I.N. Barannik

Began practical activities in 1990.

Barannik Mikhail Ivanovich studied at the Faculty of Medicine of the Moscow University of Dental Medicine in general medicine and graduated in 1990. In 1990-1992, he completed his residency at the same university in the specialties of Plastic Surgery and Head and Neck Tumors. He also studied at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education on a microsurgery course.

Dr. Barannik M.I. takes part in domestic and international seminars, congresses and conferences, including OPREC congresses and symposiums. He completed a Russian-Italian course in plastic surgery (1992), a specialization in laser surgery (1994), and postgraduate studies at the UDN at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery (1992-1995).

Barannik Mikhail Ivanovich has several dozen published works in specialized periodicals. He conducts research and teaching activities at the country's leading medical universities.
Plastic surgeon M.I. Barannik is the head of the clinic "".


Prices for services:

Plastic surgery
Face-to-face consultation 1.300 rub.
180.000 - 200.000 rub.
35.000 - 70.000 rub. Depending on the type of operation.
39.000 rub.
39.000 rub.
5.000 rub.
180.000 - 250.000 rub. Depending on the type of operation.
180.000 - 210.000 rub. Depending on the type of operation.
140.000 rub.
150.000 - 180.000 rub. Depending on the type of operation.
180.000 - 250.000 rub. Depending on the type of operation.
8.000 rub.
15.000 - 19.000 rub. 1 ml.
Vital 12.000 - 19.000 rub. 1 - 2 ml.
Botulinum toxin 10.500 - 19.000 rub. Depending on the type of procedure.
11.000 - 19.000 rub. 1 - 3 zones.
30.000 - 38.000 rub.
6.500 - 8.300 rub. Microdermabrasion + oxymesotherapy.
19.000 rub.
Scar treatment (non-surgical) 1.600 rub. 1 cm². Injection of the drug into the scar (kenalog/diprospan) 1 amp - 1,500 rubles.
1.000 rub. 1 thread. Face 40,000 - 60,000 rub.
Mesoline 5.000 - 8.500 rub.
Teosyal Meso 12.000 - 19.000 rub. 1 - 2 ml.
Mesoexpert 19.000 rub. 3 ml.

I.N. Barannik. Transnational organized crime and cooperation of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region in the fight against it. M., Russian Criminological Association, 2007.

Shchedrin N.V., Doctor of Law, Professor,
Shcherbakov A.V., Candidate of Legal Sciences,
Dorokhin V.M., Colonel General, First Deputy
Head of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia.

The book examines the concept and signs of transnational organized crime. Its condition, characteristics and trends are analyzed. Statistical data and results of criminological research are presented. A forecast is given for the development of transnational organized crime in the Russian Far East, taking into account its changes in the Asia-Pacific countries. The directions and forms of cooperation between Russia and neighboring countries in the fight against transnational organized crime are shown, the issue of the effectiveness of existing cooperation is considered, and recommendations for its improvement are substantiated.
For scientists and practitioners, law students, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the problems of combating transnational organized crime.

ISBN 5-87817-056 - 6

© I. N. Barannik. 2007.
© Russian Criminological Association. 2007.


Chapter I. Transnational organized crime and its forms
manifestations in the Asia-Pacific region
§ 1.1 The concept and characteristics of a transnational organized
§ 1.2 Classification of types of transnational organized
criminal activity
§ 1.3 Some features of the functioning of transnational organized crime in the Asia-Pacific region

Chapter II. Criminological characteristics of transnational
organized crime in Asia-Pacific countries
§ 2.1 Methodology and results of comparative analysis of crime in
Asia-Pacific countries
§ 2.2 Illegal international drug trafficking in the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation and others
Asia-Pacific countries
§ 2.3 Illegal migration and crimes related to

Chapter III. International cooperation in the fight against transnational organized crime and the role of law enforcement
authorities in such cooperation
§ 3.1 Legal basis for international cooperation
§ 3.2 Forms of international cooperation, their effectiveness


Annex 1. Classification of activities of transnational organized crime
Appendix 2. Classification of the legal basis for cooperation
Russian and foreign law enforcement agencies in the fight against
transnational organized crime
Appendix 3. Extracts from regulatory legal acts regulating issues of international cooperation between law enforcement agencies of Russia and border countries of the Asia-Pacific region


Transnational organized crime is one of the acute and complex problems facing Russian society at the turn of the millennium. It has a powerful influence on all spheres of public life, not only disrupts the normal functioning of the country’s social and economic institutions, but is a real force that undermines the security of the state and society, and represents a new serious threat to the existence of the entire world community.

