Congratulations to the pre-conscription teacher on his graduation. Congratulations to teachers on graduation

If school is a second home for a child, then teachers, of course, are a second family. They, like their parents, are nearby Hard time, they teach and instruct, give instructions. And the contribution of each teacher to the fate of students is undeniably great. Teachers are those people whom a graduate will remember throughout his life, no matter how it turns out. And on my graduation, I would like to pick up the warmest and most sincere words of gratitude to these people, congratulate them and wish them patience with the next generations of students. No words? We will help! The most beautiful and touching congratulations and speeches of gratitude to subject teachers.

Thank you speech for chemistry teacher

Graduation evening is a great opportunity not only to say goodbye to our beloved school walls, but also an occasion to thank our beloved teachers for the invaluable contribution that they managed to invest in us, for those necessary knowledge, which will help chart the right course for our future. One of these teachers is undoubtedly our dear chemistry teacher. It was you who revealed to us the structure of the world around us, who taught us to create real magic by mixing different substances and liquids, laid the foundation for us. Thank you very much for your work and professional attitude to work. We hope that the knowledge gained will forever remain in our minds and serve us well.

Congratulations to the physics teacher

Today, on this holiday, I really want to personally congratulate each teacher, select Right words and try to fit into them all the enormous gratitude that we feel for them. One of such teachers, undoubtedly, is our dear physics teacher. It was you who explained to us that we stand firmly on our feet not only thanks to stubbornness and fortitude, but also thanks to the power of gravity, instilled a love for studying the structure of the world around us and opened for us the veil of laws thanks to which everything around us exists. Thank you very much for your patience, kindness, sensitivity and attention. We promise that your hard work will not pass without a trace and will become an excellent springboard for new knowledge.

Physical education teacher

It's always sad to say goodbye to people dear to your heart, especially those like ours. dear teachers put his soul into us, so graduation party is not only a joyful, but also a slightly sad holiday. Today we look confidently into the future, largely thanks to our mentors and teachers. I would especially like to mention our beloved physical education teacher. Thanks to your persistence, responsible attitude to the subject taught and professionalism, we realized that full mental development is impossible without proper physical training. You taught us to rely on our own strength, always strive for victory and never give up. We are confident that thanks to you, sport will become our constant companion and will lead us to the heights of success.

Wishes to the life safety teacher

Today, on this festive graduation evening, I really want to congratulate our dear life safety teacher. It is thanks to you that we know how to act in any, even very dangerous, situation, we know how to adapt to changing circumstances and easily navigate not only forest, but also concrete jungle. Thank you very much for making this dangerous world simpler for us and taught us never to lose self-confidence, and, most importantly, helped us find our core in life. We wish you that your immeasurably important profession will always be in demand and respected, that your students will delight you with their successes and will not forget to thank you.

Congratulations to the teacher in the subjects Russian language and literature

Graduation party never passes without a trace and remains in the memory for a long time. long years However, there are people whom graduates always remember - these are our teachers. It is impossible to overestimate the enormous contribution that you made to the future of your charges and the effort that you spent on it. Today I would like to thank each teacher individually and, first of all, the teacher of Russian language and literature. It was you, our dear teacher, who taught us to express our thoughts correctly and competently, showed us all the diversity and richness of the Russian language, discovered the unsurpassed beauty and depth book word and instilled a love for classic literary works. Thank you for the professionalism and dedication with which you treat your chosen profession, for the example you set for us and for your incredible patience.

Congratulations to the geography teacher

For incredible and memorable school years we learned a lot: to value knowledge, respect elders and value friendship, and, most importantly, we discovered huge world who lives according to his own laws and customs. Our favorite geography teacher helped us with this. It was you who became our mentor and guide to the world amazing countries and discoveries, allowed us, without leaving the walls of the classroom, to plunge into unknown spaces far beyond our borders and introduced us to other peoples and the lands that they inhabit. We will always remember those lessons that, thanks to your love for the profession, became special and exciting for us.

