How do peanuts grow and where are they grown? Peanut cultivation and production

Today, business ideas surround us everywhere. Every year, the best of them are successfully implemented and bring in good income. Let's look at the option of making money by growing peanuts.

Business components

Many people grow peanuts at home without putting a lot of effort into it. At the same time, no one cares at all about the productivity and possible harvest, since it is not threatened by bad weather conditions or cold winters. You need to grow peanuts in the garden in the warm season. When planting for the first time in spring, results can be obtained by the end of summer. On average, the period from planting to harvest lasts no more than 3-3.5 months.

According to experienced gardeners and gardeners, this process does not require much effort or additional knowledge. All you need is to monitor growth, eradicate weeds and prevent the crop from being destroyed by pests or external factors.

Rules for planting peanuts

Peanut seeds can be purchased at specialized places or stores. IN otherwise, they can be bred over time on your own plot of land. For planting, you will need a well-fluffed and fertilized plot of land. Most often, ordinary gypsum, which is rich in calcium, is used as soil fertilizing. Overall 10 square meters soil will need about 150-200 grams of crushed gypsum. Less commonly, the soil is fertilized with peat or humus.

Peanut seeds should be planted in the soil to a depth of about 3-4 centimeters and at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other. This will allow for a good and large harvest at the end of the season. The ideal time for planting is the end of April and the beginning of May. Until flowering, it is recommended to water the bushes daily. After the flowers wilt, watering should be reduced by half, alternating days. During prolonged downpours and thunderstorms, it is recommended to cover the crop with plastic wrap.

The final harvest can be harvested after 110-120 days. Most often they will tell you about the ripeness of the fruit yellow leaves. After this, the peanuts are dug up and the tubers are collected. The finished crop must be well dried and shelled. The product can be sold by weight or packaged in separate packages and sold for a designated amount of money. To do this, you can use packaging equipment or special plastic containers. Thus, growing peanuts as a business idea is a good source of additional seasonal income.

The idea of ​​growing peanuts in our country puzzles many, but still growing peanuts at home quite developed in the Russian Federation.

Many of us are already accustomed to peanuts, seeing them on store shelves. But still few people Central Russia decides to grow it. What needs to be done to get a full-fledged peanut harvest in our conditions, even to open your own business? Let's try to figure it out.

First you need buy peanut seeds in a special store. Before planting, it is advisable to germinate these seeds, that is, so that they have sprouts. This way the peanuts will grow and develop more successfully. By the way, growing peanuts will be more successful if you plant the seeds in the beds between the tomatoes. The tomatoes have low bushes. It is advisable to grow both peanuts and tomatoes in a greenhouse. Before planting peanuts, you need to enrich the soil with calcium. To do this, you need to spray several kilograms of gypsum over the area.

Peanuts belong to the legume family, this is an annual plant, it has very beautiful yellow flowers. Peanuts bloom for only one day, and during this time they need time to form an ovary and create fruits. Growing peanuts will be possible if you can create the right temperature in the area. It should be no less twenty degrees Celsius and no higher than thirty degrees.

When you have sprouted peanuts and planted them, you need to be able to protect your seedlings from pests. Most of all, mole crickets and birds are afraid of peanut seedlings. Mole cricket usually attacks grains big size, which are simply planted in the ground. Therefore, it is recommended to germinate the seeds before planting. And the mole cricket can be lured with something and destroyed. Manure, humus, and plant debris are suitable for bait.

Growing Peanuts becomes possible if you make high mounds of earth (they should be fifty centimeters high). Peanut sprouts are planted at a distance of fifteen centimeters from each other.

Best time In order to plant peanuts, this is the end of April and the first days of May. For about seven weeks you water this plant every day and it blooms in early June. Peanuts continue to bloom until mid-August. When the peanut flowers have wilted, the frequency of watering should be halved. And if rainfalls begin during this period, then the peanuts must be covered with plastic to protect them from flooding.

By the beginning of September, the peanuts are removed, leaving beans for sowing. By this time, the peanut leaves have turned yellow, which means the harvest is ready. The seeds are collected and used for food. This is how your business idea for selling peanut seeds. For example, halva with peanuts turns out very tasty. Peanut butter has many fans. Vitamins A and E contained in peanuts have beneficial effect on the body, and peanuts help treat many diseases. Therefore, growing peanuts at home makes sense and you can always take up this profitable business.

