What does it mean to have strongly pronounced brow ridges? A long nose is a sign of pronounced individuality, great creative potential, often conservatism, arrogance and pride.

- this is the mouth. If we see the face of a person whose lips are tightly compressed and his teeth are clenched, then we can confidently state that he is determined and persistent in achieving his goal. Tightly closed indicates great determination and firmness.

If the structure of the mouth is such that it looks widened due to a slight sagging of the lower jaw, this sign indicates a reduced mental activity personality.

The position of the corners of the mouth is of great importance. For example, with a minor mood or depression, the corners of the mouth are usually lowered. A person may try to hide Bad mood, he jokes, seems active and interested in the conversation, but the downturned corners of his mouth give information that he is depressed.

Curvature of one corner of the mouth leads to temporary asymmetry of the face and has the appearance of a sarcastic smile. Photo: Giuliamar, pixabay.com

Based on the size and shape of the mouth, a physiognomist can give an opinion about a person’s internal energy.

  • People with small mouths have weak character, and their whole life is a struggle for survival.
  • Thin lips are a sign of the owner's scrupulous character.
  • A person with a large mouth and slightly drooping corners of the lips may have strong will, such a person will never fall under anyone's influence.
  • Constantly twitching lips indicate the owner's neurasthenic tendencies.

The small arched mouth with slightly downturned corners belongs to a very sensitive person. Large, well-defined lips can be evidence of their owner's success in all endeavors.

Symmetrical opening of the mouth without distortion in any direction is a sign of balanced human emotions. The wrinkles running down both sides of the mouth tell of a difficult life. However, pronounced deep nasolabial folds are a sign of intrigue and deceit. A mouth with one side down belongs to a very stubborn person.

If the upper lip protrudes forward, then this is a sign of serious indecisiveness of the owner. More protruding underlip“tells” the specialist about a person’s selfishness.

Wrinkles over upper lipnatural sign aging, they give away age. If there are fine wrinkles above the lips, this indicates poor health. Deep wrinkles around the lips are evidence of happy young years and great trials and hardships in adulthood.
Photo: haidi2002, pixabay.com

The lips in a “bow” belong very active person who quickly solves all the problems in his life. A person with elongated lips is a loser who is easy to trick and deceive.

Facial bones

Facial bones are also enough important sign for specialists. High and convex brow ridges speak, for example, of strong-willed, strong man. Wide facial bones and a massive chin belong to individuals with strong character. Saggy lower jaw- sign psychological problems person.

A weakly developed chin indicates a soft character. A small dimple on the chin is a sign of great passion; a deep dimple occurs in people seeking solitude.

Wide cheekbones of the face are found in cunning people. A heavy lower jaw indicates that a person is the master of his passions; he often has too much of an opinion about himself.

A straight, high forehead is a sign of a person’s talent. High prominent forehead belongs to the wise and smart people. Low is a sign of isolation and unsociability; if such a forehead is also flat, then this indicates that the person takes a long time to think before he understands the situation.

Drawing from the book “Human Face”, authors A. V. Stepanchenko, M. N. Puzin


Physiognomy pays great attention and ears. When a specialist “reads a face,” he looks at how the face is outlined.

  • Well-shaped ears speak volumes happy childhood, shapeless and pale - about the influence of numerous unfavorable life factors.
  • Very large ears tell about various personality defects, too small ones - about the owner’s troubles.

The position of the ears on the head can be used to judge a person's intelligence. If the upper edge of the ears is located above the level of the eyebrows, this means that the person has a very high intelligence, at eye level - above average intelligence, below eye level - average or low intelligence.

If the ear does not have a formed lobe, then this is an indication of the person’s imbalance. A long lobe is a sign of recklessness; a slightly pronounced lobe indicates a person’s primness and scrupulosity. Photo: Depositphotos

Inner ear rim - indicator emotional experiences of people. If the rim looks retracted, then the person is very restrained; if it clearly protrudes outward, then this indicates an incontinence of character.

Ear color also has great importance for a physiognomist. Pink color inherent in people with good health, yellow or bluish indicates pain. Dark area of ​​skin near the front of the ear - direct instruction for some time serious illness. If there is a mole inside the ear, you can expect unpleasant surprises in life.

In conclusion, I can note that an experienced physiognomist, when “reading a face,” is based on very large quantities characteristics and their combinations. At three short articles It is impossible to tell in detail about all the intricacies of a specialist’s work.