Words of gratitude to the history teacher

Today, on this holiday, we want to thank our dear history teacher from the bottom of our hearts. During these school years, you have become a difficult teacher for us. capital letters, but also by the person who, by lifting the veil of the past, taught us to look into the future with confidence. You helped us find out not only deep history many countries and peoples, but also showed how incredibly intriguing the history of our huge country sounds, how many great victories it has behind it and how many talented people she raised in her endless expanses. Thank you very much for those important knowledge, which you put into our heads and for the pride in our country that you awakened in our hearts.

Congratulations to the biology teacher

Graduation evening is not only a holiday for those who have to leave the hospitable walls of the school, but also an occasion to once again thank our dear teachers, who over the past years have become real mentors, confidently guiding them to the land of knowledge and science. I especially want to thank our beloved biology teacher for your ability to make a lesson not just a way to gain knowledge, but a whole journey into the mysterious living world around us. You helped us understand how life begins and by what laws it exists, you taught us to love and respect nature. Thank you very much for your warm attitude to his students and incredible patience.

Labor teacher

Today is graduation and soon the school doors will close behind us, thereby motivating us to move forward. Much of the knowledge we have acquired will be useful to us in the future and we have yet to appreciate its importance, however, there are skills the benefits of which we have already understood and were taught by our favorite labor teacher. You, like a patient parent, helped your students master the intricacies of everyday life and taught them how to create truly necessary and important things. Thanks to you, we have become more confident in own strength and learned attention and patience. Thank you for your invaluable contribution to our education, for your kindness, support and professionalism.

Graduation congratulations to the algebra and geometry teacher

In this world, everything is built on accuracy, precise action and the absence of accidents. We understood this especially well in algebra and geometry lessons. Every movement, action and movement can be calculated and anticipated, and, therefore, learned about it in advance. A dear teacher taught us this incredible opportunity. You showed us how important it is to be able to work with numbers, helped us understand the need for the subjects you teach and realize what exactly exact sciences support us in the stormy sea of ​​information and instability of the world around us. Thank you very much for your enormous contribution to the treasury of our knowledge and for continuing to bring the light of science despite any difficulties.

English teacher

When the long-awaited graduation party arrives and the understanding comes that the school years are over and the time has come to start new ones. unknown world, many roads open up ahead and their choice remains to be made. However, today we can say with confidence that largely thanks to our dear teacher in English, the choice of future professions and plans is so wide. Knowledge of one of the most widespread and popular languages ​​on Earth allows us today to freely strive to realize our dreams and not know language barriers. We want you to know how grateful we are to you and we hope that you will be proud of our future achievements.

Wishes for a social studies teacher

Knowledge of the laws of society has always been the key to a person becoming a full member of it, so it is difficult to overestimate the knowledge that you, our dear teacher, invested in us lesson after lesson. It was you who taught us in many ways the concepts of honor, decency and justice, and helped us understand that building relationships with people, as well as knowing the laws of society, is an important step on the path to success. Today, on graduation evening, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the invaluable contribution that you have made to our future and wish you good students, reliable colleagues and decent salaries.

Graduating from school is a very exciting and emotional event. Poetic and prose sayings will help to fully convey what is on your soul.

from high school graduates

Of course, when the day of the last bell comes, both schoolchildren and their parents are overwhelmed with emotions. And at this moment, more than ever, I want to say the most best regards school, because she went through a lot life path. You need to clearly and wholeheartedly convey your feelings and gratitude so that every word is correctly perceived. Wishes to the school from graduates may be as follows.

School line, the bell will ring.

Only he doesn’t call us to class anymore.

Our graduation party has arrived today,

With tears in our eyes we say “thank you” to everyone.

We will someday come to visit these walls,

Let's sit, talk and discuss the news.

How can we say “thank you” to this school?

Today we will sing to her and show her the number.

The gratitude cannot be counted,

Praise and honor to our school.

Let only smart kids be here,

Taking a step on such an important path.

School taught me a lot

Be kinder, more restrained,

Awarded with a lot of knowledge,

Which will be useful to us in life.

We are very grateful for this,

After all, today we are not just children.

We are all graduates today,

School diaries won't be of any use.

We already hold the certificate in our hands,

Tears of joy and sadness,

We probably won't hold back.

We say a huge “thank you”

Everything was fine and beautiful.

Today there is a line in the school yard

IN last time for us.

We are very grateful to our fate,

That this hour was spent in it.

