Which troops should you join for military service? Which troops are better to serve in?

The theory suggests that each military conscript must independently choose the direction for his military service Russian Federation.

Are the wishes of conscripts taken into account?

In 2017–2018, it is envisaged that the choice of direction army service every citizen liable for military service must follow, so it is recommended to inform doctors in advance during the draft board and when communicating with the military commissar. It is recommended to present arguments in favor of decision taken. For example, for service in tractor or automobile troops It is advisable to take care of special identification. Despite this, it is not always possible to begin service in the direction of interest. But in any case, it is advisable to determine the direction of service in the Russian Army for yourself and try to use your legal right.

Areas of military service: brief information

For example, navy, special forces, Marines, border troops, reconnaissance battalions are one of the most prestigious areas. Most men with perfect condition health and fitness choose these options.

Fewer people want to serve in the Internal Troops and in the construction battalion. Despite the respect, the conditions of service are not suitable for everyone.

Many conscripts are guided by the location of the military unit. Sometimes you can step back territorial issue, if a man liable for military service has a certain dream and strives to realize it.

Skills and physical characteristics are taken into account. If a man can't swim well, he can't become a Marine.

At the same time, 2-meter men cannot be tank crews, paratroopers, or submariners.

Personal wishes and physical capabilities are not always correlated, therefore every citizen liable for military service must be prepared for certain deviations from existing personal wishes.

Types and types of troops of the army of the Russian Federation

In Russia, troops are divided into the following types and kind:

  • ground forces - a type that includes big number soldiers with different abilities and training levels. Among the differences are greater fire and striking power, optimal maneuverability, and a tendency to independence;
  • Air Force- a branch of the Armed Forces, whose representatives carry out strikes against enemy forces, conduct aerial reconnaissance and air transport. The activity is based on the use of airplanes and helicopters;
  • Navy built to strike various objects belonging to the enemy side. Soldiers are allowed to serve only with good condition health and quick response;
  • rocket troops strategic purpose solve strategic problems during nuclear war. The main weapons are modern missile systems, on which the activities of men liable for military service and the success of the result largely depend. In the Strategic Missile Forces, combat duty must be carried out by everyone, from the private to the commander-in-chief, therefore the conscript must have perfect health and developed physical fitness;
  • space forces - new kind troops of the Russian Federation. Representatives space force ensure the security of the state in the space sector. This is required for maximum protection of possible rocket attacks. Each representative of the space forces must have ideal health (category A);
  • Airborne troops operate behind enemy lines, destroy nuclear weapons. The main task is to capture and hold important objects to increase the effectiveness of the fight on enemy territory, disrupt the control system and work of the enemy rear. The Airborne Forces successfully operate with ground forces;
  • The rear of the Armed Forces provides the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with material resources for effective implementation battles, guaranteed provision medical care wounded soldiers and sick people, organizing and carrying out sanitary and hygienic measures;
  • The engineering troops are equipped with modern high-performance equipment to perform complex and specific work, creating water, anti-tank, anti-personnel, and anti-vehicle barriers in the path of potential enemy troops.

Every soldier is tailored physical training and health status have the right to choose the appropriate direction of military service. Whenever possible, military registration and enlistment office employees take into account the wishes of citizens liable for military service. If there is no opportunity, the soldier must understand that he must agree to the proposals of the military registration and enlistment office in order to fulfill his duty to the Motherland.

Video: Which troops are better to join and why?

The future place of service depends on several criteria: health, physical fitness, education, acquired profession, skills and abilities.

The information collected by the military commissariat in the process of creating a personal file will be used when assigning to a specific branch of the military. For example, having driver's license(categories, the more, the better) and understanding the repair of automotive equipment, you can count on the driver’s seat. Based on this and other data (your desire), you can be assigned to the Airborne Forces, special forces, fleet, motorized rifle and other units of the RF Armed Forces.

