Typical work program for an academic subject. Regulations on curriculum development

General provisions.

Currently, educational institutions use exemplary programs for academic subjects, which are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and are advisory in nature. They are the basis for teachers to draw up work programs that take into account the national-regional and school components, the methodological potential of the teacher, the level of preparedness of students, and the possibilities of using new information technologies.

1.1. A work program is a normative document that defines the volume, procedure, and content of studying and teaching any academic discipline, developed on the basis of a sample program (Article 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”)

The purpose of the work program is planning, organizing and managing the educational process in a specific academic discipline.

The objectives of the work program are to specifically determine the content, volume, and order of studying an academic discipline, taking into account the characteristics of the educational process of a particular educational institution and the population of students.

1.2. The preparation of work programs for training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) is within the competence of the educational institution (Clause 2, Article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”). The educational institution is responsible for the quality of the work programs implemented.

1.3. Work programs that determine the content of the activities of an educational institution within the framework of the implementation of an educational program include:

– programs in academic subjects;

– elective course programs;

– elective course programs;

– additional educational courses.

1.4. The work program is being developed to:

ensuring the constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to receive high-quality general education;

ensuring that students achieve learning outcomes in accordance with federal state educational standards;

providing ample opportunities for the implementation of various technologies, approaches to the construction of a training course, subject, discipline (module).

1.5. Work programs are compiled on the basis of:

– sample programs for individual academic subjects of general education;

1.6. Model programs developed at the federal level cannot be used as work programs in an educational institution, since they do not contain the distribution of educational material by year of study and individual topics.

1.7. The number of hours allocated for mastering the work program must correspond to the federal basic curriculum of general education institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by order Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 03/09/2004 No. 1312 (as amended by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 08/20/2008 No. 241).

1.8. The mandatory minimum content of each work program is established in accordance with the model program and the federal state educational standard.

1.9. Standard deadlines for mastering the work program in educational institutions are determined by standard regulations on educational institutions of the corresponding types and types, federal state educational standards established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

2. Structure and requirements for the development and execution of the work program

2.1 The structure of the work program is drawn up taking into account:

– requirements of federal state educational standards;

– mandatory minimum content of educational programs;

– requirements for the level of training of graduates;

– the volume of hours of teaching load determined by the curriculum of the educational institution for the implementation of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules);

– cognitive interests of students;

– selection by the teacher of the necessary set of educational and methodological support.

2.2. Mandatory structural elements of the work program are:

1. Title page.

2. Explanatory note.

4. Requirements for the level of training of graduates;

5. List of educational and methodological support.

6. Calendar and thematic planning (addendum to the work program)

2.3. The title page of the work program should contain:

– full name of the educational institution (in accordance with the license);

– stamp of approval and review of the program (“Approved” by order of the educational institution (date, number), reviewed and recommended for approval by the self-government body of the educational institution, indicating the name in accordance with the charter of the educational institution (date, protocol number));

– name of the training course, subject, discipline (module);

- FULL NAME. teacher (teachers) who developed and implements the training course, subject, discipline (module);

– class (parallel) in which the training course is studied;

– subject, course, discipline (module);

– year of drawing up the work program.

2.4. The explanatory note states:

– information about the program (approximate (standard) or author’s), on the basis of which the work program was developed, indicating the name, author and year of publication;

– goals and objectives of this program

– regulatory legal documents on the basis of which the work program was developed;

– information about changes made to the sample or original program and their justification;

– determining the place and role of the training course and subject in students’ mastery of the requirements for the level of training of graduates in accordance with federal state educational standards;

– information on the number of teaching hours for which the work program is designed (in accordance with the curriculum, annual calendar educational schedule), including the number of hours for tests, laboratory, practical work, excursions, projects, research, etc.;

– forms of organization of the educational process, as well as the prevailing forms of ongoing monitoring of knowledge, abilities, skills (in accordance with the Regulations on the ongoing monitoring of students in an educational institution), intermediate and final certification of students (in accordance with the relevant Regulations).

– the name of the educational and methodological set (textbook, workbook, test book, atlas, outline map, etc. according to the list of textbooks approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia), used to achieve the goal in accordance with the educational program of the institution

3.1.The content of the work program must comply with the requirements of federal state educational standards, the goals and objectives of the educational program of the educational institution.

3.2. The educational institution independently:

reveals the content of sections and topics outlined in federal state educational standards, relying on textbooks and teaching aids (from the approved federal list);

determines the content of the work program, taking into account the peculiarities of studying the subject in classes with in-depth study of individual subjects, specialized classes, classes of special (correctional) education, classes of compensatory education;

determines the sequence of studying educational material, establishing intra-subject and inter-subject logical connections.

3.3. For each educational topic (section) the following is indicated:

- name of the topic (section);

- content of educational material (didactic units);

- requirements for the level of training of students on a specific topic (section) in accordance with federal state educational standards, goals and objectives of the educational program of the educational institution;

- list of control activities (control, laboratory, practical work, tests, etc.). The number of tests, laboratory, and practical work is determined by instructional and methodological documents on the teaching of academic subjects and disciplines.