May there be joy and tears in our eyes,

We will thank you.

Then the numbers too for the last time

Here, on this stage, we will show it.

We wave our hand

Goodbye, school.

We won't be back here again.

Now to institutes, academies

We all go after you.

You've given us a good start, school

And she rewarded me with knowledge.

Thank you for being all teachers

They stood behind us and taught us.

In any case, best wishes to the school and teachers graduation speech They will be somewhat sad and with a grain of worry.

elementary school in verse

Those who have completed four classes have also crossed the first stage of education and are taking the first step into another life, into high school. Unusual, bright and emotional wishes to graduates primary school may sound from parents and teachers, the most important thing is to choose the right words in these sayings.

From parents

Our little children

We can't believe it at all

What today junior classes,

The door closes behind you.

The knowledge that you have received

May they serve you well throughout your life.

And all your plans for adult school

Let them certainly come true.

It would seem like just yesterday they took you to first grade,

Now we are standing on the line and escorting you to high school.

Tears melt before our eyes, because time flies,

It makes you more mature and opens new gates.

Thank you, children, for your skills, our teacher, and to you for your patience.

Kids, in good hour! All congratulations today are only for you.

From the teacher

You were brought to me in very little pieces,

You were six and seven.

Now I'm excited to imagine

That four years have passed like a day.

I see how you have grown up

Although you grew before our eyes.

I'm sad to part with you,

After all, I loved you all.

Today I wave my hand

To the most worthy students,

Good luck, good luck in high school

I wish you.

Knowledge knows no boundaries

Fly forward, you worthy birds!

I'm letting go now with great pride,

Your grown-up kids

To the senior class.

Wishes to teachers and school from parents of graduates

Of course, wishes to the school and teachers graduating class Parents also want to say it. Who, if not they, can emotionally and with inspiration say “thank you” to those who gave good knowledge and accompanied their children throughout the entire educational period.

Thank you for your patience,

For believing in our children.

For the knowledge you gave,

who helped them

Get into good institutes,

Which paths led to.

We are very grateful to you,

You raised wonderful children.

Poems from graduating students for first graders

Of course, the last bell is not complete without wishes to the little ones from those who are leaving the school.

Today is our last call,

For you, dear ones, he is the first.

We wish that each of you can

Explore the endless world of learning.

May school give you wonderful moments,

Let them not be bothered by unnecessary questions.

We pass the baton to you,

We give instructions to study well.

Once upon a time we stood like this, guys.

It seems to us that it all happened yesterday.

Now we've graduated from school

We are moving into adulthood, kids.

May you feel comfortable here,

Study, gnaw granite,

So that your teachers are proud of you,

Your first bell is ringing.

Anxious wishes for elementary school will help set the mood necessary for the holiday.

Poems from first-graders for graduates

Of course, no graduation party is complete without congratulations from the junior class. Let first-graders tell beautiful, short and simple wishes to the school and graduates.

We just started on this path

It's time for you to turn around.

Remember school as a wonderful expanse,

Where there was no evil, no trouble, no disputes.

Let the school remain in your memory,

Today we will wave our hand to all of you.

What a pity that the years have flown by so quickly,

We wish you to always be smart.

Last call rang in your honor,

There are countless pleasant wishes addressed to you.

You hand over your desks to us

And you go into adulthood.

in prose

Parents and alumni can also express their wishes to the school in prose. In this case, you can convey more emotions in one saying.

Many years have passed since our children entered first grade. They were very young then, it was not easy for them, but they managed. Thank you, dear teachers, for the fact that from small chicks you have raised worthy free birds for whom wide opportunities are open. It was only thanks to you that our children easily entered higher education. educational establishments. Because the level of knowledge was assessed there too. There are countless words that I would like to say to you. Praise and low bow to you.

Dear teachers, you know our children even better than we do ourselves. Thank you so much for your patience, endurance and for the fact that you not only gave children knowledge, but also raised them to be real people. Your work has no price or definition. You make a very significant contribution to the life of every child. May good luck always accompany you, and may everything succeed as planned. And my children and I promise to come visit you and share new emotions. That's why we don't say goodbye, we say goodbye.