First, of course, a conversation is held with the recruit, during which they will ask where he would like to serve. They will even offer to choose a specific place for future service. Then, based on the results of the first medical examination, the military registration and enlistment office will announce the type of troops (ground units, Navy, Aerospace Forces...). And during the passage of the second medical commission at the regional military registration and enlistment office you will already be informed of specific troops and place of service (city).

So, let's try to figure out whether a recruit has the opportunity to get into one or another unit of his choice?

by law this opportunity not provided. This means there are no guarantees.

A certain category of conscripts, mentioned in the Federal Law “On military duty and military service." In this normative act states: “Conscripts with children, as well as sick and elderly parents (women over 55 years old, men over 60 years old), but who do not fall under the requirements of subparagraph “b” of paragraph 1 of Article 24 Federal Law dated March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ “On military duty and military service”, if possible, are sent for military service to military units of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies stationed near their place of residence, within established standards calling citizens to military service for relevant municipalities. In this case, the citizen is obliged to document the presence of these relatives. The whole matter is complicated by the phrase “if possible.” But if the military commissar has such an opportunity in your locality If he doesn’t see it, he’ll have to go “wherever they send him.”

Many believe that the panacea for this issue will serve as training in DOSAAF. Since Soviet times, this organization has been preparing young men for military service. Every year, more than 100 thousand conscripts are trained within DOSAAF. All of them receive one or another military specialty and can claim to be assigned to the chosen branch of the military. In principle, graduates of this military educational organization have slight privileges compared to others, since they are considered to be more prepared for service. But, again, this does not guarantee that the recruit will get into specific part one region or another.

There is also an opinion that an application addressed to the military commissar will help. To do this, you need to come to the military commissariat, clarify the application form (they should prompt you) and state your request in it. In your appeal you must indicate in which troops and for what reason you want to serve (you can write about family traditions, desire to serve, etc.). If you approach this issue wisely, you may be lucky.

It is necessary to understand that much depends on the actions of the conscript himself; as they say, water does not flow under a lying stone. You will have to move and very intensely. What is important here is eloquence, the ability to negotiate with people and the presence of a “sane” opponent. Below are a couple of options to try.

  1. 1. Contact your military commissar at your place of registration or the person responsible for recruiting and dispatching young recruits. These are the people who have a precise schedule for calling up and sending all formed teams to a specific unit. The bottom line is that you must be issued a summons to the assembly point on the day of departure to the unit you need. Immediately upon arrival at the assembly point, make the same request to the head of the assembly point, who is responsible for forming and sending all teams to their location; it is also necessary to contact the representative of the military unit who recruits for this team and accompanies you to the place of duty. Then the probability of getting into the part of your choice increases significantly.
  2. 2. You can go the opposite way and agree directly on the parts. Yes, come to the unit, get an appointment with the commander and tell about yourself and your desire to serve in this particular unit. If they meet you halfway, then straight to the military registration and enlistment office and according to the previous “scenario”.

It is important to remember: everything depends on many factors, and the ability to manage them determines whether you have a chance to serve in the unit of your choice or not.

The well-being of absolutely any state directly depends on national army. The more combat-ready it is, the fewer threats there will be to the country's security. But one should understand the fact that the army is system concept, which has internal features and specific structural components. Each of these elements is assigned a number of specific functions necessary to ensure the defense capability of the state. It must also be remembered that the army performs important tasks how in war time, and in peaceful times. In the classic version, it consists of several main elements, namely: naval, ground, and air forces.

In particular developed countries There are other troops, for example, in the Russian Federation there are space troops. Secretly allocate special elite troops, which are entrusted special functions. It is these national military formations of the Russian Federation that will be discussed in the article below.

The essence of the concept

To get into the most elite troops in Russia, you need to train hard and for a long time. Many experts advise starting physical training even before the offensive. Both conscripts and officers who graduated from special universities enter the Airborne Forces. Knowledge of any martial arts or military sports training is welcome. This branch of the military is the most promising in the Russian Federation, because it recruits personnel for the GRU, FSB and other secret units special purpose.