4. Requirements for the level of training of graduates

4.1. The structural component “Requirements for the level of training of graduates” is prescribed at the end of the education level in accordance with federal state educational standards and an exemplary curriculum and is a description of the goals and learning outcomes expressed in the actions of students (operational) and actually identified using diagnostic tools. This list of learning outcomes includes specific subject-specific and general educational skills and methods of activity.

5. List of educational and methodological support

5.1.List of educational and methodological support as a component the work program includes basic and additional educational literature (textbooks, teaching aids, collections of exercises and tasks, test assignments, tests, practical work and laboratory workshops, anthologies); reference books (dictionaries, reference books); visual material (albums, atlases, maps, tables), equipment and instruments, etc.

Literature is formatted in accordance with GOST: elements of description of each educational and methodological funds must be listed in alphabetical order and comply with the requirements for bibliographic description.

5.2. The list of educational and methodological support used can be classified into two groups: “Literature” (basic and additional educational literature, educational and reference manuals, educational and methodological literature), “Equipment and instruments” (list of recommended teaching aids, didactic materials).

6. Calendar-thematic plan

6.1. The teacher’s calendar-thematic plan is an appendix to the work program and specifies the content of topics and sections.

6.2. The calendar-thematic plan is developed by the teacher for each academic year in accordance with the work program.

6.3. Mechanisms for the development, coordination, and approval of calendar and thematic plans for teachers are established by the educational institution independently in accordance with regulatory legal acts.

6.4. An educational institution establishes a unified calendar and thematic plan structure.

The calendar and thematic plan must necessarily define:

- topics of each lesson (in accordance with the goals and objectives of the lesson);

- the number of hours allocated for studying topics, sections for conducting control activities (controls, laboratory, practical work, tests, etc.);

- dates of completion of the topic, section;

- types, forms of control.

6.5. Calendar-thematic planis drawn up in the form of a table for the entire period of study

Exemplary calendar-thematic plan

Name of sections and topics

Number of hours

Pass date

Types, forms of control


Tests, practical work, etc.

Section 1. ______________



Reserve time

Total for the section:


Section 2. ______________



Total for the section:



Note: the number of columns in the calculated clock grid is determined by the teacher depending on the characteristics of the educational material and the age of the students.

7. The procedure for developing and approving the work program

7.1. The procedure for developing and approving work programs is determined by the local regulatory act of the educational institution.

7.2. Work programs must be reviewed before approval self-government body of the educational institution (term June 1 – 30) , to whom, in accordance with the charter of the educational institution, these powers are delegated, based on the results of the consideration, a protocol is drawn up. Self-government body educational institution makes a decision to “recommend for approval.”

7.3. Based on the results of consideration of work programs by the self-government body of the educational institution, the work program is approved by order of the educational institution (term 1 - 30 August).

7.4. The educational institution independently sets the deadlines for which work programs are developed.

7.5. An educational institution can make changes and additions to work programs after considering them at a meeting of the relevant self-government body educational institution, having approved them by order of the educational institution.

7.6. After approval by the order of the educational institution, the work program becomes a regulatory document implemented in this educational institution.

7.7. Work programs must be stitched (stitched).

8. Monitoring the implementation of work programs

Control over the implementation of work programs is carried out in accordance with the internal school control plan of the educational institution.

When drawing up a detailed thematic planning for the subject World Artistic Culture, it is necessary to pay special attention to the forms of organization of cognitive activity regarding not only the student, but also the teacher. The planned result is displayed in a separate column, the indicators of which are various types of control. It is better to plan homework as a search form of student activity.

Expanded thematic planning


Lesson number

Lesson type

The purpose of the lesson

Form of organization of cognitive activity

Planned result (forms of control)

Search homework



1. General Provisions.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in paragraph 2.7 of Article 32 “Competencies and responsibilities of an educational institution” states that the competence of an educational institution includes “the development and approval of work programs for educational courses and disciplines.”

The main documents containing the requirements for the level of training of students and the minimum content of education are:

  1. State educational standard (federal and regional components).
  2. The basic curriculum of the school, compiled on the basis of the MBUP.

Work training programs are drawn up on the basis of sample programs, reviewed by the methodological association, approved by the school’s methodological council and the director.

Work programs are based on the requirements of the State educational standard for the subject. Unlike the sample program, they are based on the educational program of the school, taking into account the main directions of development, the national-regional component is described, the possibilities of methodological, information, and technical support of the educational process, the level of preparedness of students of a particular educational institution and class are taken into account.

In accordance with modern requirements for planning the educational process, the working curriculum for the subject must reflect and specify the key competencies that can be developed in this academic discipline, i.e. their component composition is described taking into account the specifics of the subject.

In addition, in the work program for the subject, if there is a final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam (USE) in grades 11 and GIA-9 in grades 9, time should be allocated to prepare for this form of certification when studying the didactic units included in the USE and GIA-9.

The work program of the academic discipline is the same for all forms of education: classroom, home, individual and external studies.

