred in the middle of the last century. Today, the missile forces include 3 armies, which include 12 missile divisions. Rocket Forces strategic purpose They are armed with more than three hundred complexes of various types.

Unlocks the top three most elite troops of the Russian Federation. The armed forces are designed to carry out maritime operations, which include conducting combat operations with the capture of the enemy’s coastline. In addition, the special unit also carries out other operations, including the protection of coastal areas. The main tasks of the Marine Corps are the conquest coastal territories and holding them until the main forces arrive. The special unit is part of the Russian Navy.

The elite undoubtedly includes, whose main tasks are the defense of the state in the aerospace field, the detection and complete destruction of the enemy, as well as repelling combat operations from ballistic missiles. Also, the competence of the Aerospace Forces includes identifying possible combat missile attacks and being in full combat readiness. The Russian Space Forces are part of the Aerospace Forces. The main tasks of the latter special unit are monitoring objects in space, as well as timely detection and combat defeat of space threats.

Completes the rating of the elite troops of the Russian Federation. The competence of the military unit includes solving problems of ensuring the protection of the presidential residence, namely the Moscow Kremlin. Also, the FSO component participates in protocol events and takes part in honor guards. Presidential Regiment was formed in 1993, the official day of which is May 7.

Started on October 1 The autumn conscription campaign, which will last until December 31, 2012, will decide the fate of 140 thousand recruits for the year. Most will have to leave, some will find themselves far from home for the first time in their lives. new environment, to trust an unfamiliar and rather rigid army system.

Many people remember that they used to serve in the navy for 3 years, and in other branches and types of troops for a year less. This injustice has long been eliminated, Now the service life of all conscripts is the same and is 12 months. Other concessions have also appeared: if previously serving close to home was a pipe dream, now it is within the framework of humanization army service and on the advice of psychologists, they decided that in own city it is more comfortable and calm for a soldier to serve. True, what is desired collides with Russian reality, and fully translate Russian army the territorial principle of service does not work, since the country is too large and unevenly populated.

In addition, they began to listen more to the opinions of the conscripts themselves about where they want to serve. It is possible that wishes regarding the place of service will be heard and taken into account. It is important that recently It is legally prohibited to send conscript soldiers to hot spots. Although when emergency This cannot be completely ruled out; during the war with Georgia, among the dead Russian military personnel there were also soldiers serving under conscription.

Selecting duty stations in Lately has become small - conscripts serve only in units and divisions of the Ministry of Defense, internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service of Russia.

The most big number conscripts are sent to Ground troops, which have recently been experiencing a wave of major transformations and downsizing. Ground Army consists of motorized rifle and tank and air assault brigades, formations of missile forces and artillery, army air defense, communications units, electronic warfare.

IN currently There are about 100 brigades scattered throughout Russia, each requiring up to 4 thousand soldiers.

Ground troopsThis is a classic service in the army with constant alerts, formations, field trips, forced marches, outfits, guards, and intensive physical training classes.. It should be noted that previously many soldiers were sent from their units to “warm places” - various headquarters, prosecutor’s offices, or could be sent to completely unimportant locations. legal work. Now, due to a catastrophic shortage (according to some sources, it reaches 30%), regular checks are carried out in the troops, so commanders do not risk distracting their subordinates from combat training.

In the very difficult situation Today there are those soldiers who are engaged in the disposal of ammunition. Now mines and shells are being destroyed in large quantities in all military districts; several thousand soldiers are employed in this work. Many guys complain about almost slave-like working conditions and the constant danger to which they are exposed. From morning until late evening, soldiers carry and carry boxes of ammunition that could explode at any second. At the same time, living conditions are terrible: soldiers live for several months in an open field in canvas tents for 40–60 people without proper food.

