Astrakhan State Technical University specialty. Astrakhan State Technical University

Astrakhan is a large regional center with developed infrastructure, culture and education system. More than 35 universities are represented in the city. Astrakhan State Technical University is one of them.

Many applicants choose it because innovative technologies are developed there, the best teachers work there, and there is an interesting extracurricular life. What is the organization and how can I get involved?

General information about the university

The university has an interesting history that dates back to 1930. The first name of the organization is the Astrakhan Institute of Fisheries and Fishing Industry. In 1938, the name was reorganized into a technical institute, and in 1994 the institute changed its status to a university.

Full modern name of the university: Astrakhan State Technical University.

The main founder is the Federal Fisheries Agency represented by Ilya Vasilyevich Shestakov.

Address of the administrative building: Astrakhan, Tatishcheva street, 16.

The rector of the university is Alexander Nikolaevich Nevalenny.

  1. Yeisk Marine Fishery College.
  2. Dmitrov Fishery Technological Institute.
  3. Temryuk technical school.
  4. Volga-Caspian Marine Fishery College.

Structure of ASTU in Astrakhan

The university has a branched structure consisting of institutes, faculties and departments. Each of the divisions has its own Regulations, in accordance with which any activity of the management element is carried out.

The university has the following institutes:

  • urban planning;
  • information technologies and communications;
  • oil and gas;
  • marine technologies, transport and energy;
  • fisheries, environmental management and biology;
  • economy.

Main faculties of the university:

  1. Secondary education.
  2. Legal.
  3. Additional education.
  4. Preparatory for foreign citizens.

ASTU departments and departments are the smallest structural units in the university; there are more than 40 of them.

Also, the administrative group of the university consists of special units, for example, the personnel department, the general department, the student office, the legal department, the graduate employment assistance center and others.

Specialties and training programs at the university

It is worth noting that higher education now consists of several stages: bachelor’s (or specialty), then master’s, then postgraduate and doctoral studies. ASTU has all these levels. In addition, in the branch departments of the university you can get secondary specialized education.

The university provides full-time, part-time, evening and distance learning opportunities in training programs.

Main specialties at ASTU for bachelors:

  • Economic areas, management, jurisprudence: economic security, economics by profile (finance and credit, accounting, enterprise economics), management, commodity science, marketing in trade, advertising and PR,
  • Specialties related to interaction with natural resources: ecology and environmental management, tourism, biology, environmental management and water use, aquatic biological resources and aquaculture.
  • Information specialties: software engineering, information technologies, communications, applied computer science, information science and computer technology, information security.
  • Technologies and equipment: chemical technology, electrical power engineering, thermal power engineering, refrigeration equipment, technological machines, etc.
  • Construction: construction.
  • Fisheries and technology: shipbuilding, industrial fishing, water transport management, operation of ship installations, etc.
  • Oil and gas production: applied geology, oil and gas engineering and other areas of training.

Material support

ASTU in Astrakhan has a modern and publicly accessible material and technical base.
The university itself conducts training in 10 educational buildings, which have fully equipped computer classes, lecture halls, laboratories, and classrooms for group classes.

So that students can get additional scientific literature during the educational process, as well as have a snack or see a doctor, ASTU is equipped with several cafeterias, a library, a medical center and a clinic.

For full-fledged physical education classes, the university has a sports complex, which significantly increases the rating of ASTU among all universities in the city: it has several swimming pools, halls for acrobatics, athleticism, tennis, and a games room.
A large area of ​​the educational campus is occupied by an equipped stadium with a field of 7 thousand square meters and 6 running tracks.

There are 3 dormitories for non-resident students.

Organization of the educational process

The school week lasts 6 days. AGTA teachers and students go out in accordance with the academic schedule, which is drawn up for 2 weeks.

Every month, students studying for free receive a scholarship, and for special services they can receive an increased payment. At the end of each semester, students have to pass a test, and before the summer holidays they undergo practical training.

Admissions campaign at ASTU

Admission to ASTU is based on Unified State Examination scores, entrance internal interviews and tests.

Acceptance of documents for future bachelors begins on June 1 and ends on July 26. Special conditions for applicants on the basis of secondary vocational education (until July 11) and applicants in the field of architecture (until July 10). When applying, you need to have with you: passport, photographs, educational document.

What do students do besides study?

Every year, mass events are held aimed at uniting teams: Tatiana’s Day, Knowledge Day, ASTU Day and many others.

There is a special club for sports fans.