Invariant part of the work program- in it, the teacher can, at his own discretion, reveal the content of those main sections and topics that are designated in the standard as didactic units, relying on scientific schools and teaching aids that he considers appropriate. Based on his considerations (interdisciplinary connections, the need for faster preparation for the Unified State Exam and GIA-9), he can establish the sequence of studying educational material, distribute the time allotted for studying the course between sections and topics according to their significance, develop a list of laboratory work and practical classes, select topics for independent study by schoolchildren, specify the requirements for the knowledge and skills of students, include the material of the school component in the amount of teaching hours allocated for this discipline, select, based on the tasks facing the academic discipline, technologies, forms and methods of teaching and monitoring knowledge and skills .

2. The procedure for developing a working curriculum.

The working curriculum includes a title page, an explanatory note, a calendar-thematic plan for the current academic year, the content of educational material, mandatory laboratory, practical, test and other works, educational results, methods and forms for assessing the achievement of these results, educational and methodological and information support for the course, list of literature for students. Other documents that are necessary for the teacher to fully and effectively implement the educational process (for example, codifiers, approximate control options, etc.) may be attached to the working curriculum.

1) The title page indicates:

  • full name of the founder and educational institution in accordance with the charter;
  • where, when and by whom the working curriculum was approved;
  • Full name. the teacher who compiled this working curriculum;
  • name of the methodological association (department);
  • name of educational field;
  • name of the academic subject (course);
  • name of the class, its number and letter;
  • indications of whether the work curriculum belongs to the stage or level of general education;
  • an indication of the sample program and its authors, on the basis of which this working curriculum was developed (title, authors);
  • the number of hours allocated to studying the subject per year;
  • educational and methodological set (title, authors, output data);
  • additional literature.

2) An explanatory note is one of the most important sections of the work program. The explanatory note, as a rule, contains the goals and objectives of studying the subject (course), the concept embedded in the content of the educational material, taking into account the type of educational institution and student population, the distinctive features of the work program in comparison with the sample program, the timing of the implementation of the work curriculum, forms and methods, teaching technologies, the forms used, methods and means of checking and assessing learning outcomes for this working curriculum, justification for the choice of educational and methodological complex for the implementation of the working curriculum. In this section, the teacher determines what students should master in the subject in a year and what material they should master.

3) The work program is accompanied by a codifier for the subject, which can be found on the FIPI website in KIM:

  • for grades 5-9 - a codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students who have mastered the basic general education programs of basic general education, for conducting state (final) certification (in a new form) in... (subject);
  • for grades 10-11 - a codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general education institutions for conducting a unified state exam in... (subject).

4) The work program is also accompanied by control over the implementation of the program (options of tests, tests for initial, midterm and final controls, options for practical and laboratory work).

5) The work program also includes literature, which is divided into literature on the academic discipline, into basic and additional, into educational and reference manuals, as well as educational and methodological literature. The list of basic literature includes publications, the content of which specifies the knowledge of students on the main issues outlined in the program. The additional list depends on the preferences of the writer of the work program. The work program includes publications that expand the knowledge of students on certain aspects and problems of the course.

The approximate volume of the work program is 8–10 sheets in MS Word.

4. The teacher also draws up a calendar and thematic planning for the subject and attaches it to the work program.

The calendar and thematic plan should reveal the sequence of studying sections and topics of the program, distribute training hours among sections and topics of the discipline based on the labor intensity of the subject and the number of study weeks. The list of laboratory work and practical classes, as well as the number of hours, may differ from those recommended by the approximate program, but at the same time they must form a level of training determined by State requirements, as well as additional requirements established by the educational institution itself. When developing a thematic plan, it is necessary to pay attention to the allocation of time for preparation for the Unified State Exam and GIA-9, especially in the graduating classes.

The title page of calendar-thematic planning contains the following information:

The calendar-thematic planning itself has the following structure:

Working curriculums and calendar-thematic planning for the subject developed by the teacher are considered at a meeting of the methodological association of school teachers.

After an examination, the school methodological association of teachers gives an opinion on the approval or modification of curricula. The decision of the school methodological association is documented in a protocol. After which, if the decision is positive, the work curricula are submitted to the administration of the educational institution. The school director issues an order approving working curricula for each subject (course).

All work curricula indicate the date of their adoption at a meeting of the school methodological association with the signature of its chairman, the signature of the deputy director for education and management on approval and the school director on their approval, indicating the date and number of the order. Approval of working curricula for academic subjects is carried out before the start of the academic year, but no later than August 31 of the current academic year.

One copy of the approved working curriculum is stored in the school documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, the second is transferred to the teacher for the implementation of the educational process.

The administration of a general education institution periodically monitors the implementation and implementation of work study programs throughout the year: monitoring of the implementation of work programs and curricula is carried out, and an administrative certificate is drawn up.

Academic subject- this is a system of scientific knowledge, practical skills and abilities that allow students to learn with a certain depth and in accordance with their age-related cognitive abilities the basic starting points of science or aspects of culture, labor, production.

Training program- a normative document that reveals the content of knowledge, abilities and skills (competencies) in an academic subject, the logic of studying the main ideological ideas, indicating the sequence of topics, questions and the amount of time for their study.

