Expulsion for academic failure. Which option to choose when expelling from a university? How to reinstate those who were expelled for an unexcused reason

The Russian Ministry of Education and Science sent a letter to universities explaining the procedure for expelling students for academic failure. This was reported on the official website of the Commissioner for Student Rights in the Russian Federation Artem Khromova.

Let us remind you that in Lately the student ombudsman received a large number of appeals related to the expulsion of students for academic failure. Students often complained that they were expelled for unsatisfactory results in several tests or exams without the right to retake them. The human rights activist succeeded in declaring this expulsion procedure illegal.

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Thus, in the clarifications of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science it is noted that in accordance with Art. 58 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "" a university does not have the right to expel a student who has received unsatisfactory results in one or more disciplines immediately after the session. Educational organization is obliged to provide such a student with two retake attempts within a year.

It is also emphasized that it is not allowed to charge students for completing intermediate certification(including repeated intermediate certification in order to eliminate academic debt).

Expulsion from a university is a fairly common practice of punishing students. The most common reason is poor performance. This threatens both public sector employees and students on a paid basis, numerous warnings from the dean’s office in such a situation are not obligatory. In addition, reinstatement at a university after being expelled for poor academic performance is not an easy task, because your reputation and status as a “slob,” “truant,” and “low student” have already been tarnished.

Main reasons for expulsion from university

All of them can be divided into respectful and disrespectful. In the first case, it is one’s own desire, transfer to another university, or medical reasons. Disrespectful includes:

  • academic failure;
  • systematic absenteeism (they either directly lead to expulsion or lead to academic failure);
  • violation of the rules and regulations of the educational institution.

Expulsion from the university for poor academic performance

The abundance of unclosed “tails” or in the language of the dean’s office “failure to complete the curriculum” is the most common reason for expulsion.

Problems of this kind are possible if:

  • three or more disciplines in one session are not “closed” (they cost two marks or there is no access to the exam);
  • one subject failed certification commission(including two retakes);
  • the academic difference is not “closed” (when changing specialty);
  • debts were not submitted within the deadlines established by the dean’s office;
  • the internship was not completed (the necessary reports on its completion were not provided).

Usually, debts roll in like a snowball, and at the end of the semester the surprised student learns that he will soon have to join the army or look for a job, because he will no longer be able to study here. The easiest way is to warn similar situation approach the teachers in advance problematic items, if necessary, from us to gain access to the session.

What to do after expulsion from the university?

If you couldn’t avoid trouble, then you need to understand what to do next. The procedure for expulsion from the university is quite simple, the dean’s office notifies, explains the reasons, issues academic certificate, which confirms the fact of completion of training and contains information about all subjects passed with grades.

Reinstatement after expulsion for academic failure is one of the rights of an ex-student. In this case, it will no longer be possible to be on a budget again. Restoration occurs to the same course if all “debts” are closed, or to the previous course with the need to re-take the material already learned.

It is also possible to enroll in another university after expulsion with the need to pass the academic difference - to cover those subjects that are in this educational institution were taught in the previous course, and you previous place did not undergo training.

We are also ready to help with recovery, namely closing debts and paying academic differences. With us you can, coursework, etc. In most cases, this is what is required to pay off debts and recover.

Receipt higher education- is by no means an easy matter, requiring students to maximize their time and concentration on many aspects of their future specialization. At the end of the semester, new barriers of problems await the student and the session is approaching. And a huge number of things can prevent you from passing the exam: illness, stress, too strict teachers, and ultimately, your own laziness. The only consoling thing in this situation is recovery. How to reinstate yourself at a university after expulsion and get back into your normal routine

What does the legislation of the Russian Federation say on this issue?

In accordance with paragraph 2 of article 61 federal law, the pedagogical relationship can be completed before the agreed time in the following options(at the initiative of the university implementing educational activities):

  • if expulsion of the student was a last resort disciplinary measure;
  • if the applicant has repeatedly failed to fulfill obligations under a specialized educational program to master the material and implement the curriculum;
  • in case of disclosure of an incorrect procedure for enrollment in an educational company, which resulted in illegal training through the fault of the student.

Can the student recover?

Is it possible to be reinstated at the university after expulsion? The Federal Law of the Russian Federation notes that a student expelled from a university, for example, for poor academic performance, at the initiative of the student before completing the course of studying the main specialized educational program, has the right to reinstatement to study at his/her university within 5 years after exclusion, if available free seats at the department and maintaining the previous status of the university, but not until graduation school year(semester) in which the marked person was expelled.