You can believe in, you can completely deny the existence of this science, but over thousands of years humanity has collected enormous material about the connection between the structure of the face and the character of a person, his emotional characteristics, abilities and health status.

Today, wide, thick eyebrows are in fashion, and until recently their place was taken by thin plucked “strings”. While stylists are debating which eyebrows give more expressiveness woman's face, scientists continue their no less long-standing debate: why did our distant ancestors have large brow ridges that literally hung over their eyes, and modern man Is your forehead smooth? Is there an evolutionary meaning to all this, and why did the brow ridges disappear over time? Latest Research scientists from the University of York (UK) say that the answer must be sought in the field of social communication

Hypothesis about function brow ridges the ancient people put forward quite a lot. For example, there was an opinion that they served as a “visor” from the sun or protected the eyes from sweat and hair, but no convincing evidence for this was ever found. IN Lately the main hypotheses are considered the so-called mechanical, according to which the brow ridges increased the resistance of the skull bones to chewing loads, and spatial, which emphasizes their role in the formation of bone joints in the orbital area.

To clarify the truth or falsity of these hypotheses, British scientists used a 3D computer model of the skull Heidelberg person, who lived 600–200 thousand years ago. The prototype was a skull found by archaeologists in the Kabwe cave (Zambia). By modeling the load on the masticatory system, scientists found that the brow ridges do not participate in this process in any way; as for the orbit, in this case their size does not matter. It was necessary to look further.

Scientists turned to studying animals that had morphologically similar formations. Yes, in a male mandrill, a very picturesque monkey from the ape family, there are conspicuous swellings on the sides of the nose, and the bones that form their basis have a structure characteristic of the fossil bones of the brow ridges of human ancestors. The growth of these formations in monkeys is regulated by male sex hormones, and the size reflects social status animal: dominant monkeys boast the largest.

Thus, pronounced brow ridges in our early ancestors could have played the role of a morphological marker leadership qualities And aggressive behavior individual. Over the past 100 thousand years, the brow ridges have decreased, which was probably at first side effect decrease facial skull generally. In the last 20 thousand years, when people moved from the “mobile” lifestyle of hunters and gatherers to a sedentary agricultural one, this process accelerated significantly. And please note: important result reduction of the bones of the superciliary arches resulted in increased mobility of the eyebrows.

Eyebrow movements are one of the tools of social interaction with which we express a huge range of emotions and their nuances. For example, a quick “rise” of eyebrows is a universal signal of openness and readiness to communicate; a slow rise is a sign of surprise or indignation. From small movements of the eyebrows, information can be extracted indicating the degree of truthfulness of a person. On the other hand, according to research, some people experience cosmetic neurotoxin injections botox, which limits muscle contractions and, accordingly, eyebrow movements, the ability to experience emotions also decreases.

Modern man is the only surviving representative of the subfamily (Homininae), which also includes Neanderthal And Pithecatropa. The rest of its members disappeared: they partially died out, and partially mixed with the people of modern physical type, which settled throughout to the globe, often surviving in quite extreme conditions. Our prosperity has been greatly aided by our ability to social interactions and mutual assistance. And, according to scientists, important role Movable eyebrows could have played a role in the preservation of modern humans as a species, serving as a tool for emotional communication.

Prepared by Maria Perepechaeva

On a man’s face, the brow ridges (Fig. 1) are always more noticeable than on a woman’s face, since this is due to general level testosterone. This facial trait indicates your need to lead, dominate, and be in control. The more pronounced the brow ridges, the stronger this desire.

If this facial feature immediately catches the eye, it means that we are dealing with a person (no matter whether it is a man or a woman) who takes any order with hostility. Anyone who has known such a person knows that he tends to perceive the slightest request as an order.

You can politely ask: Could you pass the salt?

But such a person will almost certainly hear: Do what you are told and live!

All this can greatly complicate your relationship, so it is important not to forget about this quality of Wood and the problems that it can cause.

  • Rice. 1. Brow ridges are an indicator of your tendency to keep everything under control.

At the same time, although prominent brow ridges do not bode well for personal relationships, they also have a positive aspect. In particular, such a person can make an excellent leader.

The area between the eyes, in the center of the brow ridges, in Chinese physiognomy called the place of seal and paternal blessing (Fig. 2). In old China, officials did not sign documents, but put stamps, each with their own. The higher a person was in the service hierarchy, the greater his seal.

  • Rice. 2. The place of the seal is located on the forehead between the eyes.