Training program determines the general scientific and spiritually holistic orientation of teaching the subject, evaluating theories, events, facts.

The program determines the structure of the arrangement of educational material by year of study and within each school class.

Learning programs can be

· typical,

· workers

Model training programs are developed on the basis of the requirements of the state educational standard regarding a particular educational field. They are approved by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation and are of a recommendatory nature.

Based on the standard program, working educational programs are developed and approved by the school’s pedagogical council.

IN work program in contrast to the standard one, the national-regional component is described, the possibilities of methodological, informational, and technical support of the educational process, and the level of students’ preparedness are taken into account.

Author's training programs, taking into account the requirements of the state standard, may contain a different logic for constructing an educational subject, the author’s points of view on the phenomena and processes covered. If there is a review from scientists representing a given subject area, conclusions made by teachers, psychologists, and methodologists, they are approved by the school’s pedagogical council. Authored curricula are most widely used in teaching elective courses (compulsory and elective).

The overall structure of the curriculum contains mainly three elements:

· first - explanatory letter , which defines the main objectives of the educational subject, its educational capabilities, and the leading scientific ideas underlying the construction of the educational subject;

· second - the actual content of education : thematic plan, content of topics, objectives of their study, basic concepts, abilities and skills, possible types of activities;

· third - some guidelines relating mainly to the assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Educational literature

The design of the content of education at the level of educational material is carried out in educational literature, which includes textbooks, training and teaching aids. They reflect the specific content of the training programs.

Among all types of educational literature, a special place occupies school textbook, which in its content and structure necessarily corresponds to the curriculum for the subject. Textbooks created on the basis of standard curricula are recommended by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation for all schools in the country.

One of the important methodological problems associated with the content of training is the problem of selecting the content of training.

Currently, such selection is made taking into account the purpose and stage (certification level) of training based on two principles.

First principle: the necessity and sufficiency of content to achieve the set learning goal. In other words, the material intended for assimilation must ensure language proficiency (be sufficient) within the framework of the intended goal.

Second principle: accessibility of learning content for its assimilation. Here we are talking about taking into account the student’s capabilities for mastering the material selected for classes. Overestimating the volume of educational material that must be learned by students in the time interval allotted by the program, or presenting the material in a difficult-to-access manner negatively affects its assimilation and, therefore, is a violation of the requirements of this principle.

A) means of communication (phonetic, lexical, grammatical, regional studies, linguistic and regional studies);

b) knowledge of how to use such means in the process of communication ;

V) skills and abilities that provide the ability to use the language ;

G) areas, topics, communication situations within which the learning content can be implemented (subject-content side of communication);

d) texts, forming the material basis of the learning content.

Summary. Thus, in a philological university, the content of language teaching will be more complete and broader in comparison with a non-philological university:

knowledge of the language system and practical proficiency in the language within limits close to the level of language proficiency of its native speakers are considered as the goal of education at a philological university;

in a non-philological university - language proficiency within the limits that ensure professional activity in the chosen specialty.

Its meaning is to create conditions for students in which they would participate in communication activities in a foreign language, and this activity itself would be carried out within the framework of specific life situations that students can encounter outside of school, because the basis of the communicative approach lies not the reality of the situation itself, but the reality of activity in this situation.

Communication activities in an intercultural situation represent the solution of various communicative intercultural tasks, including:

· purpose of communication: to inform, convince, object, question, etc.;

· communication partner;

· subject of communication (its topic);

· time and place of communication.

Both the current and the new law on education do not directly define the work program for an academic subject, but at the same time it establishes its place and significance in the education system. Thus, this term is included in the concept of “educational program” as an integral part of the complex of basic characteristics of education, as well as the concept of “approximate basic educational program” as a structural unit of educational and methodological documentation defining “the recommended volume and content of education at a certain level and (or) a certain directions, planned results of mastering the educational program, approximate conditions of educational activities, including approximate calculations of the standard costs of providing public services for the implementation of the educational program" (Article 2 of Chapter 1 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation").

Concept of work program

According to the law on education, the development and approval of educational programs falls within the competence of an educational organization, whose teaching staff are granted “the right to participate in the development of educational programs, including curricula, educational calendars, working educational subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), methodological materials and other components of educational programs." They are also obliged to “carry out their activities at a high professional level, ensure the full implementation of the taught academic subject, course, discipline (module) in accordance with the approved work program.”

Thus, the work program for an academic subject (hereinafter referred to as the work program) is an integral part of the educational program of a general education organization and represents, as defined by A.B. Vorontsov, a set of educational and methodological documentation, which is independently developed by an educational institution teacher on the basis of a working curriculum and sample programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, proprietary programs, taking into account the goals and objectives of the main educational program school and reflects the ways of implementing the content of the academic subject.

Because The law on education does not define the requirements for the work program. The teacher can choose an independent form of recording, a text version of the work program. For example, a work program can be drawn up by analogy with the requirements for a standard curriculum, and the teacher can make adjustments to all structural elements of the program, taking into account the characteristics of the educational institution and the students of a particular class.