Both parents, children, and teachers will be able to fully express their experiences and emotions in preparation for the gala evening.

The last days of May... The hearts of graduates are truly trembling, because very soon the farewell ringing will ring for them school bell. From early morning, the city streets will be transformed by smart girls, like first-graders dressed up in antique clothes. school uniform and decorated with lush bows, and gallant guys who bought whole armfuls of bright tulips in flower shops. This event will remain a pleasant memory in the soul of every graduate. But what will be remembered even more beautifully are sincere and real congratulations on the Last Call from people who have gone through a difficult school path together with the children: from the class teacher, teachers, parents. The graduates of the 9th and 11th grades themselves will say pleasant congratulatory words. After all, over the past decade, there have probably been many reasons to thank moms and dads, subject teachers and classmates with a song, skit or beautiful poetry.

Beautiful congratulations to subject teachers on the Last Bell 2017 from high school students

Congratulations to subject teachers from high school students - an integral part of ceremonial lineup dedicated to the last call. After all, every specialized teacher during for long years put important and necessary knowledge. A mathematician taught him to juggle numbers, a Russian language teacher taught him to express his thoughts freely and competently, a physicist taught him to understand the essence of a variety of physical phenomena, a biologist - to understand the principle of life of organisms, and a physical education teacher - to always keep your body in good shape. Therefore, it is very important, when choosing beautiful congratulations to subject teachers for the Last Bell from high school students, not to forget about anyone and not to offend anyone with attention.

Texts of beautiful congratulations on the last bell for subject teachers

I would like to add at least a couple of lines
In yours - in English,
But, thank God, today is not a lesson,
And you can’t see the pen in your hand,
And rightly so - on such a beautiful day
We would like to congratulate you in Russian!
Even if today there is even a small shadow
It will not darken the shine of your eyes!

You have chosen a wonderful path -
Bring knowledge about the world to children,
For their love for living things and nature
Biology teachers are in charge.

We know why a flower blooms
And we know how blood runs through the veins.
For knowledge, for your hard work,
We want to give you our love!

You brought us to a wonderful world.
There are buildings of ancient cities,
Riddles of forgotten languages,
Epochs of different layers.
Let time sweep away with dust
A story with terrible power,
Lessons learned today
We are all from the past. Thank you!

Touching congratulations to graduates of grades 9 and 11 on the Last Call from parents

There is very little time left until the day when the faces of high school students will noticeably sadden, and the eyes of teachers will fill with tears of farewell. During the festive season, sadness is closely intertwined with joy. And even though the Last Bell is filled with cheerful songs, poems, dances and skits, graduates of grades 9 and 11 still cannot do without touching and heartfelt congratulations from parents.

On this difficult day, mothers and fathers send their grown-up and wiser children to new life. But just like 10 years ago, they continue to root for their children, for the correctness of the chosen roads and the wisdom of the upcoming decisions. Touching congratulations to graduates of grades 9 and 11 on the Last Call from parents are always filled with the most sincere wishes and good parting words.

An example of congratulations in prose from parents to graduates on the last call

The last school bell has rung! We congratulate you on your graduation. Childhood remains beyond its threshold; you enter adulthood. So much has happened over the years: the joy of the first victories, hard work on oneself, sleepless nights parents. Do you remember what your first clumsy steps in studying were, the first letters you wrote, the words you read? All this is far behind us. Everyone has their own path ahead. Each of you has probably decided on your choice of profession. Now you will make all decisions yourself. And it depends only on you how yours will turn out. further fate. Wishing you easy undertakings, successful achievements, and a bright future!

So these ten years have passed. There was so much sadness and joyfulness in them. But for some reason it still seems to me that only one day has actually passed. So rich and stormy, but only one. Just yesterday, you, our children, very small, with bows, ties and briefcases, went to your first lesson. And today you are standing before us, almost adults, so serious and a little sad. I would like to address you, dear teachers. I bow to you for your patience, for your skills, for loving our children and being wise mentors to them. We wish you to produce more than one generation of the same wonderful children as you made ours. And let our children have easy road life. And may warm memories of these wonderful school years always live in the hearts of our children!