We looked at Russia's elite troops. Please note that this list may change over time. Nevertheless, the rating is based on facts of combat effectiveness and detailed surveys of the population. The article also answers the question of how to get into Russia's elite troops. In conclusion, we would like to add that the army is the destiny of strong and purposeful people. If you are one hundred percent confident in yourself, then the elite armed forces The Russian Federation is waiting!

All young people who have reached conscription age sooner or later think about the question of where to go to serve when going into the army, as well as what qualities they need to have in order to get into the desired unit. Here everything depends not only on desire, but also on physical fitness, existing skills and health status. The information presented in the article will help you figure out which troops it is advisable for a potential fighter to join, taking into account his preferences and medical characteristics.

Is it possible to choose the direction of military service yourself?

According to generally accepted rules, during the conscription campaign, young man, of course, they will ask about his wishes regarding the troops in which he would like to go conscript service, and based on his answer they will make a note about his preferences. However, the distribution of newly minted soldiers does not particularly depend on their personal desires; they are mainly chosen by the so-called “buyers” who come to pick up the soldiers. Of course, there are times when a recruit's preferences are taken into account, due to compelling reasons or where the guy lives.

Another way to achieve being sent to serve in exactly the units you want is to present compelling arguments to the military commissariat. For example, if a young man wants to repay his debt to his homeland by serving as a military transport driver, it would be a good idea to take care of presenting a car license. It does not matter whether the conscript manages to get into that military unit, which he noticed, or not, it’s still worth a try.

Not official troop ratings

Residents of Russia have formed a special rating of military units. Of course, it does not have official status, but, in most cases, it influences the choice of potential recruits. So, according to this list, at the very top are the marines and navy, special forces, reconnaissance, and border military units. These areas are in great demand and are considered elite. Men go there with excellent health and excellent physical shape.

Much less people want to serve in the army - in units of a construction battalion or internal troops. This is due to the specific conditions of military service in these military units; they are not suitable for everyone.

The choice is often influenced by the geographical location of the duty station. Many do not want or are afraid to go far from home, but there are also those who do not pay attention to the location of the unit and are guided by their dreams; these young people liable for military service make every effort to achieve their goal.

When deciding where to send a newly minted soldier, military commissariat employees are guided not only by the assigned fitness category, but also by the conscript’s possession of certain skills and his physical characteristics. If a guy suffers from seasickness, he certainly won't get into the navy. And the guys tall will not be able to fulfill their civic duty as tank crews or submariners.

Before voicing your wishes regarding the direction of military service, it is recommended to soberly assess your physical characteristics and make sure everything is in order with your health.

Types of military branches

The variety of troops where you can go to serve is quite large, and before joining the army, every future conscript soldier must understand military trends. Besides useful information there will be knowledge of the characteristics that a conscript must have in order to go to the desired unit. In general, available Russian troops are divided into three types: aviation, ground armed forces and navy.

Air direction

Airborne troops. Considered one of the the most prestigious types Armed forces. Military personnel belonging to this area are engaged in conducting special operations in enemy territory. They capture strategically important enemy targets and disable the enemy’s communications and controls.

Perform sabotage missions. To join the ranks of the Airborne Forces, a potential recruit must meet highest requirements regarding physical endurance and health. Only if, after passing a military medical commission during conscription events, the candidate is assigned the category of fitness for service “A1”, he can apply to be sent to the airborne troops.

Aerospace units. This includes service in the ranks of the military space forces, in units air defense, as well as strategic missile forces. These guys are all about air defense and control. outer space Russian state. If necessary, the soldiers of these platoons must identify and repel an enemy attack from the air.

Young people who have diplomas in engineering or technical professions have the greatest chance of doing military service in one of the units of the Aerospace Armed Forces. When distributing conscripts, they rely on psychological characteristics And intellectual abilities Guys. Suitability modification required for sending to aerospace forces, air defense and air defense units missile forces, must be not lower than category “A” and its subcategories.