Since the brow ridges are a symbol of power on the face, their central part was used to determine how predisposed a person is to power and success. The extensive space in this part of the face corresponded to a large seal. Accordingly, the larger your print space, the more likely that power and might will not bypass you.

Now about the second name for this part of the face, father's blessing. It suggests that the person who holds the most weight for you confirms your unconditional value as an independent person. As a rule, this role is played by the father (or the person serving as the head of the family). It was thanks to his love and support that you felt strong and talented as a child. If you have not received such recognition, then the feeling self-importance This is most likely a sore point for you. This must certainly leave its mark in the place of the seal.

Ideally this part The face should be smooth, broad and slightly prominent, without wrinkles or other marks. This is a sign that the Wood energy is in harmony; accordingly, you are not inclined to get irritated and perceive everything as an encroachment on own personality. However, in Western society, this element is generally in a state of disharmony, which is why many people have marks at the place of the seal. More often we're talking about about two small vertical lines (Fig. 3). Such wrinkles usually indicate a tendency to anger and irritation (at least to intolerance and irascibility). Try to make an angry face, probably at this moment your eyebrows will move towards the bridge of your nose and two tiny lines will run between them. If such an emotion is repeated often enough, then over time clear wrinkles will form here.

However, these wrinkles are not always the result negative emotions. Sometimes it all comes down to such an aspect of the Tree as internal tension. Anyone who concentrates too intensely on work often frowns, and this habit also creates similar lines. All people of this element have a tendency to form such marks, and it is from them that you can easily determine whether the Tree is part of the personality of a particular person.

  • Rice. 3. Two vertical lines between the eyebrows indicate the emotions and tension inherent in Wood.

It may very well be that these lines only temporarily appeared on your face, at a time when you were experiencing certain life difficulties or were too immersed in their work. Once this period is left behind, the wrinkles will fade or disappear, provided that such emotions do not become a habit.

At almost every seminar or class we have, the question of plastic surgery comes up. Students ask us about Botox injections and other means to change the face. It seems logical that a person, having removed two vertical wrinkles from his forehead, will have the opportunity to get rid of anger, irritability and excessive stress that has accumulated in his system. But the point is that these emotions are still in his body, so he will still try to express them in one way or another. And as soon as the Botox wears off, the wrinkles will return. It is no secret that long-term results are possible only with internal changes.

Any plastic surgery of wrinkles formed by the habit of a certain emotion, provides an opportunity to work on the cause of these emotions. Usually, this period takes from three to five years. If during this time you do not have time to change internally, the wrinkles will definitely return. Just recently we spoke with a woman who had a full facelift a year and a half ago, and wrinkles were already visible on her face again.

When cosmetics queen Estee Lauder died, a long obituary appeared in the newspaper. There she was quoted as saying that a woman is truly beautiful only once in her life, on her wedding day, when she does her makeup with special care. These words simply shocked us. A woman on her wedding day is beautiful not because of her makeup, but because she is in love! The goal of our work is to help you discover this inner radiance in yourself and others. Anyone who radiates love looks beautiful in the eyes of others, even if he has wrinkles or a big nose. And for this it is not at all necessary to cut your face.


In physiognomy, the shape of the forehead can say a lot about a person’s thinking style and his approaches to solving problems. The forehead covers the front of your brain, so it is not at all surprising that it is an indicator of your typical thinking style. For example, your style may be to try to find something new for every problem. unique solution. Or, on the contrary, you prefer to apply in the most effective way in a new situation what you already knew before.

Steep (convex)

  • Imagination
  • Originality
  • Hate rigid systems

A round, convex forehead indicates a desire to show imagination and originality in solving problems. You try to look for alternative approaches and do not like rigid systems and procedures that limit your choices. Do you prefer to search on your own? best solution for the task at hand.

Sloping (leaned back)

  • Good memory
  • Reaction speed
  • Love proven methods and procedures

A forehead of this shape indicates good developed memory and quickness of mind. To avoid wasting time, you prefer to use proven methods and procedures. You are able to quickly apply facts you know and past experience to new conditions and instantly find solutions. When you see how someone else solves a problem, you remember the technology well and easily adopt it for your own needs.

Straight (without bending back or rounding)

  • Straightforward thinking
  • Step-by-step approach

Your thinking is a linear, incremental process, and you may have difficulty absorbing information if it is presented too quickly or inconsistently. You need time to get everything in your head, and therefore you are not very good at thinking under time pressure. If you are forced to think and act without delay, you may break down. Your strength is that if you remember and learn something, it stays with you almost forever.