When vegetable growers northern regions In Ukraine, there is a desire to grow peanuts with one’s own hands, and not to purchase nuts in a store or at a market; numerous questions inevitably arise regarding agricultural cultivation technology, selection of assortments, storage and consumption of already grown products. And above all, will peanuts grow in northern regions Ukraine. In order to dispel doubts regarding the possibility of growing peanuts in personal plots not only among beginners, but also among gardeners and experienced farmers who have never grown them, I offer material about this plant. Because although peanuts are underground, or peanut For agricultural producers of the Chernihiv region, it is not a traditional plant, that is, it is not grown on an industrial scale; gardeners and summer residents are happy to experiment on their plots. At least, many questions concerning the southerner have to be answered, and more and more every year.

All photos - a kind of proof of what has been said - were taken precisely in the Chernihiv region, on the border of the Forest-Steppe and Polesie of Ukraine.
Peanuts are native to Brazil and grow wild in North America. Widely cultivated in India, China, Africa, USA. In the territory former USSR grown mainly in Transcaucasia and Central Asia; in Ukraine - mainly in the south: in the steppe, partly in the forest-steppe zones. Peanuts were brought to Europe early XVI century, and in Ukraine first appeared in late XVIII century. Nowadays, peanuts rank third among the world's sown areas. oilseeds and is sown on almost 15 million hectares.
Botanical characteristics. Groundnut, or groundnut (in the practice of vegetable growing, the synonymous name “cultivated peanut” is also used; lat. Agacidae Eurodaea L.) is an annual herbaceous plant of the genus Peanut of the Legume family (Palaceae).
The plant has erect or subdued, creeping, branched, well-leafed stems 3060 cm high. The leaves are large, double pinnate. The flowers are yellow or orange, sessile or on short stalks, collected in groups of 13, rarely 515 per raceme. The calyx is two-lipped, with a long filiform tube. Beans develop in the ground on special shoots - gynophores, which are formed after fertilization from above-ground flowers and “bury” the ovary in the soil.

Biological features. Peanut is a heat-loving plant, the seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 10...12"C. The seedlings are damaged by frosts of 0.5...1"C. The optimal temperature for plant growth is 25... 28"C. The greatest need for heat is observed during flowering and fruit formation. At temperatures below 12"C, fruits do not develop. Autumn frosts from 0.5°C damage plants; at 3°C ​​they die, and harvested beans that are frozen and not dried in a timely manner lose their viability. Beans harvested at 4°C become unsuitable for processing.

Peanuts are moisture-loving plants. Although it can grow in drought conditions during the period from germination to flowering, during the fruiting phase it is very demanding on soil moisture. The critical period for moisture requirements begins at 30-40 days of plant age (second half of June) and lasts for 23 months. At this time, the top 20cm layer of soil should be constantly moist. At the end of the growing season, the need for water decreases, but drying out of the top layer of soil leads to a significant reduction in yield.

With a yield of beans of about 1 t/ha and stems of 2 t/ha, peanuts remove 8085 kg of nitrogen, 1020 kg of phosphorus and 3045 kg of potassium from the soil. Therefore, the plant is quite demanding in terms of soil fertility and mechanical composition. The best for growing peanuts are
alluvial soils, chernozems, gray soils, chestnut soils of light mechanical composition. Soils that are saline, swampy, heavy loamy, or waterlogged are unsuitable.

The growing season of peanuts, depending on the varietal characteristics and conditions of the growing zone, is about 110-130 days, for late-ripening varieties (usually unsuitable for cultivation in the northern regions of Ukraine) - up to 170 days. Under favorable weather conditions, seedlings appear on the 810th day after sowing. 2530 days after germination, flowering begins, which continues until harvesting. Up to 600 or more flowers can form on one plant during the growing season. Although during the period from germination to flowering it can grow in drought conditions. The first flowers to form are those at the bottom of the stem. The flower lives 1 2 days. Simultaneously with flowering, the vegetative mass of peanuts increases and beans form. This combination of development phases causes increased plant requirements for moisture and nutrients, especially during the period of mass flowering and fruit formation. It takes 1.52 months from flowering to fruit ripening.