The Student Club is actively developing, in which children study vocals, choreography, acting, and artistic expression. Teams are also created here that subsequently defend the honor of the university at various competitions and festivals.

Young people who strive for science do not go unnoticed: laboratories, the latest equipment, consultations with teachers - everything can be used in their scientific research, the university supports this direction.
Thus, ASTU is a worthy choice for continuing education; parents can confidently entrust their child to the experienced hands of teachers, deans and student affairs specialists.

By order of the People's Commissariat of Foreign and Domestic Trade (NKVVT) of the USSR dated May 9, 1930 No. 695 “On fishing universities, technical schools, workers' faculties and courses,” it was planned to organize an institute of fisheries and industry in Astrakhan in the same year. As a university of all-Union significance, it was supposed to train personnel for a number of regions of the USSR: Volga-Caspian, Dagestan, Azerbaijan, Aral.

On November 7, 1930, the grand opening of the institute took place at the address: st. Sovetskaya, 23. Its first director was a graduate of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva, director of the Astrakhan Fishery College Feodosiy Georgievich Martyshev (later - founder of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Pond Fisheries and director of the Moscow Fishery University, prominent scientist, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, “Honored Scientist of the RSFSR”).

Among the first teachers of Astrybvuz were Alexey Sergeevich Shibalov, professor, head. Department of “Technology of Fish Products”, Professor Konstantin Andreevich Kiselevich, Head of the Department of “Ichthyology”. Both of them made a huge contribution to the organization of the first scientific and applied research on the basis of the new university and laid the foundation for the corresponding scientific directions.

Astrybvuz had two faculties: organizational and economic (trained in the specialties “Organization of fisheries” and “Planning of fisheries”) and the faculty of fisheries technology” (specialties “Technology of Extractive Fisheries and Mechanization” and “Technical Rationalization of the Fishing Industry”).

In 1932, Andrei Zinovievich Shuba was appointed director of Astrybvuz, who worked in this position until 1938. This was a time of growth in the material base of the institute, a new educational building was being built. It was strengthened with new scientific and pedagogical personnel. The student population grew to 450.

In 1934, a new Charter of the university was adopted. Its name has changed - Astrakhan Technical Institute of Fisheries and Industry (ATIRPiH) , Astrybv T knots).

In 1935, the institute was transferred outside the city limits - to Boldinskoe Highway, where there was already a specially built educational building for it. A large site for construction was planned, which the university mainly occupies to this day. This is how a compact university town was founded.

In 1935, the first graduation of 90 engineers took place. The number of students reached 833, teachers - 80. Among them are 3 professors and 10 associate professors. During the years of political repression of 1937-1938. several dozen teachers, students of Astrybvtuz and members of their families were subjected to criminal prosecution. On the absurd charge of organizing sabotage and assassination attempts on party and Soviet leaders, 9 people were sentenced to capital punishment - execution by execution with confiscation of property. Among them is the director of Astrybvtuz A.Z. Shuba, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Mechanics S.I. Vinogradov, Head. Department of Organic Chemistry L.K. Kulbitsky and head. Department of Physics S.A. Maslov. Professors Kiselevich and Arkhipovich died during the investigation. In 1956, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR recognized that all of them (33 people) were brought to criminal liability without justification, and were completely rehabilitated.

On January 1, 1939, the university already had 14 departments, 13 classrooms and 8 laboratories. The most serious problem was the severe shortage of qualified teachers.

In 1939, the first scientific session of Astrybvtuz took place, in which the results of research from the departments of technology, microbiology, and general chemistry were presented. Based on the results of the session, the first collection of scientific works of ATIRPKh was published.

In 1940, Mikhail Vasilyevich Morozov, who led the university throughout the war years, was approved as director of ATIRPH. Thanks to the dedicated work of teachers and staff, the institute did not stop training specialists in extremely difficult conditions. In 1943, only 1 mechanical engineer was graduated - Ivan Vasilyevich Nikonorov, in the future - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Caspian Branch of VNIRO, Head of the Department of Science and Technology of the State Committee for Fisheries of the USSR. (He sent us a welcome telegram)

The contribution of the university staff to the fight against the invaders was significant. Scientific and applied research was carried out to create and improve means of warfare. Many students and teachers were called to the front. Those who remained, along with their main responsibilities, carried out a huge amount of work on the construction of defensive lines, communications, and fishing.