At the same time, as pedagogical practice shows, based on the recommendations of regional methodological services, work programs include the following content:

  • an explanatory note that specifies the general goals of a given level of education, taking into account the specifics of the academic subject or course;
  • general characteristics of the academic subject, course;
  • description of the place of the academic subject, course in the curriculum;
  • description of value guidelines for the content of the academic subject;
  • personal, meta-subject (competency) and subject-specific results of mastering a specific academic subject or course;
  • content of an academic subject, course;
  • thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students;
  • description of material, technical, educational, methodological and information support of the educational process.
  • technologies of teaching and testing the achievement of planned results;
  • recommended literature (for teachers and students).

Work programs may be accompanied by various documents that are necessary for the teacher to fully and effectively carry out the educational process.

Work program structure

In accordance with the specified content, the work program may have the following structure:

  • title page;
  • explanatory note;
  • planned results upon completion of the course;
  • description of educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process;
  • content of the academic subject by year of study;
  • extracurricular activities of students in the subject;
  • control materials (tests, tests, assignments, etc.).

Possible difficulties

Creating a working program is a rather labor-intensive process. The main difficulties, especially for a young specialist, are usually associated with the following problems:

  • description of the requirements for the level of training of students through operationally expressed diagnostic goals - learning outcomes;
  • the need to revise the content itself, based on an analysis of redundant and possible missing information material;
  • development of monitoring materials that allow obtaining objective information about the development of special subject and general educational skills of students.

Work program administration

The procedure and timing for reviewing the work program are established by a local act of the educational organization. They could be, for example, like this:

  • consideration of the draft work program at a meeting of the school’s methodological association (school’s scientific and methodological council);
  • The ShMO or scientific and methodological council, after the examination, gives an opinion on the approval or refinement of the work program;
  • if necessary, it is allowed to obtain a review (expert opinion) from the relevant specialized departments of institutions of higher professional education, a regional institute for advanced training;
  • if the decision is positive, submit the work program to the administration of the educational institution for approval;
  • the work program is analyzed by the deputy director for educational work for compliance of the program with the curriculum of the general education institution and the requirements of state educational standards, and the compliance of the textbook intended for use from the recommended list, the dates of tests, their number in the class and compliance with the requirements of SanPiN are checked, provisions of local acts of educational institutions;
  • after agreement, the work program is approved by the director of the educational institution.

The decision of the methodological association of teachers is reflected in the minutes of the meeting and on the last page of the work program (bottom left) the approval stamp is put: AGREED. Minutes of the meeting of the methodological association of teachers dated 00.00.0000 No. 00.

The approval stamp by the Deputy Director is also placed on the last page of the work program (bottom left): AGREED. Deputy director of water management (signature) Explanation of signature. Date of.

The approval stamp is placed on the title page (top right): APPROVED Director (signature) Explanation of signature. Date of.

Work programs are approved before the start of the academic year. After approval, the work program becomes a normative document implemented in a given educational institution.

Record keeping and control

One copy of the approved work programs is usually stored in the school documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, the second is transferred to the teacher for the implementation of the educational process.

The administration of a general education organization monitors the implementation and implementation of work programs in accordance with the HSC plan.

Each reporting period (quarter, half-year), the calendar-thematic plan of the work program is correlated with the class journal and the teacher’s report on the completion of the program material. If there is a discrepancy, the teacher justifies and makes changes to the calendar and thematic plan, providing conditions for completing the program in full in fewer or more teaching hours.

Of course, the administration's task is not limited to control. The main thing is to help the teacher in its preparation and implementation, especially a novice teacher who has neither practice nor experience in writing such papers.

Internet resource Rules for drawing up work programs according to new standards

Narushevich A.G.
Work program on the Russian language

in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard
The introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standards concerns various aspects of the educational process, including the preparation of a work program for the subject. What is a subject syllabus? What are its goals and objectives? What are the requirements of the new standards for programs? We will try to answer these and other questions using the example of an analysis of the content of the Russian Federation Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard LLC).

What is a work program?

A work program for an academic subject is a regulatory document intended to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the conditions and results of education of students in a specific subject of the curriculum of a general education institution.

What is the main purpose of the work program?

The purpose of the work program is to create conditions for planning, organizing and managing the educational process in a specific academic discipline (educational field). The programs of individual academic subjects must ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education.

What are the main objectives of the work program?

We can formulate the following tasks that the work program is designed to solve:

  • give an idea of ​​the practical implementation of the components of the federal state educational standard when studying a specific subject (course);

  • specifically determine the content, volume, and procedure for studying an academic discipline (course), taking into account the goals, objectives and characteristics of the educational process of the educational institution and the student population.
What are the functions of the work program?

Work program functions:

  • normative: is a document mandatory for full implementation;

  • goal setting: determines the goals of educational activities, towards the achievement of which the design of the pedagogical process is oriented;

  • definitions of the content of education: records the composition of content elements to be mastered by students, as well as the degree of their difficulty;

  • procedural: determines the logical sequence of assimilation of content elements, organizational forms and methods, means and conditions of training;

  • evaluative: identifies levels of mastery of content elements, objects of control and criteria for assessing the level of student learning.
Who develops work programs?