Every year the probability of being recruited to serve in aviation decreases.. The Air Force is quite consistently removing soldiers from its staff conscript service: first, conscripts were expelled from the flight crews, then they were removed from the staff of the technical and operational units junior specialists. At the same time, the number of conscript soldiers has been reduced to 2 thousand people, who will serve mainly as apprentices for contract soldiers.

So far, conscripts are widely represented in the Strategic Missile Forces, where up to 10 thousand people are conscripted every year. Their selection is very scrupulous; everyone is checked for addiction to alcohol and drugs. IN special cases conscripts are even questioned using a lie detector, which helps identify criminal elements of their biography.

Back in 2009 it was stated that the entire naval crew will become contract personnel, conscripts will only be left to perform chores on shore. But it suddenly turned out that the crews of Russian warships sent to the shores of war-torn Syria included conscript sailors. Later, the Ministry of Defense had to state the indisputable fact that a third of the surface ships of the Russian Navy are conscripted sailors. But we must admit that every year there are fewer and fewer of them and they are given secondary tasks, and submarines, according to the military, all sailor positions are completely given to contract soldiers.

For those who decided to connect their service with the sea, more likely to get to serve in Marine Corps units, which, by the way, along with Airborne Forces units, reconnaissance companies and various special forces, are in demand among conscripts, since they increase the chances of getting a job in some kind of power structure after being transferred to the reserve.

The command of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia asks the General Staff to send about 30 thousand recruits every call. But for several years now, military registration and enlistment offices have not been able to provide this type of troops with even 20 thousand. However, the internal troops do not plan to completely switch to contract service in the near future. Here the mixed method of acquisition remains. Currently, about 60 thousand conscript soldiers and sergeants serve in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Positive point: Recently, only contract soldiers serve in unstable regions, for example in the North Caucasus, as well as in special forces units.

Internal troops duplicate army and police functions. There are operational, special motorized units and units engaged in the protection of important life support facilities and hazardous industries, including nuclear power plants, petrochemical enterprises. In addition, special motorized explosive units in major cities carry out patrol duty. Conscript soldiers are also involved in all these tasks.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has always created more comfortable living conditions for its conscripts than the Ministry of Defense, fortunately, is always in close contact with local administrations. However, things are not going well with hazing. An illustrative example of a division operational purpose V Balashikha near Moscow, better known as the division named after. Dzerzhinsky. This supposedly elite military unit of the Internal Troops, under the noses of the entire leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, became the leader in the number of criminal cases related to hazing. Nevertheless, young people who have served in the internal troops are eagerly hired to work in the police.

The structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations retains formations and military units of troops civil defense, where conscript soldiers serve. On this moment 8 rescue military formations regional subordination and two - central. Total number personnel these formations amount to 7.23 thousand people. Rescuers really rely on contract workers, so the share of conscripts is small and ranges from 10 to 20%.

The life of soldiers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations differs little from their colleagues in army units. There are also frequent cases of hazing here; the situation is aggravated by the fact that soldiers from the Caucasian republics come here en masse to serve. The official duties of conscript soldiers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are quite specific; they are actively involved in the liquidation of large man-made disasters For example, they had to extinguish peat bogs near Moscow. This year, units eliminated the consequences of the tragedy in Krymsk. Service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is an opportunity to receive sought-after civilian profession or continue to serve or work in this not very poor organization.

A unique structure that managed to maintain conscript service is the Federal Security Service (FSO). By various information, about a thousand conscripts serve in this secret organization. To get here, a soldier has to undergo a comprehensive check by the competent authorities. Units of the FSO are distinguished by strong discipline; they are very strictly asked, for example, for compliance with the rules of wearing a uniform - in general, the charter here is the law.

There are many contract soldiers serving in the FSO, the barracks are equipped with video surveillance, and this in the best possible way affects the behavior of conscripts. The main units of the FSO, where conscripts serve, are special communications centers.