In August 1945, Alexander Valerievich Kiparidi was appointed director of ATIRPH. The institute was obliged to train an increasing number of qualified specialists in order to restore destroyed enterprises, develop new reservoirs of the Far East and Baltic, develop active fishing in the world's oceans, and improve all processes of fish production and processing. The university had three faculties: technological, industrial fisheries and mechanical. The management of the university had to solve the problem of a shortage of teaching staff, bringing school graduates who did not receive full knowledge during wartime to the level of university requirements.

Since 1955, Astrybvtuz began training foreign students. The decision made by the USSR Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education testified to the increased authority of the university.

In 1959, the number of faculties increased to four: mechanical, technological, industrial fisheries and the department of correspondence education. The total number of students in 1960 was 2,566 people.

From 1960 to 1966, the director (and from 1961 - rector) of the institute was Viktor Vasilyevich Bal. Under him, the reorganization of departments was actively carried out, educational and scientific activities expanded. Departments of shipbuilding and ship repair, machines and apparatus for food production, ship and power plants were formed, the number of departments increased to 21. The number of students studying 11 specialties in 1964 amounted to 3,187 people. The university increasingly trained highly qualified personnel on its own. In the 60s Postgraduate studies were in eight departments.

In the 50s - 60s. modern forms of research activity and methods of its coordination have emerged. In 1952, a student scientific society was formed, and in 1960, a student design bureau was formed. In 1958, the research sector of the institute was formed. Scientific conferences of teachers and students have become annual.

The scientific and applied developments of B.M. were of great importance. Bliera, V.V. Balya, D.N. Anisimova, V.V. Milshteina, I.V. Nikonorova, V.N. Voynikanis-Mirsky, A.P. Chernogortsev and others.

From 1966 to 1986, the rector of ATIRPH was Artemy Zakharovich Shcherbakov. We can talk about the “era of Shcherbakov.” Student of Astrybvtuz, head. Department of Electrical Engineering, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, and finally, Rector, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Shcherbakov was an energetic, strong-willed, proactive leader. He not only made an incomparable contribution to expanding the material base of the university, ensuring its stable development for a long time, but also gave new impetus to such areas of life as scientific research, organization of study and life of students, sports, and amateur performances. The name of Artemy Zakharovich is immortalized with a memorial plaque on the facade of the main academic building of the university.

During these years, the area of ​​educational buildings was more than doubled, the main, fourth and part of the fifth buildings, the Interclub building, a sports complex and a stadium were built, and 5 dormitories were built. Students and teachers of the institute took the most active part in the construction. The construction was financed, among other things, from funds earned by departments and laboratories under economic contracts. The laboratory facilities were actively re-equipped.

New faculties were created: ship mechanics, headed by Yu.N. Kagakov, Faculty of Industrial Fisheries - Dean E.A. Artemyev, Faculty of Advanced Training of Engineering and Technical Workers of the USSR Ministry of Economy, Headed by V.P. Nekrasov, Dean's Office for Foreign Students, Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Citizens - Dean V.V. Prokhvatilov. A.P. made a great contribution to the successful work and development of the university in those years. Chernogortsev, S.A. Gulshin, S.I. Medvedik, L.S. Korochkina, M.G. Ryabtsev, B.E. Akimova, N.K. Tsvetkova, V.I. Gerasimov, F.T. Chaplygin, K.V. Gorbunov, V.M. Sokolov, V.P. Potapov, D.E. Slavutsky and others.

The last 20 years of history were no less eventful and were distinguished by the dynamism of changes in the appearance of the university. Since the mid-80s, a new period has begun in the life of the entire society. The institute approached “perestroika” with 7 main faculties and 37 departments that trained students in 9 specialties.

From 1987 to 2002 ATIRPH-AGTU was headed by Professor Yuri Nikolaevich Kagakov, who was elected to this position three times. One of his main services to the university was the democratization of management, a significant increase in scientific and pedagogical potential, material and technical base, and a significant expansion of international cooperation. The administration chose the course of transforming the institute into a university. This was done in the context of a general crisis in the higher education system in the country. Thanks to the efforts of the entire team under the leadership of Yu.N. Kagakov On June 3, 1994, by order of the First Deputy State Committee of Russia for Higher Education, the institute was transformed into a technical university. A great contribution to the successful implementation of the intended goal was made by Yu.T. Pimenov, G.N. Velichko, A.S. Kurylev, G.A. Taktarov, V.F. Zaitsev, V.I. Kolomin, A.I. Nadeev, T.V. Kotova, L.V. Galimova, N.A. Derbenev, V.V. Prokhvatilov, I.S. Dzerzhinskaya, E.E. Kravtsov, S.A. Sergeeva, V.E. Privalova and many other teachers and staff.