Brow ridges (bone "ridge" above the eyes)

  • Strictly follow the rules and instructions
  • Prefer certainty and proven systems

Brow ridges indicate that you prefer the “correct”, proven answers and can become completely confused if previously established rules are violated. You love tough systems and a strict "military" approach. Once you understand and agree to the rules, you then tend to follow them religiously and expect others to do the same. For example, if solving a problem requires a certain tool or procedure, you will solve it that way and not otherwise.

Absence of brow ridges (flat forehead)

  • Flexibility, adaptability
  • Immediacy
  • Openness to new ideas

The absence of brow ridges indicates a flexible, adaptable, spontaneous approach to problem solving. You are always open to new ideas. Are you looking for what the best way answers the current moment, and use the tools and procedures that are most suitable for your work. this moment. For example, if you don’t have a friend the necessary tool, you will take advantage of what you have, adapting what you have to your needs. You do not like being forced to cruelly and precisely follow established procedures, and generally try to avoid calibrated, “mathematical” approaches.

Strong-willed bump (fleshy thickening between the eyebrows)

  • Strength of will
  • Determination

The space between the eyebrows is associated with willpower. If this area protrudes forward, this indicates the enormous willpower inherent in you from birth. You are capable of achieving any goals you set for yourself. Even when you were a child, nothing could stop you if you were determined to do something.

Aesthetic surgery makes it possible to correct all areas of the face, including the forehead. This operation is called frontoplasty. With its help, the forehead can be made higher or narrowed, removed age-related changes, soften general expression faces.

Read in this article

Indications for frontoplasty

Forehead correction surgery is performed for a number of deficiencies:

  • asymmetry of its sections;
  • excessive value that violates general proportions faces;
  • small size;
  • forehead too protruding, overhanging brow ridges;
  • wrinkles;
  • defects acquired due to injuries (lumps and dents).

Frontoplasty is performed on men and women. It is also indicated in combination with other interventions carried out during gender reassignment. The operation is performed for aesthetic reasons, if the patient’s own appearance does not suit him and provokes the development of complexes.

Contraindications to surgery to reduce or enlarge the forehead

Some patients, despite the presence of forehead imperfections, do not undergo surgery. Reasons for refusal may include:

  • inflammatory process developing in the tissues of the corrected area;
  • cancer;
  • pathologies in which blood clotting is impaired;
  • severe diabetes;
  • any infection;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • inflammation or infection in the frontal or nasal sinuses;
  • age under 18 years;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

Preparing to correct the shape of the forehead and brow ridges

Before undergoing surgery, the patient must go through a preliminary stage. An examination is necessary to confirm the absence of contraindications, and also to identify the structural features of the forehead bones and the size of the sinuses. It includes:

Then the patient awaits a consultation with a surgeon, during which the nature of the necessary changes for getting desired result. A conversation with an anesthesiologist is also necessary, since general anesthesia is used during the operation. You should tell your doctor about all medications you are taking and any allergies you have had.

At the preparation stage, that is, 2 weeks before surgery, you should not drink alcohol, take blood thinning medications, and it is advisable to quit smoking.

Technique for frontoplasty of the forehead and brow ridges

The nature of the changes that the intervention provides concerns the size of the forehead and the location of the brow ridges. They can be combined, or during frontoplasty only one defect is corrected. The operation lasts from 2 to 3.5 hours, the duration is determined by the scale of the necessary changes.

How does an increase or decrease in forehead height occur?

Correction of the size of an aesthetically unsatisfactory area is carried out according to a similar scheme:

  • First, the doctor makes marks on the skin with a marker. This is necessary for the accuracy of cuts and improvements in different areas.
  • The patient is given anesthesia. Then you need to wait for it to take effect.
  • Using a scalpel, the doctor makes an incision along the hairline. Its length ranges from one ear to the other.
  • The features of the main stage depend on the existing shortcomings and the desired effect. If the forehead needs to be reduced, the bone bridges are removed and the surface of the bones in the area of ​​the frontal tubercles is polished. For last action special cutters are used. At the end of these manipulations, the scalp is moved slightly downward. If it is necessary to make the forehead more convex or increase the size, an implant is installed.

You can also add volume by transplanting your own tissue, such as fat. The same techniques are used for asymmetry. Both frontal lobes are corrected by resurfacing the bone or adding volume with an implant.

  • After the main stages of correction, including the removal of part of the skin tissue when reducing the forehead, the wound is sutured. The operated area is protected with a sterile bandage.