The development and approval of work programs for compulsory academic subjects, elective and elective courses, and programs for organizing extracurricular activities falls within the competence of the educational institution. The work program is developed by a teacher (a group of teachers, specialists in a given subject).
What documents should a teacher draw up a work program be guided by?

When drawing up, agreeing and approving the work program, its compliance with the following documents must be ensured:

    • Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education;

    • the main educational program of basic general education, of which this work program is an integral part;

    • federal list of textbooks, recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions that implement educational programs of general education and have state accreditation (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation every year).
Published sample programs by subject are not normative documents, but at the same time they will be a good help for the teacher, since they are developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of a certain level, as well as the Fundamental Core of the Content of General Education. Yes, in the bookSample programs for academic subjects. Russian language. Grades 5-9: project. M.: Education, 2011 For the first time, the forms of student learning activity for each section of the course are described. 1

Special mention should be made of the so-called “author’s programs”. Neither the Russian Federation Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” nor the Federal State Educational Standard contain this concept, which is widely used in the field of education. Typically, “author’s programs” or “programs in the author’s edition” mean work programs compiled by the authors of widely used educational and methodological kits and reflecting the specifics of teaching a subject using specific textbooks and teaching aids. For example: Russian language. 5-9 grades. Work programs . Subject line of textbooks by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranova, L.A. Trostentsova and others. 5-9 grades . Manual for teachers of general education institutions. Federal State Educational Standard / Trostentsova L.A., Shansky N.M., Baranov M.T. and others. M.: Education, 2011 ; Russian language. Work programs. Grades 5-9: a manual for teachers of educational institutions / L.M. Rybchenkova, O.M. Alexandrova. M.: Education, 2011; Russian language programs for general education institutions. 5-11 grades / S.I. Lvov. M.: Mnemosyne, 2009.

A teacher working on a specific educational curriculum can use the entire “author’s program” or take it as a basis, changing no more than 20% of the content.
What are the Federal State Educational Standards requirements for the structure and content of the work program?

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 12 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012, the content of education is determined by educational programs. Ensuring the implementation of federal state educational standards is intended to implement basic educational programs (BEP), including basic educational programs of preschool education, educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education.

The Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education defines the requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of basic general education, the content section of which includes:

  1. program for the development of universal learning activities;

  2. programs of individual academic subjects, courses;

  3. a program for the education and socialization of students at the level of basic general education;

  4. correctional work program.
Thus, the program of a separate academic subject (work program) is an integral part of a complex document - the main educational program developed in a specific educational institution.

In clause 18.2.2. Federal State Educational Standards LLC describes the requirements for the programs of individual academic subjects:

“The programs of individual academic subjects and courses must ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.

Programs of individual academic subjects and courses are developed based on the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program, taking into account the main areas of the programs included in the structure of the main educational program.
Scheme 1. Requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of basic general education
The programs of individual academic subjects and courses must contain:

  1. an explanatory note that specifies the general goals of basic general education, taking into account the specifics of the academic subject;

  2. general characteristics of the academic subject, course;

  3. description of the place of the academic subject, course in the curriculum;

  4. personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results of mastering a specific academic subject, course;

  5. content of an academic subject, course;

  6. thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities;

  7. description of educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process;

  8. planned results of studying an academic subject, course" 2.
Let us comment on the content of the main components of the work program.
Explanatory note contains the following information:

  • name, author and year of publication of the educational and methodological set and the “author’s program”, on the basis of which the work program of the training course was compiled (marked by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “ Recommended" indicates that this program and the textbook corresponding to it have been fully tested with positive results, is valid for 5 years, stamp "Admitted"– permission to test – given for 4 years.);

  • the purpose and objectives of the training course;

  • features of the class in which this training course will be implemented;

  • the number of teaching hours for which the work program of the training course is designed;

  • forms of organizing students’ activities characteristic of the training course;

  • course-specific forms of monitoring students’ mastery of content (current, intermediate, final).

General characteristics of the educational subject, course.

  • The importance of the Russian language as an academic subject (metasubject role).

  • Formed competencies (language, linguistic, communicative, cultural).

  • Focus on the formation of universal educational actions.

  • Implementation of a system-activity approach within the framework of the study of this subject.
The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for teaching the Russian language are associated with the actualization of the approach, which in modern methods of teaching the Russian language exists under different names: communicative-activity, systemic-activity, and finally, cognitive-communicative. Common to all these teaching concepts is a progressive movement from a grammatical and spelling orientation as the main aspect of teaching and learning the Russian language to a focus on the communicative development of the student’s personality based on the study of the system of language and speech.

The competency-based approach to teaching the Russian language involves the interconnected formation and development of communicative, linguistic, linguistic (linguistic) and cultural competencies. When studying each section of the course, students not only receive relevant knowledge regarding the system and structure of language, speech and speech activity, master the necessary educational skills and abilities, but also improve the types of speech activity, develop vital communication skills, deepen the understanding of their native language as a national language. -cultural phenomenon.
Description of the place of the academic subject, course in the curriculum.