Economic importance.

Peanut seeds contain a lot of proteins (2435%), oil (4365%), carbohydrates (1520%) and vitamin B. Very valuable nutrition is obtained from peanuts edible oil, used in the confectionery, canning, and margarine industries. In terms of taste, it is a good substitute for expensive Provençal (olive) oil extracted from olive fruits. It is used in food, for the production of high-grade canned food, margarine, as well as in the confectionery, canning, fish, perfume, and soap industries.

The pomace is also used in the confectionery industry: peanut cake contains up to 45% protein and 8% oil and is used to make halva, treats, chocolate, coffee, candies, etc. More than 60 types of different confectionery products are made from peanut seeds, and when fried they are used as a treat.

Peanut stems and leaves can be fed to livestock; their feeding qualities are not inferior to alfalfa and clover hay. The yield from 1 hectare is 12 tons of beans and 34 tons of hay; With irrigation, you can get twice as much yield.

As a row crop legume, peanuts are a good precursor for many field crops.

Peculiarities of technology for growing peanuts in the Chernihiv region. Despite high value peanut products, its crops in Ukraine occupy insignificant areas. The main obstacle to their expansion is considered to be labor intensity. production processes. The small volumes of peanut cultivation in the private sector are due mainly to the lack of awareness among gardeners and summer residents about the morphological, biological and environmental features plants, technology of its cultivation, lack of varietal planting material, adapted to the conditions different regions countries. For 2009, only 3 varieties of peanuts were included in the State Register - Klinsky, Valar and Linar 90 (the last two - since 2007, they are recommended for all zones of Ukraine; the applicant is a subsidiary of Reilin). However, it is an ordinary person to look for planting material on the seed market It’s apparently useless for gardeners - it doesn’t exist yet. Therefore, if you wish, you can only look for random seeds from enthusiasts who grow rare plants and buy raw food peanuts (shelled or in beans) unknown origin(or even, as strange as it may sound, choosing peanuts from... a mixture of parrot food). In this case, it is better to purchase a small amount of planting material, but from more retail outlets, in order not only to get at least some seedlings, but also in the future to select, for example, the earliest, most productive, resistant to certain diseases, and with some useful traits, samples for further production. So far this is the only way out.

Peanut crops are placed after winter grain crops sown after black fallow, as well as after fertilized corn or other row crops.

Basic tillage includes one or two peelings (depending on the composition of the soil, weediness of the areas) and autumn plowing to the depth of the arable layer. For plowing, manure (2030 t/ha) is applied along with phosphorus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (PKm), and in the spring - complete mineral fertilizer (NadPdoK*).

Spring tillage consists of harrowing the plowed land, cultivating to a depth of 810 cm. Before sowing, cultivation is carried out

using complex tillage units to a depth of 68 cm with simultaneous harrowing. At home, soil preparation is carried out in the same way as for potatoes and traditional vegetable crops.

Both shelled seeds and beans are used for sowing peanuts. According to the Kherson Breeding Experimental Station for Melon Growing, the yield of peanuts when sown with seeds is 26 c/ha higher than when using whole or crushed beans.
Before sowing, the seed material is treated with TMTD (4 kg of the drug per 1 ton); at home, you can limit yourself to disinfection in a solution of potassium permanganate. On the day of sowing, seeds can be treated with Rizotorfin.

Peanuts are sown when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 14... 15 "C. In the Chernihiv region, this is the third ten days of April - the first ten days of May. To maintain an optimal microclimate, partially leveling out negative weather conditions, differences in day and night temperatures, etc., it is advisable to cover the area with agrofibre, not forgetting to water to prevent the soil under the cover from drying out. Excessive moisture, watering cold water can lead to rotting of seeds in the soil.

