What does a red beret mean in the army? Fashionable women's berets: how to wear the most romantic headdress correctly

Black berets are not only a headdress, but also a reference to the branch of the military that wears them. This is what people call the Marines (another name, also tied to the color of the beret - Black Death). However, in reality, not only MPs of the Russian Federation have the right to wear.

The black beret is the prerogative of tank, armored and coastal troops, Marine Corps, SOBR and OMON. Wherein only Marines wear a uniform beret. The rest are allowed a technical “variation”.

Who has the right to wear such a headdress?

Such powers are vested not only in conscripts and professional military personnel, but also in reserve, retired or retired citizens. You can lose such a right by committing illegal actions that discredit military honor. This procedure is not carried out automatically or by just anyone.

The decision can be made by the commanders of the troops (district, group of forces, fleet, front), the commander-in-chief of all the country's troops, the minister of defense and his deputy.

After the relevant order comes into force, wearing a beret will be regarded as an illegal act. Administrative punishment will be applied to the violator. It cannot be avoided by people who wear distinctive sign foreign troops as a joke or otherwise for no valid reason. In other words, civilians and former military personnel who have been deprived of their status for committing acts discrediting military honor should not wear identification marks differences between troops.

The punishment depends on who exactly committed the act. If an ordinary person, then he will have to pay a fine (1-1.5 rubles), and also hand over all his uniform items. If necessary, a search and confiscation may be assigned and carried out. A detective or other specialist of a similar profile who puts on a black beret while performing an official task will be forced to pay 1.5-2 thousand rubles. Things law enforcement agencies will be confiscated.

After what exams can I wear it?

You must prove your right to wear it by passing examination test(consists of several stages). It is carried out at the training ground at a specially designated time, the day is appointed by the commanders. Only fighters who are preparatory stage demonstrated certain physical, psycho-emotional and mental abilities.

Test progress:

Behind simple names complex due diligence is hidden. At the forced march stage, the fighter has to overcome water obstacles, prove himself in terrain orientation, and perform additional tasks(support and transfer of a friend, completion of introductory various kinds). At the same time, the military man is dressed in full form, he has a backpack over his shoulders. IN overall score ammunition weighs about the same as a pregnant woman's belly last month(this is why load data is often compared).

When crossing an obstacle course, pressure is placed on the fighter. Organizers influence his senses. The desired effect is achieved by simulating and creating noise real battle, as well as the use of smoke, conventional and gas bombs.

Important! If you forget or do not put on a gas mask in a timely manner, the test will be considered failed.

By the time he passed the shooting standards, the person was already pretty exhausted. If there serious illnesses hearts and nervous system, your hands will shake and you will not be able to complete the stage. Therefore, a black beret, among other things, is also a distinctive sign of excellent health.

The final test includes 3 sparring sessions. The opponents change after each one. Duration of 1 battle: 2 minutes.

Surviving fighters are solemnly awarded a beret. Usually it is awarded to a person with an impeccable reputation who has achieved high achievements in the military field.

What other details complement the uniform with a black beret in Russia?

To begin with, it is worth clarifying 2 fundamental points:

Violation of any of these rules entails the imposition of administrative penalties, and also often becomes the cause of conflicts.

Important! Those who have served regard mixing distinctive features several troops for personal insult (or insult to patriotic feelings), which sometimes becomes the cause of extremely unpleasant incidents, including beatings.

The beret itself is worn with a crease on the right side. There is a distinctive sign - a cockade and a band.

In Internet forums, some users claim that the black beret is a general military attribute (a misconception that arose in the wake of the adoption of amendments to the law on military uniform from 2011). However, if you decide to wear it without being a Marine, tanker or riot policeman, you will be asked to do so. It’s better not to take risks and adhere to the norms of the official and widely known color separation.

Not only Russian marines wear this headdress. For example, it is part of the form Swiss Guards. At the same time, in the majority European countries Marine Corps personnel wear dark blue (Holland) or green (Great Britain, Finland) hats. But the American Marines abandoned both the blue and green versions, as they considered the beret to be too feminine an accessory.