During these years, a large group of scientists from various regions of Russia and the former USSR joined the teaching staff: professor?, doctor of sciences A.K. Manovyan, M.F. Zaripov, O.Yu. Okhlobystin, N.T. Berberova, A.M. Tsykunov, V.V. Mikityansky, V.R. Bank, M.D. Mukatova, P.K. Krivoshein, T.O. Nevenchannaya, A.F. Dorokhov, candidates of science, associate professors I.Yu. Petrova, V.N. Esaulenko and others. Many of them provided invaluable assistance in the development of the university.

Thanks to the sharp increase in the number of doctors of science, it became possible to expand the training of candidates and doctors of science at the university. Four specialized councils for the defense of dissertations were opened at the university. A significant number of candidates and doctors of science were trained by professors G.A. Taktarov, I.S. Dzerzhinskaya, N.E. Salnikov, V.F. Zaitsev, V.V. Mikityansky, M.F. Zaripov, I.Yu. Petrova, V.N. Melnikov.

At the university, new scientific schools and directions developed and appeared on the following problems: technology of food production, economics and management of industrial enterprises, accounting, audit and economic analysis, fisheries, refrigeration machines, microbiology, fish farming, motor energy, organic chemistry, chemical technology of oil and gas, heat and power engineering, philology, sociology, psychology, law.

A significant shift has occurred in the organization of scientific work of students and schoolchildren. A huge credit for this goes to Professor B.L. Edsky, who headed the SSS for many years, and associate professor E.E. Kravtsov, who created the “Young Researcher” school.

During this period, the scope of the university’s educational activities expanded significantly, the number of educational programs of higher education increased, the humanitarian component of education was strengthened, and new faculties were formed: economics, law, automation and computer technology, biology and environmental management, marine technology, energy and transport. Later they began to transform into institutions. An institute of distance education was organized. The Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education was founded. In 1994, the Moscow branch of ASTU was established in the city of Dmitrov, Moscow region. The faculties of advanced training and pedagogical excellence were reorganized in 2004 into the Institute of Additional Professional Education.

What is Astrakhan State Technical University like today? ASTU has licensed and trains specialists in 55 specialties of higher education, 19 directions and 17 master's programs. In the colleges of the university, the educational process is organized in 16 specialties. There are more than 80 programs in the field of advanced training and training in working professions. The student population of all forms of education is more than 10 thousand people. The graduation rate of specialists of all forms of education increased to more than 1,400 people. in year. The university has 10 institutes and faculties, 62 departments. The university library has 6 reading rooms with 750 seats. It significantly updated and doubled the collections of educational literature, significantly increased the list of periodicals, and mastered automated technology for library processes.

The scientific library has more than 720 thousand copies. literature, more than 420 periodicals are subscribed annually. In recent years, the university publishing house has published more than 120 textbooks and teaching aids with vultures.

Innovative teaching technologies, knowledge testing, a comprehensive system for monitoring and managing the quality of the educational process, distance education, television and Internet technologies are being developed and implemented. The university was one of the first in Russia to undergo international certification for a quality management system according to ISO 9001:2000 standards, received quality certificates from Germany and the worldwide network IQnet, recognized in 44 leading countries of the world.

The team of the Center for Educational Policy (Prof. E.A. Zeletdinova) made a great contribution to this achievement of the university.

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Astrakhan State Technical University" is one of the largest centers of innovative developments in the Astrakhan region. Currently, 20 research laboratories are successfully operating at the university, including 5 research laboratories of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Many scientists and teachers of ASTU are well known not only in the industry, but in the scientific and educational community of the country and abroad.

The university's developments were supported in 2005 by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (6 grants) and the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (4 grants).

Over the past 6 years, 78 patents have been received for developments by university employees.

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Astrakhan State Technical University at the IV and V Moscow International Salons of Innovation and Investment, held with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation, under the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, was awarded 3 gold, 5 silver and 5 bronze medals (gold medals: Berberova N. T., Dzerzhinskaya I.S., Dorokhov A.F.)

ASTU provides postgraduate training in 30 specialties. Currently, over 300 people are studying in graduate school. The university has 3 doctoral and 4 candidate dissertation councils.

Astrakhan State Technical University (ASTU) - a leading technical higher education institution in Astrakhan and the Astrakhan region, one of the largest in the Caspian region. Full name - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Astrakhan State Technical University".

