D) retraining of workers. D) religious organizations

Detailed solution Paragraph § 13 in social studies for 11th grade students, authors L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova 2014

Question 1. Are the highest rungs of the social ladder accessible to every person? What determines a person’s position in society?

The concept of the social ladder is relative. For officials - one thing, for businessmen - another, for artists - a third, etc. There is no single social ladder.

A person’s position in society depends on education, property, power, income, etc.

A person can change his social position with the help of social elevators - the army, the church, the school.

Additional social elevators are the media, party and social activities, accumulation of wealth, marriage with representatives of the upper class.

Position in society and social status have always occupied an important place in the life of every person. So, what does the position in society depend on:

1. Kinship - status may depend on family lines; children of rich and influential parents undoubtedly have higher status than children born to less influential parents.

2. Personal qualities are one of the most important points on which one’s status in society depends. A person with a strong-willed character, who has the qualities of a leader, will certainly achieve more in life and achieve a higher position in society than a person with the opposite character.

3. Connections - the more friends, the more acquaintances who can really help you get somewhere, the greater the chances of achieving your goal, and therefore gaining a higher social status.

Questions and tasks for the document

Question 1. What types of social stratification is the author talking about?

Economic, political, professional differentiation of society.

If the economic status of the members of a certain society is not the same, if among them there are both haves and have-nots, then such a society is characterized by the presence of economic stratification, regardless of whether it is organized on communist or capitalist principles, whether it is constitutionally defined as a “society of equals” or not . No labels, signs, or oral statements can change or obscure the reality of economic inequality, which is expressed in the difference in income, standard of living, and in the existence of rich and poor segments of the population. If within a group there are hierarchically different ranks in terms of authority and prestige, titles and honors, if there are managers and governed, then regardless of the terms (monarchs, bureaucrats, masters, bosses) this means that such a group is politically differentiated, that whatever it proclaims in its constitution or declaration. If members of a society are divided into different groups according to their type of activity, occupation, and some professions are considered more prestigious than others, and if members of a particular professional group are divided into managers of various ranks and subordinates, then such a group is professionally differentiated regardless of whether bosses are elected or appointed, whether their leadership positions are inherited or due to their personal qualities.

Question 3. Based on the source, can it be argued that social inequality manifests itself in different types of societies?

Yes, you can. Since the phrase “regardless of whether bosses are elected or appointed, whether they get their leadership positions by inheritance or thanks to their personal qualities” indicates that, under a monarchical structure, such a situation could also arise.


Question 1. What causes the existence of social groups in society?

Sociologists explain the emergence and existence of social groups primarily by the social division of labor and the specialization of people's activities. Sociologists believe that even today the division of human activity into main types determines the diversity and size of social groups and their position in society. Thus, the existence of layers of the population that differ in income levels is associated with economic activity, and with political activity - the existence in society of leaders and masses, managers and governed.

The existence of various social groups is also due to the historical diversity of living conditions, culture, social norms and values. This, in particular, explains the presence of ethnic and religious groups in modern society.

Question 2. What social groups exist in modern Russian society? What is the objective basis for their emergence and existence?

The structure of Russian society

Class A. Rich. They are mainly engaged in selling raw materials, accumulating personal capital and exporting it abroad. 5-10% of the population.

Class B1+B2. Middle class. 10-15% of the population. Engaged in class A services in all areas of economic activity (financial, legal, information technology, side-production, necessary for pumping out raw materials).

Subclass B1. Most in their Class. Salaried employees, office, on a good salary.

Subclass B2. Minority in its Class. Owners of their own medium-sized businesses and small private capital.

Class C. Small owners. As such, it is practically absent in Russia.

Class D. The rest of the people, workers, peasants, state employees, military, students, pensioners, the electorate, “men”, “Russians”, cattle, the crowd. 75-80% of the population.

National Subclass D1. Russian and essentially Russified peoples.

National Subclass D2. Tolerant nationalities.

Class E. Human resources of the CIS countries + China.

They arose in connection with the formation of capitalism, with the emergence of private property in Russia and with the stratification of society.

Question 3. How do the variety of forms of ownership and market relations affect the social structure of society?

The presence of private property divides society into owners of the means of production and workers. Accordingly, whoever owns the means of production receives profit from their use, and workers receive their usual wages. Hence the social structure of the rich and ordinary workers.

Market relations divide society into producer and consumer. There is also a lot of competition between manufacturers. Which also divides society. There are goods that only certain groups of society can purchase; they are not available to the lower strata of the population.

Question 4. Who, in your opinion, forms the Russian middle class?

According to the World Bank, the Russian middle class is defined as households whose level of consumption is one and a half times higher than the level of the national poverty scale (income below the subsistence level), but below the minimum level of consumption of the so-called “world-class middle class”, and amounted to 55.6% in 2008. However, according to calculations by the same World Bank, the average monthly income of a representative of the world-class middle class starts at $3,500 and only no more than 8% of the entire world population can be attributed to this class.

In 2009, the World Bank estimated that Russia's world-class middle class had shrunk by a quarter from its pre-crisis peak of 12.6% to 9.5%.

A very large part of the Russian middle class (approximately 40%) is the “old middle” class, that is, owner-entrepreneurs. As for intellectuals, they are largely relegated to a lower stratum.

Question 5. What points of view exist on the possibility of achieving equality and justice in a society where there is social differentiation?

In modern society, social equality is increasingly understood as equality before the law, as well as equality of rights and opportunities. The path to achieving such equality is through respect for the rights and human dignity of representatives of all social groups. In a society that proclaims social equality, equal opportunities are created for all people, regardless of gender, race, nationality, class, origin, place of residence in receiving education, medical services, engaging in economic and political activities, etc. Thus, representatives of all social groups have equal opportunities when enrolling in higher education institutions, finding a job, promotion, nomination as a candidate for elections to central or local authorities. At the same time, ensuring equal opportunities does not necessarily imply obtaining the same results (for example, equal salary).

Modern UN documents set the task of ensuring equal opportunities for well-being for people belonging to both current and future generations. This means that meeting the needs of present generations should not compromise the ability left as a legacy for future generations to meet their needs.

Question 6. What does the concept of “social mobility” mean? What are its types?

Modern society has become open. There are no prohibitions on engaging in a particular profession, or on marriage between representatives of different social, ethnic or religious groups. As a result, social movements of people have intensified (between city and countryside, between different sectors of the economy, between professions, between different regions of the country) and, consequently, the possibilities for individual choice of profession, place of residence, lifestyle, spouse have expanded significantly.

The transition of people from one social group to another is called social mobility.

Sociologists distinguish between horizontal and vertical mobility. Horizontal mobility refers to the processes of moving from group to group without changing social status. For example, moving from one state-owned enterprise to another, from one family to another, from one citizenship to another.