Military personnel of the FSO and FSB units proudly wear the cornflower beret. As a headdress for employees different kinds troops he was not chosen by chance. The main reason for the decision was the free and comfortable shape of the beret. It was comfortable to wear, protected from the elements, and could be worn under a helmet and with headphones. The beret provided a particular advantage in field conditions. Thanks to the absence of a frame, it was possible to sleep in it.

History of the beret

The history of the beret begins in the distant sixteenth century. The name of this headdress is presumably Italian origin, translated as “flat cap”. It was worn by both civilians and military personnel. Later, cocked hats became popular in the army, and the beret was forgotten for some time. It has become an attribute of fashionistas. The headdress was decorated with jewelry, feathers and embroidery. They were sewn from lace, velvet and silk fabrics.

Received the beret again in the army wide use only in the twentieth century, during the First World War. The first to appreciate the advantages of this headdress were the military personnel of the British army of some other states and adopted the experience of the British. In Germany, the beret was modified by providing it with a soft helmet.

By the beginning of World War II, this headdress became widespread in other branches of the military. It appeared in the United States Army in 1943, when British paratroopers solemnly presented their berets to the US Parachute Regiment in gratitude for their assistance in the fight against fascist invaders. Today, this headdress is part of the uniform of the armed forces of most countries of the world. Berets vary in shape and size, way of wearing and color. Among the record holders for the variety of colors is far from last place Israel occupies. There are thirteen colors of berets in the army of this state.

Berets in the Russian Armed Forces

The beret entered the history of the Russian armed forces in 1936, during the Soviet Union. Dark blue hats of this cut were part of the summer uniform of female cadets and military personnel. In the early sixties, the black beret began to be used by the Marines. A few years later, berets also appeared among paratroopers. Today they are used by almost all units of the Russian Armed Forces. There are sixteen shades of beret colors:

  • blue color is used;
  • blue berets are worn by members of the Aerospace Forces;
  • special forces units of the FSB and FSO are those who wear cornflower blue berets;
  • green hats of three shades are used by border guards, reconnaissance troops and special forces units Federal service bailiffs;
  • olive berets of two shades - part of the uniform railway troops and the Russian Guard;
  • black color is an attribute of marines, coastal troops, tank troops, as well as riot police and SOBR;
  • employees of the Russian Guard wear gray hats;
  • the military police wear a dark red beret, a lighter shade of red is used by the YunArmy;
  • bright orange color is used by the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • maroon (dark crimson) berets are the insignia of special forces units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Russian Guard and;
  • camouflage colors are subject to use by units of the armed forces that do not have their own headgear color.

A source of pride

The beret is not just a headdress in the composition uniforms Russian armed forces. In some cases, the right to wear it can be obtained by passing the most difficult tests. First of all, this concerns the maroon beret. This also applies to green intelligence hats. Previously, passing an exam was also required to obtain an olive beret, but this rule has now been abolished.

Military personnel who have served in special forces units for at least six months are allowed to take the exam for the right to own a maroon headdress. To obtain a green or maroon beret requires considerable physical and psychological preparation. The examination standards include a forced march, physical exercise, assault course, obstacle course, shooting, hand-to-hand combat and other challenges. There is another opportunity to get a beret. It is solemnly awarded to military personnel for special merits.

Change for beret

With the right to wear maroon and cornflower blue berets, the situation was somewhat simpler. Currently, students of military-patriotic centers are fighting for the right to wear them. However, it should be noted that young participants have to show enormous endurance and perseverance. Not everyone manages to get the desired reward on the first try. The presentation of cornflower blue berets takes place in a solemn atmosphere; retired special forces soldiers are often invited to the presentation.

Identical berets with different meanings

It is necessary to clarify the issue of the colors of hats in order to avoid misunderstandings. Part official form The new uniform of the FSO and FSB special forces units is a cornflower blue beret. At the same time, headdresses of this color are a sign of distinction and, of course, a source of pride for students of patriotic centers. These students may be cadets at military schools or simply schoolchildren. In fact, they are only indirectly related to special forces units. Main connecting link- this is the desire to devote one’s life to protecting the Motherland. The cornflower blue color of berets for members of military-patriotic detachments was chosen before it was adopted as the uniform headdress of special forces. There is no confusion due to the same colors, and besides, you don’t often see special forces soldiers in official uniforms. For this reason, young patriots are currently taking exams for the right to wear a beret of the same color as the units of the FSO and FSB of Russia.