The sowing method is wide-row with row spacing of 70 cm. 1012 seeds or 46 unbroken beans are sown per 1 m of row, which corresponds to the seeding rate: seeds - 5080 kg/ha, beans - accordingly, 25-30% more. The optimal standing density (depending on the variety and moisture conditions) is 100–120 thousand plants/ha. Seed placement depth - 68 cm, in dry conditions - 810 cm. production conditions Peanuts are sown using seeders with a special device. After sowing, the field is rolled with ring rollers.

Caring for crops involves maintaining the area in a loose, moist, weed-free state. Before emergence, harrowing is carried out with light toothed harrows. In the 23-leaf phase, post-emergence harrowing is used (provided the seedlings are sufficiently dense). Further care of the crops consists of cultivating the row spacing: the first - to a depth of 1214 cm, the second - to 810 cm, the third and subsequent ones (before the rows close) - to 68 cm. If necessary, one or two weedings are carried out in the rows, the first - simultaneously with the formation of standing density plants.

During the period of mass flowering and formation of gynophores, plants are earthed up, preferably immediately after rain or the next watering. Hilling depth - 810 cm.

As noted above, growing peanuts under irrigated conditions increases yield by 23 times. During the growing season, peanut crops, depending on the amount and intensity of precipitation, are watered up to 10 times with an interval of 1020 days, and more often during the fruiting period. Irrigation rate is 500600 m"/ha. A month before harvesting, watering is stopped.

On irrigated lands, peanuts are fed before flowering (L'Reo) and during the period of mass fruit formation (LioPzo).

Peanut harvesting begins when the beans are easily separated from the gynophores, and the seeds are separated from the bean valves and acquire a color characteristic of the variety. In the north of Ukraine, it is advisable to harvest peanuts before mid-September - before the onset of probable frosts. Cleaning is carried out in a two-phase manner. First, the plants are dug out of the soil, shaken off the ground and placed in a windrow. After drying, the beans are separated from the stems. It is impossible to delay harvesting, since fresh beans and seeds damaged by frost not only lose their viability, but also become bitter and unsuitable for consumption in any form. Wet beans are dried at a temperature not exceeding 40°C, then peeled and stored at a humidity of 8%.

Growing peanuts under irrigation conditions increases the yield by 2-3 times. The irrigation rate is 500-600 mU ha. A month before harvesting, watering is stopped.

The growing season of peanuts, depending on the varietal characteristics and conditions of the growing zone, is about 110-130 days, for late-ripening varieties (as a rule, unsuitable for cultivation in the northern regions of Ukraine) - up to 170 days.

Agriculture is generally profitable regardless of the product. It doesn't matter what you grow, because there is always a market for agricultural products. First of all, the business of growing peanuts at home attracts good prices. This is due to the fact that it is used for manufacturing and industrial purposes.

Where to begin

To grow peanuts at home, it is important to maintain proper soil PH levels and nutritional requirements for the crop. Peanut derivatives are peanut flour, peanut butter, or processed nuts. It is grilled, fried, boiled or baked and the crop takes about 5 months to grow before being harvested.

Here are some ideas on how to get started growing peanuts at home:

  • Collect knowledge through books, online courses and websites. Attend seminars.
  • First of all, you need to understand what kind of success you have Agriculture and business. Funding, storage and preservation should be considered.
  • What do you want to do with peanuts, sell to wholesalers, companies, export or process the nuts? The answer will help you in the farming and marketing process.

Example of a business plan

To start your enterprise you need to grow peanuts at home. In other words - this ready-made template future farm.

First of all, a peanut farming business plan should focus on funds, land ownership and wages workers. Other things in your plan are growth, goals and management structure. You can include a feasibility study to find best places and competitors in your area.

Buy agricultural land in rural areas, suitable for growing peanuts. As soon as you bought the land, prepare it for farming.

The process of land use, cultivation and planting is labor intensive. The soil composition can be sandy, clay or sandy loam soil with an optimum temperature of 30 degrees Celsius.

The soil must reach a pH level of 6.8 for germination to occur. Conduct a comprehensive analysis to find fertile lands for the production of peanuts.

Must provide sufficient water supply through a well or nearby stream. Other ways to find water are through irrigation or purchasing from tank tankers to natural ponds. Use crop rotation, weeding and organic pesticides to control pests and improve soil fertility.


