List of used literature on traffic rules. Material on the topic: Literary works on traffic rules for children

Also see related sections Books and textbooks on the Rules traffic, traffic rules:

  • Examination tickets for the Rules of the Road, Traffic Regulations
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Section Contents

Description of the section “Road Rules”

IN this section you will find books on the topic Traffic Laws. Traffic rules are normative legal document, which regulates all issues related to the rules of behavior on the road for drivers, passengers, pedestrians and other road users. Careful study of traffic rules is the key to your safety on the road.

You need to read books on traffic rules, because the rules of the road are constantly being amended and supplemented. Currently, this section contains books on traffic rules from 2012, 2011, 2010. Traffic rules are recommended for all driver candidates undergoing training in driving schools, as well as for all drivers who want to refresh their own knowledge.

Correct understanding and observance of road signs and basic provisions of traffic rules allows you not only to be a confident driver, it allows you to accept correct solution in a critical or force majeure situation on the road.

Also download the book Driving Reminder for students in driving schools. It will help you master driving a car, understand how to perform various exercises, which will have to be completed to obtain rights.

Be sure to download the book, authored by S.S. Bernotaitis: “Protection from the traffic police inspector (instructions for drivers)”, which will help you find out your rights, because the inspector is forced to reckon with a driver who knows his rights. With a driver who does not know his rights, the inspector acts at his own discretion, and most often this is called official arbitrariness. The purpose of this book is to explain and teach the driver to use his rights, defend his interests and protect himself from the arbitrariness of officials.

N. Nosov's story "Car"

When Mishka and I were very little, we really wanted to ride in a car, but we just never succeeded. No matter how much we asked for drivers, no one wanted to give us a ride. One day we were walking in the yard. Suddenly we looked - on the street, near our gate, a car stopped. The driver got out of the car and went somewhere. We ran up. I speak:

This is Volga.

And Mishka:

No, this is Moskvich.

You understand a lot! - I say.

Of course, “Moskvich,” says Mishka. - Look at his hood.

What kind of hood, I say? It's the girls who have a hood, but the car has a hood! Look at the body. Mishka looked and said:

Well, a belly like that of a Moskvich.

“You have a belly,” I say, “but the car doesn’t have any belly.”

You said “belly” yourself.

- I said “body”, not “belly”! Oh you! You don’t understand, but you climb!

Mishka came up to the car from behind and said:

Does Volga really have a buffer? This is Moskvich’s buffer.

I speak:

You'd better keep quiet. I came up with some kind of buffer. The buffer is next to the carriage railway, and the car has a bumper. Both Moskvich and Volga have a bumper.

The bear touched the bumper with his hands and said:

You can sit on this bumper and go.

No need, I tell him.

And he:

Don't be afraid. Let's drive a little and jump off. Then the driver came and got into the car. The bear ran up from behind, sat on the bumper and whispered:

Sit down quickly! Sit down quickly! I speak:

No need!

And Mishka:

Go quickly! Oh you coward! I ran up and clung next to him. The car started moving and how it rushes!

The bear got scared and said:

I'll jump off! I'll jump off!

“Don’t,” I say, “you’ll hurt yourself!” And he repeats:

I'll jump off! I'll jump off!

And he had already begun to lower one leg. I looked back, and another car was rushing behind us. I shout:

Do not dare! Look, now the car will run you over! People on the sidewalk stop and look at us. At the intersection, a policeman blew his whistle. The bear got scared, jumped onto the pavement, but didn’t let go of his hands, holding on to the bumper, his legs dragging on the ground. I got scared, grabbed him by the collar and dragged him up. The car stopped, and I was dragging everything. The bear finally climbed onto the bumper again. People gathered around. I shout:

Hold on tight, fool!

Then everyone laughed. I saw that we had stopped and got down.

“Get down,” I tell Mishka.

And he is frightened and does not understand anything. I forcibly tore him away from this bumper. A policeman ran up and took down the number. The driver got out of the cab - everyone attacked him.

Don't you see what's going on behind you? And they forgot about us. I whisper to Mishka:

Let's go to!

We stepped aside and ran into the alley. We ran home, out of breath. Both of Mishka’s knees are raw and bleeding and his pants are torn. This is him when he was riding on the pavement on his stomach. He got it from his mother!

Then Mishka says:

The pants are nothing, you can sew them up, but the knees will heal on their own. I just feel sorry for the driver: he’ll probably get it because of us. Did you see the policeman write down the car number?

I speak:

I should have stayed and said that the driver was not to blame.

“We’ll write a letter to the policeman,” says Mishka.

We began to write a letter. They wrote and wrote, ruined twenty sheets of paper, and finally they wrote:

“Dear comrade policeman! You entered the number incorrectly. That is, you wrote down the number correctly, only it was incorrect that the driver was at fault. The driver is not to blame: Mishka and I are to blame. We got hooked, but he didn’t know. The driver is good and drives correctly.”

On the envelope they wrote:

“Corner of Gorky Street and Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, get to the policeman.”

They sealed the letter and threw it into the box. It will probably come.

A. Ivanov

The ABC of Safety - How inseparable friends crossed the road

In one big fairy-tale city lived three inseparable friends - the little bunny Vanya, the little bear Misha and the little fox Lisa. But their worries were not at all fabulous.

They loved to play, especially football. Can you really play in their cramped yard? There are garages everywhere, stern grandmothers sit, babies lie in strollers. You won't go wild!

So we had to play football under the goal arch. Little hare Vanya on the gate

stood at the entrance from the street. And the bear cub Misha and the little fox Lisa tried their best to score a goal for him.

Sometimes the ball would fly straight into the noisy street. If you run after him, lo and behold, a car will run over you! And you can’t get enough balls. Gets under the wheel - bang! - and no.

It is very inconvenient to play under the arch. And dangerous. Here, too, cars do not provide life. Every now and then they drive into or out of the yard.

Bad place to play. Where can I get a good one?

There was, of course, a good place. Yes, only on the other side of the street, across the road. There is a sports ground and a large vacant lot there. There is somewhere to roam!

But how to get there? There are cars, buses, trolleybuses, trams all around! How like this

cross the wide street? Whether you like it or not, necessary rules need to know. You can't go anywhere without them! It's a difficult matter...

Fortunately, Misha the bear had an older brother. He took up teaching his inseparable friends. He had already worked as a driver and knew everything.

So, you can only go to the other side of the street strictly along the crossing. It is marked with white stripes. Striped like a zebra.

The crossing is commanded by a traffic light. He sees everything. He has three round eyes: red, yellow and green.

Here he lights up his red eye. So, stand still and be bored. It is forbidden to cross! The cars are rushing at full speed.

It's dangerous to go out on the road. Cars, motorcycles and even bicycles will not have time to stop!

The little hare Vanya looked, thought and suddenly composed poetry:

Don't go through red lights.

Red light is dangerous!

A bicycle will fly

You will become terrible!

The traffic light lights up the yellow eye. This is a signal - "attention!" All the cars start to slow down in order to stop in time. Pedestrians are preparing to cross. They are not going yet, but are just getting ready to go.