Presidential Regiment. History of formation

In 2016, the Presidential Regiment celebrated its eightieth birthday. In April 1936 it was formed during the Great Patriotic War he defended the Kremlin walls from German air raids. Part of the regiment took part in military operations on different fronts. Over the eighty years of its existence, this military unit changed its name several times, and today the regiment is called the Presidential Regiment.

The position of the Presidential Regiment today

The regiment is part of the Federal Security Service Russian Federation since 2004. The unit commander reports directly Supreme Commander-in-Chief The Armed Forces, that is, the President of the Russian Federation. The location of the regiment throughout its existence is the Arsenal building.

The main task of the unit’s military personnel is to ensure the security of Kremlin facilities and ceremonial events taking place on Red Square. They also organize honor guards at the Mausoleum and Eternal Flame. A significant role is assigned to the regiment's employees at the presidential inauguration. They provide guard of honor and solemnly bring in the symbols of power, the standard, the Constitution and the flag of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that during ceremonies and protocol events, employees Presidential Regiment The cornflower blue beret is not used.

The demands placed on employees of this unit are quite high requirements, from height to hearing acuity. In addition, candidates and their relatives should not have a criminal record or be registered with the authorities. Such a careful selection means that only the most worthy candidates receive the right to wear the cornflower blue beret of the Presidential Regiment of the FSO of Russia.

Military uniform of the Presidential Regiment

An interesting fact is that until 1998, the unit, always in the front row participating in all official events and celebrations, did not have an approved uniform. In 1998, a presidential decree was issued on the ceremonial uniform of the Presidential Regiment with a list of clothing elements and insignia and an FSO order describing these elements. Next came the FSO order on the rules for wearing the uniform.

As mentioned above, the ceremonial uniform of military personnel does not have a cornflower blue beret. A shako is used as a headdress. Vasilkova's beret complements the casual summer uniform. The uniform also includes a vest with cornflower blue stripes. Initially, they were intended to be worn only by special forces units, but later they were extended to all ordinary employees and sergeants. It should be noted that the cornflower blue color is integrally present in the details of clothing. For example, a band in the form of a summer guard, buttonholes in the corners of collars, breast lapels, epaulettes and shoulder straps.

"The Cornflower Story"

Where did the cornflower blue color come from in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation? The fact is that modern units of the FSO and FSB are descendants of the gendarmerie teams of Emperor Alexander the First. In 1815, uniform rules for the Corps of Gendarmes were established, including light blue uniforms. Later, a darker shade of blue was added to the uniform.

With coming Soviet power the gendarmerie corps were abolished, and they were replaced by the Committee State Security And People's Commissariat Internal Affairs. KGB and NKVD officers adopted the basic colors of their uniforms from their predecessors. The cornflower blue color first appeared in NKVD caps in 1937. Since 1943, this color has been added to shoulder straps, stripes, buttonholes, belts and other elements of the uniform.

Introduction of the beret

The official introduction of the cornflower blue beret and vest of the same established color was noted in Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 531 in 2005. The headdress was introduced for the Presidential Regiment of the FSO and the FSB agencies. Currently, this decree has been canceled; decree No. 293 has come into force since 2010. According to latest changes, introduced on July 5, 2017, a woolen beret and vest of the established color are part of the official uniform officers and warrant officers of the FSO and FSB special forces units and the FSO Presidential Regiment.

Description and wearing rules

The cornflower blue beret is made of woolen cloth; there are two ventilation blocks along the side seams of the walls on both sides. There is a cockade on its front wall. To avoid injury from the cockade fastenings, a lining is sewn inside the beret. The headdress is trimmed with leather and has an adjustable cord inside the edging. A metal badge in the shape is attached to the FSO cornflower blue beret on the left side

The headdress should be worn with a slight tilt to the right. The edge of the beret is located at a distance of two to four centimeters above the level of the eyebrows.