Processes of vertical mobility are associated with moving up or down the steps of the social ladder. There are upward (upward) and downward (downward) social mobility. Ascending vertical mobility includes a person's promotion to a position, transition to a managerial job, mastering a more prestigious profession, etc. Downward vertical mobility includes, for example, the process of ruining an average entrepreneur and turning him into a hired worker.

The paths along which people move from one social group to another are called channels of social mobility or social elevators. These include military service, obtaining an education, mastering a profession, getting married, acquiring property, etc.

Social mobility is often facilitated by turning points in the development of society: revolutions, wars, political upheavals, structural changes in the economy.

Question 7. Give examples of social mobility from various periods of world and domestic history.

Menshikov - from a seller of pies to a “semi-sovereign ruler” of Russia under Peter I.

M. M. Speransky - from a peasant he turned into the right hand of the emperor, then became a governor.

Question 8. Name the channels of social mobility known to you. Which ones do you think play a particularly important role in modern society?

Those methods are considered as channels of social mobility - they are conventionally called “steps of the ladder”, “elevators” - using which people can move up and down in the social hierarchy. For the most part, such channels at different times were: political authorities and socio-political organizations, economic structures and professional labor organizations (labor collectives, firms with a built-in system of production property, corporate institutions, etc.), as well as the army, church, school, family and clan ties.

These are channels for an individual’s transition from one social position to another within a social stratum. (marriage, career, education, family, etc.)

The choice of an elevator (channel) for social mobility is of great importance when choosing a profession and when recruiting personnel:

Religious organizations.

School and scientific organizations.

Political elevator, that is, government groups and parties.


Press, television, radio.

Economic organizations.

Family and marriage.

Question 9. Use specific examples to reveal the social interests of various groups in society. How do these groups act to protect their interests?

Each social group is characterized by common interests for all its members. People's interests are based on their needs. However, interests are directed not so much at the subject of needs, but at those social conditions that make this subject accessible. First of all, this concerns material and spiritual benefits that ensure the satisfaction of needs.

Social interests are embodied in activity - its direction, character, results. So, from your history course you know about the interest of peasants and farmers in the results of their labor. This interest forces them to improve production and grow higher yields. In multinational states, different nations are interested in preserving their language and their traditions. These interests contribute to the opening of national schools and classes, the publication of books by national authors, and the emergence of cultural-national societies that organize a variety of activities for children and adults. By competing with each other, various groups of entrepreneurs defend their economic interests. Representatives of certain professions periodically declare their professional needs.

A social group is capable of realizing its interests and consciously acting in their defense.

The pursuit of social interests may lead a group to influence policy. Using a variety of means, a social group can influence the adoption by power structures of decisions that suit it. Such means may be letters and personal appeals from group representatives to authorities, appearances in the media, demonstrations, marches, rallies, picketing and other social protests. In every country there are laws that allow certain targeted actions of social groups in defense of their interests.

In an effort to satisfy their interests, various social forces often strive to gain power or gain the opportunity to participate in its implementation. Evidence of the struggle and compromise of various social interests is the activity of parliamentary groups when adopting the country's laws and other decisions.

Question 10. What is the practical significance of knowledge about the social structure of society?

The practical significance of knowledge about the social structure of society makes it possible to identify group diversity and determine the vertical sequence of the position of social layers, strata in society, and their hierarchy.


Question 1. The US National Democratic Institute has published a methodological manual “How to Win Elections?” It recommends that you begin planning your election campaign by studying the social structure of your constituency. What do you think is the reason for this practical advice? How can the obtained data on the situation of various social groups in the district affect the election campaign?

Any campaign elected to a particular post through voting must first of all represent the interests of citizens. What interests should be represented? What worries, or conversely, pleases the population now, and what do they want in the future? Studying your target audience helps answer these questions. It will be easier to win elections because people will hear what they want to hear, but it will be fairer if they also see it in practice.

Question 2. A former worker started his own business and became an entrepreneur. What social phenomenon does this example illustrate?

This example illustrates the phenomenon of social mobility, i.e. the possibility of changing the social layer, in this case - from a lower to a higher one.

How to properly prepare for social studies:

  1. Constant practice is required.
    • Pay special attention to the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2019. The demo version from FIPI will help you understand the structure of the ticket and understand the requirements. will guide you on what topics you need to study.
    • Prepared for the solution 10 training options with answers. They were developed by teachers based on a demo version.
    • The more tests are solved, the higher the preparedness will be, as the memorization mechanism is triggered. Don't be lazy to work on your mistakes. Solve online tests every week until you make mistakes. Registered users on the site can track statistics of solved tests.
  2. Manage your time correctly to solve practice tests to get the maximum number of points.
    • Tasks 1-3 and 10 are solved in 1-4 minutes;
    • Tasks 4-9 and 11-28 are given from 2 to 8 minutes;
    • Tasks 29 - 45 minutes.
  3. Work with text

      To complete standard tasks 21-24, skills in working with text information are important. When training to solve Unified State Exam tests in social studies online, pay attention to tasks that require not just extracting and reproducing the essence from the information sheet, but also interpretation, your own understanding of what was said or written, and the use of social science knowledge in the formulation.

      Task No. 29 (essay) includes 5 alternative tasks focused on writing an essay on one of 5 topics. Topics represent statements by famous public figures, as well as representatives of politics, science and culture. The task is traditionally considered the most difficult in CMMs.

      Helpful hint: To write a high-quality essay, you must be able to reveal the meaning of a judgment (statements, quotes), draw on the studied provisions of the social sciences, draw your own conclusions and elaborate with vivid examples.

Converting points to grades

  • 0-41 points - “unsatisfactory”;
  • 42-54 points - “C”;
  • 55-66 points – “good”;
  • 67 points and above - “excellent”.

The minimum is 42, and the maximum is 100.

The Unified State Exam test in social studies consists of:

  • Part 1– of 20 problems, with a short answer in the form of a word, several words or numbers. Half of the tasks are at the basic level, the other half are at the advanced level. The first part is worth 35 primary points.
  • Part 2– of 9 problems, with a detailed answer. Tasks 21 and 22 are basic, and from 23 to 29 are of increased complexity and are worth 30 points. Look with a detailed answer in social studies.


  • In 2019, the social studies exam will take 235 minutes (3 hours 55 minutes).
  • It is forbidden to take with you foreign objects (cheat sheets, smartphones, headphones, smart watches, etc.).
  • On the last day before the exam, review the material covered and review the solved options again.

Presentation-simulator for preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies in the 2017-2018 academic year. Option 13.

Prepared by a teacher of history and social studies of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School of the village. Perekopnoye, Ershov district, Saratov region” named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.I. Kireev. Ermakov Ivan Alexandrovich




1. Write down the word missing in the table.

Features of scientific knowledge



Empirical data acquire a scientific character only when they are included in a system of theoretical principles and conclusions

Any theoretical position or hypothesis must be justified

Features of scientific knowledge.

Answer: evidence.




In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented. Write this word down.