And again the little bunny Vanya came up with poetry:

And when it’s yellow, there’s no way through.

Yellow light - attention!

Prepare for the transition

You, my friend, in advance!

Finally the green eye lights up. Now you can move freely. All the cars stopped, go to your health. Go and don’t be afraid, like Vanya the little bunny at first. Don't hesitate, like Misha the bear. Don't be cunning and don't run like the little fox Lisa. Suddenly you fall!

Vanya also wrote poems about his beloved green light:

Green light is transitional.

You are, of course, waiting for him.

Green light - pedestrian,

If you're walking!

And that's not it. What to do if there is a striped crossing, but there is no clear traffic light? Not at all, or, let’s say, it’s broken! How then to cross the street?

Then the traffic controller Stork will come to the rescue. He will strictly show

striped stick when you can move. And to those who hesitate, he will wave his wing angrily: don’t yawn, they say, let’s cross, don’t delay the movement, you’re a clumsy bear!

Well, what if the traffic controller doesn’t show up? How can we be here?

Is there a transition? Eat! No traffic light? No!

So, first look carefully to the left to see if the cars are moving. If they don’t go, then go boldly.

I reached the middle of the street, now look to the right to see if there are any cars. If not, then go ahead again. Like little bunny Vanya with friends! However, our inseparable friends still need to know a lot in order to cross the street safely.

How should you get around a bus and a trolleybus - in front or behind?

Right. Behind!

And if you go around them in front, you won’t notice the car behind them. She just might jump out from behind a trolleybus or bus. IN best case scenario The tail will crush the little fox! And at worst?..

Do you feel sorry for him? Don't you feel sorry for yourself? That's it!

But the safest thing is to let the bus and trolleybus through, politely give way. This is what Misha’s older brother advises. And he knows everything!

Now let's think about what to do if there are also trams running along the street. How to get around the tram - from behind or in front? Come on, little fox Lisa, answer!

Behind? Wrong.

That's right - in the front! Otherwise you won’t see the oncoming tram. And again, at best, you will fall under his tail. And what

What would happen to animals and children who have no tail at all?!

Misha the bear easily figured out these buses, trolleybuses and trams. Maybe because he has a big head.

But the little bunny Vanya and the little fox Lisa kept getting confused. They forgot that they had to go around the bus and trolleybus from the back, and the tram from the front. This, of course, happened when Misha’s brother was not around.

Trams, buses and trolleybuses are tired of their mistakes. They came to an agreement among themselves and went out into the street with large inscriptions on their sides.

“Vanya, you are our bunny, go around me from behind!” - was displayed on the bus and trolleybus.

“Lisa, my little fox, come around me in front!” - the tram called.

And another time, when the little fox Lisa made a mistake again, the trolleybus suddenly took her and lifted her with his long arcs and placed it correctly - behind him.

This is how inseparable friends - Vanya the bunny, Misha the bear cub and Lisa the little fox - learned to cross the street. And now they calmly went alone to the wasteland to kick the ball. No one bothered them, and they did not bother anyone.

To the big brother of the bear - thank you!

Now answer the questions.

At what light can you cross the street?

Is it possible to run into a yellow light? Or don’t rush and wait for the green light?

How to get around buses and trolleybuses? Behind? Or let them crush your tail?

What will they write about you on the tram if you walk around behind it?

Guess what the Traffic Control Stork will do if you rush across the street without special invitation? Will he give you a striped stick to play with or save you from the car?

Little Bunny Vanya, our poet, gives advice to parents:

For the correct children's answer

A couple of sweets for everyone!

And for the mistake in the answer

Each person gets a piece of candy!

B. Zhitkov “Traffic Light”

Then we stopped, and all the other cars stopped, and the tram
has stopped. I shouted:
- Why?
Mom also said:
- Why did everyone stop? What's happened?
And she stood up in the car. And he looks.
And the driver says:
- Do you see the red flashlight? Traffic light?
Mom says:
- Where where?
And the driver points his finger.
And up on the wire, above the street, my mother and I saw a flashlight: it
glowed red.
Mom says:
- How long will we stand?
And the driver says:
- No. Now they will pass by, who needs to cross our street, and
let's go.
And everyone looked at the red flashlight. And suddenly it lit up yellow.
And then green.
And the driver said:
- Now you can: green fire.
We went. And on the side across our street there was another street. And that's all there
the cars were parked and no one ran into us. They were waiting for us to pass.
And then once again a red flashlight was burning on the street, and I already knew and shouted:
- Uncle, stop! Red fire!
The driver stopped, looked back and said:
- And you are a great guy.
Then we stopped again, and there was no light at all. But only
I saw: a very tall policeman in a white hat and white jacket raised
holding his hand up and holding it like that.
Then he waved his hand for us to go.
As soon as he raises his hand, everything will become: cars, trams and barrels
all sorts of things. And horses too. Only humans can walk.
The policeman is the most important person on the street. And then we arrived at the house.

A. Severny " Three wonderful colors"

To help you
The path is dangerous
We burn both day and night,
Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light -
We are three siblings
We shine with for a long time.
On the road to all the guys.

We are three wonderful colors
You see us often
But our advice
Sometimes you don't listen.

The strictest is red light.
If it's on fire: Stop!
There is no further road
The path is closed to everyone.

So that you can cross calmly,
Listen to our advice: Wait!
You'll see yellow soon,
There is light in the middle.

And behind him green light,
Will flash ahead
He will say:
- There are no obstacles,
Go boldly on your way.

If you do it without arguing
Traffic lights,
You will get home and to school,
Of course, very soon.

V. Klimenko “The Toy Incident”

The most Little Lenochka's favorite toys were a teddy bear, a pink pig Oink and a doll Rita. They lived on the rug next to Lenochka’s crib and had fun playing with the girl.

But in the mornings their little mistress went to kindergarten, and the toys began to get bored while waiting for Helen.

And then one day the doll Rita said:

Let's go to kindergarten. Let's see what Lenochka is doing there.

Let's! - Mishka picked up. - Otherwise, she’s probably bored without us too.

“He’s bored, he’s bored,” the pig grunted. - Went!

The friends held hands and ran out into the street. How noisy it was here! People were in a hurry, cars and buses were rushing, trams were thundering.

Rita, Mishka and Oink walked along the sidewalk. They reached the store and began to look at its window. And suddenly Oink noticed the reflection of a familiar building in the glass window. She turned and saw this building on the other side of the street.

Our Lenochka is there! I know! One day she took me with her.

Oink ran out onto the road, pulling Mishka and Rita with her.

A traffic controller at an intersection noticed that toys were running out onto the road, where there were many cars. He blew his police whistle, but it was too late. A large truck was rushing straight towards them. The brakes creaked, the car skidded onto the sidewalk, it hit a pole, turned over and crushed Rita, Mishka and Oink.

The siren sounded. An ambulance rushed in. The orderlies put the victims on stretchers and took them to the hospital.

When the accident happened, the children kindergarten We didn’t sleep and saw everything through the window. Helen recognized her friends and cried loudly when trouble happened to them. She thought she would never see them again.