This section indicates the number of hours of the curriculum, which is part of the educational program developed in this educational institution.
Personal, meta-subject and subject-specific results of mastering a specific academic subject or course.(Indicated in Federal State Educational Standard 3.)

Personal results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education should reflect:

1) education of Russian civic identity: patriotism, respect for the Fatherland, past and present of the multinational people of Russia; awareness of one’s ethnicity, knowledge of the history, language, culture of one’s people, one’s region, the foundations of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and humanity; assimilation of humanistic, democratic and traditional values ​​of multinational Russian society; fostering a sense of responsibility and duty to the Motherland;

2) the formation of a responsible attitude towards learning, the readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and knowledge, conscious choice and construction of a further individual educational trajectory based on orientation in the world of professions and professional preferences, taking into account sustainable cognitive interests, as well as based on the formation of a respectful attitude towards work, the development of experience of participation in socially significant work;

3) formation of a holistic worldview corresponding

the current level of development of science and social practice, taking into account the social, cultural, linguistic, spiritual diversity of the modern world;

4) the formation of a conscious, respectful and friendly attitude towards another person, his opinion, worldview, culture, language, faith, citizenship, history, culture, religion, traditions, languages, values ​​of the peoples of Russia and the ability to conduct dialogue with other people and achieve there is mutual understanding in it;

5) mastering social norms, rules of behavior, roles and forms

social life in groups and communities, including adults and social communities; participation in school self-government and public life within the limits of age competencies, taking into account regional, ethnocultural, social and economic characteristics;

6) development of moral consciousness and competence in decision-making

moral problems based on personal choice, the formation of moral feelings and moral behavior, a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own actions;

7) the formation of communicative competence in communication and cooperation with peers, older and younger children, adults in the process of educational, socially useful, educational research, creative and other types of activities;

8) formation of the value of a healthy and safe lifestyle;

mastering the rules of individual and collective safe behavior in emergency situations that threaten the life and health of people, rules of conduct in transport and on the roads;

9) formation of the foundations of an ecological culture corresponding to the modern level of environmental thinking, development of experience in environmentally oriented reflective, evaluative and practical activities in life situations;

10) awareness of the importance of family in the life of an individual and society, acceptance of the value of family life, respectful and caring attitude towards members of one’s family;

11) development of aesthetic consciousness through the development of the artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world, creative activity of an aesthetic nature.

Meta-subject results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education should reflect:

1) the ability to independently determine the goals of one’s learning, set and formulate new goals for oneself in learning and cognitive activity, develop the motives and interests of one’s cognitive activity;

2) the ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including

including alternative ones, consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems;

3) the ability to correlate one’s actions with the planned results,

exercise control over your activities in the process of achieving

results, determine methods of action within the framework of the proposed conditions and requirements, adjust your actions in accordance with the changing situation;

4) the ability to evaluate the correctness of completing a learning task,

own possibilities for solving it;

5) mastery of the basics of self-control, self-esteem, decision-making and

making conscious choices in educational and cognitive


6) the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish

analogies, classify, independently choose bases and

criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

7) the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols,

models and diagrams for solving educational and cognitive problems;

8) semantic reading;

9) the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint

activities with teacher and peers; work individually and in a group: find a common solution and resolve conflicts based on coordinating positions and taking into account interests; formulate, argue and defend your opinion;

10) the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with

the task of communication to express your feelings, thoughts and needs; planning and regulation of its activities; mastery of oral and written speech, monologue contextual speech;

11) formation and development of competence in the field of use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT - competence);

12) formation and development of environmental thinking, ability

apply it in cognitive, communicative, social practice and professional guidance.

The subject results of studying the subject area “Philology” should reflect:

Russian language. Native language:

1) improvement of types of speech activity (listening, reading, speaking and writing), ensuring effective mastery of various academic subjects and interaction with other people in situations of formal and informal interpersonal and intercultural communication;

2) understanding the determining role of language in the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of the individual, in the process of education and self-education;

3) use of the communicative and aesthetic capabilities of Russian and native languages;

4) expansion and systematization of scientific knowledge about language; awareness of the relationship between its levels and units; mastering the basic concepts of linguistics,

basic units and grammatical categories of language;

5) developing skills in conducting various types of word analysis (phonetic, morphemic, word-formation, lexical, morphological), syntactic analysis of phrases and sentences, as well as multidimensional text analysis;

6) enrichment of active and potential vocabulary,

expanding the scope of grammatical means used in speech for the free expression of thoughts and feelings adequate to the situation and style of communication;

7) mastery of the basic stylistic resources of vocabulary and

phraseology of the language, basic norms of the literary language

(spelling, lexical, grammatical, spelling, punctuation), norms of speech etiquette; gaining experience in using them in speech practice when creating oral and written

statements; desire for speech self-improvement;

8) formation of responsibility for linguistic culture as

universal human value.
Contents of the academic subject, course.

This part of the program lists the didactic units, i.e. terms, definitions, concepts, etc., to be learned in the process of studying the discipline and constituting the content of the subject.

Usually, when describing the content of a Russian language course, sections are grouped along three content lines:

  1. content that ensures the formation of communicative competence;

  2. content that ensures the formation of linguistic competence;

  3. content that ensures the formation of cultural competence.