Ability; makings; giftedness; talent; genius.

Answer: abilities.




Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, represent features of mass culture.

  • Commercial nature; 2) accessibility; 3) use of special effects; 4) entertaining in nature; 5) complexity of form and content; 6) a narrow circle of consumers.

Answer: 5 6




Choose the correct statements about society and social change and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • Society is the totality of all forms of association of people and ways of their interaction.
  • Revolution as a form of social change, as a rule, is carried out on the initiative of the authorities.
  • The division of spheres of public life is based on the basic needs of society and the individual.
  • The humanistic nature of progress is associated with increased production and increased labor productivity.
  • Society is a complex system consisting of interconnected and interacting elements.

Answer: 1 3 5.


Forms of knowledge

A) perception

B) sensation

B) presentation

D) judgment

D) concept

Stages of cognition

  • sensory cognition
  • rational cognition

Answer: A B C D E


Establish a correspondence between the forms and stages of cognition: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Forms of knowledge

A) perception

B) sensation

B) presentation

D) judgment

D) concept

Stages of cognition

  • sensory cognition
  • rational cognition

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E

1 1 1 2 2


  • Buddhism
  • Shintoism
  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Taoism



Imagine that you are helping a teacher prepare a presentation for a social studies lesson on the topic “Religion as a form (area) of spiritual culture.” One of the slides is called “World Religions.” Which of the following should be included on this slide? Write down the numbers under which these religions are listed.

  • Buddhism
  • Shintoism
  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Taoism

Answer: 1 3 4.




Choose the correct statements about the role of the state in the economy and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • In a market economy, the government sets prices for all goods and services.
  • The state, in market conditions, carries out centralized planning of production and consumption.
  • The state, in a market environment, satisfies the needs for public goods or public goods.
  • The state has a certain influence on the market economy when implementing monetary policy.
  • Government intervention in the economy is associated with imperfections in the market mechanism.

Answer: 3 4 5.



D) retraining of workers

Types of Economic Growth

  • intensive
  • extensive

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E


Indicate the correspondence between factors and types of economic growth: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) increase in the number of service personnel

B) construction of new enterprises producing an existing range of products

B) expansion of cultivated areas

D) retraining of workers

D) replacement of outdated equipment with more modern ones

Types of Economic Growth

  • intensive
  • extensive

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E

2 2 2 1 1


  • banknotes
  • coupons
  • bonds
  • stock



Pyotr Fedorovich invests his savings in purchasing various securities. Find in the list below the securities that he can purchase in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • investment unit of a mutual fund
  • property insurance contract
  • banknotes
  • coupons
  • bonds
  • stock

Answer: 1 5 6.

  • high fruit yield
  • healthy eating fashion


10. The graph shows the change in supply in the fresh produce market: the supply curve has moved from position S to position S1. P is the price of the product, Q is the quantity of the product.

Which of the following factors could cause this change? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • increase in customs duties on fruit imports
  • increase in tariffs for freight transportation
  • decline in consumer income
  • high fruit yield
  • healthy eating fashion

Answer:4 5.




Choose the correct judgments about the family and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • The reproductive function of the family is manifested in providing a certain social status to family members, in the family fulfilling the role of a social elevator.
  • Family members are associated with a common life, mutual material and moral responsibility.
  • The family is one of the subjects of social control.
  • The family is called upon to create conditions for the physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development of the child.
  • The uniqueness of the family lies in the fact that it simultaneously represents both a social institution and a small social group.

Answer:2 3 4 5.


12. During a survey of adult citizens of countries Z and Y, they were asked the question: “To what extent does the state fulfill its responsibilities to citizens?” The results obtained (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a diagram.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • The share of those who noted that the state fully fulfills its responsibilities to citizens is greater in country Z than in country Y.
  • Equal shares of surveyed residents of country Z noted that the state fully fulfills and does not fulfill its responsibilities to citizens at all.
  • In country Y, the share of those who noted that for the most part the state does not fulfill its responsibilities to citizens is greater than the share of those who noted that the state fully fulfills its responsibilities.
  • The share of those who noted that the state completely fails to fulfill its responsibilities to citizens is greater in country Z than in country Y.
  • The same proportions of respondents in both countries noted that the state equally fulfills and does not fulfill its responsibilities to citizens.

Answer: 1 2 3.




Choose the correct statements about democracy and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • Democracy can fully function in a society with a high level of general and political culture.
  • Democracy is characterized by state control over the private lives of citizens.
  • State power in a democracy can be considered legitimate if its formation and implementation is supported by the people in accordance with the rules of law through the free expression of the will of voters in free elections.
  • Democracy is characterized by the right of a minority to oppose while being subject to the decisions of the majority.
  • Democracy is characterized by the dominance of the ideology of one party in the political arena.

Answer: 1 3 4.



B) granting pardon

  • President of the Russian Federation
  • Government of the Russian Federation

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E


Establish a correspondence between the functions and the subjects of state power of the Russian Federation that perform them: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) management of federal property

B) development of presentation to the State Duma of the federal budget

B) granting pardon

D) resolving issues of granting political asylum

D) implementation of measures to ensure the defense of the country

Subjects of state power of the Russian Federation

  • President of the Russian Federation
  • Government of the Russian Federation

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E

2 2 1 1 2


  • ruling
  • conservative
  • opposition
  • liberal
  • massive
  • personnel



A new political party was registered in State Z. It has a central office and regional branches, as well as many permanent members. The party stands for the preservation of traditional values ​​and defends the need to adapt any changes in society to traditional institutions. During the elections, the political party received the required number of votes and received a majority of seats in parliament. Which of the following characterizes the type of political party described in this situation? Write down the numbers under which the correct characteristics are indicated.

  • ruling
  • conservative
  • opposition
  • liberal
  • massive
  • personnel

Answer: 1 2 5.




Select from the list given the sentences that characterize the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • In relations with federal government bodies, all subjects of the Russian Federation have equal rights.
  • The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people.
  • A citizen is liable for his obligations with all the property belonging to him, with the exception of property that cannot be foreclosed on in accordance with the law.
  • Unreasonable refusal to conclude an employment contract is prohibited.
  • Land and other natural resources can be in private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership.

Answer: 1 2 5.




Choose the correct judgments about the bodies called upon to protect the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • One of the functions of law enforcement agencies is to strengthen law and order.
  • Law enforcement agencies take part in creating a taxation system.
  • The internal affairs bodies are entrusted with the task of identifying and investigating crimes.
  • Lawyers provide legal assistance and defense in criminal cases.
  • A single centralized system of federal bodies overseeing the accurate and uniform implementation of laws is called the police.

Answer: 1 3 4.


