What do military personnel do? What are the main responsibilities of a military personnel

The responsibilities of the people carrying military service in units and institutions of the Armed Forces, includes the performance of military duty. This service is not just a profession, but a calling. Society and the entire state as a whole assign socially responsible functions to military personnel.

There is no place in the military profession for people with poor physical fitness and weak strong-willed qualities. After all, the main task of military personnel is to protect and retain territory, as well as human and material resources. People in active service are obliged to unquestioningly carry out all orders regarding necessary military actions, operations and activities. They must be able to predict required amount units of equipment and manpower that need to be deployed. Their responsibilities include detecting potential dangers as well as compiling emergency reports.

Depending on the assigned military rank and official position, all employees are divided into superiors (senior) and subordinates (junior). Strict observance of chain of command is an integral part of military service.

The demand for the military profession is average. Military service is not so popular today; many young people try to avoid conscription and try to evade service. Low salaries, strictness and some restrictions in the army frighten young potential defenders of the state. Meanwhile, the Russian military man has always been distinguished by bravery, courage and dedication. This profession is considered honorable and is treated with great respect. Employees are provided with guarantees and compensation by law. There are benefits for them when entering educational institutions, when traveling to public transport. Military personnel are entitled to fairly long vacations and early retirement. Families in which the husband is on active duty are provided with housing. These facts are, of course, a nice bonus.

But as in any type of activity, in addition to the advantages, the military profession also has its disadvantages. A person serving does not have to choose a city and climatic conditions, where he and his family need to move. Sometimes long working hours and night shifts require a lot of patience and perseverance from employees and their families. Another peculiarity of the military profession is that it is risky and dangerous, since those serving at sea, in the air or on land, if necessary, can be sent to “hot spots” at any time.

Personal qualities

The main qualities of a military man’s character include, first of all, high morality, decency and, of course, patriotism. Men in military uniform They are distinguished by organization, honesty and integrity, observation and determination. They must be demanding not only of themselves, but also of their colleagues. Military personnel have the ability to analyze existing facts and make predictions further move events. Only people with a normal psyche and control over their emotions can serve in the army.

Good physical endurance, discipline, efficiency - these characteristics are not the least in the list of qualities that people performing military service should have. For most, the word “military” is certainly associated with such words as self-control, courage and endurance.

Education (What do you need to know?)

People with strong-willed character traits and organizational skills Those who can react quickly and make decisions quickly are worth trying their hand at becoming a military man. You can master this profession by obtaining a secondary specialized or higher education. Future army personnel study at military schools, academies, institutes and universities.

Place of work and career

Military personnel work in military organizations and research institutes. Of course, people of this profession serve in military garrisons, units, units, etc. They also work in peacekeeping troops and are sent to “hot spots”. Teaching activities are also possible.

Some military personnel try to get high rank, which makes it possible to receive a good salary after service military pension. People of this profession cannot engage in any entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, those who wish to open in the future own business You shouldn’t connect your life with the army.

It is natural for a real man to protect. In general, this concerns life, family, and the Motherland. Men have always fought. Even today, when using the latest technological advances, the activity is in demand. Military professions are extremely diverse, and everyone can find themselves in what their soul lies in.

Firstly, these include military specialties. To do this, you must study at a military educational institution. Secondly, you can simply enlist in conscription and then remain on an extra-term basis, however, then you only have the opportunity to get a junior officer rank. For a higher position it is still necessary to study, in which case the officer can rise to the rank of general.

This path has both positive and negative sides. Currently, among the advantages there is a decent wage, as well as pension payments. The disadvantages include a large dependent position on who is the leader at the very top.

Professions in the RF Armed Forces

  • cartographer;
  • signalman;
  • radio operator;
  • orderly;
  • military doctor;
  • cryptographer;
  • military translator;
  • musician;
  • and others.

Civilian professions

The Armed Forces need not only military personnel, but also civilian professions. They are included in the service of employees, without directly relating to them. These are, for example, economic professions, cook, translator, analyst and others.

How to get a military profession

To obtain an army profession you need your own level of knowledge. This may be a secondary education with a military bias, or a higher professional education.

At a military university, training lasts 5 years. At the same time, the cadet is trained in military affairs, and also acquires a civilian specialty, which is similar in profile to the army. Studying is carried out on the basis of signing a 5-year training contract and the same period after it. Cadets receive a good salary, which is significantly higher than scholarships at universities in civilian life. After successful implementation After completing the plan and passing the state certification, each graduate is assigned the rank of lieutenant and the corresponding profession with qualifications. The document confirming the right is a diploma of the established form.

How the employee’s fate will develop in the future depends on his qualities and objective circumstances. First, for this you need to undergo compulsory conscription service, and then enter into a contract.