To learn how frontoplasty is performed, watch this video:

How is brow ridge correction performed?

If in general the height of the forehead is satisfactory, but in the eyebrow area it sticks out too much or, conversely, looks too smooth, this defect can be corrected. The operation includes several stages:

To make the forehead more feminine, the latter are removed. The edges of the bone in the area of ​​the brow ridges are polished with a medical cutter. If it is necessary to enlarge this area, implants are placed. The edges of the brow ridges do not undergo any other changes.

  • Movement of bone fragments. They are placed in a new position, at a different angle, controlling the nerve connections, and fixed with medical glue or titanium plates. Sometimes, in conclusion, excess skin tissue that appears due to a decrease in bone volume is excised. The operation is completed with stitches and a bandage.

Result before and after frontoplasty

The effect of the intervention in reducing the forehead, making it more feminine, consists of several favorable changes:

  • the corrected part of the face looks more proportional and loses asymmetry;
  • there are no irregularities or bumps that give the appearance a masculine appearance;
  • the brow ridges are smoothed out, and the eyebrows themselves move slightly upward, making the look more open;
  • the skin loses age-related folds and looks younger;
  • the hairline moves down, which makes it possible to wear any hairstyle, including one that opens the forehead;
  • bald spots are eliminated.

If the forehead was too narrow, after adjusting the height, the result is:

  • greater expressiveness of this part of the face, usually due to giving a clear shape (round in women, slightly square in men);
  • moving the hairline upward;
  • increase in forehead convexity;
  • eliminating the asymmetry of its sections;
  • smoothing out wrinkles due to the presence of an implant.

A special effect is achieved by increasing the brow ridges. At the same time, the eyes look deeper set, the gaze is harder, which gives the appearance of masculinity.

Recovery period after frontoplasty

Since the intervention involves the use of general anesthesia, the patient will have to stay in the hospital for at least a day after it. Rehabilitation has the following features:

  • at first there is swelling, which gradually moves from the forehead to the lower parts of the face;
  • there are hematomas resulting from vascular injury;
  • For several days I have been bothered by pain in the forehead and heaviness in the eye area;
  • You cannot wash your hair or comb your hair for 3 - 4 days, then all these manipulations must be done with great care;
  • to get rid of discomfort To prevent infectious complications, painkillers and antibiotics are prescribed;
  • sutures need to be treated with antiseptics 2 times a day;
  • they are removed after 10 - 12 days in the doctor’s office;
  • swelling and hematomas disappear after 2 - 3 weeks;
  • To make these signs disappear faster, you need to sleep on a high pillow, without turning over on your stomach or side;
  • During the rehabilitation period, you should not stay in one position for a long time, you need to move, give the body a small load;
  • serious sports activities will have to be postponed for a month;
  • All this time you should also not visit the bathhouse, and prefer a warm shower to a hot bath;
  • to avoid the formation of blood clots and for the speedy regeneration of damaged tissues, you should drink a lot of water;
  • During this time, the skin on the forehead will be less sensitive than before the operation.
  • The initial effect of frontoplasty will appear after 4 weeks. It is better to stay at home during the entire period, doing only recovery and avoiding stress. The final result can be assessed after 3 months. At this time they will heal inner fabrics, the scars will smooth out.

    If you do not follow the rules of rehabilitation, the recovery period may be complicated by the emergence of new problems:

    • bleeding;
    • severe pain;
    • wound infection;
    • the formation of blood clots;
    • numbness of the forehead;
    • disruption of the muscles of the operated area;
    • the appearance of noticeable scars;
    • skin hyperpigmentation;
    • hair loss in the seam area;
    • tissue necrosis;
    • asymmetry in the forehead and eyebrows;
    • dissatisfaction with the result of the operation.

    Complications can also arise for reasons beyond the patient’s control. The culprits are doctor errors or previously unidentified features of the body.

    Cost of frontoplasty to correct the shape of the forehead and brow ridges

    Intervention to correct the forehead is a technically complex manipulation that requires highly qualified and sufficient experience from plastic surgeon, availability of special equipment. Therefore, its cost is high. The use of implants increases the price, especially when they have to be made individually. If you do frontoplasty in Russia, it will cost at least 100,000 rubles.

    Surgical correction of the forehead is not performed for health reasons. If you can improve this part of the face with makeup and hairstyles, you may want to avoid surgery. But if there is no other option, you need to do it, making sure of the surgeon’s qualifications and following the recommendations.