A) public funds

D) religious organizations

Types of legal entities

  • commercial
  • non-profit

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E


Establish a correspondence between organizational and legal forms and types of legal entities: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Organizational and legal forms of legal entities

A) public funds

B) business partnerships

B) production cooperatives

D) state unitary enterprises

D) religious organizations

Types of legal entities

  • commercial
  • non-profit

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E

2 1 1 1 2


  • To buy an apartment
  • Sell ​​a car



Artyom is 14 years old. Find in the list of actions that he, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, can independently carry out. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • Set aside part of your scholarship to buy a gift for your little sister.
  • Deposit money donated by parents into a bank account
  • Manage wages received at summer labor camp
  • To buy an apartment
  • Sell ​​a car
  • Exercise the rights of the author of the created musical work

Answer: 1 2 3 6.


Fill in the missing words:


  • certain deadlines

Answer: A B C D E E


Fill in the missing words:

“A marriage contract is an agreement between the persons entering into marriage, or an agreement between the spouses, defining ____(A) spouses in marriage and (or) in the event of its dissolution. A marriage contract can be concluded both before state registration__(B) and at any time during the marriage. The marriage contract is concluded in writing and is subject to _____(B). By means of a marriage contract, spouses have the right to change the statutory _____(G) and establish a regime of joint, shared or separate ownership of all property of the spouses. The rights and obligations provided for in a marriage contract may be limited _____(D) or made dependent on the occurrence or non-occurrence of certain conditions. A marriage contract cannot limit the legal capacity or capacity of the spouses, their right to go to court to protect their rights; regulate____(E), the rights and obligations of spouses in relation to children.”


  • joint property regime 6) marriage
  • personal non-property relations 7) property rights and obligations
  • time restrictions 8) divorce
  • notarization 9) medical examination.
  • certain deadlines

Answer: A B C D E E

7 6 4 1 5 2

Part 2.

The primary element of the system of constitutional law is the legal norm - the initial particle of the branch of law. If there are objective prerequisites, the norms are integrated into the institutions of constitutional law. An institution is a group, a complex of interrelated norms of constitutional law that regulate a certain type of similar, similar in content, related social relations. It includes not only norms and rules of behavior, but also constituent (initial) norms that participate in systemic interaction in the process of constitutional and legal regulation of social relations.

Part 2.

The institution of constitutional regulation of social relations integrated legal norms establishing the supreme legal force of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, its direct effect in law-forming significance, criteria for the constitutionality of legal acts and their enforcement, the relationship between national and international law.

Part 2.

The institution of a federal structure, the state unites in its composition the constitutional and legal norms that determine the status of the Russian Federation and its subjects, the sovereignty of the state and its symbols, the delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction and powers between government bodies of the Federation and its subjects, the procedure for admission into the Russian Federation and formation within it of a new subject, the composition of the territory of the state, the constitutional foundations of the regime of the state border and borders between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a single economic, currency and customs space throughout the territory of Russia.

Part 2.

The institution of presidential power includes as its elements legal norms that establish the status of the President of the Russian Federation, the procedure for his assumption of office, the powers of the President of the Russian Federation as the head of state, the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Russia, the immunity of the President of the Russian Federation , grounds for early termination of the exercise of his powers, types of legal regulations issued by the President of the Russian Federation on issues within his competence. These norms are contained both in a special chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and in its subsequent chapters.

Part 2.

The structure of the institution of legislative power is formed by legal norms establishing the status of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the procedure for its interaction with other state bodies, and the general principles of organizing the system of legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Part 2.

The Institute of Executive Power of the Constitutional Law of Russia consists of legal norms that establish the basis for the formation of a unified system of executive power in the Russian Federation and its structure, the status of the Government of the Russian Federation, the general principles of the organization of executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The institution of judicial power integrated constitutional and legal norms that establish the legal definition of the judicial power, its basic principles, the system of federal judicial bodies, the procedure for their organization and activities, the mechanism for appointing judges, their status and legal guarantees of independence in the administration of justice.

(A.I. Kazannik, A.N. Kostyukov)



What three elements of a system of constitutional law are mentioned in the text? What legal properties (features) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are established by constitutional law?


  • legal norm, institution of constitutional law, branch of law;
  • the highest legal force of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, its direct effect and legal significance.


The implementation of what foundations of the constitutional system of Russia is ensured by the institutions discussed in the text? Using the text and social science knowledge, identify any three foundations of the constitutional order and the corresponding institutions.



  • Russia is a federal state, the federal structure of the Russian Federation is based on its state integrity, the unity of the system of state power, the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers between the government bodies of the Russian Federation and the government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (the institution of the federal structure);
  • state power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial (institution of legislative power, institute of executive power, institute of judicial power);
  • The source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people (the institution of legislative power, the institution of presidential power).


Using social science knowledge and facts of public life, illustrate with examples the order of interaction of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a) with the President of the Russian Federation; b) with the Government of the Russian Federation; c) with the judicial authorities of the Russian Federation.



a) the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the State Duma presented draft law Z introduced by the President of the Russian Federation; after the bill was adopted by the Duma, it was sent to the Federation Council;

b) The Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation made a report at the parliamentary hour in the State Duma, and then met with members of the Federation Council Committee on the Budget and Financial Markets;

c) The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation recognized the law adopted by the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation as constitutional.


The text states that constitutional law establishes the relationship between national and international law. Using the text, social science knowledge, and social facts, provide three explanations for why this ratio needs to be specifically adjusted.



  • The state ratifies various legal conventions, the content of which may not correspond to the current norms of national legislation; accordingly, changes in national legislation and a certain preparatory period may be required;
  • Subjects of law are engaged in entrepreneurial activities not only in the country, but abroad, and conduct joint business with foreign enterprises; in these conditions, a clearly established relationship between national and international law is necessary;
  • Citizens and companies have the right, under certain conditions, to protect their interests in international courts, therefore it is necessary to establish a legal framework for the validity of decisions of international courts.


What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “wages”? Drawing on knowledge from your social studies course, write two sentences: one sentence containing information about forms of wages, and one sentence revealing any of the reasons for persistent differences in wages among workers.



1) Payment for labor services provided by employees;

2) There are payments in the form of salary, piecework and bonus forms of remuneration;

3) One of the reasons for persistent differences in wages is the different qualifications of workers.



What institutions (organizations, groups), besides the family, are involved in the socialization of the individual? Name any three institutions (organizations, groups) and give an example of the influence of each of them on the socialization of the individual.


  • School (a first grader learns to maintain discipline in the classroom and do homework);
  • A company of friends (from friends a person learns about important events, new music and cinema, and receives everyday information);
  • Media (by disseminating information about various events in the country and the world, public figures, the media influence the formation of public and individual consciousness).


In country Z, the government is formed by the political party (bloc of parties) that wins the elections. Deputy seats (mandates) are distributed in proportion to the votes cast for lists of candidates from parties that have overcome the 7 percent threshold. What type of electoral system is country Z? Name two advantages and two disadvantages of this electoral system.