The exciting and touching moment of farewell to school has arrived, the last bell is ringing! Before my eyes are first grade, flowers, a line, a holiday, lessons, breaks, grades, vacations, friends, graduation, trepidation, sadness. Now the inevitability has repeated itself in children. Our relatives: graduates, teachers, the director, all those who for many years diligently walked side by side together, making discoveries, learning, delighting. Happy holiday! May the world be friendly, all roads open, and the future exceed expectations. Be happy and remember the bright times of your school years.

Congratulations to parents in verses from 11th grade graduates on Last Bell 2017

Not only parents have something to congratulate their dear graduates of 11th grade on the last bell. The boys also have something to say to their beloved mothers and fathers. First, thank you for your quiet and silent patience in response to dirty tricks and disobedience. Secondly, to express gratitude for the reliable support over the past decade. Thirdly, wish good health, peaceful dreams and eternal pride in your children.

Not always the best the best option— congratulations for parents in verses from 11th grade graduates on Last Bell. Sometimes do nice gesture This can be done through a lyrical song, a funny dance, a funny skit or sketch. But in the absence of other options, congratulatory poems fulfill their role well.

Texts of congratulations in verse to parents of graduates on the last call

Both dads and moms, thank you very much
We're telling you everything now
For your help, support, for your participation,
For your work, it is invaluable.

You helped us by solving problems,
They wrote notes not to go to school.
We accompanied you with love and patience
On that long school journey.

We hope in a big, unknown life
Give us advice again,
After all, even though the Last Bell has already sounded,
We are only learning to fly.

Let there be considerable reason for pride
For all the achievements later.
Today just accept from the children
A big thank you.

Our dear parents,
Today we want to tell you
What is dearer and closer to you
We can't find it in the whole world.

You always helped us in everything
And there were no sleepless nights.
We were taught, raised, treated,
They surrounded you with their care.

On this day, you are also with us
Our feelings are ready to be shared.
We are spending our school years
We will never forget about them!

The last bell has rung
And sadness comes again,
That your children have grown up
They will never get their childhood back.

Don't cry, moms, dads,
After all, they have space ahead.
The school gave them everything to start:
Skills, knowledge, attitude.

Good luck and achievements await them,
There is only one thing left for you:
When they stumble on the road -
Provide a strong shoulder.

Sincere congratulations to the graduates from the class teacher on the Last Bell

Classroom teacher - special person in the life of every child. He spends more time with the class than other teachers, knows better than anyone what is happening in the team, delves into every little detail and tries to resolve any conflicts. For schoolchildren, the class teacher is almost dear person, who united them all into one friendly family and put a piece of his soul into each individual child. Even on the Last Bell, the class teacher tries to choose the most sincere congratulations for his graduates. Patient and caring, he prepares a speech in advance, and during the event, he mints every word of his wishes, despite the lump in his throat.

The kindest, most sincere and touching congratulations from the class teacher to graduates of grades 9 and 11 on the Last Bell, look in our collection of holiday poems.

An example of congratulations from the class teacher to graduates of grades 9 and 11

How I remember that day today

How you and I first met.

You were so little

And they stood near the mothers.

The years have flown by very quickly,

You have become completely different -

A series of problems awaits you

And a different life, because we have matured.

Over the years, everything between us has been:

Resentment, pain, victories, defeats.

I remember every happy moment

After all, I loved you like my own family.

I wish you all your plans for implementation,

May all your wishes come true!

And remember: no matter where you go,

Try to make a decision with conscience.

Don't give in to a difficult life,

You always look forward proudly.

Remain yourself forever

How you will remain young for me.

Don't be afraid of obstacles and difficult tasks,

Live for success and bright successes!

Learn, comprehend, get carried away, dare

And learn everything that is useful for life!

Let the sail of love not wander in the darkness,

Look for your soul mate on earth!

Dream, be surprised and please your friends,

Remain a light and happiness for your loved ones!

Year after year has passed little by little,

The time has come to part.

And today on the big road

You will leave your home yard.

The path will not be easy, you understand?

The path you will take in life...

And you will break a lot of wood,

And you will hit a lot of bumps.

All will pass. Without making detours,

And having broken the edge of adversity,

stand strong in this life

And believe in your meaning.