It is extremely difficult for law enforcement agencies to penetrate well-organized and equipped transnational criminal groups that use violence and bribery, operating in the space covered by the jurisdiction of various states.
In the Asia-Pacific region, the scale of illegal drug trafficking, protected flora and fauna, illegal migration, trafficking in women, illegal export abroad of biological resources, timber, precious metals, import of stolen vehicles, money laundering in the gambling business, in organizations is expanding. which is increasingly being attended by people from Asia-Pacific countries. This activity is facilitated by corruption, which has penetrated into all spheres of government.
Scientific and practical understanding of the development of transnational organized crime and counteraction to it has attracted the close attention of many researchers, both in Russia and abroad. Among Russian lawyers who have studied the problems of international, organized, including transnational, crime, the works of P.D. should be highlighted. Bilenchuk, Yu.A. Voronina, K.K. Goryainov, A.I. Gurova, A.I. Dolgovoy, G.I. Zabryansky, G.A. Zorina, A.P. Isichenko, N.F. Kuznetsova, I.I. Lukashuk, V.V. Luneeva, V.V. Merkushina, A.V. Naumova, V.A. Nomokonova, Yu.V. Truntsevsky, V.I. Shulgi and others. In recent years, these problems have been considered in their dissertation research by such authors as I.V. Godunov, A.M. Ivanov, G.F. Maslov, Yu.B. Melnikov, V.S. Ovchinsky, D.A. Ponomarev, A.L. Repetskaya, V.Ya. Yatsenko and others. More narrowly certain types of transnational organized crime (drug trafficking, trafficking in people, weapons, money laundering, counterfeiting, etc.) were considered in the works of K.N. Aleshin, M.Yu. Buryak, E.G. Gasanova, O.A. Evlanova, L.D. Ero-khina, V.V. Efimenko, A.L. Zelichenko, Yu.A. Kashuby, S.Yu. Korosteleva, V.N. Kurchenko, A. M. Maksimova, I. E. Maksimova, V.E. Podshivalova, D.A. Ponomareva, L.I. Romanova, A.S. Rudenko, E.V. Tyuryukanova, I.V. Shcheblykina and others. The works of G.I. were devoted to issues of international cooperation between states or law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime. Amrakhova, Ya.M. Belsona, D.V. Besedina, S.A. Bockeria, A.G. Volevodza, I.A. Volobueva, L.N. Galenskaya, M.P. Glumina, V.V. Golovatyuk, Ya.M. Zlochenko, E.V. Karaseva, E.G. Lyakhova, T. T. Mansurova, A. V. Marchenko, V.V. Milinchuk, O.A. Nikitina, V.P. Panova, V.A. Panteleeva, K.S. Rodionova, V.F. Tsepeleva, A.O. Shorora et al.
Among foreign authors, the above problems were considered by H. Abadinsky, M. Anderson, D. Bolz, M. H. Bonner, F. Bresler, M. Booth, F. Williams, D.R. Green, R.L. Davidson, Kai Bi Yi, S.W. Castel, D. Cressey, D. Lee, M. Lytras, D. F. Musto, R. Naylor, K. Petrie, P. Poyter, P. Rawlinson, E. Savona, Xin Yan, D. Scalia, S. Stoker , H. Tritt, D. Finkenauer, K. Ueda, Hao Jian, He Bingsong, Zhao Guobin, Y. K. Chu, L. Shelley, B. Shigeru, et al.
At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the particular complexity of the subject of research, the high latency of organized crime, including due to its cross-border nature and differences in the legal framework for combating it in different countries.
The empirical basis of the study was:
firstly, statistical databases of international organizations involved in the fight against transnational organized crime (UN, its regional offices, the Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention (ODCCP), the international police organization - Interpol), as well as national law enforcement agencies (FBI , the US Drug Enforcement Agency, the Ministry of Justice and the General Police Department of Japan, the Ministry of Defense of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service, the Federal Customs Service of Russia, their regional structures and bodies in the constituent entities of the Federation in the Far East);
secondly, the results of studying materials from more than 270 criminal and administrative cases on illegal international trafficking in drugs, weapons, biological resources, cultural property, flora and fauna, counterfeit money and credit cards, illegal migration, money laundering (legalization) , as well as other crimes committed by foreigners or against them;
thirdly, the results of surveys of employees of regional representative offices of organizations and bodies involved in countering TOC, the number of law enforcement officers (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Federal Drug Control Service, prosecutor's office, customs) of the Primorsky, Khabarovsk territories, Amur, Magadan, Kamchatka, Sakhalin regions and the Jewish Autonomous Region , as well as the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Far Eastern Federal District.
An important role in understanding the problems under consideration was played by the author’s long practical activity, including in leadership positions in the Federal Security Service.
The author expresses gratitude to Lieutenant General Yu.N. for their assistance. Aleshin, A.N. Kostikov, Colonel General of Police A.P. Zolotarev, Lieutenant General of the Customs Service S.N. Murashko, other heads of law enforcement agencies of the Far Eastern Federal District, director of the Vladivostok Center for the Study of Organized Crime, deputy director of the FESU Law Institute, Professor V.A. Nomokonov.

Conducts surgical treatment of oncological diseases and specializes in aesthetic surgery.

Treats diseases

Mikhail Ivanovich Barannik is a plastic surgeon, surgeon, oncologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of sciences, conducts a consultation at the American Medical Center "Intermedcenter".

Ongoing research

Diagnoses tumor-like neoplasms of the breast, skin and subcutaneous structures. Consults patients with gravitational ptosis, congenital developmental anomalies and defects in appearance.

Professional activity

The talented surgeon Mikhail Ivanovich Barannik performs a full range of surgical interventions for the purpose of reconstruction or aesthetic correction. Engaged in surgical treatment of cancers of the breast, skin and subcutaneous fat. Performs interventions using laser, endoscopic and radiofrequency equipment. Restores breasts after radical mastectomy.


In 1990, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the People's Friendship University of Russia with honors, completed residency and postgraduate studies with a specialization in Maxillofacial Surgery. Defended his PhD thesis in 2000. Since 2008 he became an associate professor at RUDN University.

Community membership

Honorary member of OPREH.

Scientific activity