But time passed, Rita, Oink and Mishka were discharged from the hospital and brought home, albeit with bandages on their arms, legs and paws. Helen was very happy with her friends. She put them to bed and began to heal herself.

And soon the traffic controller who was on duty at that time came to them. He decided to visit the victims and brought them the book “Road Rules”.

Now Lenochka reads this book to Rita, Mishka and Oink and together they all learn to cross the street correctly.

Children, to prevent such a disaster from happening to your toys, teach them the Rules of the Road.

Do you know these rules yourself?

Y. Pishumov “Yurka lives on the other side”

Yurka lives on the other side.

He waves across the street to me.

"I'm coming now!" - I shout to my friend

And I fly towards him like an arrow.

Suddenly I froze in fright,

Yurka shouted in fear: “Oh!”

And from where, and from where

Has a dump truck appeared?

Just a miracle, just a miracle

I didn't fall under it!

The driver has a menacing look:

"Where are you going? Come back!

Your friend will wait.

Look where the transition is"

Y. Pishumov “Song about the rules”

There are rules everywhere

You should always know them:

They won't leave without them in swimming

From the ship's harbor.

Go on a flight according to the rules

Polar explorer and pilot.

They have their own rules

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

Like a multiplication table, like a lesson.

Remember the traffic rules by heart!

Remember the traffic rules like a table


Always know them by heart.

Around the city, down the street

They don’t just walk like that:

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian!

Y. Pishumov “Look, the guard”

Look, the guard stood on our pavement,

He quickly extended his hand, deftly

waved his wand.

Have you seen it? Have you seen it? All the cars stopped at once!

Together they stood in three rows and

They're not going anywhere!

People don't worry -

goes across the street.

And standing on the pavement, like

wizard, guard

All machines obey him alone.

Y. Pishumov “The ABC of the City”

The city where
We live with you
You can rightfully
Compare with the ABC book.

ABC of the streets,
Avenues, roads
The city gives us
Lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet -
Signs are posted
Along the pavement.

ABC of the city
Always remember
So that it doesn't happen
You're in trouble.

V. Semerkin “Forbidden - allowed”

And avenues and boulevards -

The streets are noisy everywhere

Walk along the sidewalk

Only on the right side!

Here to play pranks, disturb people


Be a good pedestrian


If you are traveling on a tram

And there are people around you,

Crossing at red light


Without pushing, without yawning,

Come forward quickly.

Riding like a hare, as is known,


Give the old lady a seat


If you're just walking,

Still look ahead, -

Through a noisy intersection

Pass carefully.

When it's green, even for children


S. Mikhalkov “My Street”

This is Dad,

It's me,

This is my street.

Here, clearing the pavement,

Sweeping away litter and dust from the path,

Rotating steel brushes

A funny car is coming.

Looks like a cockchafer -

Mustache and round sides.

Behind him among streams and puddles

The shower machine hums and makes noise.

Gone like a rain cloud,

The pavement glistens in the sun:

She has two cars

Washed and swept.


Here on duty at any time

A familiar guard is standing there.

He controls everyone at once

Who is in front of him on the pavement?

No one in the world can do that

With one movement of the hand

Stop the flow of passersby

And let the trucks pass.

S. Mikhalkov “Bad History”

The city is full of traffic -
Cars are running in a row.
Colored traffic lights
Both day and night burn.

And where there are trams during the day,
They're ringing from all sides,
You can't walk around yawning
You can't count crows.

But who at the red light,
Walking straight?
And this is the boy Petya -
A braggart and a mischief-maker.

The drivers are worried
All the horns are blaring,
Wheels and motors,
They want to stop.

The driver turned sharply
Sweaty like never before:
One more minute -
There would be trouble.

Both adults and children
They could barely contain their cry:
Petya was almost killed -
A braggart and a mischief-maker.

S. Mikhalkov “Walking carefully”

The city is full of traffic:
Cars are running in a row.
Colored traffic lights,
They burn day and night.

Walking carefully
Watch the street -
And only where possible
And only where possible
And just cross it there!

And where there are trams during the day,
They hurry from all sides,
You can't walk around yawning!
You can't count crows!

Walking carefully
Watch the street -
And only where possible
And only where possible
And just cross it there!

S. Mikhalkov “Traffic Light”

If the light turns red,
This means it is dangerous to move.
Green light says:
“Come on, the way is open!”
Yellow light - warning:
Wait for the signal to move.

V. Golovko “Traffic Rules”

Traffic rules,
All without exception.
Animals should know:
Badgers and pigs,

Hares and tiger cubs,
Pony and kittens.
You guys too
You need to know them all

V. Irishin " Walk around the city"

On Sunday along the garden,
Along the square in the morning
It rained when it shouldn't have,
It started raining like buckets.

The pavement has turned
Into the sea right before our eyes.
And trolleybuses, trams,
And a truck
And all-all cars
It was as if they were floating on the waves -
What has the storm done?

Antoshka was sitting by the window,
I just sat there, bored,
And I saw from the window,
Something I didn't notice.

Here the cars will rush,
They'll freeze halfway...
Try to figure it out here
Find an explanation.

Everything in the world is clear to dad!
He will find an answer for anyone.
- Dad, how are these cars?
Do they know whether to go or not?

This is not an easy thing
You can't explain it in a few words.
This is a whole science.
Look at the road, baby.

Who helps the drivers?
Safe to choose the path,
Protects from trouble
And blinks in a friendly way:
Be more careful!

Traffic light!

Well, yes, he is the one.
You've known him for a long time.
Tomorrow morning with my mother,
You will go to kindergarten on foot,
And you will see him right away.
He is your faithful, good friend.

He has three different eyes
Day and night they look around.
A little red eye
Then it flashes yellow
Then I'm across the road
When it's green, I'll walk.

You are attentive, as you can see
And you are in harmony with the road.
Let the know-nothings be ashamed
It's easy for them to get into trouble.

From kindergarten to school soon,
And everyone must know
All traffic lights
And all the rules are A's!

Three traffic lights
Whatever they order is law for everyone.
Pedestrians and drivers
We need him on the road!

If red lights up -
You should stop
Yellow - wait a minute too
And the green light - go!

And there are a lot of cars everywhere,
Back and forth they scurry
No one across the road
They don't let me cross.

And they buzz, and they drive dashingly,
From the pavement to the sidewalk.
There is confusion here and there -
Rumble, grinding, ringing, blow!..

Wouldn't they honk the horn?
Traffic lights - what to do?
We wouldn't know then
How can we ride and walk?

Then Anton imagined
What would happen then -
Not following the rules
They walk and go in all directions!

Dad smiled at his son
He ruffled his hair:
- You should get dressed and put on shoes -
And let's go! You'll see for yourself.
There are no more clouds in the sky,
The rain stopped a long time ago.
It's better to look locally
Than looking out the window.

On a busy avenue
Stayed a little longer
Under the green steel maple.
- Before we continue our journey,
With an important striped zebra,
Let's meet now.