  • Proportional electoral system;
  • Advantages:

-involves active activity of political parties, including opposition ones;

-stability of political elites, the pursued political course;

3) disadvantages:

There is no personal responsibility of parliamentarians to voters, there is no mechanism for recalling deputies by the population;

-as a rule, small parties that are unable to overcome the electoral threshold are not represented in parliament;

-the emergence of new political leaders and the renewal of elites is difficult.


You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “The problem of social stratification.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.



  • What is social stratification.
  • Criteria for social stratification:

a) power;

b) income and wealth;

c) prestige of the profession;

d) level of education.

3) Historical stratification system:

a) slavery;

b) castes;

c) classes;

d) classes.

4) Social stratification and social inequality.


  • Unified State Exam. Social science. Typical exam options. O.A.Kotova, T.E. Lisova. Publishing house National Education. Moscow. 2018

The answers to tasks 1–20 are a number, or a sequence of numbers, or a word (phrase). Write your answers in the fields to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.


Write down the word missing in the table.


In the given series, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

Classroom; labor collective; parental family; socialization agent; MASS MEDIA:


Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of “social regression”.

1) movement, 2) change, 3) technical revolution, 4) improvement, 5) decline, 6) degradation.

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.


Choose the correct judgments about truth and its criteria and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. True knowledge always corresponds to the object being known.

2. The criterion of true knowledge is its compliance with the interests of the knowing subject.

3. Relative truth is knowledge that changes as the capabilities of knowledge develop.

4. Truth is associated with the conditions of place, time, etc., which must be taken into account in the process of cognition.

5. True knowledge is always shared by the majority of people.


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and the corresponding types of worldview


In country Z, extensive technology and hand tools predominate. What other signs indicate that country Z is developing as a traditional society? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. the main social units are the tribe and the extended family

2. there is an increase in the urban population

3. oral information prevails over written information

4. infrastructure is intensively developing

5. scientific knowledge is widely disseminated

6. subsistence farming dominates


Choose the correct statements about unemployment and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. In a market economy, there is a natural level of unemployment.

2. Seasonal unemployment is caused by structural changes in the economy.

3. Mass unemployment is accompanied by a decline in the standard of living of the majority of the population.

4. The inability to find employment due to differences in the structure of demand and supply of labor services of different qualifications gives rise to cyclical unemployment.

5. Lack of awareness of the unemployed about vacancies suitable for them may be the cause of frictional unemployment.


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of competition (competitive markets): for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


You are asked to prepare a presentation on factors of production. Which of the following can be included in the “Labor as a Factor of Production” slide? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Relevant provisions.

1. Factor income - profit.

2. Factor income - employee wages.

3. All types of natural resources available on the planet and suitable for the production of vital goods.

4. The limitation of this factor is due to the volume of money supply in circulation.

5. The activities of people in the production of goods and services by using their physical and intellectual capabilities, professional skills and experience.

6. The limitation of this factor is due to the size of the working population; its territorial location, professional structure, religious and cultural traditions, etc.



Choose the correct judgments about social conflicts and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. Social conflicts can be both constructive and destructive.

2. Misunderstanding of the reasons causing the conflict can lead to an increase in its scale.

3. The parties to the conflict during its development are able to unite to achieve their goals.

4. One of the ways to resolve social conflict is to continue confrontation.

5. Social conflict is always generated by economic reasons.


Scientists studied the consumer behavior of residents of countries Z and Y during the economic crisis. The histogram shows data (as a percentage of the number of respondents) on how consumer demand changed during the year.

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The share of those who began to buy products of cheaper brands is greater in country Z than in country Y.

2. Equal shares of respondents in both surveys noted that they refused to purchase some products.

3. The share of those who began to buy fewer products and go to the store less often is greater in country Z than in country Y.

4. Among those surveyed in country Z, the share of those who refused to purchase some products is greater than the share of those who believed that the crisis did not affect consumer demand.

5. Among respondents in country Y, the share of those who began to buy fewer products and went to the store less often is greater than the share of those who buy products of cheaper brands.


Select the correct judgments about the political elite and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The political elite is a small independent group ready to make political decisions.

2. The political elite is a group of people who are the source of power in any state.

3. The main functions of the political elite include the production and consumption of material goods.

4. The political elite nominates political leaders.

5. In relation to state power, there is a ruling elite and a counter-elite.


Establish a correspondence between the issues and the subjects of state power of the Russian Federation to whose jurisdiction they relate


Head of State Z is the supreme commander of the armed forces of the state. What other signs indicate that the form of government of state Z is a monarchy? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. The head of state receives power by inheritance.

2. The most notable people are among the advisers to the head of state.

3. Laws are adopted by the parliament elected by citizens.

4. The state consists of several administrative-territorial units.

5. The head of state enjoys his power for life.

6. Upon taking office, the head of state takes an oath.


Which of the following refers to the constitutional duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. defense of the Fatherland

2. payment of legally established taxes and fees

3. participation in the management of state affairs

4. choice of activity and profession

5. preservation of historical and cultural heritage


What is included in the legal system? Select the required items from the list provided and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. legal custom

2. rule of law

3. branch of law

4. legal sanction

5. Institute of Law

6. legal precedent


Establish a correspondence between the actions and elements of the employee’s legal status in the Russian Federation: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


Kirill Arkadyevich - prosecutor. Find in the list of actions included in the prosecutor’s terms of reference and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. represent and defend the interests of the accused in court

2. make copies of documents

3. carry out criminal prosecution on behalf of the state during criminal proceedings

4. ensure the legality and validity of the state prosecution during criminal proceedings

5. oversee the implementation of laws

6. draw up wills, certify the accuracy of the signature

Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.


“The political elite is one of the __________(A) of politics. It is classified as an institutional component__________(B). This is a narrow circle of persons exercising power in society. In__________ (B) it is customary to divide this social stratum into two groups. The first is based on land ownership, __________(G), religion, origin, and therefore belongs to the traditional type. The basis of the second, modern group is political knowledge, experience, __________ (D) in matters of social life. It is difficult to get into the first group; the main __________ (E) selection of people is their origin and personal devotion. Members of the second group also regulate the process of new faces coming in, but the main requirement is professionalism.”

The words (phrases) in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once.

Select one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words (phrases) in the list than you will need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

1. political system of society

2. social structure of society

3. competence

4. criterion

5. subject

6. economics

7. wealth

9. political science

Part 2.

First write down the number of the task (28, 29, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-24.

The main contradiction that modern man is faced with is the sharp discrepancy between the biological and social capabilities of man and the civilizational capabilities that the world, built on the latest achievements of science and technology, gives him. Which is why the problem arises: what state is the world heading towards? The first option: it could be a more developed world, progressing economically, politically, morally and otherwise. But there may be another option: a world deteriorating in some of these relationships or in all of them at once. But so far only one thing is clear: humanity... received by the beginning of the 21st century. very powerful means of influencing both nature and society...

