Demo versions of Mtsko's works. For extra-budgetary educational institutions

Moscow Center for Quality Education is the main acting force, which increases the effectiveness of learning. Thanks to the activities of this organization, the established system for determining the level of knowledge of students in Moscow is annually improved. More detailed information information regarding the achievements of ICCO can be found on the official website of this institution.

Any visitor who visits this portal for the first time will be able to immediately appreciate how compactly and advantageously all the available information is arranged. In the top left corner home page All reference numbers are available. WITH right side The “Login” and “Registration” buttons are located.

Login and registration

Also on the MCCO page of the official website there are many different topics and news. That is, if a person went to the site to find specific information, then he will be able to quickly find it. First-person interviews with well-known experts in the field of education are very popular. This will allow you to learn first-hand about the latest trends and what is happening in the world of science.


Complete information regarding the contacts of the institution where citizens are received is freely available. You can find out on the MCCO official website all phone numbers, location addresses and emails. If a person plans to visit the authority in person, then he will also need a work schedule, which includes the days and times of the appointment.

Registration of a personal account


To gain full access to the many functions on this portal, you must complete the registration procedure. To do this, you need to go to a special tab where the user’s profile will be located. Enter the following information there:

  • last name, first name and patronymic;
  • telephone for communication;
  • address Email;
  • password.

After New user comes up with his unique password, he must repeat it twice to make sure that it is entered correctly, since without it it will be impossible to visit his personal account. All you have to do is check the box “I accept the user agreement and offer agreement” and click on the blue “Registration” button.

Accept user agreement


For those who want to fully use the functionality of MCCO, the official website has prepared a special personal account. If the user has already registered on it, then all that remains is to go through a short authorization to use this convenient service.


How to login?

To go to your account, you just need to click on the “Login” button. After this, the site guest is transferred to a special page where you need to fill out all the lines:

  • E-mail address;
  • password.

If a person plans to frequently use the functionality personal account, then he can check the “Remember me” box. This means that every subsequent time you need to log in to the MCCO official website, you will only need to click on the “Login” button.

Remember me

If a portal user forgets his password and thus cannot visit his personal account, he can use the “Password Recovery” function. To do this, you must enter the email address that was used during registration. After this, instructions will be sent to the mailbox with which you can carry out the restoration.

Popular categories

Lots of possibilities and useful information– this is the main reason why the MCKO portal is so highly valued. The official website has many categories with which you can help your child or student get quality knowledge. It is important to note the following main tabs:

  • "To teachers";
  • "Parents";
  • "Services".

Every guest of the official website will be able to avoid spending extra time to look for the information you need. For example, parents can immediately find out information regarding their child.

The teacher only needs to visit the “Teachers” category, which contains a lot of useful and up-to-date information. There is data regarding certification, webinars, projects and a lot of important things. However, this category can help you learn how to best teach children who have special educational needs.


By clicking on the appropriate category, the MCCO official website will provide full information. The user can find out about all the popular services that the official website has. These include “EGE for parents”, with the help of which every parent can gain invaluable experience in writing a single State Exam and help your child prepare.

If a certain diagnosis was carried out with the help of MCCO, then you can quickly find out about its results using your personal account. To do this, you must provide a unique registration code as well as a PIN code.

There are quite a lot of different services on this portal, such as “Advanced training” or “Exam for foreign citizens" Anyone can take full advantage of them.

The staff also understood the discrepancy between the amount of work and the allotted time, so they gave me an extra 10 minutes. After 55 minutes of work, I solved 24 tasks without checking. I handed in the work and came out in a terrible state, and told my dad about everything. Dad turned to the administration, and without any dispute I was allowed to write the work for as long as needed. I worked for another 60 minutes. It was uncomfortable: I felt like I was holding people back.

The answer form deserves special mention. It was standard, contained 26 points and did not correspond to the format of the work: in the number of tasks, in the absence of a form for a detailed answer. All this had to be written on the back in free form. At subsequent diagnostics, I was also given this form, and it also did not match the format of other work.

About a week later, we received an email with the diagnostic results (file attached). For each task, the table shows the topic of the task, maximum score and the resulting score. It turned out that I received a much lower grade than I expected. During the screening we were given assignments and my work; There were again no specifications and evaluation criteria. In many ways, my mistakes turned out to be stupid - I myself was surprised how I could write such a thing. We felt that some assignments were graded incorrectly and one assignment was not appropriate standard program. They were not allowed to photograph anything, and they were not provided with a copy of the work.

At home, we prepared and submitted an appeal by email, which remained unanswered. A little later we received a certificate (file attached), which indicated the initial result. They refused to give us a certified sheet with a transcript of the results.

It should be added to the above that the inability to analyze errors at home significantly reduces the educational benefit of such diagnostics. I was well prepared for the diagnosis, there is no doubt about it, and I was counting on a “5”. The first time the impression was so bad that I didn’t want to come there anymore.

Let us note that during this diagnostic, the administration and staff were interested in us, as CO-workers. We were given a personal registration sheet, we were open to dialogue, and we met halfway in everything that was not prohibited. Then the situation changed, but more on that next time.