Holiday of the Marines. The main advantages of motorized rifle troops

States with coastlines must have a marine corps. Such units are very important for any country. In Russia, marines are distinguished by their invincibility and courage, and are the elite among the armed forces. To maintain military morale, honor and government support, Marine Corps Day is celebrated.


The history of the holiday begins with the reign of Peter the Great. In 1705, on November 27, the emperor signed a decree that spoke of the creation of a new military special unit - the Marine Corps. The sea infantry did not let the leader down and in 1907, after the victory over the Swedes, Peter the Great made the unit a regiment. Subsequently, this regiment becomes the basis of the fleet on the Baltic Sea.

Repeatedly, the Marines proved their skill and courage. They fought for their homeland with dignity: there were victories in the battle for Borodino, during the First World War, and in the Crimean War they defended the hero city of Sevastopol. Large successful battles were fought during the Great Patriotic War. More than a thousand Germans were killed by Marine soldiers in the Battle of Stalingrad.

In the Soviet post-war period, the marine corps was involved in international operations.

In the modern Russian army, the marine corps serves in all fleets:

  1. Black Sea.
  2. Caspian
  3. Baltic
  4. Severny.

The Caspian Flotilla also has its own marine infantry. Every year, the equipment for landing soldiers and other types of necessary equipment and weapons are being improved.


Marines Day is celebrated at the state level with solemnity and pomp. On this day, parades and marches of personnel are held in military units of these troops. Military infantrymen show worked elements.

The command presents awards, memorial signs and orders, and congratulates everyone on the holiday. Festive concerts are held, and loud fireworks are heard in the evening.

On this day, we do not forget about those who passed away while fulfilling their military duty. Wreaths and fresh flowers are laid at the monuments.

By this day, orders for promotions are prepared and titles are awarded.

Marines are unique people who feel equally comfortable in water and on land. Every strong, self-respecting state must have a powerful marine corps. This branch of the military is so deeply rooted in history that there are even antique vases in the drawings of which you can find ancient Greek infantrymen, and if you take Scandinavia, you can safely call the famous Vikings the first northern marines.

Marine Corps Day in Russia: history

And again it could not have happened without Peter I. It was he who, having been abroad, brought home the idea of ​​​​organizing a marine corps. This happened exactly on November 27, 1705.

Russia wanted and tried to take steps towards Europe, striving to become a civilized society. The country was slowly opening up to foreigners, which meant a strong, reliable army was needed. As they say - for every fireman. The glorious infantry fighters greatly helped their king to cut through that very window to Europe.

The Marine Corps became a reliable support for Peter the Great in resolving various international issues. So to speak - not for the sake of blackmail, but purely for the good of the matter. From Peter the Great to our times, the marine corps in Russia has always been in action: during the Battle of Borodino, and during the Second World War, and even in peacetime, our infantrymen bravely fulfilled their international duty.

Marine Corps Day: holiday traditions

When Marine Corps Day comes, Russia hosts ceremonial events, concerts of pop stars, and original military ensembles. Honored Marines are awarded new military ranks, and medals and orders appear on the soldiers’ chests. The merits of the Marines are valued at the highest state level; they are often awarded awards from the hands of the first person in the country.

When is Marine Corps Day celebrated?

Officially, infantrymen received their professional holiday only in 1996 and annually celebrate this date on November 27.

The Marine Corps in all centuries is the pride of the armed forces of any state, a symbol of its power and invincibility. Images of the first marines can be seen on ancient Greek and Roman bas-reliefs telling about the famous naval battles of Ancient Times. The Carthaginians were very skilled warriors and sailors, who could instantly board any ship. In the Middle Ages, the world was conquered by the brave Scandinavian Vikings: they were responsible for many of the largest amphibious operations of the Middle Ages. Of course, the British Marines, whose history begins in the 16th century, have and still have unique experience and tactics in conducting battles at sea.

Marine Corps in Rus'

In the Russian army, a marine corps unit was formed in 1705, by decree of Peter the Great on November 27. Therefore, this particular date was chosen for Marine Corps Day in modern Russia. Without a doubt, the marines of Peter the Great's era played a huge role in the fact that Russia ceased to be a closed state. Largely thanks to them, the “window to Europe” was finally opened. After Peter I's victory over the Swedes in 1709, the small naval unit grew into a regiment, which soon became the basis of the Baltic Fleet. Since then, the Marine Corps has repeatedly defended the interests of our Motherland.

Marines took part in such major battles as Borodino, fought to the death during World War II, and were involved in major international military operations in the post-war period. Of course, people of this courageous profession deserve their holiday. And it’s great that they have it!

Russian Marine Corps Day, history and traditions

Marine Corps Day in Russia was established relatively recently, only in 1996. By decree of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy dated July 15, Infantryman's Day is celebrated annually on November 27. Marines are the elite of the Russian armed forces, so their unit always hosts lavish and ceremonial events on November 27th.

Of course, on November 27, the Navy command congratulates its soldiers and rewards those who have especially distinguished themselves with medals, orders, and valuable gifts. This day marks the conferment of new ranks and promotions in military service. Ceremonial events take place at the highest government level and in all regiments and divisions of the Russian Marine Corps.

Marines of the Russian Navy celebrate their professional holiday on November 27. The ceremonial events will take place in the brigades of the Pacific, Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets, as well as in two battalions of the Caspian flotilla, individual companies and units.