Description of the profession

The responsibilities of people performing military service in units and institutions of the Armed Forces include the performance of military duty. This service is not just a profession, but a calling. Society and the entire state as a whole assign socially responsible functions to military personnel.

There is no place in the military profession for people with poor physical fitness and weak willpower. After all, the main task of military personnel is to protect and retain territory, as well as human and material resources. People in active service are obliged to unquestioningly carry out all orders regarding necessary military actions, operations and activities. They must be able to predict the required number of units of equipment and manpower that need to be deployed. Their responsibilities include detecting potential dangers as well as compiling emergency reports.

Depending on the assigned military rank and official position, all employees are divided into superiors (senior) and subordinates (junior). Strict observance of chain of command is an integral part of military service.

Personal qualities

high morality








Military personnel must be demanding not only of themselves, but also of their colleagues. They have the ability to analyze existing facts and predict the future course of events. Only people with a normal psyche and control over their emotions can serve in the army.

Good physical endurance, discipline, efficiency - these characteristics are not the least in the list of qualities that people performing military service should have. For most, the word “military” is certainly associated with such words as self-control, courage and endurance.


People with strong-willed character traits and organizational skills, who can react quickly and make decisions quickly, should try their hand at becoming a military man. You can master this profession by receiving secondary specialized or higher education. Future army personnel study at military schools, academies, institutes and universities.

Place of work and career

Military personnel work in military organizations and research institutes. Of course, people of this profession serve in military garrisons, units, units, etc. They also work in peacekeeping troops and are sent to “hot spots”. Teaching activities are also possible.

Some military personnel try to achieve a high rank, which makes it possible to receive a good military pension after service. People of this profession cannot engage in any entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, those who want to open their own business in the future should not connect their lives with the army.

Related professions

According to the Law Russian Federation"ABOUT military duty and military service" in the highest military educational institutions cadets are trained not only in selected military specialty, but also a civilian specialty in one of the related (related) civilian industries - these are the specialties that are indicated in the information about military universities. Military and related or similar civilian specialties have a single foundation, including humanitarian socio-economic, mathematical, natural science and general professional disciplines. In addition, training programs include special and military professional disciplines that provide in-depth training in selected specialties.

It is subject to execution by citizens of the country and implies strict compliance with certain standards. But what are the main responsibilities of a military personnel? Before defining this circle, it is necessary to become familiar with who belongs to this group of people.

Which citizens are considered military personnel

The legislation interprets that the status of a military personnel can be obtained by a citizen of the Russian Federation or a national of another state.

These include:

  • Midshipmen, warrant officers, officers armies, cadets studying at military universities, foremen, sergeants, sailors, soldiers who are or have been conscripted into the army.
  • Officers who are called to serve by decree of the President of the country.

Each citizen receives a corresponding division into naval and military units.

Any person serving in the army has civil rights and freedoms. However, federal and constitutional laws impose some restrictions. For example, the rights, duties and responsibilities of military personnel depend on whether they are on duty or not.

When does the duty take place?

According to legislative norms a serviceman performs his duties in the following cases:

  • Preparation for armed defense of the country.
  • Carrying out armed defense of the country.
  • Accurate implementation of assigned tasks, regardless of environmental conditions.
  • A military person is a participant in hostilities, including in conditions of war or state of emergency, during the development of armed conflicts.
  • Execution of tasks and instructions under martial law in accordance with the principles international law- for foreign citizens.
  • Conducting combat duty, serving in detachments and garrisons.
  • Carrying
  • Participation in ship voyages or exercises.
  • Carrying out instructions or orders given by a superior.
  • Being on a business trip or on the territory of a military unit in accordance with the adopted regulations or at other times due to official necessity.
  • Protection of life, health, dignity and honor of the individual.
  • Participation in elimination or prevention emergency situations technogenic and natural origin.
  • Maintaining law and order and ensuring the safety of citizens.

The serviceman, following the order of the commander, must immediately begin to carry out his duties at any time.

This is important to know

A citizen, observing the rights, duties and responsibilities of military personnel in his official activities must be guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, follow the norms established by the Federal Law, charter and other legal acts.

Basic principles

What are the main responsibilities of a military personnel? General principles are revealed as follows:

  • Protection of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation and the state sovereignty of the country.
  • Ensuring state security.
  • Protection from aggressive armed attack.
  • Implementation of tasks imposed by the international obligations of the Russian Federation.