Hire a professional to study nutrients in your soil composition. The use of fertilizers depends on the abundance and quantity of elements.

Basic nutrients nutrient found in soil include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Once the nutrient levels in the soil are established, fertilizers are applied as required. First of all, the composite used must be biodegradable and organic.

Seed preparation

  • First of all, during the seed selection process, avoid storing for long periods of time.
  • Select fatty kernels for better yield.
  • Moreover, buy high quality seeds for best result and quality nuts.
  • You can determine a good harvest through features such as seedlings, roots and leaves. Control pathogens by treating, covering seeds before planting.
  • Use machines to sow seeds. Alternatively, take .

What to consider before sowing

  1. Once you have established the nutritional value and purchased the fat seedlings, next step- sowing Sow the seeds before the onset of the rainy season and plant at a depth of 6 cm.
  2. Make sure the soil is well watered. Because lack of watering can cause many problems. Provide effective system irrigation for watering crops.
  3. Other major considerations are weed control and incidental labor costs.

First of all, you need proper storage for the products. Moreover, it must be dry and resistant to pests and diseases. Also ventilated and accessible. Harvest peanuts using mechanized machines or by hand.

You can store in open bags, but properly lifted from the ground. This prevents contact with wet surfaces.

Peanut harvesting methods include hand-pulling the plants and using tractor-trailer excavators. Other harvesting methods include a plow, blades to cut roots, and pulling the plant out of the soil. Harvest the field for a few days before rinsing the pods.

Economic importance. Peanut seeds contain from 45% to 60% high-quality edible non-drying oil (iodine value 90-103), 30-35% protein and 18-20% carbohydrates. In terms of taste, it is a good substitute for expensive Provençal (olive) oil, which is extracted from olive fruits. It is used in food, for the production of high-grade canned food, margarine, as well as in the confectionery, canning, fish, perfume, and soap industries. More than 60 different confectionery products are made from peanut seeds, and when roasted they are used as a delicacy.

Peanut cake contains up to 45% protein and 8% oil and is used in the confectionery industry for the production of halva, cookies, chocolate, coffee, candies and other products. Peanut leaves and stems after harvest can be used for livestock feed; their feeding qualities are not inferior to alfalfa and clover hay. As a row crop legume, peanuts are a good precursor for many field crops.

Peoples have been cultivating peanuts since ancient times. South America. Introduced to Europe at the beginning of the 16th century. It first appeared in Ukraine at the end of the 18th century.

In the world, peanuts rank third among oilseed crops in terms of sown area and are sown on almost 15 million hectares. Most of Peanut crops are located in the tropics and subtropics of Asia, Africa, and America. In Ukraine, the yield averages 14-16 c/ha, and under irrigation conditions at the BRILOVSKAYA experimental station, on average over 7 years it amounted to 25.7 c/ha.

Despite the high value of peanut products, their crops in Ukraine occupy insignificant areas. The main obstacle to their expansion is the labor intensity of production processes.

Morphobiological and ecological features. Peanut, or groundnut (Arachis hipogeae L.) is an annual herbaceous plant 60-70 cm high with branched, densely leafy stems. Belongs to the legume family (Fabaceae). The flowers (yellow, orange, 1-3, rarely 5-15 in racemes) are aboveground, after fertilization they form gynophores for the penetration of fruits into the ground and underground (cleistogamous), giving the main harvest.

Peanut is a heat-loving plant, seeds begin to germinate at 10-12 ° C. Stairs are damaged by frosts minus 0.5-1 ° C. The optimal temperature for plant growth is 25-28 ° C. The greatest need for heat is observed during flowering and fruit formation. At temperatures below 12 ° C, fruits do not develop. Autumn frosts of minus 0.5 ° C damage plants, at minus 3 ° C plants die, and freshly dug and undried beans lose their viability; at minus 4 ° C, beans become unsuitable for processing.

Peanut is a moisture-loving plant. However, during the period from germination to flowering it can grow in drought conditions, and during the period of fruit formation it is very demanding on soil moisture. The critical period for moisture requirements begins with the plants being 30-40 days old (second half of June) and lasts up to 3 months (until mid-August).