Man as a socio-biological being functions at the intersection of two opposing types of needs. Necessities of the first type are a combination of biological, social and other needs. Among them, the leading ones are the needs coming from the human body. A person needs to eat, drink, rest, needs some minimum level of comfort, some kind of personal circle of communication, etc. All this, in a certain context, can serve as the basis for egoistic strategies of human existence. Thus, the well-being of one specific individual, one family, (a certain circle of people connected by blood or business ties, etc.) can be placed at the center of such strategies.

The needs of the second type are associated with the socio-spiritual content of human consciousness and, first of all, with moral and ethical norms, among which human conscience, understood in different ways by different philosophical schools, comes first. But all these schools agree on one thing: it is conscience that is an integral component of such experiences as compassion, altruism, heroism, etc. Conscience is also one of the components of spirituality... The situation of modern life is such that... lack of spirituality begins to permeate the entire society, and one of its most dangerous consequences is a decrease in the sense of responsibility of the individual. Such a decrease in the responsibility of the individual can be carried out in a certain “corridor” - from inattention to the object of communication or control, etc. until his needs and interests are completely ignored. If a soulless person finds himself at vital points in the state, economic, political, etc. mechanism, then its inadequate actions can lead to various kinds of disasters.

(T.D. Sterledeva, R.K. Sterledeva)

What two types of necessities of human existence are noted by the authors? What is the main contradiction, according to the authors, that modern man faces?

Show answer


1) two types of needs (answer to the first question): a set of biological, social and other needs; necessities associated with the socio-spiritual content of human consciousness;

2) contradiction (answer to the second question): a sharp discrepancy between the biological or social capabilities of man and the civilizational capabilities that the world, built with the latest achievements of science and technology, gives him.

Elements of the answer can be given in other, similar in meaning formulations

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) answer to question: one of the most dangerous consequences of lack of spirituality is a decrease in the individual’s sense of responsibility;

(The answer to the question can be given in a different formulation that is similar in meaning.)

2) judgment, revealing the contradictory influence of mass culture on the spirituality of the individual, for example: works of mass culture often promote violence, which negatively affects the spirituality of the individual; At the same time, mass culture (within the framework of educational programs) gives the average viewer the opportunity to become familiar with the masterpieces of world culture. A different judgment may be expressed.

A judgment that does not reveal the contradictory influence of mass culture, but only any of the aspects of influence, is not counted in the assessment

The authors claim that humanity received by the beginning of the 21st century. very powerful means of influencing nature and society. Name any one means of influencing nature and any one means of influencing society and illustrate with examples the effect of each of the means.

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The correct answer should include means of influence and the corresponding examples:

1) nuclear energy (for example, after an accident at a nuclear power plant, all components of the region’s natural environment were exposed to radioactive contamination);

2) electronic media (for example, under the influence of media information, citizens began to massively buy foreign currency, creating a crisis situation in the banking sector).

Other means of influence may be named and other examples given.

The authors proposed two options for answering the question: what state is the world heading towards? Which of these answer options seems more reasonable to you? Using your social science knowledge, provide three reasons to support your opinion.

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) option to answer the question: a more developed, progressive world OR a degrading world;

2) confirmation:

if you select the first answer to the question it can be said that

The duration, level and quality of people’s lives are increasing;

Science and technology are actively developing;

Democracy and civil society are developing;

if you choose the second answer to the question it can be said that

In the modern world, wars do not stop, millions of people suffer from hunger and disease;

There is a large gap in the quality of life of the population of the most developed (“golden billion”) and the poorest countries of the world;

Mass culture broadcasts works that are incompatible with moral values ​​and ideas of beauty.

Other evidence for the chosen point of view may be provided.

What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “inflation”? Using your social science course knowledge, write two sentences: one sentence containing information about the cause(s) of inflation, and one sentence revealing the essence of any type of inflation.

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The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) meaning of the concept, for example: inflation is the process of depreciation of money and a decrease in its purchasing power, manifested in an increase in the general price level;

(Another, similar definition or explanation of the meaning of the concept may be given.)

2) one sentence with information about the cause(s) of inflation based on knowledge of the exchange rate, for example: One of the causes of inflation is the unjustified growth of the money supply in circulation.;

(Another sentence may be written containing information about the cause(s) of inflation.)

3) one sentence, which, based on knowledge of the exchange rate, reveals the essence of any type of inflation, for example: Creeping inflation is characterized by an average annual increase in prices of 3-5%.

(Another sentence can be drawn up that reveals, based on knowledge of the course, the essence of any type of inflation.)

Based on social science knowledge and personal experience, model a specific situation that illustrates negative deviant behavior. Give three examples of informal negative sanctions that are possible in this case.

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The answer must contain the following elements:

1) situation model negative deviant behavior: K. let down his workmates: he did not fulfill his obligations to organize an evening dedicated to the anniversary of the oldest employee of the company;

2) three examples informal negative sanctions, for example:

Some of his colleagues refused to shake his hand when they met him;

Some colleagues reprimanded him;

The artist drew a caricature.

Other relevant situations may be modeled and other relevant examples of sanctions may be provided.

In country Z, the government is formed by the bloc of parties that won the elections. Deputy seats (mandates) in the legislative assembly are distributed among lists of candidates in proportion to the votes cast for the lists of candidates, if these parties have overcome the 5 percent threshold. What type of electoral system is country Z? What is the other type of electoral system called? Name the difference between these two systems. Name any common feature of electoral systems in a democratic society.

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The correct answer must contain the following elements:1) type- proportional electoral system;2) other type- majoritarian electoral system: 3) difference, for example: in a proportional system, voters vote for party lists, and not for specific candidates, as in a majoritarian system. (Another difference can be formulated);4) common feature, for example: - general equal elections by secret ballot; - alternative nature of elections; - candidates provide information about their income. Other common features of these electoral systems in a democratic society can be given

You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Russian legal system.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

Show answer

One of the options for covering this topic

1. The concept of the legal system.

2. Basic elements of the legal system:

a) rule of law;

b) institute of law;

c) branch of law.

3. Main branches of Russian law:

b) civil law;

c) labor law;

d) criminal law;

e) criminal procedural law, etc.

4. Substantive and procedural law (subparagraphs may be given).

5. Public law:

a) constitutional (state) law;

b) criminal law;

c) administrative law, etc.

6. Private law:

a) civil law;

b) business law, etc.

7. The Constitution of the Russian Federation in the system of Russian law.

8. Reflection of the features of social development in the legal system.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in nominal, question or mixed forms

By completing task 29, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills on the content that is more attractive to you. For this purpose, select only ONE of the statements below (29.1-29.5).

Choose one of the statements proposed below, reveal its meaning in the form of a mini-essay, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised).

When expressing your thoughts about the raised problem (designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained from studying the social studies course, relevant concepts, as well as facts of social life and your own life experience. (Give at least two examples from different sources for factual argumentation.)