Military duty

What are the main responsibilities of a military personnel, based on the essence of military duty? The question is answered as follows:

  • Observance of fidelity to one's obligations and the Military Oath.
  • Selfless service to the people.
  • Skillful and courageous defense of the country.
  • Strict adherence to constitutional principles, ensuring the implementation of the rule of law and the requirements of the statutes.
  • Unquestioning execution of management orders.
  • Improving military skills.
  • Maintaining weapons in constant readiness mode.
  • The main responsibilities of a military personnel are to preserve military property.
  • Storage
  • Compliance with vigilance and discipline, international law.
  • Officers and soldiers are obliged to value their honor, military and military glory, show patriotism, and direct efforts to strengthen friendship and peace between peoples.
  • Military personnel, while performing their military duties, must prevent religious and national conflicts.
  • Respect for the dignity and honor of other military personnel, providing assistance in case of danger, restraining colleagues from unworthy acts, preventing bullying and rudeness among the team.
  • Compliance with all safety standards that apply in military service.
  • Taking care of your own health, including regular physical training and hardening.
  • Contacting your immediate or senior manager regarding official and personal matters.
  • The general responsibilities of military personnel are to respect and be knowledgeable of international humanitarian law.
  • Knowledge of the rules governing the treatment of injured, wounded or sick persons, prisoners of war, civilian population, which is present in the combat zone.
  • Providing decisive resistance to the enemy even in single combat.
  • What are the main responsibilities of a captured soldier? In case of seizure due to seriously injured or shell shock, he is obliged to use every opportunity to free himself.

If a person is in captivity, he has the right to tell the enemy only his rank, surname, first name, patronymic, personal number and date of birth. Every soldier should know what the responsibilities of a military personnel are.


Sailors and soldiers, in wartime or peacetime, must promptly and accurately fulfill their assigned duties, complete all assigned tasks and scrupulously comply with military service safety standards, monitor the condition of their own weapons, entrusted equipment and property. Sailors and soldiers report to the squad commander.

General responsibilities of military soldiers and sailors:

  • Deep awareness of one's own duty as a warrior of the Russian Federation.
  • Exemplary, unquestioning performance of official duties, compliance with internal regulations.
  • Passion for learning.
  • Scrupulous knowledge of the names of your immediate superiors, military ranks and positions.
  • Providing due respect to commanders, seniors, respect for the dignity and honor of fellow service members.
  • Compliance with norms regarding military politeness and reverence.
  • Carefully wearing the uniform and performing a military salute.
  • Taking care of your own health, improving physical training, hardening.
  • The general responsibilities of military personnel are to observe the rules of public and personal hygiene.
  • Perfect knowledge of the rules of handling weapons.
  • Maintaining equipment and weapons in constant readiness for battle.
  • Compliance with the safety requirements that apply in military service, including during exercises, shooting, classes, and while on duty.
  • Knowledge of regulatory legal acts in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, norms of humanitarian law within the limits established for sailors and soldiers. In essence, this is the legal minimum.
  • The main responsibilities of a military personnel include knowledge of the military code of conduct, signaling signs and insignia.
  • Careful wearing of uniforms, timely maintenance of uniforms, daily cleaning and storage of equipment in a specially designated place.
  • If a sailor or soldier needs to leave, he must ask permission from the unit commander. After returning, the senior superior is notified of his arrival.
  • When outside the territory of a military unit, a serviceman is obliged to behave with honor and dignity, without committing offenses.

If a sailor or soldier performs his duties in an exemplary manner during his service, observes military discipline and has earned success in combat training, he can receive the military rank of senior sailor or corporal.

The corporal or senior sailor is obliged to assist the commander in the education and training of soldiers.

Military oath and obligations

The civilian accepts his obligations when the oath of office takes place. This is done in several cases: upon arrival at the first place of service or at the first military training. The basic rights and obligations of military personnel immediately fall under the protection of the law.

Termination of duties

A serviceman ceases to perform his duties in the event of deprivation of his rank, which is carried out only by court verdict. The citizen must have committed a particularly serious or serious crime. After expunging the criminal record, the title can be restored.

In addition, the law includes such a concept as age limit stay in service. If it is a marshal, general, admiral, colonel general, the official should not be older than 65 years; lieutenant general, vice/rear admiral, major general - 60 years; captain of the first rank or colonel - 55 years old; for other ranks - 50 years. If a female person serves, she resigns her duties at the age of 45.

Rights and responsibilities - general principles

A person in service may carry, store and use the weapon entrusted to him. The rules applied to weapons are regulated by law. All military personnel are under social protection guaranteed by the state and have all the rights and freedoms of other citizens of the country.

If a person is found guilty of failure to perform his duties, he is subject to civil liability to the fullest extent of the law.

Instead of completing

Many young people, before joining the service, are concerned about the question of what are the main responsibilities of a military personnel. Social science provides a clear interpretation of all norms and rules. Current officers note that solid knowledge own rights and responsibilities are the basis of successful military service. Unquestioning fulfillment of all requirements allows us to ensure the growth of combat skill and strengthen discipline.