Also, the FSO includes probably the most public military unit in Russia - the Presidential Regiment, where about 240 conscripts come to serve during each conscription. In addition to the usual selection in the FSO for service in these units, special requirements are imposed on candidates, including their external data: all of them must have a height of 175 to 190 cm, a normal ratio of height and body weight, and there should be no tattoos on the body. Competition – several people per place.

IN Presidential Regiment– the cult of drill training, soldiers do almost all of their stepping exercises free time, physical exercise colossal, only the most resilient can withstand them.

Conscript soldiers of the Presidential Regiment guard the Kremlin and participate in protocol events at the highest level state level, serve in guard of honor at Eternal Flame at the grave Unknown Soldier. Those who served in the Presidential Regiment receive a kind of quality certificate that allows them to get hired in such strong structure, like the FSO and FSB, many enter military schools and become officers.

Today's article will be devoted to military service. We will analyze when and why they call for military service. We will discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of this process and pay due attention to the nuances that should be remembered.

What is military service?

Before paying attention to the nuances, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the term “conscript military service.”

Conscript service in the army - conscript comes from the word "term". This is the period of time that the state has established for conscripts; today it is 12 months. Males over 18 years of age who, for health reasons, do not have the right to a deferment are called up for military service in the Russian Federation.
If you have received a call for military service, then you must arrive at the unit on time.

Advantages of compulsory military service

1. The army makes a real man out of every boy. Here you can get your body in shape, become more responsible and focused, and learn to take full responsibility for your words and actions. In addition, you will master sewing, cooking, shooting and other interesting and useful activities.

2. According to the law, during the emergency period military service you are completely freed from any educational process. Be it a university or college.

3. If you are going to connect your life with law enforcement agencies, then knowledge and experience will help you in the learning process.

4. Referring to the federal law dated 12.02.1993 No. 4468-1 “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies, State fire service, traffic control authorities narcotic drugs And psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penal system, and their families,” the period that you served under conscription for military service will be counted as length of service and, accordingly, your pension will be higher.

5. As of today, the term of military service is only one year. I would like to remind you that previously, military service lasted two painful years, full of suffering...

6. After lunch there is one hour for sleep. The daily routine has become simpler and less rigid.

7. Food in the army is not as bad as it is described. The diet is quite balanced, containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the required proportions. If desired, a soldier can always ask for an additional portion. They feed three times a day. In some units they give extra food for the day. Also, do not forget that relatives bring gifts with them when visiting soldiers.

8. Since 2012, wages, or as they are also called, monetary allowances, have doubled. Accordingly, this is a sufficient motivator for hard work.

9. The majority of soldiers who served with excellence and coped with all duties, on the recommendation of the commander, can enter any university in the country on preferential terms. By law, they are exempt from passing the competition and entry into the university is absolutely free for them.

10. If a soldier, after completing his military service, wants to extend his contract, he can receive a free distance learning in any university in the country, and the sessions for it will be held at any convenient time. If a soldier cannot appear for the sessions at the time appointed by the dean’s office, he can apply to reschedule the session to another date.

11. Today, military service is not hard labor or a living hell. This is just training for real men, of whom there are not so many in our time.

12. You will find yourself a lot of real, loyal friends who will accompany you through life and help you in any way. Hard time. The army brings people together well and teaches people to be friendly and sociable.

By the way, this is not all the advantages of military service. Many people are so afraid of the army, but in fact they know absolutely nothing about it. You shouldn’t be afraid of the army, it’s better to try it for yourself and see for yourself. You know, many who have gone through the entire process of military service do not dare to say that they wasted a year after they uttered the words: “I serve the Motherland!”

Disadvantages of conscript military service

1. Some people have to be interrupted. educational process, which may have a negative impact on ratings.

2. A long period separation from relatives and friends. The first few months you will be very bored, but by the end of the service, every soldier gets used to the rigid schedule and perceives the distance normally. Moreover, now soldiers are called up to serve in units that are located close to their hometown. That is why relatives can visit a soldier during a certain period of time, which is set aside for meetings.