How to reinstate yourself in college after expulsion correspondence department or daytime? As a result, if the deduction was made according to at will or for a valid reason, for example, for health reasons, the student can resume studies within 5 years after expulsion from the previous educational base. This is how you can be reinstated at the university after expulsion.

Expulsion from the university for good reason

To begin with, it is worth noting that the previously mentioned article of the federal law does not regulate what reasons can be considered valid or disrespectful, this moment is entirely left to the decision of the university.

The student can be reinstated within five years after expulsion. But we're talking about, of course, not about all cases. Only those students who were expelled of their own free will or for a compelling reason can be reinstated. These usually include:

  1. State of health, complications after past diseases. For example, a student may drop out due to the need to undergo long-term rehabilitation treatment.
  2. A similar prerequisite may be caring for a relative who has health problems or a disabled person.
  3. Nowadays, few educational institutions allow students to defer educational process. But passing conscript service can be good reason deductions.
  4. Expulsion due to student pregnancy and caring for a newborn.
  5. Unscheduled move to another locality indefinitely.
  6. A long business trip may be considered a valid reason. After a business trip, the student can return to the university and continue his studies.

Expulsion from the university for no valid reason

How can those students whose reason for expulsion be reinstated at the university after expulsion be a decision of the administration of the educational institution? These good reasons include:

  • multiple absences from lectures and practical classes;
  • negative scores in the rating, debt in several disciplines;
  • non-compliance the most important rules specified in the agreement with the university student.

In all of the above options, reinstatement of the student at the university can also be possible, but most likely, such young people will study on a paid basis, since when expelled from the “budget”, this place Based on the rating score, the student is transferred from a commercial basis. But if you wish, you can always go to the dean’s office and ask about the possibility of returning to the institute.

Reinstatement to continue studying at a higher education institution

Reinstatement in any educational institution, and it does not matter, technical school, school or college, is of an official nature. Therefore, you need to write an application asking for reinstatement in the ranks of students to the dean’s office.

It is necessary that the document be addressed to the rector, substitute rector or dean. The initials of the authorized person must be indicated in the header of your application. In addition, you need to write your details and the full name of the faculty, specialty or department to which you want to be reinstated.

Necessary documents for reinstatement to the department

To be reinstated at the university you must:

  • present an identity card and copies of registration pages;
  • certificate of previously obtained education (a certificate of incomplete HE received can be presented as such paper);
  • student ID, any remaining academic documents;
  • a certificate confirming the fact, date and reason for the student’s expulsion.

It is worth noting that when expelling, a student must write an honest reason why he wants to complete his studies early. The documents that the applicant will submit upon his reinstatement must confirm this specific reason for discontinuing his studies in the past. That is, it should not happen that a student stops studying due to the birth of a child, but notes on the reinstatement certificate because of health.

How can those who were forced to withdraw from school for a valid reason recover?

In this case:

  1. If five years have not yet passed since the student was expelled, he must contact the department of his department.
  2. If at the moment the faculty cannot provide a place for a recovering student, you can count on getting a place according to the ranking list.
  3. If, based on the results of the academic certificate, the student does not qualify for the allocated place, the dean’s office must provide another vacant place in a similar specialty.

How can those who were expelled for an unexcused reason be reinstated?

How to reinstate yourself in a university after being expelled for poor academic performance or refusing to study for another (unexcused) reason? For this case A completely different algorithm is provided:

  1. Depending on the situation and reasons for deduction, there are various ways and student reinstatement procedures. Therefore, first, representatives of the institute must find out for what reason he was removed from educational process a person who wants to reinstate himself as a student.
  2. Further, if it turns out that reinstatement can be made, the applicant must write a statement addressed to the rector stating that he wants to study at the same faculty from which he was expelled.
  3. The institute must obtain a list of documents that must be submitted within two weeks. Typically this list includes: passport, education certificate and academic certificate. The University has the right to request additional documents, determined depending on the situation.
  4. The required list of documents and a personal statement must be submitted to the department department. Subsequently, the information provided will be reviewed by the commission. The decision to reinstate the student will be made within one week.
  5. All that remains is to wait for the conclusion of the commission under the rector of the university.

In what period of time can a student be reinstated at the institute?

A student expelled from a university at his own request has the right to write an application to renew his status at the educational institution within two semesters. If there are differences in the courses and modules for which it can be restored, the procedure for enrollment is determined by the certification commission.