With the one who once
Have you ever seen it at the zoo?
- No, Antoshka, this is a “zebra” -

Along it in winter and summer,
Like on a bridge, people
It goes across the street.
There is a trolleybus and a bus,
Truck and Zhiguli
Slow down to
Pedestrians have crossed.
But the zebra is careful,
Still you should be -
After all, a car is impossible,
Immediately, suddenly stop.
Transport is close - know for sure:
Skip - then move on!

To the crossroads along the avenue,
We came, and there it stood
Sentinel mustache inspector -
What a brave appearance!

The sun is sparkling in the sky,
Clean washed by the rain...
- We need to stop.
Here, Antoshka, we'll wait.

It’s a little unclear to me -
Why should we wait? -
And Antoshka tried,
Stand on the zebra stripe.

It’s you, my friend, in vain, -
Dad says to his son:
After all, consider that the light is red for us,
The front is now on fire.

I would have noticed the red light, -
The son said to dad in response:
The traffic light is not shining at all,
His eyes don't light up.

Look at the intersection.
On the wide pavement,
Here he stands tall
Nice guard.
- A real Uncle Styopa! -
The little boy was amazed.
I came here for a walk,
This gentle giant?

No, it doesn't look like that...
He stood up and didn’t move a step.
What is he doing there anyway?
It's not worth it just like that.
What a mystery!
Suddenly he waved one hand...
Maybe he's doing exercises?
What an incomprehensible he is!

Dad smiled again
And he continued the conversation:
- I see that the guard
You haven't met me until now.
He falls into place
Where is the intersection of roads?
So that any of his gestures
Everyone could see better.
And, like a conductor,
Just wave his wand -
The engines will start working
The transport will move forward.
It's worth it for a reason.
Each gesture is a special sign.

He stood sideways towards the pedestrians -
So they can go
And for traffic flows,
There is no way at this time.

Attention everyone! So this is -
The staff is raised above his head.
It's like a yellow light
The guard signaled.

He will turn his back to us,
Or breasts - that means stop!
It's like a red light comes on.
You and I need to wait.

If there is any congestion somewhere,
Occur sometimes -
No traffic lights
They can't cope then.

The guards deftly, soon,
All congestion will be cleared.
These are the rules for drivers
And they say to passers-by:
What will the guard order?
That's the law on the pavement!

Straight to the house along the alley,
Dad and I left slowly.
- Well, how did you like the walk? -
He asked the baby.

I learned a lot today
About normal transition,
About the usual road
Who goes and goes how.
Let's tell mom how difficult it is,
It was just like walking
We're in a big city,
And about the zebra crossing,
A guard near the house,
It's not easy, yes it's not easy
Become a pedestrian immediately.

Red Vaska, there was a thing,
He boasted in kindergarten:
- Across the street I boldly
I'll go anywhere!
What are all these rules for me?
I'm not afraid of anything.
I'm the smartest in the world
I'll dodge the car.

Today it became clear to me -
This recklessness is not needed.
It's dangerous to behave this way.
Discipline is important here.

Let the kids remember:
Don't be naughty on the road!
To all the girls and boys
You need to learn the rules!

O. Benderev “The ABC of Security”

The streets are paved with asphalt,

Cars are moving fast.

The pavement is seething with movement -

Cars are running, trams are rushing.

Everyone, be true to the rule -

Keep Right.

Pedestrians must remember:

Crossroads - transition.

There are traffic lights

Submit to them without argument.

Yellow light - warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

The green light opened the way:

The boys can cross.

Walk straight! You know the order

You won't get hurt on the pavement.

The red light tells us;

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed.

Lyosha and Lyuba walk in pairs,

Where are they going? On the sidewalk.

A student boarding a tram

Give up your place to the elders.

Football is a good game

At the stadium, kids.

Hockey - playing on ice in winter,

But don't play on the pavement.

Hooking the side of a car -

Dangerous and unnecessary sport.

Spare your health, spare your life,

Watch the movement.

Exam of importance

Follow the traffic rules.

Young citizens, Tanya and Petya,

Remember these rules firmly!

A. Dmokhovsky “Wonderful Island”

Wonderful island

The avenue is wide like a river,

There is a stream of cars floating here.

And although there is no bridge here,

Not a ferry on the way

Everyone can very simply

Everyone can do it very easily

Cross this river.

People are gathering

At the "Transition" sign.

Doesn't bother pedestrians

The sparkle of lights, the flow of cars -

It will help them all to cross,

It will help them all to move

Pedestrian island.

Green light ahead -

Don't be timid, go forward.

You've reached the halfway point

Suddenly the red light came on

The cars started moving again

The cars started moving again

Here you will see at your feet

This very island.

Wait, wait until the deadline

On a wonderful island

He's on a wide street

He's on a wide street

Like an island on a river.

I. Seryakov “The street where everyone is in a hurry”

Everyone knows who firefighters are. At the first call, at the alarm, they rush to help, driving red cars to put out the fire. Fire trucks also have a special signal – it’s called a siren. When it starts buzzing, everyone will hear it! This is so that they know that the car is coming to put out a fire, so that everyone would give way to it.

And if someone starts to cross the road, the driver immediately presses the brakes, stops the car, wastes time, when he arrives at the fire, then only embers will be left of the house. The fire truck must not be delayed for a minute.

An ambulance is rushing to the patient, the doctor is riding on it, carrying medicine. There was a red cross painted on the ambulance, and they also set a siren. She can’t linger for a second on the way, the doctor needs to come to the patient as soon as possible.

Truck drivers are also rushing about their business. The car is driving fast and fast, with the words “Milk” written on its body. She’s bringing fresh milk to the store, and they’re really waiting for her there.

And here comes another truck, with the words “Bread” written on its back. He's bringing fresh rolls. Everyone wants to quickly buy fresh bread.

A large truck is driving, dragging a trailer behind it, with a mountain of bricks on it. Builders are waiting for the driver - they are building a house, laying walls, they really need bricks so that the work does not stop. And coal also really needs to be brought in for the heating to work and to keep the houses warm. Buses, trams, taxi trolleybuses are rushing by, people are traveling in them: some to work, others to home, and others to visit or to the theater. There are a lot of people on the street, they are also going about their business. Cars are running, some along the pavement, others rushing over people's heads along bridges and overpasses, and still others rushing through tunnels underground. Everyone is in a hurry on the street. And not just the one where you live, but everyone. On all streets, on all roads. And no one should interfere with drivers or pedestrians. There must be order there. Everyone must obey him, deal with the cars in the world, know what order should be on the street.

I. Seryakov “The car that was taught to draw”

The guys were playing in the yard, and some funny car was walking along the pavement and growling its engine. She was not carrying anything, but was just tossing and turning on the street. It will go forward, then back, and then it will start moving across the pavement. And all the trucks and cars stopped in front of her. We waited for her to pass.

Funny! – said Sasha. – why doesn’t anyone drive it? Why isn't she carrying anything?

I'd love to ride one! - someone said. “She’s barely moving.” And why did they come up with this?

Why why? – Alena mimicked him. - She draws! Chalk or something.

Can machines draw? They are not artists. Where's her brush? Where are the paints? Do you have drawing paper?

But she doesn’t need paper at all, she draws on the pavement. Do not believe? Look!