3. Tense schedule- This is probably the biggest disadvantage of military service. Getting up very early, there is absolutely no time to soak in the crib. Conditions in the army are Spartan. Swimming at certain hours, a certain number of times a week. Visiting relatives is also on schedule; meals on schedule, no gastronomic delights or homemade cheesecakes with strawberry jam should be expected... Usual food in the army is various porridges, stewed or fried meat, bread and butter, boiled eggs, first courses (soups, borscht, cabbage soup, pickles and so on.). Sometimes there are more refined dishes, but extremely rarely.
Sleep - about seven hours of sleep at night and one hour of sleep after lunch.

4. Complete absence free time. You will always be busy with something. This is either sports, or part-time work and similar army concerns. Many who have completed military service admit that they have completely rethought their lives after being in the army.

Probably these are all the disadvantages. We can conclude that during the year spent in military service you will not lose anything. Most likely you will buy a lot of new ones life values which will help you in the future.

How to prepare for urgent service in order to transfer it easily

1. Take care of your health.
Initially you should quit drinking and smoking , this is very important, because in the army no one will allow you to do this. By the way, smoking has a bad effect on overall physical endurance, and in the army this is very important, since physical exercise there will be quite a lot

2. Start studying general education a year before conscription physical training .
You must be able to do at least 20 pull-ups and 100 push-ups. Running is also important, as it is an indispensable attribute morning exercises soldier.

3. Correct nutrition.
Start eating right and try to avoid large amounts of fatty, fried and sweet foods, as excess weight will interfere with your service.

4. By the time you are called up, you must have basic knowledge .
Learn to shoot, sew, cook and similar activities, which are often practiced during military service. This way, you will not only not disgrace yourself in front of other soldiers, but you will also be able to earn the trust and respect of the unit commander, who will subsequently be able to speak well of you when you enter a university.

5. Train yourself to a schedule .
You must be ready to get up at any time of the day and serve the Motherland. Over the course of several months, it is better to accustom yourself to a schedule of early rises in order to quickly get used to the service regime.

6. Friends.
You need to find friends in your company so that life does not seem so boring and gray. Be sociable and sociable, in this case, you will definitely find like-minded people.

7. Get ready mentally.
No need to think that whole year you will waste it or that you will be bullied and forced to do the “dirty work”. Think about it as your next interesting trip, which will certainly bring a lot of positive impressions, because there is no bad without good, and vice versa.

Who can get a deferment from military service?

If we were unable to convince you and you still decided to inquire about who can receive a deferment from compulsory military service, we have prepared a list of cases in which a soldier can receive a deferment.

1. Clergy who have higher education and work in religious organizations.
2. Rural and city heads also receive a deferment from military service for the period of their powers.
3. Medical workers who perform their duties properly.

Also You can get a deferment for family reasons , which fit the following points:

1. Disabled guardians (father or mother) over whom the conscript exercised guardianship.
2. If the conscript has minors, incapacitated brothers or sisters or siblings, of any age, over whom the conscript has custody. This clause will help to obtain a deferment only if the conscript’s brothers and sisters do not have other guardians who can care for them during the soldier’s compulsory service.
3. If the conscript has a single father or mother who has two or more minor children. This clause is only valid if the conscript is officially employed.
4. If a conscript has a disabled wife, a disabled child, a pregnant wife or a child under three years of age who is being raised without a mother after her death or by court decision.
5. A conscript may receive a deferment for health reasons, that is, chronic diseases that may worsen during service.

We have not provided all the cases in which you can get a deferment from military service. This is just the basic list that is most often found in practice.

We hope that this article was useful to you, and you will probably want to serve your Motherland and accept conscription into the army.