Sea soldiers

Marine Corps Day was officially established by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in 1995. But the history of this type of troops began in the second half of the 17th century. It was then that special teams of archers - naval soldiers - were formed as part of the crews of the ships of the flotilla created by order of Ivan the Terrible. And in 1669, the first Russian military sailing ship "Eagle" already had a similar crew, there were 35 of them, for boarding operations and guard duty.

During the Azov campaigns, from the most combat-ready Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments, a Marine Regiment was created - a regiment, it consisted of 4,254 people. On November 16, 1705, according to the old style, and on November 27, according to the new style, Emperor Peter I issued a decree on the formation of a naval regiment. This day became the birthday of the Russian Marine Corps. The “sea soldiers” were responsible for victories at Gangut and Chesma, the assaults on Izmail and Corfu, and the defense of Port Arthur and Sevastopol.

The Marines fought selflessly during the Great Patriotic War. They brought real horror to the fascists. The Germans nicknamed the Marines the "Black Death" because of their black peacoats and incredible courage. And even when all the soldiers of the Red Army were dressed in combined arms uniforms, the Marines kept their vests and caps. They went into battle wide open, biting the ribbons of their caps in their teeth.

The Marines fought bloody battles on the Hanko Peninsula, on the Kola Peninsula, blocking the path of fascist troops to Murmansk, Polyarnoye, and Kandalaksha. The Marines performed immortal feats in the Battle of Moscow, where examples of courage and heroism were shown by seven naval rifle brigades, a separate detachment of sailors and two companies of naval school cadets. Ten marine brigades and dozens of separate naval regiments and battalions took part in the battles for Leningrad, which, under the most difficult conditions, showed miracles of endurance and heroism in defending the city and breaking its blockade.

On a boat and with a parachute

For 73 days and nights, the Marines, together with army units, defended Odessa from enemy divisions. In November 1941, near Sevastopol, a group of five marines led by political instructor Nikolai Filchenkov stood in the way of German tanks breaking through to the city. At the cost of their lives, they did not allow the tanks to pass. Having tied themselves with grenades, they rushed under the tanks. All five sailors were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In general, 200 marines were awarded this high title for courage and heroism, and the famous intelligence officer Viktor Leonov, who fought in the Northern Fleet and then created the naval reconnaissance and sabotage units of the Pacific Fleet, is twice a Hero. The personnel of the landing force, Senior Lieutenant Konstantin Olshansky, who landed in the port of Nikolaev in March 1944 and completed the task at the cost of their lives, were fully awarded this high award. By the way, one of the largest landing ships of the Russian Navy is named after Konstantin Olshansky.

And today the Marines are an elite military unit, in which each of the sailors considers it a great honor to serve. The Marines are armed with amphibious military equipment, portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft systems and automatic small arms. Marines land ashore from landing ships and boats, and are landed by ship-based and shore-based helicopters. Sometimes fighters can cross water under their own power - in floating vehicles and armored personnel carriers. Marine units of the Russian Navy are equipped with new D-10 parachutes.

According to Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Lieutenant General Oleg Makarevich, in honor of Marine Corps Day, the “black berets” organized holidays, weapons exhibitions, and demonstrated their skills.

All military personnel have their own professional holidays - Artilleryman's Day, Tankman's Day, Border Guard Day, etc. Men who are lucky enough to serve in the Marine Corps also have such a holiday. This is Marine Corps Day, which is celebrated on November 27th.

The history of the holiday

Marine Corps Day was timed to coincide with the date of Peter I signing the decree on the formation of the first regiment of naval soldiers in the Baltic Sea - November 27, 1705. This happened after the battle with the Swedes, in which the Russian army won. Although in fact, the day of the Marine Corps, that is, the day when the first team of Marines in the Russian army was formed, was much earlier. The team was formed from the crew who served on the ship "Eagle" in 1698. And already in 1712, five battalions replaced the regiment of naval soldiers. Since then, the Marines have carried the military glory of their troops. Not a single naval battle took place without the participation of these valiant warriors. How many lines were taken thanks to the strength and courage of the Marines!

"Black Berets" - the elite of the military forces

And today, marines honorably bear the title of elite of the Russian army. They can fight both on land and at sea, together with amphibious assault forces or independently. Over time, the Marine Corps troops began to include a large number of individual units and units. In particular, they include tank, engineering, and artillery units. Marines undergo special military training. Such military personnel are distinguished by endurance, are fluent in army hand-to-hand combat techniques, and can make the right decisions in the shortest possible time and implement them in practice. In annual international reviews, our marines receive only the highest marks, which once again confirms the status of the elite of the military forces of the Russian Federation. Marine boys participate in peacekeeping military operations in hot spots of the world.

Holiday of Marines in Russia

Russian Marine Corps Day has been celebrated since 1996 by order of the Commander-in-Chief. The celebrations are large-scale and very beautiful. “Black Berets” demonstrate their skills in hand-to-hand combat and reveal some secrets of military skill. Of course, it cannot do without spectacular elements of military operations. The results of the past year are also summed up, the best military personnel are awarded, and new goals and objectives are set. Congratulations on Marine Corps Day come from the commanders of the troops, as well as from the Minister of Defense and the President of the country. On their holiday, military personnel congratulate each other and remember departed comrades, whose names will forever remain in memory and on the lists of personnel of marine brigades. And on Marine Corps Day, each of us once again has a reason to thank these courageous warriors guarding our borders. Being a Marine is prestigious. Many young men want to serve in these troops. But for this, you need to play sports from a young age, because only strong guys are accepted into the “Black Berets”.