Thematic planning with identification of the main types of educational activities may include:

  • the name of the topics, sections of the training course, the sequence of their study;

  • the number of hours allocated to study the topic, section of the training course;

  • types of activities of students and (or) possible forms of control;

  • directions of creative, project, research activities of students;

  • explanations on the use of computer equipment, software, teaching aids, educational equipment, and digital educational resources in the learning process.


Number of hours

Lesson type


Main activities

Planned result

Type of control




Introduction. “Language and linguistics” (§1)


Introductory lessons

Introduction to the textbook. Language as a system of signs and a means of human communication. Main branches of linguistics (linguistics).

Oral statements, reading, problem dialogue, encoding and decoding information

Awareness of the role of the Russian language in the life of society and the state, in the modern world, in human life; beauty, richness, expressiveness of language.

Drawing up a diagram and telling a story about it, doing exercises, setting a learning task and drawing conclusions.

The structure of calendar and thematic planning can be determined by a local act at the level of an educational institution, education administration or the Ministry of Education of a subject of the federation.
Description of educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process may include:

  • literature (basic and additional);

  • didactic materials;

  • educational equipment;

  • computer equipment;

  • software;

  • digital educational resources.

Planned results of studying an academic subject or course.

The planned results of studying a subject are formalized using formulations the student will learn And the student will have the opportunity to learn.

The first formulation reflects the knowledge and learning activities that are fundamentally necessary for learning at school and can be mastered by the vast majority of students.

The second formulation is associated with knowledge and learning activities that only individual motivated and capable students can demonstrate or that are propaedeutic in nature. For example:

Section "Morphemics and word formation".
Planned results

The student will learn:

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

  • divide words into morphemes based on semantic, grammatical and word-formation analysis of the word;

  • distinguish between studied methods of word formation;

  • analyze and independently compose word-forming pairs and word-formation chains of words;

  • apply knowledge and skills in morphemics and word formation in spelling practice, as well as when conducting grammatical and lexical analysis of words.

  • characterize word-formation chains and word-formation nests, establishing the semantic and structural connection of words with the same root;

  • recognize the basic expressive means of word formation in artistic speech and evaluate them;

  • extract the necessary information from morphemic, word-formation and etymological dictionaries and reference books, including multimedia ones;

  • use etymological reference to explain the spelling and lexical meaning of a word.

The design of the program is usually specified by local acts of educational institutions, so it is advisable to focus on the requirements and samples developed in a particular school.
Title page work program usually includes:

  • full name of the educational institution;

  • program approval stamp (coordination with the deputy director for water management and the school director, indicating the date);

  • the name of the training course for which the program was written;

  • indication of the parallel, class where the program is implemented;

  • last name, first name and patronymic of the program developer (one or more), qualification category;

  • name of the city, locality;

  • year of program development.

Can you suggest the following algorithm creation and approval of the work program of the academic subject.

  1. Select an educational and methodological set for the academic subject (the “author’s” workbook is part of the teaching materials).

  2. Set the goals of studying the training course, taking into account the goals and objectives of the main educational program developed in this educational institution.

  3. Determine the planned results of mastering the program by the end of the course in accordance with the requirements formulated in the Federal State Educational Standard and with the requirements formulated in the main educational program (BEP).

  4. Formulate goals and guidelines for students’ mastery of the training course, using the following formulations: "the student will learn" And “the student will have the opportunity to learn”.

  5. To formulate goals and guidelines for the formation of universal educational actions of students within the framework of studying this educational course.

  6. Prepare a summary of the work program by compiling a list of topics and individual questions included in the sample program for the training course.

  7. Determine the sequence of studying topics, calculate the number of hours to study them, draw up a calendar and thematic plan.

  8. Compile a list of didactic and reference materials used in the educational process as part of the training course.

  9. Compile a list of training tools and equipment necessary for the implementation of the work program of the training course.

  10. Determine means of monitoring students’ mastery of the work program of the training course.

  11. Submit the work program of the training course for examination to external experts and (or) the methodological association of teachers of the Russian language and literature of the educational institution.

  12. Submit the work program of the training course for approval to the head of the educational institution.

  13. Use the work program of the training course in the practice of teaching the subject after an order for its approval by the head of the educational institution.

  14. Post the work program of the educational course on the website of the educational institution or in any other information source open to the parent community.


  1. Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012. // Ministry of Education and Science.rf/documents/2974

  2. Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education / Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Federation. – M.: Education, 2011.

  3. Sample programs for academic subjects. Russian language. Grades 5-9. - M.: Education, 2011.

  4. Russian language. Work programs. Grades 5-9: a manual for teachers of general education. institutions / L.M. Rybchenkova, O.M. Alexandrova. M.: Education, 2011.

1 I draw your attention to the fact that at the moment the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has not approved a single sample program for the subject, so all published sample programs have the status of projects and are not regulatory documents.

2 Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education / Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Federation. − M.: Education, 2011. P. 31.

3 See, for example, Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education / Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. Federation. − M.: Education, 2011. P. 4-8.