And whether to serve at all, the conscript should find out what types and branches of troops there are in the Russian Armed Forces. It is curious that there are three of both in the country. The clan consists of the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces), the Aerospace Defense Forces and are considered the elite Airborne Army(Airborne troops). The types include SV (Ground Forces), Air Force ( Air Force) and the Navy (Navy), each of which also consists of separate branches of the military. For example, tank and motorized rifle units that are part of the Army, or considered the pride of the Russian Marine Corps fleet.

Election game

Theoretically, any Russian conscript has the right not only to dream, but also to independently choose the gender in which he would like to spend the next 12 months. Or more, if by the time he was transferred to the reserve, he suddenly had a desire to remain for long-term service and conclude the first contract with the army and his unit. The future private must declare such a desire to the military commissar and doctors at the draft board. And if possible, somehow justify your position. For example, a driver’s or tractor driver’s license, which would allow him to serve in the automobile or tank forces, a certificate of completion of a radio school and assignment to the communications troops, a certificate of a master of sports in boxing, a document confirming three parachute jumps and a dream of getting into those celebrating their 85th birthday in 2015 -anniversary of the Airborne Forces.

Unfortunately, in practice, much does not happen according to the scenario planned by the conscript: a parachutist and a boxer are often sent to motorized rifle, and a promising rock climber is sent to an airfield. To be fair, it should be admitted that this does not always happen due to the reluctance or indifference of the military commissar. Much more often, misunderstandings are associated with the peculiar “games” of the Department General Staff on the organization of the conscription campaign, whose instructions are carried out. The so-called buyers - soldiers and officers from various parts, coming to military commissariats and selecting conscripts solely at their own discretion.

Get rated!

Of course, there is no official ranking of the best or worst branches and types of troops. But there are as many unofficial ones as you like. The most prestigious ones include, in particular, the landing force, various reconnaissance battalions, and the fleet. But there are not too many people who want to get into, even if only for a year, a construction battalion or the Internal Troops, with all due respect to them. However, great importance It also matters where exactly the military unit is located. After all, there is a big one in the service for a very Far East or in the area of ​​​​Moscow Mira Avenue. Choosing military profession, it's better to reverse Special attention not for the notorious rating, but for compliance with your dreams. And if you managed to grow to two meters, neither a tanker nor a submariner, alas, will take you, no matter how much you want. How naive it is to expect to become a Marine without knowing how to swim and do pull-ups.

Machine gunner Maxim

The luckiest ones in terms of future conscription are Russian professional athletes. Once upon a time, during the times of the USSR and the Central sports club army, to serve for a year or two years in a sports company, appearing there only for the oath and transfer to the reserve and continuing to win gold medals at the most prestigious competitions, was not even wanted, but many dreamed Soviet athletes high class. Including the most famous ones.

This was mainly due to the fact that officially military duty they were not released, and service in CSKA or its branches in the regions provided a happy opportunity not to end up somewhere in Nakhodka or Fergana. Or even to Afghanistan. At the beginning of the Russian period of the country's history, sports companies were canceled, but more recently they were returned to service. One of them even included a failed participant in the 2014 Olympics in figure skating, Ekaterinburg resident Maxim Kovtun. I wonder what kind of troops he dreamed of as a child? Did you really want to become a machine gunner?

I, as a person who recently served and has just retired, will tell you what the modern elite troops of Russia are. A list of them will be presented below. Of course, one cannot judge membership in the elite by any criteria. Therefore, we will highlight the most popular military units that have strict requirements for conscripts.

List of elite troops of the Russian Federation

1. FSO Presidential Regiment. The name speaks of the necessary inclusion in the elite troops of Russia. The rating of the Federal Security Service speaks for itself. The basis for enrollment in the regiment is Slavic appearance, excellent physical characteristics and a height of at least 180 cm. Soldiers are engaged in protecting the presidential residence, participating in honor guards, including at the presidential inauguration and near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I think that everyone would like to be in the place of these guys, who carry out their service in this significant place in any weather. In addition, the cavalry is famous. Therefore, those who have horse riding skills have a good chance of getting into the Presidential Regiment. Of course, conscript soldiers must comply military secret(not to wag your tongue), not to have bad habits. Also, conscripts with tattoos are not accepted into the Presidential Regiment. Those who have served in the presidential troops have a good opportunity to work in the Presidential Security Service.