Naval forces

Navy. Soldiers of this military branch perform their combat duties in the seas and oceans under the control of the Russian Federation. The task of the Navy is to repel possible enemy attacks, and also, if necessary, to conduct offensive actions from sea waters.

The fleet includes submarine and surface forces, as well as marines and aviation. The characteristics of candidates for service in the ranks of the naval forces must also be high. One of the requirements for soldiers is height, it should start from 1.80 meters, and the fitness level should be at least category “A3”.

Ground troops

Motorized rifle units. The soldiers of these units are distinguished by their ability to repel an enemy attack on any territory or terrain, regardless of weather. Moreover, one more distinctive feature This direction is that serious requirements are not put forward for conscripts to serve in these troops.

Newly minted soldiers can be sent there, with categories ranging from “A1” to “B4”, that is, all fitness categories that give the right to go to military service. This is due to the fact that in motorized rifle troops There are many military crafts that absolutely all conscripts can handle.

Tank forces. This unit is rightfully considered the basic attack weapon ground army. The employees cope well with combat missions related to defense against enemy attacks, and, if necessary, attack in a coordinated manner. As is clear from the name of the direction, most of fighters will be included in the crews of tank vehicles. Therefore, recruits no taller than 1.75 meters are selected for the ranks of these forces. The conscript must be in good physical shape and not have serious visual impairments.

Railway. These parts are not considered prestigious, they perform combat missions, starring railway, and their responsibilities also include maintenance railway tracks after natural disasters or other incidents. Often, children who do not have the necessary skills are sent here to fulfill their civic duty. good health and endurance.

Special forces. Those serving in these units handle tactical and combat operations that can only be trusted by the best of the best. Conscript soldiers do not join the ranks of these armed forces. To become a special forces soldier, you must already have served in the army. Plus, certain tests are conducted among candidates and they are subjected to strict selection.

What to choose?

When wondering where it is better to go to serve after receiving a summons to the army, you need to decide what goals are being pursued. All existing Russian troops have prestigious units. Those who served there are revered and respected, but they will have to give all their strength to withstand not only the moral, but also the physical stress during the training of soldiers.

Moreover, it is not always easy to join the ranks of these troops. During the selection process, the presence of good physical data, absence of health problems, endurance and strong psyche are welcomed.

The big advantage of prestigious units is the opportunity to gain quite useful skills. Learn to control weapons, master martial arts and other skills.

However, based on observations, we can conclude that conscripts are distributed among various types of troops, without taking into account their personal wishes. Every serviceman who comes to the military registration and enlistment office for assignment will praise his unit, since any unit requires good soldiers.

If a potential recruit has any specialties or useful skills, there will be no problems with him in terms of education and training during military service. After the newly minted soldier is sent to one of the military units, after taking the oath, he will be re-assigned among the platoons of the unit. During this event great attention is given to the young person's abilities.

Before receiving notification, it is better to prepare in advance in order to increase the chances of getting into good unit. Recommended:

  1. Bring your physical fitness in order. Conscripts capable of withstanding considerable physical exercise, in demand in any army;
  2. Train endurance, discipline, emotional stability;
  3. Have special education. A soldier who has a profession is valued above others.

Preparation before the conscription campaign

When a young man sets out to join the ranks of certain Armed Forces, it would not be superfluous to pre-conscription training future soldier. In every big city DOSAAF branches operate in the region, whose task is to prepare children before conscription. Those wishing to perform compulsory service while driving military equipment or in an airborne detachment, will be required driver license. By undergoing conscription training in DOSAAF, you have the opportunity not only to obtain the right to drive a vehicle, but also to increase your chances of serving conscription, for example, by driving an armored personnel carrier.

Those who want to join the Airborne Forces can learn the art of parachute jumping before conscription. Today, taking such a training course is not difficult. Especially if there is a parachute club in the city where the young man lives. All you have to do is pay for the training and perform a few jumps.

At the time of distribution at the recruiting station, such information is entered into the personal file of the future soldier. Of course, this does not guarantee 100% deployment to the Airborne Forces, but it will be possible to compete with other candidates.