29.1. Philosophy“The less people know, the more extensive their knowledge seems to them.” (J.-J. Rousseau)

29.2. Economy“Questions: what? How? and for whom? production would not be a problem if resources were not limited.” (P. Samuelson)

29.3. Sociology, social psychology“Man is a fundamental novelty in nature.” (N.A. Berdyaev)

29.4. Political science“The main achievement of democracy is the right to say “no.” (Yu. Nesterenko)

29.5. Jurisprudence“The wise legislator begins not by making laws, but by examining their suitability for a given society.” (J.-J. Rousseau)

Suicide, suicide (from Latin sui caedere - to kill oneself) is the deliberate taking of one’s life, independent and voluntary.

In fact, we are forced to consider suicide and all its manifestations, both from the point of view of atheists and from the point of view of people who believe in God.

All suicides are divided into two main groups:
1.True. – parasuicide
With true cases of suicide, everything is clear. true suicide is, as a rule, a well-planned event, the goal of which is to take one’s own life at any cost, regardless of the opinions and reactions of relatives, friends, etc. A person calmly decides to commit suicide and commits it for one reason or another . This may be a feeling of guilt for involvement in someone’s death, involvement in theft; it was customary for captains of merchant ships to remain on the bridge of a sinking ship, because in the event of his death, the family would not have to compensate the costs to the shipowner. There are cases of suicide on a dare and much more.

2. Demonstrative. – pseudosuicide.

Pseudo-suicide is considered demonstrative because it is not so much an attempt to commit suicide, but a kind of protest, as if a cry for help, despair and a desire for other people to pay attention to this despair. (And let everyone know that I can do this and everyone will be ashamed)

This happens more to the youngest people. There can be a great many reasons for such demonstrative suicides.

; This may be a resentment towards the entire world around him because the young man cannot achieve the goals he has set for himself. For example, in the army there were quite frequent cases of suicide due to the fact that girls refused to wait for a soldier to return from service and married other men. Unable to survive such betrayal, some soldiers, having access to weapons, committed suicide. It is clear that life does not end with this betrayal and you need to build your life further, but at the moment of passion, the suicide does not think so. He is experiencing severe emotional shock. The thought that now all life will consist of such emotional experiences pushes a person to a rash act. Not everyone can force themselves to think at such a moment.

; A person may feel despair because he is unable to assert himself in society, and everyone around him humiliates him. Daily experiences can lead him to a state of passion (strong emotional experience) due to which he decides to commit suicide. To save yourself from shame and prove others wrong.

Both atheists and believers agree that the good attitude of people towards each other, the love of people protects them from such a phenomenon as suicide. When a person knows that no matter what happens, he will return home. To a place where he is loved and expected, and where he will be at peace. There he will rest from problems and prepare for a new difficult day.
There are cases when people wait for such a return home for years. If they are somewhere very far away. The memory of that love of your loved ones helps you survive anything. Therefore, you need to love each other and appreciate what you have.

The suicide statistics are very alarming. All over the world, a huge number of people who decide to take their own lives are dying.

Among them, the vast majority are young people.

As age increases, the number of suicides decreases. And only a small surge in suicides occurs among older people.

According to WHO, every 40 seconds someone on Earth dies deliberately, committing suicide.

Among people aged 15 to 29, death from suicide is the second most common cause of death. In first place is death from all external factors. Accidents, transport disasters, death at work....

Statistics also show that of all the people who commit suicide, 80% of all cases occur in men, and 20% in women. However, women are 4 times more likely than men to attempt suicide.
That is, the same thing happens when women and men attempt suicide. Only men die 4 times more often.

Every year, about one million people in the world die due to suicide, from 10 to 20 million make attempts.”

“Russia has the highest suicide rate among teenagers in Europe. Every year, 1,500 children commit suicide and another 4,000 attempt suicide. According to UNICEF, 45% of Russian girls and 27% of Russian boys have seriously considered suicide at least once in their lives.” Pavel Astakhov,

The Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights says:
The state keeps the exact number of suicides secret. Some are registered as accidents. If we don't address the roots of this problem, we will lose an entire generation.

Unlike adults, children are not yet able to actively fight depression. Any influence from strangers that can cause mental pain to a child can cause thoughts of suicide in him. That is why you need to be especially lenient when dealing with children. Although it is in childhood that human character is formed, its strength and ability to withstand life’s problems. You cannot deprive a child of difficulties, but you also cannot humiliate him.

Orthodox Christians say the most common reason for suicide is despair. Among supporters of Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism), despair has always been considered a sin and was prohibited. We sympathized with people who faced various trials and tried to help them overcome despair.

It cannot be said that this was universal, but everyone treated other people’s troubles with understanding. Suicide was condemned by people because it is believed that a suicide not only succumbs to despair, but by killing himself does not leave himself time for repentance. Therefore, the Orthodox Church does not bury suicides, does not serve a memorial service for them, and does not pray for the repose of their souls during services. In pre-revolutionary Russia, suicides were buried behind the cemetery fence.

The Church refuses to commemorate suicides not because it does not mourn their fate or does not sympathize with the grief of their loved ones. She does not do this for the same reason that she does not pray for the unbaptized. That is, a person who killed himself turned away from God.

Life is given to a person by God, only He has the right to decide when it will end - and it doesn’t matter how pleasant life is to a person. From the point of view of a Christian, Muslim, Jew, earthly life is a path of trials that must be accepted with humility. If a person withstands life's trials, then he improves spiritually.

If a person voluntarily renounces life and the trials it brings, the person puts his own will above the will of God, thereby demonstrating a worldview that is absolutely inconsistent with Christian doctrine.

According to faith, God sends a person not only trials, but also punishments if the person deserves them. They are sometimes difficult to distinguish from each other. God's trials force a person to react to them in some way. Strong people endure them and become even stronger. Weak people fall first into despondency and then into despair. If a person cannot stand it, he can become a suicide.

It is believed that God sends a person such tests that he is able to withstand. For strong people, difficult trials, for weak people, easier trials.

However, Christians have several days a year when it is customary in church to remember suicides. This is done because all people, according to the Christian faith, are created in the image and likeness of God.

It should be noted that various pagan cults encouraged suicide, especially ritual suicide. For example, suicide, like sacrificing oneself to an idol. Human sacrifice among the pagans could surprise few people, but personal sacrifice of oneself was considered the most powerful. This was the case among Japanese Shintoists, and among the Mayan Indians, and among many other peoples.

According to various sources, in Japan, after the signing of the surrender in 1945, from 35 to 200 thousand Japanese men committed suicide by committing “harakiri” or “sepuku”. According to statistics, more than 200 thousand civilians died from the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in this war.

About 1000 Jews on Mount Masada in the 1st century AD. e. preferred suicide to Roman slavery.

Today there are online suicide clubs that encourage people to commit suicide in groups. However, all this is always associated with the appropriation of money from the suicides. The names of sects and Internet clubs are not advertised for obvious reasons.