2. Marines. That branch of the military that can also compete in the FSO for the title of the most elite troops in Russia. List of feats that were performed in various conflicts, wars, including the Great Patriotic War, is enormous. Black berets are the most popular among conscripts. The most capable and lethal troops are not just for naval operations. They also do their work on land, capturing coastlines, fortified by the enemy. Marines are the only ones who can land by air and sea. The Marine Corps is part of all fleets of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, selection in marines It’s quite tough, and without good physical shape or a level in sports, it’s almost impossible to get there.

3. Strategic Missile Forces are unique kind troops in modern army Russia. Almost no conscripts are recruited here for conscript service. Physical fitness is not so important; here a person needs to have exceptional knowledge in physics and mathematics. Therefore, the service is completely sedentary in a bunker or military base. The Strategic Missile Forces are the main strike and defense force of the country. Intercontinental ballistic missiles are capable of destroying any country in the world within a very short time. Currently in Russia there are 3 armies, including 12 divisions. "Rocket men" mainly serve in the outback in the north or in Siberia, from where they can get to any locality almost impossible. You need to have high stress resistance, because long time soldiers spend far from civilization.

4. Airborne troops. “Nobody but us” - this motto is probably familiar to everyone. The future paratrooper must have high stress resistance and excellent physical fitness, since he will have to perform the most difficult tasks. Preference is given to candidates for master of sports in various types martial arts The Blue Berets are one of the main striking forces of our country in various conflicts. It is not for nothing that August 2 is celebrated on a large scale; on this day all the soldiers who gave their lives for their Motherland are remembered. After completing the service, a good opportunity opens up to get a job in the GRU or FSB special forces, but a lot depends on the candidate.

5. Space Forces. Enough the new kind troops. Methods of conducting contact warfare are becoming a thing of the past, and the ability to control comes first, so that right moment protect the country from attacks from space. In addition, the tasks of launching satellites into orbit, controlling satellite systems. It is very difficult to get into the space forces; recruits are usually recruited from technical universities. Like the Strategic Missile Forces, the main preference will be knowledge of mathematics and physics.

6. GRU special forces. One of the most ancient branches of the Russian military. Special units were originally called huntsmen and initially carried out various assignments increased complexity. Russian special forces participated in many secret operations, including in Chechen conflict, in Crimea. Severe demands are placed on conscripts. The future special forces fighter must have martial arts skills, preferably have a rank in sports, and be psychologically stable. GRU special forces carry out operations both domestically and abroad. And almost all of them have secret status. After military service, soldiers have good opportunities to work in the FSB and special forces.

7. Navy. Ancient view troops founded by Emperor Peter the Great. They are one of the most popular branches of the military. Sailors perform tasks not only to protect our borders on the water, but are also involved in many peacekeeping missions in different parts of the world. Many boys strive to join the navy to test themselves in conditions of increased limitations. Military service already imposes many restrictions, but being on a ship for a long time, performing complex tasks, is very difficult. Russia has the most large territory, facing the sea, so the Navy recruits every year a large number of conscripts. Physical training is important for a future sailor, but to a greater extent a conscript needs high stress resistance. There’s no need to even talk about submariners; they are the very elite.

Of course, service in any branch of the military is interesting and unique, but the elite are superior to other troops. For conscripts, it is often important to have a high physical training, possess martial arts techniques. For space force, for example, the main thing in a future soldier will be considered excellent knowledge technical disciplines such as physics and mathematics. The main thing is that each of the elite troops is unique in its own way. Service in the elite troops is extremely difficult, but at the same time interesting.