A remade song to congratulate a teacher or class teacher on Last Bell

The real gift for the class teacher is to see happy graduates with joyful faces and a sparkle of hope in their eyes. But a remade song for congratulating a teacher or class teacher on Last Bell can be a good option. On such a day, skits or remade songs acquire special magic. They sound both happy and sad at the same time, giving graduates the opportunity to both thank and say goodbye. For reworking, they most often choose a song from the old repertoire, familiar to teachers, and fill it with kind congratulatory or grateful words.

Often, as a gift to graduates and teachers, parents themselves stage a skit at the last bell. Moms and dads play the roles of schoolchildren, teachers, directors and technical staff according to the script, act out a funny plot... In a word, they make all the guests of the event smile.

Songs-remakes and congratulatory skits for the Last Call: video

In conclusion, I would like to give advice: no matter what congratulations you have chosen for the Last Bell for teachers, class teachers, parents and graduates - traditional poems, an original song-remake or funny scene. The main thing is that the words sound honest and truthful. Only in this way will listeners sincerely believe the speaker.

Being a teacher is a calling.
Keep your patience!
May all your efforts
Fate will reward you generously!

And boundless health,
Happiness to prosper
You can live only “excellently”,
You don’t know troubles and sorrows.

Live in harmony, prosperity,
To be enveloped by love.
Everything is fine at work
Obedient students to you!

Thank you for your kindness
Children, you are an example for them.
May you live like in a fairy tale,
Without sadness and loss.

Thank you, teachers,
Because we were family.
They saved us bravely in difficult times,
They cared and always loved.

Today we'll go out the door
A wonderful and dear school to us.
Your wise lesson was important,
Even though you were sometimes harsh.

For understanding, kindness,
Our dear ones, thank you.
We wish you health,
Let work give you wings.

Our dear and dear teachers, faithful mentors and our kind companions, on our graduation we sincerely thank you for your patience and understanding, for your care and love. We wish you great success and undoubted luck, gallant activity and sincere respect. We will always remember you and come to home school are now guests, and we wish you to stay here as before irreplaceable people And wonderful teachers.

How much they did for us,
It’s impossible to put it all into words.
We want to say at this hour:
Thank you for being with us!

Compares with mother's love,
Which you rewarded us with.
Smiles, happiness, faith again.
And so that your relatives are nearby!

Teachers, we say thank you to you,
After all, you put your soul and love into us,
We thank you for everything, for everything,
For knowledge, for everything that was taught!

May every student be grateful
To have a great mood!
Each of you is truly great
We wish you well and inspiration!

At graduation, thank you
We want to tell you
Dearest, most beloved,
To my teachers.

You have us year after year
Led the road of knowledge
And now the time has come
We must part with you.

At graduation we wish
Good luck and love to you,
Sorry we're nervous
You weren't taken care of.

We open life
New page
And we promise: by us
You will be proud.

Thank you, low bow to you,
Because you taught us this way.
For kindness, knowledge wagon,
For everything they got at school.

So that you always have enough strength,
More obedient schoolchildren.
We will answer, no matter who asks:
You are always with us, in our souls!

You are the builders of the universe,
You are the assemblers of the soul,
Servants of the incorruptible truth,
Unfortunately, for pennies.

We wish you forever
All big and small blessings,
What is available to a person
Not on credit, but just like that.

May Providence reward you
For hard military work,
And the younger generations
Respected, loved, honored.

I want to congratulate you on your graduation
I you, teachers,
Thank you for so many years
They taught us for a reason.

You taught me to go forward
And achieve goals
Don’t give in to difficulties
Coping with tasks.

We want you at your graduation
Wish you good luck,
And every year on a big flight
Release new birds.

Teachers, thank you
During the school years,
How quickly time flew by,
We've been given a good start.

And today is graduation,
We would like to wish you:
Mental strength, goodness and happiness,
And don't forget us.

Congratulations, teachers,
To the sounds of the graduation waltz,
Let's say thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Let's cry a little on your special day.

We wish you well
Health, strength and inspiration,
May you always be at work
It takes endurance and patience.

Let the students always
They only make you proud
It was a great honor for us
I can learn everything from you.