At this time, peanuts require constant moistening of the top 20 cm layer of soil. At the end of the growing season, the need for water decreases, but drying out of the top layer of soil leads to a decrease in yield.

To the fertility and mechanical composition of soils, peanuts are highly potent. With a yield of beans of 1 t/ha and tops of 2 t/ha, it removes 80-85 kg of nitrogen, 10-20 kg of phosphorus and 30-45 kg of potassium from the soil. The best soils for it are alluvial soils, chernozems, gray soils, and chestnut soils of light mechanical composition. Saline, floating, heavy loamy, and waterlogged soils are unsuitable.

The growing season of peanuts is 115-130 days, in mid- and late-ripening varieties up to 150-170 days. Shoots appear on the 8-10th day after sowing. Flowering begins 25-30 days after germination, which continues until harvesting. Up to 600 or more flowers are formed on one plant during the growing season. The first flowers to form are those at the bottom of the stem. The flower lives 1-2 days. Simultaneously with flowering, the vegetative mass of the peanut grows and beans are formed. This combination of development phases causes increased plant requirements for moisture and nutrients, especially during the period of mass flowering and fruit formation. It takes 45-50 days from flowering to fruit ripening.

Growing technology. Peanut crops are placed after winter grain crops sown after fertilized black fallow, as well as after fertilized corn or other row crops.

A high effect is achieved by applying 20-30 t/ha of manure for peanuts along with phosphorus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (P40K30), as well as complete mineral fertilizer N40P40K40. On irrigated lands, peanuts are fed before flowering (N40P30) and during the period of mass fruiting (N60P30).

Basic tillage includes one or two peelings, depending on the composition of the soil, and autumn plowing, the depth of which after grain crops in weed-free fields is 20-22 cm, and in the presence of perennial weeds and when sowing peanuts after row crops, 25-30 cm.

Spring tillage consists of harrowing the plowed land, first cultivation to a depth of 8-10 cm and pre-sowing to a depth of 6-8 cm with simultaneous harrowing.

For sowing Peanuts are used both as shelled seeds and beans. However, according to the Kherson Breeding Experimental Station for Melon Growing, the yield of peanuts when sown with seeds is 2 - 6 c/ha higher than when using whole or crushed beans.

Before sowing, the seed material is treated with TMTD (4 kg of the drug per 1 ton). On the day of sowing, the seeds are treated with rhizotorphin.

Peanuts are sown when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 14-15 ° C. The sowing method is wide-row with row spacing of 70 cm. 10-12 seeds or 4-6 beans are sown per 1 m of row, which corresponds to a seed sowing rate of 50-80 kg / ha, beans - 25-30% more. The optimal plant density, depending on soil and moisture conditions, is 100-120 thousand / ha. The seeding depth is 6-8 cm, in arid conditions 8-10 cm. Peanuts are sown using seeders with a special device.

Care . After sowing, the field is rolled with ring rollers. Before emergence, harrowing is carried out with light toothed harrows. In the phase of 2-3 leaves, cis-low harrowing is used. Further care of the crops consists of cultivating row spacing: the first to a depth of 12-14 cm, the second to 8-10 cm, the third and subsequent ones to a depth of 6-8 cm.

During the period of mass flowering and formation of gynophores, plants are earthed up, best of all, immediately after rain or the next watering. Hilling depth 8-10 cm.

Growing peanuts under irrigated conditions increases yield by 2-3 times compared to dry land. During the growing season, peanut crops are watered 8-10 times with an interval of 10-20 days, and more often during the fruiting period.

TO cleaning Peanut production begins when the beans are easily separated from the gynophores, and the seeds are easily separated from the bean valves, and acquire a color characteristic of the variety. In the south of Ukraine, peanuts are usually harvested in the second half of September - the first ten days of October using a two-phase method. First, the peanut harvesting machine cuts the roots, pulls the plants, shakes them off the ground and wraps them in a windrow. After drying, the windrows are undermined and threshed by a combine harvester with a device. Harvesting cannot be delayed, because fresh beans and seeds lose their viability during autumn frosts, become bitter and unsuitable for food. Wet beans are dried at a temperature of no more than 40 ° C, then peeled and stored at a humidity of 8%.