The use of the beret as a headdress for military personnel in the Soviet Union dates back to 1936.
According to the order of the USSR NGOs, wear berets dark blue, as part of the summer uniform, it was required for female military personnel and students of military academies. By order of the USSR Minister of Defense of November 5, 1963 No. 248, a new field uniform for units was introduced special purpose USSR Marine Corps. Relying on this form black beret, made of cotton fabric for sailors and sergeants conscript service and woolen cloth for officers.
On left side a small red flag was sewn onto the headdress triangular shape with a bright yellow or golden anchor applied to it, a red star (for sergeants and sailors) or a cockade (for officers) was attached to the front, the side of the beret was made of artificial leather. After the November 1968 parade, in which Marines first displayed the new uniform, the flag on the left side of the beret was moved to the right side. This is explained by the fact that the mausoleum, where the main officials of the state are located during the parade, is located with right side from the front column.
Less than a year later, on July 26, 1969, an order was issued by the USSR Minister of Defense, according to which changes were made to the new uniform. One of which is replacing the red star on the berets of sailors and sergeants with a black emblem oval shape with a red star and a bright yellow border. Later, in 1988, by order of the USSR Minister of Defense No. 250 dated March 4, the oval emblem was replaced with an asterisk bordered by a wreath.

After the approval of a new uniform for marine units, berets also appeared in the airborne troops. In June 1967, Colonel General V.F. Margelov, at that time commander of the Airborne Forces, sketches of a new uniform for the airborne troops were approved. The designer of the sketches was the artist A. B. Zhuk, known as the author of many books on small arms and as the author of illustrations of the SVE (Soviet Military Encyclopedia) .
It was A.B. Zhuk who proposed the crimson color of the beret for paratroopers. Raspberry beret was at that time all over the world an attribute of belonging to landing troops and V.F. Margelov approved the wearing of a crimson beret by airborne troops during parades in Moscow. A small flag was sewn on the right side of the beret blue color, triangular in shape with the emblem of the airborne troops. On the berets of sergeants and soldiers, there was a star framed by a wreath of ears of corn on the front; on the berets of officers, instead of a star, a cockade was attached.
During the November 1967 parade, the paratroopers were dressed in new uniforms and crimson berets. However, at the very beginning of 1968, instead of crimson berets, paratroopers began to wear blue berets.
According to the military leadership, this color blue sky more suitable for airborne troops and by order No. 191 of the USSR Minister of Defense dated July 26, 1969 blue beret was approved as a ceremonial headdress for the Airborne Forces. Unlike the crimson beret, on which the flag sewn on the right side was blue and had approved dimensions, on the blue beret the flag became red. Until 1989, this flag did not have approved sizes and a uniform shape, but on March 4, new rules were adopted that approved the dimensions and uniform shape of the red flag and stipulated its wearing on the berets of airborne troops.

Next in Soviet army The tankers received the beret. Order No. 92 of the USSR Minister of Defense dated April 27, 1972 approved a new special form for military personnel tank units, in which as a headdress there was black beret, same as in Marine Corps but without a checkbox. On the front of the berets of soldiers and sergeants there was a red star, and on the berets of officers there was a cockade. Later in 1974, the star received an addition in the form of a wreath of ears, and in 1982 it appeared new form clothes for tank crews, the beret and overalls of which have a khaki color.

IN border troops, originally, was camouflage beret, which was supposed to be worn with a field uniform, and the usual green berets for border guards appeared in the early 90s, the first to wear these headdresses were the military personnel of the Vitebsk airborne division. On the berets of soldiers and sergeants, an asterisk framed by a wreath was placed on the front; on the berets of officers, there was a cockade. In 1989, the beret appeared in internal troops ah Ministry of Internal Affairs, olive and maroon flowers.
Olive beret, is required to be worn by all military personnel of the internal troops.
Maroon beret, also applies to the uniform of these troops, but unlike other troops, in the internal troops, wearing a beret must be earned and it is not just a headdress, but a badge of distinction. In order to obtain the right to wear a maroon beret, a serviceman of the internal troops must pass qualification tests or earn this right by bravery or feat in real battle. Berets of all colors of the USSR Armed Forces were of the same cut (side trim artificial leather, high top and four ventilation holes, two on each side). Ministry of emergency situations The Russian Federation formed its military units at the very end of the 90s, for which a uniform was approved, in which the headdress was an orange beret.