Spring has already come into its own, and the time for school graduation ceremonies is invariably approaching. According to tradition, which has developed as a sign of gratitude, respect and love, teachers are given gifts. How to congratulate the “second mothers” of children in an original way?

  • in fourth grade, when children graduate from primary school and move from one teacher to several subject teachers;
  • upon completion of ninth grade;
  • when leaving school.

Giving a gift to a teacher is a kind of expression of the attitude of students and parents towards him, so you need to approach the issue of choosing gifts not formally, but with soul and creativity.

A sweet classic that can accompany any gift.

To determine the desired “subject,” several opinions of both parents and children should be collected. In some cases, you can give 2 gifts - both from students and from their parents. You can make inquiries about the teachers' hobbies and passions and choose something with this in mind.

Of course, one of the important points is material side. Limited funds can be a serious obstacle when purchasing a gift. But there is a way out of this deplorable situation - be smart, use skillful hands, or do something creative and unusual.

Who said that a gift to a teacher should only be material? Sketches, films, flash mobs dedicated to your favorite teachers are remembered much better.

Gifts for subject teachers

For teachers teaching lessons in certain subjects, gifts can be of two types:

  • with “linkage” to the subject they taught schoolchildren;
  • irrelevant, general.

If you don’t get creative, you can simply “make happy” all the teachers with the same gifts. This has its advantages - there is no need to run around looking for different gifts, teachers will not compare gifts, which will eliminate possible offense.

You can buy dissimilar souvenirs, but combine them with a single stylistic design. For example, use the same packaging bags or add the same small item to each gift - a flower, pen, card, etc.

How do you like this option - identical items(watches, vases, boxes, pens, etc.) with personal engraving?

If you want to not only give the teacher a gift, but also emphasize the subject he taught, then you will have to work hard to come up with something original and original.

What can you give in this case? For a literature teacher - a dictionary or a volume of favorite poems, for mathematics - an unusual calculator or magnets in the form of numbers for interactive whiteboard, to the geographer - a globe made of candies (sweet bouquet). A physical education teacher will probably be delighted with a natural leather ball, and a girls’ technology teacher will be amazed by the container for useful little things. The historian will be interested unique document, difficultly obtained from archival sources, and for a biology teacher you can find an exotic flower.

There is an exclusive option - order unusual diplomas for each teacher on the Internet.

Diploma and medal for a subject teacher

Present for the class teacher

More frequent contacts with students and parents also mean a more meaningful gift for the class “mom.”

The ideal solution to the gift issue is to combine two “offerings” at once (from students and from parents). Mothers and fathers of schoolchildren can present something expensive and meaningful if they have such a desire and opportunity. This could be household appliances or a certificate for its purchase, expensive cosmetics, a subscription to a massage parlor, a ticket to a one-day boat trip, theater tickets, etc.

Among expensive gifts, watches in expensive frames, jewelry of famous brands or precious jewelry (pendants, cufflinks, rings, etc.) are acceptable. An office organizer or desk set for writing in an exclusive design will be a manifestation of wealth and good taste.

The cost of the gift is directly dependent on the income of the parents and the funds allocated for this item of prom expenses. The value of the gift is inseparable from individual characteristics teachers, with their attitude towards such manifestations of respect and love from graduates.

Graduate schoolchildren, regardless of their graduating class (4th, 9th or 11th), can most accurately guess what is needed to the class teacher, because they spent a lot of time together.

The “arts” of the graduates themselves can become a memorable and unforgettable gift - specially learned dances, poetic performances, wall newspapers, slide shows, etc.

Many teachers love homemade gifts. They are unlike anything else and will definitely leave a mark on the teacher’s soul.

Candy bouquet in memory of graduates

Options for fourth grade graduates

Gifts for teachers after graduating from primary school are usually chosen by parents. Children participate in the process of “approving” gifts indirectly. Most often, parents decide what to give to teachers and, with the help of their children, bring these ideas to life.

Children, together with their parents, can master the creation of an exclusive “palm” album.

Students' palms as a souvenir for the teacher

There are as many palm pages in the album as there are students in the class. Each student designs his palm independently, at his own discretion, and then all the pages are combined into a single whole. By the way, a good option is to add the palms of their parents to children's hands with more adult wishes or poetic verses.