The guys began to look at the pavement, and there indeed were some dashes and lines left after it. White.

Why is she drawing? - everyone was interested.

Let’s ask Tatyana Semyonovna,” Alena suggested.

Why does he draw lines on the pavement? – asked Sasha.

“Come here, everyone,” said Tatyana Semyonovna. – Now I’ll talk about the car and what it draws.

Everyone gathered in a circle and began to listen.

This, children, is a very useful machine,” the teacher began. “She walks the streets and draws. But, of course, she can’t draw any pictures. He will make a dash in one place and draw a line in another.

She doesn't have chalk, but she has white paint and a mechanical brush for painting.

Where is she?

The cars are hidden inside.

Why does she draw them?

She draws lines that indicate where to cross the street and where to stand and wait for cars to pass. Everyone should know these lines.

F. Yurmin “Curious Mouse”

In a big city there was a garage where the Moskvich car would rest after work.

And no one, not even Moskvich himself, knew that in the corner of the garage, in a cramped hole, a whole family of mice had settled: father-mouse, mother-mouse and their children, little mice.

During the day they slept sweetly, and at night they woke up and got down to business.

Dad took the string bag in his paw and ran for groceries (what can you do - family!), Mom was busy with the housework, and the children, like all children in the world, played and were naughty.

“Dear little mice,” my mother never tired of repeating, “never run out of the hole: the cat often looks into the garage.

Cat? What cat? - the smallest mouse squeaked. He was terribly curious and always asked questions.

Oh,” my mother got scared, “shut up!” A cat is the most evil animal in the world: its teeth are sharp, its paws are clawed, its tail is long, its ears are sensitive and its eyes are like lanterns. More than anything else, he loves to feast on mouse meat. Your poor grandmother has already suffered from it once. I beg you: beware of this villain!

So said the mother mouse and, sighing, began sweeping the hole.

But the mouse was the most unhearing of all. As soon as mom turned away, he jumped out of the hole.

He looks at him from the darkness and someone's huge shiny eyes are staring at him.

The mouse was scared and wanted to quickly scurry back into the hole.

But this was an extremely curious mouse, and he did not run away, but asked in a trembling voice:

Tell me please, do you have a tail?

“I don’t have a tail,” he heard in response.

And the mustache?

And no mustache.

What about clawed feet?

Also no.

Do you eat mice? - the mouse timidly asked.


That's great! So you're not a cat?

Of course not. I am a car.

Car-mo-bil?.. No, mom never told about you. But anyway, since you are not a cat, let's play cat and mouse.

I can’t, little mouse, I really want to sleep.

Ha ha ha! Who sleeps at night? Isn't a day enough for you?

Strange. Maybe it’s the habit of mice to sleep during the day, but I work during the day: I run back and forth along the roads, I separate people.

Well, then tell me a fairy tale! I love fairy tales so much!

What a stupid little mouse! I'm telling you, it's time for me to go to bed. Come tomorrow - I have a day off. Then we’ll see, maybe I’ll tell you.

The next night the mouse just woke up, immediately looked out of the hole and again saw big burning eyes.

Good night, uncle car! - said the mouse politely.

Meow! - he heard in response.

Meow, so meow,” the little mouse happily waved his tail. “Cheers, I’m a mouse.” He quickly jumped out of the hole and - oh horror! - right in front of me I saw a mustachioed muzzle, clawed paws and a long tail.

But then, in the darkness, fortunately, the eyes of the car flashed.

Who's screaming there? Bah, is my neighbor in trouble?! Hurry and hide here! - the car said and lifted the cover of its engine.

And when the mouse darted through the crack, the car instantly slammed the lid and pinched the cat's tail.

The mouse sat down on the car engine, still warm from recent work, caught his breath, calmed down, and even washed himself with his paw.

But soon this fidget got tired of being locked up, and he whined:

Let me go home, I'm hungry, I'm thirsty! My mother will scold me. . .

It would be better for you, little mouse, to have a little patience. And then the cat was hiding by the wheel. Just something to treat you with. . . What do you love most?

Cereals, sugar, bread, butter,” the mouse licked his lips.

Maslitsa? Please. There is as much of it in my engine as I like. Eat to your health.

The mouse tried it and made a face:

Fi, what disgusting! Is this oil?!

“He’s a picky guy,” the car was offended, “he doesn’t like real motor oil!”

Mashi-i-innoe? . . And I love creamy.

I don't hold this. What do I need oil for? Lubricate the motor. So that its parts work better. Only machine oil is good here,

And your water, uncle car, is also machine-made?

Who told you? To cool the engine (the poor fellow gets very hot from working), the most suitable ordinary water. So drink up, don't be afraid.

Why does your water smell so bad? - the mouse was horrified, sniffing the liquid in a small round glass. - Again, some kind of disgusting thing!

What an eccentric,” the car laughed. “This glass contains not water at all, but gasoline.” Mice may not need it, but cars need it so much! No gas - stop, car! And I store the water in another place - under that lid.

“This is a different matter,” said the mouse, having drunk plenty of water from the throat of a large flat radiator tank.

He immediately became cheerful and began, as if in his own burrow, to walk around the engine and poke his curious nose everywhere.

I walked and walked and came across a large black box with six faceted plugs.

“This is a battery,” said the car. “It stores a supply of electric current.” From the box, as if on a path, he runs along the wires to the engine in order to ignite the gasoline in it with a spark. By the way, a battery is a very dangerous thing. So you, little mouse, better not touch him. Otherwise there could be big trouble.

But the mouse, as always, did not listen. What to do if it was an unusually curious mouse.

Get back!” the car shouted. “It’ll give you an electric shock!”

But it was already too late. There was a dry crack, a bluish spark flashed, something pulled the mouse by the nose, and he rolled head over heels to the ground.

And the cat is right there.

He would have had a great dinner today if the car hadn’t shouted to the mouse in time:

Jump into my exhaust pipe!.. That’s what curiosity can lead you to,” the car noticed when the danger had passed, and only the tip of a mouse’s tail was peeking out of the pipe.

But the incorrigible mouse soon got back to his work:

Why do you need this pipe?

Ah, insufferable! - the car was surprised. But since he was polite and accustomed to answering when asked, he said:

This is an exhaust pipe. It leads to the motor to. . . Do you think the mouse listened to the end? No matter how it is. He was already running at full speed along the narrow tunnel and, having reached its end, asked:

And what's that?

My motor. Only now, little mouse, you look at him not from the outside, as before, but from the inside.

What do you need a motor for?

What for? - the car was surprised. - To spin my wheels. My engine has four cylinders (you are sitting in one of them now), and inside each cylinder, when the engine is running, a piston moves up and down.

Why is he walking?

Why, why!.. How will a portion of gasoline end up in the cylinder, how will it rush there along the wire electricity, a spark immediately flashes and a small explosion is heard (gasoline is very flammable!). Explosions thunder in each cylinder in turn: bang-bang-bang! Fuck-fuck-fuck! (By the way, this is what causes the engine to crack during operation.) And each explosion pushes the piston down with force. The same piston on which you are now so comfortably settled. The pistons move along the cylinders and rotate the short shaft. He turns another shaft, a longer one. And this lanky one turns my wheels. So I'm driving along the road.