The use of the beret as a headdress for military personnel in the Soviet Union dates back to 1936. According to the order of the USSR NGOs, female military personnel and students of military academies were required to wear dark blue berets as part of the summer uniform.

After World War II, women in uniform began to wear khaki berets. However, berets became more widespread in the Soviet Army much later, partly this can be considered a response to the appearance in the armies of NATO countries of units that wore berets, in particular units of the US Special Forces, whose uniform headdress is a beret. Green colour.

By order of the USSR Minister of Defense of November 5, 1963 No. 248, a new field uniform was introduced for special forces units of the USSR Marine Corps. This uniform was accompanied by a black beret, made of cotton fabric for conscript sailors and sergeants and woolen fabric for officers. A small red triangular flag with a bright yellow or golden anchor was sewn onto the left side of the headdress; a red star (for sergeants and sailors) or a cockade (for officers) was attached to the front; the side of the beret was made of artificial leather. After the November 1968 parade, in which Marines first displayed the new uniform, the flag on the left side of the beret was moved to the right side. This is explained by the fact that the mausoleum, where the main officials of the state are located during the parade, is located on the right side of the parade column. Less than a year later, on July 26, 1969, an order was issued by the USSR Minister of Defense, according to which changes were made to the new uniform. One of which is the replacement of the red star on the berets of sailors and sergeants with a black oval-shaped emblem with a red star and a bright yellow edging. Later, in 1988, by order of the USSR Minister of Defense No. 250 dated March 4, the oval emblem was replaced with an asterisk bordered by a wreath.

After the approval of a new uniform for marine units, berets also appeared in the airborne troops. In June 1967, Colonel General V.F. Margelov, then commander of the Airborne Forces, approved sketches of a new uniform for the airborne troops. The designer of the sketches was the artist A. B. Zhuk, known as the author of many books on small arms and as the author of illustrations of the SVE (Soviet Military Encyclopedia). It was A.B. Zhuk who proposed the crimson color of the beret for paratroopers. A crimson beret was at that time all over the world an attribute of belonging to the airborne troops, and V.F. Margelov approved the wearing of a crimson beret by airborne troops during parades in Moscow. On the right side of the beret was sewn a small blue triangular flag with the emblem of the airborne troops. On the berets of sergeants and soldiers, there was a star framed by a wreath of ears of corn on the front; on the berets of officers, instead of a star, a cockade was attached.

During the November 1967 parade, the paratroopers were dressed in new uniforms and crimson berets. However, at the very beginning of 1968, instead of crimson berets, paratroopers began to wear blue berets. According to the military leadership, this blue sky color is more suitable for airborne troops and by order No. 191 of the USSR Minister of Defense dated July 26, 1969, a blue beret was approved as a ceremonial headdress for the Airborne Forces. Unlike the crimson beret, on which the flag sewn on the right side was blue and had approved dimensions, on the blue beret the flag became red. Until 1989, this flag did not have approved sizes and a uniform shape, but on March 4, new rules were adopted that approved the dimensions and uniform shape of the red flag and stipulated its wearing on the berets of airborne troops.

Tank crews were the next to receive berets in the Soviet Army. Order No. 92 of the USSR Minister of Defense dated April 27, 1972 approved a new special uniform for military personnel of tank units, in which a black beret was used as a headdress, the same as in the Marine Corps but without a flag. On the front of the berets of soldiers and sergeants there was a red star, and on the berets of officers there was a cockade. Later in 1974, the star received an addition in the form of a wreath of ears, and in 1982 a new uniform for tank crews appeared, the beret and overalls of which were khaki.

Rhys R. Palacios-Fernandez

In the border troops, initially, there was a beret of camouflage colors, which was supposed to be worn with a field uniform, and the usual green berets for border guards appeared in the early 90s; the first to wear these hats were the military personnel of the Vitebsk Airborne Division. On the berets of soldiers and sergeants, an asterisk framed by a wreath was placed on the front; on the berets of officers, there was a cockade.

In 1989, the beret also appeared in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in olive and maroon colors. The olive-colored beret is required to be worn by all members of the Internal Troops. A maroon beret also refers to the uniform of these troops, but unlike other troops, in the internal troops, wearing a beret must be earned and it is not just a headdress, but a badge of distinction. In order to obtain the right to wear a maroon beret, a serviceman of the internal troops must pass qualification tests or earn this right through bravery or feat in real combat.