The art of warfare dates back to the times of the formation of states and exists to this day. A long time ago, people realized that in order to defend and protect their territories, a constant composition of physically resilient and professional specialists. Even in Peaceful time The armed forces are constantly being trained, and this is not only the construction of military bases and the production of equipment, but also human resources. For training military personnel highly qualified special educational institutions have been created.

Military personnel - who are they?

Military personnel are people performing duties related to military service and having a special legal status in connection with this.

Military personnel are in military service and are assigned military ranks. According to their official position and military rank, some military personnel in relation to others can be superiors or subordinates, senior or junior.

By the way, the military profession is not only a male profession, as is commonly thought. Military science is also popular among girls.

The categories of military personnel are established:

Officers, sergeants, foremen, soldiers, sailors performing military service under contract;

Sergeants, foremen, soldiers, sailors undergoing military service upon conscription and cadets equal to them in status until a contract is concluded with them.

What do military personnel do?

Military personnel perform security tasks, strictly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws of the Russian Federation, the requirements of general military regulations, and unquestioningly carry out the orders of commanders; values ​​the honor and military glory of the defenders of his people, the honor of military rank and military camaraderie; improve military skills, maintain weapons in constant combat readiness and military equipment. In general, we can say that military personnel protect and ensure the security of the state.

The duties of military personnel are determined by the Charter Armed Forces, as well as the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation. The armed forces have complex structure, each type of armed forces has its own tasks, but in general we can say that all military personnel:

Protect territory, equipment and human resources;

Depending on the rank, they can manage subordinates, make decisions and give orders;

analyze available facts, predict possible danger;

They not only physically train and study the regulations, but also draw up documentation about the operations or events carried out.

A serviceman can also work in educational military institutions and perform the functions of a teacher.

Additional obligations may also be established (the obligation to carry out assigned tasks in any conditions, including at risk to life) and restrictions related to the status of military personnel (a ban on engaging in entrepreneurial and other paid activities, with the exception of scientific and other creative activities).

What is different about a military man's place of work?

Military personnel work in military organizations, garrisons, units, subdivisions, peacekeeping troops, “hot spots”, in justice agencies, courts, prosecutors, internal affairs, customs, at construction sites, strategic sites, and enterprises. Can work in research and development educational institutes, academies as a scientist and teacher.

Depending on the job description and the task received (in a combat situation, in peacetime, in the city, outside settlement) the activities of a military personnel (officer) are carried out both indoors, at the workplace, and outdoors, mobile. Activities can be carried out in a military team or individually. Professional communication can occur directly, with the help of technical means communications or conditioned signals.

What skills, knowledge and abilities are needed?


Responsibility. Honesty. Integrity. Performance. Discipline. Competent, clear, logical oral and written language. The ability to persuade and prove your point of view. Organized. Strong will. Analytical, verbal, communication skills. Highly developed deductive thinking (from general to specific). Fast response. Physical and mental endurance. Initiative. Good intuition. Patriotism. Justice. Secrecy. Call of Duty.


Military regulations, Constitution of the Russian Federation. Must know military weapon and the rules of its application, master the techniques of martial arts.


A military man must be able to: Organize himself and others to complete a task. Quickly make a decision that is appropriate to the current situation. Analyze facts and conditions for the purpose of forecasting possible danger. Focus your attention on the required object for the right amount of time. Forecast further development situation. Control your emotional condition. Represent your unit during official events.

Is this work dangerous?

The work of a military personnel is dangerous, depending on the place of service, military personnel may receive or suffer radiation sickness and other diseases associated, for example, with radiation exposure, caused by the consequences radiation accidents at nuclear facilities for civilian or military purposes, as well as as a result of tests, exercises and other work related to any types of nuclear installations, including nuclear weapon and space technology.

Diseases associated with a decrease in immunity, such as hepatitis, are often possible.


Poor health, psychical deviations, in particular:

heart disease or blood pressure disorders;neuropsychiatric disorders;convulsions, loss of consciousness;drug use, alcohol addiction;uncorrectable decrease in visual acuity;disturbance of color discrimination, binocular vision;hearing disorders;vestibular disorders, impaired sense of balance;movement coordination disorders;hand trembling; speech disorders;Fear of heights; diseases of the spine, joints or lower extremities;chronic infectious diseases; allergies; skin diseases;respiratory diseases;diseases of the digestive and excretory organs;diabetes;hemorrhoidal disorders;pronounced physical disabilities.

How to become a military man?

Everything is extremely simple. If you want to become a military man, decide on the list of exams, documents and educational institutions to obtain this profession, you just need to come to the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence . They will show, tell and explain everything there.

Based on materials

Svetlana Fedorchenko