“Everything is clear,” the mouse sighed, “but it’s still not clear about the exhaust pipe.” What do you need it for?

But the car did not have time to respond. Just at that very moment the driver came into the garage and started the engine.

Tr-rah-tah-tah! Tr-rah-tah-tah! - the car crackled. Tr-r-revoga! Hurry up and get out of the pipe!..

The mouse didn’t even have time to come to his senses when he was spinning and spinning, and along with the smoke from the gasoline that burned in the engine, he jumped out of the chimney like a bullet, flew past the lurking cat, and landed straight in his hole.

The car immediately drove off and crushed the cat's tail with its wheel. It hurt the mustachioed man, he howled in a bad voice. And a curious little mouse from a mink looks and says:

Serves you right! Serves you right!

“Don’t be happy, don’t be happy,” the cat hissed angrily, “I’ll eat you anyway.”

And I would eat it. Yes, the car drove the villain out of the garage.

And so that the spirit of his cat would never be here, the car hung a road sign over the garage door: “Cats, cat, kittens and... little mice are not allowed!”

N. Sorokin “Crossroads”

Where there is a noisy intersection,
Where you can't count the cars,
It's not so easy to cross
If you don't know the rules.

Let the children firmly remember:
He does the right thing
Who only when the light is green,
It's coming across the street!

V. Timofeev “For pedestrians”

It's easy to explain,
Whether you are young or old:
Pavement - for transport,
The sidewalk is for you!

Walk across the street there, pedestrian,
Where the sign indicates “transition” to you!

The traffic light is red!
The path is dangerous - there is no passage!
And if the yellow light is on,
He says “get ready.”

Green flashed ahead -
The way is clear, cross.

Where should you cross the street?
Remember this simple rule:
Look to the left first,
Look to the right later!

It’s stupid to think: “Somehow
I’ll skip the tram track!”
Never forget,
That the tram is faster than you!

Day and night I'm burning
I'm giving signals to everyone.
I have three signals.
What's my friends name?
(Traffic light)

What kind of sign is that hanging?
- "Stop!" - he tells the cars. -
Transition, go boldly
Black and white stripes.

What is this zebra crossing on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open,
Wait for the green light to blink.
So this is...

The machines exchanged words:
It's time to cool the tires,
Let's stop where the park is!
But the letter “Er” intervened:
Only I can decide
Where is parking allowed?
(Parking location)

Under this sign, oddly enough,
Everyone is constantly waiting for something.
Some sitting, some standing...
What kind of place is this?
(Bus stop location)

He will oblige us to go quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how
On your way...
(Road sign)

If you put your foot on the road,
Pay attention, friend: the road sign is a red circle,
A man walking in black is crossed out with a red line
And the road, it seems,’s forbidden to walk here!
(Pedestrian traffic is prohibited)

Everyone who has a bicycle
I want to warn you against troubles:
Ride, young friends,
You can't drive it on the street.
(Bicycles are prohibited)

This sign is in a red circle,
Declares: “It’s dangerous here!”
Where will it be placed?
Cars are prohibited from entering.
(No entry)

Look, look
What's the bar in front?
Let's stand over the fast river,
What if weightlifters come to the bridge?
They will begin to lift the barbell,
Will they press the barbell?
(Axle load limit)

Don't play music, musicians
Even if you are talented.
It's not good to honk here
Nearby is a school and a hospital.
(Sound signal is prohibited)

In a white triangle with a red border
It is very safe for schoolchildren.
Everyone in the world knows this road sign:
Be careful there are children on the road

Sign " Repair work"(don't speak)
Appeared ahead
There will be potholes on the road
Walk carefully.
(Repair work)

You will notice this sign immediately
Three colored huge eyes.
The eyes have a certain color:
Red, yellow and green.
The red light will turn on -
It's dangerous to move.
Who is the green light for?
Drive through, there is no prohibition.
(Traffic light regulation)

Do you hear the clatter of wheels?
A diesel locomotive rides on steel rails.
(Railroad crossing without barrier)

By stripes black and white
The pedestrian walks boldly...
Which of you guys knows
What does the sign warn about?

Let's say you went to the gym with your friends,
But on the way I remembered: you didn’t tell your mom about this.
He will help you here:
Road sign...

Our grandmother is worried
She needs a doctor on the road.
Don't look with sad eyes:
Help is close, the doctor is nearby.
(Point one medical care- Hospital)

The car will be refueled here:
He will drink three buckets of gasoline.
Help every car
If she is thirsty.
(Gas station)

We got tired on the road,
Evening is just around the corner!
The sign whispers: “Cheer up!
Holidays are coming! Hurry up!”
(Vacation place - Camping - Hotel or motel)

Here's the fork, here's the spoon:
We refueled a little,
We also fed the dog...
We say “thank you” to the sign.
(Food station)

Here is the gaping mouth
The mouth is toothy, just passion!
It’s just strange: into this mouth,
Everyone is trying to get there.
What kind of teeth, what kind of mouth
(Underground crossing)

By stripes black and white
The pedestrian walks boldly...
How many of you guys know
What does the sign warn about?
Let the car run quietly.

Light dust swirls along the street,
A car is rushing down the street,
The green eye will light up
So we can sit down.
(Taxi parking area)

Commanding the rod, he guides everyone,
And one man controls the entire intersection.
He's like a magician, a machine trainer,
And his name is...

striped pointer,
Like a wand from a fairy tale.

What are the names of those paths?
On which the legs walk.
Learn to distinguish them accurately,
Don't fly like you're on fire.
Pedestrian paths –
It's just …?

There are a lot of special service vehicles.
You must live with them in friendship.
Everyone is your helper,
Even strict...
(traffic police)

He has a stern temper -
Long, thick, like a hog,
He lay down at the crossing,
Protecting the pedestrian.
(speed bump)

Ensuring personal safety and maintaining health is one of critical issues humanity from ancient times to the present day. Man has always existed surrounded by various dangers. On early stages developments were natural natural hazards. With the development of civilization, the dangers of man-made and social nature. In conditions modern society security issues have sharply escalated and taken on the characteristics of a human survival problem.

Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life. It opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, develops thinking and imagination. Expanding the child's knowledge, fiction affects his personality. Fiction is one of the accessible and interesting ways for a child to master traffic rules. Children can be introduced to works of fiction directly through reading, watching videos (cartoons, art films), listening to audio recordings, theatrical performances.

Program preschool education“From birth to school” provides an introduction to road safety rules, which are included in educational field"Social and communicative development."


Educational tasks:

Transferring to children knowledge about road safety rules as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle.

  • "I'm a pedestrian today"
  • "I'm a passenger"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)
  • "The Teddy Bear and the New Building""(author of the fairy tale in verse A. Shlygin)

The themes of the work are passenger, road, pedestrian.

  • “The goat rode cautiously”(author of the poem A. Shlygin)

The themes of the work are passenger, road, driver.