Berets of all colors of the USSR Armed Forces were of the same cut (lined with artificial leather, high top and four ventilation holes, two on each side).

The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation formed its military units at the very end of the 90s, for which a uniform was approved, in which an orange beret was used as a headdress.

The article was written based on the materials of the article by A. Stepanov “Berets in the Armed Forces of the USSR”, published in the magazine “Tseichgauz” No. 1 in 1991.

Their owners. After all, the marine and air infantrymen who wore them, as well as various types, were considered even the most revered caste in the army.

Until recently, Russia was no different, where only selected and specially trained military personnel had the right to a prestigious beret. Now the situation has changed in many ways. The beret has become a common headdress not only for paratroopers and marines, but also for representatives of other branches of the military, even for police (riot police) and rescuers. And to the blue and black colors were added crimson, green, gray, cornflower blue, orange...

No, blue!

The most prestigious in the Armed Forces of the USSR and Russia is considered blue, and not blue, as it is sometimes incorrectly called. That is, a soldier and officer of the Airborne Forces ( Airborne troops). It was introduced into use in 1968 by the then commander of the “winged infantry”, General Vasily Margelov. And after the publication of the order of Defense Minister Andrei Grechko in July 1969, this beret became official for paratroopers.

It is curious that military historians claim that the original color of the Airborne Forces was crimson. Just like, in fact, the paratroopers of many other countries in the world. But after the tragic participation Soviet troops in suppressing the uprising in Czechoslovakia, Margelov proposed the color of the sky for parachute formations - blue.
By the way, the vests and special forces of the GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate) have the same color, whose official functions are often similar to those assigned to paratroopers.

Choosing the color of the sky

Soviet and Russian paratroopers not the only ones in army world who wore and still wear blue berets. It is known that almost similar headdresses were part of the uniform separate groups special forces of the American Airborne Forces and Air Force ( Air Force) and colonial units of the Portuguese army in Angola and Mozambique. In addition, blue berets, symbolizing the color of peace, are included in the uniform of UN peacekeeping troops.

Namely, dark blue berets, but not at all elite, are worn by security units of the US Air Force, military police in Israel and military personnel in South Africa. In addition, blue berets are included in the new uniform Russian Air Force.

Related article


  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On military uniforms, insignia of military personnel and departmental insignia”
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on amendments to the 2005 Decree “On military uniforms, insignia of military personnel and departmental insignia”

Doctors, military, police - these services simply cannot do without a uniform. She makes it clear to everyone around her that there is a person nearby who can help in an emergency. But in addition to these basic services, workwear is also introduced by private organizations where compliance with general style all employees.

What is a uniform?

Currently everything more organizations, both public and private, are trying to introduce uniforms for their employees. Generally speaking, this concept means a special form of clothing that is introduced by managers for their subordinates so that they are dressed in the same style. This is a fairly popular phenomenon in the West, but in our country there are more and more organizations that are following in the footsteps of their European colleagues.

Who wears the uniform?

Firstly, all employees, military, and sailors wear uniforms. That is, those people who are in one way or another connected with the army and law enforcement agencies. This allows them to have an incomparable style.

A person in uniform is always easy to recognize. It is very noticeable in a crowd, when a single appearance allows you to maintain a connection with each other.

Secondly, uniforms are worn by people who are employed in the service sector. These include: nurses, waiters, flight attendants, maids, salespeople, and so on. The clothes of each of these people have a unique style, which makes it easy to distinguish them from the crowd.

Of course, in various organizations clothing designs may vary, but, for example, a waiter can never be confused with a salesperson.

Thirdly, we can call workers technical specialties. On various industrial enterprises a similar practice is being introduced. Plumbers, electricians, mechanics have different uniforms. This allows you to significantly speed up the production process. In the event of a breakdown, the operator does not need to waste time on long search the appropriate employee who will repair the machine.

Fourthly, the uniform is essential attribute the most advanced educational institutions. At school, students in last years started wearing uniforms again. This adds solidity and self-confidence to many of them. In many higher educational institutions similar practice is used.

Thus, we can conclude that a uniform is not only a necessary