There is an opinion that people who profess reincarnation are more prone to suicide. That is, the transmigration of souls after death into other bodies. Let's not refute anything. Let each person profess those ideas that he considers correct, but any attempt to disrupt the process of life's journey cannot but bring conflict into life itself. No matter how much we strive to turn the page of our life, it must be finished reading.

Nowadays, instead of such a concept as despair, another is used. This is: lack of motivation. This concept was born among atheists who reject the existence of the human soul, which means that all psychophysical processes in a person are represented as material.

Motivation - from the Latin “movere” - a person’s ability to actively satisfy his needs. Psychophysical process.


1. Lack of confidence and action plan. Success Diary. In order for a person to gain self-confidence, he is encouraged to keep a diary in which he will record only his successes. It is believed that re-reading this diary will complement the motivational component of a person.
2. Lack of focus or purpose. Lack of meaning in activity and life. Fear of an unknown future. List of goals. It is proposed to create such a list so that a person has something to strive for. Creating motivation.
3. Lack of an action plan. There are no goals, no action plan and no incentive for further action. To achieve your goals you need an action plan. Creating such a plan is strengthening a person’s motivation.

It is believed that if a person does not have success, goals and an action plan in life, then he tends to commit suicide. There's no point in living anymore. All this resembles despair, but unlike despair, lack of motivation is not considered a shameful sin. There is no shame at all if a person decides to commit suicide. It even creates a certain romantic aura around the suicide.

In addition, although the lack of motivation is recognized as a psychophysical process, the essence of the problem is still reduced to the material problems of a person. Everything is viewed as if it is material failures that lead a person to tragedy. There is no talk of any spiritual problem.

If a person is mentally ill, there is no mention of the person’s lack of motivation. Only his mental illness is considered here. However, believers are also lenient towards suicides who are mentally ill. For example, a priest can recognize a suicide as such a sick person and perform all the necessary rituals on him during his burial.

It just so happens that suicide manifests itself in the most unexpected forms. For example:
1. Self-sacrifice. Atheists usually call self-sacrifice altruistic suicide. Altruism is a person’s desire to selflessly help everyone. In fact, altruism is considered the antipode of egoism. Altruistic suicide refers to a person’s willingness to sacrifice himself for the sake of other people. At the same time, atheists classify a person’s self-sacrifice as suicide. For religious people, self-sacrifice is not considered suicide. On the contrary, it is welcomed in every possible way, although only as a necessary measure. Jesus Christ said: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” It is generally accepted among believers that a person who sacrifices his life for the sake of other people is not only not a suicide, but a hero.
2. Today in Europe the phenomenon of euthanasia has become widespread. Euthanasia is the voluntary death of a hopelessly ill person with the help of doctors. Today, up to 800 thousand people die this way each year. Here the opinions of atheists are divided into supporters and opponents. Someone believes that the murder of a suffering, hopelessly ill person is justified and, in a moral sense, the doctor who helped such a patient die can be justified. Proponents of euthanasia even justify monetary rewards for such killings. This is difficult to condemn, but by allowing very sick people to be killed at will, society begins to consider the possibility of killing any person at their request. Naturally for money and even demonstratively. Namely: there are already known cases when relatives of the person being killed are invited to the process of euthanasia (murder). There are even cases where people refused euthanasia at the very last moment, (they just want to live) infuriating the assembled relatives. Fortunately, not all atheists welcome euthanasia. The majority still believes that one must fight for a person’s life to the end. The human right to life is enshrined in the Constitutions of all countries of the world. Orthodox Christians are categorically against euthanasia. Euthanasia is considered murder and no mercy is seen here.
3. Hidden suicide. Behavior that usually does not lead to immediate death, but is dangerous and/or shortens life (drinking, smoking, refusal of medical care for serious illnesses, deliberate disregard for traffic rules or safety precautions, extreme sports without proper training and equipment, disregard for danger during combat actions), despite the fact that the perpetrator understands its danger, but the possible risk is indifferent to him, is called self-destructive behavior.

Protective (anti-suicidal) factors
Strong family and social ties reduce the likelihood of suicide Having children, especially for women, and pregnancy are strong risk reduction factors. Religious beliefs and, in particular, participation in religious activities, hyper-responsibility, creative plans, and fear of physical suffering often reduce the likelihood of committing suicide. The support of family and friends plays a significant role; understanding your family responsibilities; full employment; the presence of psychological coping skills (for example, the ability to cope with loss, loss or humiliation), mental agility and the presence of optimism.

Reasons for suicide:
1. Problems in personal life, unsuccessful love, family conflicts:
2. death or loss of a loved one;
3. loneliness, lack of attention and care from others;
4. failures at work, in school;
5. monetary losses;
6. changing the usual pattern of life;
7. serious illness or disfiguring defect;
8. severe depression (according to WHO reports, up to 15% of depressions end in suicide;
9. Incitement to suicide;
10. targeted harassment, slander, threats, humiliation;
11. rape, physical abuse, beatings.
12. Saturation with life, fatigue from life, lack of purpose and interest in life;
13. Religious fanaticism, ritual suicide;
14. Forced suicide (by court verdict, under the threat of painful death or reprisals against close relatives;) fear of punishment
15. Self-condemnation for an unseemly act;
16. Suicide to preserve honor (for example, hara-kiri);
17. Copycat suicide (after similar deaths of famous personalities or literary characters;
Risk factors
Approximately half of suicidal people have made at least one suicide attempt before, and after such an attempt, 1 in 100 people commit suicide within a year, which means a hundredfold increase in the risk of suicide.
Social factors:
society’s attitude towards suicides (conciliatory, encouraging, permissive, prohibitive);
socio-economic and political instability (increasing unemployment, crime, disasters, etc.);
increased migration flows;
ethnic and cultural characteristics of society (high level of religiosity, the presence of strong tribal ties, traditions of a “big family”, etc.).
Those who have never been married are most likely to commit suicide. Next in order of decreasing risk are those who are widowed, divorced, and married without children. Living alone also increases your risk. Increases the risk of suicide and family turmoil.

Maltreatment and other adverse childhood experiences increase suicidality in adulthood, at least through intervening factors closely associated with childhood adverse experiences, such as alcohol and drug abuse and depression. The risk of suicide is increased in persons who experienced cruelty and violence in childhood; in persons whose parents died when they were no more than 11 years old, or divorced each other; in persons whose upbringing was neglected in childhood.

We have touched upon only a small part of the information about such a phenomenon as suicide. The purpose of this conversation is to present suicide in its true light. The fact is that the death of a person is a sacrament and this is really so. A person sometimes romanticizes committing suicide and accepts death as a release from difficulties. But is it really that simple? Life is no less a mystery than death. But death ends life and these two sacraments cannot be interchanged. It seems to me that many people who entertain the idea of ​​suicide do not think deep down about the inevitability of death. They think that death does not exclude life.