  • "My Truck"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)

  • “Traffic light” (author of the poem S.Ya. Marshak)
  • "Our assistant is a traffic light"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)
  • "Truck Worker"(author of the work O. Mäeots)

The themes of the work are freight transport.

  • "Around town"(author of the poem V. Berestov)

The themes of the work are passenger, road, driver, traffic light, bus.

  • "Pedestrian Song"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)
  • "My car"

The themes of the work are passenger, driver.

  • "Cars"(author of the poem Y. Pishumov)

Themes of the work are freight and passenger transport."

Video material (cartoons):

  • "Road Tale"

Topics of the work: street, road, freight and passenger transport, driver

  • "Getting to Know the Street"

Themes of the work are street, road, freight and passenger transport, driver, traffic light colors.

  • “About the kitten Zhenya”

The themes of the work are the colors of traffic lights and their location.

  • "Naughty Family"

Themes of the work – crosswalk, traffic light.

  • "Locomotive from Romashkovo"

Themes of the work are passengers, behavior in transport.


Educational tasks:

  • Compliance with basic rules of conduct on the street and in transport;
  • Basic traffic rules;
  • Distinguish and name special types transport: " Ambulance", "Fire", "Police", explain their purpose;
  • Understand the meaning of traffic lights;
  • Recognizes and understands road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Children”;
  • Distinguish between a roadway, a sidewalk, an underground pedestrian crossing, and a Zebra crossing.
  • "Traffic light"(author of the poem A. Severny)

The theme of the work is to consolidate knowledge about traffic lights.

  • “Over Moscow the moon is like a saucer”(author of the poem S. Borozdin)

The themes of the work are types of passenger transport, trams.

  • “Yurka lives on the other side”(author of the poem Y. Pishumov)

The themes of the work are the rules of crossing the street, pedestrian crossing.

  • "Curious Mouse"(author of the tale G. Yurmin)

The themes of the work are transport, passenger cars, machine parts.

  • “A tale about traffic rules. Part 1. Toy road"(auto tales by T.A. Shorygin)

Themes of the work – highway, zebra crossing, pedestrian crossing, pedestrians, traffic lights, driver (chauffeur), compliance with traffic rules.

  • "Martha and Chichi Go to the Park"(author of the tale T.A. Shorygina)

The themes of the work are compliance with basic traffic rules by pedestrians, sidewalks, surface pedestrian crossing "Zebra", traffic lights.

  • "Pedestrian's Friend"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)

The theme of the work is traffic lights.

  • "Underground crossing"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)
  • "My Truck"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)
  • “On the name day to Grandfather Bear”(author T.A. Shorygina)

Themes of the work are familiarization with transport (tram), rules of behavior in transport.

  • "We are firefighters"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)

The theme of the work is special transport.

  • “The rain came out for a walk”(author of the poem E. Moshkovskaya)

Topics of the work – special transport (watering machine)

  • (author S. Volkov)

Themes of the work are zebra, underground crossing.

  • "My street"(author S. Mikhalkov)

The themes of the work are special vehicles, watering machines.

  • , chapter 1, chapter 2 (author M. Kazantseva)

The themes of the work are pedestrian, driver, traffic light.

  • "Bus No. 25"(author S. Marshak)

The themes of the work are rules of behavior in transport.

  • "Ball" (author S. Marshak)

The themes of the work are rules of behavior near the roadway.

  • "Slacker Traffic Light"(author S. Mikhalkov)

The theme of the work is the purpose of a traffic light.

Video materials (cartoons):

  • "Baba Yaga and traffic rules"

The themes of the work are the Zebra crossing, traffic lights.

  • "The Tale of Machines"

The themes of the work are types of transport.

  • "Traffic rules for children" Part 1.

The themes of the work are pedestrian, driver, compliance with traffic rules.


Educational tasks:

  • Compliance with basic traffic rules;
  • Compliance with the rules of behavior on the street and in transport;
  • Distinguish and name special types of transport: “Ambulance”, “Fire”, “Police” and explain their purpose;
  • Understand the meaning of traffic lights;
  • Recognize and name road signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Children”, “Public transport stop” and “Medical aid station”;
  • Distinguish between roadways, sidewalks, and Zebra crossings;
  • Getting to know the metro.
  • "About traffic rules"(author S. Volkov)

Themes of the work are underground passage, zebra crossing, crossroads.

  • “How Stesha and Lyusya taught traffic rules”(author M. Kazantseva)
  • "Pedestrian ABC"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)

The themes of the work are rules of behavior on the pedestrian path.

  • “They bought me a scooter”(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)
  • “They bought me roller skates”(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)

The themes of the work are rules of behavior near the roadway.

  • "Fun Football"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)

The themes of the work are rules of behavior near the roadway.

  • "Let's go play hockey"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)

The themes of the work are rules of behavior near the roadway.

  • "Magic slide"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)

The themes of the work are rules of behavior near the roadway.

  • "New Year's Snow"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)

The theme of the work is a snowplow.

  • "Sparrow Tishka"(author of the poem T.A. Shorygina)

Themes of the work are traffic controller, zebra crossing, crossing rules, traffic lights.

  • "Song about the rules"(author Ya. Pishumov)
  • "Crosswalk"(author Ya. Pishumov)
  • "Traffic light"(author V. Kozhevnikov)
  • "Ice"(author I. Leshkevich)
  • "Who is braver"(author A. Gangov)

The themes of the work are rules of behavior on the road.

  • "Wonderful Island"(author A. Dmokhovsky)

The themes of the work are the rules for crossing the street.

  • "Underground crossing"(author A. Dorokhov)
  • "Fence along the sidewalk"(author A. Dorokhov)
  • "Barrier"(author A. Dorokhov)
  • "Cyclist"(author S. Mikhalkov)

The themes of the work are rules of behavior on the street.

  • "Bad Story"(author S. Mikhalkov)

The themes of the work are rules of behavior on the street.

  • "Scooter"(author N. Konchalovskaya)
  • “Look, the guard is standing on our pavement”(author Ya. Pishumov)
  • "If…"(author O. Bedarev)

The themes of the work are the rules of pedestrian behavior on the street.

  • "Prohibited-allowed"(author V. Semernin)

The themes of the work are the rules of behavior for a pedestrian, passenger, sidewalk, intersection.

Video material*:

  • "The ABCs of Security"

The themes of the work are road signs.

  • "Flashing Men"

The themes of the work are traffic lights, enriching knowledge about traffic lights, their purpose, and the operation of traffic lights at an intersection.

  • “Smeshariki. Traffic light"

The themes of the work are rules of behavior on the road, road signs: prohibiting, permitting, warning.

  • “Smeshariki. At the bus stop"

Themes of the work are rules of conduct in public transport, expand and consolidate knowledge about passenger transport, behavior at a stop, boarding and exiting vehicles.

  • "Traffic Laws"

The themes of the work are pedestrian behavior on the street, intersection, traffic light, zebra crossing, roadway and sidewalk.

  • "Road signs"

Themes of the work are road safety rules, behavior on the road, warning signs: “Dangerous turn”, “Slippery road”, “Rough road”, “Steep descent”, “Sharp turn”, “Stop”.