Don't think that a wall newspaper is last century... It is very interesting and original to depict all the students from unusual angles; you can also use palms from photos of schoolchildren.

You can give the class teacher a hand-made “tree” with leaflets and photographs of the students as a souvenir.

“Tree” made by yourself, with photos of schoolchildren

The first teacher is often called the mother of elementary school students, and rightly so. After all, the class teacher not only has to teach the children, but also often takes care of them - straightening their clothes, wiping their noses, feeding them. Perhaps a bouquet of toys would be suitable for such a caring teacher, because all her pupils for her are bunnies, babies, and kittens.

Bouquet of bunny toys

Literary and musical compositions dedicated to their favorite teachers will touch the heartstrings of every teacher to whom children turn from the stage. Parents will help prepare such a surprise.

Congratulations in verse will decorate any graduation party

What can ninth-graders give?

Graduation in the ninth grade is an evening of slightly matured children, but still children. They can already accept independent decisions, but are not always sure of their correctness. Those who strive for adult life, children can confirm their “non-baby” status if they learn and point to school line a fiery dance or organize a school flash mob to your favorite musical composition teachers. Some schoolchildren with such an act can greatly surprise their teachers and remain a topic of discussion in the staff room for a long time.

At this age it is very creativity schoolchildren. Skillful hands are indispensable for creating a creative gift.

Such candy bouquets can be given to subject teachers

Candy bouquet for a music teacher

You can literally blind the teacher and the whole class by uniting everyone in one picture (the “salt dough” technique).

“Photo” as a keepsake made from salt dough

Graduation of ninth graders - perfect occasion sit down together and discuss future plans over a cup of tea. An intimate conversation between students and teachers will be much more productive and interesting if it is “supported” by a piece of creative cake, which, of course, will be shared by the teacher who received it as a gift.

A team cake with the names of graduates will be very useful at graduation in 9th grade

Everyone famous expression“Children are the flowers of life” can literally be brought to life and presented to the class teacher or all teachers with just such a pot of your favorite flowers.

Albums with student photo collages are an indispensable “lifesaver” when choosing a creative gift.

What to choose for future students

Farewell to school is always very touching and significant event in the life of every person. Schoolchildren and teachers have passed side by side for so many years! The natural desire in this case is to show gratitude for the work and love given to children.

What can impress teachers at their eleventh grade graduation? Of course, as in previous years, handmade gifts are relevant. Teachers keep embroidered pillows, knitted napkins, and cut-out souvenirs as carefully as mothers keep their children’s first drawings and poems.

A handmade bouquet of school-themed candies is suitable for both the class teacher and subject teachers. A box of chocolates with photographs of graduates will not leave any teacher indifferent.

Exclusive box of chocolates

You can be reminded of the transience of time by giving a unique watch with early photographs graduates.

You will definitely like this interesting watch with photos of schoolchildren

A custom photo album of all graduates can be presented to the class teacher. Moreover, the background on school board can depict the dreams of every student.

Cool photo against the backdrop of your dreams

Declaration of love to teachers does not have to be verbal. Dance shell " love lyrics"is a perfect embodiment for those who are not very good with language, but have excellent command of the body.

Dance present for teachers

As a souvenir to each teacher, schoolchildren can give plates with a photograph of the teacher and the topic of his teaching or hobbies.

Personalized plates will become a real decoration for every teacher

Don't skimp on nice words addressed to teachers, they so need confirmation of the relevance of their work. Show your imagination and come up with something unique that will make your teachers at least a little happier. For example, such a pencil bouquet!

A bouquet of flowers framed by colored pencils - bright, positive, creative!

"Forbidden" gifts

It is bad form to give teachers alcoholic drinks (even very expensive ones), unless, of course, the teacher collects exclusive wines.

You shouldn’t just “get off” and present an envelope with money. But again, there may be exceptions - if the teacher himself hinted at a cash gift.

There is no need to give gifts and not think through the process of presenting them. A careless attitude towards presenting a gift, ugly or untidy packaging can ruin the impression of even the most exquisite present.

Don’t think that all teachers are only looking for expensive gifts. Good words, soulful songs, surprise moments, hand-made gifts will definitely delight school teachers.

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