Of course, the desire of young guys to serve in prestigious troops is commendable. But do not forget that, first of all, military service means receiving invaluable experience, a test of the strength of any man, in conditions of discipline and exclusively men's team. While in the army, a soldier gains new knowledge and learns special skills that will be useful to him later in life or at work.

When deciding where it is better to go to serve, before joining the army, you should think carefully about how this will affect or help a man in the future. Perhaps after his service his worldview will change radically and the experience gained will help him realize his potential in civilian life. In any case, it is not recommended to strive to achieve a goal to the detriment of your health, exhausting yourself with training or hiding the presence of any diseases during the medical examination.

And whether to serve at all, the conscript should find out what types and branches of troops there are in the Russian Armed Forces. It is curious that there are three of both in the country. The clans make up the Strategic Missile Forces ( Rocket Forces strategic purpose), Aerospace Defense forces and considered the elite Airborne Army(Airborne troops). The species include SV ( Ground troops), the Air Force (Air Force) and the Navy (Navy), each of which also consists of separate branches of the military. For example, tank and motorized rifle units that are part of the Army, or considered the pride of the Russian Marine Corps fleet.

Election game

Theoretically, any Russian conscript has the right not only to dream, but also to independently choose the gender in which he would like to spend the next 12 months. Or more, if by the time he was transferred to the reserve, he suddenly had a desire to remain for long-term service and conclude the first contract with the army and his unit. The future private must declare such a desire to the military commissar and doctors at the draft board. And if possible, somehow justify your position. For example, a driver’s or tractor driver’s license, which would allow one to serve in automobile or tank forces, a certificate of completion of radio school and assignment to the Signal Corps, a certificate of a master of sports in boxing, a document confirming three parachute jumps and a dream to join the Airborne Forces, which are celebrating their 85th anniversary in 2015.

Unfortunately, in practice, much does not happen according to the scenario planned by the conscript: a parachutist and a boxer are often sent to motorized rifle, and a promising rock climber is sent to an airfield. To be fair, it should be admitted that this does not always happen due to the reluctance or indifference of the military commissar. Much more often, misunderstandings are associated with the peculiar “games” of the Department General Staff on the organization of the conscription campaign, whose instructions are carried out. The so-called buyers - soldiers and officers from various parts, coming to military commissariats and selecting conscripts solely at their own discretion.

Get rated!

Of course, there is no official ranking of the best or worst branches and types of troops. But there are as many unofficial ones as you like. The most prestigious ones include, in particular, the landing force, various reconnaissance battalions, and the fleet. But those who want to get into, even if only for a year, a construction battalion or Internal troops, with all due respect to them, not too much. However, great importance also has where exactly it is located military unit. After all, there is a big one in the service for a very Far East or in the area of ​​​​Moscow Mira Avenue. Choosing military profession, it is better to pay special attention not to the notorious rating, but to compliance with your dream. And if you managed to grow to two meters, neither a tanker nor a submariner, alas, will take you, no matter how much you want. How naive it is to expect to become a Marine without knowing how to swim and do pull-ups.

Machine gunner Maxim

The luckiest ones in terms of future conscription are Russian professional athletes. Once upon a time, during the times of the USSR and the Central sports club army, to serve for a year or two years in a sports company, appearing there only for the oath and transfer to the reserve and continuing to win gold medals at the most prestigious competitions, was not even wanted, but many dreamed Soviet athletes high class. Including the most famous ones.

This was mainly due to the fact that they were not officially exempt from military duty, and service in CSKA or its branches in the regions provided a lucky opportunity not to end up somewhere in Nakhodka or Fergana. Or even to Afghanistan. At first Russian period In the history of the country, sports companies were canceled, but very recently they were returned to service. One of them even included a failed participant in the 2014 Olympics in figure skating, Ekaterinburg resident Maxim Kovtun. I wonder what kind of troops he dreamed of as a child? Did you really want to become a machine gunner?