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    The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Astrakhan State Technical University" is the legal successor of the Astrakhan Technical Institute of Fishing Industry and Economy, created in accordance with the order of the People's Commissariat for Foreign and Domestic Trade of the USSR dated May 9, 1930 No. 695 "On fishing universities, technical schools , fisheries faculties and courses.”


    Organizational structure

    Institute of Fisheries, Biology and Environmental Management

    Director of the Institute - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Egorova V.I.


    • Aquaculture and aquatic bioresources
    • Hydrobiology and general ecology
    • Engineering ecology and environmental management
    • Foreign languages ​​in humanities and science education
    • Applied biology and microbiology
    • Industrial fishing
    • Technology of sports training and applied medicine
    • Product technology and merchandising
    • Physical education
    • Ecological tourism

    Research activities at the institute are carried out in 6 scientific areas:

    1. Industrial aquaculture. Artificial reproduction of sturgeon;
    2. Adaptive mechanisms of aquatic organisms to modern environmental conditions at the organismal, organ, tissue and subcellular levels;
    3. Resource-saving and waste-free technologies for processing aquatic organisms;
    4. Management of fishery processes;
    5. Development of a theory for the restoration of technogenic ecosystems and biological methods for their reclamation. Technical algology;
    6. Problems of health, sports and professional selection and rehabilitation.

    Laboratories and centers

    • Biological station "Dubrava"
    • Biological station "Ilmenno-bugrovaya"
    • Scientific and technical center "Bioaquapark"
    • Scientific and Technical Center "Ecotour"
    • Research Laboratory of Sturgeon Breeding
    • Research Laboratory “Cryotechnology in Aquaculture”
    • Laboratory "Tourism and hotel service"
    • Laboratory of Food Technologies
    • Center for Sports Medicine, Wellness and Rehabilitation

    Institute of Marine Technologies, Energy and Transport

    Director of the Institute - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Titov A.V.


    • Foreign languages ​​in engineering and technical education
    • Mechanics and engineering graphics
    • Shipbuilding and marine energy complexes
    • Thermal power engineering
    • Equipment and technologies of ground transport
    • Physics
    • Refrigeration machines
    • Operation of water transport
    • Electrical equipment and automation of ships

    Laboratories and centers

    • Laboratory of Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials
    • Laboratory “Optics. Atomic physics"
    • Laboratory “Mechanics. Electromagnetism"
    • Laboratory “Molecular Physics. Thermodynamics"
    • Laboratory “Mechanics. Oscillations and waves"
    • Laboratory of conversion technology
    • Laboratory of automatic control
    • Laboratory of the Schneider Electric Technology Competence Center “Variable Frequency Electric Drive”
    • Laboratory of the Technology Competence Center of the company "Schneider Electric" "Intelligent devices of the automation system"
    • Materials Science Laboratory
    • Test pool

    Institute of Oil and Gas

    Director of the Institute - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Letichevskaya N.N.


    • Life safety and fluid mechanics
    • Geology of oil and gas
    • General, inorganic and analytical chemistry
    • Organic, biological and physical chemistry
    • Machinery and equipment for oil and gas fields
    • Development and operation of oil and gas fields
    • Chemical technology of oil and gas processing

    Laboratories and centers

    • Laboratory "Advanced processing of hydrocarbon raw materials"
    • Testing research laboratory "Analysis of oil and petroleum products"
    • Training laboratories for drilling, oil and gas field equipment, operation and repair of machinery and equipment in oil and gas fields,

    equipped with a number of experimental installations: “Complex hydraulic laboratory installation”; “Installing a jet pump”; "Downhole rod pumping unit."

    Institute of Urban Planning

    The director of the institute is Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Designers of Russia R. A. Nabiev.


    • Architecture
    • Construction

    Research activities of the institute 1. Improvement of engineering construction structures and systems. 2. Dynamics of thin-walled spatial systems. 3. Use of renewable energy sources in construction and housing and communal services. 4. Geophysical methods in the field of engineering surveys.

    Laboratories and centers

    • "Center for Scientific and Technical Design and Consulting in Construction"
    • "Research Center for Innovative Technologies in Construction"
    • JV Architectural Studio "Univerproject"

    Institute of Information Technologies and Communications

    Director of the Institute - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kvyatkovskaya I. Yu.


    • Automated information processing and control systems
    • Automation and control
    • Information Security
    • Information Technology
    • Mathematics
    • Applied informatics in economics
    • Connection

    Laboratories and centers

    • Laboratory "Computer Network Security"
    • Laboratory "Technical Information Security"
    • Laboratory “Software and hardware for information security”
    • Laboratory “Security Analysis of Information Systems”
    • SOTSBI-U classroom

    Institute of Economics

    Director of the Institute - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor Solonenko A. A.