* This video material can be used for senior and preparatory groups.


Educational tasks:

  • Consolidate all acquired knowledge about road traffic;
  • Encourage parents to personal example demonstrate to children that they follow the rules safe behavior on the roads;
  • Encourage parents to read fiction literature together with their child on the preservation and promotion of health, watch videos (cartoons, feature films), listen to audio recordings, and visit the theater (performances on this topic).
  • "The ABCs of Security"(author O. Bedarev)
  • "Automobile"(author N. Nosov)
  • "Tram and his family"(author L. Galpershtein)

The themes of the work are enriching knowledge about urban transport.

  • "Uncle Styopa" (author S. Mikhalkov)
  • "Story about unknown hero» (author S. Marshak)

Topics of the work - advanced knowledge about special transport (fire truck)

  • "Funny things on the road" (edited by M. Kornilova, M. Bolshakova)

The themes of the work are all program tasks.

All previous literature can also be used to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules in the preparatory group.

After reading fiction, it is very important to correctly formulate questions to help children isolate the main thing - the actions of the main characters, their relationships, and actions. A correctly posed question forces a child to think, reflect, and come to the right conclusions.

In older preschool age, fairy tales and poems used in educational activities are viewed through the prism of safety, and children are happy to analyze fairy tales familiar from childhood. Sometimes we “act out” fairy tales, and the children not only independently draw conclusions about why it happened this situation, but they also come up with their own ending, in which the heroes do not violate safety rules and nothing threatens their life and health.

N-R, the wolf never ate 7 kids from fairy tale of the same name, because they did not open the door for him, but looked through the peephole. But brother Ivanushka did not become a little goat by listening to his sister.

When studying the topic “Fire Prevention,” children are introduced to big amount stories, poems and fairy tales in which fire appears not only as an enemy, but also as a friend.

And one of most interesting discoveries we made it based on a poem familiar from childhood by Korney Chukovsky “Confusion”

...And the chanterelles

We took matches

Let's go to the blue sea,

The blue sea was lit.

After reading these lines, the children began to argue why the sea caught fire, because water does not burn? After reasoning and debate, they came to the conclusion that the sea was polluted with oil products.

Thus, fiction illustrates life safety material, comments on it with artistic plots, deepens understanding, arouses keen interest, causing emotional experiences, that is, it helps to better assimilate the material. Bright, imaginative, expressive artistic image affects the child’s personality comprehensively: his mind, feelings, will, behavior.

Used Books:

1. Program “From birth to school”.

2. “Conversations about traffic rules” T.A. Shorygina.

3. “Three traffic lights” by T.F. Saulina.


1. Alekseev, A.P. Traffic rules 2013 with illustrations / A.P. Alekseev. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 144 p.
2. Alekseev, A.P. Traffic rules 2015 with illustrations / A.P. Alekseev. - M.: Eksmo, 2014. - 160 p.
3. Alekseev, A.P. Traffic rules 2016 with illustrations latest changes/ A.P. Alekseev. - M.: Eksmo, 2015. - 160 p.
4. Alekseev, A.P. Traffic rules 2016 with illustrations with the latest changes / A.P. Alekseev. - M.: Eksmo, 2016. - 160 p.
5. Gromakovsky, A.A. Traffic rules 2016 with examples and comments / A.A. Gromakovsky. - M.: Eksmo, 2016. - 208 p.
6. Zhulnev, N.Ya. Traffic rules for beginners 2013 (with all the latest changes) / N.Ya. Zhulnev. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 288 p.
7. Zhulnev, N.Ya. Traffic rules for beginners 2016 (with all changes) / N.Ya. Zhulnev. - M.: Eksmo, 2016. - 304 p.
8. Zelenin, S.F. Traffic rules with comments for everyone in clear language/ S.F. Zelenin. - M.: World of Autobooks, 2012. - 96 p.
9. Kopusov-Dolinin, A.I. Traffic rules of the Russian Federation: Official text with comments and illustrations (new fines 2013): Special system memorization on a long period: Educational and methodological literature with all changes in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation and fines, valid from January 1, 2013 / A.I. Kopusov-Dolinin. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 80 p.
10. Kopusov-Dolinin, A.I. Traffic rules: Special memorization system (new fines 2013): With comments and illustrations: With amendments dated March 28, 2012 No. 254, effective from April 13, 2012 / A.I. Kopusov-Dolinin. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 80 p.
11. Prikhodko, A.M. Comments on the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation as amended for 2015 / A.M. Prikhodko. - M.: Eksmo, 2015. - 336 p.
12. Romanova, E.A. Lessons on traffic rules / E.A. Romanova. - M.: TC Sfera, 2013. - 64 p.
13. Startseva, O.Yu. School of Traffic Sciences. Preschoolers about the rules of the road / O.Yu. Startseva. - M.: TC Sfera, 2014. - 64 p.
14. Startseva, Yu.A. School of Traffic Sciences. Preschoolers about the rules of the road / Yu.A. Startseva. - M.: Creative Center Sfera, 2016. - 64 p.
15. Usachev, A.A. Traffic rules for future drivers and their parents / A.A. Usachev; Artist V.O. Uborevich-. - M.: Samovar, 2012. - 61 p.
16. Finkel, A.E. Traffic rules in pictures 2013 / A.E. Finkel. - M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 96 p.
17. Finkel, A.E. Traffic rules in drawings (edition 2016) / A.E. Finkel. - M.: Eksmo, 2016. - 104 p.
18. Shelmin, E.V. Traffic rules 2013 with examples and comments / E.V. Shelmin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2013. - 160 p.
19. Shorygina, T.A. Conversations about traffic rules with children aged 5-8 years / T.A. Shorygina. - M.: TC Sfera, 2013. - 80 p.
20. Shorygina, T.A. Conversations about traffic rules with children aged 5-8 years / T.A. Shorygina. - M.: TC Sfera, 2015. - 80 p.

Natalia Kirsanova
Fiction for children on the topic “Road Rules”

Fiction for children

on topic: « Traffic Laws»

Bedarev O. "If…", "The ABCs of Security".

Ginzburg N. "Wheel".

Goncharova E. "Cars".

Dorokhov P. « Underground passage» , "Fence along the sidewalk", "Barrier".

Ivanov A. "Like inseparable friends crossed the road» .

Konchalovskaya N. "Scooter".

Mikhalkov S. "Bad Stories", "Uncle Styopa is a policeman", "Slacker Traffic Light", "My street", "Cyclist".

Nikitina N. « Little pedestrian rules» .

Nosov N. "Automobile".

Pishumov Ya. "Look, guard", "My car", "Song about rules» .

Plyatskovsky I. "Traffic light".

Prokofiev S. "My Traffic Light Buddy".

Northern A. "Traffic light".

Semernin V. "Forbidden-permitted".

Seryakov I. "The street where everyone is in a hurry", “The car that was taught to draw”, "Scientific Buddy".

Shorygina T. "Martha and Chichi Go to the Park".

Yurmin G. "Curious Mouse".

A. Usachev "House at the Crossing"

V. Golovko « Traffic rules»

I. Gurina « Traffic Laws»

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