But how to reinstate yourself in college after being expelled for poor academic performance (in Russia)? An applicant expelled for academic failure has the right to return to his faculty only after a sessional period in which he must clear his existing debts with satisfactory scores.

Who makes the decision about restoration?

The reinstatement of persons previously expelled from the university is carried out at the institute by a specially formed commission, the members of which, the terms and mode of work are approved by the leadership of each faculty separately. Resumption curriculum for students is approved by order of the vice-rector of the institute, the basis is the protocol of the commission and the student’s appeal. The faculty administration has the right to admit the reinstated student to lectures by its own order until the approval of official permission, confirmed by the rector of the university.

What to do if reinstatement is denied?

If your home university refuses, after expulsion you can be reinstated at another university. To be able to submit documents to it, you need to take a copy from the dean’s office grade book and a certificate about the period of study at the faculty. How to reinstate yourself to another university after expulsion? The same as in your own: you need to collect documents and contact the dean’s office. The recovery procedure is exactly the same.

9.1. A student is subject to expulsion upon the recommendation of the dean with the wording “for academic failure” if:

On the dates of the main examination session established by the order of the rector, he had a total more than three academic debts (unsatisfactory grades, absences from for no valid reason, ineligibility for the exam);

After the expiration of the additional examination session period established by order of the rector (the period for eliminating debts), he has academic debts.

9.2. Students who received no more than 3 (three) grades “unsatisfactory” and (or) “failed”, who submitted an application for expulsion at their own request during the period of intermediate certification (elimination of academic debt, deadline individual schedule training or individual training order), are deducted at their own request from the next working day after the day of submission of the application or from the day of submission of the application (if this request is included in the application).

9.3. It is not allowed to expel students with the wording “for academic failure” during illness, vacation, academic leave, maternity leave.

Individual training procedure for eliminating academic debt of students studying on a contractual (paid) basis. Repeated year (semester) of study for students studying on a contractual (paid) basis

10.1. Individual training procedure to eliminate academic debt

10.1.1. Vice-Rector for educational work(director of the institute) on the basis of a personal application from a student who has no more than 3 academic debts at the time of submitting the application, an individual training procedure may be provided to eliminate academic debt.

10.1.2. The provision of an individual training procedure may be refused for reasons of low academic performance, as well as previous expulsion for academic failure or for violation of the University Charter, Rules internal regulations university, other local regulations in force at the university.

10.1.3. An individual training order can be submitted for the period theoretical training in one semester.

10.2. Repeated year (semester) of study

10.2.1. For students who have not eliminated their academic debt in deadlines, may be granted a repeat year or semester of study at their request.

10.2.2. A repeated year (semester) of study is provided by the rector (vice-rector for academic affairs) on the basis of the student’s personal application submitted for a repeated year of study no later than June 30, for a repeated semester of study - on June 30 or January 30, respectively.

10.2.3. A repeat year of study is provided in accordance with study schedule the corresponding course, as a rule, from September 1, a repeat semester - from September 1 or February 1, respectively. In the 1st year, a repeat semester of study is provided from February 1.

Academic failure is the failure to complete the curriculum for passing exams and certifications.
In the article about increased scholarships, we already wrote about the deadlines for passing the exam; now we will consider in what cases a student is expelled for debts.

A student is expelled for academic failure in the following cases:

  1. If a student fails exams in three subjects during the session.
  2. Did not pass the subject to the certification commission (second retake).
  3. Did not pass the items that make up the difference curriculum(when moving from one specialty to another).
  4. I did not have time to hand over the debts on the subjects within the time allotted for retaking.
  5. Failed to pass the intra-semester certification (not valid at all universities).
  6. Failed to cope with the training plan drawn up individually (mainly for masters).
  7. Didn’t complete the internship and didn’t submit the required reports.
However, the dean's office does not always strictly follow these rules, giving some students a chance to extend the session.

Underachievement among state employees and contract employees

Although according to the law everyone is equal, in practice the dean’s office gives a contract student much more time to retake and pay off debts. And a public sector employee can always be offered to switch to a contract or become a sponsor of the department. In some universities, a contract student is expelled for poor academic performance only if he does not appear at the institute for 2-3 years, but regularly pays money for education.

Advice: If there is no chance of passing the session on time, drop out of your own free will. Then you will have the opportunity to recover in a year and continue your studies. The main thing is not to relax during this year. If you are expelled by order, there will be much less opportunity for reinstatement.
Note: Unfortunately, this does not apply to first-year students who did not pass the first session.

Read tips on how to pass the session.