    • Accounting, business analysis and audit
    • Marketing and advertising
    • Production management and business organization
    • Sociology and psychology
    • Business Economics and Finance
    • Economics and enterprise management
    • Economic theory

    Faculty of Law

    Dean of the Faculty - Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Tarasova N.V.


    • Civil law disciplines
    • Constitutional and administrative law
    • International maritime law
    • Legal support of national security
    • Russian language
    • Theory and history of state and law
    • Criminal law and criminal procedure
    • Philosophy and cultural studies
    • Institute of Additional Professional Education

      The Institute provides retraining and advanced training in university specialties.

    Astrakhan State Technical University
    International name Astrakhan State Technical University
    Motto The best higher!
    Year of foundation
    Type state
    Rector Nevalenny A.N.
    Location Russia Russia, Astrakhan
    Legal address 414056, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva st., 16
    Media files on Wikimedia Commons


    The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Astrakhan State Technical University" is the legal successor of the Astrakhan Technical Institute of Fishing Industry and Economy, created in accordance with the order of the People's Commissariat for Foreign and Domestic Trade of the USSR dated May 9, 1930 No. 695 "On fishing universities, technical schools , fisheries faculties and courses.”


    Organizational structure

    Institute of Fisheries, Biology and Environmental Management


    • Aquaculture and aquatic bioresources
    • Hydrobiology and general ecology
    • Engineering ecology and environmental management
    • Foreign languages ​​in humanities and science education
    • Applied biology and microbiology
    • Industrial fishing
    • Technology of sports training and applied medicine
    • Product technology and merchandising
    • Physical education
    • Ecological tourism

    Research activities at the institute are carried out in 6 scientific areas:

    1. Industrial aquaculture. Artificial reproduction of sturgeon;
    2. Adaptive mechanisms of aquatic organisms to modern environmental conditions at the organismal, organ, tissue and subcellular levels;
    3. Resource-saving and waste-free technologies for processing aquatic organisms;
    4. Management of fishery processes;
    5. Development of a theory for the restoration of technogenic ecosystems and biological methods for their reclamation. Technical algology;
    6. Problems of health, sports and professional selection and rehabilitation.

    Laboratories and centers

    • Biological station "Dubrava"
    • Biological station "Ilmenno-bugrovaya"
    • Scientific and technical center "Bioaquapark"
    • Scientific and Technical Center "Ecotour"
    • Research Laboratory of Sturgeon Breeding
    • Research Laboratory “Cryotechnology in Aquaculture”
    • Laboratory "Tourism and hotel service"
    • Laboratory of Food Technologies
    • Center for Sports Medicine, Wellness and Rehabilitation
    Institute of Marine Technologies, Energy and Transport


    • Foreign languages ​​in engineering and technical education
    • Mechanics and engineering graphics
    • Shipbuilding and marine energy complexes
    • Thermal power engineering
    • Equipment and technologies of ground transport
    • Physics
    • Refrigeration machines
    • Operation of water transport
    • Electrical equipment and automation of ships

    Laboratories and centers

    • Laboratory of Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials
    • Laboratory “Optics. Atomic physics"
    • Laboratory “Mechanics. Electromagnetism"
    • Laboratory “Molecular Physics. Thermodynamics"
    • Laboratory “Mechanics. Oscillations and waves"
    • Laboratory of conversion technology
    • Laboratory of automatic control
    • Laboratory of the Schneider Electric Technology Competence Center “Variable Frequency Electric Drive”
    • Laboratory of the Technology Competence Center of the company "Schneider Electric" "Intelligent devices of the automation system"
    • Materials Science Laboratory
    • Test pool
    Institute of Oil and Gas


    • Life safety and fluid mechanics
    • Geology of oil and gas
    • General, inorganic and analytical chemistry
    • Organic, biological and physical chemistry
    • Machinery and equipment for oil and gas fields
    • Development and operation of oil and gas fields
    • Chemical technology of oil and gas processing

    Laboratories and centers

    • Laboratory "Advanced processing of hydrocarbon raw materials"
    • Testing research laboratory "Analysis of oil and petroleum products"
    • Training laboratories for drilling, oil and gas field equipment, operation and repair of machinery and equipment in oil and gas fields,

    equipped with a number of experimental installations: “Complex hydraulic laboratory installation”; “Installing a jet pump”; "Downhole rod pumping unit."